■ ^ aj»
^-. American Organs
THE Edinburgh Life
ASSETS. ^2,850,000. mCOME. X350,000.
Policies at Half Rates of Premium,
The New 'EDINBURGH' Policy.
A Yearly Payment at the rate of £4 Per Cent.
will secure £100 at Death
if at any time within 25 years, an Annual Return of
5 Per Cent, for Life
after the 25 years have expired, and
£100 In Cash
when that yearly payment ceases.
The Policyholder may drop the yearly 5 per cent, at any time and
have the £100 in cash.
See Special Prospectus for particulars of these and other
Edinburgh, 22 George Street.
Manager — Gkokgr M. Low, F.F.A. Secretary — Arch. Hkwat, F.F.A., F.I.A.
Resident Secretary— T. H. FRASER.
Life Assurance Society.
FUNDS exceed - - £12,000,000.
REVENUE exceeds - £1,400,000.
The Whole Profits Divided among the Assured,
The Profits of the Seven Years
to 31st Decejnher 189Jf will he divided
as at that date, when it is anticipated the results will prove
very advantageous to the Policyholders, as the operations of the
first six years of the current period shew marked improvement
under every head over those of the first six years of the
previous one, thus —
Previous Period. Current Period.
1881 to 1886. 1888 to 1893.
New Assurances, - £7,674,630 £8,147,015
Addition TO Funds, - £1,815,711 £2,360,837
Expenses on Premiums, £10 : 10 : 1% £10 : 4 : 1%
Interest on Investments, £4:1; 10% £4:4:7%
Rate of Mortality, 20% under 25% under
"Expectation." "Expectation."
Policies issued in 1894 will Participate
in the approaching Division,
Agents in Dundee—
JOHN M. "WATSON, Stockbroker,
Fergusson & Stephen, Solicitors, 5
Whitehall street.
Gellatly, William, 33 Cowgate.
Haggart, Geo., Solicitor, 11 Ward rd.
Hogarth, D., Union Bank.
Johnstone, J.J. ,Solicitor,69 Reform st.
Kidd, George M. 33 Cowgate.
Mackay & Mess, C. A. , 13 Albert sq.
Myles, David, Accountant, 11 Reform
Scott, Peter C. , 33 Meadowside.
Sinclair, John, & Son, 5 Yeaman shore.
Steele, James T,, 10 Panmure street.
Urquhart, James, 32 Bank street.
Wm. Miller, North of Scotland Bank, Broughty Ferry.
In North-Eastern and Central Districts of Scotland.
Has exclusive information regarding the Jute Trade in Calcutta and New York, !rom
which points it has Special Private Cablegrams weekly. It has also latest information
regarding Jute and Linen Trades in the district. Has Special Private Cable Advices from
Montreal concerning the large and increasing importation to Scotland of Canadian Cattle.
The proprietors of the Dundee Courier have sent two young ladies— Miss F. Maris
Imandt and Miss Bessie Maxwell— on a journey round the world, in the interests of.
women. They will collect facts on all matters of interest to the fair sex, and bearing:
on the status of women. Besides European countries, Egypt, Arabia, India, China,
Japan, Canada, and the United States will be visited, the journey covering a distance
little short of 26,C00 miles. Interesting letters from the lady travellers are now
appearing in the Dundee Courier.
Exceeding 253,000 Copies Weekly.
It circulates in every Town, Village, and Hamlet throughout Scotland, North of
England, and North of Ireland, and is sold by over Ten Thousand Agents.
W. & D. G. THOMSON, Proprietors and Publishers.
Present HEAD OFFICE : Lindsay Street, Dundee
(JVevj Head Office to be in Albert Square , site of present Post Office.)
LONDON OFFICE: 57 Fleet Street, E.O.
GLASGOW OFFICE : 146 Buchanan St.
ABERDEEN OFFICE : 18 Adblphi Court.
PERTH OFFICE : 78 High Street.
FORFAR OFFICE : 18 East High Street.
ARBROATH OFFICE : 93 High Street.
Head Office for Scotland :
Edinburgh Office:
2 4^
Inverness Office :
HUGH BROWN, Esq., Glasgow
D. S. CARGILL, Esq., Glasgow and Ceylon
WALTER DUNCAN. Esq., Glasgow
ANDREW DOUG ALL, Esq., Inverness
JAMES KEYDEN, Esq., Glasgow
Sir JAMES KING, of Campsie,Bart.,LL.D.
Sir K. J. MATHESON, of Lochalsh, Bart,
ALEX. ROSS, Esq., Provost of Inverness
Assistant Secraary in Scotland — CHAS. C, BALLINGALL.
Superintendent at Inverness— B.. STRICKLAND.
Moderate Rates with Liberal Conditions as to Foreign Travel and Residence,
and Interim Bonus. Payment of Claims immediately on proof of death
and title.
The Quinquennial Life Valuation will take place at the close of 1894. Profit
Policies effected during the current year will rank for Bonus.
Insurances granted at Home and Abroad at equitable rates.
Total Funds upwards of £1,500,000.
spring '^ttUt Ittutr^ra,
THE BEST BINDER ^^^^ invented for the proper Filing
J f^^ ■' -^ and Indexing of Letters, Invoices,
^"^^^''^^^ and other Documents.
at terms enabling them to sell at
QUARTO (Ordinary Letter Paper Size), Strong Quality, 2/6 each.
Do. do. Lever Action, - 3/~ "
Do. Extra Strong Quality, with Brass Bound Back
and Corners, Lever Action, - - - 4/- "
FOOLSCAP SIZE, Strong Quality, - - - - 4/6 "
Do. Brass Bound, 6/- "
mG'HTlfnCX (with Indexes) for Letter Binders. — Quarto Size,
Dill 11 1 Jl) 6d each, or 5s per dozen ; Foolscap Size, 9(1 each.
James P. Mathew & Co.
OPECIAL FACILITIES for doing the Finest
^^ Class of Work in
O—b-a, ,«i.j„„
September. |
1 8 15 S3
- B 12 19
-a 9 16 23 30
9 0 10 23
- 0 13 20
- 3 10 17 24 -
3 10 17 24
- 7 14 2i
- 4 11 18 26 -
4 11 13 SB
J 8 IB 22
- 6 12 10 26 -
5 13 10 28
3 9 16 28
- 6 IS EO 27 -
a 13 SO 87
S 10 17 £4
- 7 14 21 28 -
7 14 21 23
4 11 13 23
1 8 15 22 29 -
December. |
7 i'l SI
- 4 11 13
-a 9 16 23 SO
1 8 IS 22
- .■3 13 IB
- 3 .10 17 24 81
a 9 1'3 23
- e 13 ao
- 4 11 18 26 -
3 10 17 E4
- 7 14 21
- 6 12 19 26 -
4 11 10 OS
1 8 15 22
- 8 13 SO 27 -
a 12 10 28
3 G 13 22
- 7 14 21 23 -
6 IS 20 S7
8 10 !7 2*
1 8 15 22 29 -
1895— January.
'3 10 17 24 31
- 6 13 SO
3 10 17
•■ 7 14 21
4 11 18
. 4 11 18 25 -
1 8 15 SS
5 12 10
- 5 12 10 26 -
2 3 16 23
- 6 13 £0
0 13 20 £7 -
3 10 17 24
7 14 21
■ 7 14 21 28 -
4 11 18 26
1 6 IS 22
1 0 16 22 29 -
8 12 IB 28
a 8 10 28
2 0 10 £.1 30 -
June. 1
' 7 14 21
6 12 10
-2 9 18 23 30
1 8 IB 22
B 10 20
- 3 10 17 24 -
0 B 10 23
- 7 14 SI
- 4 11 18 26 -
3 10 17 £4
1 e 15 82
- 6 12 18 26 -
4 11 18 S5
2 8 10 23
- 0 13 20 27
5 12 19 26
a 10 n 2-j
- 7 14 21 28
fl 13 SO B7
4 11 10 se
1 8 16 22 20 -
James P. Mathew & Co.
Srinttrs, Silljogrspbsrs. UuDkbiiiitfra. anii S^talicnfra
»— (
James P. Mathew & Co.
Printers, Lithographers, Bookbinders, and Manufacturing- Stationers,
17 and 19 COWGATE, DUNDEE.
THE DUNDEE ADVERTISER is the Leading Daily Paper in
Scotland North of the Forth.
THE DUNDEE ADVERTISER is the Leading Commercial Paper
in Scotland oiit of Glasgow.
DUNDEE ADVERTISER is the Recognized Advertising
Medium for Dundee, Forfarshire, Fifeshire, and Perthshire,
having a population of 600,000.
THE EVENING TELEGRAPH has the Largest Circulation of any
Halfpenny Daily Paper out of Edinburgh or Glasgow.
THE EVENING TELEGRAPH is one of the most Popular and
most Readable Daily Papers published.
THE EVENING TELEGRAPH contains the latest Home, Foreign,
and Local Intelligence.
THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL is the National Scottish Weekly
THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL has a Weekly Circiilation of over
240,000 Copies, the largest in Britain out of London.
THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL enters more Scottish Households
than any other Newspaper.
THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND is the most Popular Literary Miscellany
Published out of London.
THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND has a Weekly Sale of 200,000 Copies.
THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND is a Bright, Wholesome, and Attractive
Miscellany, which combines Instruction and Amusement.
Total Funds, - - - - £4,214,578.
Secretary. J. K. MACDONALD. Actuary. COLIN M'CUAIG, F.F.A.
General Manager : ALEXANDER DUNCAN.
The following among other special advantages apply to ordinary Policies
issued under this Scheme. Besides being payable immediately on proof of
death and title, they are, at the end of three years from their date,
Entitled to Rank for Bonus Additions ;
Indisputable on the ground of Errors or Omissions ;
World-Wide without extra Charge ; and
Kept in force wholly or partially even in cases of
Non-payment of Premium.
At the last two Divisions of Profits in 1884 and 1889, Ordinary Whole Life
Policies under this scheme received a BONUS ADDITION of £2 PER
CENT, for EACH year they were entitled to share.
Under this Scheme Pkofit Policies are issued at Non-Proflt Rates, and
share in the Profits when the premiums received, accumulated at 4 per cent,
compound interest, amount to the Sum Assured. Policies issued at these
cheap Bates practically receive a large Bonus at the outset. At age 80,
£1,200 can be insured for the same Premium as would be charged for
£1,000 under the usual Profit Schemes of most Offices.
Policies of this class which have for the first time become entitled to rank
for Bonus have received Additions at the rate of £10 per Cent., besides a
further progressive addition of £1 per cent, per annum.
Almost all descriptions of Property insured on the most favourable conditions.
For Correct Taste in MILLINERY,
For Latest Novelties in JACKETS,
For Paris and London Fashions in MANTLES,
i .
For the Best FURS at Keenest Prices,
3Sr E "W
(Opposite South Tay Street).
Beplete with every appliance for High-Class Portraiture.
By a Splendid Installation of the
Portraits can he taken under any condition of weather.
Every Description and Class of "Work Undertaken.
Water and Oil Coloured
Portraits, &c.
While every effort is made to accomniodate clients,
intending Sitters are respectfully requested to make
Appointments beforehand, to prevent disappointment
and delay.
Issued under the Acts 16 & 17 Victoria, c 45; 27 & 28 Vict., c. 43;
and 45 & 46 Vict., c. 51.
npHESE Annuities are payable Half-Yearly, in January and July,
-•- or April and October, commencing three months after date of
purchase, and are exempt from all Stamp Duties.
The Safest Investment that can be made by parties wishing a secure
and permanent Income.
Can be purchased to the extent of £100 per annum.
Prices and other information on application at the Bank,
JORN MILN, Actuanj.
Call and See my
It has Iron Frame and Full Trichord, and is in an Elegant Walnut Case.
It is really a Marvel at the money.
£7 15s ORGAN
Has never been equalled at the price. It is in solid Walnut, stands over 5 feet
high, with Bevelled Mirror Back, Music Receptacle, and Candle Holders,
7 Eflfective Stops and 2 Knee Swells.
I make Second-Hand Instruments a Speciality, and am open to Purchase any
number of them.
THE SOCIETY has now been in existence for 62 years, and is steadily growing in
popular favour, as is shown by the figurea in the following table: —
Number of
Policies in Force.
Total Funds.
9,230 034
At the Fifteenth Division of Profits, made as at 1st March 1893, a Compound Bonus
was declared at the increased rate of 30s per cent, per annum on the original sums assured,
and on the previous bonus additions.
THE PREMIUMS are calculated by half-years of age.
Special attention is directed to this New Scheme, the rates under which are less than
the usual Non-Profit rates. The yearly premium payable at age 30 for an Ordinary With-
Profit Policy for £1,000 will assure £1,300 under this new plan, thus securing an
Immediate Bonus of £300.
ANNUAL PREMIUMS to assure £100, subject to further reduction, as mentioned in
Special Prospectus, if the Society's rate of Bonus exceeds 25s per cent. : —
20 30 40 50
£1 I2s. £1 I8s Sd. £2 I2s 2d. £3 I5s lOd.
The sums assured under these Policies being absolutely guaranteed, they are particularly
suitable for Marriage Settlements, &c., when it is desired to obtain the largest possible
Assujance for the smallest present outlay.
ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE POLICIES issued on unusually favourable terms.
Complete and liberal Non-Forfeit\ire Regulations. — The Society has
adopted the principle of Non-Forfeiture to its fullest extent ; and there is now no
possibility of a valuable policy being forfeited through an accidental omission to
pay the premium.
Claims are payable immediately after proof of death and title.
Loans granted in connection with Life Assurance on Life Interests, Rever-
sions, and other approved security. Reversions purchased.
Head Office-26 St. Andrew Square, EDINBURGH.
Secretary— J. J. M'LAUCHLAN. Manager— T. B. SPRAGUE, M.A., LL D.
WILLIAM SIMPSON, District Secretary.
Applications for Agencies Invited.
General Manager, JAMES M'LAREN.
Telephone No. 565.
J. C. METHVEN, Esq. (of Messrs Cox
Brothei-s, Ltd.), Chairman.
ANDREW HENDRY, Esq., LP., Solicitor.
DAVID JOHNSTON, Esq., Solicitor.
Lobd-Provost LOW, J. P.
Ex-Lord Dean of Guild M'GRADY, J.P.
T. S. ROSS, Esq., Merchant.
O. H. Wn^LIAMS, Esq., J.P., Director,
G.N. of S. Railway Co.
GEO. D. SMITH, Resident Secretary.
Edinburgh OflTice-Sa YORK PLACE.
JAMES LAMOND, Esq., S.S.C, Chair-
F. J. MARTIN, Esq., Writer to the Sig-net.
DAVID SHAW, Esq. , Writer to the Signet.
ADAM TAIT, Esq., Secretary, Royal
Glasgow Office— 175 WEST GEORGE STREET.
D. W. MACLENNAN, Manager.
The Company accepts Proposals -for Fire Insurances of all kinds
and at the Lowest Possible Bates commensurate
■with the risk.
Applications for Agencies Invited.
Established 150 Years.
It is without doubt
the FINEST and
H £
■- .^!Spl5^^t^
WALKDEN'S INKS are Sold in Dundee by
JAMES P. MATHEW & CO. 17 & 19 Cowgate
MUEDOCH & PATER SON, Commercial Street.
ROBERT S. BARRIE, 16 Panmure Street.
GEORGE MORRIS, 73 High Street.
House Agents & Valuators,
51 reform street,
_„__ 1
Inquiries solicited from^ and advice given to, intending
purchasers of pro2)erties,
Pro]jerties Managed and Rents Collected in an effective and
economical manner.
Established 1863. Telephone No. 823.
: , R. & A. LICKLEY,
ottlbittg v^ ^rcbitrabc ^anufactitr^rs
^ll 220 PERTH ROAD, ^ ♦^j
Branch Workshop: ROSE LANE (Off Constitution Street).
F R A I M ' Q Dinner Sets, about lOO Patterns in Stock, from 18/6,
rflrilllO 61 Pieces, including Porcelaine Royale, Porce-
laine Opaque, Vitreous Porcelain, Silesian,
Limoges, and English Chinas.
C D A I M ' Q China Tea Sets, from 200 to 300 Patterns, repre-
I llri I IN O senting every Style, from 11/-, 40 Pieces.
PRAIM'Q Bedroom Sets, 160 Patterns, from 6/-, 5 Pieces
rnnllN O English Fancy Patterns, to £10103. Our
" Dundee " Shape, a unique Specialty.
F R A I N ' S ^®^^®^ ^®*^» ^^^^^ ^*/*' ^^ Pieces.
C p A I M » O Breakfast Sets, from 12/6, 29 Pieces, to £8 8/-
C p A I M ' Q Afternoon and Trinket Sets, from a few Shillings
C R A I M ' Q Toy Sets, for Tea, Afternoon Tea, and Dinner, from
1 riM I IN O 3/9 Tea, 6/6 Dinner. Strong Ware.
P p A I M ' O Table Crystal and Decorations, in the leading
• n/illN O novelties as brought out — Tumblers, from l^d
to 3/- each ; Flower Glasses, from 2d to 63/-
P P A I M ' Q Gras ^ Shades, from 9d to 5/6, including many
P P A I M ' O Miscellaneous Useful Goods and Kitchen Ware
■ li'tllNO of Best Makes, at Prices of commonest. Inspec-
tion and Comparison Invited. French Fireproof ;
Gourmets Boilers ; Lord Mayor's Pudding Bowls.
p P A I M ' Q Ornamental and Fancy Goods, ranging from a
I ll/il ll O few pence, in Worcester, Doulton, Derby, Coal-
port, Limoges, Leeds, Delft, &e. ; also Old and
Quaint Wares, &c. &c. Fancy Business being an
adjunct only, prices defy competition.
p p A I M ' O Show and Large Stock of Electric Lamps and all
As THE District Agents for
C A S T L 1 S T R 1 1 T.
Shut on Saturdays at 4 ; other days at 7.30 p.m.
Tblephone 143. Tblbgrams : " Ediswax, Dundek."
SpeciaUy prepared for the Work from Ordnance and actval Swrei/s,
and Corrected to present date.
PRiCEf4^«;i^(|8'l*\FR;teB 4s 6d.
General Notice, 13
List OF Streets, Squares, Lanes, Entries, &c., 17
Public OriTCEs, Buildings, Parks, &c., 28
Municipal Ward Boundaries, 34-
MuNiciPAL Lists, 37^
Judicial Lists, ... 45^1
Consuls AND Vice Consuls FOR Foreign States, 49 ^^
Banking AND Insurance Lists, 50
Property AND Investment Companies, ... 59^
Public Conveyances, 60
Ecclesiastical Lists, 64'
Educational and Literary Institutions, 70
Charitable AND Benevolent Institutions, .. 78
Miscellaneous Lists, 88
Harbour AND Shipping Lists, 105
Postal Directory, ... ... 112
Dundee General Directory, 141
- — - Street Directory, 427
Trades AND Professions Directory, 590
LocHEE General Directory, 658
Trades and Professions Directory, 674;
Broughty Ferry General Directory, 679
Trades AND Professions Directory, ... 708
MoNTFiETH Directory, ... ... ... 714
Carnodstie Directory, 719--
Newport Directory, 732:;
Tayport Directory, 751 '1
Rural District Directory, 764 '
Index to Advertisements, ... ... Page 123 of Advertisements >'
Plan OF Dundee AND Lochee, Preceding Title.
Plan OF Brolghty Ferry, , ... Facing page 679
Adult Free Breakfast Mission - 84
Advertiser Cycling Club - - 92
Albert Cycling Club - - - 92
Institute Subscrip. Library 76
Masonic Lodge - - 673
Alliance Trust Co., Ltd. - - 59
Ambulance Association, St John 79
Analyst, Public - - - 38
Ancrum Road Gardens - - 674
Angling Clubs - - - - 90
Angus Chess and Whist Club - 92
! Architect, City - - - - 38
Architecture, Dundee Institute of 76
Armitstead Trust - - - 77
; Art Association, Fine - - 76
I Gallery - - - - 76
; Union - - - - - 76
Artillery Association, National - 104
Athletic Grounds Company, Ltd. 90
Arts Association, Graphic -
Assessor of Stamps and Taxes -
Asylum, Baldovan
Dundee Royal Lunatic
Bailie or Burgh Court
Baldovan Asylum - - -
^-Orphanage -
Balgay Bowling Club - -
Band of Hope Union
Bands, Instrumental - - -
Bank Holidays - - - -
Carnoustie . - -
Tayport -
Bannantyne Home of Rest,
Bathers' Association, Open-Air
Baths, Public - - - -
Baxter Park Bowling Club -
Trustees - - -
Beach Mission . - - -
Bible Society (Dundee Auxiliary)
Biological Society
Blind, Dundee Institution for -
Mission to the Out-Door
Bowling Clubs, Carnoustie
- 731
- 749
Boys' and Girls' Religious Associat
Brigade - ...
Home - - - - 78
Home, Working - - - 78
British Medical Association - 89
Women's Temp. Assoc. - 69
Workman Public-House 705
Broughty Ferry Directory - 679
Plan of - - 679
Building Societies - . - .59
Buildings, Public - - - 28
Burgh Court - - - - 45
Burial Board and Burial Grounds 39
Society, Dundee - - 98
Burns Club - - - - 90
Bursaries - - - - 74, 85
Cab Regulations - - - 62
Caledonia Cycling Club - - 92
Caledonian Building Society - 59
Railway Co. - - 60
Camperdown Curling Clubs - 673
Canine Club - - - - 89
Carnoustie Directory - - - 719
Carpenters, Society of - - 97
Bro'ty Ferry 706
Carriage (Hackney) Regulations 62
Carriers, Country - - - 61
Railway - - - 61
Carse of Gowrie Dairy Co. - 103
Cattle Companies - - - 59
Celtic Club - - - - 101
Cemeteries - - - - 39
Cemetery Company - - - 99
Chamberlain, City - - -38
Chamber of Commerce - - 89
Charitable Institutions - - 78
Charity Organization Society - 83
Chemists' and Druggists' Associat. 98
Chess Club, Angus - - - 92
Dundee - - - 104
Children, Prevention of Cruelty to 83
Children's Free Breakfast Mission 84
Dinner Fund - 84
Home, Comerton - 749
Choral Societies - - 99
Union, Amateur - - 99
Broughty Ferry - 706
Newport - - 749
Church of Scot. Office-Bearers' Uu. 68
Churches - - - -
■ Broughty Ferry
Carnoustie and Barry
Circuit Courts - . -
City Officials
Clepington Gardens -
Clergy and Places of Worship
Clothing Society
Clubs, Angling -
Boating -
Bowling -
— Burns
— • Canine -
Celtic -
■ Chess
Cricket -
- 64
- 707
- 731
- 750
- 763
- 45
- 37
33, 39
- 89
- 64
- 83
- 90
- 103, 750
91, 706, 731, 749
- 90
- 89
- 101
- 92, 104
- 673
90, 706, 750, 763
Curling91, 673, 706, 731, 749, 763
Eastern -
Football -
Lawn Tennis
92, 706, 749
- 92
- 88
- 89
90, 673, 750
706, 731, 763
- 93
91, 731, 750
- 673
- 706
- 77
- 749
- 88
- 103
- 673
- 98
- 70
- 68
- 46
- 40
- 38
- 39
Congregational Association - 68
Conservative Association, Dundee 99
■ National Union - 100
Constituencies, Par. and Municip. 37
Consuls and Vice-Consuls - - 49
Convalescent Home - - - 81
House - - - 80
Conveyances, Public - 60
Corbet Library, Broughty Fei-ry 705
Ccffinthian Boating Club - - 103
Council Officer - - - - 38
Councillors, Common - - 37
Twenty -
— Western -
Yacht -
Goal Club, Lochee
Supply Association
College, University -
Colportage Society
Commissary Officer -
Commissioners, Gas -
• Police
— Water
Country Carriers - - - 61
County Councillors, Bro'ty Ferry 705
Carnoustie - 729
- 92
- 90
90, 706
- 706
- 706
- 706
- 763
- 750
- 45
Courier Cycling Club, Dimdee
Courts - - . .
Craigie Cycling Club -
Cricket Association -
Club, Forfarshire
— High School
■ Waterston
Criminal Officer
Cruelty to Animals, Prevention of 83
■ Children, Prevention of 83
Curling Club, Broughty Ferry - 706
Camperdown - 673
Dundee - - 91
Newport - - 749
Panmure - - 731
Scotscraig - - 763
Curr Night Refuge - - - 84
Customs, H.M. - - - - 105
Cycling Clubs - - - - 92
Broughty Ferry - 706
Newport - - 749
Day Nurseries - - - - 83
Deaf and Dumb Institution - 82
Mission to Adult 83
Oral School of - 72
Dock Gates and Signals - - 105
Masters ... - 105
Drapers' Association - - - 98
Draughts Club - - - - 92
Dudhope Bowling Club - - 91
Lawn Tennis Club, - 91
Dundee & Arbroath Joint Ea,ilway 60
Duties, Various Stamp - - 48
East Coast Railway - - - 60
End Angling Club - - 90
of Scotland Investment Com-
pany, Limited - - - 59
Eastern Club . ... 88
Cycling Club - - 92
Ecclesiastical Lists - - - 64
Feasts - ^ - 36
Economic Building Society - 59
Edinburgh Assoc, for Incurables 80
Educational Endow. Scheme - 705
Institute of Scotland 75
Institutions - - 70
Trust - - - 74
Electric Lighting Committee - 40
Employment Committee for Poor 84
Engineers, Instit. of Mechanical 90
Evangelistic Association - - 68
Excise Officials - - - - 47
Eye Institution - - - - 82
Factory Act - - - - 98
Faculty of Procurators - - 46
Fairfield Lawn Tennis Club - 91
Fairs and Markets - - - 36
Female Rescue Home - - 81
Society - - - 83
Ferries, Tay - - - - 63
Festivals 36
Field Club, Working Men's - 89
Fifeshire County Council - - 44
Fine Art Association - - - 76
Fire Brigade - - - - 40
Tayport - - 763
First Forfar Light Horse - - 102
F.V.A. - - - - 102
V.B.R.H., B.W. - - 102
Fishermen, Shipwrecked, Society 106
- 674
- 763
- 94
- 102
- 59
- 43
90, 706
- 92
- 47
- 102
Free Breakfast Mission, Adult - 84
Children's 84
Free Church Office-bearers' Union 66
Dinner Fund, Children's - 84
Library - - - - 76
Friends, Society of - - - 104
Funeral Society, Lochee - - 673
Flower Mission to Sick Poor
Football Charity Association
Clubs -
• Newport
Foresters, Order of
Irish National -
Forfar Light Horse
Forfarshire Building Society
— Countv Council
. Cricket Club -
Cycling Club -
Lunacy Board -
Vol. Artillery
Medical Association
Gardens, Working Men's
Ancrum Road
Gardeners' Lodges
- 89
- 674
- 95
- 674
- 40
Gas Commission
Light Company, Newport • 749
Geographical Society - - - 77
Girls' Home, Working - - 78
Golf Club, Broughty Ferry - 706
Carnoustie - - 731
Scotscraig - - 763
Good Templar Lodges, Dundee - 96
B. Ferry- 706
Lochee - 673
Newport 750
Gospel Temperance Union - - 68
Graphic Arts Association - - 76
Grocers' Association, Unlicensed 98
Benevolent Society - 98
Guild Court - - - - 46
Guildry Incorporation - - 40
Gymnasium, Dundee - - 92
Gymnastic Societies - - - 92
Hackney Carriages, Regulations for 62
Half -Holiday Committee - - 99
Cycling Club - 92
Halls 28
Hansford Land and CattleCo. , Ltd. 59
Harbour and Shipping Lists - 105
Officials and Trustees - 105
Harris Academy - - - 72
Hawaiian Investment Co. , Ltd. 60
High School - - - - 71
Cricket Club - - 706
Highlanders, Association of - 101
Vol. Battalions - 102
Holidays, Bank - - - 36
Holidays, Public - - - 36
Home, Bannatyne - - - 81
Boys' - - - - 78
Convalescent - - 81
St Margaret's Cottage - 707
Female Rescue - - 81
for Incurables - - 80
Mission Union - - 67
Newport Children's - 749
Sailors' - - - - 106
The - - - - 81
Working Boys' - - 78
Working Girls' - - 78
Horticultural Society, Dundee - 89
Bro'ty - 707
Carnoustie 731
Horticultural Society Tayport - 762
Hospital, Kingscross - - - 79
Longmore, for Incurables 80
Parochial Sick - - 42
Hotels, Princijjal - - - 88
Humane Society- - - - 98
Incurables, Edinburgh Assoc, for 80
Home for- - - 80
I.O.G.T. Lodges 96, 673, 706, 730, 750
Indigent Gentlewomen's Fund - 83
Sick Society - - - 82r
Industrial Schools Society - - 78
Infirmary, Royal - - - 79
Inland Revenue(Stamps,Taxes,&c. ) 47
Instrumental Bands - - - 103
Insurance Lists - - - - 51
— Companies (Marine) - 58
Investment Companies, Property 59
Irish Missions, Scottish Assoc, for 67
■ National League - - 94
Nationalist Foresters- - 94
Joint Stock Co, -
Journalists, Institute of
Judges of Police Court
Judicial Lists
Juridical Society
Justice of Peace Court
Justices of the Peace
Bro. Ferry
Newport -
Perthshire -
Justiciary, High Court of
Jute and Flax Warehouses
Sample Warehouse -
Kingscross Hospital -
Kinnaird Gardens
Ladies' Union - - - - 84
Lands Valuation - - - 42
Landward School Board - - 75
Laundry, Steam - . . 101
Lawn Tennis Clubs - 91, 731, 750
Liberal Association - - - 100
Club - - - - 100
Unionist Association - 101
Library, Free - - - - 76
Corbet - - - - 705
Lochee - - - - 673
-Newport - - - 748
Library, Subscription
Lifeboat Institution -
Light Keepers, River Tay -
Literary Association, Lochee
- 76
- 106
- 106
- 673
- 749
- 106
- 658
Lloyd's Surveyor
Local Marine Board
Lochee Directory
Lodges— Foresters' 94, 674, 730, 763
Gardeners' - - 95, 674
Good Templar 96, 673, 706,
730, 750
Irish Nationalist - - 94
Lochee Union Weaver - 673
Masonic 93, 673, 706, 731
Oddfellows' - - 95, 104
Orange - - - - 94
Rechabites' - - 96, 674
Shepherds' - 95, 674, 731
London Missionary Society - 67
Tonic Sol-Fa College - 99
Lord Dean of Guild - - 37, 40
Provost . - - . 37
Lunacy Board, Forfarshire - 47
Lunatic Asylum, Royal - - 79
M'AU Mission (Dundee Auxiliary) 68
Magdalen Yard Tennis Club
Magistrates and Town Council
Broughty Ferry
Maltmen Incorporation
Manual Instruction Classes
Marine Board, Local -
Insurance Companies
Mariners' Benevolent Society
Markets and Fairs
"Mars" Training Ship Institution
Marshall's Choir
Maryfield Bowling Club
Lawn Tennis Club
Masonic Lodges - - - -
Broughty Ferry -
Carnoustie -
Matador Land and Cattle Co., Ltd
Mechanical Engineers, Institute of 90
Medical Association, British - 89
— Forfarshire 89
Members of Parliament - - 37
Messengers-at-Arms - - - 46
Midland Railway - - - 60
Mill & Factory Oi^eratives' Union 98
Milnbank Bowling Club - - 91
Model Building Society - - 59
Yacht Club - - - 103
Monifieth Directory - - - 714
Morgan Academy - - - 72
Trust - - - - 74
Mortifications - - - - 85
Mountpleasant Tennis Club - 91
Municii^al Lists - - - 37
Museum 76
National Sailors' Union - - 106
Bible Society - - 66
Bible Society, Tayport 763
Lifeboat Institution - 106
Telephone Company - 101
Naturalists' Society - - - 77
Navigation School - - - 74
Newport Directory - - - 732
Newsj)apers and Publications - 88
Night Refuge, Curr - - - 84
Nine Incorporated Trades - - 40
North British Railway Company 60
Northern Roads Club - - 92
Notaries Public - - - - 47
Nurseries, Day - - - - 83
Nursing Society, Sick Poor - 81
Oddfellows, Order of - 95, 104
Open- Air Bathers' Association - 98
Opera Company, Amateur - 99
N'port 749
Orange Lodges - - - - 94
C)rchestral Societies - - 99, 731
Ornithological Society - - 89
Orphan Institution - - - 78
Orphanage, Lady Jane Ogilvy - 79
Parcel Express Vans -
Parks, Public
Parliament, Dundee -
Members of
Parochial Board
Perthshire County Council
Jvistices of Peace
Phonographic Association -
Photographic Association -
Physical Recreation Society
- 41
Barry - - 729
Broughty Ferry 706
Forgan - - 748
Panbride- - 729
Sick Hospital - 42
Tayport - 762
Picture Gallery -
Pilotage and List of Pilots -
Pipe Band, Dundee -
Pleasure Boat Company
Plumbers, Registration of -
Police Commissioners
Broughty Ferry
Newport -
Tayport -
Police Court
-Surgeon -
-Treasurer -
Poorhouse Committee
Population of Burgh -
Post Office - - - -
Broughty Ferry
Newport -
■ — Savings Bank -
Tayport -
Postal Dieectory —
Book Post, Foreign
Inland -
Express Delivery
Inland Revenue Stamps -
Insurances and Annuities
Letter Postage — Foreign
Inland -
- 76
- 106
- 103
- 63
- 98
- 38
- 750
51, 128
- 763-
120, 122
- lia
- 115
- 120^
- 128
120, 122
- 112
Mails, Arrivals & Depar. of 123, 138
Money Orders- - - - 118
Newsi)apers, Foreign - 120, 122
Inland - - 112
Parcel Post, Despatches - - 140'
127, 129
- 116
121, 122
- 114
- 137
- 122
- 115
- 119-
- 117
117, 122:
51, 128.
- 128
134, 136-
Pattern Post, Foreign
Pillar Letter-Boxes - - -
Post Cards, Foreign
_ Inland -
Postal Orders
Union, Countries in
Prepayment of Postage -
Receiving Houses, and Hours
of Collection
Re-direction -
Registration -
Savings Bank
Spoilt Stamps
Telegrams, Inland
Postal Recreation Association - 93
— and Telegraph Cycling Club 92
Poultry and Pigeon Association 731
Presbyteries, Meetings of - - 66
Lists of - - - 602
Primrose League - - - 100
Prison Aid Society - - - 81
Establishment - - - 40
Visiting Committee - 46
Procurators and Solicitors - 46
Property and Invest. Companies - 59
Public Buildings - - - 28
Radical Association
Railway Carriers
— Companies
Reading Room
Royal Exchange
Working Men's
Rechabites, Independent Order of 96
Lochee - - - 674
Recreation Grounds - - 33, 39
Recreative Cycling Club
and Literary Assoc.
Refuge, Curr Night -
Registrars of Births -
Barry -
Registration Districts
of Voters Acts
Rescue Home, Female
Royal Engineers
Exchange Reading Room -
Lunatic Asylum
— National Lifeboat Inst. -
Scottish Geographical Socy. 77
Tay Yacht Club - - 103
Rural District Directory - - 764
St John Ambulance Association 79
;St Margaret's Cottage Home - 707
Sabbath School Teachers' Union 68
Sailors' and Firemen's Union - 106
Home - - - - 106
iSanitary Association - - - 103
Department - - 39
Savings Bank
B rough ty Ferry - 705
Post Office - 51, 128
Carnoustie - - 730
School Board
^ Balmerino -
Barry -
Broughty Ferry
Landward -
Monifieth -
_ Tayport
Schools, Broughty Ferry -
Carnoustie and Barry
Dundee School Board
• Episcopal Church
Established Church
Newport and Balmerino 748
Private ... 73
— Roman Catholic Church 73
• Tayport - - - 762
Scottish American Trust Cos.,Ld. 59
Am. Gymnastic Assoc. 93
Am. Swimming Assoc. 98
Assoc, for Irish Missions 67
Cyclists' Union - - 92
Musical Society - - 99
National Artillery Assoc. 104
—Twenty Club - - 707
Seal and Whale Fishing Companies 107
Seamen's Friend Society - - 106
Session Clerk - - - - 66
Shakespeare Reading Society - 77
Shepherds, Order of - - - 95
— Carnoustie 731
— Lochee - 674
Sheriff Court - - - - 45
Officers - - - - 46
Sheriffs and Sheriff-Substitutes - 45
Shipping Agents - - - 107
belonging to the Port - 109
Companies - - - 107
Shii^wrecked Fishermen Society - 106
Shopkeepers' Assistants' Union - 99
' - 81
- 42
- 83
- 104
- 84
- 46
- 47
. 101
- 89
Sick Poor Nursing Society
Hospital, Parochial
Society, Indigent
Social Purity Association
Solicitors, Faculty of -
Stamps and Taxes
Steam Laundry Co. -
Stirling Park Gardens
Stock Exchange Association - 89
Strathmore Cricket Club - - 706
Streets, Squares, &c. - - 17
Submarine Miners - - - 103
Subscription Library - - - 76
Surveyor, City , and Master of AVorks 39
Swimming Association - - 98
Club, Lochee - -673
Taxes, Assessor and Surveyor of
Tay Ferries ....
Vol. Div. Royal Engineers
Tayport Directory
Technical Education Association
Telegraph Offices
Teleijhone Company, National
TemiJerance Electors' Association 673
Societies - - - 68
Tennis Clubs - - 91, 731, 750
Tent Mission - - - - 68
Terms - - - - - 36
Texas Land and Cattle Co., Ld. - 60
Three United Trades - - - 41
Third V.B.R.H., B.W. - -102
Total Abstainers' Club ■ - 104, 673
Town Clerk - - - - 38
Council - - - - 37
Mission, UnitedPresbyterian 66
Tract Society - - - - 68
Trades Band, Dundee - - 103
■ Council, United 97
Holidays - - - 36
Societies - - - - 97
Training Ship * ' Mars ' ' Institution 81
Tramway Company - - - 63
Trinity House - - - - 106
Typographical Association - - 97
Tyson Cure Committee - - 69
Union Weaver Lodge, Lochee - 673
United Recreative Association - 77
U.P. Town Mission - - -66
University Club - - - - 77
College - - - 70
— — Cycling Club - - 92
Valuation Assessor - - - 42
of the Burgh - - 37
Vice-Consuls for Foreign States 49
Victoria Art Cxalleries - - 76
Bowling Club - - 706
Visiting Com. for Dundee Prison 46
Volunteer Bands - - - 103
Companies, Dundee - 102
Tayport - 763
Voters, Registration of - - 42
ParL and Municipal - 37
"VValdensian Missions Society - 6S
Ward Boundaries - - - 34
Waids 17
AVarehouses - - - - 63
Water Commission - - - 39
AVaterston Cricket Club - - 750
AVednesday Half-Holiday Com. - 99
AA^eights & Measures, Inspector of 38
AVest End Angling Club - - 90
Club, NeAvport - - 749
Tennis Club - - 91
AVestern and Hawaiian Invest. Co. 60
-Club - - - - 88
— Cycling Club - - 92
AA^hale Fishing Companies - 107
AVomen's Temi)erance Union - 69
AVorking Boys' Home - - 78
Girls' Home - - 78
JMen's Angling Club - 90
— Coffee Rooms - 99
■ Field Club - 89
Gardens - - 89
AVormit Directory - - - 732
Yacht Club, Model - - - 103
Royal Tay - - 103
Yearly Societies' Prot. Assoc. - 104
Young Men's Fellowship Assoc. 730
AVomen's Fellowship Ass. 730
- 75
Broughty Ferry
- 705
- 730
- 673
Monifieth -
- 705
Tayport -
- 763
- 75
- 673
- 749
- 763
Loi^D Provost ^ames Low.
For a number of years we have pointedly alluded to circumstances
which have formed an important factor in the commercial prosperity
of our city, because in so doing the fact has been impressed upon us
that Dundee, as the main centre of the jute industry, if it is not
gradually losing its prestige in that respect, is, to say the least,
being strongly aflfected by adverse conditions which are jeopardizing
its success and paralyzing its enterprise. For nearly half-a-century
Dundee might be said to have had almost a textile monopoly ;
it was long master of the situation, so called ; and it held the
markets firmly in its own hand. As an industrial commuuity it
defied competition, and it went on its way rejoicing in the delusion
that it would never be undersold, or that its goods would be
rejected and that of others preferred. Of recent years it has received
a rude aM^akening. Its monopoly is gone ; it holds the forefront no
longer ; and it has to face rivals who are neither unimportant nor
contemptible. In many parts of the Continent the production
of jute fabrics is very large, and India has become a serious
competitor. In these and other countries the product is handled
with a skill equal to our own. The fabrics produced are as good,
and, as the wages are lower and the working hours longer, prices
are cheaper. Unless Dundee manufacturers are able to compete with
foreign countries, the latter will eventually take the lead in this
important branch of commerce, and our city will probably have to
lapse to a second or third rate position.
Last year in our General Notice we intimated our especial pleasure
in being able to advert to unmistakable evidences of good trade.
The previous year the cry had arisen about bad crops and languishing
and glutted markets. Dundee appeared to have surmounted its
difficulties. The signs gave hope ; a firm tone arose in the market ;
manufacturers awoke to activity ; works which had been put on a
limited number of hours per week were placed on full working time ;
extra machinery was started ; and traders and operatives looked
forward to an unwonted spell of briskness. But a change soon took
place. This bustle and activity was little better than infiation. It
was a merely transient glimpse of better things. Its duration was
limited ; and in a short time trade receded even to a lower point
than it had hitherto attained. Reduction of wages and short time
were again resorted to ; and during the early part of the year there
were gloomy rumours of insolvency. These ere long came to be
realized, and several heavy failures, in some cases of long established
firms, eventually occurred. Younger and perhaps less stable firms
became involved, and altogether business is now hampered to a degree
seldom if ever known in the city. At present many public works
are closed, hundreds of operatives are idle, and much distress and
privation consequently exist. In addition to these drawbacks, em-
ployers are insisting upon a further reduction of wages — ten per cent,
upon the present rate — in the hope that they may be enabled to
compete with India and the Continent. Hopes are held out that by
taking this course we may have an opportunity of regaining our foot-
hold ; but of this, it must be admitted, there is room for doubt.
Apart from the unstable and uncertain character of the principal
industry, our city is not by any means retrograding either socially,
intellectually, or municipally. On the contrary, from these points
of view it has made substantial progress during the year, and
there is no doubt it will advance still further as time goes
on. Important schemes, which M'ill have a strong influence in
regulating the atfairs of the city, and which will place it on a higher
status, have recently been introduced. The desirableness of having
the difi"erent public Boards of the city amalgamated had long been
a topic of discussion ; but, although such a course was desiderated,
serious obstacles blocked the way. An incident occurred, however,
that facilitated the adoption of such a proposal. Mr William Hay,
the respected Town Clerk, who had been in infirm health, died on
30th August last. Measures w^ere at once taken to combine the
offices of Town Clerk and Police Clerk, so that the duties of both
should be discharged by one ofiicial. That course was agreed upon,
and on 7th September Dr Thornton (now Sir Thomas) was unanimously
appointed. Arrangements were further made to carry out the
scheme of assimilation, and a measure, entitled the Dundee Cor-
poration Bill, was promoted to amalgamate the Gas Commission
with the Town Council, Police Commission, and other local Boards.
This Bill, after being adjusted to the satisfaction of the County
Council and parties interested, passed unopposed through the
Committee of the House of Commons, and will soon become law.
By this arrangement a great municipal reform has been efTected, and
the control of such an important department as the Gas Commission
will now be vested solely in the ratepayers.
The most distinctive feature in our municipal procedure during
the year has been the erection of our City into a County. Dundee
has followed in the wake of Glasgow, and, although the latter city has
wider scope for the exercise of powers conferred upon a county, still
we will have greater administrative advantages than we have hitherto
enjoyed. As a Court of Appeal, the Justices of the County of the
City of Dundee will be able to deal in an impartial way with matters
relating to licensing reform, without being hampered or retarded by
antagonistic voting on the part of the Justices of the County of Forfar.
Ample powers have been taken in the new Corporation Bill to secure
the proper carrying out of the various details that regulate this new
phase of our municipal machinery, and the future effect of this im-
portant step may confidently be looked upon as being calculated to
do much good to the community, apart from the honourable position
in which it places our city.
From a practical standpoint the past year can hold its own with
any of its predecessors, if we are to judge from the number of excellent
buildings that have been erected within the city and its suburbs.
With the extension of the city boundaries, a stimulus has been given
to building operations in all the northern parts. The whole of the
Clepington district is being rapidly feued for the erection of the better
class of workingmen's houses, and in other suburbs villas and mansions
are being constructed for wealthier people. Within the city consider-
able improvements have also been carried through. The splendid
range of buildings in North Commercial Street have been completed.
The style of architecture conforms to that of the other properties, and,
as the street is now finished, the uniformity of design enhances the
appearance of that fine thoroughfare. A large portion of these
structures are to be occupied as offices of the Corporation, and the
Gas, Police, Water Engineer, City Engineer, and other departments
of the public service are now located there. Operations connected
with the new Post Office, which is to occupy the site of the old offices
in Meadowside, will shortly be commenced, and it is anticipated that
as a public edifice it will be one of the most attractive in the city.
A large addition has been made to the administrative department of
Parochial Board by the erection of an extensive Hospital at the East
Poorhouse for the accommodation of the sick poor. The opening
ceremony took place on 30th December, and the function was an in-
teresting one. Another institution of an important character adapted
for the conservation of the public health of the city is also about to
be constructed, namely, a Smallpox and Cholera Hospital. A site for
that purpose has been obtained on the lands of Baldovan, at Meric
Muir, adjacent to the well-known standard stone at King's Cross.
The object is to provide emergency wards to cope with an
unexpected outbreak of any of these dreaded distempers. The cost
is expected to amount to between £5000 and £6000. Many other
undertakings of less note have been erected during the past twelve
months, and others are in course of construction. Last year we
pointed out the satisfactory agreement that had been concluded
between the Tramway Company and the Police Commission. Since
then rapid progress has been made in laying the new lines which are
to carry the system to the east and to the northern parts of the city.
In a few weeks the extended lines will be opened for traffic, and
Downfield will then virtually be connected with Dundee. Another
matter of importance has been going apace during the season. The
Barrack Park, having become tlie property of the city, is now being
improved to suit the requirements of the time. A carriage way, to
extend from Gardner's Lane, at Lochee Road, on the west, to Garland
Place, on the east, is being formed, and the steep embankment between
Lochee Road and Barrack Square is terraced with approaches of easy
gradients. It was proposed to erect a parapet wall and iron railing
in front of the Park at Lochee Road, but this recommendation was
rejected in the meantime on the ground of expense. Most of the
minor buildings connected with the old barracks have been razed, and
their sites will be included in the open space. The main edifices,
which include the old Castle, the Officer's quarters, and the Hospital,
have been retained, and no doubt each will in time be utilized for
some useful purpose. An opinion has been expressed that the old
Castle should be restored to its original design, and probably this
suggestion may be taken up in future. In addition to being allocated
to purposes of spoi't and pleasure, it is expected that a Gymnasium,
similar to those in other large cities, will be erected in the Square,
for the amusement and recreation of poor children. A number of
new streets have also been made on the Balgay estate. Glamis Road
on the west has been extended eastward, and now forms a junction
with Ancrum Road at Lochee Park. Another new street has been
opened from Lochee Road, through Logic Farm, and joins Balgay
Street. The latter thoroughfare has also been lowered and improved.
We may also state that the installation of the Electric Light for the
illumination of the centre of the city (including High Street) was
formally inaugurated on 15th March 1893. Lord Provost Mathewson
officiated on the occasion.
In social matters there is not much to which attention may be
directed, with the exception, perhaps, of the visit of General Lord
Roberts to the city on 23rd November (on which occasion he was
presented with the freedom of the city in the Albert Hall) ; and
two notable exhibitions, namely, the Old Dundee Exhibition and
the Exhibition of Industry, the latter being under the auspices of
the Trades Council. The year 1893 will also be remembered as that
in which the greatest storm of wind ever experienced in this part of
Scotland occurred. Great destruction was done to property, trees
in thousands were uprooted, and tombstones in Balgay and Eastern
Cemeteries were blown down and dismantled. This unprecedented
physical disturbance, which affected the whole of Scotland, occurred
on the 18th November.
There is another matter to which we would refer. A notable
public official has received well-merited and just recognition at
the hands of the Government. For nearly forty years Dr Thomas
Thornton has been to the forefront in all great and important move-
ments either connected with or appertaining to our city, and in
anything he has undertaken he has brought a masterly mind to see
it carried out to the satisfaction of all concerned. Her Majesty,
therefore, in recognition of his great abilities, and the vast amount
of public work he has done, has conferred upon him the honourable
title of knighthood, a distinction which all parties agree is highly
deserved in every respect.
We also wish to direct attention to another gentleman who has
served the city faithfully and well. We refer to Lord Provost Low,
whose portrait forms the frontispiece of this issue of the Directory.
As a public man the Lord Provost has shewn exceptional capacity,
and his career as a Councillor and Magistrate has been such as
to win for him a high place in the estimation, not of his colleagues
alone, but of the community in general. We have no hesitation in
anticipating that as Lord Provost he will distinguish himself in a way
that will reflect credit on his abilities as an administrator, and at the
same time bring honour to the city of which he is the esteemed head.
1th June 1894.
( 17 )
The italic letters at beginning- of line denote the position of the street on the Map,
and the numbers at end denote the Parliamentary and Municipal \Va.rd in which each
street is situated.
Argyle place, 15 Thomson street 2
G c Argyle street, 42 Forfar road 5
F c Arklay st. , from Dens road to N. 5
Arnot place, 5 Park avenue 4
Ed Arthur st., top of Dallfield walk 6
Arthurstone place, Erskine street
to Albert street 4
Artillery lane, 38 Tay street 2
D d Ash lane, 104 Lochee road 8
D d Ash st. , Smellie's lane to Hop st. 8
Ash ton place, 191 Hawkhill 9
6r c Athole terrace, Forfar road 5
Avondaleplace,30to34 James st.5
E h Back street, 33 Paterson street to
341 Loons road 7
G d Baffin street, from 85 Arbroath
road to Watson street 1
Baffin st. (South), 134 Ferry rd. 1
F d Bainsq.,12Cowgate& 5 AVellgate 6
Balbirnie ter., 121 Victoria rd. 4
Baldovan terrace, Pitkerro road
to Park avenue 4
Z> d Balfour street, 96 Haw^khill 9
C dBalgay avenue, 273 Blackness rd. 8
D c Balgay st. , continuation of Miln-
bank road to Lochee 3, 8
Balgay street, Lochee, South Mid
street to Marshall street 3
O c Balgay terrace, 70 Logie street 3
Balgayview, 16 Wilkie's lane 9
Balgray street, Clepington road
Balmore st., Albert st. to Dura st. 4
F d Baltic buildings, W.endBaltic st. 6
E d Baltic chambers, 9 Bell street 6
F d Baltic st. , 36 Wellgate to Bell st. 6
Bank court, 112 Seagate 1
E d Bank street, 36 Eeform street to
Barrack street 6
C h Bank st., off High st., Lochee 3
E d Barrack road, continuation of Dud-
hope street to Dudhope terrace 7
E d Barrack st., 59 Overgate to N. 6
Barron's court,10 Johnston's lane 2
Baxter's court, 45 Cowgate 2
Baxter Park pi. , 25 Park avenue 4
G c Baxter Park ter., from E. end of
Park avenue to Pitkerro road 4
D d Baxter street, 13 Balgay street 8
Beaconsfield pi. , 104 Victoria rd. 4
D d Abbotsf ord place, 74 Peddie st. 9
Aberlemno terrace, 348 Perth rd. 2
Adam place, 160Strathmartinerd. 7
Adelaide pi. , north of Adelaide ter. 7
E c Adelaide terrace, N. of and parallel
to Albany terrace 7
Afton place, Baxter Park ter. 4
E e Airlie place, Z Perth road 9
D e Airlie terrace, top of Airlie pi. 9
E c Albany ter. , N. of Panmure ter. 7
Albert court, 37 Nethergate 2
E d Albert square, i)art of Meadowside
between Reform street and Pan-
mure street 6
G d Albert st., continuation of Princes
street to N. 4
C b Albert street, from St Ann street,
Lochee, to W. 3
Albion passage, 161 Overgate 6
Alexander's close, 120 Overgate 2
F c Alexander st., 27 N. Wellington
street to E. 5
Alexandra terrace, 330 Perth rd. 2
i, Alfred place, 2 Liff road, Lochee 3
F d Allan street, 157 Seagate to East
Dock street 1
AUister place, 150 Albert street 4
D d Anchor lane, 48 Henderson's West
wynd, Scoui'ingburn 8
C c Ancrum road, Lochee 3, 8
Anderson's entry, 172 Hawkhill 9
Anderson's lane, South rd. , Lochee3
Anderson i)lace, 15 William street,
Forebank 4
Angus st. , 39 Liff road, Lochee 3
F d Ann street, 113 Hilltown to Cot-
ton road 4, 5, 6
Annan terrace, 19 Wellington st.4
D d Annfield road, 213 Hawkhill to
164 Blackness road 9
D d Annfield row, 82 Annfield road 9
D d Annfield street, 92 Annfield rd. 9
H d Arbroath road, from top of Princes
street to E. 1, 4
£r cZ Arbuthnott road, off Craigie ter. 1
F d Arcade buildings, 6 King street, 42
King's rd. , and 93 Victoria rd. 6
Archibald's lane, Liff rd., Lochee 3
Arctic place, 79 Arbroath road 1
B d Beechwood ter., Westpark rd. 9
E d Bell street, 13 Constitution road to
Baltic street 6
E d Bell street (West), 13 Constittition
road W. to Lochee road 6
Bell street, 19 Liff rd. , Lochee 3
E d Bell St. lane, 15 Constitution rd. 6
Bell's close, 44 King street 4
Bellfield place, 341 Loons road 7
Bellfield lane, 167 Hawkhill to
Bellfield street 9
D d Bellfield street, 128 Blackness road
to Bellfield lane 9
Belmont pi. , 112 to 134 Hawkhill 9
D d Benvie road, Fyflfe street to Pit-
four street 8
Benygloe, TuUoch crescent 6
D d Bernard street, 180 Hawkhill 9
H c Bingham ter., Dalkeith rd. to E. 4
Blackheath place, 203 Hawkhill 9
Blackness bldgs., 3 Urquhart st. 9
G d Blackness cres., 227 Perth road 9
D d Blackness road, 68 Scouringburn
to W. 8, 9
D d Blackness st., 190 Blackness rd. 9
C d Blackness terrace, 239 Perth rd. 9
F d Blackscrof t, continuation of Sea-
gate from St Roque's lane to E. 1
E d Blinshall street, 47 Scouringburn
to Lochee road 8
Blyth place, 5 Balgay street 8
D d Blyth street, continuation of Fleu-
char street to Balgay street 8
Bly thswood place, 121 to 129 Perth
toad 9
F d Bonnybank road, 90 Victoria road
to Ann street 4
Boyack's close, 93 Overgate 6
Breadalbane place, 63 Lochee rd. 8
Brewery lane, 1 Polepark road 8
Brighton, 18 Rosebank road 6
Broad close, 228 Overgate
Brompton place, 121 Hawkhill 9
Fd Brown Constable st., from Cres-
cent street to Dura street 4
E d Brown street, 37 Westport to
Lochee road 8
Brown st., off High st., Lochee 3
Brown's lane, 30 Session street
E c Bruce street, from 73 Hospital
wynd to Byron street 7
Bruce's entry, 4 Wellgate 6
F c Buchanan st., off Ogilvie st. 5
G c Buckingham terrace, Maryfield 5
Burnside st. , off High st., Lochee 3
Butchart's close, 174 Seagate
E c Butterburn, top of Hilltown 7
Butter's loan, W. end of Liff rd. 3
E c Byron street, from Derby street to
Leng street 7
Cabel's close, 39 Wellgate
F d Calcutta buildings, W. side of Com-
mercial st. N. of Exchange st. 1
F c Oaldrum st. ,28 N, George N. 5
Calender close, 174 Overgate
Calder place, 233 Hilltown
Calder's square, 223 Hilltown
Camden i^lace, 71 Perth road 9
Cameron's close, 90 Murraygate
D c Campbell st., off Union pi., LocheeS
Campbell's close-, 76 High street 6
Campbeltown place 271 to 277
Hawkhill 9
Camperdown court, 22 Barrack st.6
F d Camperdown street, N. side Vic-
toria dock 1
G 6? Camperdown st., E., Camperdown
dock to E. 1
G b Camperdown st., from Burnside
st. to Brown st., Lochee 3
Candle close, 214 Overgate
F d Candle lane, 81 Seagate to 63 Dock
street 1
E c Canning st. , from Strathmartine
road eastward to Moncur cres. 7
G c Cardean street, 151 Albert street
to Morgan street 4
E cCarmichael street, 44 Hospital
wynd 7
Carolina port, E. Camperdown st.
Carseburn place, 175 Hawkhill
Castle court, 27 Castle street 2
Castle lane, from Castle court to
Greenmarket 2
F € Castle street, 1 High st. to Shore
terrace 1, 2
Castlehill, top of Seagate 1
G c Catherinest., f rom Eliza st. to W. 5
G c Chalmers street, Madeira street 5
Chapel street, 9 Albert square 6
Chapelshade, a district N. of Bell
street to Dudhope street 6
F d Charles street, 51 Wellgate 6
D d Cherryfield, 125 Blackness road 8
Church lane, 2Tally High st.2
G d Church street, 112 Princes st. 4
F c Church street. North, from St
Salvador street to Main street 5
G b Church st., N., South rd., Lochee 3
Church street, South, South road,
Lochee 3
City chambers, 14^ High street
Clarendon place, 75 Strathmar-
tine road 7
G d Clarendon terrace, 245 to 281
Perth road 9
F c Clark street, 38 James street to
Hilltown 5
D cCleghorn street, from 17 Balgay
street to Lochee road 8
Clepington feus, top of Maxwellt'n
Clepington road, Pitkerro road to
Coupar Angus road 3, 5, 7
Clepington ter., 16-20 Caldrum st.
F c Clepington st., from Dundonald
street to N. 5
Clifton place, 2 Paradise road 6
Clinton place, 13 Albert street 4
E d Cochrane street, 37 Lochee road 7
E b Coldside, West of Strathmartine
road 7
Coldside road, Hospital street to
Strathmartine road
Commercial bldgs., 1—5 Seagate
and 41 — 49 Commercial street 1
Commercial court, 5 and 37 Com-
mercial street 1
F d Commercial st., 15 Albert square
to 40 Dock street 1, 6
F c Commercial street, Maxwelltown,
41 James street 5
F d Constable street, frorri St Eoque's
lane to Wallace street 1
E d Constitution road, from Barrack
street to N. 6, 7
E c Constitution st. (Upper), continu-
ation of Constitution rd. toN. 7
E c Constitution st. , from top of Con-
stitution rd. to Rosebank st. 6, 7
E d Constitution ter. , Constitution rd. 6
Corn court, 169 Seagate
D d Corso street, 54 Peddie street 9
Cottage pi. ,134 to 140 Ferry road 1
F d Cotton road, from junction of Vic-
toria rd. and Dens rd. to N. 4
C a Coupar Angus road. High street,
Lochee, to N, 3
G c Coupar St., Logiest., to Loons rd. 3
Coupar's alley, 12 Wellgate 6
F c Court St., Dundonald st. to N. 5
E d Courthouse square, square front-
ing Courthouse, W. Bell street 6
E e Couttie's wynd, 38 Nethergate 2
F c Cowan street, Dens road to Brown
Constable street 4
F d Cowgate, 127 Murraygate to E. 1, 6
Craig buildings, South Union
street, corner of Craig street 2
E c Craig pier, landing place of Tay
ferries, S. end of S. Union st. 2
E e Craig street, 29 West Dock street
to Craig pier 2
G c Craigiebank place, Pitkerro road 5
G c Craigiebank terrace , Pitkerro road,
opposite Baxter park 5
Craigie place, 22 Catherine street 5
G d Craigie st., 73 Albert st. to E. 4
H d Craigie ter. , 208 to 228 Ferry rd. 1
Crescent lane, 18 Princes street 4
F d Crescent street, 8 Princes street to
Victoria street 4
E e Crichton street, 24 High street to
Greenmarket 2
Crichton' s close, 39 Overgate
Cross row, 35 Small's wynd to Park
wynd 9
F e Customhouse buildings, E. side of
King AVilliam dock 1
Dalgleish road, Arbuthnott road
to Arbroath road 1
Dalhousie i^lace, 61 Lochee road,
or 16 Gardner's lane 8
C d Dalhousie ter. , top of Windsor st.2
E d Dallfield terrace, 22 Dudhope st. 6
E d Dallfield walk, 44 Dudhope st. 6
H d Dalkeith road, Arbroath road to
N. at east side of Baxter park 4
Dalmeny place, 18 Park avenue 4
D d Daniel street, 138 Scouringburn to
Blackness road 8
D d Danube street, Gowrie street to
Corso street 9
Davidson's court, 67 Seagate
Davidson place, 45 Peddie street
Deerhorn close, 30 Hilltown
Dempster street, from Daniel st.
to William st. , Scouringburn 8
Dempster's court, 94 Scouringburn
F d Dens brae, 100 King street to 195
Victoria road 4
F c Dens road, from E. end of Victoria
road to N. 4, 5
F d Dens street, 9 Princes street to
Blackscroft 1
E c Derby street, from 9 Hill st. to N. 1
Dickson's entry, 166 Scouringburn
F e Dock street, from South Union st.
to foot of Trades lane 1, 2
F d Dock street. East, from foot of
Trades lane to E. 1
F eDock street, West, from 6 Doc^c
street to Craig street 2
Doig's court, 33 Castle street
Doig's court, 165 Scouringburn
Doig's entry, 164 Overgate
E c Don's road, 15 Rosebank road to
Constitution street 6
Donald's lane, W. end of Locliee 3
Donald's place, 85 Sovith road,
Lochee 3
^ c? Douglas st., from Diidhope cres.
to foot of Lower pleasance 8
E c Douglas terrace, continuation of
Panmure terrace 7
Dron's close, 201 Overgate
E d Dudhope Crescent road, from Con-
stitution road to Locliee road 6,7
Dudhope place, W. end of Dud-
hope street, N. side 6
E d Dudhope st., 6 Hilltown to W. 6
E c Dudhojje terrace, W. of Somer-
ville place 7
G c Duff street, E. end Clepingtonrd. 5
Duff terrace, Main street
Duncan's buildings, 15 Paterson st.
Duncan's close, 106 Hawkhill
Duncan's close, 29 Hilltown
Duncan's terrace, 176 Locliee rd. 8
Dundonald buildings, 12 Dun-
donald street 5
F c Dundonald st., Arklay st. to E. 5
F c Dura st. , Dens rd. to Forfar rd. 4, 5
F d Eadie's road, 70 Victoria road 6
Easson's angle, 35 Milnbank rd. 8
East Dock buildings, 65 Trades lane
G b Eastwood place, Clepington road5
Eastwood ter., E. Clepington road
Edith place. Park avenue
D d Edward street, W. end Sco'burn 8
Egyptian terrace, 46 Watson st. 1
Elder's lane, South road, Lochee3
Elder's place, 58 Scouringburn
6r c Eliza street, 76 Dura, street 5
Elizab<^th place, 129 Hawkhill 9
F c Elizabeth street, 52 Ann street 5
Ellen place, N. side of Lyon st. 4
F d Ellen street, 8 S. George street to
Ann street 4
F c Ellen street, N., a continuation of
Ellen street to N. 5
Elm place, 121 Hawkhill 9
Elsinore i^lace, 3 Hilltown , 6
Erin pi., 128 Logie st., Locliee 3
Errol place, Balmore street
Erskine place, 26 Dura street 5
G d Erskine street, 25 Victoria street
to Dura street 4
G c Erskine street, N., 28 Dura street
to Dundonald street 5
G c Erskine terrace, Clepington road 5
F c Esk st. , N. Isla st. to Neish st. 5
E e Esplanade, from Craig pier W. to
Ninewells, fronting River 2
Esplanade rd. , from Perth rd. to S.
E d Euclid cresct. , from top of Reform
street to Bell street by both sides
of High School 6
E d Euclid street, E. side of Constitu-
tion rd. , opposite AVard Chapel P
F e Exchange street, 50 Castle street
to Commercial street 1
F c Fairbairn street, Arklay street to
Mains road 5
Fairfield cottages, Clepington rd.
Fairfield road, Strathmartine road
to Old Mains road
Fairly palace, top of Provost road 7
Fairmuir street, Clepington road
to N., in line of Fairmuir
Falcon place, 2 Wilkie's lane
Fearnbank, Clepington road
Ferguson's close, 184 Seagate
G d Ferry road, continuation of Blacks-
croft to E. 1
Fintry feus, top of Mains road
F e Fishmarket, Craig street 2
D d Fleuchar st. , west end of Fyffe st. 8
Flight's lane, 100 High st., Lochee
D d Ford's lane, 306 Hawkhill to 163
Perth road 9
F d Forebank road, 86 Victoria rd. to
Ann street 4, 6
Forebank terrace, 20 Forebank rd.6
G c Forfar road, continuation of Albert
street to N. 5
D d Forest Park road, 149 Blackness
road to 24 Milnbank road 8
F d Foundry lane, E. end of Seagate 1
D c FuUarton street, Camiibell street
to Loons road 3
Franklin court, 76 Cowgate
£> d Fyffe street, 66 PoleparJi road 8
Fyffe's lane. South road, Lochee S
Gall's close, 124 Overgate
Gardiner's entry, 3 Westport
D c Gardner street, from top of
Rankine street to Loons road 3
Gardner's In. , 57 Uj^per pleasance 8
Garfield place, 53 Hawkhill 9
E d Garland place, 22 and 24 Constitu-
tion road, and 2 to 14 Barrack rd.7
F d Gellatly street, 51 Dock street to
Seagate 1
Gentle's buildings, Gardner street
F c George st, N., 199 Hilltown to E. 5
F (/George street, S., 15 Nelson st.
to 22 William street 4
George street, 93 Liff rd., Lochee 3
George's place, 19 Charles street
Gibb's lane, 40 High st., Lochee 3
G c Gibson terrace, to^i of Mains loan 5
Gladstone pi, 32DudhopeCres. rd.
Gladstone place, top of Mains rd.
Gladstone terrace, 166 Perth rd. 2
B d Glamis road, Perth rd. to Hillside,
on east side Nether Balgay 8, 9
F c Glamis street, 16 St Salvador
street to Main street 5
G d Glebe street, 32 Lilybank road to
Ferry road 1
D d Glenagnes lane, from 217 Black-
ness road to Scott street 8
Glenburniil. ,81 Strathmartinerd.7
Glencarse terrace, 4 Wilkie's lane
Gordon place, 190 Blackness road
Gordon st. , Logie st. to Union pi. 3
Gowanbank, 166 Lochee road 8
Gowanbank, top of Mains road
Gowan's court, 225 Overgate and
21 N. Tay street
Dd Gowrie place, 279 Hawkhill
D d Gowrie street, off Viewforth st.
G d Graham place, 171 Princes st.
Graham st., Clepington rd. to N.
Grant place, 42 Westport
Granville place, 86 Hawkhill
B h Gray street, Lochee 3
Gray's close, 71 High street
Gray's lane, 31 High st. , Lochee 3
Gray's square, 143 Rosebank street
D e Greenfield place, 156 Perth road
to 17 Magdalen Yard road 2
Greenlaw place, Clepington road
E e Greenmarket, a square — foot of
Crichton street to the Harbour 2
Grieve's terrace, 164 Jjochee road 8
C d Grosvenor terrace, 287 Perth rd. 9
Grove place, 185a Perth road 9
G d Grove street, foot of Springhill 1
Guillan's close, 43 Overgate
Gunn's close, 150 Overgate
Guthrie pi. , toj) of Guthrie st. 8
E d Guthrie street, from top of N.
Tay street W. to Scouringburn 8
D h Harefield road, from Loons road
to Tofthill, Lochee 3
G c Harriet street, 42 Dura street 5
Hasting's pi. , 73 Strathmartine rd.
Havelock place, 247 Hawkhill 9
D d Hawkhill, from Westport W. to
Perth road 9
Z> e Hawkhill place, 17 Perth road 9
Hawthorn place, 152 Lochee road
Hazel's close, 31 Nethergate
E rfHean's lane, 24 Small's wynd 2
Hedge road, 14 Dudhope street
to Arthur street 6
E cZ Henderson's wynd, E., 15 W'port 8
E d Henderson's wynd, W., West end of
Guthrie street to Douglas st. 8
D e Hermonhill, 21 to 27 Perth road 9
D e Hermonhill terrace, 27 Perth rd. 9
Heron's lane. South road, Lochee 3
E eHigh st., the principal street or
square in centre of town 1, 2, 6
C b High street, Lochee 3
F G Hillbank, a district E. of Jamaica
street to Dens road 5
F c Hillbank road, from top of Cotton
road to Dens road 4, 5
Hillside avenue, 19 to 29 Scott st. 8
E c Hill street, 34 Strathmartine rd. 7
F d Hilltown (or Bonnethill), top of
Wellgate to N. 5, 6, 7
D cJ Honey's road, 217 Blackness road
to Scott street 8
D d Hoj) street, 116 Lochee road 8
F d Horse wynd, 87 Murray gate to 72
Seagate 1
E d Horsewater vrynd, 81 Scouringb'n 8
Hospital park, a district N. of
Hospital wynd
E h Hospital street, Clepington road
to 302 Loons road 3, 7
E c Hospital wynd, 290 Hilltown 7
E d Hunter street, 50 Scouringburn
to 43 Hawkhill 2, 9
C d Hyndford street, 245 Perth rd. 9
Hyndford terrace, Hyndford st, 9
F d Idvies street, 91 Victoria road 6
Imperial buildings, 32 Seagate 1
F d India buildings, 86 Bell street and
2 and 4 Victoria road 6
Inglewood terrace, 5 Stirling st. 7
D c Inverary terrace, continuation of
Albany terrace to W. 3, 7, 8
Inverbraan pi., 23 k 25 Morgan st,
Invercauld place, 153 Perth road 9
Invermay place, 2 Balmore st. 4
Ireland's court, 94 Scouringburn
E d Ireland's lalne, 24 Bell street 6
Irvine's square, 46 Bell street
F c Isla st. , from Main st. to Dens rd, 5
F c Isla street, N., continuation of Isla
street from Dens road to N. 5
Isles' lane, 115 Hawkhill
Jack's close, 186 Hawkhill
F c Jamaica street, 90 Ann street 5 I
F c James street, 2G Ann street 5 '
G c Janefield place, 26 Forfar road 5
E d John St., 12 Dudhope Cres. rd. 7
Johnston's close, 258 Hawkhill
Johnston's lane, 2 Scouringburn
E cZ Johnston st.,top of N.Lindsay st. 6
Kay's entry, 48 Overgate
G d Kemback street, 54 Arbroath rd. 4
Kerr's lane, Lochee 3
F eKidd st., 3 North William st. 5
Kilberry street, Lawside road to
Union place, Lochee 3
Kilberry terrace, Kilberry street
Kilgour's pend, 2 Blinshall street
Kilmaron place, Brown Constable
street to Erskine street
Kimberley bldgs. , Whitehall st. 2
D d Kincardine street, 46 Blackness
road to 97 Hawkhill 9
F dKing street, from Cowgate to
Princes street 1, 4, 6
King Street court, 12 King street
Z> b King's Cross road, 8 Loons road,
Lochee 3
F d King's road, 18 King street 4, 6
Kinloch x^lace, 105 Hawkhill 9
E c Kinloch street, 108 Rosebank
street to Carmichael street 7
E c Kinnaird street, 20 Hospital wynd
to Stirling street 7
Kinordy place, 3 Tannadice st.
Kintore place, 61 Watson street 1
Kirk entry, 21 Wellgate 6
Kirkcaldy's court, 49 Dock street
Laburn st. , 50 Dudhope Cres. rd.
Ladywell i)lace,foot of Hilltown 6
F c Laing street, 57 Cotton road 4
Lamb's court, 16 Crescent lane
Lamb's lane, 124 Victoria road 4
Langlands street, 128 Albert st. 4
Lansdowne pi. , 3 Constitution rd. 6
D d Larch street, 140 Scouringburn 8
E d Laurelbank, Constitution road 6
Law St., Dudhope ter. to the N. 7
Z) d Lawrence street, 13 Milnbank rd. 8
D c Lawside road, Inverary terrace to
Loons road 3, 7, 8
E c Lawson plane, 23 Constitution st. 7
E c Leng street, top of Hill st. to N. 7
G b Liff road, from Coupar- Angus rd.,
Lochee, to W. 3
G d Lily bank road, 47 Arbroath road
to Ferry road 1
E c Lincoln st., Leng st. to Derby st. 7
Linden jil., 362 and 364 Loons rd.
E (Z Lindsay street, N., 115 Overgate
to Ward road 6
E e Lindsay street, S , 23 Nethergate
to 106 Overgate 2
Lindsay's close, 32 Scouringburn
Lisden place, 3 Watt street
Lithgow's court, 47 Yeaman shore
E d Little John street, continuation of
John street westwards 7
Livingstone place, 85 Upper plea-
sance, or Lochee road 8
Loch Moy place, E. end Park ave.
Z> c Lochee road, from top of N. Tay
st. to Logie st., Lochee 3, 6, 7, 8
D c Logie st. , continuation of Lochee
road to High street, Lochee 3
Logiebank, Gardner street 3
E e Long wynd, 75 Nethergate to 194
Overgate 2
D 6 Loons road, 150 Strathmartine
road to Lochee 3, 7
E b Lorimer street, 309 Loons road 7
Lome place, 30 Benvie road
G c Lome terrace, Forfar road 5
Lowden's alley, 157 Hawkhill 9
Lowden's court, 36 Arbroath road
Lumsden's entry, 27 Westport
Lynnewood pi. , 2 Madeira st. 5
Lyon place, south side of Lyon st.
F d Lyon street, 26 Albert st. to W. 4
Lyon's close, 2 Blackness road to
61 Hawkhill
Lytton street, Viewforth st. toE.
M'Cosh's entry, 96 Murraygate
^dM'Donald street, 102 Hilltowii
to Arthur street 6
Macdonald's bldgs. , 21 Glamis st.
Macdonald's buildgs, 118 Hilltown
G c M'Cill street, 101 Albert street 4
M'Intosh's close, 108 Murraygate
M 'Vicar's lane, 144 Perth road 2
G c Madeira street, back of Morgan
Academy 5
C e Magdalen green,f romMagdalen Yd.
road to W., fronting the river 2
Magdalen place, 43 Magdalen Yard
D e Magdalen Yard road, 116 Perth
road to Magdalen green 2
F c Main street, from top of Hilltown
E. to Dens road 5
G c Mains loan, top of Albert st. to N. 5
F c Mains road, top of Hilltown 5, 7
Maitland street, Dura street to
Arthurstone jilace 4
F c Malcolm street, 13 Ogilvie street 5
Malcolm's pend, Henderson's W.
wynd to Guthrie street
Malthouse close, 58 Nethergate
Manor place, 189 to 223 Perth rd. 9
Mansourah bldgs, 43 Watson st. 1
Marchmont place, 79 Strath-
marthie road 7
Margaret jilace, corner of Albert
street and Victoria street 4
F e Marine parade, S. of Victoria dk. 1
Marine place, 80 Hawkhill 9
Marion place, 185 Princes street 1
Maritime buildings, 26 E. Dock st.
G d Market street, E. Dock street to
Ferry road 1
C h jMarshall street, 56 High street,
Lochee, to Balgay street 3
Mary place, 368 Loons road
F dMaxy Ann lane, E. Dock street
to Seagate 1
C h Marybank lane, from Liff road to
W. Mid street, Lochee 3
G c Maryfield,adistrictN.of Albertst.5
G c Maryfield terrace, Forfar road to
Mains loan 5
Masonic pi. , 46 Dudhope Cres. rd. 7
Mathew's close, 31 Overgate
Matthew's court, 80 Constable st.
F c Maxwelltown, a district N. of Ann
street 5
May field pi. , 83 Strathmartine rd. 7
F d Meadow entry, 80 Murraygate 6
F d Meadow place buildings, E. end
of Bell street 6
F d Meadow street, 24 Wellgate to
Meadowside 6
E d Meadowside, from top of Barrack
street to Victoria road 6
Meal's close, 167 Overgate
Melrose terrace, Court street 5
B d Melville terrace, Westpark road 9
Mercantile build'gs, 46 to 56 Bell st.
Methodist close, 51 Overgate
Mid Kirk style, from Tally street
to S. Lindsay street
E cMid road, 29 Strathmartine road
to Mains road 7
Mid shore or Shore terrace — see
Shore terrace
E d Mid street, 49 Constitu.tion road 6
G b Mid street, S . , South rd. , Lochee 3
Mid street, South road, Lochee 3
Mid street, W., continuation of
Mid street, Lochee, to W. 3
D e Mid wynd, 77 Perth road to 232
Hawkhill 9
F d Middle street, 69 Princes street
to 66 Blackscroft 1
Miller's close, 138 Murraygate
Miller's pend, 17 Scouringburn
D e Miller's wynd, 51 Perth road to
208 Hawkhill 9
Mill's entry, 52 Westport
Miln street, from Brown street to
West Henderson's wynd 8
Miln's buildings, 136 Nethergate 2
Miln's close, 202 Overgate
D d Milnbank rd. , W. end of Sco'burn 8
D d Milne's E. wynd, 171 Scouring-
burn to Doviglas street 8
Milne'sW.wynd, 183 Scouringburn
to Douglas street 8
Milne's court, 48 Wellgate
Milton street, Byron street to
Paterson street 7
Mint close, 51 High street
D d Mitchell street, 152 Lochee road
to Benvie road 8
Molison street, Mains loan to Eliza
street -5
E b Moncur crescent, from Dens road
west to Strathmartine road 7
G c Morgan street, Arbroath road to
Pitkerro road 4
G c Morgan terrace, Forfar road 5
Morgan's bldgs., 143 Nethergate 9
Morrice place, 96 Hilltown
Morrison's court, 58 Wellgate 6
Mortimer place, 12 J Mortimer st.
E c Mortimer street, from 91 Hospital
wynd to Byron street 7
Morton's square, 31 Wellgate 6
Mountpleasant, 134 Hawkhill 9
Mudie place, 14 Ford's lane
Mudie's close, 54 King street
Muirton road, 124 Logie street
Municipal buildings, 89 to 97 Com-
mercial street
Munro's pend, 16 Scouringburn
Murray pi. , 45 Logie st. , Lochee 3
Murray street, N. of Craigie ter. 1
F d Murraygate, from E. end of High
street to the N.E. 1, 6
Myles's court, 68 St Andrew's st.
Nairne place, 52 to 58 Seafield rd. 2
Nairn's close, 9 Arthur street
Napier jilace, 13 Nelson street
F c Neish street, Fairbairnst. to Eskst.
Nelson place, 20 Nelson street
F d Nelson street, 94 Victoria road to
Ann street 4
Nelson terrace, 4 Nelson street
D e
Ness street, 9 Ellen street to 42
William street, Forebank 4
E eNethergate, from W. end of High
street to Perth road 2
E d New Inn entry, 67 High street 6
E d Nicoll street, 7 Ward road 6
Nicoll's close. 12 Blinshall street
Nicoll's court, 4 Dallfield walk
Nicoll's coxirt, 59 Wellgate
Nicoll's entry, 13 Arthur street
Nicoll's lane, Lochee 3
A d Ninewells, 388 Perth road 2
E c North St., 65 Strathmartine rd. 7
B d Norwood crescent, from Norwood
ter. to Blackness road 9
B rf Norwood terrace, Westparkroad 9
Norwood ter., 32-46 Thomson st, 2
Ogilvy pi. , 16 Muirton r d. , Lochee 3
F c Ogilvie st., from Dura st. to N. 5
Ogilvie's close, 29 High street
E c Ogilvie's rd., 7 Constitution st. 7
H c Old Craigie rd. , Arbroath rd. to
Pitkerro road 4
Old Mains rd., Clepingtonrd. toN.
Old Manse buildings, 80 Ferry rd.
Old Muirton rd., 2 High st., Lochee
Osborne place, 77 Magdalen green
Oswald pL, top of St Matthew st.
E d Overgate, from W. end of High
street to Westport 2, 6
Palace buildings, 5 Whitehall st.
Panmure place, 19 & 21 Morgan st.
F d Panmure street, from foot of Well-
gate W. to the High School 6
E c Panmure ter. , N. of Dudhope ter. 7
Paradise lane, 17 Dudhope street 6
Paradise place, 65 Hospital Avynd
E d Paradise road, 20 Mid street to
Dudhofje street 6
G cPark avenvie, from Albert street
to Baxter park 4
Park lane, 15 Temple lane 2
E e Park place, 145 Nethergate 2
Park pL, S. side Clepington rd.
D d Park street, 112 Lochee road 8
C d Park terrace, 259 Blackness rd. 8
E d Park ^vynd, 70 Hawkhill 9
Parker square. West Bell street
E d Parker st., 26 Dudhope Ores. rd. 7
Parker's court, 10 William street.
King street 4
Parker's lane, 48 Small's wynd
Parkhill place, 134 Blackness road
Parkview ter. , 8 to 14 Forfar rd. 5
E 6 Paterson street, 124 Strathmartine
road 7
G d
D e
D e
F d
D c
G c
F d
F d
Paton's lane, 240 Perth road to 57
Magdalen green 2
Peddie st., 245 Hawkhill to Black-
ness road 9
Peddie's close, 87 Overgate
Peebles' lane, South rd., Lochee 3
Peep-o'-day lane, 145 Blackscroft
to East Dock street 1
Pennycook lane, 141 Perth road
to 288 Hawkhill 9
Perth road, a continuation of
Nethergate from Small's wynd to
west 2, 9
Peter street, 101 Murraygate toj
84 Seagate 1 1
Peter's court, 20 Cowgate
Pillars, The, 12 to 17 High st. 2
Pitalpin st., Liff road, Lochee 3
Pitfour street, 27 Balgay street 8
Pitkerro place, 3 Pitkerro road
Pitkerro road, from east end of
Dura street to E. 4, 5
Playfair's entry, 10 Hawkhill
Pleasance (Upper), 57 Lochee road
to 111 8
Pleasance (Lower), from W. end of
Douglas street to Lochee road 8
Pole street, 48 Polepark road 8
Polepark road, a continuation of
Scouringburn to Lochee road 8
Powrie place, 23 Ann street 6
Premier pi. , 145-155 Albert st. 4
Princes street, continuation of
King street to N.E. 1, 4
Prospect place, 67 Constitution
road to east 6
Prospect pi. , Gray's lane, Lochee 3
Provost road — see Mains road
Pullar's close, 209 Hawkhill
Pullar's close, 132 Murraygate
Quarry entry, 82 Cowgate
Quarry lane, 120 Liff rd., Lochee 3
Queen Mary's place, 7 Thorter row
Queen street, 150 Seagate to 75
Cowgate 1
Queen's Hotel buildings, 160
Nethergate 2
Kaglan street, 41 Albert street to
Kemback street 4
Ramsay place, 105 Ferry road
Ramsay street, 23 Polepark road
Ramsay's pend, 43 Scouringburn
Rankine street, 125 Lochee rd. 3, 8
Rankine's court, 79 High street 6
Rattray street, 13 Ward road 6
Rattray's entry, 78 Bell street
E d Reform street, High street to N. 6
Reid street, 8 Derby street 7
Reid's lane, Lochee 3
Rennie's close, 120 Nethergate
Ritchie's lane, 187 Perth road 9
G c^ Robertson st., 15 Arbroath rd. 1
Robertson's close, 121 Cowgate
C d Rockfield street, 281 Perth road 9
Rockfield terrace, Rockfield st. 9
Rodger's close, 77 Overgate
Roodyards, 99 to 115 Ferry road 1
Rose lane, 37 Rosebank road 6
Rose jjlace, 31 Rose street 6
E d Rose street, 15 Arthur street 6
Rose St., 16 Marshall st., Lochee 3
Rose terrace, 17 Janefield place
Roseangle, see Magdalen Yard road
E d Rosebank road, 26 Rosebank st. 6
E c Rosebank street, 128 Hilltown to
Hospital ^vynd 6 ,7
Rosebery place, 39 Strathmartine
road 7
Rosebery ter. , 56 N. William st.
Rosefield place, 179 Blackness rd.8
D d Rosefield st., 195 Blackness rd. 8
G c Roslin terrace. Court street 5
Rosslyn villas, top of Mains road
Rl. Exchange court, 39 Albert sq.
Rl. Exchange lane, 30 Meadowside
F d Royal Exchange pi. , Panmure st.
B d Roxburgh ter., top Westpark rd. 9
Russell lane, 8 Victoria road 6
E c Russell st. , 58 Strathmartine rd. 7
Rustic place, AY. end of Dudhope
street, S. side, and 63 to 69 Con-
stitution road 6
Ryehill bldgs. , 10 Union pi. , Lochee
D e Ryehill lane, 109 Perth road to
262 Hawkhill 9
F d&t Andrew's street, 31 Cowgate to
116 Seagate 1
St Andrew's pi., 18 to 24 Cowgate
St Ann street, Marshall street to
Balgay street, Lochee 3
St Clement's lane, 11 High st. 2
St David's lane, 26 North Tay st.
St James's place, 1 Annfield row
B dSt Johnswood ter. , Westpark rd. 9
St Margaret's close, 36 Nethergate
D dBt Mary street, off Lochee road 8
St Mary's lane, Lochee, Burnside
street to 37 High street 3
St Mary's ter., top of St Mary st.
Dd^t Mary's pi., top of St Mary st. 8
St Matthew place, foot of St Mat-
K -t ' thew street 1
G dSt Matthew street, 68 Ferry road
N. to Watson street (Glebe) 1
Z> e St Peter street, 121 Perth road to-
2701 Hawkhill 9
St Roque's court, 112 Cowgate
F dBt Roque's lane, 210 Seagate ta
King street 1
St Salvador's close, 13 Overgate
i^ c St Salvador's street, foot of North
Church street 5
E d Salem street, 59 Constitution road
Salisbury place, 87 Arbroath rd. 1
Sandeman street, off Arklay st.
Sanderson's court, 222 Overgate
B d Scotswood terrace,top of Westpark
road 9'
Scott's angle, 5 Brown street
Scott's close, 97 Overgate
Scott's close, 6 Hawkhill
Scott's entry, 136 Princes street
C c Scott street, 38 Balgay street to-
Balgay approach 8-
D d Scouringburn, from Westi)ort ta
Polepark road 2, 8, 9
Sea close, 63 Yeaman shore
E e Sea wynd, 128 Nethergate 2
D e Seafield lane, 214 Perth road 2
D e Seafield road, 210 Perth road ta
39 Magdalen Yard road 2
Seaforth place, 15 Bonnybank rd,
F d Seagate, from High street to St
Roque's lane 1
Seaview place, top of Mains road
E d Session street, 11 Scoiiringburn ta
Guthrie street 8
E d Seymour place, Dudhoj)e street^
and Paradise road 6
Shaftesbury road, north of and
parallel to Clarendon terrace 9
G c Shamrock street, Maryfield 5
Shandon i^lace, 161 Albert street4
Sharp's lane, Lochee &
Shepherd's close, 146 Murraygate
C e Shepherd's loan, 324 Perth road
to 75 Magdalen green 2
Shepherd's square, 46 Hilltown
F e Shore terrace, or Mid shore, foot
of Castle st. to Greenmarket 2
Sime's alley, from Perth road to
Blackness road, on E. side of
Faringtonhall 9
Singleton pi. , 4 Baxter Park ter. 4
E e Small's lane, 38 Small's wynd 2
Small's lane, 176 High St., Lochee B
E e Small's wynd, 1 Perth road to 54
Hawkhill 2, 9
E d Smellie's lane, from Henderson's
W. wynd to 84 Lochee road 8
Smith's pend, 24 Session street
E c Smitlifield, a district top of Hill-
town 7
E d Soapwork lane, Irvine's E. 6
E c Somerville pi., top of Constitution
road 7
Somerville place, East, off upper
Constitution street 7
Soutar's close, 4 Westport
C 6 South rd., Bank St. to W., Lochee 3
Speed's close, 19 Overgate
Speed's terrace, Tait's lane 9
Spence's close, 1.54 Overgate
D e Springfield, 27 Perth road 9
G d Springhill, 180 Ferry road to Ar-
broath road 1
Springhill place, 144 Ferry road 1
Stanley buildings, 42 Union place,
Lochee 3
Stanley place, 17 Step row 2
Station lane, 94 South rd. , Lochee 3
D e Step row, 2.58 Perth road to 61
Magdalen gi-een 2
J) c Stewart street, 24 Baxter street 8
€ b Stewart street, Lochee, Mid street
to Liff road 3
Stewart's court, 8 St Koque's lane
Stewart's lane, Lochee 3
E c Stirling street, 238 Hilltown to
Carmichael street 7
Stobswell road, 30 Dura street 5
E h Strathmartine road, from top of
Hilltown to N. W. 3, 7
Strathmore place, 2 Park avenue
Strathmore road, Corso street to
Blackness road 9
F c Strathmore street, from Arklay
street to Court street 5
C g Strawberrybaixk, 342 Perth road
to 79 Magdalen green 2
F d Sugarhouse wynd, 53 Cowgate to
134 Seagate 1
Summerlea pi., top of Mains road
Sycamore place, 340 Loons road
D d Tait's lane, 269 Hawkhill 9
Talbert pi., 17-21 Strathmartine rd
E e Tally street, 54 Overgate to
Nethergate 2
F c Tannadice street, from Arklay
street to Court street 5
Tannage court, 7 Cowgate
Tay square, 12 Tay street 2
E e Tay street. South, 113 Nethergate
to 242 Overgate 2
E d Tay street, North, 249 Overgate
to N. 6, 8
Tay Street lane,107A Nethergate 2
jD e Tay terrace, 50-60 Magdalen Yard
road 2
Tawse's close, 108 Hilltown
Taylor street, from Liff road to
Mid street, Lochee 3
D e Taylor's lane, 298 Perth road to
73 Magdalen green 2
E d Temple lane, 30 Westport 2
Temple pL, 18 & 36a Westport 2
F c Thistle st., 27 Mains road to B. 5
Thomson place, 51 Wellgate
D e Thomson street, 228 Perth road
to 55 Magdalen green 2
Thomson's close, 72 Princes street
Thorn place, 219 Blackness road 8
Thornley terrace, Madeira street 5
Thorter row, 36 Overgate 2
Tindal's wynd, 4^ High street to
6 Shore terrace
Todburn entry, 49 Wellgate
Todburn lane, from William street,
King street, to Dens brae 4
Todd's entry, 175 Overgate
Tofthill, Union street, Lochee 3
F d Trades lane, from St Andrew's st.
to Dock street 1
Tullideph road, Lochee road to
Balgay street
E d Tulloch crescent, from top of
Dallfield Walk to Rosebank st. 6
Tulloch's close, 66 Wellgate
Union close, 25 Nethergate
Union court, 6 Thorter row
D e Union jjlace, 274 Perth road 2
D c Union pi., Lochee, 253 Lochee rd. 3
E e Union street and S. Union street,
42 Nethergate to Craig pier 2
F c Union st. , Max. , 80 Ann st. to N. 5
F d Union street, Joint-Stocks, from
Charles street to Kirk entry 6
Union street, High st., Lochee 3
E d Union ter., E. side of Constitu-
tion road ' 6
D d Ure street, 181 Hawkhill to 136
Blackness road 9
D d Urquhart street, from 172 Scour-
ingburn to Blackness road 8
Vault, 17 High street 2
Victoria buildings, 12 to 24 East
Dock street
Victoria bldgs., 23 Victoria road 4
F d Victoria chambers, 10 to 14 Victoria
road 6
Victoria crescent, 126 Victoria
Victoria place, south side of
Victoria street
F d Victoria road, from Bell street to
Dens road 4, 6
Victoria square, 43 Nethergate 1
F d Victoria street, top of Princes st.
to W. 4
Victoria terrace, 35 Victoria street
F 6Viewbank terrace, top of Mains
C d Viewforth street, 291 Hawkhill 9
Wallace street, 141 Princes street
to Blackscroft 1
Wallace's court, 114 Murraygate
Wallace's pend, 24a Hawkhill
Walrond street, Forfar road to
Chalmers street 5
2>(^ Walton street, 172 Scouringburn
to Forest Park road 8
Wannan's close, 42 Westport
E d Ward road (South), top of Bar-
rack street to North Tay street 6
E d Ward road, from foot of Consti-
tution road to North Tay st. 6
Washington buildings, 56 to 64
Peddie street
Waterloo place, 73 Annfield road
Watson terrace, top of Watson
G d Watson street, from Ferry road to
Baffin street 1
AVatson's close, 58 Hawkhill
D d Watson's lane, 133 Hawkhill 9
D d Watt street, 190 Hawkhill 9
Waverley lauildings, 66 to 74
Peddie street
Waverley buildings, 178 Scouring-
Well road, 150 Hawkhill
Well road, 108 Strathmartine
road 7
Wellbank lane, off Burnside street,
Lochee 3
F d Wellgate, from Murraygate to
foot of Hilltown 6
Wellington jilace, 1 Wellington st.
F d Wellington street, 98 Victoria road
to Ann street 4
F c Wellington street, N,, a continu-
ation of Wellington streettoN. 5
D e Westfield avenue, 172 Perth rd. 2
Westfield entry, 200 Perth road
D e Westfield lane, 188 Perth road
to 35 Magdalen Yard road 2
D e Westfield place, 186 Perth road
to 33 Magdalen Yard road 2
B c^Westpark road, from Perth road —
on the west side of the Cemetery
— to Blackness road 9
d Westport, west end of Over-
gate 2, 8
F e West Protection wall, from Craig
harbour to Tide harbour, front-
ing the river 1
West street, top of Paterson street
D e West wynd, 95 Perth rd. to 248
Hawkhill 9
F d Whale lane (East), 187 Seagate to
East Dock street 1
F d AVhale lane (West), 181 Seagate to
East Dock street 1
Whitehall chambs, 11 Whitehall
E e Whitehall cres., 9 Greenmarket
to Union street 2
E e Whitehall street, 6 Nethergate to
Whitehall crescent 2
F d Whitton street, King's road 4
Whitton's lane, 32^ King street
Whitton's pend, 25 Hawkhill
Whorterbank, 1 High st. , Lochee 3
D d Wilkie's lane, 141 Hawkhill 9
F d William street, 62 King street 4
F d William st. ,Forebank, 104 Victoria
road to Ann street 4
F c William street, N., continuation
of William street to N. 5
D d William street, 118 Scoiiringburn
to Blackness road 8
E d Willison street, 44 Barrack street
to N. Lindsay street 6
Wilson st. , 54 South road, Lochee 3
Wilson place, Wilson st. , Lochee
Windsor place, 79 Magdalen green
C e Windsor street, from W. end of
Magdalen green to Perth road 2
C cZ Windsor ter., 229-235 Perth rd. 9
F c Wolseley street, Dundonald street
toN. 5
Wolseley ter. , 1 to 5 Wolseley st.
Woodbine place, 14 Park avenue
Woodland place, 5 Park avenue
Woodlea place, top of Mains road
G cWoodville place, Forfar road to
Mains loan 5
E e Yeaman shore, foot of Union st. 2
Yeaman's alley, Lochee 3
Yea nan's close, 27 Overgate
Yeaman's lane, Lochee 3
York place, 98 Victoria road
( 28 )
The Rooms marked * are to let for Sales, Exhibitions, Meeting's, &c.
Albert Institute Buildings, Albert square, top of Reform street
Albert Square Free Church, Chapel street, Albert square
^Ancient Mason Lodge Hall, 79 High street
Ancrum Road Public School, Ancrum road, Lochee
*Argyle Hall, 1 Overgate
*Balbirnie Hall, 143 Victoria road
Balfoixr Street Public School, Balfour street
Bank of Scotland, 34 Reform street ; Branch office, 1 Victoria street
Baptist Church, 10 Rattray street, AVard road
Barracks, ajDiiroach by Constitution road and Barrack road
Baths (Public), West Protection Wall at Harbour ; District Baths, Guthrie st. 1
Baxter Park Free Church, Arbroath road, west side of Baxter Park \
Bell Street U.P. Church, West Bell street, at junction with Constitution road
Bellman Office, 73 Murraygate
Blackness Public School, 157 Blackness road
Blind, Institution for, 59 Magdalen green
Blind, Dundee Mission to the Outdoor — Office, 26 Castle street
Bog Mission Hall, North Church street, Lochee
Bonnethill Free Church, 203 Hilltown
Boys' Home, 9 West Bell street
Boys' (Working) Home, 3 West Bell street
British Linen Company Bank, 83 Murraygate and 41 Westport
Brown Street Public School, 15 Brown street
*Buchan's Hall, 24 Bank street
Burgh Engineer's Office, 91 Commercial street
Butterburn U.P. Church, foot of Hill street
*Butterburn U.P. Church Hall, foot of Hill street
Butterburn Public School, 69 Strathmartine road, Butterburn
Cab Stances (see Hackney Carriages, page 62)
Caird Home for Nurses, 1 Park place
*Camperdown Hall, 22 Barrack street
Castle Street Congregational Church, 24 Castle street
Catholic Ai^ostolic Church, Dudhope Crescent road, Constitution road
Cattle Market, East Dock street
Cattle Depot (Foreign), Carolina port. East Camperdown street
Cemeteries Office, 93 Commercial street
Cemetery Office, Western Cemetery, Perth road
Chalmers Free Chvirch, Hunter street
Chamber of Commerce, Royal Exchange, Panmure street
Chapelshade Established Church, 27 Constitution road
Chapelshade Free Church, 9 Constitution road
Charity Organization Society — Office, 7 West Bell street
Children's Free Breakfast Mission Hall, 17 Constitution road
Children's Shelter, 22 Garland place. Constitution road
City Architect's Office, 32 Bank street
*City Assembly Rooms, foot of Castle street
City Chamberlain's Office, City Chambers, 14^ High street
City Chambers, 14^ High street
City Churches — comprising St Mary's, or the Parish Church of Dundee ; St
Paul's, or Sovith Church ; and St Clement's, or Steei)le Church, Nether-
gate, opposite Union street
City Engineer's Office, 91 Commercial street
Clepington Established Church, top of Isla street
Clepington Public School, 54 Cotton road
Clydesdale Bank, east end of High street
Collector of Poor Rates for Dundee Combination, 1 St Clement's lane
Collector of Inland Revenue, 31 Bank street
Commercial Bank, 85 Commercial street
Conservative Reading Rooms, 41 Reform street ; 29 Isles lane ; 150 Hilltown ;
High Street, Lochee
Constitution Road Chapel, 5 Constitution road
Convalescent House, 14 William street, Victoria road
Convalescent Home, Barnhill, Broughty Ferry
"Cooper's Hall, 31 Benvie road
Courthouse Buildings, West Bell street
Cowgate Public School, 56 Cowgate
Curling Pond, Stobsmuir, Pitkerro road
Curr Night Refuge, 5 West Bell street
Customhouse, Dock street, east side of King William dock
*Cutlers' Hall, 138 Murraygate
Day Nurseries, 33 Isles' lane, 33 Lilybank road, and 52 Cotton road
Deaf and Dumb, Dundee Mission to Adult — Rooms, 31 Reform street
Deaf and Dumb Institution, 165 Lochee road
Drill Hall, Parker square, West Bell street
Dudhope Crescent Road U.P. Church, Dudhope Crescent road
Dudhope Free Church, Lochee road, opisosite Polepark road
Dudhope Public School, St Mary's place, St Mary street
Dundee Advertiser Office, 7 to 25 Bank street
Dundee Courier Office, 34 North Lindsay street
*Dundee Hall, 17 Barrack street
Dundee, Perth, and London Shipping Company's Office, 5 Shore terrace
Eastern Club, 3 Albert square
Electric Lighting Central Station, Dudhope Crescent road
Evening Telegraph Office, 7 to 25 Bank street
Excise Office, 31 Bank street
Eye Institution, 86 Nethergate
Female Rescue Home, 18 Union place, Lochee
Fire Engine Stations : Central Police Office ; Northern Police Office, 66 Union
street, Maxwelltown ; behind Customhouse, west corner, Dundee ; and
Police Office, Lochee
Fish Market, Craig street
*Forfar and Kincardine Masonic Lodge Hall, 13 Meadow street
Free Library, Museum, and Victoria Art Galleries, Albert Institute buildings,
Albert square, top of Reform street
Friends' Institute and Meeting House, Whitehall crescent
Gas Commissioners' Office, 89 Commercial street— Works, East Dock street
*Gilfillan Memorial Church, Whitehall crescent
Girls' (Working) Home, 25 Forebank road
Glasite Meeting-House, 4 King street
Glebe Lands Public School, 2 Glebe street
*Good Templar Hall, 51 Reform street
*Gray's Assembly Rooms, 22 Perth road
Guild Clerk's Office, 10 Meadowside
Guild Hall, Townhouse, High street
"'Guthrie Street Hall, top of Guthrie street
Gymnasium, 16 Ward road
Harbour Clerk's and Engineer's Offices, Customhouse buildings, Dock street
Harbour Police Office, east side Customhouse
Harris Academy, Park place
Hawkhill Public School, 245 Hawkhill ; New Hawkhill School, 280 Hawkhill
Hawkhill U.P. Church, 98 Hawkhill
*Hazel Hall, 31 Nethergate
Hebrew Church, 7 Ward road
High (Free) Church, top of Hospital wynd
High School, top of Eeform street
High School for Girls, Euclid crescent and Euclid street
Hill Street Public School, at junction of Hill street with Strathmartine road
Hillbank Mission Hall, 57 Cotton road
Hilltown Christian Mission Hall, 21 Hilltown
Hilltown Free Church, North Wellington street
Hilltown Mission Hall, 42 and 44 Hilltown
" Home," 23 Paton's lane
Hunter Street Public School, 19 Hunter street
Incurables, Home for, 12 King street
Industrial Schools : Girls, Ward road ; Boys, Baldovan
Inland Revenue Offices, 29 and 31 Bank street
Institution for the Blind, 59 Magdalen green
*Jamaica Street Hall, 7 Jamaica street
James' U.P. Church, Bell street, at junction with Euclid crescent *
Justice of Peace Clerk's Office, 23 High street
Kingscross Hospital, Clepington road
*Kinnaird Hall, 6 Bank street
Larch Street Hall, 3 Larch street
Lawside Convent, Gardner street
Liberal Club, 107 Murraygate
Liff Road Public School, 1 Liff road
Lindsay Street Independent Church, 31 North Lindsay street
Lloyd's Surveyor's Office, 26 East Dock street
Lochee Baptist Church, Union street, Lochee
Lochee Established Church, Brown street, Lochee
Lochee Free Church, High street, Lochee
Lochee Literary Association Reading Rooms, High street, Lochee
Lochee Road U.P. Church, Logie street, Lochee
Lochee U.P. Church, High street, Lochee
*Lochee U.P. Church Hall, 6 Nicol's lane, Lochee
*Lochee Weavers' Hall, High street, Lochee
Lochee Young Women's Christian Association Rooms, High street, Lochee
Logie Established Church, Scott street, off Balgay street
Logie Hall, Scott street, off Balgay street
Long Wynd (Old St Enoch's) Baptist Church, 10 Long wynd
M'Cheyne Free Church, 328 Perth road
Martyrs Free Church, Annfield road
Maryfield Established Church, Morgan street
Mercantile Marine Office, Sailors' Home buildings, 63 Dock street
Mitchell Street Public School, Mitchell street
Morgan Academy, Forfar road, top of Albert street
Morison Evangelical Union Church, top of Guthrie street
Museum, Albert Institute buildings, Albert square
National Bank, 71 Keform street ; Branch, 115 Hilltown
North Clepington School, top of Melrose terrace
North of Scotland Bank, 24 High street, top of Crichton street ; branch, 93
High street, Lochee
Ogilvie Free Church, top of Albert street
Ogilvie Free Church Mission Hall, Dundonald street i
Old Butterburn Public School, Well road, Butterburn »
Operative Bakers' House of Call, 15 Vault
*Operative Mason Lodge Hall, 43 Overgate
*Operative Masons' Hall, 7 Tally street
*Operative Tailors' Hall, 51 Overgate
Original Secession Church, Euclid crescent
Orphan Institution, 133 Ferry road
Painters' Hall, 71 High street
*Panmure Hall, 6 Bain square
Panmure St. Independent Church, Panmure st., at junction with Euclid ores.
Park U.P. Church, 16 Park avenue
Parochial Board Offices, Townhouse buildings, 4 Vault and 1 St Clement's lane
Parochial Sick Hospital, Mains loan
People's Friend Office, 7 to 25 Bank street
People's Journal Office, 7 to 25 Bank street
People's Palace, 160 Nethergate
Piper o' Dundee Office, 17 and 19 Cowgate
Plymouth Brethren Meeting Houses, 6 Bain square and 3 Sea wynd
Police Office, Jail, and Bridewell, West Bell street — District stations, 194
Scouringburn, 144 Princes street, 64 Union street, Maxwelltown, and
at east end of Dock street, Dundee : and South road, Lochee
Police Treasurer and Collector's Office, 95 Commercial street
Poor Houses : East — toji of Eliza street ; West — 205 Blackness road
Post Office, top of Reform street ; Branch office. Customhouse buildings^
Dock street ; Receiving offices at 90 King street, 128 Hilltown, 27
Strathmartine road, 142 Scouringburn, 113 Perth road, 199 Princes street,
12 Ferry road, 65 Hawkhill, 183 Blackness road, 28 Dundonald street, and
64 High street, Lochee
Princes Street Congregational Church, 157 Princes street
*Princes Street Halls, 157 Princes street
Procurator Fiscal's Office, Courthouse buildings. West Bell street
Public Weighhouse and Warehouse, 23 Greenmarket
Railway Stations — Caledonian, South Union street; North British, east end of
Esplanade; Dundee and Arbroath, East Dock street. West End Stations
— ^Caledonian, Magdalen green ; North British, vv^est end of Esplanade.
Lochee Station — Caledonian, Old Muirton road, Lochee. Fairmuir and
Maryfield Goods Stations, Clepington road
Refuge Home, 18 Union place and Gordon street, Lochee
Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages — see page 42
Rosebank Established Church, Constitution street
*Rosebank Hall, 62 Rosebank street
Rosebank Sessional School, 20 Rosebank street
Rosebank Public School, Tulloch crescent
Royal Bank of Scotland, 22 Castle street and 97 Murraygate ; Branch offiees,
36 Westport, 22 King street, and 122 High street, Lochee
Royal Exchange, Panmure street
Royal Infirmary, Barrack road
Royal Lunatic Asylum, Westgreen, LifiE
Eussell Chapel, Independent Church, 179 Hawkhill
Ryehill U.P. Church, 79 Perth road
'St Andrew's Established Church, King street, opposite St Andrew's street
St Andrew's Free Cluirch, Meadowside, opposite Baltic street
■St Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, 152 Nethergate
St Andrew's Roman Catholic Schools : Boys, 38 Tay st. ; Girls, 174 Overgate
St Andrew's School, 2 William street, Victoria road
St Clement's, or Steejile Church (Established), Nethergate, opposite Union st.
St David's Established Church, North Tay street
St David's Free Church, west end of Ward road
St David's Masonic Hall, 8 Bank street
St Enoch's Established Church, 79 Nethergate
St John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 116 Albert street
St John's, or Cross Church (Established), 57 Tay street
St John's Free Chiirch, 122 Perth road
St John's Free Church School, 40 Park wynd
St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, AVilkie's lane. Blackness road
St Joseph's Roman Catholic Reading Room, 2 Larch street
St Luke's Established Church, High street, Lochee
St Margaret's Episcojjal Church, Ancrum road, Lochee
St Margaret's Infant School, St Ann street, Lochee
St Mark's Established Church, Greenfield place, 158 Perth'^oad
St Martin's Episcopal School, 67 Derby street
St Mary's, or the Parish Church of Dundee, Nethergate, opx^osite Union street
St Mary Magdalene's Episcoi^al Chapel, 11 Blinshall street
St Mary's Roman Catholic Church, 34 Forebank road
St Mary's Roman Catholic Church and School, St Mary's lane, Lochee
St Mary's Roman Catholic Reading Rooms, Burnside street, Lochee
St Mary's Roman Catholic Schools, 32 Forebank road
St Mary's Roman Catholic Infant School, Powrie place, Ann street
St Matthew's Established Church, 78 Ferry road
St Patrick's Hall, 38 Tay street
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, 59 Lilybank road
St Patrick's Roman Catholic School, Lilybank road
St Paul's, or South Church (Established), Nethergate, opposite Union street
St Paul's Free Church, 116 Nethergate
St Paul's Episcopal Church and School, Castlehill, top of Seagate
St Peter's Free Church, St Peter street
St Salvador's Episcopal Church and School, top of St Salvador street
. St Stephen's Roman Catholic Schools, 2 Larch street
St Stephen's Young Men's Hall, 2 Larch street
St Thomas' Established Church, Logieden, Lochee road
Sailors' Home, 62 Dock street
Sailors' Reading-room, east side of Customhouse
Salem Chapel, Salem street, 59 Constitution road
Salvation Army Halls — Arcade, Lindsay st., Larch st., and Rosebank st.
Sanitary Inspector's Ofliice, Courthouse square and West Bell street
Savings Bank, 2 Euclid street ; Branch Offices — 28 Strathmartine road, and
67 High street, Lochee
School Wynd U.P. Chiirch, 6 South Lindsay street
School Board Office, 32 Castle street
Scottish Fancier and Rural Gazette Office, 17 and 19 Cowgate
Seamen's Chapel, Candle lane
Session Clerk's Office, 52 Bell street
Sheriff Clerk's Office, Courthouse buildings. West Bell street
Shipping Office, Sailors' Home buildings, Candle lane
Shore Dues Office, Customhouse buildings, Dock street
Sick Poor Nursing Society — Caird Home for Nurses, 1 Park place
Skating Ponds, Stobsmuir, Pitkerro road
Smithfield Episcopal School, 67 Derby street
South Road Public School, 77 South road
Stamps and Taxes — Assessor and Surveyor's Office, 29 Bank street
*Strathmore Hall, 3 Sea wynd, Nethergate
Tay Ferries Office and Station, Craig pier. South Union street
Tay Square U.P. Church, Tay square, Tay street
Tay Street Public School, 46 South Tay street
Technical Institute, Small's wynd
Telegraph Offices — at General Post Office, top of Reform street ; Branch Post
Office — Customhovise buildings, Dock st. ; at 128 Hilltown, 113 Perth road,
199 Princes street, 65 Hawkhill, 142 Scouringburn, Caledonian "West
station, Taybridge station, and East Station
Theatre — Her Majesty's Theatre and Opera House, Seagate
Town and County Bank, 5 Albert square, Meadowside
Town Clerk's Office, City Chambers, 14J High street
^"Trades' Hall, King's road
Trinity Evangelical Union Church, 74 Victoria road
Union Bank, 2 Panmure street
Unitarian Christian Church, 53 Constitution road
University College, 149 Nethergate
University Club, 104 Nethergate
Victoria Art Galleries, Albert square
*Victoria Hall, 52 Victoria road
*Victoria Hall, High street, Lochee
Victoria Road Public School, King's road, Victoria road
Victoria Street U.P. Church, Victoria st., at junction with Brown Constable st.
Wallacetown Established Chiirch, Crescent street, opposite Church street
Wallacetown Public School, Crescent street
Ward Chapel, Independent Church, foot of Constitution road
Water Commissioners' Office, 95 Commercial street ; Manager's Office, 93
Commercial street
Weekly News Office, 34 North Lindsay street
Wellburn Roman Catholic Institiition, Liff road, Lochee
Wellgate Free Church, 45 Dudhope street
*Wellgate Hall, 59 Wellgate
Wesleyan Methodist Churches, 17 Ward road, and foot of Wellington street
Western Club, 1 New Inn entry. High street
Willison Free Church, 56 Barrack street
Wishart U.P. Church, 108 Cowgate
*Young Men's Christian Association Rooms, 10 Constitution road
*Young Women's Christian Association Rooms, 33 Tay street
(PUBLIC PARKS. — Balgay Park, west end Blackness road ; Baxter Park, north
side of Arbroath road ; Bleaching Green, west side of Constitution road ;
Fairmuir, east side of Strathmartine road ; Law Hill, north of Adelaide
place ; Magdalen Green, foot of Magdalen Yard road ; Stobsmuir,
Pitkerro road ; Barrack Park, Barrack road ; Lochee Park, Ancrum road.
' 3
( 34 )
W-ARD First. — On the east by the eastern boundarj' of the burgh ; on the
south by the river Tay ; on the west by a line commencing at the top of Castle
street, and thence running southward along Castle street to Dock street, and
thence southward to the Royal arch at the harbour of Dundee, and thence
through the centre of said arch in a straight line southward to the river Tay ;
and on the north by High street, Murraygate, Cowgate, King street, Princes
street, and the Dundee and Arbroath (of old turnpike) road to the eastern
boundary of the burgh.
Ward Second.— On the south bj' the river Tay; on the east by the western
boundary of Ward First ; on the west by the western boundary of the burgh ;
and on the north and north-west by a line commencing on the Dundee and
Invergowrie (of old turnpike) road, commonly called the Perth road, where said
road intersects the municipal boundary, and from thence running eastward along
the said road to the point where it is joined by Small's wynd, and thence north-
ward along Small's wynd to and crossing the Hawkhill and thence northwards
to and along Hunter street to Scouringburn, and from thence eastward along
Scouringburn, Westport, Overgate, and High street, to the top of Castle street.
Ward Third.— Commencing on the road from Dundee to Coupar- Angus
commonly called the Lochee road, at a point thereon nearly opposite Logie
Farm steading where an unnamed road leading off said Lochee road to the
Lawside road begins, and from thence running along said unnamed road to said
Lawside road, and from thence northward along said Lawside road to the
Loons road, and from thence eastward and northward and eastward again along
said Loons road to the junction of Hospital street with said road, and from
thence northwards along Hospital street to the Clepington road, and thence
eastward along the said Clepington road to its intersection by the Strath-
martine road, and thence northward along the Strathmartine road to the
northern boundary of the extended burgh, and thence north-westward along
said northern boundary to King's Cross, and from thence westward along the
northern boundary of the burgh to its north-west point, and from thence south-
ward along the western boundar)' of the burgh to a point in said western
boundary straight west from the western termination of the road south of
Billhead Farm Steading, and from thence eastward to and along said road to
its junction with the northern approach to Balgay park, thence northward and
eiistward along said northern approach to its junction with Ancrum road, and
from thence eastward along said Ancrum road to opposite Gibb's lane, thence
in a straight line south-eastward to the point in said Lochee road where it
Ward Fourth. — On the east by the eastern boundary of the burgh ; on the
south by the northern boundary of Ward First ; on the west by King's road and
Forebank road ; and on the north and north-west by Ann street of Maxwelltown,
to its junction with the roadway of Hillbank road and Cotton road, and from
thence along said roadway to Laing street, and from thence along Laing street
crossing Dens road to and along Dura street, and continuation thereof to the
Pitkerro (of old turnpike) road, and from thence along said road to the north-
easterly boundary of the burgh at Stobsmuir.
Ward Fifth. — On the south and south-east by the northern boundary of
Ward Fourth from the eastern to the western termination thereof, and from said
western termination along Ann street to the Hilltown ; on the west by the
Hilltown from the junction of Ann street therewith) northward to Mains road,
and from thence northward along Mains road to its junction with the Provost
road, and from thence along the Provost road to Clepington road, and from
thence northward in a straight line to the northern boundary of the extended
bnrgh, and from thence eastward along the north and north-east boundary of
the burgh to the north-easterly point of said boundary at Stobsmuir.
Ward Sixth. — Commencing at the western termination of the Overgate at
its intersection by North Tay street and South Tay street, and thence along
North Taj' street and the Lochee road to the point where Dudhope Crescent
road leads off the said Lochee road, and from thence along Dudhope Crescent
road to Constitution road, and from thence northward along Constitution road
to the point where Constitution street leads off the said road, and from thence
eastward along Constitution street to its termination in Rosebank street, and
from thence southward and eastward along the said street to its junction with
the Hilltown. and from thence along Ann street to the point where Forebank
road joins said Ann street, and thence southward along Forebank road and
King's road to King street, and from thence westward along King street and
Cowgate, and south-westward along Murraygate, High street, and Overgate to
the point where it commenced.
Ward Seventh. — Commencing in Constitution road, at the junction of
Dudhope Crescent road with said Constitution road, and from thence leading
northward along said Constitution road to its junction with Constitution street,
and thence along said Constitution street to its junction with Rosebank street,
and thence southward and eastward along said Rosebank street to its junction
with the Hilltown, and thence northward along the Hilltown and Mains road and
Provost road to Clepington road, and from thence in a straight line north to
the northern boundary of the extended burgh, and from thence westward
along said northern boundary to Strathmartine road, and from thence south-
ward along said Strathmartine road to said Clepington road, and from thence
westward along said Clepington road to the point where Hospital street joins
the said road, and from thence southward along said Hospital street to Loons
road, and from thence westward and southward and westward again along
Loons road to Lawside road, and from thence southward and eastward and
southward again along Lawside road to Dudhope terrace, and from thence
westward along the northern boundary of Barrack park to its western boundar}',
and from thence southward along its western boundary to Lochee road, and
from thence south-eastward along Lochee road to its junction with Dudhope
Crescent road, and from thence eastward along Dudhope Crescent road to
Constitution road where it commenced.
Ward Eighth.— Commencing on the east at the eastern termination of
Westport at its intersection by South Tay street and North Tay street, and
from thence northward and westward along North Tay street and the Lochee
read to a point in said road immediately opposite the western boundary of the
Barrack park, and from thence northward along said western boundary to the
northern boundary of said Barrack park, and from thence eastward along said
northern boundary to Dudhope terrace, and from thence northward and westward
along Lawside road, to the unnamed road leading from the Dundee and Coupar-
Angus road, commonly called the Lochee road, to said Lawside road, forming part
of the boundary of Ward Third, and from thence along the southern boundary of
Ward Third to the western boundary of the parliamentarj' burgh, and from
thence southward along said western boundary of the parliamentary burgh to
the Blackness road, and from thence eastward along said Blackness road and
Scouringburn and the Westport to the point where it commenced.
Ward Ninth.— Commencing on the west boundary of the burgh, in the said
Dundee and Invergowrie (of old turnpike) road, commonly called the Perth
road, where such boundary is intersected by said road, and from thence running
eastward along said road to its junction with Small's wynd, and from thence
running north-westward along Small's wynd to and crossing the Hawkhill, and
thence northwards to and along Hunter street to the junction of the latter with
the Scouringburn road, and from thence running along Scouringburn road to
its junction with Blackness road, and thence westward along the Blackness road
to the western boundary of the burgh, and from thence running down said
western boundary to the point where it commenced.
And it is declared that the said several boundaries of the said several wards
ran along the centres of the streets and roads by which thej' are declared to be
bounded, except where the contrary is particularly mentioned ; and as to any
streets, grounds, houses, or places within the boundaries of the burgh not em-
braced in any of the special descriptions before mentioned, the same shall be
held to belong to that ward to which any such streets, grounds, houses, or
places are severally next adjacent; and in case of any dispute, the same shall
be decided by the Provost or acting Chief Magistrate of Dundee for the time
Public Holidays. — New Year's Day, Second Mondays of April and October,
Queen's Birthday ; Summer Holidays, beginning fourth Monday of July.
Bank Holidays.— New Year's Day, Good Friday, first Mondays in May and
August, Christmas Day.
Trades Holidays. — Engineers, second Saturday of June ; Builders, last
Saturday of August.
Quarterly Terms. — Candlemas, 2nd February ; Whitsunday, 15th May ;
Lammas, 1st August; Martinmas, 11th November; removal terms, 28th May
and 28th November.
Movable Festivals, &c., for 1894-95. —
1894. 1895.
May 24— Corpus Christi. April 7. — Palm Sunday.
Oct. 31— Hallowe'en. ,, 12— Good Friday.
Nov. 30— St Andrew's Day. „ 14— Easter Sunday.
Dec. 2 — Advent Sunday. „ 19— Primrose Day.
1895. May 19— Rogation Sunday.
Jan. 6— Epiphany. „ 23— Ascension Dav.
Feb. 10— Septuagesima Sunday. June 2— Pentecost— Whitsundav.
„ 14- St Valentine's Day. ,, 9— Trinity Sunday.
„ 27— Ash Wednesday. ,, 13— Corpus Christi.
Mar. 17— St Patrick's Dav.
Stobb's Fair, for Cattle, Sheep, and Horses, is held on the first Tuesday
after the 11th of July.
Dundee First Fair, for Cattle and Horses, is held on 26th August, but if
that day fall upon a Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, then the first Tuesday
Dundee Latter Fair, for Cattle and Horses, is held on the 19th September
— the same rule applying as with the First Fair.
Bell's Fair — Feeing Market— is held on the first Friday of October.
N.B. — These Markets are held at the Fairmuir, Strathmartine road.
" Flit-Fridays," or the Term Feeing Markets, are held on 28th May and
28th November, if these dates fall on a Tuesday or Friday, failing which, on the
first Tuesday or Friday thereafter.
A Weekly Cattle and Sheep Market is held every Tuesday forenoon, at
the New Cattle Market, Carolina port.
Market Days— Tuesday and Friday.
( 37 )
POPULATION. — According to the Census returns, the population of
Dundee in 1891 was 154,118, and in 1894 it is estimated at 158,719. Parlia-
mentary Constituency for 1893-94, 18,330. Municipal Constituency— Males,
18,481; females, 4,391; total, 22,872.
VALUATION OF THE BURGH.— The Valuation of the Burgh for the
year 1893-94 is £700,455 5s, as against £682,269 18s for 1892-93. Increase,
£18,185, 7s.
Kinbrae, Newport-on-Tay), House of Commons, London. Edmund Robert-
son, 4 Essex court. Temple, London, E.C.
Lord Provost — James Low, Allan street.
Lord Dean of Guild— George Brodie Paul, 11 Whitehall street
Treasurer —George Willsher, 12 Candle lane.
William Doig, 9 High street.
James Perrie, 173 High street, Lochee.
William Stephenson, 30 Guthrie street.
Duncan Macdonald, 24 Thomson street.
Daniel S. Smith, 4 High street.
James Foggie, 2 Raglan street.
Ward First.
Wm. Mudie, Westmarch, Monifieth
George Ritchie, 34 Seagate.
Peter Adamson, 4 Allan street.
Ward Second.
George Willsher, 12 Candle lane.
John Stuart, 24 East Dock street.
Alexander Speed, 82 High street.
Ward Third.
Alex. Elliot, 123 High street, Lochee.
Bailie Jas. Perrie, 173 High st., Lochee.
John Bruce, Burnside street, Lochee.
Ward Fourth.
Peter Craig Storrie, 32^ King street.
Alexander Low, 34 King street.
James Duncan, 23 Victoria road.
Ward Fifth.
William Hunter, 11 Wellgate.
Bailie James Foggie, 2 Raglan street.
Francis Stevenson, 30 Meadowside.
Ward Sixth.
Bailie William Doig, 9 High street.
Robert Keith, 87 High street.
David H. Ferrier, 2 Hilltown.
Ward Seventh.
Hugh Ballingall, 6 Ash street.
Bailie Daniel S. Smith, 4 High street.
Lord Provost James Low, Allan street.
Ward Eighth.
William Nixon, 7 Ward road.
Bailie Wm. Stephenson, 30 Guthrie st.
Daniel J. M'Kinnon, 121 HawkhUl.
Ward Ninth.
Bailie D. Macdonald, 24 Thomson st. | William Brownlee, 52 Small's wynd.
William Blair, 221 Overgate.
List of Committees— Property and Esplanade Committee— D. H. Ferrier,
Convener. Bailies Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; The Lord Dean
of Guild ; Treasurer Willsher ; Councillors Adamson, Mudie, Ritchie, Stuart,
Speed, Elliot, Bruce, Storrie, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keith, Ferrier,
Ballingall, Nixon, M'Kinnon, Brownlee, Blair.
Finance Committee, including Law— Treasurer Willsher, Convener. Bailies
Doig, Perrie, Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie; The Lord Dean of
Guild ; Councillors Adamson, Mudie, Ritchie, Stuart, Speed, Elliot, Bruce,
Storrie, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keith, Nixon, M'Kinnon, Blair.
Committee on Hospital Fvmd and Johnston's Charity — Peter Adamson,
Convener. Bailies Doig, Perrie, Stephenson, Macdonald, Foggie ; The Lord
Dean of Guild ; Treasurer Willsher ; Councillors Mudie, Ritchie, Adamson.
Speed, Storrie, Stevenson, Terrier, M'Kinnon, Brownlee.
Council Representatives at Meetings of Commissioners of Supply — Lord
Provost Low ; Lord Dean of Guild Paul ; Treasurer Willsher ; Councillors
Mudie, Ritchie, Stevenson, Keith, Ballingall.
N.B. — The Lord Provost is a Member of all Committees, and Members of
Council are entitled to attend all Meetings of Committees, though not Mem-
bers, but without voting.
Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Town Clerk — oflfice, City chambers. David
Bannerman, City Chamberlain — office, City chambers. William Alexander,
City Architect — office, 32 Bank street. James Robertson, Council Officer,
City chambers. Thomas Nicoll, jun., Inspector of Weights and Measures
— office, 29 North Lindsay street.
Public Analyst — George D. Macdougald, 13 Shore terrace.
POLICE COMMISSIONERS.— The Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town
Council are also the Commissioners of Police for the Burgh. The following
are the Committees appointed by the Commissioners : —
Police Committee, including Watching and Fire Engines — Bailies Doig,
Perrie, Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; Lord Dean of Guild Paul ;
Councillors Willsher, Mudie, Ritchie, Adamson, Stuart, Speed, Elliot, Bruce,
Storrie, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keith, Ferrier, Ballingall, Nixon,
M'Kinnon, Blair ; Councillor Willsher, Convener.
Lighting Committee — Bailies Perrie, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; Councillors
Mudie, Adamson, Speed, Elliot, Low, Duncan, Ferrier, Nixon, M'Kinnon,
Blair ; Councillor Mudie, Convener.
Works Committee, including Paving and Flagging of Streets, and Tramways
— Bailies Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; Lord Dean of Guild Paul ;
Councillors Bruce, Mudie, Ritchie, Adamson, Willsher, Stuart, Speed, Elliot,
Storrie, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keith, Ferrier, Ballingall, Nixon,
M'Kinnon, Brownlee, Blair ; Councillor Bruce, Convener.
Finance Committee, including Law — Councillor Ritchie, Convener. The
Conveners of all the other stated Committees of the Commission ; Bailies
. Doig, Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; Lord Dean of Guild Paul ;
Councillors Ritchie, Adamson, Stuart, Speed, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Keith,
Nixon, Blair.
Improvement Committee — Lord Provost Low, Convener. All the Board.
Sanitary Committee, including the Hospital and all Sanitary and Public
Health Matters, and also Lodging-Houses, but not including what is specially
assigned to the Cleansing Committee — Bailies Doig, Perrie, Stephenson, Mac-
donald, Smith, Foggie ; Councillors Elliot, Mudie, Ritchie, Willsher, Stuart,
Speed, Bruce, Storrie, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keith, Ferrier,
Ballingall, Nixon, M'Kinnon, Blair; Councillor Elliot, Convener.
Cleansing Committee, applicable to Cleansing of Streets, &c., and Disposal
of Refuse, &c., and Urinals, and Horse Troughs — Bailies Perrie, Stephenson,
Macdonald, Smith, Foggie; Councillors Mudie, Ritchie, Willsher, Stuart,
Speed, Elliot, Bruce, Storrie, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keith,
Ballingall, Nixon, M'Kinnon, Blair ; Bailie Perrie, Convener,
Recreation Grounds Committee, including Balgay Hill — Bailies Doig, Perrie,
Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; Councillors Storrie, Mudie, AVillsher,
Stuart, Speed, Elliot, Bruce, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Stevenson, Keitli, Ferrier,
Nixon, M'Kinnon, Blair ; Councillor Storrie, Convener.
Baths Committee — Bailies Stephenson, Macdonald, Smith, Foggie ; Coun-
cillors Stevenson, Mudie, Adamson, Willsher, Stuart, Speed, Elliot, Bruce,
Storrier, Low, Duncan, Hunter, Keith, Ferrier, Nixon, Blair ; Councillor
Stevenson, Convener.
Markets, &c. , Committee — Bailies Perrie, Stephenson, Smith, Foggie ;
Councillors M'Kinnon, Mudie, Willsher, Stuart, Speed, Elliot, Bruce, Low,
Duncan, Hunter, Ferrier, Ballingall, Nixon, Blair ; Councillor M'Kinnon,
N.B. — The Lord Provost is a Member of all the Committees of the Board.
Two Members of each of the above Committees are a quorum.
Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Clerk; William Thornton, Depute-Clerk —
office, 15 Albert square. James Smith, Collector and Treasurer — office, 95
Commercial street. William Mackison, Surveyor and Master of Works —
office, 91 Commercial street. David Dewar, Chief Constable and Procurator
Fiscal — office, West Bell street.
WATEE COMMISSION, consisting of all the Members of the Town Council
of Dundee ; and J. G. Orchar, Provost ; W. N. Machan, First Bailie ; and
David Whyte, of Broughty Ferry ; and Alex. Scott, Provost, Newport.
Works Committee — Two a quorum — Councillor Brownlee, Convener. All
the members of the Commission.
Finance Committee — Two a quorum — Councillor Nixon, Convener. All
the members of the Commission.
George Baxter, Engineer and Manager — office, 93 Commercial street. James
Smith, Treasurer — office, 95 Commercial street.
DUNDEE BUEIAL BOAED.— The Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council
are the Parochial Board for burial ground purposes.
Works Committee — All the Members of the Board — Peter C. Storrie, Con-
vener. Finance Committee— All the Members of the Board — Peter C. Storrie,
Convener. Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Clerk. James Smith, Treasurer.
Burial Grounds. — Eastern Necropolis, Arbroath road; Western Necro-
polis, Balgay hill; New Burying Ground, Constitution road; Howff,
Meadowside ; St Peter's, Perth road ; St Andrew's, Cowgate ; Eoodyards,
Ferry road ; and Logie Churchyard, Lochee road.
John Carnochan, Superintendent, 93 Commercial street — Office open during
the week from 9 a.m. till 12 noon, 1.30 p.m. till 3 p.m., and from 6 till 7
evening; and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. till 12 noon only. Offices at the
Eastern Necroiaolis and Western Necropolis oi)en during the day.
Peter C. Storrie, Convener of Committee. John Carnochan, Superintendent,
93 Commercial street.
CITY POLICE ESTABLISHMENT.— Central Office, West Bell street.
District Stations — Northern Office, Union street, MaxAvelltown ; Eastern Office,
Princes street ; Western Office, Scouringburn ; Lochee Office, South road,
Lochee ; Harbour Office, Dock street. David Dewar, Chief Constable and
Procurator-Fiscal. One deputy chief constable, three lieutenants, eight
inspectors, ten detective officers, fourteen sergeants, and one hundred and
sixty-nine constables. Total strength, 206.
Sanitary Department.— West Bell street. Thomas Kinnear, Chief
Inspector, one sanitary inspector, five practical inspectors, five sanitary
officers, two clerks, and one van driver.
Cleansing Department. — One inspector, five foremen, one hundred and
seventy scavengers and carters, three blacksmiths, and three joiners. James
Arthur, Inspector, Dock Street.
Judges op Police Court. — The Lord Provost and Bailies of the Burgh.
Thomas Thornton, Assessor ; William Thornton, Depute-Assessor.
H.M. Prison. — West Bell street. Wm. Geddes, Governor ; Jas. W. Miller,
M.D., Surgeon; Rev. David R. Robertson, Chaplain; Eight Rev. Mons.
Clapperton, V.G., Roman Catholic Visiting Clergyman ; Miss M'Kay, Matron ;
one Head Warder, one Clerk, nine Second Class Warders, three Second
Class Female Warders, and two Harmoniumists.
Fire Brigade. — Superintendent, Robert Ramsay. Central Station — West
Bell street ; Captams, G. Matthew and John Ramsay ; twelve firemen. Har- j
boxir Station — Customhouse ; Captain, Richard Gracey ; three firemen. , J
Northern Station — 66 Union street, MaxwelltoAvn ; Captain, Chas. Marshall ; ^
three firemen. Lochee Station ; Captain, Alex. Hamilton ; three firemen.
GAS COMMISSION.— Office, 89 Commercial street ; Works, Peep-o'-Day.
Members ex officio — Lord Provost Low, Chairman ; Bailie Doig ; Lord Dean of
Guild Paul ; William Nicoll, Convener of the Nine Trades. Elected Members —
From the Town Council — Bailie Macdonald ; Councillors M'Kinnon, Speed,
Hunter, Brownlee. From the Guildry — James Mitchell, Hugh Ballingall,
T. S. Blakeney, Robert Keith. From the Chamber of Commerce — A. H. Foggie,
R. O. Parker, David M'Intyre, James Berry, James Guthrie. From the
Nine Trades — Thomas D. Smibert. From the Three Trades — W. S. Smith.
Finance Committee — All the Members of Board — Jas. Mitchell, Convener.
Works Committee — All the Members of Board — Wm. Brownlee, Convener.
Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Clerk ; A. I. Strachan, Treasurer; JohnM'Crae,
Manager of Works ; Samuel Donald, Analyst.
Electric Lighting Committee — The Works Committee. Ai-ea — That por-
tion of the city comprehended within a boundary commencing at a point in
the Nethergate opposite South Tay street, thence along Tay street to West
Bell street, thence to and along Bell street and Victoria road to top of Well-
gate, thence along Wellgate and Cowgate to Queen street, thence by way of
Queen street, Seagate, and Trades lane to Dock street, thence by way of Dock
street, South Union street, Yeaman shore, and St Andrew's R.C. Church to
point of commencement. Central Station, Dudhope Crescent road. Engineers,
Urquhart & Small, London ; Resident Engineer, Walter H. Brownlee.
GUILDRY INCORPORATION.— G. B. Paul, Lord Dean of Guild.
Assessors — James Mitchell, T. S. Ross, John P. Kyd, Hugh Ballingall, T. S.
Robertson, Robert L. Watson, Joseph J. Barrie, David Bruce, Thomas S.
Blakeney, Alex. Mathewson, Robert Keith, Jas. G. Orchar, Henry M'Grady,
Joseph Lindsay, Lord Provost Low, Andrew Leitch, D. R. Dawson, John '
Miln ; D. Gordon Stewart, 10 Meadowside, Clerk ; David Don, Collector.
NINE INCORPORATED TRADES.— William Nicoll, Convener; Robert :
C Walker, Boxmaster and Clerk.
Deacons. Assessors,
Bakers, Thomas Anderson. Thomas B. Kidd.
Shoemakers, A. B. Smith. John E. Mann.
Glovers, David Stewart. Charles Stewart.
Tailors, P. M. Young. Wm. Brown, jun.
Bonnetmakers, R. Keith. James Bell.
Fleshers, David Niven, jun. John Wilkie.
Hammermen, William Bisset. George Cuthbert.
Weavers, W. W. Fairweather. John Fairweather.
Dyers, George Stevenson. Francis Stevenson.
THREE UNITED TRADES.— James Scott, Convener; Robert Lickley,
Haggart, Clerk. Deacons. Boxmasters.
K. Stevenson. James Dargie.
Smith. James Foggie,
W. Laburn. Andrew Buttar.
Boxmaster ; Geo,
Masons, L.
Wrights, A
Slaters, R
MALTMEN INCORPORATION.— W. H. Brown, Deacon ; Hugh Ballingall,
Boxmaster ; D. Gordon Stewart, Clerk.
City chambers, 1 St Clement's lane.
month at 11 a.m. : —
Duncan Macdonald, Chairman; 24
Thomson street.
Matthew M'Kenna, 68 Blackscroft.
Allan Storrier, 241 Hilltown.
James Macintosh, 24 Westport.
Andrew Osier, Loch of Liff , Liff.
John F. Shaw, 5 Lowden's alley.
David Milne, 1 Albert street.
W. M. Ogilvie, Bank house, Lochee.
Henry Jack, Menzieshill.
D. Moodie, 29 William st., Forebank.
Daniel Dailly, 65 Nethergate.
Rev. Geo. Dingwall, The Manse, Liff.
Alex. Elliot, 123 High street, Lochee.
Alexander Potter, 76 Murraygate.
John M'Farlane, 3 East Dock street.
Rev. A. Van de Rydt, High st. , Lochee.
D. Anderson, 15 William st., Forebank.
Rev. Peter Grant, D . D . , 140 Per th road.
R. W. Laburn, 61a Constitution road.
James Perrie, 173 High street, Lochee.
Managers— Meet first Tuesday of each
Rev. William Smith, 10 Laurelbank.
James Hennessy, 126 Scouringburn.
John Lorimer, 37 Reform street.
John Cochran, 1 Ogilvie street.
W. Chalmers, 40 High street.
David Hill, 26 Windsor street.
Daniel S. Smith, 4 High street.
Thomas Russell, Russell lane.
David M. Allan, 1 High street.
James Foggie, 2 Raglan street.
Daniel J. M'Kinnon, 121 Hawkhill.
George T. Graham, 2 Union street.
Peter Stewart, 6 Park terrace.
George Willsher, 12 Candle lane.
John Brown, 12^ Mortimer street.
James Robbie, Benvie, Longforgan.
Wm. Mudie, Westmarch, Monifieth.
T. Hutchison, Rose villa. Mains loan.
Thos. S. Thorns, Benvie, Longforgan.
John Y. Bowes, 26 Westport.
W. S. NicoU, 19 Alexander street.
Osier, T. Hutchison,
Smith, W. Nicoll, A.
Law and Finance Committee. — Meets on the last Tuesday of each month.
James Robertson, Convener; M. M'Kenna, J. M'Farlane, G. Willsher,
D. M. Allan, D. Macdonald, W. M. Ogilvie, J. Lorimer, D. Milne, A. Storrier,
D. Anderson, R. W. Laburn, P. Stewart, J. Hennessy, J. Macintosh, J. F.
Shaw, D. J. M'Kinnon, J. Foggie, Rev. Dr Grant, Rev. W. Smith, G. T.
Graham, J. Brown, Rev. A. Van de Rydt, J. Perrie, J. Robbie, T. S. Thorns,
W. Chalmers, J. Cochran, D. Moodie, W. Mudie, A.
D. Dailly, David Hill, J. Y. Bowes, A. Elliot, D. S.
Potter, T. Russell, Rev. Geo. Dingwall.
Relief Committee. — Meets every Wednesday at 11 a.m. D. J. M'Kinnon,
Convener ; M. M'Kenna, Rev. A. Van de Rydt, A. Storrier, D. Macdonald,
J. Robertson, D. M. Allan, R. W. Laburn, P. Stewart, G. T. Graham, J.
M'Farlane, J. F. Shaw, Rev. W. Smith, J. Brown, J. Lorimer, Rev. Dr
Grant, J, Macintosh, D. Milne, D. Anderson, J. Perrie, W. M. Ogilvie, G.
Willsher, J. Hennessy, T. Hutchison, J. Cochran, D. Moodie, W. Mudie,
W. Chalmers. D. Dailly, D. Hill, J. Y. Bowes, W. Nicoll, A. Potter, T.
Russell, D. S. Smith, A. Elliot.
Poorhouse Committee. — Meets on the Thursday before the first Tuesday of
each month. J. F. Shaw, Chairman; John M'Farlane, Vice-Chairman; D.
Macdonald, M. M'Kenna, Rev. A. Van de Rydt, D. J. M'Kinnon, A. Storrier,
J. Lorimer, R. W. Laburn, Rev. Dr Grant, J. Robertson, P. Stewart, J.
Perrie, G.T.Graham, J. Foggie, Rev. W. Smith, D. Anderson, J. Brown, J.
Macintosh, J. Hennessy, D. Milne, G. Willsher, D. M. Allan, W. M. Ogilvie,
"W. Mudie, D. Mooclie, D. Dailly, J. Cochran, W. Chalmers, T. Hutchison,
D. HUl, J. Y. Bowes, W. NicoU, A. Potter, T. Russell, D. S. Smith.
James Kyd, Inspector ; John Begbie, Assistant Inspector ; Geo. Haggart,
D. M 'Farlane, and C. Erentz, clerks ; William Young, Henry Duff us, and
Henry Mulholland, Out-door Sub-Inspectors ; William Scrimgeour, Collector ;
Alexander W. Taylor, Assistant Collector. .
East Poorhouse and Parochial Sick Hospital, Eliza street. Governor/
D. B. Buglass ; Matron, Margaret Mill Stewart ; Resident Medical Officer,
Andrew CroU, M.B., CM.; Head Nurse, Isabella George; Chaplain, Rev.
John Campbell ; Storekeeper, Robert Cran; Head Attendant, James Tait;
Labour Master, Charles Ramsay.
West Poorhouse, Blackness road ; Governor, T. D, Aitken ; Matron, Mrs
Assessor, Ph. Musgrave, 29 Bank st. ; Collector, Jas. Smith, 95 Commercial st.
St Peter's District— James Young, Registrar ; Office, 146 Perth road. 2d or
St Mary's District — James Anderson, Registrar ; Office, 11 Ward road. 3c?
or St Clement'' s District— Dsbvid Scott, Registrar ; Office, 93 Commercial street.
4th or St Andreio's District — James Murray, Registrar ; Office, IG King
street, bth or Lochee District — John Robertson, Registrar ; Office, 62 High
street, Lochee. Office hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 6 to 7 p.m.
Satiirdays, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations must be effected as follows, viz. : — Births within 21 days ;
Deaths within 8 days ; Marriages within 3 days ; Vaccinations within 6
months — unless certificate of postponement be granted by a qualified Sledical
Practitioner. Parties registering births ought to produce proof of the
marriage of the parents.
Registration Districts.
For the purposes of the Acts of Parliament relative to the Registration of
Births, Deaths, and Marriages, those portions of the parish of Dundee and of
the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, comprehended within the boundaries of
the Burgli of Dundee, are divided into Five Districts as follow : — The First, or
St Peter's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the Burgh within
the Boundary commencing at the point where the Parliamentary Boundary on the
west terminates in the River Tay ; thence along said boundary Northwards till it
joins the Blackness road ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins the
Scouringburn; thence along the middle of the Scouringburn and Westport till
it joins South Tay street ; thence along the middle of South Tay street, and
across the Nethergate and Southwards in a line with and along the West Wall
of the Roman Catholic Chapel to the Southern Boundary of the Burgh.
Second, or St Mary's District, to comprehend and include that portion of the
Burgh within the Boundary, commencing at that point in the River where the
Southern boundary of the First District terminates; thence along said boundary
Northwards to Westport, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of
the Westport, Scouringburn, and Blackness road, as far as the road leading to
Glenagnes cottage ; thence along the middle of said road till it joins a road j
leading to Balgay street; thence along the middle of Balgay street till it joins ■
the Lochee road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of said road
to Union place; thence along the middle of the road at Union place in a North-
westerly direction till it joins the Loons road; thence along the middle of that
road in an Easterly direction till it joins the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence
along said Railway to the Tunnel; thence along the middle of the road leading
from the Southern entrance of the Tunnel to the top of Constitution road ;
thence along the middle of Constitution road, Barrack street, Tally street, and
Couttie's wynd, across Dock street till it joins West Dock street; thence along
the middle of West Dock street to the River. Third, or St Clement's District,.
to comprehend and include that jsortion of the Burgh within the boundary
commencing at that point in the Kiver where the Southern Boundary of the
Second District terminates ; thence along that boundary Northwards along the
middle of West Dock street, Couttie's wynd, Tally street, Barrack street, and
Constitution road to the Tunnel ; thence in a line Northwards till it joins the
Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along said boundary Eastwards as
far as the Mains road ; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the
Mains road, Hilltown, and Wellgate ; thence East along the middle of the
Oowgate to St Andrew's street ; thence along the middle of St Andrew'^
street. Trades lane, and the Road on the East side of the Customhouse till it
reaches the Shipbuilding Yards ; thence along the middle of the road on the
South side of Victoria Dock till it joins a road leading along the East side of
the Patent Slip buildings ; thence along the middle of said road to the River.
Fourth, or St Andreid's District, to include that portion of the Burgh com-
prehended within the Eastern Boundary of St Clement's District and the
Eastern Boundary of the Biirgh. Fifth, or Lochee District, to comprehend
and include that portion of the Burgh, commencing at the point in the Black-
ness road where the Western Boundary of the First District terminates ; thence
along the middle of Blackness road, the road leading past Glenagnes cottage,.
Balgay street, Lochee road to Union place ; thence along the middle of Union
place and Loons road to the Old Newtyle Railway ; thence along the middle
of said Railway to the Northern Boundary of the Burgh ; thence along
Boundary West and South, to point in Blackness road before mentioned.
I. Dundee District. — Earl of Camperdown, Dundee ; W. D. Graham
Menzies, Coupar- Angus ; David M'Intyre, Broughty Ferry ; George D. Clay-
hills Henderson, R.N., Invergowrie ; William F. Bell, Barns of Claverhouse ;.
James M. Andrew, Magdalene's Kirkton, Mains ; Robert B. Galloway, Gagie ;
Alex. Gordon, of Ashludie ; Peter M'Intyre, Monikie ; John G. Soutar , West-
hall ; John Ogilvy, Harecraig ; Baxter Gray, Broughty Ferry ; David S,
Cowans, Broughty Ferry. Clerk for Dundee District, H. A. Pattullo, 1 Bank st.
II. Forfar District. — David Shaw, W.S., 1 Thistle Court, Edinburgh;.
John Alexander, Kirriemuir ; William Warden, Forfar ; William Whyte,
Meigle ; Andrew Ralston, Glamis ; David M. Graham, Forfar ; Andrew
Whitton, Newtyle ; W. T. J. S. Steuart Fothringham, Forfar ; William
Watson Ochterlony, Forfar ; John Duncan, Kirriemuir ; James Findlay,
Kirriemuir ; Robert Martin, Kirriemuir ; John Black, Cortachy ; John Ogilvy,
Kirriemuir. Clerk, J. P. Anderson, Forfar.
III. Brechin District. — P?itrick Webster, Forfar ; Robert J. Lyall, Mon-
trose ; William D. Johnston, Montrose ; John Shiell, Brechin ; James M. P.
Campbell, Montrose ; Wm. Smith, Balzeordie, Brechin ; Jas. Allan, Montrose j
Wm. Carnegie, jun., Forfar; Fitzroy Charles Fletcher, Arbroath; Captain
Alex. Carnegie of Redhall, Brechin ; Hon. C. M. Ramsay, Brechin ; Dr
James S. Robertson, Montrose. Clerk, Alex. Philip, Brechin.
IV. Arbroath District. — Geo. Young, Arbroath; Col. Thos. H. Ouchterlony,.
Carmyllie ; Alex. Lyell, Montrose ; Col. Arthur J. Rait, Arbroath ; Jas. A.
Dickson, Axbroath ; David Morgan, Arbroath ; David Anderson, Barry ; John F»
Dickson, Carnoustie ; H. A. F. Lindsay Carnegie of Boysack, Arbroath ; D. D..
Beaton, Friockheim ; Wm. F. Soutar, Carnoustie. Clerk, W. K. Macdonald,.
Office-Bearers. — Convener, Earl of Camperdown ; Vice-Convener, Alex.
Oordon of Ashludie, Arbroath ; Clerk, A. W Myles, Forfar ; Treasurer, D. J.
Carnegy, Forfar; Medical Officer, Dr Wedderburn, Forfar ; Sanitary Inspector,
John Anderson, Montrose ; Inspector of Weights and Measures, Jas. Milne,
I. Cupar District.— David Lees, Cupar ; T. D. Cunningham, Cupar ; Henrj
Robertson, Cupar; William Meiklejohn, Falkland; William Dingwall, Lady-
toank ; Hugh V. Haig, Ladybank ; Robert Cathcart, Newburgh ; H. S.
Wedderburn, Birkhill ; R. D. Thorn, Strathmiglo ; James Crichton, Lady-
bank ; Councillor R. Simpson, Auchtermuchty ; Dean of Guild Gray, Cupar ;
Provost Page, Falkland ; Provost Anderson, Newbiirgh. i
II. St Andrews District. — Sir Ralph Anstruther, Pittenweem; Lieut.-'
Col. Erskine, yr., Crail; John Flockhart, Colinsburgh; Thomas Buchan,
Largo ; John Galloway, Leuchars ; Robert Niven, St Andrews ; James R.
Welch, St Andrews ; William R. Ketchen, Elie ; Alexander Scott, Newport ;
William M'G. Greig, Tayport ; Provost Anderson, Anstruther; Provost
Porter, Anstruther; Provost Peattie, Crail; Alexander Marr, Kilrenny ;
Councillor Hughes, Pittenweem ; Councillor A. Aikman, St Andrews ; Provost
M'Gregor, St Andrews; Chief Magistrate Glover, Earlsferry.
III. Kirkcaldy District.— George W. Constable, Lochgelly ; J. W.
Johnston, East Wemyss ; George Aitken, Kirkcaldy ; John Gilmour, Leven ;
Robert Glass, Milnathort ; James Fysche, Markinch ; George Prentice, Kirk-
caldy ; Neil Ballingall, Markinch ; Andrew Leitch, Buckhaven ; Joseph
Budge, Wemyss Castle ; Hon. G. Waldegrave Leslie, Leslie ; David NicoU,
Leven ; Andrew Landale, Dunfermline ; Councillor J. G. Cunningham, Burnt-
island ; Provost Terrace, Dysart ; Provost Smith, Kinghorn ; W. M. Stewart,
Aberdour ; James Auchterlonie, Kirkcaldy.
IV. Dunfermline District. — Alex. H. Nasmyth, Crossgates ; James
Elder, Inverkeithing ; Henry Mungall, Cowdenbeath ; Robert M. Wilson,
Dunfermline ; Sir Charles Adam, Blairadam ; James Beveridge, Dunfermline ;
J. A. E. Cunningham, Culross ; David Alexander, Dunfermline ; Henry
Beveridge, Dunfermline ; Lawrence Johnston, Kincardine.
Office-bearers.— Convener, John Gilmour of Montrave, Leven ; Clerk,
William D. Patrick, Cupar ; Assistant Clerk, David Walker, Cupar ; Treasurer,
David Osborne, Cupar; Medical Officer, Dr Nasmyth, Cupar. Sanitary
Inspectors— Cupar District, T. D. Stewart; St Andrews, D. M'Letchie ; Kirk-
oaldy, James Low ; Dunfermline, J. Maclennan.
Perth District. — Members resident in or near Dundee— W. O. Dalgleish,
Errol Park; Sir R. H. A. Ogilvy, Bart., Inchture.
Opfice-Bearers. — Convener, Col. Home Drummond ; Vice-Convener,
Andrew Hutcheson ; Clerk and Treasurer, Wm. Macleish, County buildings, ,
Perth; Medical Officer, Dr John T. Graham, Perth; Sanitary Inspector,
Oeorge MacKay, Perth.
( 45 )
HIGH COUET OF JUSTICIARY.— Courts for the trial of criminal case»
in Forfarshire, and disposal of certain appeals from the Sheriff Court, are held
within the Court House, Dundee, at such times as may be necessary.
SHERIFF COURT— DUNDEE DISTRICT.— Court Rooms, Sheriff-Clerk's
Office, and Procurator-Fiscal's Office, in the New Court buildings, West Bell
street. Small Debt Court held on Tuesdays, at half -past 10 forenoon ; Debts
Recovery and Ordinary Court for Motions and Debates, on Wednesdays, at
half -past 10 forenoon ; Ordinary Court for Motions, on Fridays, at 10.30,.
during the Session. Courts are held during the vacation, of which the dates
are fixed before close of the Session.
John Comrie Thomson, Advocate, Sheriff; John Campbell Smith, Advocate,
Sheriff-Substitute; Thomas Congleton, Sheriff-Clerk; Alex. Simpson, Sheriff-
Clerk Depute and Auditor of Court ; Alex. Agnew, Procurator-Fiscal ; Geo.
Dunbar, Sheriff Criminal Officer ; Thomas Thornton, David S. Littlejohn,
Joseph John Johnstone, John Shiell, Hon. Sheriff-Substitutes ; Peter
M'Gregor, Bar-Officer.
The Sheriff- Clerk's Office is open from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. every lawful day^
except Saturdays, when it is closed at 1 p.m.
BURGH OR BAILIE COURT.— Held in the Court Room, City chambers.
The Bailies, Judges ; Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Town Clerk, Assessor; John
M. Milne, Procurator-Fiscal.
TIFICATES.—The Magistrates, Judges; Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Town
Clerk, Assessor ; James Thomson, LL.B., Procurator-Fiscal.
GUILD COURT.- Lord Dean of Guild Paul, Judge ; D. Gordon Stewart,
Assessor and Clerk of Court ; Office, 10 Meadowside. Alexander Speed,
Interim-Fiscal, 82 High street. William Gouk, 3 Barrack street. Officer.
JUSTICE OF PEACE COURT.— The Acting Justices of the Peace for the
Dundee District, Judges. George Watt, 23 High st., Clerk and Assessor;.
William Caesar, 84 Commercial street, Depute-Clerk. Edward Cowan, 5
Reform street, Fiscal.
The Court is held in the Court-Room, City chambers, each alternate Mon-
day, at Eleven o'clock forenoon. The Dundee District comprehends the
Parishes of Dundee, Mains and Strathmartine, Liff, Benvie, and Invergowrie,
Monikie, Monifieth, Murroes, Lundie and Fowlis, Auchterhouse, Tealing^
Kettins, Newtyle, and Fowlis Easter.
DISTRICT.— Earl of Camperdown ; Sir R. H. A. Ogilvy , Bart. ; Sir John Leng^
M.P.; Jas. E. Erskine, Robt. M'Gavin, W. O. Dalgleish, John Ogilvy, John
Sharp, John Laing, Joseph Grimond, Frank Stewart Sandeman, Jas. Luke,
Alex. J. Buist, James G. Orchar, Edward A. Baxter, Wm. Cox, Wm. Moir,
P. G. Walker, Hugh Ballingall, H. B. Fergusson, Henry Gourlay, G. LL.
Alison, James Pattullo, Thomas Thornton, Andrew Hendry, Henry S. Wed-
derburn, James F. Low, J. E. Lacon, G. D. Clayhills Henderson, George A.
Cox, Rev. R. R. Lingard Guthrie, William Brownlee, T. W. Thorns, Walter
Shepherd, William Robertson, John Adamson, Jas. Low, Duncan Macdonald,
Wm. Miller, Jas. Shaw, A. D. Grimond, Alex. Henderson, John Robertson,
Alex. Hutton, John C. Bell, Wm. L. Boase, Jas. Adie, Victor Fraenkl, Geo.
Heron, Alex. Johnston, John M. Keiller, Alex. Mathewson, Henry M'Grady,-
James Wm. Miller, M.D. ; George Hall NicoU, John Earl Robertson, William
Brown Robertson, Alex. Scott, Robt. Lowson Watson, James Martin White,
Wm. Whyte, Fulton Spiers, A. H. Moncur, Edward Cox, Col. William Smith,
Ool. Jas. Rankin, I. J. Weinberg, Wm. Thornton, Thos. Bell, E. F. Maitland,
J". J. Bari'ie, G. W. Baxter, Jas. NicoU, Wm. Hunter, Joseph Gibson, Thomas
"Congleton, Thos. Buchan, Jas. Berry, W. H. Fergusson, Jas. Mudie, George
Halley, David Bruce, D. S. Littlejohn, W. M. Ogilvie, James Perrie, W. T.
■Currie, George Watt, John Leadbetter, Thomas Maitland, J. C. Buist, R. B.
Don, George Malcolm, H. G. Gourlay, R. G. Kennedy, John Shiell, George
Ogilvie, G. W. Boase, D. C. Thomson ; the Sheriff of the County and the
Sheriff-Substitute for the Dundee District ; the Lord Provost and Bailies of
Dundee for the time being.
Clerk of the Peace of Forfarshire, George Watt, procurator, 23 High street.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (Caksb District of the County of Perth).
— J. B. Broun Morrison of Finderlie and Murie, Errol ; W. Thomson Currie,
Dundee ; Wm. Ogilvy Dalgleish of Errol Park ; Captain Drummond of
Megginch ; Thos. W. Greig of Glencarse ; E. A. Stiiart Gray of Kinfauns ;
Thos. Greig, yr. of Glencarse ; Colonel Drummond Hay of Seggieden ; J. A.
G. Drummond Hay, yr. of Seggieden ; Lord Kinnaird, Rossie Priory ; Robert
Bower Ritchie, The Croft, Longforgan ; James M'Gregor, Carmichaels, Long-
f organ ; Sir Reginald H. A. Ogilvy, Bart. , Millhill, Inchture ; Henry Prain,
EUenbank, Longforgan ; Sir Jas. T. Stewart Richardson of Pitf our, Bart. ;
James Carmichael of Arthurstone ; W. D. Graham Menzies of Hallyburton,
Coupar- Angus ; T. R. Kinmont, Errol ; Guy E. Broun Morrison, yr. of Finderlie
and Murie, Errol.
Clerk of the Peace of Perthshire, A. H. Ballingal, W.S., Perth.
Peter M'Intyre, Thomas Buchan, Henry Robertson, Francis J. C. Stark;
Bailie Doig and Councillor M'Kinnon, Dundee ; Provost Mitchell, Montrose;
Provost Keith, Ai'broath ; Bailie Farquharson and Councillor Andrew, Forfar ;
Bailie Annan dale, Brechin; Dean of Guild Gray and Councillor Honey man,
Cupar Fife ; Andrew Aikman, jun. , St Andrews ; Bailie Livingston, Dysart ;
Bailie Tait, Kirkcaldy ; Councillor Spence, Dunfermline. Thomas Thornton,
LL.D., 15 Albert square, Clerk.
JUSTICE OF PEACE OFFICERS.— James Bisset, 51 High street; WiUiam
Oouk, 3 Barrack street ; Thomas Gourlay, 10 High street ; Patrick M'Cabe,
51 High street ; John M'Keran, 51 High street ; James S. Mills, 10 High street ;
Robert Scott, 8 Bank street.
MESSENGERS-AT- ARMS,— James S. Mills, 10 High street; C.
Moffat, 51 High street.
SHERIFF OFFICERS.— Bisset & Moffat, 51 High street ; WiUiam Gouk,
3 Barrack street ; Thos. Gourlay, 10 High street ; John M'Keran, 51 High
■street ; James S. Mills, 10 High street ; Robert Scott, 8 Bank street.
Dundee. — James Bisset, 51 High street ; Thomas Gourlay, 10 High street ;
James S. Mills, 10 High street.
Dundee. — Thos. Gou.rlay, 10 High street; James S. Mills, 10 High street;
Robert Scott, 8 Bank street.
COMMISSARY OFFICER.— James S. MiUs, 10 High street.
(Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1820). — D. S. Littlejohn, Preses ; Thomas
rhornton, LL.D., Vice-Preses; Walter Baxter, 81 Murraygate, Secretary and
Members of Faculty. Those marked * are Notaries Public, and are competent to act
as Commissioners for taking affidavits to be used in English and Irish Courts.
Agnew, Alex., Courthouse buildings
_ Allison, James, 82 High street
[Anderson, David M., 18 Meadowside
^Baxter, Allan, 81 Murraygate
Baxter, H. T., 87 Commercial street
^Baxter, Walter, 81 Murraygate
*Bell, William Arthur, 10 Whitehall
*Bissett, Gray, 12 Bank street
*Boase, Alfred William, 16 Bank street
*Bruce, John D., 69 Eeform street
[Csesar, William, 84 Commercial street
*Congleton, Thos. , Courthoiise bldgs.
j*Cowan, Edward, 18 Meadowside
*Currie, Walter T., 5 Bank street
Gumming, A. W., 1 Bank street
*Dickie, W. B., 11 Whitehall street
Dunbar, William, Courthouse bldgs.
*Duncan, Charles C, 41 Eeform street
*Duncan, David, 41 Reform street
Fergusson, Eobt. M. , .5 Whitehall street
Glenny, Henry S., 34 Reform street
*Gordon, William John, 12 Meadowside
*Gray, Jas. M., 30 Reform street
Haggart, George, 11 Ward road
Harris, John, 23 High street
Henderson, Ebenezer, 10 Whitehall st.
*Hendry, Andrew, 3 Seagate
*Hendry, John M., 3 Seagate
*Heron, George, 20 Castle street
Hunter, James, jun., 69 Reform street
Husband, James, 10 Whitehall street
*Husband, Peter F., 10 Whitehall st.
* Johnston, David, 34 Reform street
* Johnston, Peter R., 20 Castle street
*Johnstone, J. J., 87 Commercial st.
*Kyd, John P., 1 Albert square
*Littlejohn, D. S., 27 Bank street
*Little]olm, Thomas, 27 Bank street
Martin, W. H. Blyth, 30 Reform street
Milne, John M'Lean, 2 High street
Nixon, William, 7 Ward road
*Ogilvie, George, 12 Meadowside
*Pattullo, Henry A., 1 Bank streeet
*Pattullo, James, 1 Bank street
Paul, George B., 11 Whitehall street
Pollock, James, 3 Seagate
Rollo, James A., 41 Reform street
Scott, Francis Ernest, 27 Bank street
*Scrimgeour, John, 65 Commercial st.
*Shiell, John, 5 Bank street
Simpson, John, 87 Commercial street
*Smith, Robert, 9 Ward road
*Speed, Alexander, 82 High street
^Stephen, Wm. W., 5 Whitehall street
Steven, Robert, 41 Reform street
Stevenson, John L., 20 Castle street
*Stewart, D. Gordon, 10 Meadowside
Stewart, David, 61 Reform street
Thomson, James, 48 Union street
*Thornton, Thos, LL.D., 15 Albert sq.
*Thornton William, 15 Albert square
Tullis, Alex. Clark, 14 Meadowside
Walker, Robert C, 5 Whitehall street
*Watt, George, 23 High street
Wears, T. M., 84 Commercial street
Commissioner for taking affidavits to be used in English Courts — Suj^reme
Court of Judicature — Andrew Hendry, 3 Seagate. Commissioner for taking
Oaths for the Supreme Court of Manitoba — Thos. Littlejohn, 27 Bank street.
FORFARSHIRE LUNACY BOARD.— W. D. Johnston, John Ogilvy,
Robert Martin, Colonel Rait, Bailie Macdonald, and Councillors Adamson,
Keith, and M'Kinnon, Dundee ; Provost Keith, Arbroath ; Councillor Doig,
Forfar ; Dr Valentine Stone, Montrose ; Dean of Guild Ferguson, Brechin.
Colonel Rait, Chairman; Thos. Thornton, LL.D., 15 Albert square. Clerk.
and 31 Bank street. Andrew Watt, Collector of Inland Revenue and Dis-
tributor of Stamps ; Thomas G. Dobson, Office Supervisor ; Alfred J. Sims,
J. B. Taylor, and J. M. Freeman, Clerks. Office — 31 Bank street. Hours —
from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. ; and on Saturdays, 10 a.m. till 12 noon.
Alex. Watson Haliburton, Supervisor ; M. Tierney, Colvin Crole, and J. J.
Leonard, Officers. Office — 29 Bank street.
Philip Musgrave and Francis Foster, Surveyors of Taxes ; and James M.
Spankie, Assessor of Income Tax ; Office — 29 Bank street. John Shiell, 5
Bank street, Clerk to Income Tax Commissioners.
Agbeement, or any Memorandum of an Agreement, ... 6fl.
Exemptions — Where the matter is not of the value of £5 ; Agreement for
the hire of any labourer, artificer, manufacturer, or menial servant ; re-
lating to the sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise ; between the
master and mariners of any ship for wages on any voyage from port to
port in the United Kingdom.
Instrument op Apprenticeship, ... ... ... . . . 2s 6d .
Bill of Exchange of any kind whatsoever (except a hank note) and Promissory
Note of any kind whatsoever (except a hank note) — drawn, or expressed to be
payable, or actually paid, or endorsed, or in any way negotiated in thu
United Kingdom, where the amount or value of the money for which thi
bill or note is drawn or made
Does not exceed £5, ... ...Id.
Exceed £5, and not exceed £10,... 2d.
» 10, „ „ 25,... 3d.
» 25, „ „ 50,. ..6d.
Exceed £50, and not exceed £75,... 9d
75, „ „ 100,. ..Is.
,, 100, for every £100, and
for any fractional part of £100, . . .Is
Conveyance or Transfer on Sale of any property where the amount or
value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed £5,
Exceed £5, not ex. £10,
» 10, „ 15,
„ 15, „ 20,
„ 20, „ 25,
,, 25, „ 50,
,, 50, ,, 75,
„ 75, „ 100,
100, „ 125,
... Is 6d.
... 2s 6d.
.. 7s 6d.
.. 12s 6d.
Exceed £125, not ex. £150,
. 17s 6d.
£1 2s 6d.
£1 5s
£1 7s 6d.
. £1 10s.
for every £50, and
any fractional part of £50, of such amount or value,
Lease or Tack — (1.) For any definite term not exceeding a year
Of any dwelling-house or tenement, or part thereof, at a rent not exceeding
the rate of £10 per annum, ... ... ... ... Id
(2.) For any definite term less than a year : —
{a.) Of any furnished dwelling-house or apartments where the rent for sxich
term exceeds £25, ... ... ... ... ... 2s 6d
(6. ) Of any lands or heritable subjects except or otherwise than as aforesaid,
the same duty as a lease for a year at the rent reserved for the definite term
(3.) For any other definite term or for any indefinite term, of any lands or
heritable subjects, where the consideration or any part thereof consists of
any money, stock, or security, in respect of such consideration, the same
duty as a conveyance on a sale for the same consideration.
Where the consideration or any part thereof is yearly or otherwise.
Rent not exceeding £5,
Above £5, and not above £10,
Term not ex-
ceeding- 35 years
or indefinite.
£0 0 6
0 10
Above 35 but
not above
100 years.
£0 '3 0
0 6
0 9
0 12
0 15
1 10
2 5
3 0
100 j'ears.
£0 6 0
0 12
0 18
1 4
1 10
3 0
4 10
6 0
Where the same shall exceed
£100, then for every £50,and
for any fractional part of £50,
0 5 0
1 10 0
(4.) Of any other kind whatsoever not hereinbefore described,
0 0
Duties on Legacies, &c. (payable out of personalty) Duty per cent.
Tochildrenortheirdescendants, or lineal ancestors of the deceased, £10 0
Brother or sister, or descendants, ... ... ... ... 300
Uncle or aunt, or descendants, ... ... ... ... 500
Granduncle or aunt, or descendants, ... .. ... 6 0 0
All other relations or strangers, ... ... ... ... 10 0 0
In the case of Succession Duty, where the deceased died on or after 1st
July 1888, the rates are increased : — namely, in the case of lineals 10s per
cent., in all other cases £1 10s per cent.
The husband or wife of the deceased not chargeable with duty.
Receipt given for, or upon payment of, money amounting to £2 or
upwards, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Id.
Voting Paper. Any instrument for the purpose of voting by any person
entitled to vote at any meeting, ... ... ... ... Id.
DUNDEE JURIDICAL SOCIETY.— President, John Comrie Thomson,
LL.D. ; Vice-President, John Campbell Smith, LL.D. ; Committee, James
Urquhart, and A. Fordyce Burke, Solicitors ; J. M. Soutar, J. Fettes, John
Guild, J. L. M 'Galium, E. W. Nicol, Thos. Philip, and George Webster,
Law Students ; Treasurer, "William Kilgour ; Secretary, Joseph Wilkie,
7 Ward road ; Assistant Secretary, C. H. Maxwell, 11 Windsor street.
Argentine Republic,
Belgium, ( Vice-Consul)
Brazil, (Vice-Consul)
Colombia, Republic of,
Denmark, (Vice-Consul)
German Empire,
Holland, (Vice-Consul)
Netherlands, (Vice-Consul)
Russia, (Vice-Consul)
Sweden and Norway,
Spain, (Vice-Consul)
United States, (Consul)
, , (Vice & Deputy Consul)
Uruguay, Oriental Republic of ...
Venezuela, (Consul)
,, (Vice-Consul)
Thomas Murdoch, 62 St Andrew's st.
B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street
D. Small, jun., 9 Meadow PI. buildings
Geo. C. Keiller, 9 Panmure street
Thomas M. Ferrier, 11 Panmure street
B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street
P. M. Cochrane, 1 Dudhoj^e terrace
H. Quosbarth, 1 Commercial street
John G. Zoller, Tircarra, Bro'ty Ferry
Joseph Gibson, 26 Commercial street
James Millar, 54 Commercial street
Joseph Gibson, 26 Commercial street
James M. Bell, 2 India buildings
John NicoU, 1 Bain square
William B. Wilson, 6 Panmure street
Yngvar Pettersen, 46 Castle street
I. Julius Weinberg, 2 India buildings
John M. Savage, 81 Murraygate
Allan Baxter, 81 Murraygate
William Kinnear, 18 Commercial street
Thomas M. Ferrier, 11 Panmure street
John B, Taylor, 11 Panmure street
( '50 )
Bank op Scotland— Office, 34 Reform street. Fulton Spiers, Agent ;
Robert Lunan, Accountant ; L. R. Falconer, Chief Clerk ; Thomas Willock,
William Gauld, jun., and W. P. Buchan, Tellers. Victoria Street Branch —
Robert Walker, Agent. London Office — Lothbury, E.G. London Corre-
spondents— Coutts & Co. ; Smith, Payne, & Smiths ; and Bank of England.
British Linen Company Bank— Office, 83 Murraygate. David Brand,
Agent ; Robert Shepherd, Accountant ; Peter Kerr, Cashier ; Alex. Boath
and A. Balfour Walker, Tellers. Westport Branch — James Ireland, Agent.
London Office, 41 Lombard st., E.C. Agents — Bank of England, London, and
Branches; Smith,Payne,& Smiths, London; Bank of Ireland, Dublin, feBranches.
The National Bank op Scotland Limited— Office, Bank buildings, 71
Reform street. Robt. Murdoch, Agent ; John Colville, Assistant Agent ; John
Rogers and George Clark, Tellers. Branch Office at 115 Hilltown, David
P. Scott, Agent. Bank's London Office — 37 Nicholas lane, E.C. Bankers in
London : City — Bank of England, Glyn Mills Currie & Co. ; Union Bank of
London, Limited : West End — Coutts & Co.
Royal Bank op Scotland— Offices, 22 Castle street, 97 Murraygate, 22
King street, and 36 Westport. Castle st. — Alex. Hutton and Geo. W. Boase,
Joint Agents ; John Welch, Accountant ; David Stewart and James Stewart,
Tellers. Murraygate — Alexander Hutton, Agent ; William W. Thomson,
Sub-Agent ; James Walker, Accountant. King street — Robert M. Brodie,
Agent ; John M'Nab, Accountant. Westport — Henry Wyse, Agent ; John
Anderson, Accountant. Bank's London Office — 123Bishopsgate street. Within,
E.C. London Correspondents — Coutts & Co., The Bank of England, and
Barclay, Ransom, & Co.
Tbe Commercial Bank op Scotland Limited — Office, Commercial Bank
buildings, 85 Commercial street. James B. Webster, Agent ; John Lowson,
Accountant ; J. D. Muir and William Walker, Tellers. London Office,
62 Lombard street. Agents in London — London and Westminster Bank
Limited, and Coutts & Co.
The Clydesdale Bank, Limited — Office, Clydesdale Bank buildings,
East end of High street. Alexander Scott, Agent ; P. K. Matthew,
Acountant ; James Smith and James Watson, Tellers. Agents in London —
The Clydesdale Bank, Limited, 30 Lombard street.
Union Bank op Scotland, Limited. — Office, 2 Panmure street. David
Hogarth, Agent ; D. G. Glennie, Accountant ; Robert Sellar, Teller. London
Agents — Union Bank of Scotland, 62 Cornhill, E.C.
Town and County Bank, Limited— 5 Albert square. James Low, Agent ;
Geo. Angus, Accountant. London Agent — The London Joint-Stock Bank.
North op Scotland Bank, Limited. — 24 High street (top of Crichton
street). Robert Murray, Agent ; Robert Paxton, Accountant ; George Sin-
clair, Teller. London Agent — Union Bank of London, Limited.
Dundee Savings Bank, 1815. — Office, 2 Euclid street. Robert B. Don,
Chairman ; P. M. Cochrane, Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Manage-
ment; Bank of Scotland, Treasurer; John Miln, Actuary; Arch. W. Sturrock,
Cashier. Open Daily for Deposits and Payments from 10 to 3 o'clock (with
the exception of Saturdays, when the office shuts at 12 o'clock), and for
Deposits only on Wednesday evening, from 6 to 8 o'clock, and on Saturday
evening, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Branch Offices — 28 Strathmartine road
(open daily from 10 to 3 o'clock, and for Deposits only on Thursday and
Saturday from G to 8 o'clock) ; 67 High street, Lochee (open daily from 10 to
3 o'clock, and for Deposits on Monday and Saturday from 6 to 8 o'clock) ; 53
Brook street, Broughty Ferry (open at BroughtyFerry on Saturday evenings,
from 6 to 7.30).
Post Office Savings Bank— Open from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. (for Deposits till
9 p.m.). Branch Office — Customhouse buildings. Open from 9 a.m. till 5
p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. Receiving Offices — At 128 Hilltown, 90
King street, 113 Perth road, 199 Princes street, 12 Ferry road, 142 Scouring-
burn, 6.5 Hawkhill, 28 Dundonald street, 183 Blackness road, 27 Strath-
martine road, 1 Pitkerro road. Open from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m.
Abstainers and General
T. W. Adamson, 10 Oleg-horn st., Supt.
Thomas Smillie, 93 Commercial street
Alliance Assurance Co.
Band & Whyte, 23 Panmure street,
District Agents. Agents —
Joseph J. Barrie, 10 Panmure street
R. Blackadder, 41 Reform street
Fairweather & Gilchrist, 9 Ward road
D. G. Glennie, Union Bank
*W. T. Currie, 5 Bank street
D. B. Hendry, 4 India buildings
J. & E. Shepherd, 31 Panmure street
*J. C. Smith, 4 India buildings
William Nixon, 7 Ward road
David Stiven, 20 Castle street
John Colville, National Bank
John Scrimgeour, 65 Commercial street
* Fire Department only.
Atlas (Fire and Life)
George Reid, 87 Commercial street,
District Agent
Geo. Gumming, 1 Royal Exchange place
Corrie, Mackie, &Co., 1 Rl. Exchange pi.
A. Willison, 21 Panmure street
Charles Adamson, 7 Shore terrace
J. T. Steele, 10 Panmure street
Boiler Insurance & Steam Power
George Rollo, 3 Panmure st., Dist. Agent
British Empire Mutual Life
J. S. Ritchie, 1 Commercial street, Res.
British Key Registry and Accident
J. S. Ritchie, 1 Commercial st., DisMgr.
British Legal (Life)
James Galloway, Arcade buildings, King
street. District Manager
British Workman's and General
J. W. James, 23 Panmure street
Caledonian (Fire & Life)
District Branch, 35 Albert square, Robert
Chapman, Secretary
Caledonian (Plate Glass)
J. R. D. Lavvson, 87 High street
City of Glasgow (Life)
A. Ogilvie & Co. , 1 Royal Exchange place
Robert Smith, 9 Ward road
Gray & Martin, 30 Reform street
Colonial Mutual (Life)
David Kerr, 21 Reform street, Res. Secy.
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
Fairweather & Gilchrist, 9 Ward road
James Thomson, 48 Union street
W. S. Wilkie, 15 Castle street
Anderson, Gardner, Hepburn, & Co., 10
Charles Barrie, 33 Albert square
J. M. Mitchell, 59 Dock street
J. B. Harris, 74 Commercial street
E. J. Millar, 54 Commercial street
D. M'Gregor, 9 Commercial street
G. B. Carmichael, 54 Commercial street
D. N. Fleming, 2 India buildings
David Thomson, 269 Hawkhill
John Dawson, 38 Westport
D. M. Moir, 65 Trades lane
George Malcolm, 4 Royal Exchange pi.
James Paul, 13 South Union street
D. M. Anderson, 18 Meadowside
M' Walter & Hunt, 26 Castle street
R. L. Conacher, 79 Commercial street
Commercial Fire and Accident
J. E. Dow, 10 Victoria cham. , Dis. Mngr.
H. C. Alexander, 225 Overgate
S. L. Baxter, 81 Murraygate
Thos. C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
J. D. Cox & Co., 54 Bell street
Geo. C. Douglas, 41 Reform street
David Grieve, 11 Whitehall street
John Harris, 23 High street
A. R. Marquis, 47 Gellatly street
R. M'Millan, 20 Airlie place
R. M. Noble, 4 Baxter Park terrace
W. Nixon, 7 Ward road
D. A. Ritchie, 12 Bank street
Alex. Speed, 82 High street
J. G. Sibbald, 78 Murraygate
Alex. Smith, 29 Dock street
W. C. Thomson, 30 Dock street
D. S. Waddell, 48 Union street
J. Robertson, 62 High street, Lochee
Commercial Union
Warden & Keith, 23 Panmure street,
District Agents
James Fullerton, 51 Meadowside
D. Hogarth, Union Bank
W. Haxton, 44 High street
J. G. Kinmond, 2 Trades lane
Charles Gray, 40 Candle lane
R. Blackadder, 41 Reform street
C. Barrie, 33 Albert square
D. J. Tweedie, 61 Reform street
D. Small, jun., 9 Meadow place buildings
James Allison, 82 High street
John Cargill, 32 Cowgate
Hill & M'Gregor, 38 Whitehall street
Stewart, Logic, & Co., 4 Panmure street
County (Fire)
Joseph Gibson & Co., 26 Commercial st.
Alex. Tosh, 11 Reform street
Fleming & Haxton, 44 High street
John M'Laggan, Calcutta buildings
James Sturrock, 7 Bank street
Jas. Mollison & Co. , 48 Rosebank street
Arch. Galloway, 36 Ferry road
George G. Bell, Horse wynd
Crown (Life)
Robert Smith, 9 Ward road
Dundee and District Mutual Glass
Wm. Tulloch, President. A. J. Murdoch,
Manager, 1 Exchange street
Economic (Life)
H. D. Low, 56 Seafield road
Alex. Simpson, 122 Nethergate
James Forsyth, 20 J Thomson street
Edinburgh (Life), 56 Commercial st.
T. H. Fraser, Res. Sec. Chief Agents-
Heron & Co., 20 Castle street
Alex. Scott, Clydesdale Bank Ld.
James B. Webster, Commercial Bank Ld.
David Brand, British Linen Co. Bank
Employers of Great Britain
D. Grieve, 11 Whitehall street, Res. Sec. ;
W. L. Clark, District Inspector
John Scrimgeour, 65 Commercial street
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
William Nixon, 7 Ward road
George Rollo, 3 Panmure street
J. D. Cox & Co., 54 Bell street
A. J. Murdoch & Son, 1 Exchange street
A. R. Marquis, 47 Gellatly street
James Fettes, Stirling street
Employers' Liability
B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street.
District Agent
W. & R. Ritchie, 6 Panmure street
J. Dickson Dodds, 3 India buildings
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
John S. Kerr, 2 Nelson street
R. Walker, Bank of Scotland, Victoria st.
John M'Laggan, Calcutta buildings
W. A. Martin, 22 Bell street
E. M. Mudie, 2 Royal Exchange court
David Stewart, 61 Pvcform street
D. Gordon Stewart, 10 Meadowside
Henry A. PattuUo, 1 Bank street
Wm. Kinnear, 18 Commercial street
Walter Baxter, 81 Murraygate
D. P. Scott, National Bank, 115Hilltown
Band & White, 23 Panmure street
James Urquhart, 32 Bank street
J. G. Lees, 74 Commercial street
J. T. Steele, 10 Panmure street
C. J. Mackness, 26 Castle street
J. W. Shepherd, Victoria chambers
James NicoU & Co., 26 Commercial street
Engine, Boiler, and Empl. Liability
Agent— P. D. Mitchell, 108 Commercial
st. Engineers — J. C. Douglas, 2 Alpha
terrace, Broughty Ferry, and James
Fettes, 2 Morgan street
English & Scottish Law (Life)
Thos. Thornton, Son, & Co., 15 Albert sq.
James Logie, 67 Reform street
P. D. Mitchell, 108 Commercial street
William Johnston, 87 High street
Watt & Co., 23 High street
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
Wm. Nixon, 7 Ward road
John Harris, 23 High street
Equitable (Life) of United States
Wm. Howat, 13 Ward road
Peter Matthew, 12 Panmure street
W. F. Soutar, Meadow house
John Fleming & Sons, 165 Seagate
Equitable Fire and Accident
W.F. Soutar, Meadow house, Dist. Mangr.
Local Members of Scottish Board, Wm.
Cox, Jos. Grimond, Alex. Henderson
Agents —
Alexander Patterson &Co., 8 Panmure st.
T. G. Young, 7 Royal Exchange court
Thos. Sheriff, 3 Hilltown
D. S. Waddell, 48 Union street
W. S. Taj'lor, Raglan street
A. B. Crichton, Johnston street
A. Willison, 21 Panmure street
R. B. Morrison, 10 Panmure street
J. Walker, 14 Parker street
W. A. Nicol, 71 High street
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
D. Stewart, 61 Reform street
Thos. C. Keay, 17 Baltic street
J. S. Low, 39 Cowgate
D. Thomson, 5 Bain square
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
J. M. Nairn, Huntly cottage, Forfar road
C. Riddell, WiUiam street, Tayport
A. Calder, jun., 15 Milnbank road
J. G. Kinmond, Trades lane
G. Findlay, 40 St Andrew's street
Johnstone & Simpson, 87 Commercial st.:
J. M'Laggan, 18 Commercial street
G. Gregory, Stewart terrace, Barnhill
General Accident
J. S. Ritchie, 1 Commercial st., Dis. Mgr.
John Macnab, Royal Bank, King street
Marshall & Johnston, 14 St Clement's lane
John M'Farlane, 3 East Dock street
R. & A. Lickley, 51 Reform street
John Findlay, jun., 69 Reform street
J. M. Stronner, 14 Princes street
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
John M'Nee, West Station
Fairweather & Gilchrist, 9 Ward road
John Forrester, 180 Seagate
James Strachan, 41 Reform street
Thos. C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
Maurice R. Allard, 26 Castle street
W. J. Douglas, 19 Cowgate
James Thomson, 48 Union street
General, The (Life)
B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street,
District Agent. Agents —
D. G. Stewart, 10 Meadowside
J. B. Mason, 161 Scouringburn
G. A. Harris, 8 Bank street
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
James Allison, 82 High street
James G. Lees, 74 Commercial street
Goldsmiths' and General (Burglary)
J. E. Dow, 10 Victoria chambers, Dis. Agt.
Gresham (Life)
Robert Hunter, 41 Reform street
A. R. Marquis, 47 Gellatly street
Marshall & Johnston, 14 St Clement's lane
James M'Wee, 1 Hermonhill
Alex. Neish, 51 Reform street
James Sibbald, 79 Commercial street
Anderson, Gardner, Hepburn, & Co., 10
James Cram, 16 Euclid crescent
James Ireland, B. L. Bank, Westport
William Anderson, 62 Commercial street
D. M. Anderson, 18 Meadowside
T. C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
William Cowley, King Street Calender
James Gold, 20 Reform street
Max Paulsen, 84 Commercial street
A. Roxburgh, 7 Park terrace
A. M. Smith, 2 Royal Exchange place
Guarantee Society
D. M'Donald, 3 Ellen street
Guardian (Plate Glass)
Robert Robertson, 202 Overgate
Guardian (Fire and Life)
Wm. T. Murison, 3 Royal Exchange pi.
P. L. Johnston, 11 King street
Hand-in-Hand (Fire and Life)
D. Hogarth, Union Bank
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
Robert Murray, North of Scotland Bank
W. Stiven, East Dock buildings
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
Hong Kong (Fire)
Thomson, Fearns, & Co., 57 Meadowside
Imperial (Fire)
Robert Paxton, 24 High street
John Simpson, 122 Nethergate
Imperial Live Stock
George Rollo, 3 Panmure street. District
John Ewan Dow, 10 Victoria chambers
Imperial Union Accident
A. Willison, 21 Panmure street, District
Kent (Fire and Life)
T. G. Young, 7 Royal Exchange court
G. F. Feathers, 2 Meadow place buildings
J. Colville, 5 Larch street
Lancashire (Fire and Life)
Robt. Smith, 9 Ward road
A. J. Brough, Taybank Works
Joseph Gibson & Co. , 26 Commercial st.
R. C. Walker, 5 Whitehall street
Jas. Fullerton, 51 Meadowside
John D. Bruce, 69 Reform street
Alex. Esplin & Son, 7 Cowgate
R. M'Gavin Greig,3Royal Exchange court
W. B. Simson, 6 Panmure street
Robert Sturrock, Savings Bank
William Bayne, 6 Dallfield walk
A. Esplin &, Son, 7 Cowgate
Lancashire and Yorkshire (Accident)
Robert Robertson, 202 Overgate
Lancashire Trust and Mortgage
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
Licenses Insurance Corporation
C. J. Mackness, 26 Castle street
Life Association of Scotland
Branch office, 5 Reform street— J. Bruce
Leask, Secy. Agents —
Shield & Kyd, 1 Albert square
R. G. Kennedy, 10 Panmure street
Wm. R. Ireland, 41 Cowgate
Thomas Congleton, Courthouse buildings
John Nicoll, 1 Bain square
W. & A. W. Stiven, 61 Refonn street
Anderson, Gardner, & Hepburn, 10
William Fyffe, Dundee Foundry
William Mann, 1 India buildings
James Fettes, 16 Stirling street
George B. Carmichael, 54 Commercial st.
Congleton & Dickson, 91 Commercial st.
Eadie & Co., 62 Commercial street
James Simmers, Commercial Bank
Thomas Keenan, 104 Commercial street
James Strachan, 41 Reform street
R. L. M'Gregor, 38 Whitehall street
Robert Black, Tofthill cottage, Lochee
W. M. Ogilvie, Royal Bank, Lochee
David Alexander, draper, Lochee
Liverpool & London & Globe (F. & L.)
James Guthrie, 10 Panmure street
John W. Shepherd, 12 Victoria road
Peter Matthew, 12 Panmure street
Peter C. Scott, 31 Meadowside
William Pattullo, 18 St Andrew's street
William Thomson, Magdalen place
James Buchan, Bank buildings, King st.
Thomas C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
Liverpool Plate Glass
David Grieve, 11 Whitehall street
Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly-
Francis Griffin, 105a Nethergate, District
London Assurance Corporation (Fire)
Wm. Gellatly, 33 Cowgate
London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow
W. E. Davis, 3 Charles street, Supt.
Fleming & Haxton, 44 High street
J. Gibson & Co., 26 Commercial street
A. T. Hunter, East station
Wm. Kinnear, 18 Connnercial street
Thomas C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
A. J. Murdoch, 1 Exchange street
J. Macmillan, Taybridge station
J. M'Laggan, Calcutta buildings
London Guarantee and Accident
W. & R. Ritchie, 6 Panmure street
D. Hogarth, Union Bank
William Kinnear & Co., 18 Commercial st.
J. Dickson Dodds, 2 India buildings
W. & A. W. Stiven, 61 Reform street
Shield & Kyd, 1 Albert square
W. B. Simson, 6 Panmure street
London and Lancashire (Fire)
Branch office, 3 Panmure street ; Geo.
Rollo, Local Secretary
A.Willison, 21 Panmure street
Jas. Henderson, Downiemount, Tayport
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
London and Lancashire (Life)
J. Schleselman, 12 Vict, chams., Dis. Agt.
William Smith, 7 Royal Exchange court
W. C. Smith, 118 Hawkhill
A. J. Murdoch, 1 Exchange street
J. & J. Paterson, 2 India buildings
London and North British Plate Glass
J. R. Wilson, 16 Meadowside, Dist. Mgr.
W. Phillips, 93 Victoria road
T. C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
J. G. Sibbald, 78 Murraygate
W. Barnett, 4 Derbj^ street
P. Burns, 3 Scott street
B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street
D. Thomson, 5 Bain square
0. J. R. Mudie, Royal Exchange court
James Peters, 71 Wellgate
Alex. Meek, King street, Bro'ty Ferry
Jas. Stewart, 29 Mid street, Lochee
James Walker, 14 Parker street
Gowans & Buick, 15 Castle street
Fairweather & Gilchrist, 9a Ward road
George Rollo, 3 Panmure street
D. J. Tweedie, 61 Reform street
Manchester (Fire)
J. Methven, 31 Albert sq., Dist. Agent
G. C. Keiller, 9 Panmure street
A. Ogilvie & Co., 1 Royal Exchange place
A. W. Sturrock, Savings Bank
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
Marine and General Mutual
J. R. Wilson, 46 Castle street, Dist. Agent
Midland Counties
Stewart Mitchell, 51 Reform street
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
Gray & Martin, 30 Reform street
Mutual, (Life)
J. C. Smith, 4 India buildings
Mutual Life (of New York)
Duncan Howie, 3 Seagate, Dist. Mangi*.
Mutual Reserve Fund (Life)
David Campbell, 21 Panmure street and
20 Airlie place. District Manager
National Assurance of Ireland
R. C. M'Intyre, 27 Panmure st., local sec.
National Boiler
John W, Warden, 23 Panmure street
National Biirglary
George Rollo, 3 Panmure st, Dist. Agt.
National Guarantee and Suretyship
Robert Sturrock, 55 Reform street
NationalProvidentlnstit , (Mutual, Life )
William B. Simson, 6 Panmure street
New York Life
John Fullerton, 10 Airlie terrace. Special
Mackness & Allard, 26 Castle street
North British and Mercantile (F. & L.)
Branch office, 13 Panmure street ; Wm,
Moir, District Agent. Alex. Guthrie,
Local Secy.
Northern (Accident)
Mackay & Mess, C.A., 13 Albert square
James Thomson, 48 Union street
Northern Assurance (Fire and Life)
Head office in Dundee, Northern
Assurance buildings, 110 Commercial
street. Dundee Board of Directors —
W. O. Dalgleish, Chairman; J. W.
Barty, W. B. Wilson, Wm. Japp,
Andrew Whitton, Edward Cox
Secretary — Wm. Pringle
Anderson, Gardner, Hepburn, & Co., 10
Gray Bissett, 12 Bank street
Bell & Henderson, 10 Whitehall street
Brodie & Buchan, 22 Khig- street
John D. Bruce, 69 Reform street
John Colville, National Bank
Edw^ard Cowan, 5 Reform street
David Duncan & Son, 41 Reform street
J. Dickson Dodds, 2 India buildings
A. Esplin & Son, 7 Cowgate
Fairweather & Gilchrist, 9 Ward road
Fergusson & Stephen, 5 Whitehall street
James Fullerton, 51 Meadowside
George Haggart, 11 Ward road
Hendry & Pollock, 3 Seagate
Heron & Co., 20 Castle street
Alex. Hutton, Royal Bank, Castle street
Johnstone & Simpson, 87 Commercial st.
D. S. & T. Littlejohn, 27 Bank street
Mackay & Mess, 13 Albert square
R. Murray, North of Scotland Bank
David Myles, 11 Reform street
M'Intyre & Sievwright, 13 Albert square
J. & H. Pattullo, 1 Bank street
John Rattray, 51 South Tay street
D. P. Scott, 115 Hilltown
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
Robert Smith, 9 Ward road
James Thomson, 48 Union street
David Stewart, 61 Reform street
D. Gordon Stewart, 10 Meadowside
James Cram, 16 Euclid crescent
Moody Stuart & Robertson, 9a Ward road
Thos.Thornton, Son, &Co.,15 Albert sq.
Alexander Tosh, 11 Reform street
Chas. B. Ovenstone, 10 Panmure street
Henry Wyse, Royal Bank, Westport
J. G. Kinmond, 2 Trades lane
Jas. Henderson, Downiemount, Tayport
Northern Plate Glass
J. S. Ritchie, 1 Commercial st. , Dist. Man.
James Fettes, 16 Stirling street
A. D. Cameron, 31 Reform street
R. & A. Lickley, 51 Reform street
James Thomson, 48 Union street
Norwich & London (Ace. & Emp. Liab.)
John Ferguson, 11 Roj^al Exchange lane
J. R. Wilson, 16 Meadowside
C. J. Mackness, 26 Castle street
Norwich Union Fire
J. R. Wilson, 16 Meadowside, District
Norwich Union Life
J. R. Wilson, 16 Meadowside, District
Manager ; Alex. Macgregor, District
Ocean Accident and Guarantee
Fleming & Haxton, 44 High street
J. J. Henderson, 8 Bank street
G. Schleselman, Victoria chambers, Dis-
trict Agent
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
A. Esplin & Son, 7 Cowgate
Hendry & Pollock, 3 Seagate
John S. Buchan, 32 Bank street
Gray & Martin, 30 Reform street
Alfred D. Lawrie, 9 Ward road
Patriotic (Fire and Life)
Chief Office for Scotland, 162 Buchanan
street, Glasgow ; John Sime, Resident
Manager ; Dundee office, 33 Albert
square ; T. S. Pattullo & Co., Dis. Agts.
D. M. Anderson, 18 Meadowside
J. R. Anderson, Panmure street
Chas. Batchelor, 5 Royal Exchange court
Berg, Sons, & Co., 4 Panmure street
W. B. Blair, 63 Cowgate
T. C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
J. S. Buchan, 32 Bank street
Wm. Buchan & Co., 11 Bell street
G. Buist, Rockville house
J. R. Croll, 9 Meadow place buildings
L. R. Falconer, Bank of Scotland, Re-
form street
James Fleming, 1 Nairne place
C. R. Hutchison, Rojvil Exchange court
James Hutchison, Constable street
James Isles, Albert square
Adam Jack, 19 Cowgate
Johnstone & Simpson, 69 Reform street
James G. Lees, 74 Commercial street
R. G. Murray, 74 Commercial street
T. P. Marr, 1 Bain square
R. M. Mathers, 63 Albert street
John Morrison, 33 Hilltown
David Myles, 11 Reform street
R. Melville, 18 Airlie place
John M'Laggan, 18 Commercial street
Dan. M'Intbsh, 158 Strathmartine road
Wm. Nixon, 7 Ward road
D. D. Robertson, 1 Trades lane
T. S. Ross, 9 Meadow Place buildings
David Ritchie, 30 Meadowside
J. K. Smith, 8 Westport
Alex. Scott, Clydesdale Bank
A. C. Tullis, 62" Commercial street
D. S. Waddell, 48 Union street
Pelican (Life)
John D. Bruce, 69 Reform street
D. G. Stewart, 10 Meadowside
Phoenix (Fire)
John D. Bruce, 69 Reform street
D. G. Stewart, 10 Meadowside
Provident (Life)
Joseph Gibson & Co., 26 CoiBmercial
Alex. Tosh, 11 Reform street
District Office, 2 India buildings ; Wm.
Bell, Superintendent. Assist. Sxipts. —
P. Mitchell, 153 Albert street
R. Hamilton, 2 Nairne place
J. Jamieson, 1 Airlie terrace
T. Finlay, 142 Albert street
J. Scorgie, jun., 1 Miller's wynd
P. Duffy, 66 Logie street, Lochee
J. P. Caiman, Brotchie pi., Bro'ty Ferry
Wm. Owen, 3 Hilltown, Superintendent
Reliance Mutual (Life)
John M'Lag-gan, Calcutta buildings
J. Ireland, British Linen Bank, Westport
R. M. Brodie, Royal Bank, 22 King street
J. Robertson, postmaster, Lochee
A. J. Murdoch, 1 Exchange street
Adam Small, 2 Reform street
J. S. Buchan, 32 Bank street
J. G. Kinmond, 2 Trades lane
Rock (Life)
George Findlay, 40 St Andrew's street
John Colville, 5 Larch street
Royal (Fire and Life)
David C. Lunan, 2 Trades Lane
Rollo & Steven, 41 Reform street
William S. Wilkie, 15 Castle street
George M'Gregor, 4 India buildings
Thomas Wighton, 9 Meadow place bldgs.
D. H. Saunders, 13 Panmure street
A. Jack, 19 Cowgate
C. J. Mackness, 26 Castle street
Royal Exchange Assurance Corpora-
tion (Fire, Sea, Life, Annuities),
7 Ward road
John A. Tombazis, Manager
Royal Liver Friendly Society
Wm. Phillips, 93 Victoria road, Dist. Agt.
Scottish Accident Insurance Company
W. & R. Ritchie, Panmure st.. Res. Sees.
Robt. Walker, Bank of Scotd., Victoria st.
J. & F. Salmond, 6 High street
John Macmillan, Taybridge station
William Kinnear & Co. , 18 Commercial st.
E. M. Mudie, 2 Royal Exchange court
Wm. N. Machan, 26 East Dock street
John Ferguson, 11 Royal Exchange lane
John S. Kerr, 2 Nelson street
Henry Wyse, Royal Bank, Westport
J. Dickson Dodds, 2 India buildings
James W. Brown, 37 Albert square
V. C. Baird, Camperdown pi., Bro. Ferry
G. B. Doe, commission agent, Errol
William Buchan, 11 Bell street
W. A. Martin, 22 Bell street
Alex. Buttar, 2 Bain square
David Ritchie, 51 Overgate
Alex. Henry, 115 Murraygate
J. A. Norrie, 13 WhitehaU street
D. Conacher, Cal. Rail. Goods station
Robt. Murdoch, 71 Reform street
George Sheriff, jun., 21 Albert square
' J. M'Nee, Cal. Railway, West station
Jas. H. Langlands, 81 Murraygate
John M'Nicoll, Meadow house
R. M. Greig, Roj'al Exchang-e court
John M'Laggan, Calcutta buildings
Thos. Cathro, National Bank, Reform st.
D. P. Scott, National Bank, Hilltown
W. S. Wilkie, 15 Castle street
Robert Batchelor, 46 Blackness road
Jas. Dawson, D. & A. Jt. Rly. Parcel office
J. Forbes, 23 Morgan street
J. Y. Rogers, Rosemill
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
James Kaye, "Tay Bridge Station
John M'Farlane, East Dock street
A. Robertson, Tay Bridge station
R. Chapman, 35 Albert square
A. D. Lawrie, 9 Ward road
Andrew Glass, Heathfield Works
Scottish Alliance (Fire, Ace, & Guar.)
G. M. Kidd, 33 Cowgate, Resident Secy.
Scottish Amicable (Life)
F. Farquharson, 95 Commercial street
Hendry & Pollock, 3 Seagate
Thos. Willock, Bank of Scotd., Reform st.
Robert Robertson, 202 Overgate
Mackay & Mess, 13 Albert square
Scottish Boiler Insurance and Engine
Inspection Company, Limited
A. Willison, 21 Panmure st., Dist. Agent
W. & R. Ritchie, 6 Painnure street
J. Dickson Dodds, 2 India buildings
J. W. Brown, 37 Albert square
William Kinnear, 18 Commercial street
David Moodie, Meadow house
Wilson & Sons, 2 Blackscroft
Johnstone & Simpson, 87 Commercial st.
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
A. J. Murdoch, 1 Exchange street
Geo. Schleselman, 12 Victoria chambers
Scottish Employers' Liability & Ace.
Dickie & Paul, Whitehall st.. Law Agents
David Duncan & Son, 41 Reform street
Robert Keith, 87 High street
A. J. Murdoch, 1 Exchange street
W. B. Morrison, 10 Panmure street
J. R. Wilson, 16 Meadowside
W. P. Butchart, 123 Murraygate
E. Cowan, 5 Reform street
Scottish Equitable (Mutual, Life)
Office, 6 Panmure street. Dundee Board
of Reference — William Arnott, James
L. Hill, P. Spence Mudie, P. G.Walker.
Wm. Simpson, District Secretary
Scottish Legal Life
D. M'Gregor, 20 Panmure st., Dist. Mgr.
Scottish Life
G. C. Keiller, 9 Panmure st., Res. Secy
•James Cram, 16 Euclid crescent
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
James Thomson, 48 Union street
Scottish (Plate Glass)
J. Rattray, 51 S. Tay st., Dist. Manager
Alexander Esplin & Son, 7 Cowgate
Robert Hunter, 41 Reform street
James Hutton, 61 Reform street
D. & J. Milne, 2 High street
W. S. Wilkie, 46 Castle street
S. L. Baxter, 81 Murraygate
Band & Whyte, 23 Panmure street
David Duncan & Son, 41 Reform street
A. D. Cameron, 31 Reform street
Islay B. Murray, 13 Overgate
Fairweather & Gilchrist, 9 Ward road
W. & A. W. Stiven, 61 Reform street
A. Esplin & Son, 7 Cowgate
Scottish Provident Institution (Life)
Local Board of Directors — G. Malcolm,
D. M. Watson, V. Fraenkl, A. Gilroy,
Jas. Mudie, T. Bell, and J. C. Lyell ;
John W. Shephei-d, 12 Victoria cham-
bers. Res. Sec. Agents —
R. & A. W. Sturrock, Savings Bank
E. Henderson, 10 Whitehall street
R. Murray, North of Scotland Bank, Ltd.
E. Cowan, 5 Reform street
Moody Stuart & Robei-tson, 9a Ward rd.
J. & J. Ogilvie, 12 Meadowside
F. Stewart Sandeman, 2 Baltic buildings
Stevenson & Johnston, 20 Castle street
Scottish Temperance (Life & Accident)
James Cram, 16 Euclid crescent
John Macnab, Royal Bank, King street
Wm. Robertson, 76 Bell street
Jas. Ireland, B. L. Bank, Westport
James Ramsay & Son, India buildings
Reid, Johnston, & Co., 34 Reform street
Alex. Hutcheson, 8 Bank street
Wm. C. Norrie, 13 Whitehall street
R. M. Hendry, 3 Seagate
Thos. C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
John M'Farlane, 3 East Dock street
S. G. Eraser, 17 Hospital wvnd
J. G. Gilchrist, 9 Ward road
Geo. Scrymgeour, News Bureau
John M'Millan, 60 Magdalen Yard road
William Hutton, 12 Overgate
John Fellow, High street
D. Lawson, 25 Union street '
John Kirk, 226 Lochee road
P. S. Nicoll, 65 Trades lane
G. B. Carmichael, 54 Commercial street
Scottish Union and National (F. & L.)
Branch office, 46 Bell street ; James
Trotter, Resident Secretary
John Birrell, 1 West Bell street
David Bruce & Co. , 3 Royal Exchange pi.
James Cram, 16 Euclid crescent
W. Duncan, 35 Cowgate
J. J. Hunter, 69 Reform street
James Johnston, 82 Murraygate
Robert Laing, 89 High street
Robert Murdoch, National Bank
Nicholson & Marquis, 32 Castle street
D. Petrie, 4 Royal Exchange place
James K. Prain, 20 Castle street
James Rankin, 13 Albert square
Reid, Johnston, & Co., 34 Reform street
David Scott & Son, 79 Commercial st.
J. R. Wilson, 46 Castle street
James S. Young & Co, 38 St Andrew's st.
Scottish Widows' Fund (Life)
Honorary Directors — W L. Boase, Ed-
ward Cox, Jas. F. Low, W. Shepherd.
Principal Agent — John M. Watson, 8
Panmure street. Agents —
Fergusson & Stephen, 5 Whitehall street
William Gellatly, 33 Cowgate
George Haggart, 11 Ward road
D. Hogarth, Union Bank
J. J. Johnstone, 87 Commercial street
George M. Kidd, 33 Cowgate
Mackay & Mess, 13 Albert square
David Myles, 11 Reform street
Peter C. Scott, 33 Meadowside
John Sinclair & Son, 3 Yeaman shore
James Urquhart, 32 Bank street
James T. Steele, 10 Panmure street
Wm. Miller, N. of S. Bank, Bro'ty Ferry
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commerctal street
D. Grieve, 11 Whitehall street. Res. Sec.
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
Sickness and Accident
W. & A. W. Stiven, 61 Reform street
Thos. Keenan, 104 Commercial street
James T. Steele, 10 Panmure street
James A. Norrie, 13 Whitehall street
D. J. Tweedie, 61 Reform street
James A. Anderson, 29 Panmure street
Stephen L. Baxter, 81 Murraygate
James B. Mason, 161 Scouringburn
D. Macdonald, 3 Ellen street
P. F. & J. Husband, 10 Whitehall street
John Ferguson, Renny pi., West Ferry
Standard (Life)
Shiell & Small, 5 Bank street
P. F. & J. Husband, 10 Whitehall street
D. S. & T. Littlejohn, 27 Bank street
Robert Paxton, 24 High street
Reid, Johnston, & Co., 34 Reform street
Henry Wyse, Royal Bank, Westport
Gowans & Buick, 36 Castle street
W. P. Laird & Sinclair, 73 Nethergate
C. D. Mitchell, 54 Commercial street
Star (Life)
J. E. Dow, 10 Victoria chams., Dist. Mgr.
State (Fire)
Branch Office, 25 Albert square ; G.
D. Smith, Resident Secretary. Local
Directors — J. C. Methven, Chairman ;
Andrew Hendry, David Johnston,
Henry M'Grady, T. S. Ross, O. H.
Sun (Fire)
A. D. Fleming, 7 Panmure street
P. F. & J. Husband, 10 Whitehall street
A. M. Ferguson, 45 Commercial street
Union Assurance Society (F. & L.)
T>. Grieve, 11 Whitehall st., Dist. Agent
G. A. Harris, 8 Bank street
R. Matthew, 8 Bank street
Watt & Co., 23 High street
J. R. D. Lawson, 87 High street
G. G. Maclaren, 24 Bank street
James Fettes, 16 Stirling street
T. Y. Storrier, 38 St Andrew's street
W. L. Clark, 11 Whitehall street
Thomas C. Boyd, 104 Commercial street
United Kingdom Temperance
A. Esphn & Son, 7 Cowgate
J. J. Henderson, 8 Bank street
Thomas Smillie, 93 Commercial street
University Life
James Thomson, 48 Union street
Wesley an and General (Life)
David H. Ferrier, 2 Hilltown
Westminster (Fire)
H. B. Ireland, 3 Royal Exchange court
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
Westminster and General (Life)
H. T. Baxter, 87 Commercial street
AVest of England (Fire and Life)
James Martin, and Gray & Martin, 30
Reform street, Joint District MngrSw
West of Scotland (Fire)
J. S. Ritchie, 1 Commercial st.,Dist.Man.
James Thomson, 48 Union street
A. Esplin & Son, 7 Cowgate
G. M. Crichton, 37 Exchange street
T. S. Peebles, 103 High street, Lochee
Alliance Marine and General Assur-
ance Co., Ltd., of London.
David Bruce & Co., 3 Royal Exchange pi.
British and Foreign Marine Insurance
Co., Limited, of Liverpool
David Bruce & Co., 3 Rl. Exchange place
George A. M'Laren, 3 India buildings
Globe Marine Insurance Co. , Limited,
B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street.
Lloyd's Surveyors, 26 East Dock st,
J. Thomson and Harry Clarke, Sur-
veyors for district of Dundee, Mon-
trose, St Andrews, Tayport, Arbroath,
and Perth
Marine Insurance Co., Limited, of
James Logie, 67 Reform street
Maritime Insurance Co., Limited, of
James Logic, 67 Reform street
Merchants Marine Insurance Company,
Limited, of London
David Bruce & Co. , 3 Rl. Exchange place
Standard Marine Insurance Co., Ld.,
of Liverpool
W. O. Taylor & Co., 83 Commercial street
Ulster Marine Insurance Co., Limited
Duncan Howie, 3 Seagate
Union Marine Insurance Co., Limited,
of Liverpool (w^ith vsrhich is incor-
porated The International Marine
Insurance Co., Limited)
James Millar, 54 Commercial street
Union Iron Sailing Ship Small Damage i
Indemnity Association of Dundee
Committee — David Bruce, Matthew Alli-
son, Charles Barrie, R. V. Scroggie.
Joseph Gibson, 26 Commercial street.
( 59 )
THE ALLIANCE TRUST CO., Ltd.— Directors— Andrew Wliitton, James-
Guthrie, John Leadbetter, Alex. Gourlay, W, L. Boase. Secretary — Wm,
Mackenzie, 13 Panmure street. Solicitors — Thomas Thornton, Son, & Co.
Auditors — Moody Stuart & Robertson, C.A., and David Myles, O.A.
— Head Office, 13 Albert square. Directors — Alexander Banks, Chairman j
George Speed, James Keay, A. H. Brown, David Macdonald, J. M. Matthew,
Hugh Sandeman, John Baxter, Robert Middleton. Bankers— The Bank of
Scotland. Manager and Secretary — D. M'Intyre, C.A., 13 Albert square.
Bankers, The Commercial Bank ; Solicitor, James Gold ; Surveyor, J. J.-
Henderson ; Secretary, James Cram, 16 Euclid crescent. Directors — ■
First Society. — R. D. B. Ritchie, Chairman ; J. Dickie, W. Farquharson,^
G. Paterson, M. Smith, E. B. Steel, A. White, W. F. Black, J. M. Cree, J..
Second Society. — R. D. B. Ritchie, Chairman; J. Black, W. Farquharson,.
J. Lamb, W. Martin, C. Mollison, A. C. M'Nair, G. Scrymgeour, M. Smith,.
J. Chaplin.
Third Society. — G. Scrymgeour, Chairman; J. Black, J. Findlay, jun.^
A. C. M'Nair, R. Ross, A. White, A. Husband, A. A. Paul, R. D. B. Ritchie,
J. R. Walker.
Fourth Society. — A. White, Chairman; T. Doig, J. Findlay, jun., P. Fisher,.
W. B. Gloag, J. Gray, W. Martin, A. Ramsay, J. F. Shaw, J. A. Sinclair.
DUNDEE JOINT STOCK COMPANY.— Established in 1824.— Alex. B.
Robb, Preses. David Bruce, Vice-Preses. Board of Management — James
Thomson, Rennald F. Hunter, David Arnot. A. J. Murdoch & Son, 1 Exchange
street. Factors and Treasurers. James Hunter, Jr., 69 Reform st.. Secretary.
Chairman ; J. C. Ellis, C. C. Samson, J. M. Brown, John R. Strachan, John
Stuart, James M'Dougall, Alexander Finlay ; Bankers, Royal Bank of
Scotland ; Solicitors, Gowans & Buick ; Surveyor, Robert Keith ; Auditor,
David Grieve ; Secretary, Alex. Dewar, 15 Castle street.
Directors — John Smith, William Ritchie, sen., Alex. Henderson. Secretary —
John W. Shepherd. Offices — 12 Victoria chambers.
Alexander, James Wright, Jeffrey Thomson Inglis, John Morris, Wm. Ogilvie^
D. S. W. Pyott. Managers and Treasurers, D. S. & T. Littlejohn ; Surveyor,
Wm. Alexander ; Auditor, David Myles, Bankers, The Clydesdale Bank, Ltd.
3 India buildings. Directors — George A. Cox, David Hume, Alex. Gilroy,
John Leadbetter, Robert Lamb. Secretary — Geo. A. M'Laren.
gistered Offices, 13 Albert square. Directors — William Robertson, Chairman;
George Halley, David M'Intyre, John Robertson, all of Dundee, and William
Smith, Benholm Castle, Kincardineshire. Secretary — A. Mackay, C.A.
Assistant Secretary — John Mess, C.A.
— John Sharp, Chairman ; W. O. Dalgleish, Edward Cox, Alex. Gilroy. Ad-
vising Secretary — Robt. Fleming. Secretary — Adam Hunter, 13 Albert square.
Alex. H. Moncur, Chairman ; Alex. Henderson, Robert Duke, A. D. Grimond,
D. R. Dawson. Secretaries — Moody Stuart & Robertson, 9a Ward road.
— Directors — George Halley, Chairman ; Alex. Gourlay, Alex. Gilroy, Wm.
Ritchie, sen., D. S. Littlejohn. Secy. — J.W. Shepherd, 12 Victoria chambers.
'Carbrook, Stirlingshire, Chairman ; Sir James King, Bart. , Campsie, Glas-
gow, Deputy-Chairman ; John Cowan, Stoneleigh, Greenock ; Hon. G. R.
Vernon, M.P., Aiichans, Kilmarnock; Right Hon. the Marquis of Breadal-
bane, Aberfeldy ; Hugh Brown, Glasgow ; Sir Wm. Wallace Hozier, Mauldslie
Castle, Lanarkshire ; James B. Nicholson, Glenbervie House, Kincardineshire ;
John Sharp, of Balmuir, Dundee ; J. C. Bunten, Glasgow ; James Neilson,
Carfin Hall, Holytown ; Walter J. Houldsworth, Coltness, Wishaw; Wm.
M'Ewen, M.P., Edinburgh; Sir R. Jardine, Bart., Castlemilk, Lockerbie.
Distance — Railway, 757^ miles ; Canal, 52 miles — Total, 809^ miles.
Head Office — 302 Buchanan street, Glasgow. James Thompson, General
Manager. Irvine Kempt, General Superintendent. John Blackburn, Secre-
tary. Archibald Hillhouse, General Goods Manager.
Dundee — Andrew Robertson, Goods Manager ; Peter Crystal, Assistant
■Goods Manager ; D. Conacher, Goods Agent, AVest Station ; Alexander Lamb,
•Station-Master, West Station.
in the South to Dundee, Perth, and Aberdeen in the North, and Glasgow in the
West, including Branches, 1057f miles, Canal 32 miles. — Directors — Marquis
of Tweeddale, Yester House, Haddington, Chairman ; Sir Chas. Tennant,
Bart., Glasgow, Deputy - Chairman ; Peter Garnett, Burley-in- Wharf edale,
Leeds; Henry Grierson, Glasgow; George Robertson, W.S., Edinburgh;
Randolph Gordon Erskine Wemyss, Wemyss Castle, Fife ; Joseph Grimond,
Dundee ; Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine ; Alex. Charles Ptrie,
Aberdeen; John Jordon, Leith ; J. G. A. Baird, M.P., Glasgow; George B.
Wieland, Edinburgh; James Parker Smith, M.P., Glasgow; James R.
Creighton, Carlisle ; Charles Carlow, Leven.
Head Office — 4 Princes st. , Edinburgh. John Conacher, General Manager ;
D. Deuchars, Superintendent of the Line; John Cathles, Secretary; John
Martin, Assistant Secretary, Edinburgh. D. M'Dougall, General Goods
Manager, 14 West George street, Glasgow. A. Rutherford, District Goods
Manager, Edinburgh. A. B, Robertson, District Traffic Superintendent,
Dundee. Wm. Dott, Goods Agent, Tay Bridge Station, Dundee. James
.Smith, Station-Master, Tay Bridge Passenger Station.
East Dock street, Dundee. Committee — The Marquis of Breadalbane, Tay-
mouth Castle, Aberfeldy ; John Sharp, of Balmuir and Fernhall, Dundee ;
.James B. Nicolson, Glenbervie House, Drumlithie, Kincardineshire ; Joseph
■Grimond, of Carbet Castle, Broughty Ferry, and Kinnettles, Forfarshire ;
Alexander C. Pirie, Craibstane House, Auchmill, Aberdeenshire ; Randolph
■Gordon Erskine Wemyss, Wemyss Castle, Fife. George G, Hamilton,
Manager and Secretary ; D. Philp, Accountant.
EAST COAST RAILWAY.— Office, 31 Albert square. D. Bisset, Agent.
MIDLAND RAILWAY.— Offices, 57 Meadowside, and Tay Bridge Station.
J". Davies, Agent.
EAILWAY CAERIEKS.— Mutter, Howey, & Co., 24 Cowgate, Contractors
to H.M. War Department (N.B. ), Carting Agents for the North British Railway
Coy., Dundee and Arbroath Joint Railway, and East Coast Railways, viz..
North Eastern Railway Coy. and Great Northern Railway Coy. — Forward and
receive Goods to and from all Stations in Scotland, England, and Ireland.
James Slidders, Manager.
Wordie & Co., South Union st., Carting Agents for Caledonian, Dundee and
Arbroath Joint, Great North of Scotland, and Highland, Railway Companies
— Forward and receive Goods to and from all Stations in Scotland, England,
and Ireland. Hugh Grant, Manager.
J. & P. Cameron, General Cartage Contractors and Agents for North
British Railway. Convey goods to and from all places in Scotland, England,
and Ireland. Office, Tay Bridge Station. John Wallace, Manager.
Sutton & Co., General Carriers to all parts of the world. Despatches to
and from London daily. James Cant, 26 Greenmarket, Agent.
Globe Parcel Express. — Parcels forwarded to and delivered from all parts
of the world. G. Montgomery, 64 High street. Agent.
A. & W. Moffat, General Carriers, Agents for Roberts & Co., Ltd., London,
and Burgess & Co., Manchester. Daily despatches to all parts. Offices, 5
Thorter row and Rankine's court.
Dundee and Broughty Ferry Parcel Express. — The Van leaves East King
street, Broughty Ferry, at 9 A.M. and 2 p.m.; and 50 High street, Dundee, at
11 A.M. and 4.30 P.M. Wm. Thornton, Proprietor.
Hume's Broughty Ferry and Dundee Parcel Express. — The Van leaves the
office. Brook street, Broughty Ferry, at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.; and 40 High
street, Dundee, at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. Alex. Hume, Proprietor.
James Laing
G. P. Findlay, 38 Overgate
Tu. Fri.
2 p.m.
Frank Airth
Mrs Robertson, Royal Stables
Tu. Fri.
2 ,,
David Dick
West Railway station
Tu. Fri.
3.30 „
James Edwards
Mrs Robertson, Royal Stables
Tu. Fri.
3 „
Alex. Braid
A. Spence & Co. ,1 Yeaman shore
Tu. Fri.
1 „
Broughty Ferry
Geo. Longair
J. Cowan & Sons, 23 Greenmrkt.
1 ,.
Burrelton, Dunkeld
Jas. Fleming-
Royal Hotel Stables
3.30 „
Geo. Mann
G. P. Findlay, 38 Overgate
Thomas Ross
F. H. M'Gavin, 99 Murraygate
Thos. Ross
Eagle Inn, 108 Murraygate
12 n.
Alex. Braid
A. Spence & Co. ,1 Yeaman shore
Tu. Fri.
1 p.m,.
Cupar, Kennoway
Jas. Nicholson
Do., do.
Wed. Sat.
1 „
Down field
A. & W. Moffat
5 Thorter Row
5 „
Wm. Small
18 Overgate
Inchture, Kinnaird
Alex. Duncan
33 Westport and 18 Overgate
Friday, 1 &
Alex. Findlay
Wm. Reid, 57 Overgate
John Findlay
J. Cowan & Sons, 23 Greenmrkt.
David Bell
G. P. Findlay, 38 Overgate
Tu. Fri.
3 „
Thos. London
24 Union street
3 „
Lundie, Broomhill
John Brown
John White, 33 Westport
Tu. Fri.
Wm. M'Farlane
108 Murraygate
1 ,,
Jas. Gibson
A. & J. Whyte, 10 Cowgate
Tu. Fri.
Thomas Ross
F. H. M'Gavin, 99 Murraygate
1 ,,
John Petrie
99 and 108 Murraygate
Tu. Fri.
1 ,,
F. H. M'Gavin, 99 Murraygate
1 ,,
St Andrews
Alex. Braid
A. Spence & Co., 1 Yeaman shore
Tu. Fri.
1 ,,
Jas. Brown
7 Dock street
1 ,,
P. Kerr
99 and 105 Murraygate
Tu, Fri,
1 „
HACKNEY CAERIAGBS.— Abstract of Bye-Laws enacted by the Com-
missioners of Police for regulating Hackney Carriages. Stands: — 1. On the
centre of the High street, immediately to the east of the Town House. 2.
On the Nethergate street, betwixt Tally street and South Lindsay street.
3. On Meadowside, opposite the Old Burying Ground. 4. On the West side
of South Union street, immediately to the South of the Caledonian Rail-
way Station. 5. On the South side of E. Dock street, at the West end
of the Dundee and Arbroath Joint Railway Station. 6. On the side of
Victoria Dock quay, opposite the East end of the Customhouse. 7. On the
North side of Cowgate, at its junction with King street. 8. On East side
of South Lindsay street ; between Mid Kirk stile and the junction of South
Lindsay street with Nethergate. 9. In North Lindsay street, North of
Oourier and Argus buildings, on West side.
Fares: — The following and no higher fares shall be charged :
For any distance betwixt the High street stance, or the Meadowside stance,
and any place within the area embraced within the place known as Lilybank
Toll-bar and Taybank gate on the east, the places at which existed the
Blackness and Logie toll-bars on the west, and Dudhope terrace, Somer-
ville place, head of Bonnethill, and Stobswell (at crossing of Forfar and Mur-
roes road. Lunatic Asylum), on the north, — One Shilling : And should any
Hackney Carriage be engaged at any stance or place other than either of the
two before mentioned, the fare shall be only One Shilling for any distance
traversed within the said area, if not more than from either of said stances.
The fare shall also be One Shilling within the following circuit wheresoever
within such circuit the carriage may be engaged : namely, within a circuit com-
mencing at the foot of Shepherd's loan (Magdalen yard), and passing by Shep-
herd's loan to the junction of Hawkhill and Perth road, and thence by Hawk-
hill and Annfield road, Cherryfield, and Scouringburn, to the jimction of Miln-
bank road and Polepark road, and thence to Dudhope Free Church at the
junction of Lochee road and Polepark road, and proceeding by Dudhope house
Dudhope terrace, Somerville place. Constitution street, Rosebank street, Ann
street. Cotton road, Laing street, and Dura street to Brown Constable street,
and thence by Lyon street, Raglan street, and Lower Lilybank to Broughty
Ferry road, and terminating on said Ferry road at Springhill or Carolina port.
In cases to which neither of the rules prescribed in the 'immediately pre-
ceding paragraph may be applicable, the following shall apply, viz. — From any
place to any other place within five miles from the General Post Office of the
burgh, if not more than a mile. One Shilling ; and for each additional half-
mile, and also for any part of a half-mile. Sixpence additional.
The foregoing fares to apply to cases where the niimber of passengers does
not exceed four. If five passengers are carried. Sixpence extra, irrespective of
mileage or distance, may be charged. In the case of children under twelve
years of age, two are to be reckoned and charged for as one adult.
When engaged by the hour in shopping or calls, the fares shall be, per hour
Two Shillings ; and when engaged by the hour in pleasure or country driving.
Two Shillings and Sixpence.
When required to ply after eleven o'clock p.m. to twelve o'clock p.m., a fare
and a-half to be charged ; after twelve o'clock p.m. to five o'clock a.m., double
fares ; after five o'clock a.m. till six a.m., a fare and a-half to be charged.
Luggage not exceeding in weight 100 lbs. shall be taken free of charge; above
that weight it shall be liable to a charge of Sixpence extra.
Half fares to be charged for returning by the same carriage (when not engaged
by time), but the carriage not to be detained beyond fifteen minutes, unless by
agreement. If a carriage be required to take up two or more parties at different
places, or to go out of the ordinary route betwixt two places, Sixpence extra
may be charged.
"When a carriage is called, but not used, a charge of Sixpence will be allowed
if the place to which it is called be under half a mile from, the nearest stand,
and One Shilling if beyond said distance.
Any party shall be entitled to withhold payment of the Fare : When the
Name and Number are not painted outside, or when there is no card or plate
inside the carriage in terms of tlie Bye-Laws. When the Keference Ticket is
not offered on being asked for. When the Bye-Laws, Table of Fares, and
Driver's License, are not shown on demand ; and when an Overcharge is made.
Persons contravening any of the foregoing Bye-Laws to be liable (except in
special cases where other penalties are hereinbefore stipulated) in a penalty
not exceeding Five Pounds for each offence, but with j)ower to the Judge to
remit the whole penalty,
DUNDEE AND DISTEICT TRAMWAY CO., Ltd.— Registered Office, 19
High Street. Directors — Thomas Buchan, Chairman ; David Pirie, John
Rattray, William Moir. Secretary and Manager, P. Fisher.
TAY FERRIES— Managed by Dundee Harbour Trustees under "Dundee
Harbour and Tay Ferries Act, 1873. " — John Methven, Superintendent.
Station — Craig pier. South Union street.
A Steamboat sails from Dundee not before 6, 7, 8, 8.50, 9.30, 10.10, 11a.m.,
12noon, 12.45, 1,30, 2.15, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 7.50, 8.40, 9.30, 10.30, 11.15p.m.;
and from Newiwrt not before 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30, 11.30 a.m.,
12.25, 1.5, 1.50, 2.40, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7.25, 8.15, 9.5, 10, 10.50, 11.35 p.m.
On Sundays the Steamboat sails from Dundee not before 9, 10 a.m.,
12.40, 1.15, 4.5, 5.15, 6.15*, and 8.15 p.m. ; and from Newj)ort not before 9.30,
10.30 A.M., 12.55, 1.45, 4.30, 5.45, 6.45*, 8.30 p.m.
* This Boat will only be run from the first Sunday of April, until the last
Sunday of September.
DUNDEE PLEASURE BOAT CO., Ltd. (1893).— Directors— David Pirie,
David Thomson, David Simpson, David Nicoll, William Bell, John Jack ;
Managing Director, John A. Wilson ; Chairman, William Alexander ; Secre-
tary, David Grieve, 11 Whitehall street.
Baltic street
Camperdown street
Commercial court
Dock street, Seagate
East and West Whale
lane and Allan street
King street
Mary Ann lane
Small's wynd
Temple lane
Trades lane
'Yictoria road
West Whale lane
Dundee Warehousing Co.; Soutar, M'Nicoll, & Co.,
Baltic Warehouse ; Alex. Patterson & Co., managers
Dundee Harbour Trustees
Hill & Renny
Dock Street Warehouse Co. ; D. Martin & Co., mgrs.
Dundee Jute and Flax Warehousing Co. , Ltd. ; Berg,
Sons, & Co., managers
King Street Warehouse ; Hill & Renny, managers
Peter Matthew
Hardie & Smith
T. S. Ross
Public Warehouse Co. ; T. S. Rosa, manager
Chamber of Commerce Jute Sample Warehouse ; G.
C. Keiller, secretary
Craigie Yard AVarehouse Co. ; J. J. Barrie & Co.,
( 64 )
(For Complete Lists of Presbyteries, see Trades and Professions Section.)
Church of Scotland.
Chapelshade, Constitution road, . .Rev.
Clepington, Clepington, „
Logie, Balgay street, ,,
Maryfield Chapel, Morgan street, , ,
Rosebank, Constitution street, ,,
St Andrew's, King street, ,,
St Clement's (Steeple Ch. ), Nethergate, , ,
St David's, North Tay street,... ,,
St Enoch's, Nethergate, ,,
St John's (Cross Church), Tay street, ,,
StMark's, Perth road, „
St Mary's (The Par. Ch.), Nethergate, „
St Matthew's, Ferry road, ,,
St Paul's (South Church), Nethergate, ,,
St Thomas' s Mission, Lochee road, , ,
Wallacetown, Crescent street, „
Lochee, ,,
,, St Luke's, ,,
Free Church.
Albert Square, Meadowside, Rev.
Baxter Park, Arbroath road,
Bonnethill, Hilltown,
Chalmers, Hunter street,
Chapelshade, Constitution road, . .
Dudhope, Upper pleasance, . . .
High, Hospital wynd,
Hilltown, Maxwelltown,
M'Cheyne Memorial, 328 Perth road,
Martyrs, Annfield road,
Ogilvie, Dura street,
St Andrew's, Meadow place,
St David's, "Ward road,
St John's, Perth road,
St Paul's, Nethergate,
St Peter's, St Peter street,
Wellgate, Dudhope street,
Willison, Barrack street,
Archibald Bell, D.D.
David R. Robertson, B.D.
Stewart Galloway
James Dowie, M.A.
David B. Cameron, M.A.
Harcourt M. Davidson
Henry L. Mitchell, M.A.
(acting minister)
Robert S. Warren
Hugh George Watt, B.D.
Peter Grant, D.D.
Chas. M. Grant, B.D.
Colin Campbell, D.D.
John Mills, M.A.
William Smith
John ColviUe, B.D.
James M. Campbell
William Wright
William May, M.A.
G. R. Macphail, M.A.
James Fenton, M.A,
James A. Simpson
Robert H. Logan, M.A.
Alex. Adamson, M. A.,B.D.
Arthur C. Abel
Gavin Anderson, M.A.
John Macpherson
Alex. Alexander, M.A.
Alex. Osborne, M.A.
Henry F. Henderson, M.A.
Charles Shaw
A. C. M'Kenzie, B.D.
D. M. Ross, M.A.
William Patrick, D.D.
John Jenkins, M.A.
Donald Cook, B.Sc.
Alex. S. Inch, M.A.
David Thom, M.A.
United Presbyterian Church.
lstCongregation,George'sChai)el,S.Lindsayst. Rev. George Smart
do. (Wishart), ,
.Bell street,
..Dudhope Cres.
..Tay square,
J. G. Walton, M.A., B.D.
James Wilson
John Reid, M.A.
Arch. B. Connel, D.D.
W. A. Dunbar
7th Congregation (James') Bell street, Rev. James Robbie, M.A. ,B.D.
8th do. Butterburn, ,, Robert A. Watson, D.D.
9th do. Victoria street, ,, William Rose
10th do Hawkhill, ,, Robert H. Wyllie
11th do. (Ryehill), Perth road, ,, James Aitken, M.A.
12th do. (Park), Parkavenue, ,, James George
13th do. (Lochee rd. ), Logie street, ,, John Bisset
Castle street, Rev. Joseph Vickery
Lindsay street, ,, Alfred Gardner
Princes street, ,, David Barran
Russell Chapel, Hawkhill, „ David Caird
Panmure street, ,, W. J. Cox
Ward Chapel, Constitution road, „ K. C. Anderson, D.D.
Gilfillan Memorial, Rev. David Macrae
Evangelical Union.
Morison, Guthrie street, Rev. Andrew James Forson
Trinity, Victoria road, ,, Wm. Hamilton, M.A.
Wesleyan Methodists.
Victoria road, Rev. George Terry, B.A.
Ward road, ,, Clement Stuchbery
Rattray street, Rev. Thomas W. Lister
St Enoch's, Long wynd, ,, David Clark
Lochee, ,, John Campbell
Church of Christ.
Constitution Road Chapel, 5 Constitution road,... T. Y. Miller
Salem Chapel, 59 Constitution road, G, C. Aimer and D. C. Buik
Scottish Episcopal Church.
The Most Rev. H. W. Jermyn, D.D., Bishop of Brechin, Primus of the
Scottish Church
I Rev. Edward John Gough, M.A., Rector
^ PanV^j ra^tlpbill J " A. Begg,M. A., Assistant-Curate
b. Paul s, Oastlehill, .... -< ^^ p^_ ^ Lingard-Guthrie, M.A., Chaplain to the
( Primus. Rev. A. T. Bell
S. Paul's Mission, Castle court The Rector of S. Paul's
( Rev. F. Burdon, Rector
S. Mary Magdalene's, Blinshall st., -^ ,, E. J. S. Teviotdale, M.A., B.Sc.
( ,, J. B. Jobberns, M.A.
Holy Trinity Mission, Well road, Rector of S. Mary Magdalene's
C Rev. W. K. Nicholson, Rector
S. Salvador's, Clepington, < ,, W. D. Creighton, and Rev. G.
( M. Duncan, Assistant Clergy
S. Martin's Mission, Rector of S. Salvador's
S.John the Baptist Epis.Ch., Albert St., Rev. J. J. Dunbar, Priest in Charge
S. Margaret's, Lochee, ,, Thomas Lennie, Rector
Catholic Apostolic, Constitution road,... Rev. John Rankin
Roman Catholic Church.
St Andrew's Pro-Cathedral, ( Right Rev. Monsignor Clapperton ; Rev,
Nethergate, \ Thomas Roche ; Rev. Patrick Kearney 5 TVT Mj- ( Rev. Michael Phelan; Rev. Thomas Brophy;
StMarys,Maxwelltown, J Rev. Pat. Crotty; Rev. Patrick O'Donnell
St Tospiih's Blackness road 4 ^^^- Joseph Holder ; Rev. Edmond Hassett ;
tet Josepn s, iiiackness roaa, . . . -| j.^^^ j^^^ j ^^^^^^^
St Patrick's, Lilybank road, Rev. Peter L. Butti, Rev. John Gleeson
St Mary's, Lochee, { ^' DowliS^''''''''' ^^"^ ^^ ^^'^^' ^^^' '^^"'^'
Wellburn, Lochee, Rev. Augustine M 'Dermott
Salvation Army.
Staff Captain — Simon Reynolds.
Arcade Hall, Victoria road, Captain Phillips
Lindsay Street Hall, ,, Harrison
Larch Street Hall, ,, Newth
Rosebank street, ,, Marshall
Miscellaneous Churches.
Original Seceders, Euclid crescent, Rev. Peter M'Vicar
Unitarian, Constitution road, Rev. H. Williamson
German, Y.M.C.A. Hall, Rev. Wm. H. Blumenreich
Glassite, King street, "^
Hebrew, 7 Ward road, I
Church of Baptized Believers, King's Road Hall,. |
Christadelphian, Victoria Hall, I Ministers
Society of Friends, Whitehall crescent, ( Various.
Plymouth Brethren, 6 Bain square, and 3 Sea I
wynd, I
New Jerusalem Church, Rankine's court, j
The Dundee Established Presbytery meets in St Enoch's Class-Room, Long
wynd, on the first Wednesday of each month, at 12 o'clock noon. Clerk —
Rev. P. Lorimer Burr, Lundie Manse. Officer — Wm. Cuthill, 55 Murraygate.
The Dundee Free Church Presbytery meets in Chapelshade Free Church on
the second Wednesday of each month, at 11 a.m. Clerk — Rev. Robt. Lorimer,
Free Church Manse, Strathmartine. Officer — James T. Arklay, 9 Mid street.
The Dundee United Presbyterian Presbytery meets in the hall of Tay
Square Church on the Wednesday after the first Sabbath of each month, at 11
a.m. Clerk — Rev. James Wilson, 17 Springfield. Officer — Alexander Crerar,
143 Nethergate.
SESSION CLERK.— John Miln, 52 Bell street. Office hours— 1.30 to 3
o'clock afternoon ; from 6 to 8 o'clock evening.
Vice-Presidents — William Hepburn, W. S. Melville, Patrick Hunter ; Treasurer
— A. D. Fleming ; Secretary — John Foggie, 10 Maryfield terrace ; Committee —
.James Lyon, James H. Smith, William A. Scott, Charles L. Cruickshank,
William F. Chalmers, W. W. Halley, David Annan, David Brown, James
Torrance, Archibald Bruce, William Bain, Robert Reekie ; Missionaries, Robert
Crichton and Henry Moncrieff . Mission Premises, Dallfield walk.
A. H. Moncur. Vice-Presidents — D. M. Watson, William Hunter, A. J.
Buist, William Mackison. Treasurer — J. C. Robertson, C.A., 9a Ward Road.
Secretary — J. H. Martin, 53 WestjDort.
SCOTLAND. — President — A. H. Moncur; Vice-Presidents — David Petrie,;
H. B. Fergusson, Alex. Henderson. Committee — Geo. Carmichael, Jas. Logie,;
William Doig, A. D. Grimond, Alexander Murray. Secretarj' — John W.
Shepherd. Treasurer — Robt. Murdoch, National Bank. Depositarian — James;
H. Smith, Y.M.C.A. Collector— David Kilgour.
— President, A. H. Moncur ; Secretary, James Thomson, LL.B., 48 Union
street ; Treasurer, Andrew Smyth, Hermonhill, 23 Perth road.
SOCIETY.— Rev. K. C. Anderson, D.D., Chairman; Rev. William J. Cox,
Secretary ; David Brand, British Linen Co. Bank, Treasurer.
conducting of Sabbath Forenoon Meetings and other Religious Services
for the Young. Hon. President— Sir John Leng, M. P. Hon. Vice-Presidents
—Revs. D. R. Robertson, C. M. Grant, D. M. Ross, James A. Simpson, W. A.
Dunbar, J. G. Walton, W. Rose, A. S. Inch, John Kennedy, William
May, A. Alexander ; and A. H. Moncur, George Armitstead, W. O. Dalgleish,
Alexander Henderson, A. D. Grimond, Alexander J. Buist, George Halley,
John Sharp, James Logie, Thomas Bell, and Walter Shepherd. President
—Lord Provost Mathewson ; Vice-President— John W. Shepherd ; Treasurer—
B. L. Nairn, Thomson street ; Secretary— Alexander Murray, 106 Nethergate ;
Secretary of Staff Meeting— H. B. Martin, Nelson Street. Directors— D. H.
M'Intosh, James Carver, J. Melville, Charles Stewart, C. W. Scrimgeour,
Geo. Forbes, John Gordon, J. H. Martin, W. W. Halley, J. Foggie, W. P.
Lindsay, W. Ramsay.
Name of Meeting
Taylor's Lane,
Annfield Street,
St Andrew's,
Wilson Mission,
Dallfield Walk,
Willison Mission,
Bonnethill, . . .
William Street, King street,
Camperdown, Lochee,
Park Wynd,...
Caledonian Hall, ...
Children's Free Breakfast Mission,
Maxwelltown Hall,...
Clepington, ...
Cherryfield Mission,
Muirhead of Liff, ...
CamiDbell Street, Lochee,
Airlie Hall, Murraygate—
Isla Street, ...
St Clement's Mission,
Bog Mission, ...
Victoria Street,
Hunter Street,
Carmichael Street, ...
— Average attendance
Wrought co-operatively with
M'Cheyne Memorial Free Church
D. B. & G. Religious Association
St Andrew's Free Church
St Paul's Free Church
United Presbyterian Mission
Willison Free Church
Bonnethill Free Church
Dudhope Free Church
Bell Street U.P. Church
Various Presbyterian Churches, Lochee
St John's Free Church
St Mark's Established Church
D. B. & G. Religious Association
D. B. & G. Religious Association
Hilltown Free Church
Wallacetown Free Church
Wishart U.P. Church
Ogilvie Free Church
Liff Presbyterian Churches
Ogilvie Free Church
D. B. & G. Religious Association
Senior Meeting, Do.
Logie Established Church
Clepington Established Church
St Clement's Established Church
D. B. & G. Religious Association
Victoria Street U. P. Church
Chalmers' Free Church
High Free Church
of Boys and Girls, 3767 ; Number of workers, 504.
MISSION UNION.— President, Alex. Mathewson;
Vice-Presidents, Sir John Leng, M.P., Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Rev. 0. M.
Grant, George W. Baxter, James Logie ; Secretary, Rev. John Reid,
12 Clarendon terrace ; Treasurer, John W. Shepherd, Victoria chambers ;
Members of Council, Rev. W. J. Cox, Robert F. Calder, W. F. Chalmers,
William Doig, William Hunter, Rev. T. W. Lister, B. L. Nairn, Rev. Dr
Patrick, W. S. Peddie, Rev. D. R. Robertson, Rev. D. M. Ross, George
Ritchie, James H. Smith, Rev. J. G. Walton ; Chairman of Council, Rev.
D. M. Ross ; Secretary to Council, B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial sbreet.
Statutory meetings of Council are held in the Town Hall on third Wednes-
days in March, June, September, and December.
THE M'ALL MISSION IN FRANCE (Dundee Auxiliary).— Committee
— Alex. J. Buist, Rev. W. J. Cox, James Logie, Alex. H. Moncur, George
Ogilvie, John Earl Robertson, John W. Shepherd ; Hon. Secretary and
Treasiirer, J. Dickson Dodds, 2 India buildings.
A. H. Moncur; Hon. Directors, George Armitstead, W. O. Dalgleish, H. B.
Fergusson, A. J. Buist, A. D. Grimond, Rev. R. S. Warren, Rev. W. J.
Cox, AV. Y. Blyth-Martin, Alex. Henderson, William Hunter, Rev. James
George, William Doig, William Macldson, John J. H. Henry. President,
James Logie ; Vice-Presidents, A. Watson Smith, Henry Scott ; Directors,
W. F. Chalmers, W. Briggs, B. L. Nairn, P. Hunter, Colin Macdonald,
Jas. Torranqe, P. Murray, Wm. Peebles, W. M. Robertson, Wm. Robb, Thomas
Doig, Alex. B. Burns; Treasurer, James Low; Secretary, Alex. W. Stiven, 61
Reform street.
MISSION.— President — Rev. John Macpherson ; Vice-President — Thos.
M'Intosh ; Secretary and Treasurer— Peter Will, East Somerville place.
Committee — Revs. A. C. Abel, James A. Simpson, R. H. Logan, A. Alexander,
John Jenkins, Geo. Smart, John Brand, John Reid, A. S. Inch, Peter
M'Vicar ; Charles Hardie, W. Farquharson, David M'Intosh, Alex. Gray, D.
H. M'Intosh, James Adam, Alex. Gorrie, James Watson, David Hunter,
James King, George Millar, Alex. Duncanson, James Stirton, James Borrie,
George Smith, Robert Taylor, James Barrie, William Angus, George Isles.
DUNDEE COLPORTAGE SOCIETY. — President, A. D. Grimond;
Secretary and Treasurer, James H. Smith, Y.M.C.A. ; Committee, A. J.
Buist, Alex. Henderson, George Carmichael, James Logie, William Doig,
James Low, James Martin, Alex. Adamson.
DUNDEE TRACT SOCIETY.— President, William Hunter ; Treasurer,
Adam Hunter; Secretary, James H. Smith, Y.M.C.A.
Buist, Rev. A. B. Connel, D.D., Rev. W. J. Cox, George Ogilvie; Hon.
Secretary and Treasurer, J. Dickson Dodds, 2 India buildings.
Robertson ; Vice-President, J. L. Cunningham ; Treasurer, D. P. May ;
Secretary, Rev. David Barran, Cliftonbank, Dalkeith road.
James Bell ; Vice-President, Charles Robertson ; Treasurer, R. O. Parker ;
Secretary, W. S. Peddie, Nairneville, Seafield road.
Dundee Temperance Society and Gospel Temperance Union. — Presi-
dent, A. H. Moncur ; Vice-Presidents, Alex. Henderson, and J. P. Smith ; Secy. ,
J. H. Martin,. 53 Westport ; Agent, John Carter, 39 High street. Sermons on
Sabbath evenings dviring the winter months, and Oi^en-Air Meetings in the
summer; Weekly Meetings in Y.M.C.A., on Saturday evenings at 7.30, i
from October to April ; District and other Meetings as advertised.
Dundee Women's Christian Temperance Union (B.W.T. A.).— President
— Mrs J. Steel ; Vice-Presidents — Mrs A. H. Moncur, Mrs J. Wilson, Mrs
P. G. Walker, Mrs James Thomson ; Committee — Mrs Rose, Miss I. Spence,
Miss Deas, Miss Scotland, Miss M. Whyte, Mrs C. W. Scrimgeour, Mrs G.
JCarmicliael, Miss Cochrane, Miss Hay Petrie, Mrs John Robertson, Miss C.
IThomson, Mrs Adamson, Miss Henderson, Mrs Wellstood, Mrs Aitken, Mrs
Inch, Mrs Lundie, Miss Smith, Mrs Blair, Mrs Philip, and Miss Robertson.
Treasurer — Miss E. Spence, 30 Magdalen Yard road. Secretary — Miss J.
Y. Stuart, Summerbank, West Ferry. Prayer Meetings in Bell Street U.P.
Chiirch Vestry, last Tuesday (at 8 p. m. ) of each month from September to April.
Dundee and District Band op Hope Union. — President, C. W. Scrim-
geour ; Vice-Presidents, J. A. Leng and P. Hunter ; Treasurer, David Mathers,
Whitehall st. ; Secy., D. S. Howie, 93 Nethergate. Bands of Hope on Roll —
Dudhope Crescent Mission, ... Secy., R. M. Short, 4 Baxter Park terrace
Hawkhill U.P. Church,
Bell Street U. P. Church, . . .
Sons of Freedom & Band of Courage,
Butterburn U.P. Church, ...
Princes Street Church,
Westport Total Abstinence Society,
Dallfleld Walk Mission,
Russell Chapel,
Free St John's Mission,
Excelsior Juvenile Tent, Lochee,
Bog Mission, Lochee,
Wellgate Free Church,
Lochee U.P. Church,
Chapelshade Free Church, ...
St Clement's (Steeple),
Willison Mission, ...
Free St Paul's Mission,
Rescue Band,
Ward Road Methodist,
Chalmers Free Church,
William Street, King street,
Clepington Mission,
Hope of Future,
Long Wynd Baptist,
Free St Peter's,
Rattray Street Baptist,
Free St John's,
Victoria Street,
Day Star, LO.G.T.,
James' U.P.,
Hope of Dundee, LO.G.T., ...
Y.W.C.A., Junior Branch, ...
Free St Andrew's, ...
Hillbank Mission, ...
Wellgate B.C. Mission,
J. G. Cruden. 82 Peddie street
D. S. Howie, 93 Nethergate
Rev. A. C. Henderson
W. Greig, 224 Lochee road
Miss Fernie, 28 Arbroath road
G. Jamieson, 45 Peddie street
J. L. S. Lyon, 31 Reform street
Miss Fleming, 67 Ure street
J. M. Scott, 53 Reform street
R. Davidson, 110 Logie street
H. Dow, 17 Muirton road, Lochee
S. Shepherd, 28 King street
W. Walker, 6 Balgay street
A. Stevenson, 1 Woodville place
J. Clark, 2 Easson's angle
J. H. Martin, 51 Westport
A. Hossick, 10 Hermonhill
Miss Whittet, 4 Gowrie street
G. Davidson, 13 St Peter street
J. White, 1 Hunter street
James Nicoll, 9 Ward road
John Gumming, Eastwood terrace
D. Anderson, 87^ Blackscroft
C. Davidson, 34 Rosebank street
James M 'Combe, Hillside avenue
Miss M'Kenzie, 18 Albert street
A. G. Morrison, Downfield
J. M. Scott, 53 Reform street
A. Watson, 15 Baffin street
A. C. Robertson, Manor place
R. Allan, Rankine street
D. Taylor, 20 Nelson street
P. M'Lean, 129 Hawkhill
Miss Sandeman, Broughty Ferry
James Mathew, 17 Cowgate
W. Scott, Ivybank, Clepington rd.
R. Storrier, 32 Carmichael street
TYSON CURE COMMITTEE.— Chairman, Daniel S. Smith ; Committee,
Rev. David Macrae, Wm. Blackwood, Peter Matthew, Jas. Combe, John W.
Shepherd, John Robertson; Hon. Secretary, Jas. Thomson, LL.B. ; Hon.
Treasurer, Wm. Henderson ; Secy. andTreas., Geo. J. A. Kidd, 6 Panmure st.
( 70 )
Trustees.— Lord Provost Low; John Shiress Will, Q.C., M.P. ; Six Jolin
Leng, M.P. ; Edmund Robertson, M.P. ; John Campbell Smith, Sheriff -
Substitute ; Henry M' Grady.
Governors.— Xi/e; G. W. Baxter, E. F. Maitland, James Smart, George
Armitstead, G. H. Thorns, T. W. Thorns, J. Martin White, V. Fraenkl, R. B.
Don, M.A., Earl of Camperdown, W. O. Dalgleish, John Robertson, Thos.
Thornton, LL.D., I. J. Weinberg, John Bett, John Sharp, W. C. Leng,
J. G. F. Lowson, Ph.D., James F. Low, James Smieton, M.A., B.Sc,
J. More Smieton, Hugh Ballingall, A. Sidney White, Mrs M. H. Ogilvie, Mrs
Eleanor Sharp, Mrs E. W. Wenley, Miss B. White, Miss A. White, Miss W.
White, Wm. Carnelley, J. G. Orchar, Principal Peterson, H. Gourlay, Robt.
Fleming, Miss Symers, W. R. H. Valentine, D. C. Thomson, Robt. Pullar,
J. C. Buist, Miss C. Thow, Mrs Andrew Low, A. J. Buist, R. G. Brand,
W. T. Currie, C. W. Corsar, W. G. Robertson, J. B. Don, W. H. Fergusson,
Alex. Hutton, Henry M 'Grady, Thos. Bell, A. D. Grimond, J. J. Barrie,
Robt. Lamb, John Shiell, Edward Cox, David Corsar, David Cunningham,
Lord Kinnaird, H. B. Fergusson, J. N. Smith, Robt. Murdoch, R. Polack.
Annuccl Subscribers: Edinburgh Angus Club— John Shiell, representative;
Professor D'Arcy W. Thompson, Miss E. F. Forster, G. K. Smith, Alex.
Henderson, James Cunningham, jun., Robert Mudie, William Moir, Andrew
Lowson, Professor Paterson. Ex-officio : Earl of Strathmore, Lord-Lieu-
tenant of the County ; Earl of Camperdown, Convener of the County ;
John Rigby, M.P. for the County ; John Shiress Will, M.P. for Montrose
Burghs ; John Comrie Thomson, Sheriff of the County ; Lord Dean
of Guild Paul; H. A. T. Lindsay Carnegie; Sir H. E. Roscoe, M.P.; H. B.
Fergusson, for the Chamber of Commerce ; Rev. Dr Connel, for the School
Board ; Fulton Spiers, for the High School ; Rev. Dr Colin Campbell, for the
Free Library ; and the members of the College Council for the time being.
Cov]<JCiL.— Elected by the Governors: Thomas Thornton, LL.D., Rev. W. J.
Cox, John Robertson, James Smieton, G. W. Baxter, J. Martin White, R. B.
Don, W. R. H. Valentine, J. G. Orchar. Ex-o-jficio : Lord Provost Low,
Sir John Leng, M.P., Edmund Robertson, M.P., Sheriff Smith; Thomas Bell,
President of the Chamber of Commerce ; Principal Donaldson, LL.D., St
Andrews ; Professor A. M. Paterson, Principal Peterson, A. Bruce Gilroy.
Principal— W. Peterson, M.A., LL.D.
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Professor J. E. A. Steggall, M.A.
Chemistry, Professor Percy F. Frankland, Ph.D.
Engineering and Drawing, Prof. T. Claxton Fidler, M.Inst.C.E,
Zoology, Professor D'Arcy W. Thompson, B.A.
Botany (J. F. White Chair), Professor Patrick Geddes,
Anatomy (T. H. Cox Chsir), Professor A. M. Paterson, M.D.
Physiology, Prof. E. Waymouth Reid,B.A., M.B.
Classics and Ancient History, Principal W. Peterson, M.A., LL.D.
English Language and Literature ) -d 4: -ixr^ a Tvr<n w,- 1 t\t a
and Modern History, |Professor Wm. S. M Cormick, M.A.
Logic and Metaphysics, Professor Jones, M.A.
Lecturers — Modern Languages, H. Durlac, Officier d' Academic ; Operative
Surgery, Dr MacEwan ; Fine Art, Miss Patti Jack.
Chemical Laboratory Steward, John Foggie ; Janitor, Alex. Martin ;
Secretary, R. N. Kerr, F.E.I.S.; Treasurers, Shiell & Small, 5 Bank street.
TECHNICAL INSTITUTE,— Trustees— Sir D. Baxter's Testamentary
Trustees, The Right Hon. W. E. Baxter, William Ogilvy Dalgleish, Edward
A. Baxter, George W. Baxter. Official Trustees— J. W. Barclay, M.P.;
Sir John Leng, M.P. ; E. Robertson, LL.D., M.P. ; Sheriff J. Comrie
Thomson; Sheriff J. Campbell Smith, LL.D.; Lord Provost Low; Lord Dean
of Guild Paul ; Rev. Dr Grant, Chairman of School Board ; Bailie
Macdonald, Chairman of School Committee of School Board ; Thomas
Bell, President, Chamber of Commerce; Treasurer Willsher; George R.
Merry, M.A., LL.D., Rector of High School.
Committee.— From the Institute Trustees— William Hunter, Alex. H.
Moncur, Walter Shepherd, James Cunningham, jun., M.A. ; George R.
Merry, LL.D. ; Rev. Dr Grant, John Munro. From University College-
R. B. Don, M.A. ; John Robertson, J. Martin White, George Scott. The
Principal of the College, ex officio. From the Dundee Burgh School Board-
Bailie Macdonald, Rev. D. B. Cameron, M.A. From the Town Council-
George Ritchie, William Stephenson. From the Dundee High School— W.
R. H. Valentine. From the Trades Council— John R. Montgomery, Henry
Guthrie. From the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, &c.— John Lindsay.
Board of Studies.— Principal Peterson, M.A., LL.D., Chairman; Pro-
fessor Steggall, M.A., F.R.S.E. ; Professor Frankland, Ph.D., B.Sc. ; Pro-
fessor T. Claxton Fidler, M.Inst.C.E.; John M'Cowan, M.A., D.Sc; Thos.
Reid, Robert Chalmers, John Thomson, F. J. Hambly, F.C.S.; J. R. Apple-
yard, F.C.S. ; George Malcolm; James B. Corr, A. L. Peacock, Thomas
Ferguson, Alexander Anderson, F. W. Young, F.R.S.E.; T. D. Dunn, R. M.
Short, James Bremner, David Ireland, David Storrie ; John Foggie, F.C.S.;
James Bell, M.I.E.E.; J. W. Kippen, J. M. Malloch.
Teaching Staff.— Mathematics, J. W. Kippen; Theoretical Mechanics,
John M'Cowan, M.A. ; Sound, Light and Heat, John Thomson ; Magnetism
and Electricity, James B. Corr; Chemistry, Fred. J. Hambly, F.C.S. , and
J. R. Appleyard ; Assistant, John Foggie ; Applied Mechanics, J. M.
Malloch ; Steam and Mechanical Engineering, Thomas Reid ; Graphic
Sciences and Carpentry and Joinery, George Malcolm ; Plumber Work, A. L.
Peacock and W. Fenwick ; Textile Fabrics, T. Ferguson ; Telegraphy, J. Bell ;
Art Class, T. Delgaty Dunn ; Horticulture, D. Storrie ; Naval Architecture,
R. M. Short ; Cabinetmaking, D. Ireland ; Wood Carving, J. Bremner.
Secretary, R. N. Kerr, F.E.I. S. ; Treasurers, Shiell & Small, 5 Bank
street ; Porter, Alexander Hodge.
HIGH SCHOOL.— Directors— A'ic o^ais— Lord Provost Low, Rev. Dr
Colin Campbell, Lord Dean of Guild Paul. From the Town Council—
D. H. Ferrier, John Stuart, George AVillsher, Wm. Nixon, Wm. Mudie,
Alex. Elliot. From the Subscribers— Wm. Robertson, Thos. W. Thorns, Hugh
Ballingall, George Malcolm, Robert Murdoch, Fulton Spiers, Victor Fraenkl.
Elected under Act 1882— Jas. Adie, W. R. H. Valentine, Jas. Logie, Chas.
Ower, Joseph Gibson. Rector— George Ross Merry, M.A, Oxon., LL,D.
Teachers— English, John B. Charles, M.A. ; Mathematics, Andrew Miller,
M.A. ; Classics, Adam Wilson, M.A,, LL.D. ; Latin (for Girls), German, P. J.
Imandt; French, H. Durlac, Officier d'Academie; Writing, Book-keeping,
and Phonography, George D. Brown, M.A., and Richard Scott; Drawing
and Painting, Wm. M. Grubb ; Science, Frank W. Young, F.R.S.E., F.C.S.;
Mechanics, J. Y. Gray; Music, David Ferrier; Singing, George Neale ;
Needlework, Miss Matthew ; Calisthenics, Alexander Sturrock,
Treasurer, John Mess, C.A., 13 Albert square ; Secretary, A. W. Gumming,
1 Bank street ; Janitor, James Scott, High School buildings.
Duncan Macdonald, 24 Thomson street, Chairman.
Rev. Robt. Clapperton, 150Netherg'te
Rev. Joseph Holder, Wilkie's lane
Rev. A. B. Connell, D.D., Lochee
William Blair, 221 Overgate
Alex. H. Moncur, 28.3 Perth road
Rev, Thomas Lennie, 17 Ancrum
road, Lochee
Rev. D. B. Cameron, 5 Douglas ter.
John Carnegie, 94 Commercial street
George S. Hood, 73 Annfield road
Miss J. G. Shaw, 9 Balfour street
Rev. Henry Williamson, 13 Coupar
street, Lochee
James Donaldson, 5 Baxter Park ter.
Rev. W. A. Dunbar, Forfar road
Professor Steggall, 9 Park place
Thomas Thornton, LL.D., 15 Albert square, Clerk; C. J. Marquis, 82
Castle street, Treasurer; James H. Langlands, 81 Murraygate, Architect;
John Robbie, 32 Castle street. Officer.
Harris Academy. — Rector, James Brebner, M.A. ; Second Master, James
B. Robb, B.Sc. ; Classics, George Simpson, M.A. ; Mathematics, Alex.
Edward, M.A. ; Science, A. B. Paterson, B.Sc. ; Head Mistress, Miss
A. W. Webster ; Modern Languages, E. Th. Triie ; Drawing, R. T. M.
Allan, J. G. Cockburn ; Singing, Frank Sharp ; Pianoforte, Miss Matthew,
Miss Alexander, Miss Scrimgeour, Miss Westwood ; Janitor, A. C. Smith.
Morgan Academy.— Rector, Wm. B. Irvine, B. A. ; Second Master, James
Sword, M.A. ; Classics, Alexander Forbes, B.A. ; Mathematics, William
Malcolm, M.A. ; Science, John Dunn, B.Sc, F.C.S. ; Modern Languages,
E. H. Hay, M.A. ; Drawing, David S. Murray; Head Mistress, Miss
Davidson ; Singing, Frank Sharp ; Pianoforte, Miss Banks and Miss Roger ;
Janitor, William Speedie.
Public Elementary Schools.
Branches taught — The ordinary branches of an English education — English,
French, Latm, Mathematics, Science, " •" "^ .. _ _
Book-keeping, Needlework, Music, &c.
Alex. Adamson, Nimmo Christie.
Ancrum Road, ...
Balfour Street, ...
Brown Street,
Glebe Lands,
Hill Street,
Hunter Street and Free St John's,
Liff Road, Lochee,
Mitchell Street, ...
North Clepington,
Rosebank Sessional,
South Road, Lochee,
Victoria Road, ...
Drill, Domestic Economy, Drawing,
Teachers of Singing — Frank Sharp,
Robert Locke
William Bertie and Mrs Bertie
James Malloch, M.A. (Edin.)
David Dawson
James A. Anderson
John Gibson and Mrs Davies
William Robb
G. J. Tarbat and Miss Low
John Mudie
George Caird and Miss Mathew
George Ferguson
Robert Loggie
R. W. Thornton, M.A.
James Lamb
David Muckersie
William Dickson
Mrs Duncan Stewart
Alexander Dorward
David AVilson and Miss Young
James Watt and Miss Taylor
School for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, Euclid
crescent. — Teacher — Miss Ellen Crassweller.
St Andrew's School, 2 William street, Forebank. — Managers — The Trus-
tees and Kirk-Session of St Andrew's Parish Church. Branches taught —
Elementary Branches, French, Latin, Physiography, Domestic Economy,
Drawing, Sewing, and Knitting. Teachers — Miss Macdonald and Assistants.
Branches taught — The ordinary branches of an English education — English,
French, Latin, Mathematics, Drawing, Needlework, Music, &c.
S. Paul's, Commei-cial street. — Chairman of Managers — Eev. E. J. Gough.
Teachers — Mixed School, William Gray ; Infants, Miss Brown.
S. Salvador's, Church street, Clepington feus.— Correspondent — The
Rev. W. K. Nicholson, William street, Dundee. Teachers— Boys' Depart-
ment, S. Miller, F.E.I.S. ; Girls' Department, Miss Gilgour; Infants' Depart-
ment, Miss Hinsley.
S. Martin's, Smithfield.— Correspondent— Rev. W. K. Nicholson. Teachers
• — Miss Mary Gibb and Assistants.
S. Margaret's Infant School, St Ann street, Lochee.— Manager— Rev.
T. Lennie. Teacher — Miss Donaldson, and two Assistants.
Branches taught— The ordinary branches of an English education — English,
French, Latin, Mathematics, Drawing, Book-keeping, Needlework, Music, &c.
St Andrew's (Boys), Tay street.— Manager— Right Rev. Monsignor Clap-
l^erton. Teachers — The Marist Brothers.
St Andrew's (Girls), 174 Overgate.— Manager— Right Rev. Monsignor
Clapperton. Teachers — The Sisters of Mercy.
St Joseph's (Girls), Blackness road.— Manager— Rev, J. Holder. Teachers
— Sisters of Mercy.
St Mary's (Boys), Forebank road.— Manager— Rev. M. Phelan. Teachers
—The Marist Brothers. (Girls), Forebank road. Teacher— Miss Conway.
(Infants), Powrie place. Teacher — Miss M'Manus.
St Mary's, Lochee. — Manager — Rev. Alphonsus van de Rydt. Teachers —
Boys, R. A. Smith; Girls, Miss L. Morgan ; Infants, Miss R. Farrell.
St Stephen's (Boys), Larch street. — Manager — Rev. Joseph Holder.
Teachers — The Marist Brothers.
St Patrick's (mixed), Lilybank Road. — Manager — Rev. P. Butti.
Teacher — Miss M'Conachie,
East of Scotland Institution, 31 Tay street — conducted by Misses
Burns. Branches taught — English, French, German, Latin, Mathematics,
Science, Scripture, Music, Singing, Drawing, Needlework, Dancing, and
Constitution House Institution, for the Board and Education of Young
Ladies, 12 Constitution terrace. Branches taught— English, Writing, French,
German, Drawing and Painting, Elementary Science, Music (Pianoforte and
Vocal), Dancing, Calisthenics, and Sewing. Teachers— Miss Hodge and
qualified governesses ; Messrs Sturrock, Stewart, and Atkinson.
Private School for Young Ladies, 324 Perth Road— conducted by the
Misses Masson. Branches taught — English, French, German, Music, Singing,
Drawing, Needlework, &c.
Private School, 5 St Andrew's street. Teacher— Miss Sinclair.
Private School, 79 Albert street. Teachers— Misses Moir.
Private School, Feambank, Clepington road. Special Classes for Ladies
of neglected education. Teacher — Mrs Macgregor.
Navigation School, 33 Dock street. Branches taught— Navigation,
Astronomy, Mathematics. Teacher — Alexander Wood.
Marine Engineers' Academy, 29 Dock street. Teacher— Alex. Smith.
Marine Engineering Academy, 20 Panmure st. Teacher— David Coupar.
MORGAN TRUST— Board op Governors.— Elected by the Town Council
of Dundee — ex-Lord Provost Hunter, Chairman, and James Perrie. By the
Town Council of Forfar— Provost Doig. By the Town Council of Arbroath —
—Provost Keith. By the Town Council of Montrose— Provost Mitchell. By
the Directors of the High School— T. W. Thoms. By the Presbytery of
Dundee— Rev. William Smith. By the School Board of Dundee— A. H.
Moncur. By the Nine Trades of Dundee— G. B. Paul.
Clerk and Factor — Andrew Hendry, 3 Seagate.
_ The Dundee Educational Trust.— For the administration of Educa-
tional Endowments. Governors elected by the Town Council — William
Hunter, Duncan Macdonald, Robert Keith, and David H. Ferrier. The
Burgh School Board — Alexander H. Moncur, William Doig, and Rev. Joseph
Holder. The Kirk-Session of Dundee — Rev. Dr Grant, Rev. Wm. Smith,
and George T. Graham. The Chamber of Commerce— John C. Buist. The
Trades Council — James Mann. The High School — Hugh Ballingall.
The_ University College — Rev. William J. Cox. The Senatus of the Uni-
versity of St Andrews — Princijml Donaldson. Clerk and Factor— John Miln,
Savings Bank, 2 Euclid street.
The funds are applied in providing bursaries for the children of parents who
are not in the receipt of parochial aid, bvit in circumstances requiring aid for
giving them higher education. The allocation is as follows, viz. : —
1. To provide school books and writing materials for children at ordinary
schools, £200.
2. To provide bursaries for education at the Harris and Morgan Academies
for pupils in the sixth standard and upwards, each tenable for two years, re-
ceive from £6 to £10 per annum according to class attended. All awarded by
public competition. Open to children attending any Board school in Dundee.
96 receive £700.
3. To provide bursaries for education at the High School for pupils attend-
ing a Board school in Dundee in the fourth, fifth, or sixth standard, each
tenable at the middle school not longer than three years, receive £10, £11, and
£12 each year. 19 receive £215. For education at the Upper School of the
High School. Open to High School pupils only. Tenable for three years.
19 receive £15 annnally=£285=£500.
4. To provide bursaries to be held at a University, University College, or
approved technical school, tenable for three years, of the value of £25
annually. Open to all who have attended a public or state-aided school in
Dundee at least one year before examination. 12 receive £25=:£300.
5. To provide bursaries for pui:)ils attending evening classes for higher or
technical instruction. Awarded by public competition ; may be held for four
years, of value from £1 to £4 a year. 190 receive £400. The Morgan Trust
contributes £150 per annum of tliis sum.
6. For the promotion of efficient evening classes for gratuitous practical :
instruction in domestic economy — £250.
lumbie, Chairman ; John Ogilvy, of Inshewan, Harecraig, West Ferry ; David
M'Intyre, Dimtrune terrace, West Ferry ; James M'Intyre, Greenfield house,
Dundee ; and Alexander Gilroy, Craigie house, Dundee. John Shiell, 5
Bank street, Clerk and Treasurer.
SCOTLAND. — President, Robert Paterson ; Treasurer, John Ferguson f
Secretary, William Malcolm, M.A., Morgan Academy.
road. President — A. H. Moncvir. Vice-Presidents — Alexander D. Grimond,.
James Logie, William Mackison, Alexander Henderson, W, Ogilvy Dalgleish,
R. H. Fleming, William Hunter. Honorary Secretaries— Walker S. Melville^
James Combe. Treasurers — James Low and William Henderson. Secretary
— James H. Smith.
Directors — Edward Shepherd, C. W. Scrimgeour, Alex. Donaldson, Charlea
Stewart, Wm. Stewart, James Fyffe, B. L. Nairn, John Melville, Robert
Gibson, John Sinclair, W. W. Halley, H. B. Martin, John Birrell, William
R. Spence.
Teachers — Science Classes^Geo. C. Douglas, J. Braik Mason, F.C.S., James.
Aimer, Wm. Finlay, Ninian R. Jamieson, Thomas Milne. Art — W. Ryle
Smith. English Grammar, Composition, and Latin — James Fleming. Arith-
metic, Book-keeping, Writing, Shorthand — David M. Hampton. French — M.
Delayen. German — Rev. W. Blumenreich.
33 Tay street. Branches — (East-end) Hilltown Free Church Hall, 42:
Hilltown ; and High street, Errol. Hon. President — Lady Kinnaird. Presi-
dent— Miss M. N. Jessiman, Rosebank, Broughty Ferry. Vice-Presi-
dents—Mrs W. O. Dalgleish and Mrs W. J. Cox, Treasurer— Miss M. Sande-
man, Clarendon villa, Broughty Ferry. Secretary — Miss Brand, B.L. Bank
House. Committee — Mrs Urquhart, Mrs James Carmichael, Mrs J. H.
Walker, Miss E. C. Doddrell, Mrs Lennox, Miss S. H. Moir, Miss Lister, Mis*
Petrie, Miss Walker, Mrs Robert Murdoch, Mrs James Mudie, Miss Alice Scott,
Gentlemen Committee — W. O. Dalgleish, A. J. Buist, Alexander Henderson,
Meetings every Saturday at 7 P.M. ; Sabbath, 9.45 A.M., 5 P.M. and 6.45 p.m. ;
Thursday at 8 p.m. Classes for Reading, Writing, Cookery, Dressmaking,
Laundry, Sewing, Ambulance, &c. Accommodation for occasional Boarders,
Registry for governesses and servants. Resident Superintendent — Miss Luke,
J. Martin White. Vice-Presidents — Dr Merry and A. H. Moncur. Hon,
Treasurer — W. B. Irvine. Hon. Secretary — F. W. Young, High School.
Council. — (1) Representatives — Town Council — William Stephenson and
George Ritchie. Chamber of Commerce — Walter Shejiherd and A. M,
Grimond. Trades Council — R. D. B. Ritchie and Henry Guthrie. Amalga-
mated Engineers— George Milne and John Gow. School Board — *A,
H. Moncur and *J, Martin White. University College — *Principal
Peterson and Professor Percy Frankland. High School Directors —
Hugh Ballingall and Dr Merry. Technical Institute— Duncan Macdonald
and *Frank W. Young. Dundee Y.M.C.A.— John Birrell and W. S.
Melville. Dundee Educational Institute — William Robb and John Gibson.
Lochee Science and Art Classes — A. B. Duncan. Institute of Architecture,
Science, and Art — *William Mackison. Institute of Mechanical Engineers —
*George C.Douglas. — (2) Elected by Association — *Professor Claxton Fidler,
John B. Charles, David Cunningham, *John Mudie, J. J. Henderson,
*W. B. Irvine, Wm, C. Leng, *John E. Montgomery, Charles Ower, John
Robertson, D. H. Saunders, *George Scott. *Members of Executive
PICTURE GALLERY, Albert Institute, Albert Square. Committee— From
the Town Council — Lord Provost Lovs^, Chairman ; Bailies Doig and Stephen-
son ; Councillors Ritchie, Storrie, Hunter, Stevenson, Elliot, M'Kinnon,
Nixon. From the Householders — Provost Orchar, Convener ; Alexander
Mathewson, Rev. Dr Colin Campbell, Dr James W. Miller, John Kennedy,
C C. Maxvi^ell, John Robertson, T. S. Robertson, James Kinnison, Charles
Chief Librarian and Curator, and Clerk to Board — John Maclauchlan. Assis-
tant Librarians — W. Beveridge, D. Douglas, D. Duff, D. Scott, J. Duncan.
mittee— John Robertson, John Kennedy, James G. Orchar, James Smieton,
James Brown, Charles Ower, James Kinnison, David Scott, James Johnston,
Alex. Thomson, William Thomson, William Moir, F. S. Tolputt ; Lord
Provost Low, Chairman, ex-officio ; John Kennedy, Acting Chairman ;
Oharles Lyell, Treasurer ; John Maclauchlan, Secretary.
DUNDEE FINE ART ASSOCIATION.— Victoria GaUeries, Albert In-
stitute— Exhibition of Works of Living Artists, held annually for three
months, opening in November. Chairman, James G. Orchar ; Vice-Chairman,
John Robertson ; Convener of Business Committee, William Ritchie ; Hon.
Secretary, John Maclauchlan.
DUNDEE ART UNION, Sanctioned by the Board of Trade, 1877.— Drawing
for Prizes annually. Chairman — J. M. Keiller. Committee — Ex-Lord Provost
Hunter, John Kennedy, John Robertson, T. S. Robertson, C. C. Maxwell, A.
C. Lamb, J. G. Orchar, A. J. Brough, Duncan Macdonald, John Sharp, Hugh
Ballingall, W. B. Robertson, James F. Low, Robert Lamb. Hon. Secretary
and Treasurer, John Maclauchlan.
THE GRAPHIC ARTS ASSOCIATION.— Office-bearers— Hon. President,
William M'Taggart, R.S.A. ; President, John M 'Farlane ; Vice-President,
Stewart Carmichael ; Treasurer, C. L. Mitchell ; Council, J. F. Pollock, D.
Bvirns Gray, David Dawson, Miss Batchelor ; Secretary, Chas. G. L. Phillips,
14 Union street.
ART. — President, Robert Keith ; Vice-President, Leslie Ower ; Council,
James Foggie, William Nixon, G. G. Maclaren, AVilliam Briggs. Secretaries,
J. J. Henderson and George Jamieson, 8 Bank street ; Treasurer, Robert
TION.— President, A. Stewart; Vice-Presidents, Dr Tulloch and Professor
Steggall; Council, Dr M'Gillivray, P. Feathers, D. Ireland, W. Baxter, D.
Elder, J. H. Halley, G. G. Maclaren, R. C. Henderson, W. Bertie, J. D.
Cox, W. F. Hill, T. L. Wynd; Secretary and Treasurer, V. C. Baird,
Broughty Ferry.
UNIVERSITY CLUB, 104 Nethergate.— President, G. R. Merry, M.A.,
LL.D. ; Vice-Presidents, Professor Paterson, M.D., and Henry A. Pattullo ;
Secretary, Jas. Allison, M.A., LL.B., 82 High st.; Treasurer, Allan Baxter, 81
Murraygate ; Committee, The Office-bearers, and Rev. A. Gardner, W. Graham
Campbell, M.B., CM., A. M. Stalker, M.A., M.D., G. Elliot, B.A., and
John Clark, M.A. ; Superintendent— Sergt. -Major Fairweather.
KOYAL EXCHANGE KEADING-EOOM— Eoyal Exchange buildings.
Under the management of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce.
R. Key Carnegie, and David Ogilvy, Waiters,
THE ARMITSTEAD TEUST.— Trustees— Sir John Leng, M.r., George
Armitstead, A. J. Buist, C. C. Maxwell, Principal Peterson, Sheriff Campbell
Smith. Secretary — A. Mackay, C.A., 13 Albert square.
DUNDEE NATURALISTS' SOCIETY. — President, Frank W. Young,
F.R.S.E.; Vice-Presidents, James Durham, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., and Professor
A. Melville Paterson, M.D. ; Hon. Treasurer, Alex. Hutton, F.L.S. ; Hon,
Secretaries, A. P. Stevenson, New Inn entry, and James B. Corr ; Council,
Professor J. E. A. Steggall, M.A., Professor D'Arcy W. Thompson, B. A.,
F.E.S.E., Professor E. Waymouth Eeid, B.A., M.B., John Nelson, A. C,
Lamb, E. N. Kerr.
Biological Section — Chairman, ProfessorD'ArcyW. Thompson ; Eecorder,
James B. Corr, Technical Institute.
PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF DUNDEE.— President, Professor Steggall ;
Vice-President, F. J. Hambly, F.I.C.. F.C.S. ; Secretary and Treasurer, J,
Young, University College.
Secretary, Joseph Davie, 5 Balfour street. Librarian, W. W. Balbirniey
4 Melrose terrace.
Captain Clayhills Henderson (Chairman), Principal Peterson, Rev. Dr
Colin Campbell, Dr Adam Wilson, Alex. Mackay, L. F. U. Garriock, Captain
Croudace, I. Julius Weinberg, Victor Fraenkl, George R. Merry, T. S. Eoss,
James Henderson, J. M. Keiller, John Robertson, Henry M'Grady, Hugh
Ballingall. Hon. Local Secy., David Wylie, 38 Reform street.
gate. — President, Robert Fulton ; Treasurer, George B. Hendry ; Secretary,
John Ramage, 1 Thistle street.
Ross ; Vice-President, Miss Mary A. Short; Committee, Mrs Leslie Ower, Miss
Bisset, Miss Matthew, Mrs David Luke, and J. Hendry, M. Feathers, W. T.
Scroggie, Chas. Ower, Jas. Urquhart ; Secretary, Miss Imandt, Hill terrace,
Broughty Ferry ; Assistant Secretary, J. Duncan ; Treasurer, M. R. Allard,
26 Castle street.
MANUAL INSTRUCTION CLASSES. — Committee — From the Town
Council, Lord Provost Low, William Doig, Alex. Elliot ; from the School
Board, Duncan Macdonald ; from the Trades Council, D. Liddle, J. R,
Montgomery, — Robertson ; Convener, Duncan Macdonald ; Clerk, Thomas
Thornton, LL.D.
( 78 )
Ward road ; Boys, Baldovan. President — Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart. Vice-
Presidents — Earl of Strathmore, Lord Kinnaird, George Armitstead,
^nd "William Ogilvy Dalgleish. Directors — Eobert M'Gavin, George
Oarmichael, John Adam, G. H. Nicoll, John E. Robertson, James Martin,
David Moodie, Robert B. Don, Robert Mudie, Robert Murdoch, George
"W. Boase, James Cunningham, jun., David Air, James Henderson, William
Doig, G. W. Baxter, and Francis Stevenson. Ladies' Committee — Mrs
Pitcairn, Miss Symers, Miss Thow, Miss Mmmo, Mrs Ogilvy Dalgleish,
Miss Cunningham, Mrs Luis, Mrs R. Mudie, Mrs Bruce, Mrs Lamb, Mrs
€olin Campbell, Mrs Steggall, Miss Carmichael, Mrs W. Henderson, Mrs
Boase, Mrs Macleod, Mrs W, H. Fergusson, Mrs J. H. Walker, Miss Smith,
Miss Nicoll, Miss Small, Mrs J. M. Keiller, Mrs R. Murdoch, Mrs G. W.
Baxter, Miss Berry, Miss Henderson, Mrs Thorns, Mrs D. M. Ross, Mrs
Maitland. Mrs Ogilvy Dalgleish, Secretary to Ladies' Committee.
Superintendent and Secretary — W. M. Dickson. Treasurer — David Myles,
-C.A. Physician— David M. Greig, M.B., F.R. C.S.Ed. Agent— James
Campbell, 9 West Bell street. Teacher — Peter Langlands. Assistant
Teachers — John R. Ramsay and John Allan. Matron — Mrs Mitchell. Female
Teacher — Miss Young. Sewing-mistress — Miss Millar. Work-masters — Robert
Wright, D. Richard, B. Anderson. Janitor and Drill Listructor— Sergeant
Irvine. Bandmaster — W. Wallace. Night Watchman — Sergeant M'Donald.
BOYS' HOME, 9 West Bell street, in connection with the Industrial
Schools. — James Campbell, Superintendent; Mrs Campbell, Matron. Trea-
surer— David Myles, 11 Reform street.
WORKING BOYS' HOME, 3 West Bell street, for orphan, destitute,
and homeless lads. — John W. Shepherd, Secretary; Charles Morris,
Treasurer ; George Rankine, Superintendent. Committee of Management —
Jas. Combe, A. D, Grimond, A. H. Monciir, Chas. Morris, John W. Shepherd.
WORKING GIRLS' HOME, 25 Forebank Road (in connection with the
Curr Night Refuge).— President, Mrs Moncur ; Secretary, Miss Milne, Sea-
field road ; Treasurer, Miss Low, Paton's lane ; Committee, Mrs A. W.
Smith, Mrs Phinn, Mrs J. H. Martin, Mrs Rankine, Mrs Combe.
DUNDEE ORPHAN INSTITUTION— 1815.— Craigie terrace. Ferry road.
President — A. H. Moncur. Vice-Presidents — Hugh Ballingall, Duncan Mac-
■donald. Directors — Ex officiis — Lord Provost, The Parish Minister of Dundee,
Lord Dean of Guild, Deacon of the Maltmen, Convener of the Nine Trades,
Boxmaster of Seamen Fraternity, Preses of Faculty of Procurators and
:Solicitors. Ordinary Directors — Henry Boase, John Adam, J. E. Robertson,
William Moir, Robert Murdoch, William Hunter, G. B. Paul, Rev. Dr Grant,
William Mudie, R. W. Laburn, G. T. Graham. Governesses — Mrs Alex.
Gilroy, Dunalistair ; Mrs J. E. Robertson, Mrs James Adie, Mrs Alex. Kin-
inond, Mrs A. H. Moncur, Mrs V. Fraenkl, Mrs George A. Gilroy, Mrs R.
Polack, Mrs William Hunter, Mrs James Low, Mrs C. C. Maxwell, Mrs G. B.
Paul, Mrs Thomas Bell, Mrs William Scott, Mrs J. C. Methven, Miss Mills,
Miss Douglas. Secretary— Mrs Wm. Longair, 21 Albany terrace. Surgeon
■ — David M. Greig, M.B. Treasurer — John Miln, 2 Euclid street. Secretary
— D. Gordon Stewart, 10 Meadowside. Governor — Thomas M. Davidson,
M.A., B.Sc, F.R.G.S. Matron— Mrs Davidson.
the education and su^jport of female orphans and other destitute girls, in
connection with the Episcopal Church. Patroness — Miss Ogilvy.
Directors — Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart., of Baldovan, Captain A. H. R.
Ogilvy, H. T. N. Hamilton- Ogilvy, the Bishop of Brechin, the Dean
of Brechin, Rev. Edward J. Gough, Rev. "W. K. Nicholson, Rev.
R. R. Lingard-Guthrie, Rev. Dr Mackness, K. W. Henderson, John
Sharp, G. D. Clayhills Henderson, Walter Shepherd, D. H. Littlejohn, R. B.
Don, Dr Greig. Physician — Dr Greig. Secretaries and Treasurers — Nicholson
& Marquis, 32 Castle street. Matron — Miss Butter. School-mistress — Miss
ROYAL INFIRMARY. — Office-Bearers — President, W. O. Dalgleish ;
Vice-Presidents, Earl of Strathmore, George Armitstead, John Sharp, John
Adam. Directors — J. Earl Robertson, James Guthrie, Rev. R. S. Warren,
William Henderson, A. B. Gilroy, J. W. Fleming, A. H. Foggie, R. G.
Kennedy, C. W. Carmichael, Professor Fidler, R. B. Sharp, AVilliam Kidd,
James Henderson, George Halley, Rev. Thomas Lennie, Hugh Ballingall,
Charles G. Gourlay.
Honorary Consulting Physicians, J. W. Miller, M.D., A. James Duncan,
M.D., Robert Sinclair, M.D. Honorary Consulting Surgeons, Alex. Campbell,
M.D., D. SteeleMoon, L.R. C.S.Ed. Attending Physicians, A. M. Stalker, M.D.,
J. Mackie Whyte, M.B. Attending Surgeons, David M'Ewan, M.D., Charles
Templeman, M.D. Aural Surgeon, Peter Campbell, M.B. Ophthalmic Svir-
geons, A. J. Duncan, M.D., Angus M'Gillivr ay, CM., M.B. Dental Sur-
geon, Walter Campbell, L.D.S.
Medical Attendants on Out-Patients at their own Houses. — 1. East District —
A. F. Chisholm Clark, M.B., 19 King street. From the North-East and East
Boundaries of the Burgh to Castle street, Miirraygate, Wellgate, Hilltown,
and Mains road. 2. Middle District— W. C. Cowan, L.R.C.P.S.E., 1 South
Tay street. From Boundaries above stated on the East, to Small's wynd,
Hunter street, and Blinshall street on the West. 3. West District— D.
Beattie Bain, M.D., 3 Airlie place. From the West Boundaries of the Middle
District stated above, to Western and North-West limits of the town.
4. Lochee District — James K. Lennox, Surgeon, Lochee.
Treasurer, John Miln, 2 Euclid street. Secretary, D. Gordon Stewart,
solicitor, 10 Meadowside. Medical Superintendent, Nathan Raw, M.D.
Assistants, Drs Charles Kerr and W. B. Foggie. Matron, Miss Strong.
Night Sister— Miss Finch. Collector, William Anderson, 30 Dallfield terrace.
KINGSCROSS HOSPITAL, Clepington road.— Medical Superintendent,
A. M. Anderson, M.D. Matron, Miss Ada Ramsay.
President, The Earl of Strathmore ; Patroness of Women's Classes, The
Countess of Strathmore ; Vice-Presidents, the Lord Provost of Dundee,
Lord Kinnaird, Sir R. H. A. Ogilvy, Bart., George Armitstead, Col. James
E. Erskine, Rev. Dr Colin Campbell, W. O. Dalgleish, J. W. Miller, M.D.
Sub-Committee of Business — Chairman, Colonel Rankin ; Vice-Chairman,
Professor Steggall ; D. Beattie Bain, M.D. ; A. James Duncan, M.D. ; Robert
Sinclair, M.D. ; Alexander Stalker, CM.; Charles F. Templeman, M.D. ;
D. M. Greig, M.B. ; W. Kinnear, M.B. ; David Lennox, M.D. ; ]\Iajor Hill,
1st V.B.R.H. ; P. Kerr, jun. ; J. Mackie Whyte, M.B. ; J. C Stewart;
A. F. C Clark, M.B., CM.; George Lowson, M.B., CM. Secretary and
Treasurer, David Don, 104 Commercial street.
ROYAL LLTNATIC ASYLUM— 1812.— Extraordinary Directors— E'a; officiis
—Earl of Strathmore, Sir John Rigby, M.P., John C Thomson, Sir John
Leng, M.r., Edmund Robertson, M.P., the Moderator of Synod of Angus and
Mearns. Directors for Life — Earl of Strathmore ; William Robertson, Balmore,
Newport ; Earl of Camperdown, Captain Clayhills Henderson, H. M'Grady.
Ordinary Directors — Ex-officiis — Lord Provost Low, Bailie Doig, and
Lord Dean of Guild Paul. Nine Trades — Robert Keith, J. E. Mann.
Guildry — Wm. Hunter, John Proctor Kyd, Hugh Ballingall. Seamen Fra-
ternity— Capt. James Cappon, Mason Lodges — J. H. INIackay. Three Trades
— J. S. Smith. Kirk-Session — Rev. Dr Colin Campbell, Alexander M'Laren.
Presbytery — Rev. W. Wright, Lochee, and Rev. J. Nicoll, Mvirroes. County
Council— W. F. Bell, D. S. Cowans, D. M'Intyre, John Ogilvy. Royal
Infirmary — J. W. Miller, M.D., Robert Murdoch, John Earl Robertson,
Rev. Dr Grant, Henry Robertson, A. M. Paterson, M.D., William Kidd,
Rev. A. C. M'Kenzie. Captain Clayhills Henderson, Chairman of Directors.
Committee of Management — Captain Clayhills Henderson, Chairman ; Robert
Murdoch, R. Keith, J. P. Kyd, H. M'Grady, and G. B. Paul.
Officers — Medical Superintendent — James Rorie, M, D. Medical Assistant —
Dr Dalgetty. Treasurer — D. M'Intyre, C.A., 13 Albert square. Secretary-
Robert C. Walker, 5 Whitehall street.
HOME FOR INCURABLES, King Street court.— This Institution has
accommodation for G Men and Boys, and IG Women and Children. Four of
the beds are endowed. Ai)plications for admission to be sent to the Mother
Superior of St Mary's, 10 King street. Treasurer.
LONGMORE HOSPITAIi.— Founded 1874.— The Hospital is open for the
reception of incurable i)atients from all parts of the country. Has accom-
modation for 106 patients, including G private rooms, and G wards for cancer
cases. Local Treasurer in Dundee — James Low, Town and Coimty Bank,
Limited. Secretary and Treasurer — J. T. Maclagan, G North St David street,
BALDOVAN ASYLUM.— Established in 1855 for the Treatment of
Imbecile and Idiot Children. Under the Patronage of the Queen. Patrons —
Earl of Strathmore, Earl of Southesk, K.T. , Earl of Camperdown, Earl of Airlie.
Honorary Directors — Rev. R. R. Lingard-Guthrie, Wm. Y. Blyth-Martin,
Colonel J. E. Erskino of Linlathen, Robert M'Gavin of Ballumbie, Alex.
Anderson of Longhaugh, John Sharp of Balmi;ir, Sir John Cowan of Beeslack,
Edinburgh, Captain G. D. C. Henderson of Invergowrie, the *Rev. George
Mackness, D.D., Broughty Ferry, *D. H. Littlejohn, R. B. Don, *H. T. N.
Hamilton Ogilvy, K. W. Henderson, Walter Shepherd, *Rev. W. K.
Nicholson. Trustees, who are Directors — *Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart,
of Baldovan, *Captain Ogilvy, *The Bishop of Brechin, *Rev. Dr Colin
Campbell, *Rev, R. Silencer Ritchie, *Rev. Robert Lorimer, *Dr Greig, *Rev.
E. J. Gough. (Those marked * form the Visiting Committee.)
Physician Superintendent — Dr Greig. Secretaries and Treasurers — Nichol-
son & INIarquis, 32 Castle street. Matron- — Miss Christina Butter ; Governess,
Miss Annie Chapman ; Gardener, David Butchart.
CONVALESCENT HOUSE, Dundee, 14 William street.— For the benefit
of females who have been discharged from the Infirmary, and others recover-
ing from sickness. Such persons are taken into the Convalescent House for
a month. I'atronesses — The Countess of Sotithesk, Frances Lady Kinnaird.
Trustees — Bishop of Brechin, Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart., Vaness C. Baird,
James Carmichael, David H. Littlejohn, Captain A. H. R. Ogilvy, Arch.
W. Sturrock. Resident Lady Superintendent — Miss A. F. Marshall. Hon.
Secretary and Treasurer — A. W. Sturrock, Savings Bank. Hon. Medical Super-
intendent, Dr George Lowson.
THE DUNDEE CONVALESCENT HOME, Barnhill, Broiighty Ferry.—
The building is capable of accommodating 63 patients. The Management is
in the hands of the Directors of the Dundee Koyal Infirmary. Medical
Officer — J. F. Sturrock, M.B. Miss Bowman, Matron. D. Gordon Stewart,
10 Meadowside, Secretary ; John Miln, Savings Bank, Treasurer. Forms of
admission can be obtained from the medical men in Dundee.
BANNATYNE HOME OF REST, Nkwtyle.— President— A. H. Moucur.
Treasurer — William Kidd, 14 Windsor street. Secretary — James Combe, 2
Laurelbank. Directors — Alexander Henderson, William Longair, James Logie,
James H. Martin, William Doig, DrAlex. Campbell, Dr M'Ewan, Jas. Pollock,
Alexander Mathewson. Matron — Miss Mavor.
SICK POOR NURSING- SOCIETY.— The Caird Home for Nurses, 1
Park place. — Superintendent^ — Miss Mackay ; Hon. President — The Earl of
Strathmore; Hon. Vice-Presidents — Lord Kinnaird, Sir John Leng, M.P.,
William Hunter, W. Ogilvy Dalgleish ; President — Alexander H. Moncur ;
Vice-Presidents — John Sharp, A. D. Grimond ; Directors — Dr J. W. Miller,
Dr Campbell, Dr M'Ewan, Dr Sinclair, E. F. Maitland, Alex. Henderson,
John Robertson (Elmslea), William Doig, C. C. Maxwell, A. B. Duncan, Rev.
C. M. Grant, Alex. Mathewson, James H. Martin, Rev. Edward J. Gough,
Rev. John Reid. Treasurer — John Mess, C.A., 13 Albert square ; Secretary —
James Combe, Laurelbank. Ladies' Committee — Mrs Hunter, President ;
Mrs Combe, Secretary ; Mrs A. J. Buist, Mrs G. Gilroy, Mrs W. Cox, Mrs
Moncur, Mrs Gough, Mrs J. Shiell, Mrs Sinclair, Mrs C. C. Maxwell.
THE HOME. — An Institution for the Reformation of Females, 23 Paton's
lane. Established 1848. Under the Patronage of the late Duchess of Kent.
Patronesses — Frances, Lady Kinnaird ; Mrs Harry Warren Scott. Patron —
Earl of Strathmore. Committee— Frances, Lady Kinnaird ; Miss Ogilvy, Mrs
Luis, Miss Symers, Mrs J. J. Johnstone, and Mrs W. J. Small. Treasurer and
Secretary to the Ladies' Committee— Mrs J. J. Johnstone, Newport; General
Treasurers — Nicholson & Marquis, 32 Castle street ; Physician — Dr Greig ;
Suiierintendent — Mrs Swanston ; Assistant Superintendent — Miss Mackenzie.
Governors of the Guthrie Davidson Mortification (for the use and benefit
of "The Home") — Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart,, the Lord Provost of Dundee,
the Sheriff-Substitute of the County of Forfar at Dundee, the Parish Minister
of Dundee, the Bishoi^ of the Diocese of Brechin, the Lord Dean of Guild
of Dundee, the Convener of the Nine Trades, Rev. R. R. Lingard-Guthrie,
Walter Shepherd, John Sharj). Factor — John D. Bruce, S. S. C. , G!) Reform st.
Lochee road. Under the management of a Committee of Ladies : — Mrs
William Cox, Foggyley, President; Mrs Buist, Reres Mount, Broughty Ferry,
Vice-President ; Miss Walker, Sunnybank, Magdalen green. Secretary ; J. Scott
Gray, 9 Whitehall street. Treasurer ; Miss M'Donald, Matron. Laundry and
Sewing work done, regarding which application may be made to the Matron.
PRISON AID SOCIETY.— President— Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart. Vice-
Presidents— Sheriff Robertson, Forfar; Sir John Leng, M. P. ; Lord Provost
Low. Directors — Rev. Dr Grant, A. D. Grimond, Alex. H. Moncur, Alex.
J. Buist, Thos. Thornton, LL.D., Robt. Murdoch, Andrew Coates (Perth),
J. Earl Robertson, Walter Shepherd, Alex. Mathewson, William Doig.
Treasurer — Robert M'Gavin. Secretary — F. E. Scott, 27 Bank street.
Agent — George Rankine, 3 W. Bell street.
" MARS " TRAINING SHIP INSTITUTION, in the River Tay, for Home-
less and Destitute Boys. Patrons — Duke of Edinburgh, Marquess of lireadal-
bane, Earl of Elgin, Earl of Strathmore, Earl of Camperdo^vn, Lord Kinnaird,
George Armitstead, C. S. Parker. Trustees — W. O. Dalgleish, President ;
Thos. Bell, David Bruce, George Halley, H. S. Wedderburn. General Com-
mittee — The Sheriffs-Substitute at Cupar Fife, Dundee, Forfar, Perth ; Lord
Provosts of Dundee, Aberdeen, Perth ; Provosts of Arbroath, Brechin, Cupar
Fife, Forfar, Montrose, St Andrews; Sir John Leng, M.P., Alex. Anderson,
E. A. Baxter, Thos. Bell, David Bruce, A. J. Buist, Wm. Cox, Lieutenant
Maitland Dougall, R.N. , H. B. Fergusson, G. Gourlay, Josejih Grimond, Geo.
Halley, W. Y. Blyth-Martin, A. H. Moncur, James Mudie, Wm. Robertson,
Frank S. Sandeman, Alex. Scott, W. N. "Walker, John Sharp, H. S. Wedder-
burn ; David Harris, Edinburgh. Executive Committee — Wm. Robertson,
Chairman ; E. A. Baxter, Thomas Bell, David Bruce, Lieutenant Maitland
Dougall, R.N., George Halley, Alex. H. Moncur, James Mudie, W. N. Walker,
and H. S. Wedderburn ; also, the Lord Provost, Dean of Guild, and three
members of the Town Council of Edinburgh.
Captain-Superintendent — Captain A. L. Scott, R.N. Surgeon — Dr Stewart,
Ne"\vport, Secretaries and Treasurers — Mackay & Mess, C.A., 13 Albert sq.
EYE INSTITUTION, 86 Nethergate.— President— W. O. Dalgleish.
Vice-Presidents — Robert M 'Gavin, Thomas Murdoch. Ordinary Directors —
John Sharp, A. D. Grimond, T. W. Thorns, Rev. C. M. Grant, H. M'Grady,
John F. White, W. Hood, D. C. Thomson, R. G. Kennedy, J. C. Buist,
T.H.Smith. Hon. Treasurer — John Miln, Savings Bank. Secretary — W. A,
Bell, 10 Whitehall street. Hon. Consulting Surgeon — Dr Steven. Surgeons
— Dr Duncan, Dr M'Gillivray. Standing Committee — Thos. Murdoch, T. W.
Thorns, Rev. C. M. Grant, John F. White, T. H. Smith, Dr Duncan, Dr
M 'Gillivray ; the Secretary and the Treasurer ; the Secretary, Convener.
Established in 1865, by the late Mr and Mrs Francis Molison, of Errol Park.
President — Wm. Ogilvy Dalgleish. Vice-Presidents — George H. Nicoll and
Thomas Murdoch. Directors — Lord Provost Mathewson, Alex. Johnston,
Wm. Thomson, R. G. Kennedy, Thos. Bell, John C. Buist, Victor Fraenkl,
Robert Murray, W. Gordon Thomson, Rev. C. M. Grant, Henry Boase, James
Henderson, Alex. Guthrie. Treasurer — R. B. Ritchie, C.A., 6 Panmure street.
Secretary — Ebenezer Henderson, solicitor, 10 Whitehall street. Manager —
Colin Macdonald.
Boarding House in connection with Institution. — Directors, &c., as above,
and Ladies' Committee — Mrs Wm. O. Dalgleish, President ; Miss Macleod,
Airliebank, Secretary.
— Sir John Leng, M.P., Edmund Robertson, M.P., George Armitstead. Presi-
dent— E. A. Stuart Gray of Kinfauns. Convener — Alexander Henderson.
Directors — Alex. H. Moncur, Alexander Henderson, Alexander D. Grimond,
Joseph J. Barrie, Robert M'Gavin, George Carmichael, Joseph Lindsay,
Alexander Gourlay, G. H. Nicoll, Thomas Thornton, LL.D., David Hunter.
Secy, and Treasurer — David Hunter, 6 Rattray st., Ward rd. Mission Superin-
tendent— John Gait, 26 Castle street, to whom subscriptions, &c. , may be jjaid.
THE DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION, Dudhope Bank, Lochee road.
Established 1846. For the Education of Deaf and Dumb Children in Dundee
and neighbourhood. President — The Earl of Airlie ; Vice-President —
George Armitstead. Ordinary Directors — The Lord Provost of Dun-
dee, the Sheriflf-Svibstitute of the Dundee District, the Lord Dean of
Guild, the Convener of the Nine Trades ; James Cunningham, W. O.
Dalgleish, R. M'Gavin, Rev. William Smith, Rev. Charles Shaw, William
Hunter, James Ogilvie, John Earl Robertson, P. A. Feathers, Alex. Simpson,
John Nicoll, Thomas R. Kinmont, James P. Mathew, John C. Buist. John
Miln, Treasixrer ; James Miln, 2 Euclid street, Secretary. The Institu-
tion is open to visitors every week-day except Saturday, from 10 to 12 and
from 2 to 4 o'clock. Governor — James Barland. Matron — Miss Close.
September 1st, 1893), under the auspices of the Edinburgh Deaf and Dumb
Benevolent Society. — Rooms, 31 Reform street. Board of Local Directors,
Lord Provost Low, Convener ; William Hunter, Rev. Dr Colin Campbell,
Rev. A. Alexander, Rev. Dr. Patrick. Rev. J. G. Walton, Rev. C. Shaw,
Rev. W. Smith, Duncan Macdonald, John Earl Robertson, Peter Lowson,
John Miln, .James P. Mathew, George Scrymgeour, Thomas Murray. Mis-
sionary and Secretary, Robert Wm. Dodds, The services are ojien to the public.
CLOTHING SOCIETY.— Miss Petrie, Wellington street. Secretary ; Miss
Shaw, 138 Nethergate, Treasurer.
FEMALE SOCIETY, for Visiting and Relieving Aged Females in Distressed
Circumstances.— Mrs Malcolm, 16 Windsor street, President ; Miss Symers,
Treasurer ; Miss C. Thow and Miss Agnes Shaw, Secretaries.
DUNDEE INDIGENT SICK SOCIETY.— Directors— Alex. H. Moncur,
President ; Francis Stevenson, Vice-President ; John Adam, Alex. Henderson,
A. D. Grimond, Alex. Mathewson ; D. Gordon Stewart, Secy., 10 Meadowside.
Chairman, Jas. Combe. Secy., C. W. Scrimgeour. Treasurer, J. H. Martin.
LAND above 50 Years of Age and Unmarried. — Number of Annuitants in
1893 — 778, of whom 15 reside in Dimdee. The Annuities granted in 1893
amounted to £8177. Joint Treasurers in Dundee — Rev. Robert Lang and
John W. Shepherd. Secy.— J. T. Maclagan, 6 N. St David st., Edinburgh.
DUNDEE DAY NURSERIES.— Isles' lane, Hillbank, and Lilybank. Presi-
dent, Countess of Breadalbane ; Vice-President, Miss Ogilvy ; Hon. Secretary,
Mrs Macleod, Airliebank ; Hon. Treasurer, David Myles ; Hon. Physicians,
Dr Bain, Dr Anderson. Ladies' Committee of Management, Mrs Weinberg,
President ; Mrs Adie, Mrs Macleod, Mrs Colin Campbell, Mrs Garriock, Miss
Russell, Miss Robertson; Gentlemen's Committee, Rev. Dr C. Campbell,
Rev. E. J. Gough, Alex. Henderson, David Myles, John Robertson, Dr
Sinclair, I. J. Weinberg.
CHILDREN.— Established 31st March 1890 ; 7 West Bell street ; Shelter,
22 Garland place, Constitution road. President — Lord Provost Low. Vice-
Presidents— ^Lord Kinnaird, Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Bart., W. O. Dalgleish,
and Alexander Hay Moncur. Committee — Sir Reginald Ogilvy, Chairman ;
Rev. C. M. Grant, B.D., Rev. A. C. Mackenzie, Rev. Jas. Wilson, Rev. E.
J. Gough, M. A. ; Rev. Thomas Lennie, Lochee ; Rev. Father Holder, William
Doig, Dr Peter Young, William Hunter, Duncan Macdonald, Thomas Murdoch,
John Earl Robertson, J. W. Shepherd, Alex. Mathewson, W. H. Fergusson,
R. G. Kennedy, David Air. Physician— D. M. Greig, M.B., F.R.C.S.E.
Hon. Treasurer — Robert Murray, North of Scotland Bank. Agent — James
Campbell. Caretaker of Shelter— Mrs M'Crere. Hon. Secretary— F. E. Scott,
27 Bank street.
TO ANIMALS.— Office, 15 Castle street. Hon. President— The Earl of
Strathmore. President — Lord Provost liOW. Vice-Presidents — Sir John Leng,
M.P.; Alex. Mathewson, Wm. L. Boase, I. Julius Weinberg. Committee —
John Adam, Henry Robertson, Alfred Boase, Alex. Hutcheson, Jas. Stevenson,
A. M. Grimond, P. M. Cochrane, James Harriott Bell, John H, Buist ;
Treasurer, John A. Thoms ; Secretary, Thomas P. Buist ; Inspector, Walter
Hutchings, 104 Commercial street ; Sub-Inspector, Andrew Braid, 96 Dens road.
CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETY, 7 West Bell street.— President-
Lord Provost Low. Vice-Presidents, Sir R. H. A. Ogilvy, Sir John
Leng, M.P., J. E. Erskine, Geo. Armitstead, W. Ogilvy Dalgleish, A. H. Mon-
cur, Hugh Ballingall, "William Hunter. Executive Council, Thomas Murdoch,
Chairman ; John Earl Kobertson, Vice-Chairman ; the President and Vice-
Presidents, Eev. Dr Colin Campbell, Professor Steggall, Eev. Gavin Anderson,
William Doig, David Air, James Johnston, K. G. Kennedy, Henry Robertson,
Walter Shepherd, Francis Stevenson, James Henderson, W. H. Fergusson,
G. W. Baxter, A. G. Thomson, Henry Boase, Gilbert Elliot, D. Macdonald.
Secretary, David Grieve, 11 Whitehall street. Hon. Treasurer, Alex. Scott,
Clydesdale Bank. Investigating Agent, John Dunlop.
COMMITTEE (consisting of representatives from the Police Commission
and the Directorates of Curr Night Refuge and Charity Organization Society)
appointed to devise a scheme for providing employment, &c., for the helpless
poor and the wayfarer— Professor Steggall, Alex. JMathewson, Lord Provost
Low, Wm. Doig, Francis Stevenson, R. G. Kennedy, Walter Shepherd;
Henry Robertson, Convener.
Alex. H. Moncur. Vice-Presidents — A. J. Buist, James Logie, Bailie Doig,
Francis Stevenson. Chairman (Morning Meeting)— Jas. Combe. Chairman,
(Evening Meeting) — Geo. Rankine. Treasurer — Chas. Morris, 38 St Andrew's st.
michael, John Shiell, E. F. Maitland, Edward Cox, and John W. Shepherd.
Committee of Management — President, John W. Shepherd ; Vice-Presidents,
David Carmichael and John Shiell ; Committee, E. F. Maitland, Edward Cox,
Charles Stewart, James Pryde, W. Stiven, R. H. Lundie, George Laburn,
Neil Macdonald, Misses A. Garland, J. M. Kidd, M. Low, and E. G. Whittet ;
Secretary, R. C. Campbell ; Treasurer, J. W. Shepherd, 12 Victoria chambers.
Mission Hall, corner of Bell Street lane and Constitution road.
CHILDREN'S FREE DINNER FUND.— For Assistance to poor School
Board children during severe weather. Chairman, ex-Bailie Doig ; Secretary,
Arthur Smith ; Treasurer, C. W. Scrimgeour.
CURR NIGHT REFUGE, 5 West Bell street.— President— Alex. H. Moncur.
Vice-Presidents — David Carmichael and Alex. D. Grimond. Directors —
William Hunter, Victor Fraenkl, David Air, William Doig, Henry Robertson,
J. W. Shepherd, James Logie, Alexander Mathewson, Francis Stevenson,
Chas. C. Maxwell, James Pollock, Charles Morris, Captain Charles Barrie,
J. W. Fleming ; Treasurer, James Pollock, 12 Albany terrace ; Secretary,
James Combe, 2 Laurelbank ; Superintendent, George Rankine.
THE DWELLINGS OF THE POOR, &c.— President and Chairman of
General Committee, Walter Shepherd ; Secretaries, Professor Steggall and
Jas. Cunningham, jun. ; Treasurer, R. Murray, North of Scotland Bank; Con-
vener of Housing Committee, Geo. Ogilvie ; Superintendents of Housing,
Miss M. L. Walker, Miss E. M. Miller ; Convener of Sanitary Committee,
Rev. D. M. Ross ; Trustees for Housing Trust, G. W. Baxter, Jas. Cunning-
ham, jun., R. B. Don, G. Ogilvie, Prof essor Steggall, Miss M. L. Walker, Miss
E. M. Miller ; Convener of Committee for Art and Recreation, Gilbert Elliot.
DUNDEE LADIES' UNION.— Honorary President, Mrs H. W. Scott, of
Balgay ; President, Miss Symers, St Helens ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs W. J. Cox,
Mrs J. H. Luis, Mrs William Hunter. Committee, Mrs W. L. Boase, Mrs
G. W. Boase, Mrs Longair, Miss Ewing, Mrs W. H. Fergusson, Miss
Fairweather, Miss Jessiman, Miss Luis, Mrs Thomas Murdoch, Mrs Steel, Mrs
W. J. Small, Miss Small, Mrs A. W. Smith, Mrs R. A. Watson, Mrs Whytock,
jyiiss Hutton, Mrs J. D. Bruce, Mrs D. M. Ross, Mrs Monfries, Miss Boase,
Miss Thomson ; Hon. Secretary, Miss Wilson, 6 Douglas terrace, Broughty
Ferry ; Hon. Treasurer, Ebenezer Henderson, 10 Whitehall street.
BAXTEE PARK.— Trustees— The Lord-Lieutenant for the County of
Forfar ; the Member of Parliament for the County of Forfar ; the Members
of Parliament for Dundee ; the Sheriff of Forfarshire ; the Sheriff -Substitute,
Dundee District ; the Lord Provost, Bailies, and Lord Dean of Guild; the Con-
vener of the Nine Trades ; Convener of the Three United Trades ; Boxmaster
of Seaman Fraternity ; the Parish Minister of Dundee ; Senior Minister of the
Free Church in Dundee ; the Senior Minister of the U.P. Church in Dundee ;
the Senior Minister of the Congregational Chvirches in Dundee ; the President,
Vice-President, and Ex-President of the Dundee Chamber of Commerce ;
William Ogilvy Dalgleish, of Errol Park, appointed by Miss Baxter ; Thomas
S. Robertson, mechanic, and J. S. Forrester, millforeman, as Representatives
of the Working Classes. Secretary and Treasurer — John Shiell, 5 Bank street.
THE BOYS' BRIGADE.— Headquarters Office, 68 Bath street, Glasgow.
Dundee Battalion. ^ — Hon. President, Lord Provost Low ; Hon. Vice-
Presidents, Lieut. -Col. Rankin, Rev. D. M. Ross; President, Rev. Herbert
Reid ; Joint Secretaries, Ebenezer Henderson, 10 Whitehall street, and John
G. Lennox, Woodbine cottage, Lochee. List of Dundee Companies, with
their respective Captains. — 1st (St Paul's F.C. Mission), T. L. Fyffe, 41
Seafield road ; 2nd (St John's F.C. Mission), Rev. Herbert Reid, M.A., 13
St Peter street; 4th (Wellgate F.C), James Gray, 6 Stirling street; 6th
(Lochee F.C), J. G. Lennox, Woodbine cottage, Lochee; 7th (St Andrew's
Par. Ch.), John Brown, 51 North Wellington street; 8th (Dudhope F.C),
Wm, Robertson, 4 Blyth place ; 9th (M'Cheyne F.C. Mission), G. A. Harris,
4 Hermonhill terrace ; 10th (Ward Road Wesleyan Ch. ), William Roy, Her-
monhill ; 11th (St David's Par. Ch.), John Carver, 49 Annfield road.
The William Harris Institution. — William Harris, Esq., in 1874 created
a Trust, which was afterwards supplemented by his sister. Miss Margaret
Harris, for the assistance of persons (male or female), who from a better condi-
tion in life have been reduced to necessitous circumstances (persons who have
filled menial occupations are excluded). The annual income of this fund is
about £615. Forty -four pensioners on the roll receive from £10 to £20 per
annum. Trustees — The Parish Minister of Dundee ; one elected annually by
the Town Council ; one elected annually by the Dundee Chamber of Commerce,
and John Sharp, James Adie, W. R. H. Valentine, Wm. Robertson, Robert
G. Kennedy, George K. Smith, Thomas Bell. Factor, John Miln, 2 Euclid
Charles Anderson's, 1820. — Eleven old men receive 6s monthly, being
half the revenue of the fund. The other half (about £50) is paid annually to
the Indigent Sick Society. The capital is £2290. Patrons, the Kirk-Session.
Factor, John Miln, 2 Euclid street.
Mrs Eupham Mann or Roger's— The Widows' Fund, 1665.— At present
twenty-three poor widows receive an annual payment of £3 12s. Patrons, the
Kirk-Session. The amount of capital is £2455. Factor, John Miln, 2 Euclid st.
George Brown's — 1695. — The annual income is derived from a ground
annual of £80 secured over property in the Overgate. The free income of this
Mortification is divided — one half is devoted to the maintenance of aged poor
people of either sex — and the other is paid over to the Educational Trust for
educational purposes. Each aged person receives £4 per annum. Patrons,
Lord Provost, Bailies, Ministers of the Parish Church of Dundee and the South
Church, and Kirk Treasurer. Factor, D. Bannerman, City Chamberlain.
Bute Scholarship or Bursary in the University of St. Andrews.
— By deed dated 15tli September 1893, £1000 was mortified by the Marquis
of Bute for the establishment of a Dundee Scholarship or Bursary in the
University of St. Andrews. The Bursary is in the gift of the Lord Provost of
Dundee, and the Bursar receives the free revenue of the Endowment.
Factor, D. Bannerman, City Chamberlain.
Dr William Guild's — 1656. — The interest of a sum equal to £350 is applied
to the maintenance of a bursar at the United College, St Andrews. Patrons,
the Town Council. Factor, D. Bannerman, City Chamberlain.
Miss Elizabeth Hallyburton's — 1826. — The interest of £1,304 is annually
divided amongst three, four, or five maiden ladies. Patrons, the Town Council.
Factor, D. Bannerman, City Chamberlain.
Mrs Gibson's — The interest of £114 applied for the preaching of a sermon
yearly against Cruelty to Animals. Patrons, Lord Provost, Lord Dean of Guild,
the Parish Minister of Dundee, and first Master of the Academy. Factor, D.
Bannerman, City Chamberlain.
Symers' Fund for Indigent Females— 1878.— The interest of £10,000
annually applied for the benefit of infirm and indigent females of respectable
character, resident in the town and parish of Dundee, including therein the
village of Lochee and the town of Broughty Ferry. Patrons, Lord Provost,
Sheriff -Substitute of Forfarshire resident in Dundee, Lord Dean of Guild,
and First and Second Bailies of Dundee. Factor, R. C. Walker, Solicitor.
Mrs Margaret Petrie or Morton's — 1827. — The interest of the bulk of
her fortune is destined for the maintenance of aged and indigent persons be-
longing to the town and parish of Dundee, those of the name of Petrie and
Wighton having a preference, who each receives £4 and upwards per annum.
There are upwards of 160 pensioners on the roll. Patrons, James Powrie,
Kev. Dr Colin Campbell, Thomas Bell, J. E. Robertson, Alex. Johnston, and
D. Philip, jun. Factor, Robert C. Walker, Solicitor.
James Pullar's— 1804.— The sum of £3,000 affords annually £10 to the
Infirmary, £5 to the poor of the Nine Trades, and £5 to the poor of the
Parish, the one half of the remainder of the annual rent being paid to the
Dundee Educational Trust, and the other half being paid to ten old men and
women not under 60 years of age ; those who can trace their pedigree from
James Pullar, the Mortifier, preferred first ; second, persons of the name of
PuUar ; and third, strangers. Patrons, the Minister of the Overgate district,
twenty members of Kirk-Session, Convener and Deacons of the Nine Trades,
and their immediate predecessors in ofl&ce. Factor, Robt. C. Walker, Solicitor.
Webster and Davidson Mortification for the Blind.— The interest
of about £16,000 applied in annuities to blind men and women, and in
educating blind boys and girls. Patrons, the Lord Provost, Sheriff Sub-
stitute, the Parish Minister of Dundee, Lord Dean of Guild, Convener of Nine
Trades, President of Blind Institution, and three Governors elected annually.
Factor, Robert C. Walker, Solicitor.
John Boyd Baxter Fund. — The interest of £8,000 applied for the benefit
of elderly, deserving, respectable females, not less than fifty-five years of age,
and natives of Dundee or neighbourhood, which includes any place in Forfar-
shire within a radius of six miles from Town House of Dundee and the burgh
of Newport in Fife or, if born elsewhere, who have been resident in Dundee
or neighbourhood for at least ten years immediately preceding their admission.
Managers, the Lord Provost, First Bailie, Sheriff Substitute, the Parish
Minister of Dundee, Lord Dean of GuUd, Dean of Faculty of Procurators,
President of Chamber of Commerce, Chief Magistrates of Broughty Ferry
and Nevpport. This Fund is intended for persons who have been in better cir-
cumstances. Factor, Robert C. Walker, Solicitor.
Edward Bursary Fund. — The interest of £150 is applied for the education
of one or more bursars at the Classical and Mathematical Departments of the
High School. Patrons, the Directors of the High School. Secretary, A. W.
Gumming, Solicitor, 1 Bank street.
Alexander Edward's Educational Bequest. — The interest of £1,000 is
applied for the education of bursars at the High School. Children of employees
at Messrs A. & D. Edward & Company's Works have a preference. Patrons,
the Directors of the High School. Secretary, A. W. Cumming, 1 Bank street.
Anderson Scholarship Fund. — The interest of £1,400 is applied for the
endowment of two Scholarships at the University of St Andrews, for High
School pupils. Patrons, the Directors of the High School. Secretary, A. W.
Cumming, Solicitor, 1 Bank street.
The Misses Baxter of Balgavies Scholarship Fund. — The sum of
£2,500 was mortified for the endowment of two Scholarships of £40 each ; and
the accumulations of income were in 1877 consolidated for the foundation and
endowment of an additional Scholarship of the value of £20, at the University
of Edinburgh, in connection with the High School, for the encouragement of
studies in Mechanics and Engineering. Patrons, the Directors of the High
School. Secretary, A. W. Cumming, Solicitor, 1 Bank street.
Miss Janet Henderson's — 1848. — The Stock is £2,200. Seventeen old
or indigent women each receive an annual allowance of £5 from the revenue.
Menial servants are strictly prohibited, by the Mortifier's will, from sharing
in the benefits of the trust. Patrons — John Henderson, jun., Rev. Dr Colin
Campbell, and John W. Shepherd. Factors, Hendry & Pollock, 3 Seagate.
George Marshall's Bequest.— The interest of £500 is divided half-yearly
among five old seamen who have served in the Eoyal Navy. Patrons, the
Master and Committee of the Trinity House, Dundee. Factor, James Hunter,
Jr., Solicitor, 69 Reform street, Secretary to the Incorporation.
Lord Panmure's — 1840. — The interest of £1,000, given to the Town by the
late Lord Panmure, is paid annually to the Royal Infirmary.
John Grieve's — 1806. — The sum of £393, Is. 3d. , mortified for the mainten-
ance of an indigent lunatic in the Dundee Asylum. Patrons, the Kirk-Session.
Factor, Treasurer of the Dundee Asylum.
Patrick A. Lowson Memorial Scholarship — 1873. — Capital Funds,
£2000. The Scholarship is tenable for two years, and is worth, subject to
certain conditions, not less than £60 per annum, and is presently £70 per
annum. Candidates must have attended three years, not necessarily con-
secutive, at a School or Schools in Dundee or Broughty Ferry, and may have
attended, for not more than one Session, any University or College in the
United Kingdom. Trustees, the Parish Minister of Dundee, the Lord Provost
of Dundee, the President of the Chamber of Commerce (ex-officiis), and
H. B. Fergusson, A. J. Buist, William Lowson, jun., James Gray Flowerdew
Lowson, J. C. Buist, and Principal Peterson. Factor, Robert Morton,
Savings Bank, 2 Euclid street.
The Ouchterlony Old Men's Indigent Society. — For relieving the
necessities of deserving and indigent old men either born in Dundee or the
neighbovirhood thereof or connected with Dundee or the neighbourhood
thereof. Trustees — James Durham, James Nicoll, and George Mitchell.
Factor— John D. Bruce, S.S.C, 69 Reform street.
ROBSON CuRR Fund. — Founded in 1890 by the Trustees of the late
Mrs Christina Curr, widow of William Cvirr, Merchant, Dundee, to which the
Trustees of Miss Margaret Robson, sister of Mrs Curr, made a contribution
out of the residue of her estate. Purpose. — Aiding old persons belonging to
Dundee and neighbourhood. Trustees, David Carmichael, John Shiell, John
W. Shepherd, James Johnston. Factor, John Shiell, 5 Bank street.
( 88 )
Albion Hotel, - - - - 15 Tally street, - John W. Baird
Cameron's Temperance Hotel, - Whitehall crescent, J. Cameron
Crown Hotel, . - . . 1 Shore terrace, - Mrs E. Steel
Davidson's Temperance Hotel, - 16 Greenmarket, - James Davidson
Eagle Inn, - . - . 108 Murraygate, - James Brodie
Lamb's Temperance Hotel, - 60 Reform street, - Lamb & Co.
Mathers' Temperance Hotel, - { fcStonltiX*; } »^"^ ^"'''''^
Queen's Hotel, - - - - 160 Nethergate, - William Smith
Eoyal Hotel, - - - - 54 Nethergate, - James T. Russell
Royal British Hotel, - - - 4 Castle street, - J. Rickard
Tough's Temperance Hotel, - 78 Murraygate, - Mrs Tough
Waverley Temperance Hotel, - 7 South Union st., - Mrs Ellen Reid
EASTERN CLUB, 3 Albert sq.— Mackay & Mess, 13 Albert sq.. Secretaries.
WESTERN CLUB, 1 New Inn entry, High st.— President, Jas. Mollison ;
Keeper, Andrew Gillespie.
Dundee Aidvertiser (1801), 7 to 25 Bank street.— Daily, Id.
Evening Telegraph (1877), 7 to 25 Bank street.— Daily, ^d.
People's Journal (1858), 7 to 25 Bank street.— Weekly (Saturday), Id.
People's Friend (1869), 7 to 25 Bank street.— Weekly' (Monday), Id.
Dundee Year Book (1878), 7 to 25 Bank street.— Annually (January), Is.
Dundee Courier (1816), 34 North Lindsay street.— Daily, hd.
Dundee Weekly News (1855), 34 North Lindsay street.— Weekly (Satur-
day), Id.
, Wizard oe the North (1879), 5 Meadow entry.— Monthly (last Wednes-
jJay), Id.
Scottish Fancier (1884), 17 and 19 Co wgate.— Weekly (Friday), Id.
Piper o' Dundee (1886), 17 and 19 Cowgate.— Weekly (Wednesday), Id.
Dundee Directory, 17 and 19 Cowgate— Annually (June), 4s.
Pray and Trust (1891), 10 Constitution road.— Monthly, Id,
Dundee Catholic Herald (1892), 107 Murraygate.— Weekly (Friday), Id.
Bellman (1893), 73 Murraygate.— Weekly (Friday), Id.
Dundee Railway Time Tables, 31 Castle street.— Monthly, Id.
A.B.C. Railway Time Tables, 16 Panmure street.— Monthly, Id.
Pellow's Dundee Almanack, 76 High street. — Annually, Id.
Dundee Prices Current and Trade Report, 23 Panmure street.— J. W.
Warden, Secretary and Treasurer.
Mill and Factory Herald, 4 Mid street.— Monthly, Jd.
Broughty Ferry Guide and Advertiser, 128 Brook street, Broughty
Ferry. — Every Friday, gd.
INSTITUTE OF JOURNALISTS (Dundee and Scottish Central District).
— Chairman, Sir John Leng, M.P. (Dundee Advertiser) ; Vice-Chairmen,
D. C. Thomson (Dundee Courier), and Alex. Allan (Blairgowrie Advertiser) ;
Hon. Secretary, James Cromb (Telegraph) ; Hon. Treasurer, John Malloch
(Advertiser). District Committee — John Mitchell (Courier), Kenneth Burke
(Courier), Frank Boyd (Weekly News), W. F. Black (People's Journal), A. H.
Millar (Advertiser), J. B. Salmond (Arbroath Herald), Geo. Nicolson (Forfar
Herald), Thomas Hunter (Perthshire Constitutional), Miss Jessie M. King
(Telegraph) ; Representatives on Council — John Mitchell and James Cromb.
Camperdown ; President, A. H. Moncur ; Vice-Presidents, William Hunter,
John Robertson, Duncan Macdonald. Committee — Gardeners, P. Marshall,
Balmore, Newport ; James Ross, Craigie ; Thos. Butchart, Elmslea ; Alex.
Cameron, Foggyley, Lochee ; Robt. Grossart, Binrock ; R. W. Saunders,
Lismore, Broughty Ferry ; David Mathers, Abercraig, West Ferry ; John
Collie, Invertay, Broughty Ferry ; Wm. Simpson, The Pines, Broughty Ferry.
Amateurs — James Ferguson, Lorimer street ; Andrew Black, 34 Pennycook
lane ; R. H. Low, Ogilvie street ; George Jolly, Twin cottage. West Ferry ;
Alex. Henderson, 51 Larch street ; G. S. Cruicks, Victoria cottage. South
road, Lochee ; G. D. Cameron, Gray street, Broughty Ferry ; David Ramsay,
Baldovan ; Geo. Mitchell, Junction cottage, Broughty Ferry. Nurserymen —
David Storrie, Nethergate ; Jas. Simpson, Broughty Ferry ; Geo. Paton, Union
street. Manager of the Exhibition — John, 220 Blackness road ; Treasurer,
J. S. Ritchie, 1 Commercial street; Secretary, W. F. Hill, 38 Whitehall
President, R. H. Low ; Treasurer, William Gall ; Secretary, Alex. M'Kenzie.
Show Committee — President, R. Taylor ; Vice-President, David Edwards ;
Treasurer, W. Moir ; Secretary, James Stewart, 40 Hospital wynd.
dent, James Colquhoun ; Vice-President, A. Hume ; Treasurer, W. Hutton ;
Secretary, David Fisken, Mortimer place ; Ground Officer, D. Urquhart, 38
Carmichael street.
William Small; Vice-President, Alex. Thompson; Treasurer, David M'Innes;
Secretary, Peter Gardiner, 25 Kinloch street.
DUNDEE WORKING MEN'S FIELD CLUB.— President, James Fulton;
Secretary, W. T. Caiman, University College. Meets once a fortnight on
Tuesday evening, at 28 Euclid crescent. Excursions during summer.
Robert Carmyllie ; Vice-President, James Mitchell ; Treasurer, I. B. Robert-
son ; Secretary, Charles Wood, 30 Isles' lane.
DUNDEE CANINE CLUB.— Secretary, David Ovens, 50 Westport.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.— (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1864),
Royal Exchange, Panmure street. President, Thomas Bell; Vice-Presi-
dent, J. C. Buist ; Ex-President, Joseph Gibson. Directors— Thomas Couper,
James N. Smith, John Ogilvy, Charles E. Todd, William H. Cox, John
Henderson, George Ritchie, W. R. H. Valentine. George C. Keiller, Secre-
tary and Treasurer; Moody Stuart & Robertson, C.A., Auditors. Robert
Carnegie and David Ogilvy, Officers.
M. Ritchie ; Vice-President, David Halley ; Secretary, James R. Mudie, 2
Royal Exchange court.
Arbroath ; Vice-Presidents, Dr Rorie, Dundee, and Dr Dickson, Car-
noustie; Committee, Drs Charles Moon, J. W. Miller, Waymouth Reid,
■R. C. Buist, D. M. Greig, David Lennox; Treasurer, Dr M'Gillivray;
Secretary, Dr Peter Campbell, 29 Springfield.
BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Dundee Branch.— President, Dr
Sinclair; President-Elect, Dr M'Ewan ; Vice-Presidents, Dr Rorie, Dr
Duncan; Treasurer, Dr Greig; Secretary, Professor Paterson, University
Dundee.— President, A. P. Mathewson ; Vice-President, 'William Cleghorn,
jun. ; Council, J. Mathewson, J. B. Mills, W. N. Machan, James M'Farlane,
David Crowe, J. S. Croudace, W. G. Irving, James Duncan, W. F. Bell ;
Secretary and Treasurer, Thomas Congleton, 91 Commercial street.
Dundee Working Men's.— President, John Robertson ; Vice-President,
Robert Mackie ; Treasurer, James Kettles ; Secretary, John Kinnoch, 67 Ure st.
Dundee East End.— Hon. President, A. D. Mair, Albert street; Presi-
dent, James Irvine ; Vice-President, John Boath ; Treasurer, D. Henderson,
9 Mortimer street ; Secretary, D. Richard, 35 Victoria street.
Dundee West End.— President, P. R. Gow; Vice-President, James
Milne ; Secretary and Treasurer, James G. Cunningham, 65 Commercial street.
ENGINEERS.— Hon. President, Joseph Lindsay,M. I. M.E.; Hon. Vice-Presi-
dents, D. M. Watson, R. O. Parker; President, Robert M. Short; Vice-
President, John M. Malloch ; Hon. Treasurer, D. C. Bruce ; Hon. Secretary,
A. Barty, 7 Seymour place. Paradise road.
DUNDEE BURNS CLUB— 1860. Rooms, 36 Nethergate ; Caretaker,
Mrs Stewart. Literary and Business Meetings on Wednesday evenings.
Hon. President, Sir John Leng, M.P.; President, James Binny ; Vice-Presi-
dent, James Fowler ; Treasurer, Alexander Strachan, jun. ; Secretary and
Librarian, John Beat ; Curator, John Purves ; Committee, Thos. Bennett,
John Ovenstone, Andrew Johnston.
D. Brown, M.A.; Secretary and Treasurer, George Watt, 23 High street;
Convener of Sports Committee, R. M. Noble, 4 Baxter Park terrace.
Butter, jun.; Vice-President, William M'Leod; Treasurer, Wm. Black;
Secretary, John M. Hamilton, 9 Roslin terrace.
FOOTBALL CLUBS, with their resjjective Secretaries. — Forfarshire Foot-
ball Association, Jas. Petrie, 11 Glamis street. Dundonians, Jas. M'Intosh,
158 Strathmartine road. Dundee, A. Williamson, 13 Cardean street, and
"W. Black, 2 Balmore street.
W. L. Hendry; Vice-President, Dan. Couper; Treasurer, Charles Pattullo ;
Secretary, Alex. M'Gibbons, 15 Small's lane.
Cricket Secretaries— Caldrum, W. Moore, 96 Caldrum street ; Bowbridge
Works, A. Reid, Bowbridge Works ; Royal Asylum, J. Chalmers, Westgreen ;
Strathmartine, P. W. Mortimer, Strathmartine road ; Union, D. M. Robertson,
88 Ferry road; Lady well, A. M'Gibbons, 15 Small's lane; Douglasfield, A.
Campbell, Douglasfield ; Windsor, A. F. Baillie, 8 Graham place ; Ladybank,
J. R. M 'Donald, 11 Arklay street ; Tailors' United, G. Millar, 7 North Lindsay -
street ; Monifieth, J. L. Hendry, Monifieth ; Benholm, J. Stewart, 4 Russell I
street ; Abbotsford, J. Dye, 15 Scouringburn ; Fairfield, C. Campbell, 6 Cardean
street ; Mid Wynd, C. Pattullo, 39 Watson's lane ; Victoria, G. R. Scott,
Forebank terrace ; Ashton Works, P. M'Gregor, Union place, Perth road.
Dundee and District Junior Cricket Association.— President, W.
Wilson (Craighall C.C); Vice-President, J. Stevenson (West End C.C.);™
Treasurer, J. Barlow (FernhallC.C.) ; Secretary, Robert Prain, 11 Tay St. lane. .
FORFARSHIRE CRICKET CLUB.— Committee, G. M. Cox, C. E. Todd,
Alex. Gilroy, John Sharp, jun., D. T. Donald, D. Gilroy, A. W. Sturrock,
P. M. Shepherd ; Treasurer, H. B. Gilroy ; Secretary, W. R. Sharp, FernhaU..
DUNDEE CUELING CLUB.— James Fullerton, President ; James Prain,.
jun., Vice-President; W. B. Blair and J. Fairweather, Kepresentative
Members ; Rev. C. M. Grant, Chaplain ; W. W. TurnbuU, Treasurer ; Robt.
C. Walker, Secretary; Committee — The Ofl&ce-bearers, Geo. Gilroy, jun.>
A. H. Foggie, G. Halley, J. B. Hay, A. H. Moncur, P. D. Mitchell, W. Shepherd.
Balgay. — President, James Logie ; Vice-President, Thomas Milne ; Com-
mittee— John Robertson, Wm. Campbell, Wm. Geddes, J. C. Law, Wm.
Kidd, Wm. Low, A. H. Foggie, R. Grossart, W. S. Melville ; Secretary and
Treasurer, James Low, 5 Albert square.
Baxter Park. — President, Wm. Clark; Vice-President, Alex. S. Heggie ;
Treasurer, Wm. M'Intosh ; Secretary, John Martin, 15 Park avenue.
DuDHOPE. — President, James Pollock; Vice-President, Charles Barrie ;
Committee, C. Robertson, W. Alexander, R. Kellie, Alex, M'Donald, J. H.
Lindsay, James Laburn, jun., A. Thomson, jun., C. P. Fleming ; Secretary
and Treasurer, David Band, 23 Panmure street.
Marypield, Madeira street. — President, Francis East ; Vice-President,
James Rea ; Treasurer, H. Wyse ; Secretary, John Foggie, 10 Maryfield
terrace ; Committee, William Smith, A. B. Crichton, R. Walker, W. B. JBlair,
T. Hutchison, A. Ross, F. Airth Grant.
MiLNBANK, 17 Milnbank road. — President, John Scott; Vice-President,
David Bruce ; Secretary and Treasurer, James W. Taylor, 24 Milnbank road j.
Match Secretary, AVilliam Walker, 1 Balgay street.
Bowling Association (for the Counties of Forfar, Perth, and Fife).—
President, Alex. Mathewson, Dundee; Vice-President, Peter Campbell,
Lignwood, Perth ; Secretary, R. C. M'Intyre, 27 Panmure street ; Treasurer,.
E. M. Mudie, Royal Exchange court ; Committee, D. Littlejohn (Arbroath),
D. Band (Dudhope), A. B. Crichton (Maryfield), James Low (Balgay), John
Jarvie (Perth), A. Barclay (Errol), H. Thomson (St Andrews).
Maryfield — Ground, Maryfield. — President, D. Bannerman ; Vice-President,
C. B. Ovenstone ; Secretary, J. Pearson, Janefield place ; Treasurer, A. Steven-
son ; Committee, J. M. Nairn, A. Neish, A. East, F. J. East, J. A. Briggs.
Dudhope — President, John Fisher; Vice-President, Harry Chalmers j.
Committee, C. Alexander, G. Banks, C. Barrie, J. Henderson, J. Prain j
Secretary, James Rattray, 7 Union terrace ; Treasurer, J. M. Bradford j
Match Secretary, E. F. Robertson, Dudhope terrace.
Dundee West End— Courts, Hyndford. — President, J. B. Robb ; Com-
mittee, T. D. Wood, George Sime, L. M'Lennan, A. W. Stiven, D. N.
Fleming ; Secretary and Treasurer, G. A. Smith, Bank of Scotland, Reform
Mount Pleasant — President, Geo. Jarvis Bell; Captain and Treasurer,
Fred. Kidd ; Secretary, W. L. Pattullo, 13 Albert square ; Committee, F. J.
Whytock, W. Fullerton.
Magdalen Yard, Magdalen Yard road. — President, T. C. Ferguson ; Vice-
President, W. F. M. Ross ; Committee, Wm. H. Blyth-Martin, T. C. Ferguson,
J. F. Macdiarmid, Allan Baxter, H. T.Baxter, W. F. M. Ross, T. T. Leitch,
N. Baxter, T. W. Lord, H. P. Holburn ; Treasurer, Norman Baxter ; Match
Secretary, J. F. Macdiarmid ; Secretary, Horatio T. Baxter, 87 Commercial st.
Fairfield. — President, A. L. Swinton ; Vice-President, D. Ferguson;;
Committee, T. Peters, A. Rattray, G. Sandeman, Miss Irons, Miss Sandeman,.
Miss Soutter ; Secretary and Treasurer, John H. Davie, 32 Raglan street.
ANGUS CHESS AND WHIST CLUB.— Chambers, 10 Shore terrace.
President, John Lawrence ; Vice-President, W. H. Watson ; Secretary
and Treasvirer, Wm. Watson; Committee, A. Laird, J. A. Fleming,
D. M'G. Fleming, A. C. Tullis.
DUNDEE DRAUGHTS CLUB, 15 Castle street.— President, R. Taylor;
Secretary and Treasurer, James Ogilvie. Open from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M.
Albert C.C— Captain, David Irving; Sub-Captain, George Robertson ;
;Secretary and Treasurer, William Skinner, Tally street.
Caledonia C.C— Captain, Charles C. Samson; Sub-Captain, Geo. Kerr;
■Secretary and Treasurer, W. G. Ellis, 134 Albert street ; Assistant Secretary,
John Robertson, ,54 North Ellen street.
Craigie C.C. — Captain, W. Penman ; Sub-Captain, .James Coupar ;
Secretary and Treasurer, John Penman, 59 Dock street.
Cyclists' Touring Club.— Representative Councillor, J. S. Matthew,
Osborne place. East Newport ; Consul, W. Hunter ; Official Repairers, W.
Robertson and W. Hunter.
Dundee Advertiser C.C— Captain, D. S. Petrie; Sub-Captain, William
*C Mitchell ; Secretary, J. B. Home.
Dundee Courier C.C- Captain, R. D. Neish ; Sub-Captain, D. G. Peters ;
Bugler, J. Buist ; Secretary, W. Ramsay, 114 Lochee road.
Dundee C.C— President, AVilliam Lowson ; Captain, James H. Taylor;
: Sub-Captain, George G. Ritchie; Secretary and Treasurer, George S. Guild,
The Grove, AVest Ferry.
Eastern C.C — Captain, T. L. Sandeman ; Sub-Captain, J. Jack ; Secretary
•and Treasurer, R. Fleming, 69 N. Wellington street.
Forfarshire C.C— Captain, W. D. Geekie ; Sub-Captain, James Gray ;
Assistant Secretary, T. Livingstone ; Secretary and Treasurer, George S.
Watson, 147 Ann street.
Half-Holiday C.C— Captain, R. Gillanders ; Sub-Captain, Andrew Dal-
.gety ; Secretary and Treasiu'er, George H. Watson, 6 Peddie street.
Lochee C.C. — Captain, R. W. Annan; Sub-Captains, James Robertson
and W. Hendry ; Treasurer, A. Elliot ; Secretary, P. W. Cairns, 118 High
; street, Lochee.
Northern Roads Club.— Captain, Charles Robertson; Sub-Captain,
D. F. Mason ; Secretary, A. C Garland, 9 Rosefield street ; Timekeeper, J. A.
Black ; Representatives to S.C.U., J. W. Baird and G. G. Ritchie.
Postal and Telegraph C.C— Captain, Jas. Ritchie ; Sub-Captain, Robt.
Wilson ; Secretary and Treasurer, Jas. Mitchell, Orwell cottage, Downfield
Recreative C.C —Captain, G. B. Hendry; Sub-Captain, R. Lamb;
Secretary and Treasurer, W. M. Crooks, 214a Perth road.
Scottish Cyclists' Union.— District Council— Chairman, J. A. Black;
Handicapper, J. C Baxter ; Timekeepers, J. A. Black, R. M. Noble ; Secretary,
J. C Baxter, Stanley biiildings, Lochee.
_ University C.C- Captain, David Struth, B.A. ; Treasurer, David Wil-
liamson ; Secretary, George Boyd, Hunter Street Public School.
Western C.C— Captain, R. Powrie; Vice-Captain, Wm. Williamson,
Treasurer, John Eraser ; Secretary, J. Robertson, 10 Ashton place.
DUNDEE GYMNASIUM.— Trustees— William Hunter, Henry M'Grady,
.John M. Keiller, J. Martin White, W. Brown Robertson. Committee of Man-
agement— the Trustees, and Lord Provost Low, Alexander Mathewson,
J. H. Bell, Hugh Ballingall — William Hunter, Convener ; Medical Referee,
Dr Lennox ; Instructor, F. J. Clease ; Assistant Instructor, Joseph Anderson ;
Superintendent, Alex. Sturrock ; Secretary and Treasurer, D. Bannerman,
Oity Chamberlain.
William Hunter ; Vice-President, J. M. Keiller ; Instructor, F. J. Clease ;
Captain, H. W. Betsworth ; Secretary, G-. Martin, jun., 93 Nethergate ;
Treasurer, W. T. Phillips ; Hon. Members' Committee, W. Brown Robertson,
Andrew Hutchison, Henry M'Grad}^, Alex. Mathewson ; Committee, W.
Paterson, A. Bell, T. R. Small, D. E. Samson, J. Samson. Headquarters,
Dundee Gymnasium (Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays).
jentatives, Walter M'Gregor, President; J. B. Conacher, Secretary, Kinloch
place ; W. Paterson, Hon. District Secretary ; Donald Murray, George
Martin, jun., and Thomas Chalmers, Perth,
Dundee Clubs Affiliated, with their respective Secretaries —
Dundee Amateur Gymnastic Society — G. Martin, jun. , 24 S. Lindsay st.
Dundee Public Baths Gymnasium — Walter M'Gregor, Public Baths.
Dundee Physical Eecreation Society — D. Murray, 57 Commercial st.. Max.
First F.V.A. Gymnastic Club— Sergt. -Major M'Farlane, Drill Hall.
James H. Bell ; Secretary, Donald Murray, 57 Commercial street. Maxwell-
town ; Treasurer, William Milne ; Pianiste, Miss Jean Kinnoch ; Instructor,
Alexander Sturrock, Rockard, Wormit.
TION.—Hon. President, George H. Gibb ; President, W. F. Strachan;
Vice-President, Harry Anderson ; Committee, J. M. Watson, T. Colman, R.
" Campbell, Archibald Watt, W. AVishart, C. M'Nab; Treasurer, A. G. ,
Macpherson ; Secretary, George W. Ashford, Post Office.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire. — James Berry, Provincial
Grand Master ; Lord Glamis, Deputy Master ; J. W. Bruce Gardyne of Mid-
dleton, Guthrie, Substitute Master ; Ex-Provost Anderson, Arbroath, Provin-
cial Grand Secretary ; John Herald, Arbroath, Provincial Grand Treasurer.
Operative, No. 47. — James Robertson, R.W.M. ; James Anderson, Trea-
surer ; W. P. Stewart, Forebank road. Secretary.
Ancient, No. 49. — James Alexander, E.W.M.; C. W. Chapman, Trea-
surer ; C. W. Millar, King street, Broughty Ferry, Secretary.
St David, No. 78. — A. M. Ferguson, E.W.M.; Alex. Heggie, Treasurer;
John G. Sprunt, 1 Seagate, Secretary.
Thistle Operative, No. 158. — A. Eamsay, E.W.M. ; Thos. Smillie,
Treasurer ; David Smith, 74 Ferry road. Secretary.
Forfar and Kincardine, No. 225. — David Mackie, E.W.M. ; James B,
Langlands, Treasurer ; William Lowden, 20 Panmure street, Secretary.
Caledonian, No. 254.— R. Tarbet, R.W.M. ; John Chalmers, 202 Hawk-
hill, Secretary.
Camperdown, No. 317.— David M'Gregor, R.W.M. ; Charles Winter,
Treasurer ; James Hill, 59 Dock street, Secretary.
Albert (Lochee), No. 448.— David M'Donald, R.W.M. ; John Hutton,
Treasurer ; David Coupar, 3 Sharp's lane, Lochee, Secretary.
St David's Royal Arch Chapter, No. 164.— J. G. Sprvmt, P.Z. ; John
Lewis, P.P.Z. ; D. Constable, H. ; Wm. Taylor, J.; T. G. Aldaj^ Treasurer;
A. M. Ferguson, Scribe E.
Union Royal Arch Chapter, No. 6.— Thos. A. Lindsay, Z. ; Alex.
Ramsay, H. ; Charles Anderson, J. ; James Stevenson, Scribe E.; Wm,
Reid, Treasurer.
District comprises Courts in Dundee, Broughty Ferry, Carnoustie, Arbroath,
Montrose, Gourdon, Brechin, Forfar, Kirriemuir, Alyth, Coupar- Angus, Tay-
port, Crail, Anstruther, Pittenweem. Delegate Meetings in Mathers' Hotel
•on third Saturdays of April and October. Edwin Lewis, D.C.R.; G. D.
Cant, D.S.C.R. ; D. A. Bridie, Treasurer; Charles B. Lindsay, 1 Rattray
street. Secretary ; D. W. Tullis, R. D. B. Ritchie, D, Inverarity, J. Fenwick,
J. D. Rae, Members of Committee, Foresters' Courts in Dundee and
vicinity : —
Dundee, No. 5715.— Meets in F. and K. Hall on alternate Thursdays.—
Secretary, D. W. Tullis, 146 Hilltown.
Admiral Duncan, No. 6214.— Meets in Masonic Hall, 43 Overgate, on
.alternate Thursdays. — Secretary, James Sutherland, 10 Rosefield street.
Robin Hood, No. 6273.— Meets in F. and K. Hall on alternate Thursdays.
— Secretary, G. Lackie, 7 Thistle street.
University, No. 7152.— Meets in Gilfillan Hall on alternate Tuesdays.—
;Secretary, J. M. Soutar, 74 Hawkhill.
Royal Oak, No. 6366.— Meets in G.T. Lodge-room, Gray street, Broughty
Ferry, on alternate Wednesdays. — Secretary, A. Mitchelson, Taypark place,
Broughty Ferry.
Mansfield, No. 7035.— Meets in U.P. Church Hall, Tayport, on alternate
"Thursdays. — Secretary, W. Simpson, Heriot place, Tayport.
Dalhousie, No. 7036.— Meets in I.O.G.T. Hall, Carnoustie, on alternate
JMondays.— Secretary, R. Thomson, Moray place, Kinloch street, Carnoustie.
Elm wood. No. 7133.— Meets in Union Hall, Lochee, on alternate Tues-
days.— Secretary, J. Cochrane, 10 Sharp's lane, Lochee.
Dundee District, No. 6.— Alex. Johnston, D.C.R. ; Wm. Stark, D.C.S.R. ;
'Thos. Finnigan, D.B. ; James Steel, 55 Victoria road. Secretary.
Branch Sarsfield, No. 53, Dundee.— Meets every Thursday at 8 p.m. in St .
Andrew's Hall, Tay st.— C. M'Kinley, C.R. ; J. Fagan, S.C.R. ; E. M'Govern
Treasurer; J. M'Laren, C.B.K. ; C. Martin, A.S. ; G. Boylan, S.W. ; J.
Farrell, J. AY. ; D. Lynch, S.B. ; J. Creagh, J.W. ; Dr Boland, Branch
iSurgeon, 4 Park place ; "Wm. Hardiman, Secretary, 26 Isles' lane.
Branch William O'Brien, No. 108, Dundee.— Meets every Thursday at 8
P.M. in St Mary's Hall, Forebankroad.— W. Stark, C.R. ; J. Morrissey, S.C.R.;
T. Hogan, D. Gaffney, Woodwards; M. Welsh, J. O'Connor, Beadles;
Dr Lowson, Medical Officer ; W. Starrs, Treasurer ; W. Gilligan, 19 James
street, Financial Secretary ; P. Barrett, Assistant Secretary.
- Branch Emerald.— Meets every Monday evening at 7.30 in Daniel Street
Hall.— P. O'Brien, C.R. ; J. Ferguson, S.C.R. ; F. Hughes, Treasurer; J.
Reilly, J. Reilly, Woodwards ; W. Scott, M. Farrell, Beadles ; W. Pullen,
Assistant Secretary ; James M'Mahon, 2 Wilkie's lane, Secretary.
St Andrew's Branch.— President, T. M'Manus; Vice-President, John
Bird ; Treasurer, James Lonie ; Secretary, John Fagan, 1 Johnston's lane.
Michael Davitt Branch.— President, H. Chivers; Vice-President, J.
Dolan ; Treasurer, P. Sullivan ; Secretary, J. K. Gubbins, 107 Murraygate. *
No. 10 District. District Master— George Blair, 2 Hillbank road ; District
Secretary — John Cunningham, 10 Watt street.
Lodge Masters. — No. 34, G. Blair, 2 Hillbank road ; No. 37, G. Stone,
7 Rosebank road ; No. 151, J. Greig, 12 Carmichael street ; No. 193, R.
Chambers, 18 Lowden's alley.
Sons of Eden Lodge, No. 45. — Meets every alternate Monday in Ancient
Hall, 76 High street. Allan Laird, R.W.M.; John Simpson, 219 Blackness
road. Secretary.
Rose Lodge, No. 67. — Meets every alternate Tuesday in Mission Hall,
Pole street. James Webster, R.W.M.; John Campbell, 16 Gardner street,
Pine Apple Lodge, No. 203. — John Cooper, W.M. ; Treasurer, James
Beveridge ; Secretary, William Egerton, 151 Victoria road.
Rose op Lebanon Lodge. — James Williamson, W.M.; Secretary, David
Bennet, 27 Nelson street.
Dundee District (18 Lodges, 3,126 Members). — Meets on first Saturdays
of February, May, August, and November, at 4 P.M., in Y.M.C.A. Rooms,
Constitution road. District Officers — C. O. Hamilton, P.P.C.S. ; W. Cox,
P.C.S. ; P. Watson Watt, P.D.C.S.; J. D. Crabb, District Treasurer; J.
Ross, W. Cox, D. Fisken, Trustees ; J. Paul, 149 Seagate, Secretary.
Lodge "Pride op the Tay," No. 1944 — Meets in Good Templar Hall,
B. Ferry, on alternate Thursdays. Sec. — Wm. Maconachie, Union st., B. Ferry.
Lodge "Bonnie Dundee," No. 1966 — Meets in Ancient Masonic Hall,
Rankine's Court, on alternate Wednesdays. Secretary — David Fisken, 12|
Mortimer street.
Lodge " Crook and Plaid, "No. 1991 — Meets inCamperdown Masonic Hall,
8 Bank street, on alternate Thursdays. Secretary — John Martin, 15 Park
Lodge " Heather Bell, " No. 2002 — Meets in Y.M.C.A. Rooms on alter-
nate Wednesdays. Secretary— Alex. NicoU, 136 Ferry road.
Lodge "Thistle," No. 2009 — Meets in Baptist Chapel Hall, Union street.
Lochee, on alternate Mondays. Secretary — A. Latto, 128 Logie st., Lochee.
Lodge "Ettrick," No. 2025 — Meets in Panmure Street Mission Hall,
Hilltown, on alternate Mondays. Secretary— William Cox, 8 Charles street.
Lodge "Robbie Burns," No. 2191 — Meets in Wallacetown Hall, on
alternate Tuesdays. Secretary— James Smith, 79 Princes street.
Lodge " Lorne," No. 2203— Meets in MorisonE. U. Church Hall, Guthrie
street, on alternate Wednesdays. Secy. — W. Thornton, 1 Union pi., Lochee.
Lodge "Hilton " No. 2262. — Meets in Maxwelltown Hall, Jamaica st., on
alternate Mondays. Secretary — T. Smillie, 3 Laing street.
Lodge " Panmure," No. 2170 — Meets in Gerard Hall, Monifieth, on alter-
nate Tuesdays. Secretary — David Macrae, stationer.
Lodge "Abertay," No. 2160 — Meets in Good Templar Hall, Carnoustie,
on alternate Mondays. Secretary — A. Ramsay, Yeaman street.
— Loyal Bon-Accord and Thistle Lodge, No. 6536. — Meets every alternate
Monday at 7.30 p.m., in Masonic Operative Hall, 43 Overgate. Secretary,
David Taylor, 2 Malcolm street.
No. 99 meets every alternate Monday in Gilfillan Memorial Hall, at 8 p.m.
Eobert Williamson, C.E. ; Secretary, James Williamson, 51 Crescent street ;
District Chief Euler, David D. Calder, 2 Elliot place, Arbroath; District
Secretary, William Bisset, 4 Gardner's lane, Lochee road.
LocHEE Tent, No. 1640, meets every alternate Tuesday in Free Church
Hall, Lochee, at 8 p.m. J. Davidson, C.E. ; Secretary, Henry Dow, 17
Muirton road, Lochee.
Pride op Dundee, Juvenile Tent, No. 553, meets every alternate Friday
in Gilfillan Memorial, at 8 p.m.
Excelsior, Juvenile Tent, No. 538, Lochee, meets in Baptist Chm-ch Hall,
at 8 P.M., every alternate Friday.
District Deputy, John Eobertson, 24 Forebank road ; Secy., A. Eeid, 29
Mid St., Lochee. District Lodge Meets third Friday of each month, called by
Martyrs' Hall, Annfield rd. ; J. Deuchars, 18 West wynd
Low's Dining Hall ; W. Patterson, NicoU's land, Monifieth
Templar Hall, 51 Eeform st. ; Wm. Smith, 8 Bank street
Templar Hall,B.Ferry; H. Campbell, 58 Brook st., B.Ferry
Cherryfield Mission Hall ; H. Hardie, 30 Bernard street
St Andrew's Sch., William St.; D. Young, 32 Victoria rd.
St David's Hall, Bank st.; Wm. Smillie, 16 Bell street
U.P. Sch., Victoria st. ; T. M'Donald, 61 Hilltown
Clepington Hall,Isla street ; J. Carmichael, 368 Loons rd.
Eussell Chapel S., Hawkhill ; D. Dewar, 32 Peddie street
Tailors' Hall, 51 Overgate ; Jas. Adamson, 12 Balfour st.
Mission Hall, 42 Hilltown; J. Eeid, 88 Strathmartine rd.
Temperance Hall, Tayport; J. Smith, Castle st., Tayport
Trinity Hall, Victoria rd.; J. W. Dickson, 33 Stirling st.
Jamaica Street Hall ; A. M'Intosh, 7 Constable street
Templar Hall, 51 Eeform street; A. Anderson, 6 Perth rd.
Templar Hall, B. Ferry ; E. Smart, Church st., B. Ferry
Young's Eoom.s, Newport ; Nellie IMilne, West Newport
Ogilvie Ch. Hall, Albert st.; S. Wilkie, 29 Stirling street
8 Bank street ; D. Millar, 4 Havelock place
Y.M.C.A. Eooms ; J. P. Smith, jun., 78 High street
St Margaret's School, Lochee ; G. Bryson, Erin pi., Lochee
Martyrs' Hall, Annfield road ; D. Duncan, 33 Cleghorn st.
Princes Street School ; George Potts, 71 Albert street
Mission Hall, 42 Hilltown; M. Gillies, 212 Perth road
True Briton,
Star of Broughty,
John B. Finch, ...
Gilbert Archer, ...
Excelsior, ...
St Paul's, ...
Belmont, ...
St James',
Star of Hope,
Pioneer of Peace,
Star of Peace,
Dundee, ...
Fisherman's Rescue,
Home of Peace, ...
St John's, ...
Hope of Lochee, . . .
Pleasant, ...
Temperance Home,
Artisan, ...
Star of Freedom, . . .
Eussell Ch. Sch., Hawkhill ; J. Fitzgerald, 6 Bernard st.
51 Eeform street ; D. Pitkethly, 35 North Church street
Argyle Hall, 1 Overgate ; George Baxter, 23 Castle street
Baptist Hall, Lochee; A. G. Eobertson, 17 N. Church street
CamperdowH Hall, 8 Bank st. ; W. Alexander, 9 S. George
Dei Donum Degree
Temple, ... 51 Eeform street
8 Bank street ; John Hutcliison, 21 Annfield row
Juvenile Lodges.
Maiden, 11 Cardean street.
. Low's Hall, INIonifieth
.. Trinity E.U. Cliurcli Hall
.. Clepington Church Hall
.. 23 Princes street
.. Hall, 46 Hilltown
.. Jamaica Street Hall
.. Tailors' Hall, 51 Overgate
.. Martyrs F.C. Hall
,. St Margaret's School, Lochee
.. Mission Hall, "Watson street
. Y.M.C.A. Rooms
.. Park AVynd School
. Russell Chapel School
. Wellgate Free Church Hall
.. Templar Hall
.. TayportT. Hall
.. Cherryfield Mission Hall
.. 51 Reform street
James Mann ; Vice-President, Thomas Phillips ; Treasurer, James Reid ;
Secretary, Peter Reid, 5 Mountpleasant. iaj i m
TRADES SOCIETIES.— Places of Meetings, and Addresses of Secretaries:—
Bakers, 15 Vault, ...James Kerr, 69 N. Wellington st.
Blacksmiths, WellgateCh. Hall, John Gray, 14 Lawrence street.
^^stipb'^J^^^k^ml}^^^^^^^^^^^ Patterson, 3 Springhill
Cabinet <k Chair Mkrs., Cutlers' Hall, D. Liddell, 5 Parker street
Carpenters (b Joiners,... 'Euclid Cves. Sch.. Thomas Himter, 4 Watson street
District Superinte
Fear Not,
City Pioneer,
Temperance Home,
St James,
ndent, Alexander
Star of Peace,
Hope of Dundee, . . .
Pride of Lochee, ...
Morning Star,
Commercial Hope,
Day Star,
Pleasant Home,
.. Wednesday, .
St Paul's,
... , ,
Broughty Ferry, . . .
Datvn of Scotscraig,
John D. Finch,
, ,
Hope of the Future,
Masons, Operative,
..Tally St. Hall,... David Hume, 33 Wellington street
...78 Murraygate,...Alex. Gillanders, 25 Bonnybank rd,
... - - - ...William Cathro, 11 Penny cook lane
...Celtic Hall, High St., James Ogg, 27 Park avenue
...51 Overgate, ...Thos. M'Burney, 1 Annfield street
Engineers ( amalgamated ),'¥. & K. Hall,. Thos. Petrie, 32 Dudhope Cres. rd.
2d Branch,
, , 3d Branch,
Bookbinders, ...
Hammermen, ...
Lochee Branch,
Guthrie st. Hall,. Thomas Allan, 3 Watt street
...William St. Sch., J. Scrymgeour, 185 Princes street
... - - - ...John S. Anderson, 29 Scott street
... - - - ...Henry Guthrie, 8 Forest Park road
... - - - ...James Macgill, 10 Kinloch street
12 New Inn entry,.. John Brough, 5 Temple lane
..2N. Mid St., Lochee, David Brown, 20 Marshall street
Club House for Dundee Branches, 29 Constitution road.
Typographical Association). — President, Peter Reid ; Vice-President, George
Richardson; Treasurer, Duncan Anderson ; Secretary {pro tent.), George
Gilchrist, Advertiser Office.
Secy., D. Wilkie, 13 Glamis street. Meeting House, Wellgate F.C. Hall,
Dudhope street.
UNION— Organized 9tli September 1885.— Hon. President, Rev. Henry Wil-
liamson, 13 Coupar street, Lochee ; Secy., Miss Smeaton. Office — 4 Mid st.
DUNDEE DRAPERS' ASSOCIATION, 1874. — President, WiUiam
Hunter; Vice-Presidents, John M. Easson, W. H. Melville. Committee —
Messrs Smith, Robertson, A. Lorimer, J. Wilson, A. M. Strachan. Treasxirer
and Secretary, John Dawson.
William Low ; Vice-President, William Robertson ; Trustees, Robt. Webster,
Alexander Mathewson, John Scrimgeour, Henry Robertson, Henry M'Grady;
Committee — David Carswell, James Myles, Geo. Scrimgeour, Geo. Ritchie,
John Robertson, George G. Bell ; Auditor, David Don ; Secretary and Treasurer,
A. W. Gumming, 1 Bank street. The Committee meets on the first Wednes-
day of January, April, July, and October.
TION.— President, J. A. Peebles; Treasurer, G. A. Johnston; Secretary,
James Cuthbert, 154 Hilltown.
in Technical Science Class-room. President, Charles Kerr, Ph.C. ; Treasurer,
F. W. Young ; Secretary, James Russell ; Council, A. B. Anderson, W. Doig,
D. H. Ferrier, James M. Hardie.
Mathewson ; Vice-Presidents, Hugh Ballingall, Alexander Elliot ; Secretary,
J, J. Henderson, 8 Bank street ; Treasurer, Wm. Farquharson, 38 Barrack st.
CIATION, LIMITED.— President, Mungo Smith; Secretary, James Paul;
Directors, A. Husband, D. Jack, D. Mathers, J. Scott, J. Rennie, R. Soutar.
Depot — Tay Bridge Station. Office — 13 South Union street.
PUBLIC BATHS.— Swimming, Private (Salt and Fresh Water), and
Turkish Baths, West Protection Wall. — Formerly managed by a Board of
Directors. Transferred to the Police Commissioners on 1st January 1871, and
now managed by them for the benefit of the community. Superintendent —
Walter M'Gregor. The Baths are open daily in Summer from 6.30 a.m. till 9
p.m., and in Winter from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. Sundays, 6.30 a.m. till 9 a.m.
Branch Establishment, Guthrie street (erected 1891).
HUMANE SOCIETY (1864).— Hon. Presidents, Sir John Leng, M.P., Geo.
Armitstead ; President, Jas. Myles ; Vice-President, D. M 'Queen ; Secretary
and Treasurer, William Farquharson, 32 Barrack street. Grounds — East End
of Esplanade.
President, W. M. Farquharson; Vice-President, Alexander Wanless ; Secretary
and Treasurer, David TurnbuU, Post Office.
FACTORY ACT— District Office, 13 Ward road.- H.M. Chief Inspector
of Factories, R. E. Sprague Oram, Home Office, London, S.W. ; Superintend-
ing Inspector, Lieut. -Col. W. O. Meade-King, Glasgow; Inspector, H. M.
Robinson, 5 Fintry place, Broughty Ferry ; Certifying Surgeons, J. W. Miller,
M.D., Tay street; Alex. Campbell, M.D., Clarendon terrace; J. K. Lennox,
DUNDEE BURIAL SOCIETY— Office, 2 Bain square.— Trustees, William
Robertson, Engineer ; William Hunter ; John Robertson, manufacturer.
Eobert Tarbet, President ; Alex. Ogg, 30 Raglan street, Secretary ; Alex.
Lewis, Treasurer ; Committee— W, A. Lindsay ,Wm. Sorlie, John "Welch,
David Baxter, AVilliam Lindsay, Robert Fulton, George Sword. Medical
Officer — Dr Templeman. Collectors — Alex. Norrie, John Mann, James
Wilkie, William Martin, W. Anderson, W. Husband.
Chairman ; A. Roby, J. Macdonald, G. Dixon, W. Kidd, T. Peffers, A. Mills,
H. Noble, J. Livingstone, E. Bracey, T. Annan, S. Benjamin, C. Dand, J. R.
Watson, D. Stewart; Secretary and Treasurer, Robert Macrae, at Peebles
Brothers', Whitehall street.
Robertson; Vice-President, J. R. Watson; Secretary and Treasurer, R.
Macrae, at Peebles Brothers', Whitehall street.
DUNDEE CEMETERY COMPANY.— Directors— James PattuUo, Dundee,
Chairman ; James Durham ; David Pirie ; and James B. Mills, Newport ; James
Jamieson, Gowan Park, Arbroath. R. G. Rae, Superintendent, Secretary and
Treasurer, Western Cemetery, Perth road. J. & H. PattuUo, Agents.
ROOMS ASSOCIATION.— Directors— David G. Bruce, Wm. Wilson, James
NicoU, Daniel M'Intyre, David Bruce, John NicoU, Alex. Esplin, J. P. Kyd,
T. S. Robertson, James Luke, Robert Murdoch, Alexander Agnew. Secretary
and Treasurer, Daniel M'Intyre, C.A., 13 Albert square. Coffee and Reading
Rooms, open daily, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
8 Wellgate, - - - - - Keeper, Henry Robertson.
6 West Dock street, - - - - „ Peter M. Hossick.
East Dock street (foot of Candle lane), „ W. Peggie.
16 St Clement's lane, - - - „ William NicoU.
LONDON TONIC SOL-FA COLLEGE.— Dundee Local Board :— Com-
mittee, Alex. Adamson, John Sim, James Stephen, Thomas Adamson, Wm.
Young ; Secretary, Robert Baton, jun., 4 Park terrace.
The Dundee Amateur Choral Union— 1858.— Victor Fraenkl, Presi-
dent ; W. F. Hill, Secretary ; R. O. Parker, Treasurer ; Committee, John
Mathewson, Robert Chalmers, Rev. Stewart Galloway, John Bisset, Laurence
K. Stevenson, John Fergusson (Newport), John Ferguson, W. W. Halley ;
Conductor, Carl Drechsler Hamilton ; Accompanist, David Stephen.
Dundee Scottish Musical Societt—1869.— Conductor, David Stephen ;
President, J. S. Marshall; Vice-President, D. Croll ; Librarian, J. Keill ;
Committee, S. G. Macdonald, T. Jenkins, G. Nicoll, T. Low, R. Morrison ;
Secretary, George D. Rattray, 32 Nethergate ; Treasurer, D. Grieve, 11
Whitehall street.
Dundee Amateur Opera Company. —Conductor, S. C. Hirst ; Secretary
and Treasurer, James Urquhart, 32 Bank street.
Marshall's Choir.— Secretary, David M. Dow; Treasurer, Jas. Clark;
Librarian, David M'Kay ; Committee, Messrs Dow, Clarke, M'Kay, and
Misses Clark and Couper; Accompanist, Miss Dow; Conductor, Henry
Hon. Secretary— George Watt, 23 High Street; Hon. Treasurer— D. J«
Tweedie ; Organizing Secretary, John Kilgour, 41 Reform street.
Central Reading Rooms, 41 Reform street ; Secretary and Treasurer, John
J. H. Henry, Reform street; Third Ward Reading Rooms, High street,
Lochee ; Fifth Ward Eeading Kooms, 150 Hilltown ; Ninth "Ward and West-
end Reading Rooms, Isles' lane, Hawkhill.
Wakd Opfice-bearebs —
Chairmen. Secretaries.
1. James Tyndall, 3 Glebe street. James Mathieson, 7 King street.
2. Robert Lawson, 16 Step row. R. H. Williamson, 133 Nethergate.
3. Wm. I. Dalziel,76 High st., Lochee, Arnot Blyth, 3 Mitchell street.
4. Elliot Strachan, 87 Ann street. Wm. Gouk, 9 Ellen street.
5. John Carson, 43 Main street. Alex. James, 30 Alexander street.
6. Thomas Russell, 2 Paradise road. Alex. Williamson, 17 DaUfield walk.
7. Henry Dawnton, 12 Stirling street. David Fyffe, 5 Stirling street.
8. Stewart Fenwick, 247 Blackness rd. Jas. Binny, 3 Park terrace.
9. Alex. Davidson, 14 Wilkie's lane. John Colville, 5 Larch street.
Kippendavie ; Vice-Convener, Samuel Chapman, Perth ; Members, Col. Smith,
William L. Boase, Hugh Ballingall, Wm. O. Dalgleish, George Watt, John
L. Luke, Thomas Russell, George Scrymgeour. George Watt, 23 High street,
Hon. Secretary of Committee.
PRIMROSE LEAGUE, Dundee Habitation.— Ruling Councillor, I. J.
Weinberg ; Treasurer, W. J. Dalziel, High street, Lochee ; Secretary, Wm.
H. Blyth Martin, 30 Reform street.
stead. Hon. Vice-Presidents, Sir John Leng, M.P. ; EdmundRobertson, M.P.
President, John Robertson, Elmslea. Vice-Presidents, Lord Provost Low,
Alexander Mathewson, C. C. Maxwell, Peter Matthew, Francis Stevenson.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Walter Baxter, 81 Murraygate.
Ward Office-beakers —
Chairmen. Secretaries.
1. George Ritchie, 34 Seagate. John M'Farlane, 3 & 5 East Dock st.
2. Joseph Philip, 1 Osborne place. P. F. Husband, "Whitehall street.
3. A. B. Duncan, 2 Dudhope terrace. Peter Anderson, 224 Lochee road.
4. John Robertson, 24 Forebank rd. John Martin, 15 Park avenue.
5. Alexander Gow, 35 Alexander st. James Petrie, 11 Glamis street.
6. Wm. Philip, 6 Garland place. A. M. Strachan, Wellgate.
7. D. H. Saunders, 19 Albany terrace. A. Macfarlane, 88 Strathmartine rd.
8. Bailie Stephenson, 5 Park terrace. A. Lorimer, 2 Park terrace.
9. G.S.Hood, Waterloopl.,Annfieldrd. James Thomson, Hyndford terrace.
Dundee Liberal Club. — Trustees, Sir John Leng, M.P., George Armit-
stead, Thomas Thornton, LL.D., John Robertson, A. D. Grimond, and
the President and Vice-Presidents of the Dundee Liberal Association for the
time being. Office-bearers — President, John Robertson ; Vice-Presidents,
Lord Provost Low, Alexander Mathewson, C. C. Maxwell, Peter Matthew ;
Treasurer and Secretary, Walter Baxter, 81 Murraygate. General Com-
mittee— The Office-bearers and Peter Fleming, Alexander Gow, Peter
Anderson, Joseph Philip, A. D. Crockett, James Petrie, Alex. Macfarlane,
A. M. Strachan, John Robertson.
DUNDEE RADICAL ASSOCIATION.— Hon. President, R. Cunninghame-
Graham, M.P. ; Hon. Vice-Presidents, H. Labouchere, M.P., Dr G. B. Clark,
M.P.; President, James Aimer ; Vice-Presidents, A. Taylor, W. G. Duncan;
Treasurer, R. Powell ; Joint-Secretaries, John Ogilvy, 57 Dock street, and
Joseph Carr.
(1886). — Hon. President, Earl of Caraperdown ; Hon. Vice-Presidents, Earl of
Airlie, J. J. Barrie, Edward Cox, Jos. Grimond, Alex. Henderson, Jas.
Henderson, Joseph Lindsay, J. Cox Methven, E. F. Maitland ; Council — Geo.
W. Baxter, Chairman ; J. R. Allan, Jas. Anderson, H. C. Bett, J. C. Buist,
E. B. Don, John Downie, G. Fender, H. G. Gourlay, W. G. Irving, Robert
Laing, John Lindsay, D. Mackie, D. M'Intosh, D. Moodie, R. O. Parker,
T. S. Ross, A. Scrymgeour, J. F. Smith, Alex. Speed, "Wm, Thomson, J. F.
White, LL.D. ; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Thomas Little John, 27 Bank
street ; Organizing Secretary, R. W. Gray, 27 Bank street.
Ward Office-bbaeers —
Chairmen. Secretaries.
1. W. B. Blair, 3 Craigiebank ter. John H. White, Craigtay.
2. D. M. Allan, 9 Stanley place. J. F. Anderson, 25 Perth road.
3. J. Stevenson, AncrumWks.,Lochee. Alex. Neish, 51 Reform street.
4. C. J. Bisset, 123 Victoria road. G. Laird, 6 Bonnj^bank road.
5. G. Stevenson, Woodville place. Thos. Johnston, 104 Ann street.
6. W. F. Soutar, 49 Meadowside. J. Gillespie, 13 Mid street.
7. R. Rattray, 2 India buildings. C. W. Smith, 4 Kinloch street.
8. Alex. Gilchrist, Benvie road. Jas. L. Mason, 253 Blackness road.
9. John F. Shaw, 4 Wilkie's lane. Edward Quirk, 72a Hawkhill.
DUNDEE PARLIAMENT.— Speaker, A. Caird ; Deputy-Speaker, A. M.
Strachan ; Clerk of the House, Thomas Allan, 48 Dudhope Crescent road ;
Treasurer, R. H. Williamson, 133 Nethergate ; Leader of Liberal Party,
William Murray ; Leader of Conservative Party, John J. H. Henry. Meets
on Thursday evenings in Burgh Court-Room, from October to April.
Bailie Macdonald; Vice-President, Dr Young; Committee, Neil M'Kay, Hew
Morrison, Angus Fletcher, A. S. Grant, John M 'Donald, Alex. Cameron,
Alex. Sutherland, Alex. M'Pherson ; Secretary, John M 'Donald, 15 Wellgate ;
Treasurer, Wm. M'L. Thorburn, 57 Wellgate.
DUNDEE CELTIC CLUB.— Chief, Earl of Airlie ; President, Col. Smith ;
Senior Vice-President, Peter C. Barron ; Junior Vice-President, William
Marr ; Committee, John J. H. Henry, John Macdonald, W. S. Fleming,
John M'Leish, W. E. Dry den, W. Stuart, Thomas Watson, J. D. Monteith,
John Spence, George Dunbar; Treasurer, Donald Macdonald, 71 Perth
road; Secretary, A. Dewar, 15 Castle street. (The Club meets in the
Queen's Hotel on the iirst Thursdays of Feb., May, Aug., and Nov., at
8.15 p.m.)
NATIONAL TELEPHONE COMPANY, Limited.— President, James
Staats Forbes, London. Vice-President, Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Director
resident in Scotland — William Alexander Smith, Glasgow. Head OflBces,
Oxford court. Cannon street, London, E.C. ; Exchanges in Forfar, Brechin,
Perth, Arbroath, and Montrose ; Dundee District Exchanges — Central, 13
Panmure street ; Western, 2 Rosefield street, Dundee ; Broughty Ferry,
Church street, Broughty Ferry ; Monifieth, High street, Monifieth ; Newport,
Union street, Newport ; Carnoustie; Downfield. Robert Gilmour, A. I.E. E.,
District Manager.
Office, 104 Commercial street. Directors — Alex. H. Moncur, Chairman;
O. C. Maxwell, John Miln, M. Carr, Wm. Hunter. David Don, General
Manager and Secretary.
(ROYAL HIGHLANDERS).— Hon. Colonel, The Lord Provost of Dundee ;
Lieut. -Colonel Commanding, J. Rankin, Hon. Colonel, v.D., P (T) ; Majors,
"W. W. Turnbull, Hon. Lieut. -Colonel, v.D., P (tj, and H. Hill, v.D., P (T) ;
Captains, A. G. Primrose, Hon. Major, P, D. Scroggie, Hon. Major, P, D.
A. Watson, Hon. Major, v.D., P, R. M. Stewart, P ft), J. Nelson, Hon.
Major, V.D., P, J. Petherbridge, P, T. M. Cappon, P, H. Walker, P ft) ;
Lieutenants, J. S. Skidmore, P (tJ (S), J. M. Mitchell, P, H. J. Valentine,
P, W. Fullerton, P, W. C. F. Stewart, P, N. Craik, P ; Second Lieutenants,
G. F. Walker, R. A. Robertson, H. G. Walker, D. Pirie, A. Valentine, W.
W. M 'Grady ; Second Lieutenants Supernumerary, E. A. M'Grad}', F. L.
M 'Grady ; Captain and Adjutant, T. M. M. Berkelej' ; Qtiartermaster, G.
Malcolm, P; Surgeon-Captains, C. Templeman, M.B., P, J. M. Whyte,
M.B., P, R. S. Smith, M.B., P, D. Lennox, M.D., P; Acting Chaplain, Rev.
Dr C. Campbell, D.D. ; Treasurer, C. C. Duncan ; Sergeant-Major, J.
Tait ; Sergt. -Instructors, R. M'Cutchen, J. Ogg ; Bandmaster, W. D.
Davidson. Establishment — 8 Companies, 804 men of all ranks.
Dundee ; Orderly Room, Baltic buildings. Hon. Colonel — James E. Erskine.
Colonel Commandant — F. Stewart Sandeman, P. Lieut. -Colonel — Thomas
Couper, P. Major— W. G. Thomson, P. Adjutant— Capt. F. Chevalley, R.A.
Surgeon-Captains — W. Chalmers Cowan, P, D. M, Greig. Acting Surgeons
— R. Soutar, D. Laing, W. Peddie. Chaplains — Rev. C. M. Grant, M.A.,
B.D., Rev. A. J. Campbell, Rev. J. M. Scott, and Rev. Malcolm Cochran,
Hon. Quartermaster — E. Ponton.
Companies Nos. 7, 8, and 9— Arbroath. Captain Commandant, A.
Gordon, P ; Captain, R. Lindsay, P ; Lieutenants, D. Laing, N. M'Bain,
A. D. Dickson.
Company No. 10— Montrose. Major, W. M. T. Paton, P.
Companies Nos. 11 and 12— Broughtt Ferry. Commandant, H. H.
Gordon, P ; Captain, W, Low, P ; Lieutenant, F. T. M'Laren.
Companies Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6— Dundee. Orderly Room, Drill Hall, —
West Bell street. Captains— Peter Carmichael, P, W. G. Grant, P, T. G.
Luis, P, W. Henderson, P, R. H. Adamson, R. A. Mudie. Lieutenants — ■
Lindsay Henderson, P ; 2d Lieutenants, J. AVatson, A. M'Gillivray, W. G.
Campbell, J. C. Robertson.
Company No. 13— Perth. Captain, Frank Sandeman.
Parker square. Hon. Colonel — Sir James T. S. Richardson. Colonel
William Smith, Commanding ; Major, Robert W. Laburn. Adjutant — •
St. George Biu-ton, Capt. Royal Highlanders. Surgeon — Captain W.
Kinnear. Hon. Chaplain — Rev. Peter Grant, D.D. Secretary — Daniel
M'Intyre, 13 Albert square. Captain and Hon. Major — Charles Batchelor. 1
Captains- S. G. M'Donald, D. M. Small, P. S. Nicoll, T. H. Melville, D. Milne.
■Lieutenant — J. S. Matthew. 2nd Lieutenant — G. Sime. Quartermaster —
W. Anderson. Sergt. -Major — Thomas Wiltshire. Sergt. -Instructor — R.
Thacker. Bandmaster — Dan. Sweeney, Sergt. -Drummer — Wm. Miller.
Sergt. -Piper — Donald Bain. Establishment, 6 Companies.
FIRST FORFAR LIGHT HORSE.— Major P. A. W. Carnegy of Lour and
Turne, Commanding. Lieutenant — R. H. Dalton. Surgeon — Captain T. F,
Dewar, Arbroath. Quartermaster— W. Scott. Troop Sergeant-Major — J.
M. Andrew. Quartermaster-Sergeant — P. G. Duncan. Farrier Major —
J. M'Lauchlan Young, M.E-.C.V.S. Instructor — Sergeant-Major J. T.
Phillips, St Mary's terrace, Downfield.
Broughty Castle. — Lieut.-Col. — The Lord Kinnaird, Honorary Commandant;
Major W. H. Fergixsson, Commanding Officer; Captain Wm. Coyle, R.E.,
Acting Adjutant and O.C, Tay Section Coast Battalion R.E. ; Captains,
R. A. Fergusson, E. Carmichael ; Chaplain, Rev. Harcourt M. Davidson ;
Lieutenants, G. H. Lindsay Boase, Fred. S. Stephen ; 2nd Lieutenant, John
H. White ; Surgeon-Lieut., G. Owen C. Mackness, M.D. ; Quartermaster
and Hon. Lieut., John H. Luis. Authorized Establishment— 3 Companies,
196 officers, non-com.missioned officers, and men.
Band of the First (City of Dundee) Vol. Battalion Royal High-
landers, B.W. — Bandmaster — W. D. Davidson. Sergeants — T. Coutts and
John M'Gonigal.
Band of the Dundee Highlanders, 3d Volunteer Battalion, The
Black Watch. — Practise every Tuesday and Thursday evening in Masonic
Lodge, Vault. Pipers and Buglers practise every alternate Monday evening
in Masonic Lodge, Vault. Bandmaster — Daniel Sweeney, 193 Blackness
road. Pipe-Sergeant — Donald Bain, 18 Queen street. Drum-Sergeant — Wm.
Miller, Rosebank School.
Band of the Artillery Volunteers. — Practise on Monday and Thurs-
day evenings in King's Road Hall. Bandmaster — William Wallace, 51 High st.
Dundee Pipe Band. — Meets in Cutler's Hall on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Pipe-Major, J. Stewart, 62 Commercial street ; Treasurer, W. Whytock ;
Secretary, D. M'Kenzie, 111 Princes street.
Dundee Trades (late Instrumental) Band. — Practise every Tuesday,
in Seaman's Union Hall, Candle lane. Bandmaster — A. J. Paterson, 133
Perth road. Secretary, James Henderson, 61 Lochee road.
DUNDEE MODEL YACHT CLUB.— Commodore, William Anderson;
Vice-Commodore, A. Robertson ; Captain, David Hynd ; Treasurer, John
Patrick ; Secretary, James Cant, 60 Watson street.
DUNDEE BOATING CLUB. — President, W. Brown Robertson;
Vice-President, Dr W. Graham Campbell ; Captain, C. W. Meldrum ; Vice-
Captain, Joseph Davie ; Secretary, Alex. Y. Laing, Thorn place; Treasurer,
J. A. Sutherland. Headquarters, Dundee Boatsheds.
Vice-President, James B. Stewart ; Secretary and Treasurer, A. H. Glass,
104 Commercial street. Headquarters, Dundee Boatsheds, Esplanade.
ROYAL TAY YACHT CLUB.— Commodore, Captain G. D. Clayhilla
Henderson, R.N. ; Vice-Commodore, W. J. Gordon ; Rear-Commodore, C. G.
Gourlay ; Measvirer, James H. Gumming ; Surgeon, Dr Mackness ; Auditor,
J. H. Luis ; Secretary and Treasurer, Alfred Taylor, 83 Commercial street.
Branch Office, 11 Reform Street — Alex. Tosh, C.A., Local Secretary ; George
Tudhope, Resident Engineer.
Directors, Sir Reginald H. A. Ogilvy, Bart., Chairman; A. H. Foggie,
Andrew Hutcheson, Henry Prain, John Johnston, Alexander Anderson.
Manager and Secretary, David Rodger.
UNITY).— Lodges :—
"Banks of Tay."— Meets in Operative Hall, 43 Overgate, on 10th May
and every alternate Thursday. Secretary, William Duncan, 52 Ure street.
"City of Dundee."— Meets in Operative Hall, 43 Overgate, on 7th May
and every alternate Monday. Secretary, Robert Calvert, 2 Baldovan terrace,
Park avenue.
" Elliot,"— Meets in Union Hall, Lochee, on 1st May and every alternate
Tuesday. Secretary, Robert Kellock, 82J High street, Lochee.
"KiNBRAE."— Meets in F. and K. Hafl, Meadow street, on 2nd May and
every alternate Wednesday. Secretary, Henry Robb, 19 Clepington street.
Meets in James' U.P. Church Hall on first Thursdays in March and September.
President, David Dallas ; Secretary and Treasurer, Charles MoUison, 87
Albert street. Affiliated Societies with their respective Secretaries —
Blackscroft, George Gilchrist, 51 Crescent street ; Chapelshade Church,
William Anderson, 30 Dallfield terrace; Dundee Calenderworkers, Alex.
Lunan, 21 Ellen street ; Dundee Male and Female, William Davidson, 51
Crescent street ; Dundee Yearly, Peter Lowden, 1 Union street, Maxwell-
town ; Forebank, James R. Dundas, 3 Paradise road; New Chapelshade,
Peter M'Intosh, 7 Main street; Old Carolina Port, David W. Small, 9
Cardean street ; Rosebank, .John Spankie, 12 Kinloch street ; St Patrick,
James Steel, 55 Victoria road ; Wallacetown, John Barrie, 63 King street.
Rev, H. W. Jermyn ; Vice-Presidents, A. H, Moncur, Walter Shepherd.
Committee — President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and Revs. James Wilson,
William Smith, Robert A. Watson, D. M. Ross ; William Doig, A. J. Buist,
JohnLaing, John M 'Farlane, Thomas Murdoch ; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer,
James Thomson, LL.B., 48 Union street.
—Local Members of Executive Committee, Col. Stewart Sandeman, Lieut. -
Col. Couper, Capt. Chevalley, Capt. Low ; Hon. Secretary, Major Dalmahoy,
12 Hill street, Edinburgh ; Hon. Treasurer, Major Pringle Taylor ; Acting
Secretary and Treasurer, Capt. Blaikie, 88 George street, Edinburgh ; Executive
Officer, Capt. Walker, Easter Road Barracks, Edinburgh ; Commandant, 2nd
Sub-District, Lieut. -Col. Will.
Section — President, Alex. Lewis ; Treasurer, James Anderson ; Secretary,
John Steel, 118 Rosebank street. Northern Section — President, William
Thow ; Treasurer, Robert Grogan ; Secretary, William Thomson, 14 Stirling
Street. Lochee Section— President, David S. Dundas ; Treasurer, James
Haggart ; Secretary, David Beat, 77 Union place, Lochee.
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS— Meeting-house and Institute, Whitehall crescent.
— Members of Meeting on ministry and oversight, R. T. M. Allan and Mrs
James Steel. Building Committee— Treasurer, R. T. M. Allan ; Secretaries,
Mrs James Steel and Edwin J. Walker.
DUNDEE CHESS CLUB, 39 High street.— President, William N. Walker ;
Vice-President, Chas. R. Baxter ; Hon. Presidents, Dr A. Blair Spence, T. W.
Thorns ; Council, P. P. Fleming, William Kidd, P. J. Itnandt, Edward
Parker ; Hon. Secretary, H. J. Thorns, Fort House, 366 Perth road ; Hon.
Treasurer, J. D. Baxter, 18 Albert street ; Match Secretary, Rev. C. M.
Grant, 9 Airlie Place. Open for play daily from 11 A.M. to 11 p.m.
( 105 )
CUSTOMS.— H. P. Devereux, Collector and Surveyor ; Thos. Kelvington,
"W. Harry Hudson, John S. Skidmore, Clerks ; M. Calder, G. R. Spencer, John
Aitken, C. W. Meldrum, W. R. Stevenson, P. Lonergan, S. Hunter, M. C.
Fitzgerald, W. M'Mahon, A. Smyth, Examining Officers ; A, Geekie, D.
Mackay, Preventive Officers ; A. C. Warnock, J, H. Allan, J. H. Fargie, J. G.
Cruickshank, Out-Door Officers ; G. Hood, J. S. Nicolson, D. Graham, G. Jen-
kins, T Postlethwaite, C. Campbell, D. Ross, J. Jolly, Boatmen. Broughty
Ferry, Tayport, and St Andrews. — S. Brown, Principal Coast Officer
(stationed at Tayport). Perth.— H. Christie, Principal Coast Officer. Ar
BROATH.— James Cassie, Principal Coast Officer. Montrose.— W. P. Scovell
Supermtendent ; M.Galvin, Second Officer; J. Dakers, A. Brown, Boatmen.
HARBOUR TRUSTEES.— Harbour Office, and Shore Dues Office, Custom
house buildings, Dock street.
For the Town Council — Lord Provost Low, Bailies Doig, Perrie, Stephenson,
and Macdonald, and Councillor Ballingall.
For the Guildry— Lord Dean of Guild Paul, Henry M'Grady, Wm. Hunter,
Robert Taylor, W. B. Robertson, James Shaw.
For the Nine Trades— William Nicoll, W. B. Thompson, and Geo. B. PaiJ,
For the Three United Trades — James Scott, Broughty Ferry.
For the Seaman Fraternity — William Kilgour.
For the County Council— Peter M'Intyre, David M'Intyre, W. F. Bell,
and Baxter Gray.
For Chamber of Commerce— A. B. Gilroy , W. H. Ferguson, and R. B. Sharp.
For the Shipowners — J. W. Kidd, David Bruce, and James Scott.
For the Ratepayers — J. T. Inglis, David Alexander, and James Berry.
For the Municipal Electors — Joseph Lindsay and Andrew Leitch.
Committees. — Finance and Rights — Consisting of all the Members of the
Board ; Andrew Leitch, Convener. Works — Consisting of all the Members
of the Board; W. B. Thompson, Convener. Tay Ferries — Consisting of
all the Members of the Board ; David Alexander, Convener. Lighting, Buoy-
ing, and Pilotage Committee — Consisting of all the Members of the Board ;
J. W. Kidd, Convener.
Alex. E. Gray, Clerk; James Watson, Treasiu-er ; David Cimningham,
Engineer ; Charles Yule, Harbourmaster ; George Ritchie, Master of Camper-
down and Victoria Docks; John Carmichael, Master of King William Dock; Jas.
Cooper, Master of Earl Grey Dock ; David Black,Piermaster ; Jas.Lindsay, jun.,
Warehouse Keeper and Traffic Superintendent ; John Henderson, Messenger ;
James Whitton, Head Weigher and Superintendent of Weighing Gear ; Captain
Robert Leslie, Surveyor of Cargoes ; William Lamsden, Harbour Foreman.
Dock Gates. — The Gates are generally opened two hours before highwater
at spring tides, and one hour at neap tides. Blue and White Chequered Flags,
hoisted at the Gate-houses, indicate that the Gates are open. The following
Signals at Earl Grey Dock indicate Vessels entering the River : —
Red, - - - Pennant, indicates Steamers.
White, - - Do., ,, Ships.
Blue and Red, - Square Flag, ,, Barques.
Red and White, Do., ,, Brigs.
Blue, - - Pennant, ,, Schooners or Sloojjs.
Day and Night Signals representing Depth of Water on Tide Gauges are
exhibited at Earl Grey Dock and Camperdown Dock. Signal sheets may be
obtained at Harbourmaster's office. Earl Grey Dock.
The Pilotage of the River Tay and Harbour of Dundee is now managed by
the Lighting, Buoying, and Pilotage Committee of the Harbour Trustees.
- ;
Pilot Cutter— " Tay " Masters of Cutters— Peter Lowson and George Keith.
Pilots Licensed by authority of the Trustees— John Martin, "William Ferrier,
George Sutherland, Jas. Wilson, Jas. Stephen, John Eeid, Johnston Inglis,
"William Dunn, Robert Nicoll, and "William Easson. Supernumeraries —
James Baird and William Mills.
Light Keepers.— Lights of Tay— Buddoness— J. Cockerill, Principal
Light Keeper ; Wm. Bishop, Assistant. Taypobt— Fleming Bishop, Principal
Light Keeper ; David Pryde and William Linnes, Assistants.
Light Ship "Abertay."— Master, James Menzies; Mate, Robt. Swaddell.
LOCAL MARINE BOARD.— Offices, Sailors' Home buildings. Members—
The Lord Provost, ex officio. Elected— James Mudie, Chairman ; David Bruce,
George Halley, J. W. Kidd, W. Thomson, jun., and Joseph Gibson.
Nominees of the Board of Trade— Charles Barrie, T. W. Thoms, W. N.
Machan, and C. W. Millar.
Alfred Smith, Superintendent, Mercantile Marine, and Secretary, Local
Marine Board ; Alex. Nicol, Deputy Superintendent ; A. P. Downie, Clerk
and Deputy Superintendent ; George Ritchie, Board of Trade Constable, 1st
Class ; William Scott, Messenger ; James Mitchell, Examiner of Masters and
Mates; Adam Watt, Surveyor for the Board of Trade and Examiner of
Engineers ; George Faithful, Tapeholder and Messenger.
DUNDEE TRINITY HOUSE (incorporated by Royal Charter).— William
Kilgour, Box-Master ; David Simpson, Deputy Box-Master ; Committee— Wm.
Barron, Jas. Cappon, Wm. Speedy, Geo. C. White, Wm. Ovenstone, Jas. W.
Melville; Jas. Hunter, Jr., 69 Reform Street, Secretary and Factor.
LENT SOCIETY.— Central Office— Sailors' Home Chambers, London, E.
Hon. Agents at Dundee— W. N. Machan and David Bruce.
Life from Shipwreck, Incorporated by Royal Charter.— Dundee Branch Com-
mittee, Wm. Ogilvy Dalgleish of Errol Park, President ; G. LLoyd Alison,
"Vice-President ; R. V. Scroggie, James Mudie, James W. Kidd, David Bruce,
and Bailie Kidd ; Captains George Taylor, James Mitchell, James Cappon,
Charles Yule, John Rollo, Alex. Wood, John P. Newton. Committee meets
in the office of Jas. Himter, Jr. , 69 Reform st. , Hon. Secretary. David Bruce,
3 Royal Exchange place, Hon. Treasurer. Captain Superintendent, Captain
Newton, Camperdown street, Broughty Ferry ; Superintendent of Boats and
Apparatus at Broughty Ferry— John Lorimer, Dundas street, Broughty Ferry.
DUNDEE SAILORS' HOME, Dock street.— President, William OgUvy
Dalgleish; Vice-Presidents, A. H. Moncur, W. Y. Blyth-Martin. Direc-
tors—Sir John Leng, M.P., George Armitstead, Alexander J. Buist, David
Bruce, Alexander D. Grimond, Alex. Gourlay, Alex. Henderson, Charles
Barrie, Robert Murdoch, James Mudie, J. Gibson. Hon. Secretary and
Treasurer, Alfred Smith, Local Marine Board. Auditor, Robert B. Ritchie,
C.A. Superintendent, Duncan Ritchie.
SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY.— Chapel and Library, Sailors' Home
Buildings ; Reading Room, Harbour Police Office, East Dock street. Presi-
dent, W. O. Dalgleish ; Vice-President, David Bruce ; Committee, W. Y.
Blyth-Martin, A. J. Buist, A. H. Moncur, P. A. Feathers, Wm. Gellatly,
Joseph Gibson, Charles Barrie ; Hon. Treasurer, Thomas Farquharson ;
Auditor, Robert B. Ritchie, C.A.; Missionary, James N. Tait; Hon. Secre-
tary, A. Smith, Local Marine Board.
GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.— Office, 65 Trades lane. Secretary,
George Henry.
Dundee, Perth, and London Shipping Company.— Office, 5 Shore terrace^
Dundee. James W. Kidd, Manager.
Dundee and London Trade.— Screw Steam-sliips— Dundee, 1266 tons, 30O
horse-power, Alex. Young, commander; London, 1738 tons, 460 horse-
power, William Speedy, commander; Perth, 1728 tons, 450 horse-power,
William Packham, commander. Agent in London— James Mitchell, New
Dundee Wharf, 82 Wapping.
Dundee and Hull Trade.— Screw Steam-ship Hull, 725 tons, 140 horse-
power, R. M'Intosh, commander. Agents in Hull— Jackson & Tarbolton.
Dundee and Newcastle Steam Shipping Company, Limited.— Office, 1
Commercial street. H. Plenderleath, Manager. Screw Steam-ship Alderney,
82 horse-power, Robert Latto, commander. Company's Office in Newcastle,,
Quayside. Agent— William Feggetter.
Dundee and Liverpool Steam-Packet Office- 29 Dock street. R. K.
Christie, Agent. Steam-ships Princess Helena, Princess Irene, Princess
Louise, Princess Beatrice, Princess Sophia, Princess Victoria, and others.
Agents at Liverpool— M. Langlands & Sons, 10 Rumford place. These
Steamers call at Aberdeen, Inverness, Stromness, Stornoway, Morecambe,
and Preston, and occasionally at Plymouth, Bristol, Cardiff, and Swansea,
Regular service between Dundee and Manchester per Ship canal— New
Steam-ships, Princess Victoria and Princess May.
Dundee Seal and Whale Fishing Company.— Whale Yard, East Dock
street. David Bruce, Manager. Screw Steam-ship Esquimavix, 436 tons,.
70 horse-power, J. Phillips, master.
Private Owners— Screw Steam-ship Terra Nova. David Bruce & Co.,.
Tay Whale Fishing Company.— Robert Kinnes, Whale lane. Manager.
Private Otvners— Screw Steam-ships Active, Polar Star, Balaena, Diana.
R. Kinnes, Manager.
Albany Shipping Company, Limited, 79 Commercial street. David Scott
& Son, Managers. Directors— William Robertson (Chairman), Wm. Gibson,
George Malcolm, Alex. Gilroy.
Dundee Shipowners Company, Limited, 83 Commercial Street. — W. O,
Taylor & Co., Managers. Directors — Wm. Robertson, Wm. Ritchie, Joha
Robertson. R. V. Scroggie, and Wm. Smith.
Dundee Loch Line Steam Shipping Company, Limited.— Andrew Leitch^
Manager; Simon Forrest, Secretary. Directors— Alexander Mathewson,.
Chairman ; David Pirie, Henry M'Grady, David Whyte, Robert L. Watson.
Dundee Gem Line Steam Shipping Company, Limited,— Office, 59 Dock,
street, Dundee. Managers— P. M. Duncan & Son. Directors— Joseph Lind-
say, James M'Donald, John Smith, James Robertson, David M'Intyre.
Secretary — D. J. Browne.
North Sea Steam Shipping Company, Limited.— Berg, Sons, & Co., 4
Panmnre street. Managers ; J. P, Bruce, Secretary.
Arrow Line.— Dimdee to New York.— W. Kinnear & Co., 18 Commercial
street, Agents.
Allan Line op Royal Mail Steamers, 4 India buildings.— (James and
Alex. Allan, 25 Bothwell street, Glasgow.) Weekly to United States, Canada,.
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, South America.
Antrim Line— Dundee to Belfast.— B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street
Alexander, David, 26 St Andrew's street, agent for Jas. Currie & Co,^
Leith; G. Gibson & Co., Leith ; D.. Currie & Co., London.
Allan, Jas. & Alex., 4 India buildings, agents for Wilson-Hill Line— London
to New York, weekly; Union Line Royal Mail steamers— to S. and E. Africa,
weekly; M 'Lay's Line— Glasgow to France, Spain, Mediterranean, Danube,
Black Sea ; Hogarth's Line— Glasgow to Lisbon, Huelva ; Gulf Line— Glas-
gow and Liverpool to Chili, Peru, Australia.
Anderson, James A., 29 Panmure street, agent for Cunard Line— Liver-
pool to United States, France and Mediterranean ; Anchor Line— to United
States, India and Mediterranean ; Allan and State Lines— to United States,
Canada, &c. ; Inman, Guion, American and National Lines— to United States;
Orient Line, New Zealand Shipping Co., and Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.—
London to Australia and New Zealand ; Union Line Eoyal Mail Steamers— to
South Africa.
Barrie, Chas., 33 Albert square, agent for City Line— Glasgow and Liverpool
to Bombay, Kurrachee, and Calcutta; Shaw, Savill, and xUbion Co.— London to
New Zealand, Tasmania, Australia ; Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell, & Co.— Antwerp
toEio de Janeiro, Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, Rosario ; also Birkenhead to Red
Sea and Persian Gulf ; and Glasgow and Birkenhead to Penang, Smgapore,
Hong-Kong, Yokohama, Nagasaki.
Christie, R. K., 29 Dock street, agent for M. Langlands & Sons— Dundee
and Liverpool steamers ; Lamport & Holt— River Plate and Brazil steamers ;
Staveley, Taylor, & Co.— steamers from Pernambuco, Natal, Maceio, &c. ;
Wm. Johnston & Co., Limited— steamers for Greece, Danube, Black Sea, &c.
Fleming & Haxton, 44 High street, agents for the following Lines— Cunard,
White Star, American, Dominion, Anchor, Beaver, Allan, State, Orient, Aber-
deen, Thames and Mersey, Queensland, Gulf, Peninsular & Oriental, Star, Loch,
Henderson Brothers, 25 Albert square, agents for Anchor Line— Glasgow
to New York, Bombay and Kurrachee, Calcutta, Mediterranean ; Houston
Line— Liverpool to Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, Rosario.
Hendry, D. B., 4 India Buildings, agent for F. A. Hodgkinson & Co.
Inglis, J. T., & Sons, 33 Dock street. "■
Kinnear, William, & Co., 18 Commercial street, agents for Royal Hungarian
Sea Navigation Co., "Adria," Ltd.— to Adriatic ports; Royal Netherlands
Steam Navigation Co.— Amsterdam and Rotterdam to Baltimore ; Wilson
Line— Hull to Boston ; Knot's " Prince " Lines— London to River Plate and
Mediterranean, also Liverpool and Manchester to Mediterranean ports;
Thomson Line — Tyne to Montreal, &c.
Machan, W. N., 26 East Dock street, agent for British and Colonial Steam
Navigation Co., Ltd. — London to South Africa.
Melville & Halley, 2 India buildings, agents for Atlantic Transport Line,
London to America.
Millar, James, 54 Commercial street, agent for Brazil and River Plate
Steamers (Lamport & Holt, London).
Morison, PoUexfen, & Blair, 84 Commercial street, agents for Royal Mail
Steam Packet Co.— to Brazil, River Plate, Central America, West Indies ;
Messageries Maritime de France— London to Marseilles and Mediterranean ;
Furness Line— London to Boston, Halifax, St Johns ; David Maclver & Co.'s
Line— Liverpool to River Plate; Donaldson Line— Glasgow to Montreal,
Quebec, Halifax, Baltimore ; Peninsular and Oriental — London to Bombay.
Morrison, W. B., 10 Panmure street, agent for White Star Line.
Nairn, B. L., 26 Commercial street, agent for Clan Line— Glasgow and
Liverpool to Bombay, Kurrachee, Calcutta, Madras, South Africa.
NicoU, P. S., 65 Trades lane, agent for steamers from Granton and
Grangemouth to Denmark, Norway, Sweden ; Deefzyl to Dundee and Grange-
mouth, Antwerp to River Plate.
Ritchie, James S., 1 Commercial street.
Abbreviations. — Ship, sh ; Barque, bar ; Brig-, br ; Brigantine, bn ; Schooner, sch ;
Sloop, si ; Smack, sm ; Steamer, st ; Paddle-steamer, p.s ; Screw-steamer, s.s. ;
Cutter, cut.
ciutv, am ,
OUCOrlllCl, ou ,
Adam Smith
Air lie
Alice Taylor
Bob and Harry
A. Low
Countess of Derby bar
Countess of Rothes bar
R. Sangster
J. Brown
pad. st.
Dundee 4 mst. bar
Edith Mary
Owner or Agent.
Dundee Harbour Trustees
R. Kinnes
W. Wighton
A. Adams
D. Bruce & Co.
Dun. & Newcastle Ship. Co.
Robert Taylor
P. M. Duncan & Son
Dundee Harbour Trustees
Berg, Sons, & Co.
David Edwards
D. Bruce & Co.
R. A. Mudie & Sons
Albany Shipping Co., Ltd.
Wm. Thomson & Sons
R. Kinnes
D. Bruce & Co.
Albany Shipping Co., Ltd.
W. N. Machan
D. Scott & Son
P. M. Duncan & Son
T. Ross
"William Kinnear & Co.
William Kinnear & Co.
William Kinnear & Co.
W. S. Croudace
D. Scott & Son
Chas. Barrie
Albany Shipping Co. , Ltd.
W. S. Croudace
John Stewart
Charles Barrie
J. Allison & Sons
J. Allison & Sons
M. Boyle
R. A. Mudie & Sons
Charles Barrie
W. H. Burn
P. M. Duncan & Son
R. Kinnes
Alex. Stephen & Sons
Wm. Thomson & Sons
D. P. & L. Shipping Co.
Dundee Harbour Trustees
Charles Barrie
D. Bruce & Co.
Robertson Bros.
James Mitchell
Robertson Bros.
Erancis Molison
Loch Etive
Loch Garry
Loch Katrine
Loch Leven
Loch Lomond
Loch Maree
Loch Ness
Loch Ea,nnoch
Loch Tay
Lord Kinnaird
Lorna Doone
st. sh
pad. st,
4-mst. bar
4 mst,
J. Low
J. Archer
Owner or Agent.
P. M. Duncan & Son
D. Foreman
Charles Barrie
Wm. Thomson & Sons
David Bruce & Co.
Alex. Stephen & Sons
Dundee Harbour Trustees
"Mars" Tr. Ship Inst.
William Thomson & Sons
Alex. Stephen & Sons
D. Bruce & Co.
P. M. Duncan & Son
William Thomson & Sons
D. Bruce & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
Jas. Mitchell
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
Alex. Stephen & Son
D. P. & L. Shipping Co.
William Thomson & Sons
Charles Barrie
William Thomson & Sons
T. Muir, Son, & Patton
Charles Barrie
Albany Shipping Co., Ltd.
John Couper
John Couper
Charles Barrie
Joseph Gibson
David Bruce & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
A. Leitch & Co.
D. P. & L. Shipping Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
Robertson Bros.
R. A. Mudie & Sons
D. Bruce & Co.
W. N. Machan
Robert Taylor
Nelly Bch
North Sea s.s.
NovaZembla s.s.
Ogmore s.s.
Opal s.s.
Orion bar
Osburgha bn
Perth s.s.
Peru bar
Pioneer sch
Polar Star st. bar
Princess Louise s.s.
Princess of Wales s.s
Procyon bar
Ranger s.s.
R. Passmore ketch
Ruby s.s.
Sapphire s.s.
Scotia s.s
Snaigow sh
Snowdrop s.s.
Southesk bar
Storm King s.s.
Stracathro bar
Tay sch
Tay s.s.
Terra Nova s.s.
Thetis bar
Trojan ketch
Union s.s.
Vesper s.s.
Vulcan s.s.
"Walker sch
White Sea s.s.
J. Davidson
Owner or Agent.
D. W. Foreman
D. P. & L. Shipping Co.
W. O. Taylor & Co.
W. T. Rogers
P. M. Duncan & Son
W. S. Croudace
W. Cook
D. P. & L. Shipping Co.
J. A. Young
J. Love
R. Kinnes
Dundee Harbour Trustees
( Dundee Pleasure Boat )
t Co., Ltd. J
W. S. Croudace
T. Muir, Son, & Patton
D. W. Foreman
P. M. Duncan & Son
P. M. Duncan & Son
( Dundee Pleasure Boat )
t Co., Ltd. j"
David Bruce & Co.
W. H. Burn
D. Bruce & Co.
R. Taylor, Newburgh
D. Bruce & Co.
Dundee Harbour Trustees
Brown & Tawse
David Bruce & Co.
Alex. Stephen & Sons
A. Peterson
W. T. Rogers
R. A. Mudie & Sons
B. L. Nairn
D. P. & L. Shipping Co.
Steamer (1200 tons), by W. B. Thompson & Co., Ld., for Clyde Shipping
Two paddle passenger Steamers, by Gourlay Brothers & Co., for London
( 112 )
Dundee Post-Office— Post-Office Buildings, Top of Keform Street.
George H. Gibb, Postmaster.
On Week Days the Office is open for Postal business (including Postal
Orders) from 6.45 a.m. till 9 p.m. (for sale of stamps only, imtil 11 p.m.) ; and
for Money Order, Savings Bank, Life Insurance, and Annuity business, from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (for Savings Bank Deposits, till 9 p.m.).
On Sunday the Office is open for Postal business from 9.30 till 10.45 a.m.
only, but the Letter-Box remains open as on other days.
For Telegraph business there is attendance continuously during the day and
night, both on "Week Days and Sundays.
Inland Kates of Postage — Letters,
Inland letters are those which pass between places in the United Kingdom,
including the Isle of Man, the Orkney, Shetland, Scilly, and Channel Islands.
The rates of postage on letters, when j^repaid, are as follows, viz. —
Not above 1 oz. - - - - Id
Above 1 oz. but not above 2 oz. - IJd.
,, 2 oz. ,, 4 oz. - 2d.
,, 4 oz. ,, 6 oz. - 2id.
Above 6 oz. but not above 8 oz. - 3d.
8 oz. „ 10 oz. - SJd.
10 oz. „ 12 oz. - 4d.
12 oz. „ 14 oz. - 4^d.
and so on at the rate of Jd for every additional 2 oz.
A letter posted unpaid is chargeable on delivery with double postage ; and
a letter posted insufficiently prepaid is chargeable with double the deficiency.
Petitions and Addresses to the Queen are exempt from postage. Members of
Parliament may also receive by post Petitions and Addresses to Her Majesty,
and Petitions to Parliament, not exceeding 2 lbs. in weight, exemj)t from
postage, provided such be sent without covers, or in covers open at the ends.
No letter may be above 18 inches in length, 9 inches in width, or 6 inches in
depth, unless it be sent to or from one of the Government Offices.
Letter Cards are sold at the rate of 4 for 4|d, or 9s i^er parcel of 96.
Embossed Envelopes bearing a penny stamp are sold at the following rates : —
"A" quality, 20 for Is lOd; "Commercial" quality, 20forls9d; "C'quaUty
(5| in. by 3 in.), 24 for 2s 2d.
The prepaid postage on every registered inland newspaper is one halfj^enny,
but a packet, containing two or more registered newspapers, is not liable to a
higher rate than the book-postage upon it would be.
Any publication fulfilling the subjoined conditions can, upon payment of an
annual fee of 5s, be registered at the General Post Office for circulation
within the United Kingdom as a newsi^aper. Unregistered, a newspaper is
liable to the book rate of postage.
a. The publication must consist wholly or in great part of political or
other news, or of articles relating thereto, or to other current topics,
with or without advertisements.
It must be printed and published in the United Kingdom ; and in num-
bers at intervals of not more than seven days.
The full title and date of publication must be printed at the top of the
first page, and the whole or part of the title, and the date, at the top of
every subsequent page.
d. A supplement must consist wholly or in great part of matter like that
of a newspaper, or of advertisements, printed on a sheet or sheets put
together at some one part of the newspaper whether gummed or stitched
up with the newspaper or not ; or it must consist wholly or in part of
engravings, prints, or lithographs illustrative of articles in the paper. It
must in every case be published with the paper, and have its title and date
printed at the top of every page, except that any page or side on which
engravings or lithographs, illustrative of articles in the paper appear,
need not be dated.
A newsjiaper, if posted in a cover, must have such cover open at both ends,
so as to admit of easy examination, and so that the title may be readily
inspected. The cover must not bear anything besides the title of the news-
paper, the name and address of the sender and of the addressee, and a reference
to any page of or place in the newspaper to which the attention: of the
addressee is directed.
A newspai^er or packet of newspapers must not contain any unregistered
publication or any enclosure of any kind, except the supplements relative to
such newspapers.
A packet of newspapers must not weigh above 14 lbs. , or exceed two feet in
length, one foot in width, or one in depth.
Newspaper wrapi^ers are sold at the following prices : — Bearing halfpenny
stamp, at the rate of 7 for 4d or £1 2s lOd per parcel of 480 ; bearing j)enny
stamp, at the rate of 8 for S^d or £1 Is 3d per parcel of 240.
Book Post.
The prepaid postage is one halfpenny for every 2 oz. or part of that weight.
If posted unpaid the charge is double that amount ; and if posted partially
paid, double the deficiency.
The following may be sent by book post : —
a. Any matter wholly printed on paj)er or some substance ordinarily used
for printing.
6. Books and other works of a literary character, and any other written or
printed matter not being in the nature of a letter.
c. Sketches, drawings, paintings, photographs, and engravings.
d. Maps, plans, and charts.
e. The binding or mounting of any article hereinbefore described, provided
such be not made of glass or any fragile substance, and be transmitted
in the same packet with the article in respect of which it is used.
/. Invoices, orders for goods, credit notes, advice notes, way bills, bills of
lading, receipts, statements of account, prices current, market reports,
Conditions.— Thsit nothing shall appear in writing on the document
save dates, names and addresses of the parties, particulars and prices
of goods, or particulars of sums of money and mode of consignment.
g. Manuscript for press and printed proofs, with corrections and instruc-
tions. Conditions. — That any written or printed matter not forming
part of the document itself refer solely to the arrangement of correc-
tion of the type or the execution of the work.
h. Examination pajjers, with corrections and instructions. Conditions. —
That any written or printed matter not forming part of the document
itself refer solely to the questions put or the answers thereto.
i. Circulars, that is, printed notices and letters, whether separate or on
the same sheet of paper with any other document transmissible by
Book Post. Conditions. — That the circular may be corrected in writ-
ing ; that the date of despatch, and the name and address and descrip-
tion of the sender, and the name of the addressee may be inserted in
writing ; that when the circular is a notice of meeting or appointment,
the place, date, and hour, and, in the case of a notice of meeting, the
objects of the meeting may be inserted in writing ; that when the
circular is a polling card, the name and address of the voter and his
number on the register may be inserted in writing.
Any of the documents mentioned under the head / may be in the
form of a'letter, or may be incorporated with a circular letter as defined
xmder the head i, provided that nothing appears in writing except the
particulars allowed to appear in writing in circulars, i, or in documents
of class /.
j. Deeds, agreements, proposals and policies of assurance, powers of attor-
ney, proxy papers, voting papers, certificates, licenses. Conditions —
That nothing appear in the document in writing or print which does
not form part of the document as a legal instrument.
k. Notices, reports, returns, and certificates issued, made, or given by
officers of a Court of Justice, or other public officers in the discharge
of their duties, and returns or reports made to public officers or pubUc
bodies. Conditions. — That the document consist of a printed form ;
that any written matter on such document consist merely of informa-
tion or statements appropriate to the form and necessary to the com-
pletion of the document.
In the above definition expressions referring to print or printing shall
be taken to refer to any species of typeprinting easy to recognize, and
to include lithography, handstamping, or any mechanical process.
Circulars printed or lithographed in characters resembling those of the
type-writer, or produced from type-written originals, may only be sent
by Book Post provided that they are handed in at the counter of the
Post Office, and that at least 20 copies precisely identical are posted at
the same time.
Book packets should be posted either without covers (in which case they
must not be fastened in any way), or in unfastened envelopes, or in covers
which can be easily removed for the purposes of examination. If anything
is written or printed on the inside of the covers, the covers must be left un-
fastened. A book packet may, however, be tied at the ends with string.
In order to secure the return of book-packets which cannot be delivered, the
names and addresses of the senders should be printed or written outside : thus,
" From of ."
No book-packet may be above 5 lbs. in weight, 18 inches in length, 9 in
width, or 6 in depth, unless it be sent to or from a Government office.
Embossed Envelopes, bearing a halfpenny stamp, are sold at the following
rates : — " Commercial" size, 10 for S^d ; "Foolscap" size, 10 for 6d.
Inland Pattern and Sample Post.
Trade Patterns and Samples of Merchandise may be sent between places in
the United Kingdom at the following rates of postage : —
For a packet weighing not more than 4 oz. Id.
5, „ more than 4 oz. but not more than 6 oz. IJd.
55 », ,) 6 oz. ,, „ 8 oz. 2d.
Limit of weight 8 oz. Limits of dimensions — 12 in. by 8 in. by 4 in.
This post is absolutely restricted to bona fide trade Patterns and Samples of
Merchandise. No article sent for sale or in execution of an order will be
admissible, and if any such be posted at the Pattern rate it will be charged
with double the deficient postage at the letter rate, together ^vith a fine of 6d.
Patterns and Samples must be sent in wrappers (marked Pattern Post or
Sample Post) open at both ends or in unfastened envelopes, so that they can
be easily withdrawn for examination ; but Samples of seeds, flour, drugs, &c.,
may be enclosed in boxes (but in such a way as to admit of easy examination),
or in bags tied at the neck. Closed bags will not be allowed.
It is obligatory that the name, trade, and address of the sender be in all
cases printed or stamped on the outside of the wraj^per or on the label.
Patterns may be returned (at Pattern rates) to the Trader or Firm by
whom they were originally sent. They may be returned in the original
wrapper, the written address being erased and the words "Returned Pat-
terns " being prefixed to the printed address of the Trader ; or they may be
returned in a fresh wrapper, with printed or stamped heading, &c.
A packet which contains any writing which would not be admissible by
Book Post will be charged at the letter rate.
No glass bottle, glass in any form, liquid, or greasy matter can be sent.
Post Cards.
Official Post Cards, impressed with a halfpenny stamp,— double or reply
Post Cards impressed with a halfpenny stamp on each portion of them,— and
private Cards impressed at the Office of Inland Revenue with halfpenny
stamps, — may be transmitted between places in the United Kingdom with
letters printed or written upon the back.
The address, and the sender's name and address, but nothing else, may be
written, printed, or otherwise impressed on the front (or stamped) side. On
the reverse side any communication, whether of the nature of a letter or
otherwise, may be written or printed. Nothing whatever may be attached,
except adhesive stamps in payment of additional postage or stamp duty, and
a gummed label (not to exceed 2 inches long and | of an inch broad) bearing
the address at which the card is to be delivered ; nor may the card be folded,
cut, or otherwise altered.
No card other than one of those issued by the Government, or a private card
impressed with a halfpenny stamp at the Office of the Inland Revenue, will pass
tmder a halfpenny stamp, if it bear on it a communication of the nature of a
letter (unless it be a circular letter as defined above).
Inland Post Cards are sold at the following rates :—
Stout Cards 10 for 6d, or 5s per parcel of 100.
Thin Cards 10 for SJd, or lis per parcel of 240.
t Reply Stout Cards 10 for Is, or 5s per parcel of 50.
Reply Thin Cards 10 for lid, or lis per parcel of 120.
Express Delivery op Letters and Parcels.
Letters and Parcels are accepted at the Head Post Office for immediate
despatch to any part of the Town or Rural District. They must be handed in
over the counter at the Head Post Office, and the words "Express Delivery"
must be written above the address by the sender.
The Express fee for a letter or packet not exceeding 1 lb. in weight is : —
For every mile or part of a mile, 3d. For a letter or parcel over 1 lb. in
weight the Express fee is : — For every mile or part of a mile, 3d ; and for
every lb. or part of a lb. beyond the first lb., IJd. Limit of weight, 15 lbs.,
unless a cab is provided at the cost of the sender.
If the distance exceeds two miles, and a public conveyance is not available,
the cost of a special conveyance must be paid in addition to the Express fees.
All charges must be prepaid in postage stamps, to be affixed to a form pro-
vided for the purpose.
On the delivery of a letter or parcel, the messenger may take a reply or
perform a further delivery service, provided that a second fee be paid. "When
a reply or further service' is required by the sender, the words " Wait Reply "
or " Further Service " must be written above the address. When a letter or
parcel is taken on a return or further service to an address on the messenger's
homeward route, or within half a mile of the Post Office from which the
messenger started, half only of the mileage rate is charged.
Letters and Parcels forwarded by Mail in regular course of post may be
sent out by Express messenger on arrival at the Office of Delivery. In addi-
tion to the full ordinary postage, the Express fee is 3d for every mile from the
ii Office of Delivery, and this fee must be prepaid by stamps affixed to the letter
or parcel. When the distance exceeds two miles, at least one-haK of the
amount payable in respect of fee and charge for special conveyance must be
prepaid, and the deficiency, if any, will be demanded from the addressee.
Such letters or parcels should have the words " Express Delivery " boldly
marked above the address, and, in the case of a letter, the cover must in
addition be marked with a broad perpendicular line from top to bottom both
on front and back. They may be posted in the ordinary way.
Persons who desire at any time to receive their Letters or other Postal
Packets of any kind in advance of the ordinary delivery, may have them
delivered by special messenger on payment of the full Express Fee of 3d a mile
as for one packet, and Id for every 10, or less number, of additional packets
beyond the first.
Inland Parcel Post.
Parcels not exceeding 11 lbs. in iveight, 3 ft. 6 in. in length, or 6 ft. in length
and girth combined, are received at any Post Office for transmission between
places in the United Kingdom.
The rates of Postage are — for a Parcel —
Not exceeding 1 lb. in weight.
Exceeding 1 lb, in weight and not exceeding 2 lbs.,
2 lbs
3 lbs
„ 4 lbs
5 lbs
6 lbs
„ 7 lbs
8 lbs
„ 9 lbs
10 lbs
J 2 lbs.,
3 lbs.,
4 lbs.,
5 lbs..
6 lbs..
- 10|d.
7 lbs.,
- Is, Od,
8 lbs..
- Is. lid.
9 lbs..
- Is. 3d.
10 lbs.,
- Is. 44d.
11 lbs.,
- Is, 6d,
Postage stamps to the required amount must be affixed by the sender, and
parcels must not be posted in a letter-box, but must be taken into a Post Office
and handed over the counter.
Parcels containing fish, game, meat, eggs, &c., or razors, scissors, needles,
knives, forks, or other sharp instruments, are not accepted unless securely
packed so as to guard against risk of injury to other parcels. Liquids or semi-
liquids, such as jellies, pickles, paint, varnish, &c., are not accejjted unless in
bottles or cans securely stoppered ; nor powders, unless well packed.
Parcels addressed to or sent from the Channel Islands are received under
the above conditions and rates, but such parcels are liable to Customs examina-
tion at the port of arrival, and the sender is required to make a declaration of
contents upon a special form provided for the purpose.
Parcels addressed to a Post Office to be called for, or to a person residing
beyond the free postal delivery, are kept three weeks. At the end of one
week, if the parcel bears on the outside the sender's name and address, a
notice of the fact that the parcel has not been delivered is sent to him.
Parcels addressed to a Post Office " to be called for," are liable to a demur-
rage charge at the rate of Id a day. No demurrage is charged on parcels ad-
dressed to persons outside the limits of free delivery, or to persons on board ship.
In order to facilitate the return of parcels which cannot be delivered, it is
most desirable that the name and address of the sender should appear on the
outside of every parcel.
Compensation for the Loss or Damage of Inland Parcels.
If a parcel is not registered, the Postmaster-General will accept liability up
to 62, without payment of any fee beyond the postage, provided that — (1) the
parcel is posted in the manner prescribed for the posting of parcels, and the
postage prepaid ; (2) a certificate of posting is obtained from the officer
receiving tlie parcel ; (3) the contents of the parcel are secvirely packed.
No compensation (either for loss or damage) will be given in respect of a
parcel containing (1) anything which may not be sent by Inland Parcel Post ;
(2) money ; (3) a watch or jewellery, unless registered.
No compensation will be given in respect of damage to a parcel containing
eggs, soft fruit, liquids, or any exceptionally fragile or perishable articles ;
but, in all such cases, compensation will be given in respect of the loss of the
parcel, or of any article contained therein.
Inland Eegistration.
The fee for registering any Inland postal packet (parcels included) is
twopence, and this registration fee and the postage must be prepaid.
Every article presented for registration must be enclosed in a strong cover,
securely fastened. It must be given to an Agent of the Post Office, and a
receipt obtained for it. If, contrary to this rule, an article marked
"Registered" be dropped into a letter-box, it will be liable to a registration
fee of 8d (less any amount prepaid for registration).
Every article presented for registration should be marked "Registered,"
and with the amount of the fee proper to the value up to which the sender
desires to secure compensation, thus — " Registered 2d," or "Registered 3d."
Inland postal packets containing coin, watches, or jewellery, if posted
without registration, are subject to compulsory registration, and are charged
on delivery with . a fee of 8d, in addition to the ordinary postage ; but
such compulsory registration gives no title to compensation for loss or
The sender of an Inland postal packet may obtain an acknowledgment of its
due delivery by paying, at the time of posting, a fee of 2d in addition to the
postage and registration fee.
The Postmaster-General will (subject to certain rules) give compensation
for the loss and damage of Inland Registered Postal Packets of all kinds upon
prepayment of a fee in addition to the postage. This fee either consists of,
or includes in each case, the ordinary registration fee of 2d ; and the scale of
fees and the respective limits of compensation are as follows : —
Fee 2d, Compensation £5.
„ 3d, „ £10.
„ 4d, „ £15.
„ 5d, „ £20.
„ 6d, „ £25.
Fee 7d, Compensation £30.
, , od, , , ijoo.
„ 9d, „ £40.
„ lOd, „ £45.
„ lid, „ £50.
The registered Parcel Post is also available for watches and jewellery.
Money may also be sent in a registered parcel, but no compensation will be
given in respect of the loss or damage of such i^arcel.
No charge is made for the re-direction of letters (including registered
letters), whether re-directed by an officer of the Post Office or by an agent of
the addressee after delivery, provided, in the latter case, that the letter is
re-posted not later than the day (Simdays and public holidays not being
counted) after delivery, and that it does not appear to have been opened.
Post Cards, book j)ackets, samjjle packets, newspapers, and parcels are,
when re-directed, liable to additional postage at the prepaid rate for each
re-direction. But re-directed parcels are not subjected to additional postage
if the original and corrected addresses are both within a delivery from the
same Post Office.
A Postmaster is not bound to re-direct letters for a person temporarily
leaving home, unless the house be left uninhabited.
Money Orders.
When applying for Money Orders, the public should use the printed " Appli-
cation Forms," which are supplied gratuitously at all Money Order Offices.
The commission on Inland Money Orders is : —
For sums not exceeding £1, 2d.
,, above £1 and not exceeding £2, - - - 3d.
„ £2 „ „ £4, - - - 4d.
„ £4 „ „ £7, - - - 5d.
„ £7 „ „ £10, - - - 6d. _
The applicant must furnish, in full, the surname and at least the initial of
one Christian name, both of the remitter and the payee, together with the
remitter's address. In the case of Foreign Orders the full address of the payee
must be given ; and if the Order be payable to a native in British India, the
Tribe or Caste, and the Father's name must also be furnished.
Exceptions. — 1st. The remitter of an Inland Order may direct at the time
of issue, that the Order be crossed like a cheque thus, & Co., and thus be
payable only through a Bank. In that case he may give or withhold the
name of the payee. The designation of the Bank need not be furnished.
2d. If the remitter or payee be a peer or a bishop, his ordinary title is sufficient.
3d. The usual designation of a firm, as well as the ordinary title of any
company or society, is sufficient either as remitter or payee.
The remitter may make his order payable ten days after date, provided
that, when he obtains the order, he affix thereto, in the presence of the Post-
master, in the space after the request C, a penny adhesive stamp, and write
his signature across the stamp.
To guard against fraud the remitter is recommended, —
1st. When he is well known to the payee, to sign the letter enclosing the
Order with his initials only.
2nd. When this is not the case, either to make the Order payable ten days
after date, or to register the letter enclosing it, or to make the Order
payable through a bank by crossing it like an ordinary cheque.
3d. When it is not considered expedient to adopt either of these courses,
to send the remitter's name (without a knowledge of which payment
cannot be obtained) in a separate letter from that containing the Money
Order ; although this latter precaution is much less effective than either
of the others.
Money Orders for amounts not exceeding £50 are issued free of charge when
required for the remittance of Income Tax, Inhabited House Duty, Land Tax,
Excise Duties, or Legacy and Succession Duties.
Money may be transmitted by Telegraph Money Order in the United King-
dom. The commission is double the rate of an ordinary money order, and, in
addition to the commission, a charge is made at the ordinary inland rate for
the Official Telegram authorizing payment at the Office of Payment and for
the repetition thereof, the minimum being 9d. Any telegraphic communication
which the remitter may wish to despatch to the ijayee must be paid for at the
ordinary inland rate, the minimum being 6d.
Money Orders are issued in the United Kingdom on the following Foreign
Countries, British Colonies, &c., at the rates of commission shown below : —
Foreign Countries. — Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroons and Togo, Chili, Congo
Free State (Banana, Boma, and Matadi), Denmark (with Farce Islands), Danish West
Indies, Dutch East Indies, Egypt, France (with Algeria), German Empire, German East
African Protectorate, Hawaii, (Sandwich Islands), Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy
Xwith offices on the Red Sea and in Tripoli), Japan, Luxemburg, New Guinea (German
Protectorate), Norway, Orange Free State, Portugal (including Madeira and the Azores),
Roumania, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Transvaal, Tunis, United States.
Foreign Cities and Towns. — Constantinople, Smyrna, Adrianople, Beyrout, Saloniea,
Panama, Tangier.
The following Places in Asia Minor and the Levant.— Candia, Canea, Chios,
Durazzo, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Kaifa, Kerassonde, Mitylene, Prevesa, Retimo, Rhodes,
Samsoun, Santi Quaranta, Trepizond, Valona.
British Possessions and Colonies. — Bermuda, British Bechuanaland, British Co-
lumbia, British Guiana, British Honduras (Belize), Cape of Good Hope, Canada, Ceylon,
Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Hong- Kong (with agencies
at Shanghai, Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Hankow, Hoihow, SwatOw, and Ningpo), India
(including Burmah and agencies at Aden, Bagdad, Bandor Abas, Bushire, Busrah,
Guadur, Jask, Linga, Muscat, and Zanzibar), Labuan, Lagos, Malta, Mauritius, Mom-
basa and Lamu, Natal, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, New South Wales, New Zealand
North Borneo (Sand akan). Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Queensland, St. Helena,
Sarawak, Seychelle Islands, Sierra Leone, South Australia, Straits Settlements, Tas-
mania, Victoria, West Indies, Western Australia.
Commission :— For sums not exceeding £2— 6d ; £5— Is ; £7— Is 6d ; £10— 2s.
Postal Orders.
Postal Orders, for certain fixed sums from Is up to £1, are now issued
at all Money Order Offices in the United Kingdom, at the British Post Office
at Constantinople, and in Malta, Gibraltar, India, Straits Settlements, Hong
Kong, and Newfoundland. Such Postal Orders are paid at all Money Order
Offices in the United Kingdom, and at the British Post Office Constantinople.
Payment is also made in Malta and Gibraltar, provided the Orders were
issued in the United Kingdom or at the British Post Office Constantinople.
The following are the amounts for which Postal Orders are issued, together
with the Poundage payable in respect of each Order :—
Amount of Order.
Amount of Order.
Is Od
4s 6d
- Id
Is 6d
- Id
5s Od
- Id
2s Od
7s 6d
- Id
2s 6d
lOs Od
- Id
3s Od
10s 6d
- Id
3s 6d
15s Od
- lid
4s Od
20s Od
- lid
Broken amounts, not being fractions of a penny, may be made up by the use
of postage stamps not exceeding fivepence in value affixed on the face of any
one Postal Order. Perforated stamps cannot be accepted for this purpose.
The person to whom a Postal Order is issued must, before parting with it,
fill in the name of the person to whom the amount is to be paid, and may fill
in the name of the Money Order Office at which the amount is to be paid.
The person so named must, before payment can be made, sign the receipt at
the foot of the Order, and must also fill in the name of the Money Order
Office, if that has not been already done.
Every person to whom a Postal Order is issued should keep a record of the
number, date, and name of office of issue to facilitate enquiry if the order
should be lost.
If a Postal Order be crossed ^^ <& Co." payment will only be
made through a Banker, and if the name of a Banker is added, payment will
only be made through that Banker.
Prepayment of Inland Letters and Book Packets.
Inland Letters, Book Packets, Trade Patterns, and Samples, may be prepaid
in money (instead of by affixing stamps) provided that the amount paid for
postage at one time is not less than £5, and that the letters and circulars be
tied in bundles representing a postage of 5s each, with the addresses all
arranged in the same direction. Prepayment, however, cannot be made partly
in money and partly with stamps, and the money mvist be paid at the time
the letters, &c., are handed in at the Head Post Office. Hours of posting
under this arrangement, 10 a.m. till 4 P.M.
Inland Revenue Stamps, &c.
Inland Revenue Stamps of all kinds. Bill Stamps, Civil Service Fee Stamps,
Bankruptcy Stamps, Patent, Design, and Trade Mark Stamps and Forms,
Dog, Gun, and Private Brewers' Licenses, may be purchased at the Post Office
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. For list of Stamp Duties see page 48.
Foreign and Colonial Letters.
The rates of postage on letters for Foreign Countries and the Colonies will
be found in the Table of Foreign and Colonial Postage on page 122.
Letters posted unpaid, or insufficiently paid, to any country where j)ayment
is compulsory, are returned to the writers. Unpaid letters to or from places
abroad are charged double the prepaid rate, and partially prepaid letters are
charged with double the deficiency.
No letter for a colony or foreign country may exceed 2 feet in length or 1
foot in width or depth.
The addresses of letters for Russia should be very plainly written, and the
name of the town and j^rovince should also be added in English, French, or
Foreign and Colonial Newspaper and Book Post.
Articles which may be sent to places abroad under the Book Post Regulations
consist of two classes, as follows : —
(a) "Commercial Pai^ers," under which are comprised all papers or docu-
ments written or drawn wholly or partly by hand (except letters or com-
munications in the nature of letters, or other papers or documents having
the character of an actual and personal correspondence), documents of
legal procedure. Deeds drawn up by public functionaries, copies of or
extracts from Deeds under private seal (and whether written or printed
on stamped or unstamped paper). Way Bills, Bills of Lading, Invoices, and
other documents of a mercantile character, documents of Insurance and
other public companies, all kinds of manuscript music, the manuscript
of books and other literary works, and other papers of a similar description.
(b) "Printed Papers," including newspapers, periodical works, books
(stitched or bound), pamphlets, sheets of music (printed), visiting cards,
address cards, proofs of printing (with or without the manuscript re-
lating thereto), engravings, i^hotographs, drawings, pictures, papers
impressed for the use of the blind, or card-board drawing models
stamped in relief, plans, maps, catalogues, prospectuses, announce-
ments, and notices of various kinds, whether printed, engraved,
lithograjDhed or autographed, and in general all impressions or coj)ies
obtained upon paper, j^archment, or card-board by means of printing,
lithography, autography, or any other mechanical process easy to re-
cognize, except the copying press and type writer, and anything usually
appurtenant to any of the before-mentioned articles in the way of
binding, mounting, or otherwise, and anything convenient for their
safe transmission by post which shall be contained in the same packet ;
also printed, engraved, or lithographed circulars, notwithstanding that
such circiilars may be letters or communications in the nature of a
letter. On printed visiting cards the address or title of the sender, or
conventional initials, such as " p.p.c " may be written, and on printed
circulars manuscx'ipt corrections and insertions may be made as to names
of commercial travellers, dates of journey and dates of departure of
ships. Printers' proofs may be corrected in manuscript, as may also
figures in prices current, stock and share lists, &c. Books, music,
photos, and engravings may have a dedication inscribed on them, and
the invoice relating to them may be inclosed. Stamps for prepayment
and all printed articles constituting the sign of monetary value are
however excluded.
The two classes are subject to the same rates of postage, except that the
minimum charge for a packet of Commercial Papers is 2|d in every case. If
there be any mixture of the two in the same packet the whole packet is
treated as Commercial Papers.
Commercial Papers and printed papers may be posted either without a cover
(in which case they must not be fastened by gum or otherwise), or in an enve-
lope left unfastened, or in a cover open at both ends. The packet may, how-
ever, be tied at the ends with string.
To secure the return of packets which cannot be delivered, the name and
address of the sender should be written or printed outside.
The limit of size for British Colonies or Possessions or non-Union countries
are 2 feet in length by 1 foot in vddth or depth ; but to foreign countries in
the Postal Union the length is limited to 18 inches. If in the form of a roll the
limits of size in either case are 30 inches in length and 4 inches in diameter. The
limits of weight are 5 lbs. for British Colonies or Possessions, and for non-
Union countries or colonies ; and 4 lbs. for foreign countries in the Postal Union.
All Books and printed matter imported into the United States through the
Post, however small the values, are subject to a duty of 25 per cent, of that
value. The following articles are still exempt from Custom duties : — 1. News-
papers and periodicals already exempt from duty ; 2. Photographs and printed
papers, other than Books, received in the United States in such small quan-
tities as to suggest that they are intended for personal use and not for sale.
Books and Periodicals addressed to the Republic of Colombia are liable to
Customs duties unless intended for the j)ersonal use of the addressee.
Bound books addressed to Portugal are subject to Customs Duty. The
wrapper should bear an indication of the nature of the contents, and also the
words " A soumettre a la doviane," otherwise the books will be liable to a fine
in addition to diity.
The rates of postage, which must be prepaid, on j)ackets to places abroad
are given in the Table of Foreign and Colonial Postage on page 122.
Foreign and Colonial Patterns and Samples.
There is a Pattern and Sample Post to Foreign Countries and the Colonies
generally ; but it is restricted to bond fide to^ade patterns or samples of merchan-
dise. Goods sent for sale, or in execution of an order (however small the
quantity may be), or any articles sent by one private individual to another
which are not actually patterns or samples, cannot be forwarded as patterns.
No article liable to Custom Duties can be sent as a sample or pattern.
The rates of postage will be found in the Table of Postage on page 122.
Patterns or Samples, when practicable, must be sent in covers open at the
ends, and in such a manner as to be easy of examination. But samples of
seeds, drugs, and such like, may be posted enclosed in boxes or bags fastened
in such a manner that they may be readily opened.
There must be no writing or printing upon or in any Sample Packet for
non-Union countries, except the address of the person for whom it is intended,
the address of the sender, a trade mark or number, the price of the articles,
the weight or size, and the quantity to be disposed of, or such as may be
necessary to indicate the place of origin or the nature of the merchandise. A
packet for a country in the Postal Union may contain Printed Papers, and if the
rates for Commercial Papers be paid, it may also contain Commercial Papers.
Samples of saleable value must not be sent to any foreign country, or to
any of the British possessions which are comprised in the Postal Union.
Liquids, Glass, Explosives and Colouring Powders, are absolutely prohibited.
The limit of weight for British Colonies or Possessions or for non-Union
countries is 5 lbs., but for the Argentine Republic, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia,
Bulgaria, Congo Free State, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt,
France, Greece, Guatemala, Hawaii, Holland, Honduras Republic, Hungary,
Italy, Japan, Liberia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Roumania,
Salvador, Servia, Siam, Spain, Switzerland, Tvmis, United States, and Vene-
zuela, the limit is 12 oz. , and for other countries of the Postal Union, 8 oz.
The limit of size for British Colonies or Possessions or for non-Union coun-
tries is 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth ; and for foreign places in
the Postal Union 12 inches in length, 8 inches in width, or 4 inches in depth ;
unless it be in the form of a roll, in which case the limit of size is 12 inches
in length and 6 inches in diameter.
Foreign and Colonial Post Cards.
Single and Reply Post Cards are transmissible to all parts of the world (ex-
cept St Helena, to which single cards only can be sent) — ^Single Cards, Id
each ; Reply Cards, 2d each. (Inland Post Cards are transmissible abroad if
the additional postage required is supplied by postage stamps being affixed.)
The regulations relating to Inland Post Cards apply also to Cards posted for
places abroad.
Rates of Postage.
Countries and Colonies in the Postal Union
(for list, see page 126),
Countries and Colonies not in the Postal
Union, viz. : —
Africa ( West CoastNative Possess'ns)
Do. Protectorate
British Central Africa
Cape Colony
Friendly Islands ,
Madagascar via Marseilles (except
French Establishments, for which
see page 126)
Madagascar via Mauritius
Morocco (except Tansjier, Laraiche,
Rabat, Casablanca, Saffi, Mazagan,
Fez, Mogador, andTetuan, for which
see page 126)
Navigators Islands (Samoa) . . .
Niger Coast Protectorate
Orange Free State
St Helena
Society Islands
Other parts
CD .
*4 Q)
For News-
papers or
2 2
Papers, per
2 oz.
Letters not specially directed by a particular route, are, as a rule, forwarded by the
first mail despatched.
Abbreviations. — alt. alternate; ea. mo. each month; ev. every; E. evening, or the
6.30p.m. Mail; M. morning, or the 3 p.m. Mail; Mon. Monday; Tu. Tuesday; Wed.
Wednesday; Th. Thur. Thursday ; Fri. Friday ; Sat. Saturday.
Aden, via Brindisi
,, by German Packet
Africa (West Coast of)
„ (Portuguese Possessions)
Alexandretta, by French Pkt.
,, V. Belgium
Argentine Republic v. S'mptn
„ by French Packet
„ via Liverpool
Bermuda, via New York
Beyrout, via Brindisi
„ via Belgium
„ by French Packet
Bolivia, via Liverpool
„ via Southampton
,, by French Packet
Brazil, via Southampton
„ via Liverpool ...
„ by French Packet
British C Africa, v. Zanzibar
„ V. Cape Town
British Columbia
British Guiana, by B. Packet
,, by French Packet
„ by German Packet .
Cape Coast Castle
Cape Colony
Ceylon, via Brindisi ...
„ via Naples or Fr. Pkt.
,, by German Packet
Chili, via Liverpool ...
„ via Southampton
„ by French Packet
,, via United States
China, via Brindisi ...
„ by French Packet
Despatched from
E, every Thursday
M, 16th June and ev. alt. Sat.
E, every Thursday
M, 2nd and 19th each month
M, every Thursday
E, every Monday
Same as France
M, 19th June and ev. alt. Tues.
M, 14th June and ev. alt. Thurs.
E, 2nd and 17th each month
E, 18th June and ev. alt. Mon.
M, April 27, May 25, June 22
See the several Colonies under
Twice daily
Same as Portugal
E, every Tuesday and Friday
M, 19th June and ev. alt. Tues.
M, every Friday
Thrice daily
E, every Tuesday and Friday
M, ev. Wed. and E, ev. Thur.
E, 19th June and ev. alt. Tues.
Same as Alexandretta
E, 18th June and ev. alt. Mon.
M, 19th June and ev. alt. Tues.
E, 6th and 23rd each month
Same as China
M, 14th June an<l ev. alt. Thurs.
E, 18th June and ev. alt. Mon.
E, 2nd and 17th eacli month
E, 7th June and ev. 4th Thurs.
M. 15th June and ev. 4th Fri.
Same as Canada
M, 19th June and ev. alt. Tues.
E, 6th each month
Twice daily
E, every Thursday
E, 18th June and ev. alt. Mon.
E, every Tues., Wed., and Fri.
M, every Tues., Thur., and Sat.
E, every Thursday
M, every Friday
E, 14th June and ev. alt. Thur.
E, 21st June and ev. alt. Thur.
M, 16th June and ev. alt. Sat.
E, 18th June and ev. alt. Mon.
M, 19th June and ev. alt. Tues.
E, 6th and 23rd each month ...
E, Tuesday and Friday
E, 14th June and ev. alt. Thur.
E, 21st June and ev. alt. Thur.
Due at
Every Wednesday
May 5, 11, June 4, 10
Every Tuesday
11th and 26th each month
Every Monday
Every Tuesday
Same as France
14th June and ev. alt. Th.
22nd June and ev. alt. Fri.
19th and 29th each month
11th Juneand ev. alt. Mon.
April 5, May 3, June 6
respective headings
Twice daily
Same as Portugal
14th June and ev.alt.Thur.
Every Wednesday
Thrice daily
Every Thursday
Every Wednesday
19th June and ev. alt.Tues.
Same as Alexandretta
nth June and ev.alt. Mon
14th June and ev.alt.Thur
Same as China
22nd June and ev. alt. Fri
19th and 29th each month
6th June and ev. 4th Wed
28th June & ev. 4th Thur.
14th Juneand ev.alt.Thur
26th each month
Every Wednesday
13th June and ev. alt. Wed.
Mon., Wed., and Friday
Every Mon., Thur., Sat.
Every Tuesday
Every Wednesday
13th June and ev. alt. Wed
20th June and ev. alt. Wed,
May 5, 11, June 4, 10
11th June and ev. alt. Mon
14th June and ev. alt. Th
13th June and ev. alt. Wed
May 6, 20 : June 5, 19
China, by German Packet ..
., via Vancouver
Colombia, via Southampton ..
,, . by Fiench Packet...
Congo, via Liverpool ...
„ via Lisbon
„ via Antwerp
Cuba, via United States
„ by French Packet
Cyprus, via Constantinople ...
,, via Brindisi ...
Egypt, by French Packet
„ by British Packet
,, byAustrianPacket
„ by Italian Packet
Fiji Islands, via San Francisco
„ via Italy...
France and Algeria ...
Grand Canary, via Liverpool
by Frh. Pkt.
,, via S'hampton
,, via Spain
Greece via France
„ by French Packet
Guadaloupe, via Southampton
„ by French Packet
Hawaiian Islands
Hayti, via Southampton
,, by French Packet
Honduras (British)
„ (Republic)
„ (French Settltv.Fr. Pkt.)
Ionian Islands
Jamaica, viaSouthampton ...
Java, via Brindisi & Frh. Pkt.
Jerusalem, via Brindisi
Madeira, by Cape Packet. ...
,, by W. African Pkt.
Mauritius, via Marseilles
,, via Ceylon
Mexico, via Panama
„ by French Packet ...
„ via United States ...
Despatched from
M, 2nd June and every 4th Sat.
E, 6th June and ev. 3rd Wed.
M, 19th June &ev. alt. Tuesday
E, 6th and 23rd each month...
E. 18th June and ev. alt. Mon.
M, 2nd and 19th each month
M, 4th each month
Twice daily
E, every Tuesday and Friday
E, 18th each month
E, 22nd June and ev. alt. Fri.
M, every Wed.; E, every Thur.
Twice daily
M, 14th June & ev. alt. Thur.,
& 22nd June & ev. alt. Fri.
E, every Thursday
M, every Wednesday
M, 18th June & ev. alt. Mon.,
& 23rd June & ev. alt. Sat.
E, 15th June & ev. 4th Friday
Same as New South Wales ...
Thrice daily
Thrice daily
Twice daily
E, every Thursday, & 18th
June & every alt. Monday
E, 22nd each month
M, 22nd June and ev. alt. Fri.
M, 13th and 28th each month
M, Sat. and Thur.; E, Thur....
E, 20th June and ev. alt. Wed.
M, 19th June & ev. altTuesday
M, 19th June &ev. alt. Tuesday
E, 6th and 23rd each month
E, Tuesday and Friday
M, 19th June & ev. alt.Tuesday
E, 16th each month
Twice daily
E. every Tuesday
M, 19th June & ev. alt. Tuesday
E, every Thursday
Same as China,
M, Sat.; M. & E. Thur.
Thrice daily
M, 19th June&ev. alt.Tuesday
Same as China
Same as China
M, Wed., and E. Thur.
9th and 30rh each month
M, every Friday
E, 14th June & ev. alt. Thur.
M, daily
E, 9th and 29th ea. month ...
E, 7th June and ev. 4th Thur.
M, 19th June&ev. alt.Tuesday
E, 18th each month
E, every Tuesday and Friday
Twice daily
M, every Friday
Dates not fixed
Due at
April 7, May 5, June 4
13th June & ev. 3d Wed.
14th June & ev. alt. Thu.
18th and 26th ea. month
13th June & ev. alt. Wed,
11th and 26th each month
3d each month
Twice daily
Same as China, and 23rd
June & every alt. Sat.
Every Wednesday
Every Tuesday
Every Thursday, and 22nd
June and every alt. Fri.
Same as New South Wales
Thrice daily
Thrice daily
13th June and every alt.
17th each month
May 10, 22; June 7, 19
Every Monday and Sat.
14th June & ev. alt. Thur.
14th June & ev. alt. Thur.
18th & 26th each month
14th June & ev. alt. Thur.
1st each month
Twice daily
Every Monday
Every Wednesday
Same as China
Every Mon. and Sat.
Thrice daily
14th June & ev. alt. Thur.
Same as China
Same as China
Every Wednesday
April 24, May 25, June 24
Every Wednesday
12th June and ev. alt. Tu.
Daily except Friday
May 5, 25, June 5, 24
14th June & ev. alt. Thur.
3d each month
Ev. Monday & Friday
Every Wednesday
Dates not fixed
Despatched from
N.S.Wales, v.Brindisi & Naples
„ via San Francisco
„ by French Packet
„ by German Packet
N. Zealand
Panama, via Southampton ...
,, by French Packet ...
,, via United States ...
Persia, by Russia
Porto Rico, via Southampton
„ by French Packet
„ via Spain ...
St Croix
St Domingo,') v. Southampton
St Thomas, ) by French Pkt
St Helena
St Lucia, St Kitts, by Brit. Pkt.
„ by French Packet ..
Smyrna, via Constantinople..
South Australia
Surinam, via Southampton ..
„ by French Packet ..
Syria, by French Packet
Tahiti, via San Francisco
Transvaal, via Southampton ..
Trebizond, via Constantinople
Trinidad, via Southampton
„ by French Packet...
Turkey, ... See Alexandretta,
United States, by Brlti&h Pkt
„ by German ,,
,, by American ,,
Uruguay, via Southampton ..
,, via Liverpool
„ by French Packet
"Venezuela, via Southampton
„ by French Packet
Victoria, via Brindisi & Naples
,, via San Francisco .
,, by German Packet .
,, by French Packet .
Western Australia
Zanzibar, via Brindisi...
„ by French Packet
E, every Thursday
E, 15th June & ev. 4th Friday
E, last day each month
M, 16th June and ev. 4th Sat.
Same as N. S. Wales
M, 5th June & ev. 4th Tuesday
Twice daily
M, 19th June <fc ev. alt.Tuesday
E, 6th and 23d each month ...
E, Tu.,Fri., M,|Tu.,Th.,Fri.,Sat.
See Uruguay
Twice daily
See Chili
Same as China
Twice daily
M, 19th June & ev. alt.Tuesday
E, 16th each month
M, 5th, 21st, 25th each month
M, Daily
-See New South Wales
M, Daily
Twice daily
M, 19th June &ev. alt. Tuesday
M, 19th June& ev. alt.Tuesday
E, 16th each mouth
22d June and ev. 4th Friday
19th June & every alt.Tuesday
E, 6th each month
M, daily
See Victoria
Twice daily
M, 19th June&ev. alt.Tuesday
E, 6th each month
Twice daily
Thrice daily
Same as Alexandretta
E, every Tuesday and Friday
See Victoria
M, every Friday
Twice daily
M, 19th June &ev. alt. Tuesday
E, 6th and 23d each month ...
M, Sat., Mon., Wed., and Thurs.
Bey rout.Constant'ple, Salonica
E, every Tuesday and Friday
M, every Tues., Thur., Sat. ...
il, every Friday
M, 14th June & every alt. Thur.
E, 18th June & every, alt. Mon.
E, 2d and I7th each month ...
M, 19th June &ev.alt. Tuesday
E, 6th and 23d each month ...
E, every Thursday
E, loth June & every 4th Friday
M, 16th June & every 4th Sat.
E, last day each month
E, every Thursday
E, 7th June & every 4th Thur.
E, 9th each month
Due at
Every Wednesday
22d June & ev. 4th Friday
5th each month
April 13, May 11, June 1('
Same as N. S. Wales
14th June & ev. alt. Thu.
18th and 26th each montli
Same as China
14th June and ev. alt. Thu.
14th June and ev. alt. Thu
1st each month
April 5, May 3, June 5
14th June<& ev. alt. Thu.
26th each month
Every Mon., Fri., & Sun.
14th June and ev. alt. Thu
26th each month
Thrice daily
Same as Alexandretta
Every Wednesday
14th June and ev. alt. Thu
18th and 26th each montl
Smyrna, Trebizond, &c.
Every Mon. and Fri.
Mon., Thur., Sat,
22d June and ev. alt. Fri
nth June & ev. alt. Mon.
19th and 29th each montli
28th June and ev.4th Thui .
18th and 26th each montl
Every Wednesday
22d June & ev. 4th Fridaj
10th June & every 4th Sun
5th each month
Every Wednesday
6th Juneandev. 4th Wed.
May 25, June 24
List of Countries which, in addition to the United Kingdom, are comprised m the
Postal Union.
dependencies, the French
portion of the Low Archi-
pelago, and the French
Establishments in India,
Annan, Cambodge, Ton-
kin, and in Cochin China,
French Establishments in
Argentine Republic.
British Borneo.
British Guiana.
British Honduras.
British New Guinea.
■Canada (Dominion of).
Colombia (Republic of).
Congo,including BlackPoint,
Majumba, and Nyanza.
Costa Rica.
Danish Colonies, viz. : —
Greenland, St Croix, St
John, and St Thomas.
Denmark (including Faroe
Islands and Iceland).
Dominican Republic.
Falkland Islands.
Fiji Islands.
French Colonies, viz. : —
Martinique, Guadeloupe,
and dependencies, French
Guiana (Cayenne), Senegal
German Colonies, viz. : —
Marshall Islands, New
Guinea (portion of), Samoa
(Apia), Togo Territory,
including Bageida, Little
Popo, Lome, and Porto
Seguro, and territory in ^"■"'^^'^
South West Africa, viz.,!:^^*"®^*-
Grand Namaqua, the Da-!^®''"' ,
maras Country, and South- *^o«ugai.
and Dar-es-Salaam, Lindi
and Tanga in East Africa.
Gibraltar (including the Bri-
tish Post Offices at Tangier,
Tetuan, Fez, Laraiche,
Rabat, Casablanca, Saffi,
Mazagan and Mogador),
Gold Coast.
Martin, St Eustache, Saba,
Java, Madura, Sumatra,
Celebes, Borneo (except
North-west part), Billiton,
Banca, Riouw, Sunda Is.
(Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa,
Floris, South-west Timor),
Moluccas, and North-west
New Guinea (Papua).
New Zealand.
Hawaiian Islands.
Honduras (Republic of).
Hong Kong.
and dependencies, Ahg- Lagos.
wey, Gaboon, Grand Bas-
sam.Half Jack(SetteCama,
Assinie), Reunion, Comoro
Islands, Mayotte and de-
pendencies, French Estab-
lishments in Madagascar
(Ambositra, Andevovante,
Antananarivo, Diego-Sua-
rez, Fenerive. Fiaranantsoa,
Foulpointe, Ivondro, Mae-
vantanana, Mahambo, Ma-
hanoro, Mahela, Maintir,
ano, Majunga, Mananjary,
Nossi-Be, St Mary, Tama-
tave, Vatomandry, Vohe-
mar). New Caledonia and
Marquesas Islands.
Mauritius and dependencies.
Netherlands Colonies, viz.: —
Dutch Guiana (Surinam),
Curagoa and dependencies,
viz. : — Bonaire, Aruba, the
Netherlands portion of St
Portuguese Colonies, viz. : —
Goa (Damoa and Diu),
Macao, Timor, Cape Verd
(Bissau and Cacheu), St
Thomas and Prince Is. with
Ajuda, Angola, Delagoa
Bay, Mozambique.
St Kitts.
St Lucia.
St Pierre-et-Miquelon.
St Vincent, West Indies.
Sierra Leone.
South African Republic
Spain (including Balearic
and Canary Islands).
Spanish Colonies, viz. : —
Cuba, Porto Rico, Fer-
nando Po, Annobon and
dependencies, Philippine
and Marian Islands.
Straits Settlements.
Turk's Islands,
United States.
Foreign and Colonial Parcel Post,
general regulations.
Dimensions. — The dimensions allowed are : —
For Austria, Azores [via Lisbon), Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cameroons, Denmark,
Finland, Germany, Liberia, Madeira, Montenegro, Morocco (except Tan-
gier), Norway, Portugal (direct), Roumania, Samoa, Servia — 2 feet in any
Parcels which slightly exceed 2 ft. in length are accepted for transmission
to Belgium, France, Holland, Luxemburg, Sweden, and Switzerland, pro-
vided that their other dimensions are inconsiderable.
For Adrianople, Africa (East Coast), Algeria, Annam, Argentine Republic,
Azores {via France), Cayenne, Chili, Cochin China, Congo Free State,
Corsica, Dutch East Indies, Eritrea, French Congo, Greece, Guadaloupe,
Italy, Janina, .Tava, Jerusalem, Madagascar, Malta {via France), Mar-
tinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Obock, Persia (except Bandar Abas,
Bushire, Jass, and Linga), Portugal {via France), Reunion, Senegal, Spain,
Tahiti, Tonquin, Tripoli, Tunis, Turkey, Uruguay— greatest length, 2 feet ;
greatest length and girth combined, 4 feet.
For Canada— Greatest length, 2 ft. ; greatest depth or width, 1 ft.
For Mexico— Greatest length, 2 ft. ; greatest girth, 4 ft.
For places named in the Table of Parcel Postage — other than those
detailed above— same as for Inland Parcel Post.
The postage must in all cases be paid in advance, by means of postage stamps
affixed by the sender. Each parcel must be plainly directed, and should
bear the words " Parcel Post" in the upper left-hand corner, and the name
and address of the sender. The date of posting should also be added.
A parcel must not be posted in a letter box, but, as in the case of the
Inland Parcel Post, must be taken into a Post Office and presented at the
Parcels will be liable to Customs duties and regulations, and the sender of
each parcel will be required to make a Customs declaration furnishing — upon
a special form provided for the purpose, which can be obtained at any Post
Office — an accurate statement of the contents and value, the date of posting,
and other particulars.
Parcels for Her Majesty's ships cannot, as a rule, be accepted for trans-
mission unless the name of the particular place, to which in each case the
parcel is to be forwarded, forms part of the address.
The transmission of any letter whatever, no matter to whom addressed, in
parcels for foreign countries and for Cape Colony, South Africa, Seychelles,
Mauritius, Natal, Jamaica, the Australian Colonies, Fiji, New Zealand, and
Trinidad, is strictly forbidden. Invoices in open envelopes, giving particulars
of the goods contained in the parcel may, however, be enclosed.
Parcels for Aden, Ascension, Egypt, India, St Helena, South Africa, and
Zanzibar, must not exceed £50 in value.
Parcels containing coin, watches, jewelry, or any article of gold or silver,
cannot be sent by Parcel Post to any Foreign Country or British Colony in-
cluded in the insurance system, unless they are insured for at least part of
their value, and packed according to special regulations.
Parcels should be securely packed, and must, if for Foreign Countries, be so
sealed that they cannot be opened without the seals being broken.
Compensation for Loss or Damage.
The Postmaster-General will, subject to certain rules, give compensation for
the loss or damage of uninsured parcels sent by Parcel Post to various foreign
countries (to amounts not exceeding 12s and 20s) when such loss or damage
takes place while the parcels are under his custody ; and in the case of parcels
lost or damaged while imder the control of a Foreign or Colonial Administra-
tion, the Postmaster- General will endeavour to obtain compensation for the
Insurance op Colonial Parcels.
Parcels addressed to the following countries are accepted for Insurance to
an amount not exceeding £50 at the rate of 6d for every £5 Insured : —
Foreign Countries. — Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Cameroons, Denmark, Egypt, Ger-
many, Holland, Italy, Montenegro, Norway, Roumania, Sweden, Switzerland.
British Colonies and Possessions. — Aden, Antigua, Ascension, Bahamas, Barbados,
British Guiana, British North Borneo, Ceylon, China (part of), Cyprus, Dominica,
Falkland Islands, Gambia, Gibraltar, Grenada, India, Labuan, Montserrat, Nevis,
Newfoundland, St Helena, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Vincent (West Indies), Straits Settle-
ments, Tobago, Tortola, Trinidad, Zanzibar.
Parcels to Holland, Italy, or Montenegro cannot be insured for more than
£40 ; or to Roumania for more than £20.
Insured parcels must be substantially packed, and sealed with wax or lead.
Seals must be placed over each join or loose flap of the covering, and at the
ends of the string. The seals must all have distinct impressions of the same
device, such device not consisting merely of straight or curved lines. Parcels
containing coin, watches, or jewelry must be enclosed in strong boxes sub-
stantially fastened.
Spoilt Stamps.
Applications for allowance on sj^oilt, or unused, postage stamps, embossed
envelopes, post-cards, or newspaper wrappers, Avhich have not passed through
the post, should be made at the Stamp Office.
Post Office Savings Bank.
Deposits of one shilling, or of any number of shillings, may be made by
any person at the Post Office Savings Banks to the extent of £50 in one year
ending 31st December, and £200 in all, including interest.
Any person desirous of saving one shilling by means of penny contributions,
for deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank, may do so by purchasing with
• every penny so saved a penny Stamp, and affixing it to a form to be obtained
at any Post Office. Instructions as to this form are j)rinted thereon.
Government Insurances and Annuities.
Under the Government Annuities Act, 1882, Insurances may be effected for
amounts not less than £5 and not more than £100 on one life ; and Annuities
may be purchased for amounts not less than £1 and not more than £100 on
one life. Children between 8 and 14 years of age can be insured for £5.
Forms of proposals may be obtained at the Post Office.
Table op Parcel Postage, &c.
Abbeeviations: — Exc. exceeding; ea. each; frac. fraction; addl. additional;
ev. every; alt. alternate; even, evening; morn, morning.
Colony or Country.
Africa, East (German)
Argentine Republic f
via Hamburg (
„ Rl.Ml.Co.'sStmrs.
Austria-Hungary^7^« (
Hamburg (
„ via Belgium ...
Azores,by Sea toLisbon
,, via France
„ (Protectorate)
Beyrout ,
British Central Africa
British Guiana
British Honduras, ...
Bulgaria, via Cologne
,, via Hamburg
Cape Colony ...
Rates of Postage.
Not exc. 3 lbs. 4/3, 3 lbs. to 7 lbs
Not exc. 3 lbs. 1/9, 3 lbs. to 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 7 lbs.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs. ...
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc.
7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 7 lbs
Not exceeding 6|- lbs.
Not exceeding 1 lb
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Per pound up to 7 lbs.
Per pound, up to 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Exc, 7 lbs. and not exc. 11 lbs.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 6 lbs.
Exc. 5 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Per pound, up to 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 1 lb
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs. ...
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 1 lb
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
s. d.
,4 8
2 2
4 5
4 10
4 7
5 1
3 8
0 8
1 bl
1 Hi
1 9
2 2
2 11
3 4
0 10
0 9
0 8
1 0
1 11
1 3
1 8
2 2i
0 9
1 11
2 10
3 9
2 2
2 7
2 10
1 6
0 10
0 8
0 8
2 10
3 3
0 10
0 8
0 9
3 2
3 7
Outward Parcel
Mails made up in
Every alt. Wed.
Ev. Fri. morn.
June 14 and ev
alt. Thur. morn
June 20 & ev. 4th
Wed. evening.
Tues. and Thurs.
morn. & Frida}
See Portugal.
June 22 and ev.
alt. Fri. morn,
June 19 & ev. alt.
Tues. morning.
Ev. Fri. morn.
Ev. Fri. morn.
Every Tuesday
Ev. Fri. morn.
Same as Bar-
Same as Ger-
Three times
Ev. Wed. morn.
Ev. Fri. morn.
Morn, 5th each
Outward Parcel
Colony or Country.
Rates of Postage.
Mails made up in
Not exceeding 1 lb
Every Tuesday
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
June 19 &ev. alt
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Tues. morn.
Not exceeding 1 lb
June 19 and ev.
For ea. lb. addl, up to 11 lbs.
alt.Tues. morn.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Every alt. Wed.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Junel9&ev. alt.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Tues. morn.
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Morn. 4th each
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs.
Constantinople, from
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Liverpool direct
Exc. 3 lbs. and not exc. 7 lbs.
Exc. 7 lbs. and not exc. 11 lbs
,, via France
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Ev. Wed. even.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Costa Rica
Not exceeding 3 lbs
June 6 and ev.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
4th Tues. mor.
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs
Not exceeding 1 lb
Every Tuesday
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
Denmark via H'burg
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Same as Ger-
Exc. 3 lbs. and not exc. 7 lbs.
„ via Belgium
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Dutch East Indies ...
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Ev. Wed. even.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 2 lbs
Every Tuesday
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
„ (via Brindisi)
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Every Tuesday
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 7 lbs
Twice dailj'.
Falkland Islands
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 2 lbs.
Every Wedn'sd'y
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
1 lb. 1/4, 21b. 1/11, 31b. 2/6, 41b. 3/7,
5 lbs. 4/2, 6 lbs. 4/9, 7 lbs. 5/4
See Sweden.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
French Congo
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Morn. 6th of each
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
June 21 and ev.
alt. Thursday.
Germany, by Sea direct
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Tues. and Thur.
Exc. 3 lbs. and not exc. 7 lbs.
mor.&Fri. even.
,, via Belgium
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. and not exc, 7 lbs.
Outward Parcel
Colony or Country.
Rates of Postage.
Mails made up in
Not exceeding 1 lb 0
Everj' Tuesday
For ea. lb. add!., up to 11 lbs. 0
Gold Cost Colony ...
Per lb. up to 11 lbs., 0
Ev. Thur. even.
Greece, Via Brindisi ...
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
„ via Cologne ...
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
Per pound, up to 11 lbs., ... 0
See Jamaica.
Not exceeding 3 lbs 3
5th, 8th, & 22d
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
each month.
Not exceeding 3 lbs 1
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 1
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 1 1 lbs. 2
Not exceeding 1 lb 1
Kv. Tues. morn.
For ea. lb. addl, up to 11 lbs. 0
Italy, via Belgium ...
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
„ via France
Not exceeding 7 lbs 2
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
June 19 & ev. alt
Tues. morning.
Not exceeding 3 lbs 4
Ev. Wed. eveng.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 5
Exc. 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs. 6
Not exceeding 1 lb 0
See Straits
For each lb, addl., up to 11 lbs , 0
Lagos( Africa)
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
June 18 and ev.
alt. Mon. eveng.
Leeward Islands
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
June 19 &ev. alt.
Tues. morning.
Not exceeding 3 lbs 1
June 21 and ev.
3 lbs. to 7 lbs. 3/6, 71b3. to 11 lbs. 5
alt. Thur. morn.
Luxemburg ...
Not exceeding 3 lbs 1
3 lbs. to 7 lbs. 1/8, 7 lbs. to 1 1 lbs. 2
Madagascar •••
Not exceeding 3 lbs 3
9 & 29 ea. month.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
Not exceeding 7 lbs 2
Ev. Fri. morn.
Malta(P.&0. steamer)
Not exceeding 1 lb 0
Every Tuesday
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
„ via France...
Not exceeding 7 lbs 2
Not exceeding 3 lbs 3
5, 8, & 22 ea. mo.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
Per pound, up to 7 lbs. ... 1
Every Friday
Mauritius, via France
Not exceeding 3 lbs 8
9 & 29 ea. month.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
„ via Colombo
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
June 27 and ev.
31bs.to7lbs.3s6d,71bs.tolllbs. 5
4th Wed. morn.
Not exceeding 3 lbs 3
9 & 29 ea. month.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
June 12, 27
Not exceeding 1 lb 1
June 26 & ev. 4th
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
Tues. morn.
Outward Parcel
Colony or Country.
Rates of Postage.
Mails made up in
Montenegro, via Ham-
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Same as Austria.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
,, via Cologne
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Twice daily.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
Morocco (see also
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Every 3 weeks
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
from Hamburg.
Natal (Durban & the Point)
Per pound, up to 7 lbs. ... 0
Ev, Fri. morn.
„ other places) ...
Per pound, up to 7 lbs. ... 1
7) ?9
New Caledonia
Not exceeding 3 lbs. ... ... 4
Last day but one
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs, 4
each month.
Not exceeding 1 lb 0
June 18 & ev. alt.
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
Mon. morning.
New Hebrides
Not exceeding 2 lbs 2
Every Wednes-
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 1
day morning.
New South "Wales ...
Not exceeding 2 lbs 1
Every Wednes-
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
day morning.
New Zealand
Not exceeding 2 lbs 1
Junel2&ev. alt.
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
Tuesday morn.
Niger Coast Protec-
Per pound up to 11 lbs., ... 0
Ev. alt. Mon. or
Thur. evening
Not exceeding 3 lbs 0 10^
Ev. Mon., Wed.,
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 1
Thur., Fri. even.
Exc, 7 lbs. but not exc. 11 lbs. 2
North Borneo
Not exceeding 1 lb 0
See Straits
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
Obock (East Africa)...
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Morning 8th ea.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
Orange Free State ...
Per pound, up to 7 lbs. ... 1
Ev. Fri. morn.
Not exceeding 1 lb 4
Ev. Tues morn.
For ea. lb. addl., up to 7 lbs. 0
Portugal (direct)
Not exceeding 7 lbs 2
June 4, 14, 18, 28
,, via France...
Not exceeding 6^ lbs. ... 2
Not exceeding 2 lbs 1
June 18 & ev. 4th
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs. 0
Mon. morning.
Not exceeding 3 lbs 3
9&29ea. month.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 3
Roumania via Cologne
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
,, via Hamburg
Not exceeding 3 lbs 2
See Germany.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 2
St. Croix
( Not exceeding 3 lbs. ... 1
t31b. to 7 lb. 3/0, 71b. to 11 lb. 4
June 19&ev. alt.
St. Thomas
Tues. morning.
St. Helena
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
June 20 &ev. 4th
Wed. morn.
St. Lucia
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
June 19 & ev. alt.
Tues. morning.
St. Vincent (W.Indies)
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
Not exceeding 3 lbs. ... 3
Same as St Lucia
3 lbs. to 7 lbs. 5/3, 7 lbs. to 11 lbs. 7
Not exc. 3 lbs. 4
June 15&ev.4th
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs. 4
Fri. morning.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs. ... 0
See St. Settlm'ts.
Outward Parcel
Colony or Country.
Rates of Postage.
Mails made up in
Not exc. 3 lbs. 2/4, 3 lbs. to 7 lbs
1 & 16 ea. month.
Servia via Cologne ...
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
„ via Hamburg...
Not exceeding 3 lbs
See Germany.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exc. 3 lbs 3/2, 3 lbs. to 7 lbs
29th each month
Siam (Bangkok)
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
See St. Settlm'ts.
Sierra Leone
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
Ev. Thurs. even.
Smyrna (direct)
Not exceeding 3 lbs
3 lbs. to 7 lbs. 2/6, 7 lbs. to 11 lbs
,, via France ...
Not exc 3 lbs. 2/4, 3 lbs. to 7 lbs
Ev. Wed. even.
South Australia
Not exceeding 2 lbs
Every Wednes-
For ea. lb. add!., up to 11 lbs.
day morning.
Not exceeding 6J lbs.
Straits Settlements ...
Not exceeding lib
June 19 and ev.
Forea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
alt. Tues. morn.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Wed. &Th. even.
Switzerland, via (
France (
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
,, via Belgium (
and Germany (
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Last day each
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 1 lb
Every Tuesday
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
Not exceeding 2 lbs
Every Wednes-
For ea. lb. add)., up to 11 lbs.
day morning.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
See Trinidad.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Ev. alt. Wednes-
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
day morning.
Per pound, up to 7 lbs..
Ev. Friday morn.
Per pound, up to 11 lbs.
June 19 &ev. alt.
Tues. nxorning.
Tripoli (Africa)
Not exceeding 3 lbs.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Not exceeding 3 lbs
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
„ (Adrianople, J
Janina, Jerusalem), \
Not exceeding 3 lbs.
Exc. 3 lbs. but not exc. 7 lbs.
Uruguay [via Germ'y)
Not exc. 3 lbs 4/7, 3 lbs. to 7 lbs
Every Fri. morn.
,, (direct)
Not exceeding 11 lbs.
Ev. alt.Thur mo.
Victoria (Australia) S
Net exceeding 2 lbs
Every Wednes-
& Western Australia "j
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
day morning.
Not exceeding 1 lb
June 26 and ev.
For ea. lb. addl., up to 11 lbs.
alt. Tues. morn.i
Post Office Telegkaphs.— Inland Telegrams.
The charge for telegrams throughout the United Kingdom is 6d for the
first 12 words, and ^d for every additional word. Addresses are charged for.
The telegram forms are of two kinds, the "A 1" form, embossed with a
stamp, and the "A " form (given gratis), with no stamp. The " A 1 " forms
may be purchased singly. They m.ay also be had in books of 20, interleaved,
and with a sheet of carbonic paper, price 10s 2d each book.
When the terminal office, i.e., the office nearest to the address, is a Head
Post Office, the amount paid for transmission covers the cost of delivery within
one mile or within the town postal delivery when that extends for more than
a mile. But when it is not a Head Post Office, the message is delivered free
"vvithin one mile only.
When the addressee resides beyond the free delivery, porterage is charged
at the rate of 6d per mile or part of a mile, provided the whole distance does
not exceed three miles. If the addressee resides at a greater distance than
three miles from the terminal office, porterage is charged, for delivery by
mounted messenger, at the rate of Is per mile (except in Ireland, where the
charge usually is only 8d per mile), the distance being reckoned from the
office door.
Coi^ies of a telegram directed to more than one person in the same free
delivery are delivered at a charge of twopence per copy, in addition to a half-
penny for each word in the address of the copy.
No combination of words is counted as one, with the exception of those
which are ordinarily written as one, or coupled by hyphens, as "mother-in-
law," "non-delivery," "almshouses," "forty-seven." Certain exceptional
names, such as O'Neil, MacDonald, De la Rue, are charged for as single words.
So, too, are names with the prefix " St," as StPancras ; but double names of
persons, like Smith-Payne, are counted as two words.
Abbreviations of words, "can't," "won't, "don't," are counted as single
words, but there is a great risk of error.
Figures are counted at the rate of five figures to a word. Fractions are
counted according to the number of figures employed, one figure being added
for the mark of division. In groups of figures a stop is counted as a figure.
The symbols o/o, a/c, b/1, and c/o are each counted as one Avord. Ordinal
numbers are charged in the same way as cardinal, with the addition of one
word for the affix st, nd, rd, or th. Initial letters are each counted as one
word, with the exception of the initials of the London Postal Districts, which
are counted as one word for each group.
Anyone may have an abbreviated address, registered on payment of a guinea
a year, but the registration of abbreviated addresses is not recommended.
The cost of a reply, not exceeding forty-eight words, may be prepaid, and a
reply form will then be delivered to the addressee, who will be at liberty to
send his reply, from any telegraph office, at any time within two months.
Telegrams can be repeated, if the sender desires it, by being signalled back
from office to office. No copy is, in such case, %\s en to the sender. The
charge for repetition is one-half the ordinary tariff. Telegrams containing
mercantile quotations or figures, and telegrams written in cypher, or according
to a preconcerted code, should always be repeated.
Foreign Telegrams.
Foreign telegrams are of two kinds, telegrams in lA&m language and tele-
grams in secret language. Those in plain language are composed of Avords,
figures, and letters conveying an intelligible meaning. Those in secret
language are divided into : (1 ) preconcerted language or code, (2) cypher.
Code telegrams are those composed of words, the context of which has
no intelligible meaning. Proper names are not allowed in the text of code
telegrams, except in their natural sense. Words of more than ten letters are
not allowed. In Code telegrams only English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Latin, may be employed, but words of any
or all of these languages will be allowed in the same telegram.
Cypher telegrams are those containing groups of figures having a secret
meaning. Telegrams consisting of groups of letters are not accepted, but
groups of letters denoting trade marks are allowed in the midst of plain or
preconcerted language and are then charged for as figures.
The address of the sender is cliarged for, if transmitted ; in any case
it must be written at tlie foot of the form.
In ordinary European telegrams the length allowed for a word is 15 letters,
in extra-European telegrams 10 letters ; any additional letters being charged
for at the rate of 15 or 10 letters respectively to the word.
Subject to the limit as to number of letters, ordinary compound words and
names of j)ersons and places, &c., written without break or interruption, are
counted as single words. If joined by a hyphen, or separated by an apostrophe,
they are counted as so many separate words.
Compound numbers written in words and witliout break are also counted as
single words subject to tlie same limit as to tlie number of letters. The name of
the office, county, province, and country of destination in the addresses of
telegrams are each charged for as one word whatever their length.
Every separate letter or figure is charged for as one word, and in European
telegrams every groui) of five figures or letters is counted as one word, larger
groups being counted at the rate of five figures or letters to a word, plus one
word for any excess. In extra-European telegrams groups of figures (or
letters when used as trade marks) are counted at the rate of three to a word,
plus one word for any excess. Bars of division, decimal points, and stops used
in the formation of numbers are counted as figures. Letters added to figures
to form ordinal numbers are counted as figures.
If the sender desires to prepay a reply of 10 words he must insert before the
address of the receiver *'E P," which is charged for as one word ; but if he
desires a reply of more or less tlian 10 words, he must insert "KP ",
which are charged for as two. A less sum than lOd cannot be accepted in
prepayment of a reply. More than 30 words cannot be prepaid.
European Telegrams. — From any part of the United Kingdom.
s. d.
Algeria each word 0 3
Italy each word 0
Tunis each word 0
Austria 0 3
*Turkey (and Turkish
Azores 0 10
Islands) ... 0
Belgium 0 2
West Coast of Africa—
*Bosnia — Herzegovina 0 4
Morocco — Tangier
Benguela ... 9
*Bulgaria and Eastern
Other places ...
Bissao and Bolama 4
Ronmelia ... 0 41
Gaboon 6
Canary Islands ... 0 10
Grand Bassam ... 5
Cyprus 0 61
Konaki-y 4
Denmark 0 3^
Loanda (St Paul de) 8
France 0 2
Mossamedes ... 10
Germany 0 2
Porto Novo (Kotonou) 6
Gibraltar 0 4^
Principe (Island of) 7
Greece* Greek Islands 0 7
SanThomas(Islandof) 6
Holland 0 2
*Tripoli (Africa) ...
Senegal 1
Hungary 0 3
Whydah 6
^Private Telegrams in Code
or Cypher are not accepted for
these places, nor for Dalmatia.
Extra-European Telegrams.
8 0
8 2
8 10
8 4
Aden each word 38.9d.
Africa (W.)— Bathurst 5 11
Bonny and Brass 9 8
Cameroons ... 9
Gold Coast — Accra 8
Other places ... 8
Sierra Leone ...
Argentine Republic
Australia — Victoria
South and Western
New South Wales
Bahamas . .
Brazil — Pernambuco
Other places ...
British South Africa
Canada — Columbia,
Vancouver,N.W. Ter.
Manitoba .. 16
Other places ... 10
Cape Colony ... 8 11
Cape Verd— St Vincent,2 6
Other places
China — Macao
Other places ...
Cochin China
Colombia— Panama
Bonaventura ...
Other places ...
Costa Rica
Dutch East Indies —
Other Islands . .
East Coast of Africa
British East Africa —
Other places ...
3 9
6 2
7 4
6 10
4 11
Delagoa.MosambiqueS 10
German E. Africa 7 11
Zanzibar ... 7 9
Ecuador 6 2
Egypt — Alexandria 1 7
Souakim ... 2 6
Otherplaces — 1st Reg. 1 10
2d Region ... 2 0
Guatemala — San Jos6 3 1
Other places ... 3 4
Guiana, British ... 12 2
Dutch, .. ea.word 9s.l0d.
French (Cayenne) 9 6
Other places ... 10 10
Hedjaz 3 9
Honduras (Independ't) 3 9
India, 3 8
Japan 8 0
Madeira 1 2
Malay Peninsula —
Jelebu5s6d, Malacca 5 5
Penang4sl0d, Perak5 0
Selangor ... 5 6
Singapore ... 5 7
Sungie Ujong ... 5 6
Massowah 3 11
Mauritius 8 9
Mexico — Chihuahua,
Guaymas, Hermosillo,
Matamoras, Monte -
rey, Sabinas, Saltillo,
Sauz, Tamaulipas 1 9
Tampico, Mexico, and
"Vera Cruz ... 2 6
Other places ... 2 8
Natal — Durban ...
Other places ...
New Caledonia ...
New Zealand
Nicaragua —
San Juan del Sur
Other places ...
Orange Free State
Perim 3 9
Persia — Bushire ... 2 1
Otherplaces ... 16
Peru 6 2
Philippine Islands 8 9
Russia inAsia — IstReg. 1 8
2d Region ... 2 7
St Pierre and Miquelon 1 0
San Salvador— Libertad ;J 6
Other places ... 3 9
Seychelle Islands... 7 3
Siam 4 4
Tasmania 5 3
Tonquin 6 1
Transvaal 8 11
United States — Alabama,
Carolina, Georgia,
Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, Michigan,
Mississippi, Ohio,
Tennessee, Virginia,
Wisconsin ... 13
United States-
Arkansas, Colorado,
Dakota, IndianTerr,
8 11
5 9
Iowa, Kansas, Mon- s.
tana, Nebraska,New
Mexico, Oklahoma,
Texas, Wyoming 1
Arizona, California,
Idaho, Nevada, Ore-
gon, Utah, Wash-
ington Terr. ... 1
Connecticut, Maine,
Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Rhode
Island, Vermont 1
Columbia, Delaware,
Maryland, Pennsyl-
vania 1
Florida — Pensacola 1
Key West ... 1
Otherplaces... 1
Louisiana— N.Orleans 1
Other places ... 1
Minnesota — Duluth
Minneapolis, St
Paul 1
Otherplaces... 1
Missouri — St Louis 1
Other places ... 1
New Jersey— Hobo-
ken, Jersey City 1
Other places ... 1
New York— New York
and vicinity .
Other places .
Uruguay ...
Cuba — Havana
Other places .
^ Grenada
s Guadaloupe
" Hayti— Pt. au Prince 7
1 0
1 2
5 9
10 11
9 10
Cape Haitien
i!; Mole St Nicholas
Other places...
H Martinique
^ Marie Galante
Porto Rico
St Croix
San Domingo ...
St Kitts
St Lucia
St Thomas
St Vincent
6 10
8 5
5 10
9 0
9 4
9 0
9 4
8 11
9 10
Telegrams for publication in Newspapers may be sent at a reduced charge, under
special conditions, to North America, the Australasian Colonies, India, Burmah, Ceylon,
Penang, Singapore, Egypt, the Transvaal, Natal, Orange Free State, and Cape Colony.
Terms and conditions may be ascertained from Cable Companies in London.
Situations of Receiving-
Hours of Collection on |
Houses, Pillar Letter Boxes,
. _
Week Days. 1
A.M. 1 A.M. 1 P.M. 1 P.M.
P.M. 1 P.M.
P.M. P.M.
Dock Street Branch Office,
12 15
8 Oil
0 2
0 3
5 0
5 50, 7 0
*199 Princes Street t T S.O.
12 15
8 Oil
0 3
5 0
5 50 7 0
8 0 9 0
*199 Blackness Road do.
12 15
7 3011
5 0
5 50 6 30
8 0 9 0
* 90 King Street do.
12 15
8 O'll
5 0
5 50
7 0
8 0 9 0
*128 Hilltown t do.
12 15
8 0,11
0 2
5 0
5 50
7 0
8 0 9 0
*142 Scouringburn t do.
12 15
8 Oil
O' 2
5 0
5 50
7 0
8 0
9 0
m3 Perth Road t do.
12 15
8 Oil
0 2
5 0
5 50
7 0
8 0
9 0
* 57 Hawkhill t do.
12 15
8 Oil
0 2
5 0
5 50
7 0
8 0
9 0
* 28 Dundonald St. do.
12 15
8 010
0 1
5 15
6 45
8 45
* 12 Ferry Road do.
12 15
8 0
0 2
5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
* 27 Strathmartine Ed. do.
12 15
7 30
7 0
8 45
^Maryfield do.
12 15
7 45
4" 0
e" 0
7 0
8 " 0
8 45
*Logie do.
12 15
8 0
5 35
7 20
8 0
Roseangle (Top of)
Pillar Letter Box
12 15
8 0
5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
123 Hawkhill do
12 15
8 0
5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
1 Tay St. (North) do.
12 15
8 Oil
5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
Hilltown (Foot) do.
12 15
8 0
0, 2
0, 5 0
5 50
7 0..
9 0
Dock Street (foot
of Castle St.) do.
12 15
8 0
0 2
5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
Carolina Port do.
12 15
8 0
0 2
5 0
6 30
9 0
Dudhope (Top of
Polepark) do.
12 15
7 1510
5 0
6 15
8 45
81 Murraygate do.
12 15
8 Oil
o: 5 0
7 0
9 0
18 Cowgate do.
12 15
8 0
0 5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
Tay Bridge Station do.
8 0
0 5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
Ann St. , at top William
St., Wall Letter Box
12 15
8 0
0 2
0 5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
Blackscroft do.
12 15
8 Oil
o; 5 0
5 50
7 0
9 0
Glamis Road, do.
12 15
.. 11
1 30
5 30
6 45
9 30
Victoria Rd., foot of
William St., do.
12 15
8 Oil
o; 2
0' 5 0
5 50
9 0
Royal Exchange Let. Box
8 Oil
15 2
0 5 0
5 50
7 0..
8 5
High Street Wall Letter Box
8 Oil
0 2
0, 3
0 5 0
5 50
7 0..
9 0
93 Milnbank Road do.
12 15
7 15 9
15 1
5 0
6 15' . .
8 30
63 Nethergate do.
12 15
8 0,11
0 2
0 5 0
7 0..
9 0
26 Windsor Street do.
12 15
7 45 11
0 6 30
.. 1 ..
8 30
West Railway Station do.
12 15
8 Oil
0 5 0
5 50
7- 0 ..
9 0
Constitution Road
(near top) do.
12 15
7 1511
0 5 0
6 50 ..
9 20
Shamrock Street do.
12 15
7 30 9
1 5 15
6 45) . .
9 0
4 Strathmartine Road do.
12 15
7 30 10
0 4 0
7 0..
9 0
Perth Road (near
Western Cemetery) do.
12 15
7 15 11
4 40
6 15
8 30
Constitution Road
(Rustic Place) do.
12 15
8 0
5 0
7 0
9 0
Law Street do.
12 15
7 15
4 30
6 15
8 30
Kinnaird Street do.
12 15
7 30
5 0
6 30
8 45
West Park Road do.
12 15
7 30
9 45
4 30
6 30' ..
8 45
Newport Boat Letter Box . .
7 45'11
45 2
O! 4 45
6 45: ..
8 30
Provost Road do.
8 15| .
. 1 1
15' ..
6 0..
Sunday Collections— Newport Boat, 10.45 a.m. ; Logic, 10 a.m. ; other boxes, 12.20 a.m.
* Open for Money Order business from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. (Savings Bank, 9 A.M. till 8 p.m.).
The collections from the Receiving Houses at 12.15 a.m. and 9 P.M. are made from
the outside boxes only. t Telegraph Office.
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Forfar, Aberdeen, N-E of Scotland
Box closes 6.30 a.m. ; Despatched 6.50 a.m.
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Abbot, Alexander, sack and bag maker, 51 Cowgate ; house, 19
Abbot, Alexander, shore porter, 44 Ferry road
Abbot, David, mechanic, 5 Catherine street
Abbot, George, joiner, 40 Hunter street
Abbot, Gershom, confectioner, 16 Hilltown
Abbot, James, photographer, 57 Constitution road ; h. 59
Abbot, James, patternmaker, 78 Hilltown
Abbot, James, photographer, 91 Peddie street
Abbot, John, seaman, 10 Morrison's court
Abbot, Peter H., accountant, 8 Roxburgh terrace
Abbot, Robert, machinefitter, 8 Dallfield terrace
Abbot, Wm., cabinetmaker and funeral undertaker, 48 King street ; h.
46 King's road
Abbot, Mrs Mary, fruitr. and confec, 22 Ann street ; h. 53 N. Church st.
Abbot, Mrs, registry, and fancy warehouse, 48 King st. ; ^. 46 King's rd.
Abbot, Mrs, 17 Ellen street
Abbot, Miss, dress and mantle maker, 19 Cowgate
Abbott, Alexander, lapper, 25 Stirling street
Abbott, James W. , mechanic, 151 Hawkhill
Abbott, William, seaman, 5 Robertson street
Abel, Rev. Arthur C, Dudhope Free Church ; h. 1 Rankine street
Aberdeenshire Meat Co. , butchers, 20 Wellgate
Aberdein, David, grocer, 99 Victoria road ; h. 98
Aberdein, James, cloth inspector, 3 Ellen street
Ackerley, Herbert, locomotive fireman, 23 Tait's lane
Adam, Alexander, fireman, Tay Oilcake works ; h. Stannergate
Adam, David, of John Adam & Sons, 37 Rosebank street
Adam, David, bootmaker, 162 Hilltown ; h. 160
Adam, David, grocer and wine merchant, and agent for W. & A. Gilbey,
73 Albert street ; h. 18 Arbroath road
Adam, George, flax inspector, 150 Princes street
Adam, George, messenger, Commercial Bank, and church-officer, St
Enoch's church; h. 87 Commercial street
Adam, James, grocer, 25 Hilltown ; h. 67 Seagate
Adam, James, dairyman, 277 Hawkhill
Adam, James, coppersmith, 9 Ellen street
Adam, James, grocer, 307 Loons road ; h. 1 Lorimer street
Adam, Jane, dressmaker, 1 Union street, Maxwelltown
Adam, John, of Halket & Adam, Magdalen place
Adam, John,- of John Adam & Sons, 37 Rosebank street
Adam, John, joiner, 40 Dallfield walk
Adam, John, jun., of Halket & Adam, Magdalen place
Adam, John, steward, 109 Lochee road
Adam, John, boilermaker, 44 Ure street
Adam, John, labourer, 23 South George street
Adam, John, & Sons, plasterers, 15 Park lane
Adam, Joseph, shoemaker, 28 Victoria street
Adam, Robt., lock and hinge maker, and smith, 31 Overgate; h. 51 High st.
Adam, Robert, spiritdealer, 12 Castle lane ; h. 33 Castle street
Adam, Thomas, agent and commission merchant, 15 Bonnybank road
Adam, Thomas, coaldealer, 79^ Lochee road ; h. 79
Adam, William, of John Adam & Sons, 10 Shepherd's loan
Adam, William, Prudential Assurance agent, 34 N". Wellington street
Adam, Miss, dressmaker, 9 Ellen street
Adams, Alexander, house proprietor, 121 Hawkhill
Adams, Andrew, stevedore, 21 Dock street
Adams, A. & M., dressmakers, 4 Forebank road
Adams, Charles, salesman, 68 Albert street
Adams, Elizabeth, confectioner, 116 Princes street
Adams, George, fireman, 10 Stirling street
Adams, George Rough, of Henry Adams & Son, 4 Wellington street
Adams, Henry, & Son, glove manfrs., hosiers, & shirtmakers, 5 High st.
Adams, James, flax and jute weigher, 138 Ferry road
Adams, Jas. , grocer, wine & spirit mer. , 9 Constitution st. ; k. 4 Lawson pi.
Adams, James, police constable, 9 Mortimer street
Adams, James Duncan, potato farmer and merchant, 42 and 46 Reform
street (Telephone No. 534; Telegraphic Address, "Adams'"); h.
Abertay, 20 Magdalen Yd. rd. (Telephone No. 819), and Lundie castle
Adams, James 0., manager, Dundee Calender; h. 34 Wellington street
Adams, John, joiner, 15 Balgay street
Adams, John, coaldealer, 18 Small's wynd ; h. 3 Hean's lane
Adams, John, policeman, 50 Hill street
Adams, J. D.,& Co., clothiers, men's mercers, & shirtmakers, 42 Reform st.
Adams, Margaret, grocer, 24 Small's wynd
Adams, Robert, calenderworker, 4 Kinloch street
Adams, Thomas, ironmonger, plumber, tinsmith, and gasfitter, 205
Overgate ; h. 23 Miller's wynd
Adams, William, china merchant, 50 Blackscroft
Adams, William, sawyer, 70 Ure street
Adams, William, bookseller, bookbinder, &c., 82 Lochee road
Adams, Mrs D., 3 Rustic place
Adams, Mrs Mary, lodgings, 7 Yeaman shore
Adams, Miss, dress and mantle maker, 133 Princes street
Adamson, Alexander, of Alex. Adamson & Co. , 332 Perth road
Adamson, Alex. , teacher of music, Academy of Music, 4 Whitehall st.
Adamson, Rev. Alexander, B.D., Free Chapelshade ; h. 4 Nelson ter.
Adamson, Alexander, sawyer, 45 Cotton road
Adamson, Alexander, & Co., umbrella, bag, trunk, waterproof, and
typewriter merchants, 36 Whitehall street
Adamson, Andrew, shoemaker, 32 Hawkhill ; h. 12 Balfour street
Adamson, Catherine, draper, 43 Victoria street ; h. 17 Lyon street
Adamson, C. , produce broker, 7 Shore ter. ; h. 2 Taymouth ter. , B. Ferry
Adamson, David, joiner, 5 Graham place
Adamson, David, factory foreman, 10 Rosebank road
Adamson, David P. , lightship attendant, 23 Scott street
Adamson, George, mason, 63 Ure street
Adamson, James W., of Don Bros., Buist, & Co., Dundee, and Wm.
and John Don & Co. , Forfar ; li. Broomfield house, Forfar
Adamson, John, wholesalegrocer,71 Seagate; h. Avalodge, Magdalen green
Adamson, John, shipwright, 24 Baldovan terrace
Adamson, John, cabinetmaker, 14 Park avenue
Adamson, Peter, machinery mercht. , 4, 6, and 8 Allan st.; h. 139 Seagate
Adamson, Robert, mechanic, 4 Stobswell road
Adamson, Robert A., joiner, 75 Albert street
Adamson, Robert B., clerk, 10 Park avenue
Adamson, Robert Walker, sorting clerk, 16 Pitfour street
Adamson, T, W., supt.. Abstainers and Genl. Insur. Co., 10 Cleghorn st.
Adamson, William, wireworker and bellhanger, 49 Nethergate ; h. 43
Adamson, William, mason, 15 Stirling street
Adamson, William, dockgateman, 46 Watson street
Adamson, William, joiner, 3 Stobswell road
Adamson, Mrs James, 11 Mountpleasant
Adamson, Miss, 370 Loons road
Addison, Alexander, Cowgate porter, 3 Glebe street
Adie, Andrew, of A. & J. Adie, Beachtower, Harecraig
Adie, Andrew H., precentor. Free St Andrew's Church ; h. Balgray rd.
Adie, A. & J., spinners and manftrs., S. Anchor Works, 33 Guthrie street
Adie, James, of A. & J. Adie, Thornbank, 196 Ferry road
Adie, William, engineer, 24 Dallfield terrace
Agnew, Alexander, solicitor and procurator fiscal, Courthouse buildings;
h. Balwherrie, West Ferry
Aiken, John, compositor, 107 Ann street
Aiken, Patrick Anderson, clerk, 11 Cardean street
Aiken, William, detective ofiicer, Stirling park
Aikenhead, William, dairyman, N. Church street ; ^ 40 N. George st.
Aimer, Adam, tobacconist and stationer, 65 Victoria road ; 7«. 63
Aimer, George, night watch man, 1 Baxter street
Aimer, Geo, C., cabinetmaker and joiner, 31 Nethergate; h. 225 Overgate
Aimer, James, cabinetmaker, 98 Victoria road
Aimer, Jas. D., wholesale coffeedealer, 90 to 94 Seagate; h. Rosslyn
villas, Clepington road
Air, Andrew, mechanic, 13 Caldrum street
Air, David, of David Air & Co. , Cedarlea, Broughty Ferry
Air, David, & Co., merchants, manufacturers, and calenderers, 5 King st.
Airth, Annie, dairy, 85 Victoria road ; h. 6 North Ellen street
Airth, Mrs A., apartments, 24 Bank street
Aitchison, John, tinsmith, 45 Cotton road
Aitken, Henry, confectioner, 10 Overgate ; h. 8
Aitken, Henry M., currier, 15 Rosefield street
Aitken, James, grocer and wine merchant, 53 Perth road ; h. 55
Aitken, James, clerk, 20 Peddie street
Aitken, James, grocer and wine merchant, 75 Caldrum street, and 45
Main street ; h. 77 Strathmartine road
Aitken, Rev. James, RyehillU.P. Ch. ; h. St Regulus, 4 Roxburgh ter.
Aitken, James B. , lithographer, 57 Dura street
Aitken, John, examining officer, No. 2 Bond ; h. 19 Victoria street
AITKEN, JOHN, ironmonger, millfurnisher, tinsmith, and grocers' outfitter,
17 Union street ; h. Wormit. See Adv. p. 18
Aitken, John, mechanic, 8 Park avenue
Aitken, R., chimneysweeper, 53 Ann street
Aitken, Thos., wine and spirit mer., 57-59 Westport ; h. 1 Meadow entry
Aitken, Thomas D., governor, West Poorhouse, Blackness road
Aitken, William, tailor, 6 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Aitken, William, traffic inspector, 71 Perth road
Aitken, William (ironmonger, Lochee), 18 Gardner street
Aitken, W. , grocer, wine and spt. mer., 76 Dura st. ; h. Viewbankcot., Liff
Aitken, Mrs Ann, 114 Hawkhill
Aitken, Mrs T. D., matron. West Poorhouse, Blackness road
Aitkenhead, Mrs Ann, manglekeeper, 70 Kemback street
Aitkinson, Mrs, confectioner, 33 North Ellen street
Albany Shipping Co. , Ld. , 79 Commercial st. ; David Scott & Son, mngrs.
Albert Mill, Arklay street ; William Cleghorn, jiin., manufacturer
Albion Foundry, Hill street ; Beath & Keay, ironfounders
Albion Hotel, 15 Tally street ; John W. Baird, proprietor
Alexander, Adam, printer, Courier office ; h, 36 Victoria road
Alexander, Alexander, 2 Arbroath road
Alexander, Rev. Alex., M'Cheyne Free Church ; h. Shaftesbury road
Alexander, Charles, ironplaner, and church-officer, Wallacetown Parish
Church ; h. 47 Crescent street
Alexander, David, merchant and shipping agent, 26 St Andrew's street;
h. St Phillans, East Newport
Alexander, David, shoemaker, 249 Hawkhill
Alexander, David, mason, 39 Strathmartine road
Alexander, David, draper and clothier, 286b Hilltown
Alexander, E., confectioner and baker, 106 Victoria road ; h. 110
Alexander, George, ii'onmonger and tinsmith, 98 Dura street ; h. 92
Alexander, George, tenter, 32 Peddie street
Alexander, H. C, grocer, 225 Overgate
Alexander, James, slater, 25 Brown street ; h. 4 Lawrence street
Alexander, James, cowfeeder, 34 Forfar road
Alexander, James, mechanic, 27 Nelson street
Alexander, James, millwright, 25 Watson's lane
Alexander, Jas. , tailor and clothier, 101 Nethergate ; h. 134 Albert st.
Alexander, James, & Sons, brassfounders, plumbers, and gasfitters, 31
Overgate and 14 Bank street
Alexander, John, agent, 4 Windsor place
Alexander, John, bootmaker, 49 Commercial street, Maxwelltown
Alexander, John, of James Alexander & Sons, 80 Nethergate
Alexander, Peter, spiritdealer's assistant, 223 Hilltown
Alexander, Peter, mason, 140 Ferry road
Alexander, Robert, clothier, 53 Dudhope street
Alexander, Thomas, seaman, 14 West Dock street
Alexander, William, city architect and valuator, 32 Bank street ; h.
4 Albany terrace
Alexander, William, of Laird & Alexander, India villa, 55 Ferry road
Alexander, William, clerk, 42 Dallfield terrace
Alexander, William, insurance agent, 9 South George street
Alexander, William, draper, 53 Main sti^eet
Alexander, Wm., millmanager, Caldrum Works ; h. 73 Hospital wynd
Alexander, William, of James Alexander & Sons, 51 Meadowside
Alexander, William, bookseller, 8b King street; h. 9 South George st.
Alexander, Mrs Charles, 5 Albany terrace
Alexander, Mrs John, laundress, 151 Princes street
Alexander, Mrs J. E., 8 Paton's lane
Alexander, Mrs, confectioner, 90 Strathmartine i-oad
Alison, Gr. LLoyd, wine merchant, 14 Panmure street, and 59 Haymarket,
London ; h. Redholine, Ferry road, Teddington, Middlesex
Alison, Thos. , produce mer.,19, 20 W. Dock st.; A.. Dalhousie cot., W.Ferry
Alison, William, carpenter, 8 St Matthew street
Allan, Alex., church-officer, St Clement's Par. Church; h. 74Nethergate
Allan, David, mason, 15 Stirling street
Allan, David M., grocer, 17 Step row
Allan, D. M., perfumer & hairdresser, 1 High st. ; A. Westfield ho., B. Ferry
Allan & Gauld, coaldealers, 46 Cotton road
Allan, George, manager, Albert Mill ; h. Livonia cottage. Mains loan
Allan, James, turner, 40 Dallfield walk
Allan, Jas. , jun. , hairdresser and wigmkr. , 5 Hawkhill ; h. 24 Crichton st.
Allan, James, joiner, 62 Caldrum street
Allan, James, coal merchant, 21 Kinnaird street ; h. 7
Allan, James, seaman, 42 King's road
Allan, James & Alexander, passenger and shipping agents, "Allan" Line
and " State " Line, 4 India buildings, and 25 Bothwell st., Glasgow
Allan, John, newsagent & pictureframe maker, 50 DudhopeCres. rd. ; h. 46
Allan, John, clerk of works, 27 Victoria road
Allan, John, mechanic, 126 Princes street
Allan, Johnston R., coal merchant, 4 Crescent lane ; h. 6 Park avenue
ALLAN, JOSEPH, & SONS, firewood, coal, potato, grain, chaff, and clay
merchants, 60 Foundry lane and 15 Baltic street; h. Ill Blackscroft.
See Adv. p. 73
Allan Line and State Line of Steamers ; J. & A. Allan, 4 India buildings
Allan, Peter D., wheelwright, 84 Peddie street
Allan, Robert, engineer, The Plane-trees, Rankine street
Allan, Robert, cloth inspector, 204 Hawkhill
Allan, Robert, 225 Overgate
Allan, Robert, cook, 11 Union place
Allan, R. F. , hairdresser & perfumer, 77 Commercial st. ; h. 9 Park avenue
Allan, Thomas, engineer, 3 Watt street
Allan, Thomas, seaman, 38 Blackness road
Allan, Thomas, signalman, 14 Step row
Allan, Thomas, warehouseman, 38 Caldrum street
Allan, William, spiritdealer, 22 Strathmartine road ; A. 26
Allan, William, engineer, 17 St Andrew's street
Allan, William, turner, 15 Rosefield street
Allan, William, mechanic, 10 Shepherd's loan
Allan, W. D., trimming merchant, 90 Nethergate ; h. 1 Rustic place
Allan, Mrs James, 24 Crichton street
Allan, Mrs J. K., perfumer & hairdresser, 54, 56 Reform st. ; h. 10 Airlie ter.
Allan, Mrs W., wine and spirit merchant, 173 Hilltown
Allan, Mrs, nurse, 16 Thomson street
Allan, Miss, medical and surgical nurse, 59 Perth road
Allard, Maurice, Arctic Tannery ; li. Springbank house. West Ferry
Allard, Maurice R. , of Mackness & Allard, Springbank house. West Ferry
Allardice, David, mason, 27 Ogilvie's road
Allardice, William D., accountant, Viewbank terrace, Clepington road
Allen, Charles B., of Allen, Mill, & Co., 12 William street, Forebank
Allen, Mill, & Co. , manufacturers and merchants, 2 Meadow Place bldgs,
Allen, Samuel, rope and sail maker, 10 Polepark road
Allen, William, mechanic, 109 Lochee road
ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO., 23 Pammire street; Band & Whyte, district
agents. See Adv. p. 110
Alliance Trust Co., Ltd., 13 Panmure street ; Wm. Mackenzie, secretary
Allison, James, M.A., LL.B., solicitor and notary public, searcher of
burgh register of sasines, 82 High st. ; h. Edina villa, E. Newport
Allison, James, of James Allison & Sons, 8 Garland place
Allison, James, & Sons, rope and sail makers, shipchandlers, oil and
bonded and free store merchants, 47 and 48 Dock street
Allison, John, of Clunas & Allison, Maryiield cottage, 26 Forfar road
Allsopp, S., & Sons, Ltd. , brewers, Burton-on-Trent ; stores, Cal. Ry. Stn.
Alston, Mrs William, 2 Craigie terrace
Ames, William, street porter, 34a James street
Ames, William M., clerk, 58 Peddie street
Amos, Robert, railway guard, 166 Ferry road
Anchor and Douglas Mills, Anchor lane; J. & H. Gordon, spinners
Anchor Line of Steamers ; Henderson Brothers, 25 Albert square
Anderson, Alexander, superintendent engineer, 1 Graham place
Anderson, Alexander, gymnastic instructor, 50 Gellatly street
Anderson, Alexander, joiner, 16 Kinloch street
Anderson, Alexander,' painter, 80 Ferry i"oad
Anderson, Alex., coaldealer, 94 Scouringburn ; h. 1 Milne's East wynd
Anderson, Alexander, tobacconist, 9 Union street ; ^. 19 Cleghorn st.
Anderson, Alex. Black, chemist and druggist, 38 and 201 Princes st.,
121 Blackscroft, and 10 Ferry road ; h. 60 Albert street
Anderson, Alexander G., blacksmith, 54 Princes street
Anderson, Alexander M'G., M.D., L.R.C.S.E., 26 South Tay street
Anderson, Andrew, warehouseman, 206 Lochee road
Anderson, Andrew, shipwinght, 44 Ferry road
Anderson, Andrew, blacksmith, 18 King's road
Anderson, Andrew, joiner, 18 Caldrum street
Anderson, Andrew, joiner, 1 Park avenue
Anderson, Andrew, joiner, 20 Kinloch street
Anderson, Andrew, engineer, 71 Watson street
Anderson, Archibald G., hairdresser, 21 Dock street
Anderson, A. W., secretary, W.B.Thompson&Co.jLd.; h. 15Shamrock st.
Anderson, Charles, housepainter, 79 Arbroath road
Anderson, Charles, ironturner, 30 Victoria street
Anderson, Charles, ironturner, 95 Victoria road
Anderson, Daniel, tailor and clothier, 52 Wellgate ; h. 33 Stirling street
Anderson, David, joiner, 16 Nelson street
Anderson, David, teacher of dancing, 62 Commercial street
Anderson, David, mechanic, 58 Mains road
Anderson, David, milloverseer, 4 Dock street
Anderson, David, shoemaker, 8 Parker street
Anderson, David, fireman, 7 William street, Forebank
Anderson, David, enginedriver, 38 Peddie street
Anderson, David, baker, 30 Princes street ; h. 32
Anderson, David, church-officer, Hilltown Free Church; h,\\ Glamis st.
Anderson, David, church-officer, Willison Free Church; h, 7 Mid street
Anderson, David, fireman, 25 Hill street
Anderson, David, 13 William street, Forebank
Anderson, David, coachsmith, 14 New Inn entry
Anderson, David, shippainter, 6 Small's lane
Anderson, David, foreman mechanic, 21 Scott street
Anderson, David, coaldealer, 27 Benvie road ; h. 20
Anderson, David M., mechanic, 6 Park avenue
Anderson, David S., traveller, 6 Balfour street
Anderson, Duncan, compositor, 2 Arbroath road
Anderson, Duncan, butcher, 166 Ferry road
Anderson, D. H., grocer and wine merchant, 171 Scouringburn
Anderson, D. M., solicitoi", 18 Meadowside ; h. Ellenmount, Newport
Anderson, D. S., cashier, Dundee Flour Mills ; h. 87^ Blackscroft
Anderson, Frank, shore porter, 8 Graham place
Anderson, Francis M., M.A., 21 Windsor street
Anderson, Gardner, Hepburn, & Co., solictrs. and notaries, 10 Meadowside
Anderson, Rev. Gavin, Free High Church ; h. 7 Adelaide place
Anderson,Geo.,of W.Anderson & Son, Marguerite villa, W. Clepington rd.
Anderson, George, mason, 6 Rosefield street
Anderson, George, ironturner, 20 Wolseley street
Anderson, George, cabinetmaker, 28 Kincardine street
Anderson, George, jeweller, 87^ Blackscroft
Anderson, Geo., grocer, 47 Dura st. ; h. Helen cottage, 19 Shamrock st.
Anderson, George G., mechanic, 7 King's road
Anderson, George S. , insurance agent, 22 Raglan street
Anderson & Glass, spinners and manufacturers. Lady bank Mill (Mid
street), and Wellington Street Factory ; office, 14 Victoria chambers
Anderson, Henry, dairyman, 58 Constable street
Anderson, Henry, telegraph clerk, 13 Union place
Anderson, Jas. , chemist and druggist, the Dundee Drug Store, 60 and 62
Commercial st., 93 High st., and 27 Hilltown ; h. 1 Lansdowne pi.
Anderson, James, registrar, 11 Ward I'oad; h. 54 Magdalen Yard road
Anderson, Jas. , factory manager, Chapelshade Works ; ^. 16 Dallfield ter.
Anderson, James, factoryworker, 6 Annfield row
Anderson, James, dockgateman, 35 Ferry road
Anderson, James, clerk, 10 West Dock street
Anderson, James, late recruiting sergeant, Woodlea place. Provost road
Anderson, James, joiner, 1 Blacklieath place
Anderson, James, fireman, 65 Lochee road
Anderson, James, plumber, 35 Victoria road
Anderson, James, joiner, 50 Hill street
Anderson, James, brassfounder, 18 Cowgate
Anderson, James, superintendent. Commercial Cable Co.; h. 4 Gowrie st.
Anderson, James, joiner, 22 Annfield row
Anderson, James, mechanic, 27 Scott street
Anderson, James, mechanic, 27 South George street
Anderson, James, woodturner, 23 Hill street
cottages, Clepington road
and 1
James, joiner, 32 Isles' lane
James, butcher, 14 Balgay street
James, plumber, 68 Hill street
James, jun., civil engineer, Woodlea place. Provost road
James A,, merchant, ship and insurance agent, 29 Panmure
; h. 23 St Andrew's street
James A., teacher, Butterburn Public School; h. Fairfield
James S., baker, 137 Hilltown ; h. 139
Jane, grocer and confectioner, 81 Arbroath I'oad ; h. 79
Jane J,, 3 South Tay street
John, clubmaster, Eastern Club, 3 Albert square
John, builder, 24 Willison street ; h. 10 Albert street
John, accountant. Royal Bank,Westport ; h. 53 South Tay st.
John, bleacher, 12 Paterson street
John, clerk, 13 Victoria street
John, joiner, 47 Rosebank street
John, newsagent, 9 Albert street ; h. 66
John, harbour porter, 43 Todburn lane
John, evangelist, 17 Long wynd
John, railway guard, 13 Annfield row
John, fireman, 1 Dallfield walk
John, druggist, Greenlaw place, Clepington road
John, mechanic, 61 Hawkhill
John, ship -plater, 3 Baffin street
John S., patternmaker, 29 Scott street
Joseph E., warehouseman, 73 Strathmartine road
J., gymnastic instructor. Public Gymnasium ; h. 8 Parker st.
J. Farmer, mer., Baltic buildings ; h. Hermonhill, 25 Perth rd.
Rev. K. C, D.D., Ward Chapel ; A. 6 Erskine ter., Maryfield
M. F., M.B. , CM., medical practitioner, 161 Princes street
& Pattullo, painters, 58 King street
Peter, baker, 32 North Lindsay street (Telephone No. 649),
ISNethergate; h. 15 Kiln burn place, Newport
Peter, clerk, 224 Lochee road
Peter, seaman, 14 Kirk entry
Peter, mechanic, 2 Catherine street
Peter, of Peter Anderson & Sons, 53 Commercial street, Max^
Peter, & Sons, plumbers and gasfitters, 4 Elizabeth street
Robei't, of Anderson & Glass, 7 Clarendon terrace
Robert, lapper, 11 Mid street
Robert, grocer, 28 Lawson place
Robert, coachman, 166 Lochee road
Robert, mason, 26 Catherine street
Robert, goods guard, 3 Kincardine street
Robert, machine agent, 11 Blackness street
Robert J., coal merchant, 9 and 11 Annfield street ; h. 14
Thomas, plumber, 15 Balfour street
Thomas, riveter, 1 Dallfield walk
Thomas, baker, 32 North Lindsay street
Thomas, of Anderson & Pattullo, 117 Ann street
Anderson, Thomas R. , engineer, 56 Ferry road
Anderson, William, collector, Dundee Burial Society ; h. 30 Dallfield ter.
Anderson, William, manager, Tay Engiue Works -, h.W Maryfield ter.
Anderson, William, market gardener, 66 Polepark rd. ; h. Kirktonof Liff
Anderson, William, porter, II Cross row. Small's wynd
Anderson, William, shoemaker, 51 King street
Anderson, William, 66 Wellgate
Anderson, William, butcher, 74 Overgate
Anderson, William, railway servant, 183 Overgate
Anderson, William, clerk, 35 Victoria road
Anderson, William, metal merchant, 51 Nelson street ; h. 13 Jamaica st.
Anderson, William, painter, 179 Blackness road
Anderson, William, 27 Tait's lane
Anderson, William, boilermaker, 31 Hawkhill
Anderson, William, joiner, 117 Ann street
Anderson, William, of Wm. Anderson & Son, Scotia villa, W. Newport
Anderson, William, of William Anderson & Co., 4 South George street
Anderson, Wm. , & Co., wholesale warehousemen, 62 Commercial street
Anderson, Wm. G. , manager. Dun dee Flour Mills ; ^ . 3Gladstone pi . , B. Ferry
Anderson, William H., butcher, 16 Polepark road and 9 Balgay street ;
h. Barossa cottage, Ancrum road
Anderson, William, & Son, sanitary, marble, tile, and fire-clay goods
merchants, 13 Castle street ; depdts. Esplanade andTaybridge station
Anderson, Mrs David, 5 Hawkhill place
Anderson, Mrs E. , midwife, 44 North Church street
Anderson, Mrs James, dress and mantle maker, 32 Isles' lane
Anderson, Mrs James, house proprietrix, 137 Hawkhill
Anderson, Mrs James, billiard saloon, 72 Overgate
Anderson, Mrs James, 874 Blackscroft
Anderson, Mrs Margaret, furniture dealer, 38 Hunter street ; h. 35
Anderson, Mrs Mary, midwife, 54 Princes street
Anderson, Mrs Patrick, 21 Windsor street
Anderson, Mrs R., dress and mantle maker, 38 Victoria street
Anderson, Mrs, lodgings, 23 St Andrew's street
Anderson, Mrs, 14 North Erskine street
Anderson, Mrs, 6 Malcolm street
Anderson, Miss Agnes, fruiterer, 130 Princes street
Anderson, Miss Helen, 48 Seafield road
Anderson, Miss J. , draper and milliner, 172 Hilltown ; h. 47 Rosebank st.
Anderson, Miss M. I., dressmaker, 4 Gowrie place
Anderson, Miss, 1 Dalhousie terrace
Anderson, Miss, milliner, 117 Nethergate
Anderson, Misses, teachers of dancing, 62 Commercial street
Andrew, James, blacksmith, 24 Charles street
Andrew, Jas. M., of Jas. M. Andrew & Co., Baldovan ter.. Park avenue
Andrew, James M., & Co., linen drapers and floorcloth merchants, 139
to 143 Victoria road
Andrew, W. G. , restaurateur, 2 East Dock st. ; h. 37 Constitution st.
Andrew, Misses M. & R., coffeehouse-keepers, 208 Hilltown; h.
Cairnmuir cottage, Downfield
Andrews, Joseph, manufacturer, Anns villa, West Clepington road
Andrews, R. W., tobacconist, 75 Wellgate ; h. U Morgan street
Andrews, Mrs Euphemia, 65 Commercial street
Anglo-American Telegraph Co., Ld., 1 Panmurest.; Jas. Mitchell, supt.
Angus, Andw. , inspr. of wks. Burgh Engineer's Office ; h. 25 Baldovan ter.
Angus, Elsie S., fruiterer, 120 Albert street ; h. 3 Park avenue
Angus, George, accountant. Town & County Bank, Ld., 5 Albert square
Angus, James, clerk, 5 South Tay street
Angus, James, shore porter, 38 Pennycook lane
Angus, John, foreman, 9 Peddie street
Angus Jute Works, Fairbairn street ; Thomson Brothers, manufacturers
Angus, William, coachman, 207 Perth road
Angus, William, millmanager, South Mill ; h. 5 Rustic place
Angus, Mrs Alexander, 10 Garland place
Angus, Mrs Jane, apartments, 27 Crichton street
Annal, George, of Annal & Raitt, 13 Kinloch street
Annal, James, foreman dyer, 13 Kinloch street
Annal & Raitt, painters, 123 Albert street
Annal, Mrs, stationer and tobacconist, 141 Hilltown ; h. 169
ANNAN, DAVID Y., paper box manuf., 114 Murray gate. See adv. p. 73
Annan, Miss, 19 Wellington street
Annand, Thomas, joiner, 29 Rose street
Annandale Dairy Co., 163 Hawkhill, 2^ Dudhope Crescent road, 16
Barrack street, 110 Hilltown, 78a King street, 115 Ann street, 28
Watson street, 36 Union street, 32 Polepark road, 39 Victoria road,
148 Princes st. ; bakehouse, 206 Hawkhill ; office, 29 Tait's lane ;
John J. Hanning, manager
Ann Street Works, 2 North William street ; David Low, spinner
Anthony, Wm., frenchpolisher and varnish manufacturer, Victoria Chair
Stores, 147 Victoria road ; h. 143 Victoria road
Anton, Geo. , wine and spirit merchant, 4 and 6 Ferry rd. ; h. 2 Park ave.
Anton, James, wine merchant, 127 and 129 Perth road ; h. 155
Anton, John, dairyman, 29 Watson's lane ; h. 22
Anton, Miss Elizabeth, lodgings, 43 Constitution road
Appleby, M., grocer, 84 Hilltown
Appleton, Charles H., filecutter, 14 Small's lane ; h. 2
Arbroath Sawmill Co., lathsplitters, back of Custom House, Dock street
Archer, Alexander, bootmaker, 9 Milnbank road
Archer, Alexander, lathsplitter, 8 Lawrence street
Archer, Alexander, jun. , sculptor, 8 Lawrence street
Archer, William B., shipmaster, 22 Airhe place
Archibald, Alexander W., gas meter inspector, 35 Constitution road
Argentine Republic, Consul for— 1 homas Murdoch, 62 St Andrew's st.
Arkison, William, housepainter, 103 Hawkhill ; h. 105
Arklay, James, overseer, 26 Kincardine street
Arklay, James T., patternmaker, and church-officer, Chapelshade Free
Church ; /^ 9 Mid street
Arklie, And. M.,of HillbankAeratedWaterCo.,Rosehelenbank,Monifieth
Arklie, Ebenezer, foreman mechanic, 34 North Lindsay street
Armitstead,Geo.,4Panmurest. ;&4Clevelandsq..StJames',London,S.W.
Armour, William, teacher, 23 Morgan street
Armstrong, John, pastrybaker, 22 Bruce street
Armstrong, Mrs W. , wine and spirit merchant, 5 New Inn entry ; h,
Craigard, Wormit
Arnot, David, engineer, 16 Annfield road
Arnot, David, commission mer., 61 Gellatly st.; h. Lilybank, Carnoustie
Arnot, James, shoemaker, 34 Annfield row
Arnot, Robert, baker, 7 Ellen street
Arrow Shipping Co., Ld., 18 Commercial st, ; Wm. Kinnear & Co., agents
Arthur, Alexander, compositor, 14 Cleghorn street
Arthur, Alexander, boilermaker, 4 Clepington street
Arthur & Co. , Limited, warehousemen and manufacturers, 10 Bank st,
Arthur, David, & Son, sack manufacturers, 25 Dock street
Arthur, James, inspector of cleansing. East Dock street
Arthur, John, tenter, 7 Kinnaird street
Arthur, Robert, shipfitter, 86 Feriy road
Arthur, Robert, slater, Hillbank road ; h, 4 Clepington street
Arthur, Robt., lessee, H.M. Theatre, 7 Seagate ; h. The Limes, W. Ferry
Arthur, William, ship's cook, 8 Balfour sti'eet
ArthiTr, Wm. F., manager, Victoria Rd. Cal. Co., Ld. ; h. 25 Janefield pi.
Arthur, William G., assistant superintendent, Refuge Assurance Co.,
3 Hilltown ; A. 13 North Church street
Arthurson, Alexander, cab proprietor, 14 West wynd
Ashford, John, tailor, 6 Cardean street
Ashton Works, 189 Hawkhill ; James K. Caird, manufacturer
Atkinson, William, coachman. Central Fire Station, West Bell street
Atlas Assurance Co., 87 Commercial street ; George Reid, district agent
Auchterlonie, John, brushmaker, 8 Isles' lane
Auchterlonie, William, cabinetmaker, 99 Blackscroft
Auld, James, postman, Balgray place, Clepington road
Auld, Peter, compositor, 15 Glamis street
AUSTEN, Miss J., optician, 15 Nethergate ; A. 1 St Johnswood terrace,
Westpark road. See Adv. p. 72
Austen, Richard, leathertinisher, 86 Ferry road
Ayre, James, painter, 13 Blackheath place
Baillie, Alexander F. , harbour porter, 8 Graham place
Baillie, David, cooper, 22 Dallfield terrace
Baillie, Robert, clerk, 1 Balgay avenue
Baillie, William, cooper, 15 Lawson place
Bain, David Beattie, M.D., 3 Air lie place
Bain, Donald, pipe-major, 18 Queen street
Bain, Elizabeth, milliner and draper, 91 Lochee road ; h. 93
Bain, Henry, superintendent. Cattle Dep6t and Eastern Wharves,
Harbour Cattle Dep6t ; h. Burman house, Downfield
Bain, Peter, jun., contractor, Reid street; h. 13 Kinloch street
Bain, William, tailor and clothier, 27 Victoria road
Bain, William G., Victoria villa, 12 Erskine terrace
Bain, Mrs Alexander, 40 Watson street
Baird, Charles, evangelist, 17 North Wellington street
Baird, George, mechanic, 150 Princes street
Baird, James, millmanager, 6 Benvie road
Baird, James, lamplighter, 22 Miller's wynd
Baird, James, shoemaker, 46 Charles street
Baird, James, jun., baker, 204 Hawkhill
Baird, John, seaman, 30 William street, Eorebank
Baird, John Masson, butcher, 3 Park terrace
Baird, John W., proprietor, Albion Hotel, 15 Tally street
Baird, Marjoiy S., teacher, Blackness Public School ; h. 150 Princes st.
Baird, Peter, draper, 41 Reform street
Baird, Richard, houseagent, 94 Scouringburn ; h. 88 Hawkhill
Baird, Richard, jeweller's assistant, 174 Lochee road
Baird, Robert, baker, 78 Peddie street
Baird, Mrs M., 14 Miller's wynd
Baird, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 3 Park terrace
Baird, Miss Catherine B. , furnished apartments, 63 Gellatly street
Baker, John W., shipmaster, 8 Forest Park road
Baker, Mrs Ann, grocer, 26 Hawkhill
Balbirnie, D., coaldealer, 5 Small's wynd ; h. 1
Bald, John, of Macgregor & Bald, Cairneymount, West Ferry
Baldie, Robert, grocer, 255 Blackness road ; h. 253
Balfour, Alexander, fireman, 52 Kemback street
Balfour, Alexander, of M'Gregor & Balfour, 32 Dudhope Crescent road
Balfour, David, wholesale and retail grocer and wine merchant, 125 and
127 Hawkhill and 89 and 91 Perth road ; h. Balgay terrace, Lochee
Balfour, David, labourer, 10 Ogilvie's road
Balfour, George, commercial traveller, 23 Benvie i^oad
Balfour, James, engineer, 1 Ijamb's lane
Balfour, John, joiner, 252 Hawkhill ; h. 22 Miller's wynd
Balfour, John, railway canvasser, 28 Pitfour street
Balfour, John, overseer, 15 North street
Balfour, William, gardener, Seathwood, Perth road
Balfour, Mrs, confectioner, 138 Princes street
Balfour, Mrs, 3 Balgay avenue
Balgay Jute Works, Lower Pleasance ; P. G. Walker & Son, spinners
Ballantine, Mrs James, wine and spirit mer. , 34 Dens rd.; h. 155 Albert st.
Ballantyne, James, joiner, 10 Hospital wynd
Ballantyne, William, joiner, 10 Hospital wynd
Ballingall, David, street porter, 28 Overgate
Ballingall, George, spiritdealer, 37 Constitution road ; li. 1 Mid street
Ballingall, Hugh, of Ballingall & Son, Ardarroch, 3 Douglas terrace ;
and Drumkilbo house, Meigle
Ballingall & Son, brewers, maltsters, and hop merchants. Park and
Pleasance Breweries, Lochee road ; oifice, 6 Ash street
Ballingall, William B. , wine and spirit merchant, 55 Dock street ; h. 1
Somerville place
Balls, William C. , Arctic Tannery ; h. 2 Morgan terrace, Forfar road
Balsille, John, contracting stevedore, 5 Stewart street
Baltic Linen Works, 28 Annfield road ; Hardie & Smith, manufacturers
Band, David, of Band & Whyte, Balgay terrace, Lochee
Band & Whyte, merchants, 23 Panmure street
Band, Mrs David, gi-aindealer, 77 Princes street ; h. 79
Bank Mill, 40 Milnbank road ; P. Spence Miidie, manufacturer
Bank of Scotland, 34 Reform street ; Fulton Spiers, ^gent
Banks, Alexander, manager, printing department. Advertiser office ;
h. 178 Perth road
Banks, James, engineer, 3 Forest Park road
Banks, Thomas, draper, 205 Lochee road ; h. 203
Banks, William, Advertiser office ; h. 4 Blackness crescent
Banks,Wm.,grocerand winemer.,21 Constitution rd. ; /?.3Hyndfordter.
Banks, William, coachman. Gate lodge, Invergowi^ie
Banks, Mrs A. M., 8 Albany terrace
Banks, Mrs John, ladies' nurse, 5 Dallfield terrace
Bannerman, David, city chamberlain, City chambers, 14^ High street ;
h. 1 Craigiebank terrace
Bannerman, George, Cattle Market inspector, 10 Park avenue
Bannerman, James, fireman, 7 Roslin terrace
Bannerman, Jessie, dressmaker, 36 Dudhope Crescent road
Bannerman, John, joiner, 34 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Bannerman, William, cabinetmaker, 24 Hunter street
Barber, Robert, general dealer, 180 and 182 Overgate
Barber, William, carpetweaver, 7 Stirling street
Barbour, Alexander, shuttlemaker, 53 North street
Barclay, Alexander, hairdresser, 10 Gellatly st.; h. 1 Commercial street
Barclay, Andrew A., cashier, Caledonian railway; /;. Errol,
Barclay, David, waiter, 17 Dallfield walk
Barclay, Dewar C, spirit merchant, 45 Hawkhill ; h. 4 Park street
Barclay, George, 88 Hawkhill
Barclay, Hugh, machinist, 14 Charles street
Barclay, James, dyer, 4 Derby street
Barclay, James, painter, 21 Mains road
Barclay, Nicoll, fireman, 38 Hospital wynd
Barclay, William, of Boyack, Barclay, & Co., Marine cot., Bro'ty Ferry
Barclay, William, carter, 3 Fyffe street
Barclay, Mrs J., draper and clothier, 9 Bain square ; h. 31 Wellgate
Barclay, Miss M. , umbrella, waterproof, and bag warehouse, 14 White-
hall street ; h. 12 Robert street. East Newport
Barland, Jas. ,go vernor , Deaf and Dumb Inst. , Dudhopebank, 1 65 Lochee rd.
Barnes, James, newsagent, bookseller, stationer, and tobacconist, 128
and 234 Hilltown ; h. 131 Rosebank street
Barnes, James, enginedriver, 25 Peddie street
Barnes, Thomas B., clerk, 131 Rosebank street
Barnet, James, joiner, 45 Nelson street ; h. 2 Malcolm street
Barnet, William, clerk, 4 Derby street
Barnet, Mrs James, fruiterer, 51 Hawkhill
Barnet, Mrs James W., 3 Woodville place
Barnett, James, broker, 8 Johnston's lane ; /*. 26 Park wynd
Barr, James, lapper, 6 Wilkie's lane
Barran, Rev. David, Princes Street Con. Ch.; h. Cliftonbank, Dalkeith rd.
Barrie, Alex., houseagent, 13 Overgate ; h. 9 Home terrace. West Ferry
Barrie, Alexander R., keeper, Eastern Necropolis, Arbroath road
Barrie, Ann, grocer, 126 Strathmartine road ; h. 128
Barrie, Charles, shipowner, ship and insurance broker, 33 Albert square ;
h. 16 Albany terrace
Barrie, David, fireman, 17 Dallfield walk
Barrie, David, contractor, 3 Exchange street (Telephone No. 93);
stables and house, 39 Hilltown
Barrie, George, of G. & P. Barrie, 151 Albert street
Barrie, George, joiner, 19 Peddie street
BARRIE, G. & P., aerated water manufacturers and ice importers, 151
and 153 Albert street (Telephone No. 389). See Adv. p. 24
Barrie, James, fireman, 10 North Ellen street
Barrie, John, grocer, 125 Perth road ; h. 7 Park terrace
Barrie, John, labourer, 16 Nelson street
Barrie, John D., vanman, Carse of Gowrie Dairy Co. ; h. 9 Peddie street
Barrie, Joseph J., of Joseph J. Barrie & Co., The Vine, Magdalen green
Barrie, Joseph J., & Co., merchants, commission and insurance agents,
Insurance Co. of Scotland, 10 Panmure street
Barrie, Peter, of G. & P. Barrie, St Mary's, Strathmartine
Barrie, Robert, foreman mechanic, 28 Lawson place
Barrie, Robert S., mercantile stationer, printer, lithographer, book-
binder, and publisher, 16 Panmure st. ; printing office, 73 Murray-
gate ; h. Lornebank, Monifieth
Barrie, Thomas, milloverseer, 111 Rosebank street
Barrie, Thomas, enginedriver, 35 Guthrie street
Barrie, William, mechanic, 38 Hillbank road
Barrie, Mrs Duncan, provision dealer, 162 Overgate ; h. 28 Watt street
Barrie, Mrs M., 151 Albert street
Barron, Geo., aerated water manufacturer, 73 Hilltown; h. 20 Kinloeh st.
Barron, James, draper and clothier, 20 Cowgate
Barron, Peter, landsteward, Balgay lodge
Barron, Peter C, joiner, 80 Peddie street
Barron, William, 4 M'Vicar's lane
Barrowman, John, manager, Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society,
3 Trades lane ; h. Belrenie cottage, Broughty Ferry
Barry, Arthur, of Fleming & Barry, 4 Hawkhill place
Barry, James, baker, 70 King street ; h. 72
Barry, John, fireman, 63 King street
Bartholomew, J., solicitor, 51 Meadowside ; h. Aberlemno ter. , Perth rd.
Bartholomew, Mrs J. M., Aberlemno terrace, .348 Perth road
Bartleman, John, cashier, Rustic place, 69a Constitution road
Barty, Stuart, labourer, 54 Larch street
Basford, Miss Jane M., dressmaker, 44 South Tay street
Bastian, C. 0., agent for A. Macleod & Co., 28 Commercial street
Batchelor, Alexander, farmer, West Craigie
Batchelor, Alexander, confectioner, 12 Ogilvie's road
Batchelor, Alexander, cabinetmaker, 19 Annfield street
Batchelor, Charles, manager, J. Wallace & Co.; h. Tofthill, Lochee
Batchelor, David, of Batchelor & Keay, 9 Duntrune terrace, W. Ferry
Batchelor, David, cabinetmaker, 21 Miller's wynd ; h. 20 Baxter street
Batchelor, David, shirtcutter, 33 Cleghorn street
Batchelor, Francis Malcolm, farmer, Craigie
Batchelor, F. M. & G., farmers, Craigie
Batchelor, George, overseer, 15 Balfour street
Batchelor, George, patternmaker, 22 North street
Batchelor, George, warping overseer, 41 Guthrie street
Batchelor, Gershom, provision merchant, 28 Gardner street ; h. 26
Batchelor & Gloak, coppersmiths, sheet brass, iron, and tinplate workers,
and plumbers, Victoria Copper Works, west end Victoria dock
Batchelor & Hill, fruit and potato merchants, 46 and 58 Blackness road
Batchelor, James, shipmaster, 63 Constitution road
Batchelor, James, plumber, 19 Kincardine street
Batchelor, John J., of Batchelor & Gloak, Bridgend cottage, W. Ferry
Batchelor, J. A. Guthrie, farmer, Craigie
Batchelor, J. S. Y., stationer, 12 Dura street
Batchelor & Keay, engineers and machine merchants, Northern Machine
Works, Ogilvie street
Batchelor, Robert, of Batchelor & Hill, 28 Windsor street
Batchelor, Mrs Eliza, manglekeeper, 15 Middle street
Batchelor, William, joiner, 7 Cleghorn street
Batchelor, Mrs John, 28 Balfour street
Bateman, Duncan, gardener, Riverleigh, Perth road
Bates, James, commission agent, 25 Dock street ; h. 5 Viewforth street
Bates, Sam, of Bates & Turnbull, 336 Loons road
BATES & TURNBULL, housefurnishers, 152^ Nethergate. See Adv. p. 88
Bathie, David, carpenter, 5 Glebe street
Bathie, James, ironmoulder, 58 Crescent lane
Bathie, Mrs, 29 St Salvador street
Battes, Jas. K., licensed grocer, 195 Lochee rd. ; h. Kilberry st., Lochee
Baxter, Alexander, engineer, 74 Ferry road
Baxter, Allan, of W. & A. Baxter, U.S. deputy consul, Eden lodge, 95
Arbroath road
Baxter Brothers & Co., Limited, spinners and manufacturers. Dens
Works, 13 Princes street ; office, 7 King street
Baxter, Charles, of Charles R. Baxter, 6 Rugby terrace, Broughty Ferry
Baxter, Charles R., exporter of wines and spirits, and importer of
foreign and colonial produce, 4 Horse wynd (Telephone No. 77 ;
Telegraphic address, " Barleybree") ; h. Magdalen place
Baxter & Co., merchants, Baltic buildings
Baxter, David, dresser, 1 Morgan street
Baxter, David H., ironturner, 5 Melrose terrace
Baxter, David W., of D. W. Baxter & Son, Waterloo cottage, Annfield rd.
Baxter, D. W., & Son, manufacturers. Verdant Works, Miln street
Baxter, Edward A., of Baxter & Co., Kincaldrum, Forfar
Baxter, Geo. Victoria Tailoring Estab. 126, 130 Vict, rd; h. 1 Lamb'slane
Baxter, George, currier, 13 Cochrane street
Baxter, George, 37 Step row
Baxter, George, mechanic, 194 Ferry road
Baxter, George, bootmaker, 11 Cowgate ; /(. 23 Castle street
Baxter, George S., A.M.LC.E., civil engineer and manager. Water Com-
mission ; office, 93 Commercial street ; Ti. Dalkeith road
Baxter, George W., of Baxter Brothers & Co., Ltd., Ashcliff, Perth road
Baxter, Helen, greengrocer, 9 Charles street
Baxter, Horatio T. , solicitor & notary, 87 Commercial st. ; h. Magdalen pi.
Baxter, Hugh, marine superintendent, 83 Commercial street; h. Lynne-
wood cottage, Maryfield
Baxter, Isaac, grocer & wine mer. , 45 Ooustitution road; A, 8 Dallfield ter,
Baxter, James, wine merchant, 58 and 60 James street ; h. Rankine street
Baxter, James A. , sanitary inspector, Slaughterhouses ; h. 7 Park avenue
Baxter, James B., compositor, 185 Princes street
Baxter, James S., of D. W. Baxter & Son, 3 Easson's angle
Baxter, John, mechanic and fitter, 26 Victoria street
Baxter, John, book-keeper, 2 Abbotsford place
Baxter, John B., butcher, 143 Hilltown ; h. Westmarch, Monifieth
Baxter, John D. , clerk, 1 Blackness crescent
Baxter, Richard L., & Co., farina and commission mers., and micamers.,
81 Murray gate (Telephone No. 83; Telegraphic address, " Farina ")
Baxter, Richard L. , of R. L. Baxter & Co., Eden lodge, 95 Arbroath road
Baxter, Robert, butcher, 104 Overgate ; h. 30 North Lindsay street
Baxter, Robert, & Co., sack and twine manufacturers; rope works,
Fairmuir ; office and warehouse, 64 and 66 Bell street
Baxter, Robert S., of Charles R. Baxter, 3 Rugby terrace, Bro'ty Ferry
Baxter, Stephen L. , of R. L. Baxter & Co, , Eden lodge, 95 Arbroath road
Baxter, Walter, of W. & A. Baxter, 4 Newington ter., Broughty Ferry
Baxter, William, clerk, 40 Seafield road
Baxter, William, ironturner, 68 Bell street
Baxter, William, late mechanic, 31 Step row
Baxter, William, clerk, Craigie, Ferry road
Baxter, W. & A., solicitors and notaries public, 81 Murraygate
Baxter, Mrs D. S., fancy goods mer. and licensed broker, 174 Seagate
Baxter, Mrs Gordon, 61 Cowgate
Baxter, Mrs John M., Eden lodge, 95 Arbroath road
Baxter, Mrs Robert, children's dressmaker, 7 Airlie terrace
Baxter, Mrs T. H., grocer and spirit merchant, 100 Blackness road ; h. 60
Watson's lane
Baxter, Mrs, apartments, 3 King's road
Baxter, Miss, 4 Craigiebank terrace
Bayes, William, carpetweaver, 30 Main street
Baylie, E., & Co. (Stourbridge), manufacturers of highest class crane
chains ; agent, John Dow, 5 Commercial street
Bayne, William, house and insurance agent, 51 High street ; joiner,
11^ Ann street ; h. 119 J Hilltowm
Beat, Charles, greengrocer, 24 Union place ; h. 22
Beat, Charles, fishdealer, 42 Hawkhill ; h. 24 Hunter street
Beat, John, confectioner and fruiterer, 41a Hawkhill ; h. 35
Beat, John, lithographer, 30 Union place, Perth road
Beat, John, millmanager, Stobswell Works ; h. 125 Albert street
Beath, David, currier, 23 High street
Beath, John, of Beath k Keay, 20 South George street
BEATH & KEAY, ironfounders, Albion Foundry, Hill st. See Adv. p. 18
Beath, Robert, ironmonger, 175 Hawkhill
Beath, William W. , of Low & DufF, Limited, Panmure villa, Downfield
Beath, Mrs, grocer, 24 William street, Forebank ; h. 20 South George
Beaton, Archibald, butcher, 176 Ferry road
Beaton, James, coaldealer, 31 Miller's wynd ; h, 15 Rosefield street
Beaton, William, frenchpolisher, 150 Hilltown
Beats, Alexander, of Alexander Beats & Son, 68 Bell street
Beats, Alexander, jun., of Alex. Beats & Son, 27 Constitution road
Beats, Alexander, & Son, slaters, 52 North Lindsay street
Beats, James, joiner, 14 Cotton road
Beats, Robert, slater, 12 Mid street
Beats, Mrs James, manglekeeper, 17 Hunter street
Beatson, David, warehouseman, 53 Commercial street, Maxwelltown
Beatt, Charles, ironmonger, 43 Constitution road
Beattie, George, water inspector, 27 Ellen street
Beattie, Jas., merchant, Baltic buildings; h. 6 Kilnburn ter. , E. Newport
Beattie, James, painter, 13 Ogilvie's road
Beattie, J. , pastrybaker and confectioner, 45 Victoria rd. ; h. Forebankter.
Beattie, Peter, confectnr. and pastry bkr. , 71 Overgate ; h. 80 Nethergate
Beattie, William, of William Beattie & Co., 2 Park terrace
Beattie, William, joiner, 19 Hill street
BEATTIE, WILLIAM, & CO., brushmakers, 52 and 54 Barrack street. See
Adv. p. 24
Beattie, William R., brushmaker, 3 Lawrence street
Beatts, Mrs David, 32 South Tay street
Beattie, Mrs Helen, lodgings, 25 South Lindsay street
Beech, George, carpet weaver, 31 Stirling street
Beedie, John, woodturner, 42 and 44 Cowgate ; h. 8a King street
Beedie, Thomas, fish merchant, 146 Hawkhill ; h. 16 Anntield street
Begbie, John, assistant inspector of poor, 17 North Wellington street
Begbie, William F., traveller, 3 Hilltown
Begg, Rev. Alex., senior curate, St Paul's Epis. Ch. ; h. 10 Whitehall st.
Begg, Arthur, foreman patternmaker, 7 Albert street
Begg, Arthur, cloth inspector, 22 Nelson street
Begg, Arthur, late tailor and clothier. The Limes, 17 E. Somerville place
Begg, F. A., manager, Bankmill Works ; h. 73 Annfield road
Begg, Robert, house proprietor, 4 Corso street
Begg, Wm., grocer and spirit merchant, 109 Perth road ; h 1 Ryehilllane
Begg, William, police constable, 9 Peddie street
Begg, William M., grinder, Tay Oilcake Works ; h. Stannergate
Begg, Mrs, 12 King street
Beharie, Alexander, tobacconist, 53 Dock street ; A. 4 Gellatly street
Beharrie, Alexander, clerk, 98 Rosebank street
Behrens, S. L., & Co., merchants and manufacturers, 63 Cowgate ; and
at 80 and 82 Mitchell st., Glasgow, and 22 Oxford st., Manchester
Behrens, Mrs John G., The Cottage, 165 Princes street
Belford, James G., of Charles Norrie & Sons, Tayside, Wormit
Belgium, Vice-consul for — B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street
Belharrie, James, warehouseman, 20 St Mary's place
Bell, Alexander, moulder, 86 Albert street
Bell, Alexander, joiner, 57 Ure street
Bell, Alexander, & Co. (of Glasgow), tea merchants, 33 Exchange street
Bell, Alexander H., merchant, 12 Panmure street; h. Tay Cliff, Harecraig
Bell, Rev. Arch., D.D., Chapelshade Established Church; h. Ashton
villa, 13 Shamrock street
Bell, Charles, cowfeeder, 22 Baxter street ; A. 18
Bell, Christopher R., of C. R. Bell & Co., 108 Rosebank street
Bell, C. R., & Co., debt recovery and inquiry agents, 108 Rosebank st.
Bell, David, joiner, 8 Strathmartine road
Bell, David, funeral undertaker, 51 Ann street
Bell, David, butcher, 157 Hilltown ; ^. 3
Bell & Duncan, boot manufacturers, 143 Victoria road
Bell, Eleanor J,, confectioner, 141b Nethergate ; h. 10 Shore terrace
Bell, Francis, painter, 24 King street
Bell, George, pawnbroker, 74-78 CoM'gate ; h. Bellgray villa, Monifieth
Bell, George G., of James Bell & Sons, 11 Kilnburn place
Bell, George Jarvis, Belmont, 15 Perth road
Bell & Henderson, solicitors and notaries public, 10 Whitehall street
Bell, James, of Bell & Sime, Pinemount, Norwood crescent
Bell, James, commission agent, 2 Cochrane street
Bell, James, telegraphist, Post Office ; h. 26 Shamrock street
Bell, James, baker, 12 Lowden's alley
Bell, James Harriott, Belmont, 15 Perth road
Bell, James, waiter, 18 Baxter street
Bell, Jas. M., mercht., 2 India buildings ; h. 12 Duntrune ter., B. Ferry
Bell, James, & Sons, wholesale grocers, produce brokers, and tea mer-
chants, 2 Horse wynd (Telephone No. 99; Telegraphic adrs., "Bell")
Bell, John, of Bell & Duncan, 16 Elizabeth street
Bell, John, cowfeeder, 21 Cleghorn street ; h. 19
Bell, John, telegraphist. Post Office ; h. Afton place, Baxter Park ter.
Bell, John, carver and gilder, 174 Blackness road
Bell, John W., Belmont, 15 Perth road
Bell, Peter, patternmaker, 23 Tait's lane
Bell, Rannie, & Co., wine merchts., 44 Reform st. ; G. C. Keiller, agent
Bell, Robert, joiner and builder, 32 Benvie road ; h. 30
Bell, Robert, shuttlemaker, 37 Hospital wynd
Bell, Robert, milloverseer, 28 Arbroath road
Bell, Robert, mechanic, 13 Morgan street
Bell & Sime, Ltd. , timber merchants. Marine parade and Seagate Sawmills
Bell, Thomas, merchant, Belmont Works ; h. Hazelwood, West Ferry
Bell, Thomas, waiter, 23 Panmure street
Bell, Thomas, & Sons, of Dimdee, Limited, spinners, and manufacturers
of floorcloth canvas, and export merchants, Belmont Works, 118c
Hawkhill (Telephone No. 807 ; Telegraphic address, "Belmont ") ;
and Heathfield Works, Hawkhill (Tel. No. 835) ; W. C. Smith, secy.
Bell, William, tailor and clothier, 10 High street
Bell, William, clerk, 5 Ellen street
Bell, William, waste merchant, 18 Baltic street ; A. 12 Dallfield terrace
Bell, William, mechanic, 24 Scouringburn
Bell, William, tailor, 5 Long wynd
Bell, William, horsedealer, 82 James street
Bell, William, labourer, 23 Rosebank street
Bell, William, bottler, 37 Gellatly street
Bell, William, superintendent of agents, Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd.;
District office, 2 India buildings ; h. 16 Forebank road
Bell, William, clerk, 33 Park avenue
Bell, William Arthur, of Bell & Henderson, 5 Windsor street
Bell, William F., of James Bell & Sons, Woodmuir, Newport
Bell, Mrs James H., 5 Whitehall street
Bell, Mrs Jane, 10 Shore terrace
Bell, Mrs John, 16 King's road
Bell, Mrs J. , lodginghouse keeper, 51 Overgate
Bell, Mrs Mary, confectioner, 256 Perth road
Bell, Mrs Robert, 17 Cleghorn street
Bell, Mrs, draper, 11 North George street ; h. 82 James street
Bell, Misses E. & S., fruitrs. and confctnrs., S. Union st. ; h. 10 Shore ter.
Bell, Misses, agents, Mdme. Gaunt's pract'l dressctng., 79 Commercial st.
Bell, Miss, Craigard, 1 Norwood crescent
Belmont Works, 118c Hawkhill; Thomas Bell & Sons, of Dundee, Ltd.,
merchants and floorcloth canvas manufacturers ; W. C. Smith, secy.
Bennet, Alexander, mechanic, 1 Meadow entry
Bennet, Alexander, grocer, 343 Loons road
Bennet, Alexander M., joiner, 11 East Henderson's wynd
Bennet, Charles M., of David Bennet & Sons,' 11 East Henderson's wynd
Bennet, David, of David Bennet & Sons, 11 East Henderson's wynd
Bennet, David, jun., of David Bennet & Sons, 31 A Hawkhill
Bennet, David, & Sons, joiners, cartwrights, vanbuilders, and black-
smiths, 20 to 24 East Henderson's wynd
Bennet, George, lathsplitter, 11 Kinloch street
Bennet, Geo. , grocer and wine mercht. , 1 97 Hilltown ; h. 47 Hospital wynd
Bennet, Hector, shipwright, 68 St Andrew's street
Bennet, James, patternmaker, 11 East Henderson's wynd
Bennet, Robert B., draughtsman, 3 Parker street
Bennet, William, woodturner, 8 Lawrence street
Bennet, Wm., builder and contractor, 41 Reform st. ; h. 93 Arbroath rd.
Bennet, Miss, dressmaker, 11 East Henderson's wynd
Bennett, John, carter, 29 Nelson street
Bennett, Thos.,boot,shoe, and clog mfr. , 123 Overgate; h. 7 N. Lindsay st.
Bennett, Mrs, grocer, 54 Arbroath road
Benson, Rev. James M., 58 Seafield road
Ben vie, Jas. R., aerated water manuf., 154 Seagate ; h. 161 Albert street
Benvie, Thomas, calender worker, 30 JRosebank street
Benvie, Mrs William, 9 Somerville place
Beocher, John, cabinetmaker, 137 Lochee road
Berg, E. P., of Berg, Sons, & Co., 5 Duntrune terrace, Broughty Ferry
Berg, Sons, & Co., merchants, 4 Panmiire street (Telephone No. 288 ;
Telegraphic address " Union"); and 22 Billiter street, London, E.C.
Bermingham, Joseph, pawnbroker, 155 Hawkhill ; h, 105a Nethergate
Bernard, George, marine engineer, 29 Step row
Bernard, James, cook, 15 Union place, Perth road
Berry, Alexander, pavior, 22 Fleuchar street
Bej.Ty, George A,, clerk. North of Scotland Bank ; h. 9 Kinnaird sti'eet
Berry, James, produce merchant, 36 Commercial street (Telephone No.
48; Telegraphic and Cable address, "Berry '); h. 25 Springfield
(Telephone No. 806)
Berry, James, seaman, 15 Ellen street
Berry, Thomas, of Thomas Beriy & Co., flagmaker, 53 Cowgate
Berry, Thomas, & Co., yarn, linen, and twine merchants, and mill-
furnishers, 53 Cowgate
Berryman, George, confectioner, 86 Strathmartine rd. ; h. 16 Russell st.
Bertie, James, joiner, 18 Bellfield lane
Bertie, John, boilermaker, 3 Castle lane
Bertie, William, teacher, Balfonr Street Public School; h. 11 Springfield
Berwick, William, engineer, 25 South Lindsay street
Bett, H. Crawford, of Thomas Bett & Co., Crawford lodge, Perth road
Bett, Thomas, & Co., flax and hemp merchants, 21 Albert square
Bett, Miss, 2 Dalhousie terrace
Betts, Mrs Helen, grocer, 52 Hilltown ; h. 54
Beveridge, Andrew, waiter, 15 Annfield street
Beveridge, Andrew, contractor, Balgray road, Fairmuir
Beveridge, David S., caretaker, 26 East Dock street
Beveridge, George, sanitary inspector, 200 Blackness road
Beveridge, George, clerk, 42 King's road
Beveridge, Jas., manager, Wallace Works ; h. Eastwood pl.,Clepington rd.
Beveridge, James, vanman, 18 Baffin street
Beveridge, Robert, remnant warehouse, 5 North Lindsay street
Beveridge, William, assistant librarian, Free Library; h. 51 Small's wynd
Bewick, George, factory overseer, 25 Langlands street
Bewick, Martin, calenderworker, 1 Blackheath place
Billingsley, John, carpetweaver, 1 Balgray place, Clepington road
Binnie, Alexander, tailor, 4 Annfield street
Binny, James, clerk, 3 Park terrace
Bird, John, engineer, 12 Raglan street
Bird, Thomas, meter inspector, 33 Watson street
Bird, Thomas, pianoforte tuner and music teacher, 155 Albert street
BIRNIE, ALEX., photographic apparatus maker, 4 South Lindsay street ;
h. 25 Nethergate. See Adv. p. 86
Birnie, Mrs Eleanor, lodgings, 43 Union street
Birnie, Miss, apartments, 30 North Lindsay street
Birrell, Andrew, bootmkr.. Ill and 113 0vergate; A.Hermonhill,Wellrd,
BIRKELL, A. W. R., wholesale and retail spirit merchant, 18 High street
(Telegraphic address, " Central") See Adv. p. 24
Birrell, John, teacher, 1 West Bell street
Birse, David, joiner, 133 Perth road
Birse, George C, engineer, 19 Park avenue
Birse, James, shoemaker, 35 Victoria road
Birse, John, tailor, 227 Hawkhill
Birse, William, mason, 8 Hospital wynd
Birse, Mrs, midwife, 38 Peddie street
Birse, Mrs, laundress, 12 Elizabeth street ; h. 8
Birse, Mrs, 7 Morgan street
Bishop, Mrs, matron. Blind Institution Boarding House, 43 Baton's lane
Bisset, Christopher J., house proprietor, 123 Victoria road
Bisset, David, railw^ay agent, 31 Albert sq. ; A. 1 St Vincent st., Bro. Ferry
Bisset, George S. , merchant, 8 Panmure street
Bisset, James, photographer, 175 Blackness road
Bisset, James, of Bisset & Moffat, 10 Albert street
Bisset James, gravedigger, 34 Fleuchar street
Bisset, John, merchant and insurance agent, 30 Meadowside; h. Tay
terrace, East Newport
Bisset vS: Moffat, mssngrs. -at-arms, and sheriff and J.P,officers,51 Highst.
Bisset, William, compositor, 4 Gardner's lane
BISSET, WILLIAM, saddler, 57 Reform street ; h. Ashbank, E. Somerville
place. See Adv. p. 25
Bisset, William, joiner, 50 Annfield road
Bisset, William S., tailor and clothier, 157 Victoria rd.; h. 20 Parkave.
Bisset, Mrs, dressmaker, 2 Urquhart street
Bissett, Gray, solicitor and notary, 12 Bank st. ; h. Gowanbank, Bro. Ferry
Bissland, James, bootmaker, 15 Wolseley street
Black, Adam, warehouseman, 38 Park wynd
Alexander, confectioner, 18 Hunter street
Andrew, traveller, 34 Pennycook lane
A. R., of W. M. Black & Son, Bowiebank, Downfield
David, piermaster, Harbour ; h. 30 Balfour street
David, shipmaster, 10 Lorimer street
David, moulder, 8 Benvie road
David, gardener, 43 Park wynd
David, clerk, 322 Perth road
Euphemia, teacher, Butterburn Public Schl. ; h. 18 Dallfield ter.
George, manager, Belmont Works ; h. 9 Mountpleasant
George, machinist, 21 Charles street
G., grocer, 33 Small's wynd
James, boot and shoe maker, 13 Park lane
James, tailor, 43 Union street
James, joiner, 175 Hawkhill
James, draper, Viewbank terrace
James A., clerk, 10 Whitehall street ; h. Myrtlebank,Woodhaven
John, milloverseer, 1 Blackheath place
John, clerk, D. & A. Joint Railway ; A. William street, Tayport
John, blacksmith, and officer, Wellgate F. Ch.; h, 1 Crescent lane
Jolin, gardener, 34 Pennycook lane
John, carter, 19 Derby street
John 0., baker, 12 Hawkhill ; h. 10
Peter, factory worker, 117 Ann street
Peter, warehouseman, 7 Cowgate
Peter M,, draper, 56 and 58 Scouringburn ; h. 13 Park lane
Robert A. , commercial traveller, 24 Kinloch place
William, contractor, 48 Victoria road
William, of Burns & Black, 2 Balmore street
William, yarn bleacher, Harestane Bleachfield, Mains
William, bleacher, 2 Lorimer street
William, calenderworker, 25 Catherine street
William M., of W. M. Black & Son, Bowiebank, Downfield
,W., ironmonger, plumber, tinsmith, and gasfitter, 94Murraygate ;
26 Commercial street
W. F. , sub-editor. People's Journal ; h. 25 Tait's lane
W. M., & Son, school and market bag manufacturers. Rose Lane
Works, Rose lane
Mrs A., 5 Mountpleasant, Hawkhill
Mrs James, greengrocer, 197 Hawkhill; h. 1 Blackheath place
Mrs John, wine and spt. mer. , 6 Gellatly st. ; h. 45 Commercial st.
Mrs John, 168 Lochee road
Black, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 6 Kinnaird street
Blackadder, Robert, civil engineer, land surveyor, and architect, 41
Reform street ; h. Bellevue, West Ferry
Blackie, Matthew, commission merchant, auctioneer, and valuator, 123
Murraygate ; h. Castle street, Tayport
Blacklaws, John, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 15 South Union street
Blacklaws, Mrs J., 8 Windsor street
Blackness Factory, Larch street; Douglas, Reid, & Co., manufacturers
Blackness Foundry, Larch street ; Urquhart, Lindsay, & Co. , engineers
Blackwood, Alexander, jeweller, 21 Union place
Blackwood, Andrew, teacher, 50 Magdalen Yard road
Blackwood, George, teacher, 40 Union street
Blackwood, Henry, manager, Dundee Aerated Water Manufacturing Co.,
Limited ; h. 21 Magdalen Yard road
Blackwood, John, sack merchant, 13 Small's lane; h. 94 Strathmartinerd.
Blackwood, Robert, lithographer, 40 Union street
Blackwood, William, Midland District agent, Scottish Permissive Bill
and Temperance Association, 40 Union street
Blackwood, William, mechanic, 38 Blackness road
Blair, Ann S., bookseller and stationer, 121 Overgate
Blair, William, bookseller, 221 Overgate ; h. 225
Blair & Co., grocers and wine merchants, 30 Watson street
Blair, Duncan, riveter, 51 Arbroath road
Blair, James, confectioner, 90 Caldrum street ; h. 82 Main street
Blair, James R., solicitor, 5 Bank street ; h. 21 Airlie place
Blair, John, warping overseer, 121 Hawkhill
Blair, John, calenderworker, 5 Bernard street
Blair, Peter, retired shipmaster, 4 Dock street
Blair, Robert, factory overseer, 18 Arbroath road
Blair, William, painter, 24 North street
Blair, William B., merchant, 63Cowgate ; h. 3 Craigiebank terrace
Blair, Mrs David, 14 Dallfield terrace
Blair, Mrs John, lacecleaner, 38 Seafield road
Blakeney, Thomas S., Edengrove, Arbroath road
Blaney, Joseph, wine and spirit mer., 178, 180, and 182 Hilltown; h. 184
Bloch, Elias, wholesale picturefi-ame maker and glass merchant,
9 Alexander street ; h. 23 North Wellington street
Bloch, Harris, draper, 218 and 220 Overgate ; h. 225
Bloe, Alfred Henry, pianotuner, 4 Gowrie place
Blumenreich, Rev. William H., minister of German Church, and teacher
of German, 7 Airlie terrace
Blyth, David, cabinet and model maker, 28 Raglan street
Blyth, James, joiner, 13 Baffin street
Blyth, Walter L., calenderer, 20 Gardner street
Blyth, W., grocer and spirit mercht., 4 Hospital wynd ; h. 10 Lorimer st.
Boase, Alfred, of Boase & Co., Ltd., Claverhouse, Mains
Boase, Alfred W,, solicitor and notary public, 16 Bank st. ; h. 16 Airlie pi.
Boase, Charles M., merchant, Camperdown Jute Works; h. Harefield,
Boase & Co., Ltd., yarn bleachers and yarn millers, Claverhouse, Mains
Boase, George William, banker, Royal Bank, Castle st. ; h. 10 Windsor st.
Boase, Henry, & Co., jute spinners and manufactiirers, Welliield Works,
Kemback street (Exchange Box No. 36, Telephone No. 289 ; Tele-
graphic address, " Bbase")
Boase, Henry S., of Henry Boase & Co., Strathearn road. West Ferry
Boase Spinning Company, Limited, The, flax, hemp, and jute spinners,
merchants and manufacturera, twine spinners, waterproof cover
makers, Rockwell Works, Dundee, and Jamaica Works, Dundee ;
Hawkslaw Works, Leven ; offices, 62 St Andrew's street, Dundee ;
and at 12 Bow lane, Cheapside, London ; 17 Mosley street, Man-
chester ; 2 Covent garden, Liverpool
Boase, William, warping overseer, 3 Balgray place, Clepington road
Boase, William Lindsay, general manager of The Boase Spinning Co. ,
Limited, 1 Airlie place
Boath, Alex. , teller, British Linen Co. Bank ; h. Tusmore villa, Forfar road
Boath, Allan, painter, 14 Ford's lane
Boath, Charles, postman, 25 Benvie road
Boath, David, mason, 15 Paterson street
Boath, William S., clerk, 17 Park avenue
Boath, Misses J. and E., dressmakers, 86 Dura street; h. 161 Albert st.
Bodega Co. , Ld. , Spanish wine cellars, shippers and imprtrs , 3 Murray gate
Bogue, Mrs J., wine and spirit mer., 28 Scouringburn; h, llSJHawkhill
Bogue, Mrs, broker, 2 St Salvador street
BOILER INSURANCE and Steam Power Co., Limited ; George Rollo, 3
Panmure street, district agent (Telephone No. 533 ; Telegraphic
address, " Nomique"). See Adv. p. 110
Boland, James P., of M. Boland & Co., 6 Park place
Boland, J. H., medical practitioner, 6 Park place
Boland, M., of M. Boland & Co., 4 Park place
Boland, M., & Co., clothiers, hatters, and outfitters, 20 and 24 Hawkhill
Bonar, George, patternmaker, 5 Roslin terrace
Bonar, James, boatbuilder, 120 Victoria road
Bonar, Thomas, stationer, 226 and 228 Hilltown ; h. 7 Ellen street
Bond, Thomas A., wine and spirit merchant, 104 Victoria road ; h. 143
Bond, Mrs Alfred, apartments, 123 Victoria road
Bonded Warehouses Nos. 1 & 3, 29 Dockst. ; J. Watt jun.'strustees, props.
Bonded Warehouse, No. 2, 81 Seagate
Bonded Warehouse, No. 4, 99 Seagate ; Jas. Watson & Co., proprietors
Bonded Warehouse, No. 5,2 Candle lane ; John Robertson & Son, proprs.
Bone, Robert B., clerk, 1 Lowden's alley
Bonner, James, shipwright, 19 St Matthew street
Bonner, John, carpenter, 34 Fleuchar street
Booth, Allan, church-officer, M'Cheyne Free Ch.; h. 1 Shepherd's loan
Booth, Andrew, builder, 144 Perth road
Booth, A. L., clerk, Grove Mill ; h. 8 Balgay avenue
Booth, David, shipmaster, 21 Step row
Booth, D., blacksmith, 21 W. Henderson's wd. ; h. 32 Dudhope Cres. rd,
Boothroyde, John, warehouseman, 32 Dudhope street
Borrie, David, joiner, 11 Balfour street
Borrie, James, blacksmith, 7 William street, Forebank
Borrie, James, joiner, 62 Peddie street
Borrie, Mrs, sick nurse, 10 Kinloch street
BOSWELL, DAVID, brassfounder, Tay Brass Works, East Dock street; h.
Loch Moy place, Baxter Park terrace. See Adv. p. 50
Bovill, John, grocer, 99 Ann street ; h. 41 North street
Bowbridge Works, Mains rd. and Thistle st. ; J. & A. D. Grimond, mfrs.
Bowden, Wni., grocer and spirit mer., ISDallfield walk; A. 11 Whitehallst.
Bower, John, butcher, 20 Grove street
Bower Mill, Blinshall street ; John Sharp & Sons, spinners
Bowes & Co., printers, 5 Tindal's wynd
Bowes, George, jun., ironturner, 42 St Mary's place
Bowes, John, printer, 60 Magdalen Yard road
Bowes, John Y., boot warehouse, 26 Westport; h. 40 St Mary's place
Bowie, John, coachpainter, 28 Parker street
Bowles, Captain David, 20 Nelson street
Bowman, Alex. , collector. Advertiser office ; h. Cottage pi. , Bro. FeiTy
Bowman, Alexander, painter, 31 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Bowman, Charles E., warehouseman, 27 Park avenue
Bowman, David, grocer, 1 Roslin terrace ; h. 3
Bowman, David, sawyer, 236 Lochee road
Bowman, James, tenter, 6 Malcolm street
Bowman, John, grocer, wine & spirit mer., 41 Hilltown ; h. 13 Balfour st.
Bowman, John, porter, 19 Ogilvie street
Bowman, John, hammerman, 23 Union street, Charles street
Bowman, Robert, painter and decorator, 189 Princes st.; h. 138Fei-ry rd.
Bowman, Mrs, 172 Perth road
Boyack, Alexander, traveller, 11 Crescent street
Boyack, Barclay, &Co., merchants and manufacturers, 13 Meadow street
Boyack, David, calenderworker, 25 Charles street
Boyack, James, of James Boyack & Sons, 44 Lily bank road
Boyack, James, & Sons, waste merchants, 72 Constable street
Boyack, James, joiner, 24 Peddie street
Boyack, Peter, mechanic, 57 Mains road
Boyack, Richard G., of James Boyack & Sons, 155 Albert street
Boyd, David, ropespinner, 20 Hill street
Boyd, Elizabeth, manglekeeper, 29 Union street, Maxwelltown
Boyd, E. & M., drapers and milliners, 125 Ann st.; h. 10 N. Ellen st.
Boyd, Fox Maule, of Stalker & Boyd, 19 Airlie place
Boyd, Frank, assistant editor. Weekly News ; h. Logiebank, Downfield
Boyd, James T. , draper, 25 Morgan street
Boyd, John, enginedriver, 3 Dalhousie terrace
Boyd, John, porter, 24 Ellen street
Boyd, John, perfumer and hairdresser, 4 and 6 South Tay street ; h.
Albert cottage. Links, Monifieth
Boyd, Sydney M., clerk, 17 Blackness street
Boyd, T.C., solicitor, ] 04 Commercial st. ; h. Auburn ter., Mylnefield feus
Boyd, Wm., works manager, A. B. Fleming & Co., Ltd.; A. 62 Ferry rd.
Boyd, Mrs James, 87 Perth road
Boyd, Mrs Martha, confectioner, 58 William street, Forebank
Boyle, John, dyer and cleaner, 218 Lochee road
Boyle, Neil, dyer, 69 Hospital wynd
Boyle, Robt., manager, Victoria Road Cal. Co., Ltd. ; h. 120 Victoria rd.
Boyle, Robert S., paper-ruler, 6 Lamb's lane
Boyle, Mrs Wm., grocer, 122 Scouringburn ; A. 1 William st. , Sco'burn
Boys' Home, West Bell street ; James Campbell, superintendent
Boyter, Alexander, clerk, 43 Castle street
Boyter, Mrs Alexander, 43 Castle street
Bracken, Rose, confectioner, 70 Hawkliill ; h. 7 Park wynd
Bradford, James M., of John S. Bradford & Co., 2 Albany terrace
Bradford, John S., & Co., waste merchants, Baltic Street Waste Works ;
office, Baltic buildings (Telephone No. 2356)
Bradford, William, carpenter, 11 Robertson street
Bradford, Mrs John S. , 2 Albany terrace
Bradley, James, marine engineer, 20 Fleuchar street
Bradley, James, overseer, 4 Peddie street
Bradley, John, ropespinner, 9 Thistle street
Bradley, William, clerk, 20 Fleuchar street
Brady, Ann, grocer, 23 North Ellen street
Brady, A. H. , confectioner, 17 Ann street
Brady, Bernard, enginecleaner, 2 Urquhart street
Brady, Edward, assurance agent, 50 tjnion street, Maxwelltown
Brady, James, organist and choirmaster, St Joseph's R.C. Church, and
teacher of music, 8 Forest Park road
Brady, James, seaman, 14 Ogilvie's road
Braes, James, of Braes & Steele, 67 North Wellington street
Braes & Steele, joiners and builders, 47 Elizabeth street
Braid, Andrew, sub-inspector, 96 Dens road
Braid, Chas. D., oil, paint, colour and wall-paper mer., non-corrosive and
anti-fouling varnish manuf., tar, pitch, rosin, lamp glass importer,
shipchandler, 30 to 34 Commercial street ; h. Whinbrae, Tayport
Braid & Co., joiners and shop and office fitters, 29 Queen street
Braid, James, of Braid & Co. , 8a King street
Braid, John, labourer, 32 Bell street
Braid, Robert, joiner, 8a King street
Braid, Thomas, & Co., coachbuilders, 127 Blackness road
Brand, Alexander, painter, 3 Lowden's alley
Brand, David, agent, British Linen Company Bank; h. Bank house, 83
Murraygate, and Bay house, Newport
Brand, Francis, bootcloser, 86 Nethergate
Brand, James, lorryman, 6 M 'Vicar's lane
Brand, Joshua, or-ganist, 86 Nethergate
Brand, Robert, light porter, 34 Annfield row
Brand, Robert, confectionery manager, 30 North Lindsay street
Brand, Thomas S., commission merchant, 1 Dalhousie terrace
Brand, Miss, dressmaker, 56 Polepark road
Brannan, Edward, spiritdealer's assistant, 123 Victoria road
Brannen, Thomas, sack inspector, 10 Wilkie's lane
Brannigan, Patrick, baker, 12 North Ellen street
Brash, W. A., waiter, 33 Castle street
Brazil, vice consul for— David Small, jun., 9 Meadow Place buildings
Brebner, James, M.A., rector, Harris Academy; h. 2 Scotswood terrace
Brebner, Mrs, dressmaker, 121 Hawkhill
Brechin, James B., 2 Tay Street lane
Brechin, William, cashier, 118 Albert street
Brechin, Mrs, apartments, 27 Victoria road
Bremner, Alexander, spirit merchant, 45 Strathmartine road ; h. Wil-
lowpark, Downfield
Bremner, Andrew, joiner, 47 Milnbank road
Bremner, A., of J. & A. Bremner, 10 Ben vie road
Bremner, David, joiner and builder, 30 Blackness road; h. 24 Garland pi.
Bremner, David, butcher, 23 1| Hilltown ; h. 96
Bremner, David, joiner, 17 Union place, Perth road
Bremner, David, of D. Ramsay & Co., Grove cottage. West Ferry
Bremner, David A., spirit merchant, 1 Glamis st. ; h. 9 Bonny bank road
Bremner, George, v^ine mer., 25 Castle street ; h. 11 Whitehall street
Bremner, George, gardener, Glamis house, Perth road
Bremner, James, of J. & A. Bremner, 12 Garland place
Bremner, John, mason, 225 Overgate
Bremner, J. & A., oil, colour, & wholesale wallpaper merchts., 227 Overgate
Briarty, Joseph, spiritdealer's assistant, 14 Pole street
Bricknal, Alexander, clerk, 1 St Peter street
Bricknal, James, mason, 13 West wynd
Bridie, David A., shipsmith, 5 Baffin street
Bridie, James, bootmaker, 26 Arbroath road ; ^-, 8
Bridie, Mrs W., 8 Arbroath road
Briggs, George, moulder, 27 Union place
Briggs, James, butcher, 18 Gardner's lane
BRIGGS, WILLIAM, chemical and asphalte manufacturer and contractor for
granolithic and ' ' Syenitic " paving and flooring, 87 High street and
East Dock street ; h. 4 Erskine terrace. See Adv. p. 25
Briggs, William, coalagent, 13 Albert street
Brimner, James, wine merchant, 2 Dock street
British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Co., 1 Commercial street ; Jas.
S. Ritchie, resident secretary
British and Foreign Metaline Co., makers of metaline, metaline bushes,
and metaline engine packing, 132 Murray gate
British Legal Life Assurance Co., Limited, 4c King street; James
Galloway, district manager
British Linen Co. Bank, 83 Murraygate ; David Brand, agent ; Westport
branch, James Ireland, agent
Britnell, George, chairmaker, 2 Balgray place, Clepington road
Brodie, Alexander, painter, 2 Small's wynd
Brodie & Buchan, solicitors. Bank buildings, 22 King street
Brodie, Catherine, confectioner, 228 Blackness road
Brodie, David, ironturner, 4 Tannadice street
BRODIE, JAMES, horsehirer and coach proprietor. Eagle Inn, 108 Murray-
gate and 29 Albert square. See Adv. p. 25
Brodie, John, joiner, 42 Westport
Brodie, John, porter, 17 St Mary street
Brodie, John L., agricultural agent, 3 King's rd. ; liA Links pi., Bro. Ferry
Brodie, Robert M., banker and solicitor, Royal Bank, 22 King street ;
h. Grange terrace, Broughty Ferry
Brodie, Rev. R. Geddes, assist., St David's Par. Ch.; h. 37 South Tay st.
Brodie, R. L., writer, 91 Seagate
Brodie, William, blacksmith, 12 Dallfield terrace
Brooks, James, collector, 10 Watt street
Brophy, Rev. Thomas, St Mary's R.C. Church ; h. 22 Powrie place
Brough, A. J., of Brough, Cunnmgham, & Co., 6 Clarendon terrace
Brough, Cunningham, & Co., spinners and manufacturers, Taybank
Works, Arbroath road ; and South Mills, Guthrie street
Brough, David, tenter, 19 Cleghorn street
Brough, David, shore-porter, 1 South Baffin street
Brough, Henry, blacksmith, 26 Ward road
Brough, James, of James Brough & Son, 45 Commercial street
Brough, James, jun., of James Brough & Son, 45 Commercial street
Brough, James, & Son, wholesale fruit merchants, 12 Dock street
Brough, John, hammerman, 5 Temple lane
Brough, Robert, marine engineer, 54 King street
Brough, R. J., of Brough, Cunningham, & Co., 6 Clarendon terrace
Brough, Wm. , j un. , whlsale. and retail fruiterer, 30 Ann st , ; ^. 10 Balmore st.
Brough, Mrs Lawrence, 3 Rustic place
Brown, Abraham T., ropespinner, 31 Hill street
Brown, Adam, joiner, 1 Union street, Maxwelltown
Brown, Alexander, dyer, 58 Mains road
Brown, Alexander, enginefitter, 98 Princes street
Brown, Alexander, engineer, 126 Princes street
Brown, Alexander, gardener, Dunmore, Perth road
Brown, Alexander, 15 Tannadice street
Brown, Alexander, finisher, 46 King's road
Brown, Alexander, railway fireman, 8 Fleuchar street
Brown, Alexander, watchmaker, 7 Cowgate ; ^. 11 Glamis street
Brown, Alexander, mason, 2 Tay Street lane
Brown, Alexander, patternmaker, 2a Eliza street
Brown, Alex. H., millmngr.. Dens Works; h. 24Baldovanter., Park ave.
Brown, Alfred, milloverseer, 25 Park avenue
Brown, Andrew, grocer, 19 North Wellington street
Brown, Andrew, manager, 1 Viewforth street
Brown, Andrew, dairyman, 125 Ferry road
Brown, A. S., 7 St Peter street
Brown, Charles, blacksmith, 22 Lilybank road
Brown, Charles, mechanic, 14 Ford's lane
Brown & Clarke, builders and sculptors. North Lindsay street
Brown, Colin, messenger. Royal Bank ; h. 20 Castle street
Brown, C. A. , Viewbank terrace
Brown, Daniel, shipsteward, 51 North Wellington street
BROWN, DAVID, plumber, brassfounder, and gasfitter, 55 South Tay street
and 175 Overgate; h. 8 Springfield. See Adv. p. 50
Brown, David, 5 Craigie terrace
Brown, David, mechanic, 51 Crescent street
Brown, David, optician, 10 Lamb's lane
Brown, David, stableman, 149 Seagate
Brown, David, confectioner, 25 Balgay street ; h. 23
Brown, David, clerk, 12 Balgay avenue
Brown, David, coachman, 360 Perth road
Brown, David, cowfeeder, Lowbank, Coldside
Brown, David D., draper, 6 Derby street
Brown, David M., fancy di'aper, 80 High st. ; h. 45 Commercial street
Brown, George, warehouseman, 10 Lorimer street
Brown, George, tenter, 5 Bruce street
Brown, George, 7 King street ; li. Tay cottage, East Newport
Brown, George, labourer, 39 Dallfield walk
Brown, George, police constable, 28 Kinloch street
Brown, George, church-officer, St Paul's Epis. Ch.; h. Castlehill house
Brown, Geo. , jeweller and watchmkr. , 34 Barrack st. ; h. 12^ Mortimer st.
Brown, George D. , M. A. , teacher, High School ; h. 6 Springfield
BROWN & GOW, house painters and decorators, 72 Seagate. See Adv. p. 70
Brown, Harry, painter, 2 Idvies street
Brown, James, minister, Apostolic Church ; h. 15 Balfour street
Brown, James, plumber, brassfounder, and gasfitter, 55 South Tay street
and 175 Overgate ; h. 34 Tait's lane
Brown, James, jobbing gardener, 1 Corso street
Brown, James, shipmaster, 185 Perth road
Brown, James, carting foreman to J. & P. Cameron ; h, 68 St Andrew's st.
Brown, James, gardener, Crawford lodge
Brown, James, plasterer, 9 Glamis street
Brown, James, photographic artist, 21 Reform street
Brown, James, dresser, 62 Caldrum street
Brown, James, lodge porter, 161 Ann street
Brown, James, painter, 136 Princes street
Brown, James, painter, 11 Stirling street
Brown, James, of Brow^n & Clarke, 27 North Ellen street
Brown, James, flaxspinner, Tarvit Mill, Cupar Fife ; h. 5 Craigie terrace
Brown, James, china merchant, 191| Hilltown ; ^. 1 N. George street
Bi'own, James, jun., commission agent, 23 Panmure street ; h. Ingle-
wood, Cupar road, Newport
Brown, James D., dresser, 27 Bernard street
Brown, Jessie M., teacher, St Paul's Epis. School ; h. 125 Ferry road
Brown, John, 80 Strathmartine road
Brown, John, of Thomas Brown & Son, 11 Thomson street
Brown, John, joiner, 4 Albert street
Brown, John, rope and twine merchant, 14 and 16 Mortimer street; h. 12^
Brown, John, cabinetmaker, 13 Rosefield street
Brown, John, harbour porter, 51 Crescent street
Brown, John, clerk, 13 Osborne place
Brown, John, of Brown & Gow, 72 Princes street
Brown, John, machinist, 9 Roslin terrace
Brown, John, mason, 20 Park avenue
Brown, John, mason, 7 Cardean street
Brown, John, ship's chief-officer, 4 Balmore street
Brown, John, foreman mechanic, 5 Gowrie place
Brown, John, hosepipe weaver, 3 Fyffe street
Brown, John, mechanic, 27 Scott street
Brown, John, boatbuilder. East side King William dock; h. 13W. Dock st.
Brown, John C, boatbuilder, Esplanade Boatsheds ; h. 13 W. Dock st.
Brown, John D., grocer, 132 Victoria road ; h. 2 Baxter Park terrace
BROWN, LACHLAN, furniture-polish and oil-blacking manuf.. King's Cross
Chemical Works ; /). Catlaw cot., W. Clepington rd. See Adv. p. 78
Brown, Leslie, bi'ead and biscuit baker, 70 Blackness road
Brown, Martin, collector, 10 Stirling street
Brown, Nelson, storekeeper, 36 Cotton road
Brown, Peter, joiner, 57 Commercial street, Maxwelltown
Brown, Peter, grocer and wine merchant, 92 Princes st. ; h. 18 Ferry rd.
Brown, Peter, railway servant, 30 Isles' lane
Brown, Peter S., of Brown & Tawse, Tayview, Broughty Ferry
Brown, Robt., bootmaker, 33 Reform st.; h. 3 Kilnburn pi., E. Newport
Brown, Robert, manager, Wallace Works ; h. 15 William st., Forebank
Brown, Robert, coal merchant, Maryfield station ; h. 3 Pitkerro road
Brown, Robert, ironmoulder, 12 Raglan street
Brown, Robert, commercial traveller, 19 Morgan street
Brown, Robert J., draper, 39 Ann street; h. 15 Benygloe, Tulloch ores.
Brown & Tawse, iron and steel merchants, 14, 16, and 18 Exchange street ;
branch office, 18 Commercial street (Telephone No. 61 ; Tele-
graphic address, "Mercator")
Brown, Thomas, clerk, 3 Laing street
Brown, Thomas, confectionery manager, 9 Parker street
Brown, Thos. , ironmonger, 24 Union st. ; h. St Rogue's pi. , West Ferry
Brown, Thomas, joiner, 22 St Mary's place
Brown, Thomas H., butcher, 5 Tannadice street and 6 Strathmartine
road ; A. 22 Wolseley street
Brown, Thomas, & Son, painters and decorators, 47 Perth road
Brown, William, decorator, 141 Nethergate : h. 3 Greenfield place
Brown, William, clerk, 151 Victoria road
Brown, Wm., jun., salt and whiting merchant, 13 Dock street ; h. Rose-
mount, Camphill, Broughty Ferry
Brown, William, 2 Balgay avenue
Brown, William, tailor, 20 Shepherd's loan
Brown, William, coal and coke merchant, 22 Barrack street
Brown, William, engineer, 7 Ure street
Brown, William, grocer, 49 Hill street; h. 12^ Mortimer street
Brown, William, machinefitter, 86 Ferry road"
Brown, William, photographer, 12 Alexander street
Brown, William, cloth inspector, 16 Ashton place
Brown, William, milloverseer, 45 Ure street
Brown, William, police constable, 2 Annfield road
Brown, William, carpenter, 69 Watson street
Brown, William Henry, 45 Dura street
Brown, William M., carpenter, 15 Park avenue
Brown, W. A., 2 Grosvenor terrace
Brown, W. H., brewer, Craigie Brewery, Lyon street ; h. 18 Albert st.
Brown, Mrs D. , confectioner, 38 Watson street
Brown, Mrs Edward, 44 Dallfield terrace
Brown, Mrs James, 148 Albert street
Brown, Mrs, 14 St Mary's place
Brown, Mrs, 3 Melrose terrace
Brown, Mrs, apartments, 110 Victoria road
Brown, Miss Bella, dressmaker, 46 Princes street ; ^. 1 1 Dudhope st.
Brown, Miss W., milliner, 81 Hawkhill ; h. 7 Ure street
Brown, Miss, dressmaker, 2 Gardner street
Brown, Misses, 13 Osborne place
Browne, D. J., secretary, Dundee Gem Line S.S. Co., Limited, 59
Dock street ; h. Aftonbank, Rankine street
Brownlee, George, butcher, 1 South Baffin street
Brownlee, Walter H., city electrical engineer, Dudhope Crescent road ;
/>. 1 Blackness crescent
Brownlee, William, of W. & R. Brownlee, 9 Clarendon terrace
Brownlee, W. & R., builders and manufacturing joiners, 52 Small's wynd
Broxburn Oil Co., 108 Commercial street; P. D. Mitchell, agent
Bruce, Alexander, builder and manufacturing joiner, 37 Commercial
street, Maxwelltown ; h. 6 North Wellington street
Bruce, xllexander, biscuit baker, 1 Lowden's alley
Bruce, Charles, butcher, 189 Hilltown ; h. 150
Bruce, David, confectioner, 41 Kincardine street
Bruce, David, wine and spirit mer., 57 Lochee rd. ; h. 2 Gardner's lane
Bruce, David, of David Bruce & Co., Ethelstone, West Ferry
Bruce, David A., coach proprietor, 161 Albert street
Bruce, David, & Co. , shipowners and insurance agents, 3 Royal Exchange
place ; and 3 Fenchurch avenue, London, E.C.
Bruce, David C, clerk, 23 Baldovan terrace
Bruce, David G., 8 Laurelbank
Bruce, D. Graham, of David Bruce & Co. , Ethelstone, West Ferry
Bruce, George, grocer, 27 Strathmartine road ; h. 25
Bruce, George, millforeman, 178 Scouringburn
Bruce, George, tobacconist, 84 Caldrum street
Bruce, George, signalman, 4 Corso street
Bruce, George, bootmaker, 3 Lowden's alley
Bruce, George, millforeman, 20 Blyth street
Bruce, George, baker, 108 Princes street ; h. 110
Bruce, Harry, butcher, 19 Hilltown
Bruce, James, blacksmith, 31 Overgate; h. 2 Gardner's lane
Bruce, James, joiner, 8 Kincardine street
Bruce, James, ironturner, 70 Ure street
Bruce, James, lorrydriver, 22 Annfield road
Bruce, James, sanitary inspector, 35 Constitution road
BRUCE, JAMES, confectioner and cycle agent. The Pillars, 13 High street;
h. 7 Thorter row. See Adv. p. 30
Bruce, Jas. P., of John Bruce & Son, Astleylea, Green lane, Carnoustie
Bruce, John, of John Bruce & Son, Salisbury place, Broughty Ferry
Bruce, John Duff, S.S.C., solicitor and notary public, 69 Reform street
(Telephone No. 560) ; ; h. Sunnybank, 61 Magdalen green
Bruce, John P., secy., North Sea S.S. Co., Ld.,4 Panmure st.; A.Downfield
Bruce, .John, & Son, architects, 45 Commercial street
Bruce, John, coal merchant, Fairmuir station ; h. 2Fearnbank, Cleping-
ton road
Bruce, John S., riveter, 23 Ogilvie's road
Bruce, Maggie, dairykeeper, 20 Arbroath road ; h. 27 Victoria road
Bruce, Malcolm, waiter, 72 King street
Bruce, M. A. & J., dressmakers and milliners, 107 Hawkhill
Bruce, Robert, late confectioner, Forebank terrace
Bruce, Robert M., draper's assistant, 27 Main street
General biRfeCTOfeY. I7i
Bruce, Thomas, calender manager, 115 Murraygate
Bruce, Thomas, enginedriver, 2 Paton's lane
Bruce, Thomas W., plumber, 23 Strathmartine road
Bruce, Wm., engineer, blacksmith, and coppersmith, and patentee of
railway milk can or churn, Victoria dock ; h. 1 Rattr£.y street
Bruce, William, agent for Fairbairn, Naylor, Macpherson, & Co., 74 Com-
mercial street ; h. 2 Blackness crescent
Bx'uce, William, spirit merchant, 45 Caldrum street ; h. 41
Bruce, William, seaman, 2 East Henderson's wynd
Bruce, William, weaving overseer, 172 Lochee road
Bruce, Wm., grocer and spirit mercht. , 65 King street ; h. 7 King's road
Bruce, William K., of Jauies Keillor & Son, 3 Grosvenor terrace
Bruce, Wm. M., shipowner and marine insurance broker, 84 Commercial
street ; h. 8 Laurelbank
Bruce, William T., colliery salesman, 65 Trades lane
Bruce, Mrs Ann, dressmaker, 41 Main street
Bruce, Mrs David, wine and spirit mrcht. , 24 Wellgate ; h. 2 Meadow st.
Bruce, Miss M. A., Lawside road
Bruce, Mrs Peter, 25 Strathmartine road
Bruce, Mrs R., 16 Annfield street
Bruce, Mrs Susan, draper and milliner, 193 Hilltown
Bruce, Mrs William, 4 North street
Bruce, Miss B. M., di-essmaker, 27 Victoi'ia road
Bruce, Miss May, dressmaker, 193 Blackness road
Bruce, Miss S. A., tobacconist and stationer, 33 Constitution rd. ; h. 35
Bruce, Miss, dressmaker, 49 Annfield road
Brunton, William, tailor, 5 Lorimer street
Brush, Samuel, of Marshall & Brush, Muircote, Clepington road
Bryan, John, mechanic, 1 Annfield street
Bryan, Joseph, confectioner, 19 Watson's lane
Bryan, Mrs James, manglekeeper, 9 Cherryfield lane
Bryce, William, joiner, 4 Stirling street
Bryden, John, & Sons, bellhangers and window blind mfrs, 17 Albert »q.
Brydon, James, draper, 50 Magdalen Yard road
Brymer, David, ironturner, 4 Glebe street
Brymer, James, lodgekeeper, 16 Cleghorn street
Brymer, Mary, manglekeeper, 44 Dudhope street
Brymer, Thomas, manager. Stead & Simpson, Ltd.; h. 8 Kinloch street
Bryson, Charles, painter, 54 Blackness road
Bryson, David S., oil mer., importer and refiner, Victoria oil paint and
varnish stores, 43 to 47 Trades lane ; h. Tusmore villa, Forfar road
Bryson, James, painter, 3 Scott street
Bryson, William S., oil merchant, 1 DufF street, Clepington road
Bryson, Mrs John, 27 Morgan street
Buchan, Alexander, 8 Blyth street
Buchan, Alexander, mefhanic, 89 Peddie street
Buchan, Alexander, reporter. Advertiser Office ; h. 164 Lochee road
Buchan, Alexander W . , butcher, 42 Princes street ; h. 2 Catherine street
Buchan, Andrew, mechanic, 2 Catherine street
Buchan, David, 1 Dalhousie terrace
Buchan, David, cowfeeder, Ninewells
Buchan, David, clerk, 37 Nethergate
Buchan, David, butcher, 16 Johnston's lane ; h. 9 Bonnybank road
Buchan, David S., cashier, 79 Strathmartine road
Buchan, Geo., wine and spirit mercliant, 1 Powrie pi. ; h. 169 Hilltown
Buchan, James, coachman, 199 Perth road
Buchan, James, of Brodie & Buchan, 3 Rustic place
Buchan, Jolm, joiner, 40 Seafield road
Buchan, John S., of T. & J. Buchan, 12 Strawberry bank
Buchan, Robert, mechanic, 34 Kincardine street
Buchan, Thomas, of T. & J. Buchan, Balhousie, by Largo, Fife
Buchan, T. & J. , auctioneers and valuators, 32 Bank street
Buchan, William, of William Buchan & Co., Kilmaron villa, Baldovan
Buchan, William, 72 Bell street ; h. Woodside, Coupar Angus
Buchan, William, & Co., hemp, starch, flour, and farina merchants,
and rope and twine makers, Baltic chambers, 11 Bell street
Buchan, Mrs David, baker, 85 Perth road
Buchanan, Andrew, solicitor, 1 Albert square ; h. Hermonhill, 25 Perth rd.
Buchanan, David, storekeeper, 8 St Matthew street
Buchanan, Donald, dairyman, 23 North Lindsay street ; h. 25
Buchanan, Robert, commercial traveller, 58 Seafield road
Buchanan, Mrs John, apartments, 24 Bank street
Buchanan, Mrs, manglekeeper, 6 Melrose terrace
Bucklish, Henry, butcher, 4 Idvies street
Buglass, David B., governor. Combination East Poorhouseand Parochial
Sick Hospital, Eliza street ; h. Molison house. Mains loan
Buick, Thos., of Gowans & Buick, Kerbat cot., Monifieth rd., B. Ferry
Buick, W. N. , enginedriver, 35 St Peter street
Bulk, Charles W., of Pettersen & Bulk, and W. & H. Bulk, Braeknowe,
West Newport
Bulk, George, coachbuilder, 61 Cowgate
Buik, Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, 75 Seagate ; h. 42 King's road
Bulk, W. & H. , rope and twine manufacturers, 23 Dock street
Buik, Mrs, 1 Blackness crescent, Perth road
Buist, Alexander B., lathsplitter, 89 Cowgate ; h. 38 Caldrum street
Buist, Alexander J., Ward Mills, Barrack street; It. Reresmount,
Broughty Ferry
Buist, Andrew, houseagent, 32 Bank st.; h. 42 William st., Forebank
Buist, A., secy., J. Robertson & Co., Ltd.; h. Rockwell house, Coldside
Buist, David, compositor, 27 Scott street
Buist, David, warehouseman, 17 Derby street
Buist, Henry, manager, Rockwell Works ; h. Rockwell house, Coldside
Buist, James, painter, 6 Bernard street
Buist, John, butcher, 8 Morrison's court
Buist, John, compositor, 10 Balmore street
Buist, John H., of Richard Buist & Sons, 7 Viewforth street
Buist, J. C, of Don Bros., Buist, & Co., Dundee, and Wm. & John
Don & Co., Forfar ; h. Balgillo house, Broughty Ferry
Buist, Richard, & Sons, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 16 Castle street
and 100 and 102 Commercial street ; works, 15 Bell street
Buist, Robert Cochrane, M. A., M.B.,C.M., Annfield house, 5 Annfieldst.
Buist, Thos. P., of R. Buist & Sons, 1 Caenlochan ter., Broughty Ferry
Buist, William B., milloverseer, 7 Victoria street
Buist, Mrs C, laundress, 17 Cleghorn street
Bunch, Miss, apartments, 8 Charles street
Burdon, Rev. Francis, rector, S. Mary Magdalene's Epis. Ch. ; h. 14 Park pi.
Burdon, Mrs Jas., wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, 47
Union st. and 25 Yeaman shore ; h. 2 Windsor terrace
Burge, David, clothier's assistant, 31 Park avenue
Burgess & Co. , general carriers, 5 Thorter row ; head office, Manchester
Burgess, Joseph, blacksmith, 7 Blackness street
Burgess, William, calenderworker, 7 Rosefield street
Burgess, William, stower, 42 Annfield road
Burke, A. Fordyce, solicitor, 23 Panmure st. ; h. 1 Home ter., B. Ferry
Burke, Kenneth, chief reporter. Courier office ; h. 72 Bell street
Burke, Thomas, spiritdealer, 62 King street ; li. 105a Nethergate
Burke, Thomas, coaldealer, 3 St Mary street ; h. 1 St Mary's place
Burkhardt, John, 7 Airlie terrace
Burnell, Albert, carpetweaver, 79 Strathmartine road
Burness, Robert, gas meter inspector, 8 Parker street
Burnet, Alexander, lorrydriver, 11 Church street, Princes street
Burnet, James, bricklayer, 45 Cowgate
Burnet, Mrs, 13 Ellen street
Burnett, Alexander, postman, 35 King street
Burnett, Alexander, clerk, 33 Cleghorn street
Burnett, Alexander, jun., postal telegraphist, 35 King street
Burnett, George, caretaker, Clepington School ; h. 161 Ann street
Burnett, George, waiter, 5 Stirling street
Burnett, George, & Co., merchants, 2 India buildings
Burnett, James, baker and confectioner, 117 Hilltown; h. 1 Forebank ter.
Burnett, John, policeman, 36 Carmichael street
Burnett, John, baker, 11 Scouringburn ; h. 45 South Tay street
Burnett, John, saddler, 168 Perth road ; h. 26 Seafield road
Burnett, Samuel, compositor, 66 Peddie street
Burns, Alexander B. , compositor, 1 Lamb's lane
BURNS & BLACK, agents and dealers in engineers', ironfounders', and
shipbuilders' specialities, oil merchants, &c. , 59 and 65 Trades lane.
See Adv. p. 67
Burns, David, assist, manager, Camperdown shipyard ; h. 36 Park ave.
Burns, Frank R. H. , waiter, 6 Thorter row
Burns & Harris, booksellers, manufacturing stationers, printers, litho-
graphers, and bookbinders, 112 Nethergate; works, 120 Nethergate
Burns, James, moulder, 368 Loons road
Burns, JohnS., grocer and wine merchant, 55 Watson st. ; h. Myrtlebank
villa, 15 Erskine terrace
Burns, John S., of Burns & Black, 3 Pitkerro road
Burns, Mai-garet, manglekeeper, 7 Middle street
Burns, Patrick, agent, United Insurance Co., 3 Scott street
Burns, William, of Burns & Harris, 4 St Johnswood terrace
Burns, William, milloverseer, 10 Blyth place
Burns, William, mechanic, 366 Loons road
Burns, William, dairykeeper, 47 King street ; h. 93
Burns, Mrs Charles D., 4 Dallfield terrace
Burns, Mrs Islay, 24 South Tay street
Burns, Mrs William, 3 Peter street
Bums, Misses, principals. East of Scotland Institute, 31 South Tay st.
Burridge, Geo., carting agent, Caledonian Railway ; h. 220 Blackness rd.
Burrie, Charles, joiner, 6 Isla street
Burrie, William, joiner, 10 Roslin terrace
Burrows, John, pianotuner, organist of Tay Sq. Ch. ; h. 79 Commercial st.
Burry, Peter, calenderworker, 32 Bell street
Burt, James D. , assurance agent, 2 Annfield road
Burt, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 14 Annfield road
Butchart, Andrew, boilermaker, 9 Lawson place
Butchart, David, police constable, 25 Benvie road
Butchart, George, brakesman, 105 Hawkhill
Butchart, Henry, moulder, 2 Main street
Butchart, James, house proprietor, 23 Arbroath road
Butchart, James, mechanic, 10 Cleghorn street
Butchart, James R., basket manufr. and fancy goods mercht., 37 Overgate
Butchart, John, of John Butchart & Co., Tigh-vonie, 2 Douglas terrace
Butchart, John, ironmonger, 60 William street, Forebank
Butchart, John, joiner, 8 St Matthew street
Butchart, John, & Co. , carpet manufrs. City Carpet Works, Anchor lane
Butchart, John E., lithographic writer, 31 Reform street; h. Rowan
villa, Blairgowrie
Butchart, Peter, late powerloom manager, 2 Springfield
Butchart, Robt. K., millmanager, Taybank Wks. ; h. 5 Baxter Park ter.
Butchart, Thomas, gardener, Elmslea lodge, Perth road
Butchart, W. P., mercht., millfurnisher, commission and insur. agent, 123
Murraygate; warehouse, 7 Cowgate; h. 6 Somerville place
Butchart, Mrs A. , 26 Paterson street
Butchart, Mrs David, 88 Princes street
Butcher, B. M., 1 Bank street
Butler, James, shoemaker, 83 Ann st. ; h. 48 Union st., Maxwelltown
Butt, Edwin, confectioner, 2 Ogilvie's road
Buttar, Andrew, slater and slate merchant, 31 Hawkhill, and Coupar-
Angus ; h. 31a Hawkhill
Buttar, Elizabeth, coffeehouse-keeper, 4 Dudhope Crescent road ; h. 37
Logic street, Lochee
Butter, Alexander, clerk, 15 Balgay street
Butter, Alex. , private enquiry agent, 2 Bain square ; h. 3 Ellen street
Butter, Donald, joiner, 23 Park avenue
Butter, Jas., spirit mer., 54 South Tay st. ; h. Kinloch villa, Inverary ter.
Butter, Robert, turner, 16 Balgay street
Butters, Alexander, basketmaker, 8 Annfield street
Butters, William, boot and shoe maker, 231 Hilltown ; h. 4Kinnaird st.
Butti, Rev. Peter, St Patrick's B.C. Church ; h. 12 South Erskine street
Byer, William, pork butcher, 169 Overgate ; h. 187
Byers, James, painter, 15 Raton's lane
Byres, William, clerk, 29 Bank street
Cable, Thomas, waiter, 44 Blackness road
Cadogan, Mrs, dressmaker, 3 Seagate
Csesar, William, solicitor, and town clerk of Carnoustie, 84 Commercial
street j h. Loclity house, Carnoustie
Cain, John, moulder, 2 Hill street
Caird, Alexander, engineer, 1 Pennycook lane
Caird, Alexander, tailor and clothier, 9 Lynnewood place, Maryfield
Caird, Rev. David, Russell Congregational Church ; ^. 19 Springfield
Caird, David, cabdriver, 2 Kinnaird street
Caird, George, teacher, Hawkhill Public School ; h. 20 Springfield
Caird, James Key, manufacturer, Ashton Works, 185 Hawkhill; h. 8
Magdalen Yard road
Caird, Robert, clerk, 19 Scott street
Caird, William, draper, 21 Morgan street
Cairncross, James, sailmaker, 62 Peddie street
Cairncross, Robert, sailmaker, 30 Isles' lane
Cairncross, Mrs R., 67 Seagate
Cairncross, Mrs, 20 Thomson street
Cairnie, James, mechanic, 8 Baxter street
Cairnie, James, joiner, 28 Polepark road
Cairnie, Peter, mechanic, 26 Pitfour street
Cairns, James, turner, 4 North Ellen street
Cairns, Peter, coaldealer, 51 Constable street ; h. 58
Cairns, Robert, spirit merchant's assistant, 7 Clepington street
Cairns, Mrs, draper and dressmaker, 114 Victoria road j h. 15 William
street, Forebank
Cairns, Misses, dressmakers, 2 Annfield street
Caithness, Alfred, yarndresser, 2 Graham street, Clepington road
Caithness, John, shipmaster, 147 Albert street
Caldenbach, Charles, clock and watch maker, 153 Overgate
Calder, Alexander, jun., grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 15 Milnbank
road ; h. Albert villa, Inverary terrace
Calder, C. Campbell, of C. Campbell Calder & Co. , Invergowrie
Calder, C. Campbell, & Co. , engineering agents, 1 India buildings
Calder, Daniel, collector, Water Commission ; /«. 1 Mountpleasant
Calder, James, plumber, 16 Bafiin street
Calder, John, grocer, 225 Hilltown ; h. Adam place, Strathmartine road
Calder, John, cowfeeder, 22 Rosebank road
Calder, John, engineer, 18 Ferry road
Calder, John Gray, accountant, 20 Castle st. ; h, George st., Arbroath
Calder, William J., teacher, 6 Gardner street
Calder, Mrs Alexander, house proprietor, 223 Hilltown
Calderwood, James, shoemaker, 22 North Wellington street
Calderwood, William J., teacher of music, 20 Reform street
Caldrum Works, St Salvador street ; H. Walker & Sons, spinners
Caldwell, Alexander, rag, jute, flax waste, waste paper, and metal mer.,
5 and 7 East Henderson's wynd ; h. 6 Garland place
Caledon Shipyard, Camperdown street ; W. B. Thompson & Co., Ltd.
Caledonian Chemists, Limited, manufacturing chemists and wholesale
export druggists, 108 Commercial street
CALEDONIAN Insurance Co., 35 Albert square ; Robert Chapman, resident
secretary. See Adv. p. facing back board
CALEDONIAN Plate Glass Insurance Co. See Adv. p. 120
Caledonian Railway Station and Goods Office, »South Union street
Callaghan, Francis, grocer, 49 Lochee road
Callaghan, Jas. W.,sawniaker and cutler, 38 Castle st.;h. 16 Maryfield ter.
Callander, Mrs Louisa, 31 Step row
Caiman, William, baker, 17 Ogilvie's road
Caiman, Mrs, milliner, 10 South Tay street
Calvert, James, compositor, 23 Kinloch street
Cameron, Alexander, leathercutter, 28 Lawson place
Cameron, Alexander, moulder, 22 Peter street
Cameron, Alexander, pastrybaker, 4 Roslin terrace
Cameron, Angus, assistant photographer, 9 Balfour street
Cameron, A. S., houseftr. & valuator, 31 Reform st, ; h. Bay house, W.Ferry
Cameron, Charles, turner, 46 North street
Cameron, Rev. David B. , M. A. , Rosebank Parish Church ; h. 5 Douglas ter.
Cameron, Donald, overseer, 10 Dens brae
Cameron, James, warehouseman, 26 Dens brae
Cameron, James, painter, 28 Lawson place
Cameron, James, overseer, 16 Lawrence street
CAMERON, JAMES D., teeth specialist, and manufacturer of the finest
artificial teeth, 68 Nethergate (Telephone No. 129). See Adv. p. 87
Cameron, John, canvasser, 9 Ellen street
Cameron, John, coaldealer, 22 North Church street ; h. 24
Cameron, John, collector. Water Com. ; h. Loch Moy pi. , Baxter Park ter.
Cameron, John, tailor, 7 Morrison's court
Cameron, John, joiner, 233 Hilltown
Cameron, John M., Advertiser Office ; h. 8 Garland place
CAMERON, J. & P., carting agents for N.B. Railway, Tay Bridge Station;
John Wallace, manager. See Adv. p. 30
Cameron, M 'Donald, shipmaster, 27 Step row
Cameron, Margaret, feuar, Coldside
Cameron, Patrick, tailor and clothier, 7 Overgate
Cameron, Robert, joiner, 26 Victoria street
Cameron, Robina, grocer, 7 St Andrew's street ; h. 9
Cameron's Temperance Hotel, Whitehall ores. ; J. Cameron, proprietor
Cameron, Walter, patternmaker, 11 Graham place
Cameron, William, grocer, 25 Ellen street
Cameron, William, dairyman, Fairfield road, Fairmuir
Cameron, William, police constable, 8 Cleghorn street
Cameron, William, painter, 35 Wilkie's lane
Cameron, Mrs David, 29 South George street
Cameron, Mrs D. W., 13 Erskine terrace
Cameron, Mrs M. , draper, 96 Blackness road
Cameron, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 1 1 Balfour street
Cameron, Miss Barbara, milliner, 132 Princes st. ; A. 11 Graham place
Cameron, Miss Jane, 22 Airlie place
Cameron, Miss, milliner, 11 South Union street
Cammell, Charles, & Co., Ltd. (Cyclops Steel Works, Sheffield), 37
Exchange street ; G. M. Crichton, agent
Campbell, Alexander, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., 1 Clarendon terrace
Campbell, Alexander, engineer, 6 Roslin terrace
Campbell, Alexander, prison warder, 38 Polepark road
Campbell, Alex., & Co., wholesale fruit merchants, 9 and II W. Dock st.
Campbell, Andrew, tailor and clothier, 138 Ferry road
Campbell, Archibald, baker, 134 Albert street
Campbell, Charles, gardener, 30 Miller's wynd
Campbell, Colin, shipfitter, 31 Crescent street
Campbell, Colin, traveller, 85 Strathmartine road
Campbell, Rev. Colin, M.A., D.D., Minister of the Parish of Dmidee ;
h. The Manse of Dundee, Dalkeith road
Campbell, David, 8 Dura street
Campbell, David, district manager. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Associa-
tion, 21 Panmure street ; h. 20 Airlie place
Campbell, David, clerk, 121 Hawkhill
Campbell, Donald, retired schoolmaster, 35 and 36 Dallfield terrace
Campbell, Elizabeth, grocer, 14 Bell street ; ^. 16
Campbell, Henry, painter, 7 Crescent street
Campbell, Hugh, blacksmith, 8 Russell street
Campbell, James, superintendent. Boys' Home, West Bell street
Campbell, James, contractor, 55 Trades lane ; li. 8 Wallace street
Campbell, James, joiner and housefactor, 14 Cleghorn street
Campbell, James, plumber, 40 Annfield row
Campbell, James M., 2 Blackness crescent
Campbell, Rev. James M. , Wallacetown Par. Ch. ; h. 2 Craigiebank ter.
Campbell, John, grocer's assistant, 28 Raglan street
Campbell, John, insurance agent, 14 Ogilvie's road
Campbell, John, clerk, 6 Alexander street
Campbell, John, surfaceman, 61 Hospital wynd
Campbell, John, printcutter, 16 Gardner street
Campbell, Rev. John, chaplain of Dundee Poorhouses ; h. 32^ King st.
Campbell, John, carting foreman. Midland Railway Co. ; h. 10 N. Tay st.
Campbell, Peter, butcher and cattledealer, 84 Commercial street
Campbell, Peter, lieutenant of police, 9 St Mary's terrace
Campbell, Peter, M.B., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Edin., 29 Springfield
Campbell, P. & P., dyers and cleaners, 33 Nethergate
Campbell, Robert, wine merchant and Italian warehouseman, 47 Reform
street (Telephone No. 114) ; h. 14 Victoria chambers
Campbell, Robert, mason, 108 Hilltown
Campbell, Robert, carter, 53 Hill street
Campbell, Robert, of Thomas Taylor & Co., 5 Victoria pi., Bro'ty Ferry
Campbell, R. C, 12 Victoria chambers ; h. 2 Thornley ter., Madeira st.
Campbell, R. H., 133 Victoria road
Campbell, Sarah, fruiterer, 153 Perth road ; h. 20 Union place
Campbell, Thomas, labourer, 23 Charles street
Campbell, Walter, L.D.S., Eng., dental surgeon, 27 South Tay street
(Telephone No. 653).
Campbell, William, butcher and gamedealer, 191 Perth road; h. 199
Campbell, William, baker, 152 Princes street; ?i. 150
Campbell, William, officer, Ogilvie Free Church ; h. 19 Park avenue
Campbell, William Graham, M.B., C.M.Edin., L.D.S., D.D.S., dental
surgeon, 27 South Tay street (Telephone No. 653)
Campbell, Wm. J., chemist, 236 Hilltown, and Castle street, Tayport ; h.
4 Wellington street
Campbell, Mrs Donald, Milnbank house, 24 Milnbank road
Campbell, Mrs James, 142 Perth road
Campbell, Mrs J . , dress and mantle mkr . , 1 02 Rosebank st.- ; /i. 14 Ogil vie's r d.
Campbell, Mrs R. H., milliner and strawhat maker, 133 Victoria road
Campbell, Mrs, grocer, 13 Shepherd's loan
Campbell, Mrs, 2 Blackness crescent
Campbell, Mrs, 7 Balgay avenue
Campbell, Miss, 13 St Peter street
Campbell, Miss, dressmaker, 6 Alexander street
Camperdown Shipyard, E. Camperdown street ; Gourlay Bi'others & Co.
Campsie, Charles, assurance agent, 62 Ann street
Canning, Ellen, confectioner, 15 Barrack street; h. 32 Bank street
Cant, James, bookseller, and agent for Sutton & Co., 26 Greenmarket;
/i. 61 Nethergate
Cant, James, foreman carpenter, 60 Watson street
Cant, William, woodturner, 11 Rosefield street
Cant, Mrs George, grocer, 27 Wilkie's lane
Cantrell, George, fish merchant, Fishmarket ; h. 47 Yeaman shore
Cape, John, 213 Perth road
Cape, William B., clerk, 15 Step row
Cappon, Thomas M., architect and surveyor, 30 Reform sti'eet, and Burgh
Surveyor for Newport ; h. Cliffbank, East Newport
Caraway, John, confectioner, 152 Scouringburn
Carey, David R., grocer's assistant, 7 William street, Forebauk
Carey, James, cabinetmaker, 13 Balfour street
Carey, James, canvas weaver, 1574 Scouringburn
Carey, Jane, grocer, 27 Small's wynd
Carey, Robert, foreman mechanic, 4 Rosefield street
Cargill & Co., bleachers, spinners, and yarn merchants, Dundee Bleach
Works, Pitkerro road ; office, 23 Cowgate (Telephone No. 205 ;
Telegraphic address, " Cargill")
Cargill, David, of Cargill & Co., Longhaugh
Cargill, George, clerk, 46 Peddie street
Cargill, George B., textile engineer 82 Dudhope street
Cargill, James, insurance agent, 13 Arklay street
Cargill, James M., of Rodger, Cargill, & Taylor, 174 Lochee road
Cargill, John, merchant, 32 Cowgate ; h. Leysmill, Arbroath
Cargill, John, dockgateman, 9 Tannadice street
Cargill, John, 164 Lochee road
Cargill, William D. , bleacher, Dundee Bleach Works ; h. Longhaugh
Carlin, Charles, coaldealer, 5 Dempster street ; h, 8 Walton street
Carline, Henry, writer, H.M.S. Unicorn; h. 14^ Baton's lane
Carlton, Hubert, of Carlton & M'Intyre, 4 Park terrace
Carlton & M'Intyre, solicitors, 79 Commercial street
Carmichael, Daniel, draper, and officer. High Free Ch.; h. 14 Stirling st.
Carmichael, David, blacksmith, 368 Loons road
Carmichael, David, of James Carmichael & Co., Ltd., 10 Dudhope terrace
Carmichael, Geo., of James Carmichael & Co., Ltd., Taymount, W. Ferry
Carmichael, George B., solicitor, 54 Commercial street; h. 17 Airlie place
Carmichael, Jas. , of Baxter Brothers & Co., Ltd., Mayfield, 228 Ferry rd.
Carmichael, James, of James Carmichael & Sons, 5 Viewforth place
Carmichael, James, factoryworker, 368 Loons road
Carmicliael, James, & Co., Limited, engineers, millwrights, and boiler-
makers. Ward Foundry, Session street
Carmichael, James, & Sons, curriers, leather merchants, leather belt
and boot and shoe manufacturers, 9 to 15 North Tay street
Carmichael, John, of James Carmichael & Sons, 17 Airlie place
Carmichael, John, dockmaster. King William dock ; h. 56 Blackscroft
Carmichael, John, factoryworker, 41 North Church street
Carmichael, John, weigher, 6 Balfour street
Carmichael, John, police lieutenant, 56 Seafield road
Carmichael, J. W. , engineer. Ward Foundry ; h. 2 Fintry pi. , Bro'ty Ferry
Carmichael, Stewart, artist, 15 Castle street ; A. 12 Garland place
Carmichael, William, tailor, 187 Overgate
Carmichael, Mrs M. , spirit mer. , 18, 22 St Clement's lane; h. 17 Osborne pi.
Carnegie, Alexander, engineer, 20 Constable street
Carnegie, Ann, 103 Hospital wynd
Carnegie, Archibald, confectioner, 53 King street
Carnegie & Co., bricklayers, chimney restorers, &c., 94 Commercial street
Carnegie, David, fitter, 8 Benvie road
Carnegie, David, caretaker. Hill Street School ; h. 36 Strathmartine rd.
CARNEGIE, DAVID, sculptor, Whitehall crescent ; h. 33 Park avenue
See Adv. p. 30
Carnegie, George, fireman, 80 Ferry road
Carnegie, James, shoemaker, 5 Mortimer street
Carnegie, Patrick, drapery warehouseman. Hill St. Schoolhouse, Hill st.
Carnegie, Robert K., waiter. Royal Exchange House
Carnegie, William, police sergeant, 66 Union street, Maxwelltown
Carnie, Robert, manure merchant, 17 Annfield row
Carnie, Mrs, 28 Blyth street
Carnochan, John, superintendent of cemeteries and parks, 93 Commer-
cial street ; h. Willow cottage, Lochee road
Carpenter, James, coffeehouse-keeper, 45 Guthrie street ; h. 35
Carr, Alexander, mechanic, 17 Baxter street
Carr & Co., warehousemen, 10 Reform street
Carr, George, enginedriver, 29 St Salvador street
CARR, JAMES T., tinsmith and coppersmith, 59 Cotton road ; h. 5 Morgan
street. See Adv. p. 52
Carr, John, carter, 10 North Tay street
Carr, John, carpet" warper, 62 Strathmartine road
Carr, Michael S., of Carr & Co., TayclifF house. East Newport
Carr, Robert, engineer, 26 Gardner street
Carrick, William, blacksmith, 61 Mui-raygate
Carrie, Alexander, agent, 42 Gellatly street
Carrie, David, milloverseer, 10 Watson street
Carrie, James, baker, 14 Ogilvie's road
Carrie, James, dairyman, Fairfield road, Fairmuir
Carrie, Jessie, newsagent & tobacconist, 16 Westport ; h. 33 Park wynd
Carrie, John Rennie, journalist, 2 Wilkie's lane
Carrie, Robert S., chemist and druggist, 113 Murraygate
Carrie, Stewart, Tay Ferries ; h. 67 Lochee road
Carrol, James, furniture dealer, 34 Arbroath road
Carruthers, Mrs George, broker, 70 Overgate ; h. 7 Ward road
Carse, William, woodturner, 16 Gardner's lane
CARSE OF GOWRIE DAIRY CO., LTD., dairy produce merchts. and
bakers, Ward rd. ; shops, Ward rd., 14 Crichton st., and Carnoustie
and Arbroath ; David Rodger, secy, and manager. See Adv. p. 51
Carson, William, lathsplitter, 14 Tulloch crescent
Carstairs, John, mechanic, 147^ Ann street
Carswell, David, of D. Carswell & Sons, 4 Dudhope place
Cars well, David, joiner, 2 Wilkie's lane
Carswell, David, jun., of D. Carswell & Sons, 4 Dudhope place
Carswell, David, & Sons, wholesale grocers, 9 to 19 Commercial street
Carswell, John, potato merchant, 118 Hawkhill ; h. Starbank, Luthrie
Carswell, Thomas, bootmaker, 171 Hilltown ; h. 12 North Erskine st.
Carswell, William, of D. Carswell & Sons, 63 Constitution road
Carter, Ada S., teacher of mu.sic, 3 Viewforth street
Carter, John, agent, Temperance Socy. , 39High st.;/«. 3 Viewforth street
Carter, Miss M., lodgings, 12 Gellatly street
Cartmill, John, hairdresser, 36 Union street, Max. ; h. 61 Hill street
Cartwright, James C, botanic beer maker, 204 Seagate
Carver, David, patternmaker, 45 Annfield road
Carver, James, warehouseman, 5 Pitfour street
Carver, John, newspaper despatcher, 49 Annfield road
Casey, James P. , dealer in furniture, left-oflf clothing, antiquarian and
general bookseller, and licensed broker, 19 Scouringburn ; h. 2\.
Cassaday, John, dentist, 89 Murraygate ; h. 8 Dudhope place
Cassidy, James, coach proprietor, 55 Rosebank street ; h. 184 Hilltown
Cassie, Joseph M., commercial traveller, 3 Melrose terrace
Cassie, William, stereotyper, 29 Scott street
Castagnino, John, confectioner, 8 South Union street ; h. 24 Bank street
Castagnino, J, & G. , billiard room proprietors, 24 Bank street
Cathcart, George, coal salesman, 47 Annfield road
Cathcart, Miss G., dressmaker, 91 Milnbank road
Cathmoir, John, saddler, 7 Lyon street
Cathness, David, mechanic, 6 Annfield street
Cathrew, Patrick S., joiner, 5 Morgan street
Cathro, Alexander, overseer, 95 Hospital wynd
Cathro, Alexander, miller, 105 Hospital wynd
Cathro Brothers, iron, steel, and metal merchants, 43 Yeaman shore
Cathro, Charles F. , of Cathro Brothers, 21 Airlie place
Cathro, David, wine and spirit mer., 133 Hawkhill ; h. 1 Watson's lane
Cathro, Frederick K., of Cathro Brothers, 21 Airlie place
Cathro, George, 21 Airlie place
Cathro, Isabella, stationer, 10 Strathmartine road ; It. 1 Mortimer street
Cathro, James W., tailor, 13 Hospital wynd
Cathro, John N. , grocer, 76 Annfield road ; h. 73
Cathro, Thomas, messenger, National Bank ; h. \ Albert square
Cathro, William, joiner, 37 Stirling street
Cathro, William, plumber, 13 Pennycook lane
Cathro, William, mechanic, 36 Carmichael street
Cathro, Miss H., dressmaker, 73 Annfield road
Cattanach, James, weigher, 78 Scouringburn
Cattanach, Peter Henry, coachman, Hazel Hall stables, Perth road
Caulfield, Hugh, labourer, 29 Charles street
Caution, Charles, calenderworker, 28 Lawson place
Caution, John, messenger to Burgh engineer ; A. 91 Commercial street
Caw, Charles, restaurateur, 25 Panmure street ; h. 23
Cemeteries Office, 93 Commercial st. ; John Carnochan, superintendent ;
Thomas Smellie, assistant superintendent
Cemetery Office, Western Cemetery ; R. G. Rae, superintendent
Central Ironmongery Stores, 110 Murray gate ; A. & J. Why te, proprietors
Chalmers, Alexander, practical and landscape gardener, 7 Mountpleasant
Chalmers, Andrew, insurance agent, 71 Perth road
Chalmers, Bell, carting contractor and dairyman, 4 Miln street
Chalmers, Charles, butcher, 75 Perth road ; h. 4 Westfield place
Chalmers, David, clerk, 61 Nethergate
Chalmers, David, mechanic, 10 Benvie road
Chalmers, David, draper's porter, 26 Dura street
Chalmers, David, tailor, 95 Peddie street
Chalmers, David F, , millfvirnisher, 35 North Tay st. ; h. 1 Strawberry bank
Chalmers, Francis, labourer, 28 Hospital wynd
Chalmers, Frank Y., butcher, 90 Blackscroft; A. 17 Janefield place
Chalmers, George, insurance agent, 237 Blackness road
Chalmers, Helen, stationer and fancy goods merchant, 177 Hilltown
Chalmers, James, manager, Tay Works ; A. 4 Constitution terrace
Chalmers, James, mason, 7 Rosebank road
Chalmers, James, milloverseer, 40 Dallfield terrace
Chalmers, James, joiner, 3 Arklay street
Chalmers, James, clerk, 21 Albert square ; h. 69 Constitution road
Chalmers, James, shore porter, 65 Watson street
Chalmers, James, calenderworker, 70 Ure street
Chalmers, James, clockfitter, 16 Scouringburn
Chalmers, James L., teacher, 61 Nethergate
Chalmers, John, clerk, 48 Crescent lane
Chalmers, John, rope and twine maker, Bellfield street; h. 204 Hawkhill
Chalmers, John, tailor, 38 Blackness road
Chalmers, John, rope and sail maker, 11 Annfield row
Chalmers, Joseph, mason, 88 Annfield road
Chalmers, Peter, carter, 45 North street
Chalmers, P., caretaker, Balfour Street Public School; h. 13 Isles' lane
Chalmers, Robert, millmanager. Dens Works; It. 9 Wellington street
Chalmers, Robert, shipsteward, 10 Soiith George street
Chalmei-s, Thomas, joiner, 65 Constable street
Chalmers & White, merchants, 30 Meadowside
Chalmers, William, carter, 14 Temple lane
Chalmers, Wm., bootmaker, 40 High street ; h. Mabelbank, West Ferry
Chalmers, William, ropespinner, 10 Ashton place
Chalmers, Wm., mercht., 84 Commercial st. ; h. Hermonhill, 23 Perth rd.
Chalmers, William F., of Chalmers & White, 9 St Phillan's pi., Newport
Chalmers, Mrs David, stationer, 194 Seagate
Chalmers, Miss Amelia, Fern cottage, Clepington road
Chalmers, Misses E. & J., dressmakers, 119 Nethergate
Chambers, Alexander, greengrocer, 21 Westport ; A. 27
Chambers, James, bandmaster, 24 Nelson street
Chandler, William, gardener, 21 Stirling street
Chapelshade Works, 36 Bell street; J. Malcolm & Sons, manufacturers
Chapelton, David, house proprietor, 159 Hilltown
Chaplain, David S , commercial traveller, 5 North Tay street
Chaplain, Jacob, shipmaster, 5 North Tay street
Chaplain, William, mason, 14 Gardner street
Chaplin, John, mason, 1 1 Roslin terrace
Chaplin, Robert, fireman, 24 Park wynd
Chaplin, Robert, carter, 197 Princes street
Chaplin, William, shore porter, 12 Glebe street
Chapman, Andrew, shipcarpenter, 38 Pennycook lane
Chapman, James, jun., of Jas. Chapman & Son, confectioner, 22 Union
street ; h. Ashcliiffe, West Newport
Chapman, James, of James Chapman & Son, Yewbank cot., W. Newport
Chapman, James, seaman, 2 Isles' lane
Chapman, James, & Son, confectioners, 119 Murraygate
Chapman, John, shipcarpenter, 19 West wynd
Chapman, Robt., resident secretary, Caledonian Fire and Life Insurance
Co., 35 Albert square ; h. Carron cottage. East Newport
Chapman, William, ship's officer, 7 South Union street
Chapman, Mrs David, 63 Gellatly street
Charles, James, enginefitter, 12 Seafield road
Charles, John, tinsmith, 53 Larch street
Charles, JohnB., M. A., English master. High School; A.Westlea, W. Ferry
Charles, Robert, 5 Bruce street
Charnley & Hodgkinson, flax, hemp, and jute merchants, 4 India bldgs.
Charran, Augustin, lodginghouse-keeper, 97 Overgate
Chelson, William, police sergeant, 144 Princes street
Cherry, David A., 5 Paradise road
Chevalley, Frank, Capt. R. A., adjutant, 1 st Forfar V. A., brigade office,
Baltic buildings ; //. Woodriffe terrace. East Newport
Cheyne, Wm,, grocer and spiritdealer, 28 Wilkie's lane; h. 27 Tait's lane
Children's Free Breakfast Mission, Bell Street lane ; Samuel Green-
shields, earetaker
Chili, Consul for — Geo. C. Keiller, 9 Panmure street
Chinnery, Hugh, tobacconist, 90 Scouringburn ; ^.11 Watson's lane
Chisholm, C. D., draper's assistant, 8 Rosefield street
Chisholm, Hugh, of Chisholm & Watt, 15 Baffin street
Chisholm, James, cork manufacturer, 6 Arthur street ; h. 10
Chisholm, John, clerk, 1a Morgan street
Chisholm, John C, tailor, 2 Rosebank street
Chisholm, John P., grocer, 16 Arthur street ; h. 12
Chisholm, Roderick, harbour weigher, 5 Robertson street
Chisholm, Samuel, sanitaiy officer, 86 Peddie street
CHISHOLM & WATT, shipchandlers, and oil, paint, and Portland cement
merchants, 10 and 12 East Dock street. See Adv. p. 80
Chisholm, Mrs James P., 18 Arthur street
Chittick, James, porter, 62 North Church street
Chivers, Henry, grocer, 78 Blackness road ; grocer and wine merchant,
If- 167 Hawkhill : h, 20 Peddie street
Christie, Alexander, ironturner, 2 Corso street
Christie, Alexander, painter, 34 Dallfield walk
Christie, Alexander, calenderworker, 40 Dura street
Christie, Andrew, circular deliverer, 6 Cross row, Small's wynd
Christie, Ann, 3 Lorimer street
Christie, Charles S., joiner, 5 Kinnaird street
Christie, David, fish and game dealer, 63 Hawkhill ; A. 61
Christie, David, jun., fish and game dealer, 81 King street; h. 79
Christie, David, calenderworker, 8 Daniel street
Christie, George, coal merchant, 3 Thistle street ; h. 13 Derby street
Christie, George, of Dewar & Christie, 32 Thomson street
Christie, George, grocer, 149 Perth road
Christie, James, dairykeeper, 17 Crescent lane ; h. 32 Princes street
Christie, James, mechanic, 2 Catherine street
Christie, James, carter, 5 Kinloch street
Christie, James, baker, 50 Dallfield walk
Christie, James, baker, 105 Princes street
Christie, James L., sackmaker, 42 William street, Forebank
Christie, John, grocer, 1 Victoria square, 43 Nethergate
Christie, John, painter, 87 Lochee road
Christie, John R., of Forbes & Christie, 3 Alpha ter., Broughty Ferry
Christie, Myles, 11 North Ellen street
Christie, Nimmo, organist and music teacher, 74 Commercial street ;
h. 5 Balgay avenue
Christie, Peter, furniture dealer, 41 King street
Christie, Robert, ironturner, Eastwood place, Clepington road
Christie, R., shoemaker, 24^ Ann st. and 149 Overgate ; h. 26 Powrie pi.
Christie, R. K., shipping agent, 29 Dock street ; h. Longforgan
Christie, Thomas, plasterer, 10 Dallfield walk; A. 12
Christie, William, cloth measurer, 67 Alexander street
Christie, William, enginedriver, 20 Constable street
Christie, William, blacksmith, 24 Dallfield walk
Christie, William, enginedriver, 75 Annfield road
Christie, William C, law-clerk, 11 Dudhope street
Christie, Mrs Andrew, greengrocer, 13 Lilybank road
Christie, Mrs George, 32 Thomson street
Christie, Mrs S., 10 Paton's lane
Christie, Mrs, lodgings, 23 Castle street
Christie, Mrs, sick nurse, 6 Perth road
Christison, David, tailor, 14 Derby street
Christison, Mrs, broker, 18 Tannadice street
Christopher, D. B., coachtrimmer, Eastwood place, Clepington road
Chrystal, Thomas, commission agent, 24 Garland place
Chudleigh, Andrew J., pensioned gunnery instructor, 19 Union place
City Hat Co., 68 Wellgate
City of Melbourne Bk., Ld., 10 Whitehall st.; P. F. & J. Husband, agts,
Clapperton, Right Rev. Monsignor, St Andrew's Pro-Cathedral; h,
150 Nethergate
Clark, Agnes, broker, 217 Lochee road
Clark, Alexander, carter, 2 Park wynd
Clark, Alexander, fireman, 7 Lyon street
Clark, Alexander, carpenter, 9 Church street, Princes street
Clark, Alexander, watchman, 18 Lawrence street
Clark, Alexander, tailor, 26 Arthur street
Clark, Alexander, shoemaker, 25 Hospital wynd
Clark, Alexandrina, midwife, 48 Caldrum street
Clark, Ann, dressmaker, 99 Lochee road
Clark, Archibald, milloverseer, 9 Harriet street
Clark, A. F. Chisholm, M.B., CM., 19 King street
Clark, Chas., assist, supt. , British Workman Assur. Society, 27 Baxter st.
Clark, Charles, waggoner, 5 Laing street
Clark, David, coal merchant, 38 Strathmartine road ; h. 68 Hill street
Clark, David, grocer, 27 Balgay street ; h. 11 Pitf our street
Clark, David, lithographic ai'tist, 15 Castle street ; h. 14 Ford's lane
Clark, David, horseshoer, 68 Cowgate
Clark, Rev. David, Long Wynd Baptist Church ; h. 4 Airlie terrace
Clark, David, labourer, 28 William street, Forebank
Clark, David, stower, 17 Catherine street
Clark, David R., & Son, printers, 31 Castle street
Clark, George, teller, Nat. Bank of Scot., Ld. ; h. Ardenlea, Monifieth
Clark, George, painter, 1 Langlands street
Clark, George, labourer, 32 William street, Forebank
Clark, George, shoemaker, 52 Dura street
Clark, Hugh, commission agent, 26 Commercial street ; h. Broughty Ferry
Clark, Jacob, sub- editor. Advertiser ofhce ; h. 20 Forebank road
Clark, James, ironturner, 3 St Matthew street
Clark, James, shoemaker, 106 Caldrum street
Clark, James, Cowgate porter, 32 Charles street
Clark, James, clerk, 2 Easson's angle
Clark, James, compositor, 7 Roslin terrace
Clark, James, street porter, 24 Temple lane
Clark, James, vanman, 33 Stirling street
Clark, James M., milloverseer, 42 St Mary's place
Clark, John, butcher, 68 Strathmartine road
Clark, John, produce broker and commission merchant, 7 Rankine's
court ; h. Clairmount, Westpark road
Clark, John, gardener, 30 Pennycook lane
Clark, John, moulder, 34 Catherine street
Clark, John, M.A., teacher. High School ; A. 11 Balgay avenue
Clark, John, butcher, 99 Lochee road
Clark, John, ironturner, 28 Kincardine street
Clark, John, clerk, 23 Step row
Clark, John, compositor, Kinloch place. 111 Hawkhill
Clark, John, cloth inspector, 42 Balgay street
Clark, John, painter, 372 Loons road
Clark, John, moulder, 18 Dens brae
Clark, Joseph, carting contractor, 4 and 6 Ash lane
Clark, Jule, chimneysweeper and soot merchant, 1 Qre street
Clark, Patrick D. , accountant, Northern Assur Co, ; h. 1 Blackness cres.
Clark, Robert, compositor, 1 Blackness street
Clark, Robert C, moulder, 46 Kincardine street
Clark, Thomas, police constable, 32 Watson's lane
Clark, Thomas, joiner, 15 Hill street
Clark, William, printer, 44 Seafield road
Clark, William, overseer, 58 Peddie street
Clark, William, tenter, 86 Annfield road
Clark, William, shipsteward, 28 Kinloch place
Clark, William, assurance agent, 20 Dudhope Crescent road
Clark,. William A., clerk, 20 Bell street
Clark, W. B., horsedealer, 12 Park lane
Clark, William L. , district inspector, Employers Insurance Company of
Great Britain, Ltd., 11 Whitehall street ; h. 6 Tay terrace, Bro. Ferry
Clark, Mrs A., wine and spt. mer., 167 Scouringburn ; h. 105a Nethergate
Clark, Mrs David A., stationer, 128 Albert street
Clark, Mrs D., 8 Bank street
Clark, Mrs Jane, confectioner, 43 Nelson street
Clark, Mrs John, coal mercht., 6 Well rd., Hawkhill; h. 14 Wilkie's lane
Clark, Mrs Thomas, 1 Blackness crescent
Clark, Mrs, sick nurse, 21 Hill street
Clark, Mrs, grocer, 33 Crescent street
Clark, Mrs, 3 Viewforth street
Clark, Miss Lily, confectioner, 27 Ann street ; h, 14 James street
Clarke, Alexander, of Brown & Clarke, 2 Lawrence street
Clarke, Andrew, confectioner, 134 Scouringburn ; h. 2 Daniel street
Clarke, Davidson, cashier and bookkeeper, 2 Lawrence street
Clarke, David W. , of D. W. Clarke, Son, & Co. , 20 Forebank terrace
Clarke, David W., Son, & Co., joiners and builders, 79 Rosebank street
Clarke, H., surveyor to Lloyd's Register, 26 East Dock street; h.
Elmbank, West Ferry
Clarke, James, of D. W. Clarke, Son, & Co., 20 Forebank terrace
Clarke, Jas., wine and spirit mercht., 41 Castle st. ; h. 80 Blackness rd.
Clarke, John, wine andspiritmer.,75and77Murraygate; h. IM'Donald st.
Clarke, John G., designer and teacher of wood carving, Technical
Institute ; h. 19 Blackness street
Clarke, Peter, general dealer, 66 Ann street
Clarke, Miss Maggie, confectioner, 109 Hilltown ; h. 1 M 'Donald street
Clayton, Charles, musician, 84 Commercial street
Clease, F. M. , gymnastic instructor, Dundee Gymnasium; A. 29 Windsor st.
Cleghorn, James B., Balgay terrace
Cleghorn, John, of Wm. Cleghorn & Son, Polepark house, Fleuchar street
Cleghorn, John, bird-dealer, 195 Victoria road ; h. 26 Dens brae
Cleghorn, William, Logic house, Lochee road
Cleghorn, William, jvm., merchant and spinner, Albert Mill and
Clepington Waste Works, Arklay street ; h. Bayfield, West Ferry
Cleghorn, William, & Son, jutespinners and waste merchants, Garden
Works, Benvie road (Telephone No. 929)
Cleland, Alex., dairyman, 129 Victoria rd. ; h. Afton pi., Baxter Park ter.
Cleland, James, jute salesman, Afton place, Baxter Park terrace
Clements, Ben., officer, Wesleyan Church, Ward rd.; h. 32 Dudhope st.
Clepington Spinning Co., jutespinngrs, North Isla street (Exchange Box
No. 1; Telephone No. 428; Telegraphic address, "Clepington")
Cliff, Samuel M., hacklepin maker, 2 Lawrence street
Close, Miss, matron. Deaf and Dumb Institution, 165 Lochee road
CLUNAS & ALLISON, warehousemen, 22 to 28 Reform st. See Adv. p. 79
Clunas, Hugh, of Clunas & Allison, Derby cottage, Forfar road
Clunie, Douglas, joiner and cartwright, 50 James street ; h. 2 Russell st.
Clydesdale Bank, Limited, High street; Alexander Scott, agent
Cobb, Miss, draper, 181 Scouringburn
Cochran, John, monumental sculptor, 1 Ogilvie st,; h. 22 Alexander st.
Cochran, Mrs, draper, 26 Alexander street
Cochrane, Alex., M.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 40 Seagate ; h. 32
Cochrane, Alex. L., assistant superintendent, Post Office; h. 28 Dura st.
Cochrane, David, millmanager, 85 Albert street
Cochrane, Peter M., merchant, 1 Dudhope terrace
Cochrane, Sarah, grocer, 176 Blackness road
Cochrane, William, cloth inspector, 19 Peddie street
Cochrane, William, of William Cochrane & Co., 7 William st., Forebank
Cochrane, William, lapper, 14 Kinloch street
Cochrane, William, & Co., wholesale teadealers, 22 Dock street
Cochrane, Mrs, missionary, The Rest, 115 Ferry road
Cochrane, Mrs, china merchant, 198 Seagate ; h. 8 St Roque's lane
Cockburn & Campbell, wine merchts., 55 Reform st. ; R. Sturrock, agt.
Cockburn, Peter B. , hairdresser and perfumer, 6 Queen's Hotel buildings,
Nethergate ; h. 36 Victoria road
Coghill, D. M., manufacturer's agent, 81 Murray gate ; h. 7 Balfour st,
Coghill, John, fireman, 18 King's road
Cohen, Arnold, & Co., merchants, 14 Victoria chambers
Cohen, J. Herbert, fancy jeweller, 15 Overgate ; h. 166 Perth road
Coldstream, John, chandler, 64 Hilltown
Cole, Mrs Ann, 13 Derby street
Coleman, Henry, spirit merchant, 24 Hilltown ; h. Myrtlebank, 28
Wellington street
Collie, Hugh A., tailor, 13 Mortimer street
Collier, Francis, of Robert Small & Co., Brae cottage, Broughty Ferry
Collins, Charles D., milloverseer, 71 Milnbank road
Collins, Frank, seaman, 184 Ferry road
Collins, Hugh, artist, 65 Nethergate ; li. Church street, Broughty Ferry
Collins, Isaac John, tailor's cutter, 33 Cleghorn street
Colman, Thomas, sorting clerk. Post Office ; h. 14 Malcolm street
Colombia, Consul for — Thomas M. Ferrier, 11 Panmure street
Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society, Limited, 21 Reform street;
David Kerr, resident secretary
Colville, David, engineman, 43 Annfield road
Colville, James, woodturner, 21 North Tay street ; h. 5 Balgay avenue
Colville, James, jun., woodturner, 21 North Tay st. ; h. 29 Cleghorn st.
Colville, John, assistant agent. National Bank ; h. 10 Springfield
Colville, John Alex., houseagent, 5 Larch st, ; li. 14 Gibb'slane, Lochee
Colville, Robert, joiner, 2 Graham street, Clepington road
Colville, Robt, A. , grocer and wine mer. , 1 63 Perth rd. ; h. 1 Ford's lane
Colville, Thomas, coal merchant, 27 North Ellen street
Colville, Wm. F. , manager, Forebank Carpet Works ; h. 29 Morgan st.
Colville, Mrs William, 1 Ford's lane
COMBE, BARBOUR, & COMBE, LIMITED, machinists, millwrights, and
engineers, Falls Foundry, Belfast, See Adv. p. 3
Combe, James, wholesale grocer, 165 Seagate ; h. 2 Laurelbank
Combs, William, draper, 98 Princes street
Commercial Bank of Scotland, Ld., 85 Commercial st.; J. B. Webstei', agt.
Commercial Cable Company (Mackay-Bennett Cables), 37 Albert square;
James Anderson, superintendent (Telephone No, 554)
Commercial Fire Ins. Co. of Scot., Ld.jlOVictoriachams., J. E. Dow, dist.mgr.
Comrie, Alexander, tenter, 168 Blackness road
Conacher, David, goodsagent, Caledonian Railway station. South Union
street ; h. 42 Magdalen Yard road
Conacher, James B. , cashier, 105 Hawkhill
Conacher, John, checker, Caledonian Railway ; ^. 4 Baxter street
Conacher, Peter, stationer and tobacconist, 81 Milnbank rd.; h, 4 Baxter st.
Conacher, Thomas, warehouseman, 105 Hawkhill
Condie,' Thomas, tailor, 56 William street, Forebank
Congleton & Dickson, solicitors and notaries public, 91 Commercial st.
Congleton, Thomas, Sheriff Clerk of Forfarshire, Courthouse buildings;
h. Wellgate park, West Newport
Connall, John, grocer, 8 Constitution street
Connell, John M., of Connell & Son, 5 Tay terrace, East Newport
Connell & Son, bootmakers, 62 Nethergate, and at Glasgow
Connell, Mrs James, 56 Magdalen Yard road
Connell, Mrs Margaret, grocer, 28 Bell street ; h. 48
Connelly, Jas. , grocer & spirit mer. , 183 Scouringburn ; h. 32 St Mary's pi.
Connelly, John, milloverseer, 40 St Mary's place
Connelly, Peter, bootmaker, 115 Hawkhill
Connelly, Mrs Ann, broker, 9 Urquhart street ; A. 11
Connelly, Mrs, manglekeeper, 10 Daniel street
Connelly, Miss J., confectioner, 55 Main street
Connon, Mrs M., manglekeeper, 81 Blackscroft
Conrad & West, merchants, 51 Reform street, and Philadelphia
Conroy, Margaret, 23 Clark street
Constable, James, jun. , agent, bonded stores, 27 Dockst. ; h. Af ton place,
Baxter Park terrace
Constable, Robert, foreman fitter, 19 Victoria street
Constable Works, Dura street; Malcolm, Ogilvie, & Co., Ltd., manufs.
Conway, William, dairyman, 12 Cleghorn street
Conway, Miss Annie, teacher, St Mary's R.C. School ; h. 24 Powrie pi.
Coogan, John, spirit merchant, 82 Annfield road ; h. 12 Forest Park rd.
Coogan, John, jun., confectnr. and newsagt., 19 Albert st.; h. 8 Blyth pi.
Coogan, John, sen. , collector & sheriff-officer. City chambers; h. 8 Blyth pi.
Coogan, Stephen, spirit merchant's assistant, 179 Blackness road
Cook, Alexander, contractor, 8 Kidd street; h. 14
Cook, Andrew, painter, 10 Stirling street
Cook, Catherine, broker, 86 Blackness road
Cook, David, grocer, 68 Ferry road ; h. 146 Albert street
Cook, Rev. Donald, Wellgate Free Church ; h. 6 Albany terrace
Cook, Jas., blacksmith and cartwright, 9 Gellatly st. ; h. 2 Cochrane street
Cook, .James, carter, 22 Rosebank road
Cook, John, lodgekeeper, 44 Balgay street
Cook, John, labourer, 3 Fyffe street
Cook, John, corn merchant, 7 Langlands street
Cook, Peter, coachman, 30 Long wynd
Cook, Robert, fish salesman, Fishmarket; h. Chesnut cottage, B. Ferry-
Cook, Thomas, agent and harbour weigher, 20 Cowgate
Cook, William, agent, 70 Caldrum street
Cook, William, wholesale grocer's porter, 30 Long wynd
Cook, William, coachman, 16 Malcolm street
Cooper, Alexander, marine engineer, 33 Cowgate
Cooper, Alexander, baker, 66 Blackscroft ; h. 62
Cooper, Alexander, tailor, 24 Hunter street
Cooper, Arthur W. , of J. & H. Whyte & Cooper, 4 James place, B. Ferry
Cooper, David Smith, clerk, Helenbank, Clepington road
Cooper, George, consulting engineer and marine surveyor, and supt.
engineer, Dundee Gem Line, 59 Dock st.; h. 1 Alton ter., W. Ferry
Cooper, James, 15 Bonnybank road
Cooper, James, spirit merchant, 37 Castle street ; A. 10 Exchange street
Cooper, John, millfurnisher, 56 Bell street ; h. Ivybank, 2 Madeira street
Cooper, John, 59 Commercial street, Maxwelltown
Cooper, John, timekeeper, 87 Ann street
Cooper, John G., clerk, music teacher and precentor, M'Cheyne Free
Church ; h. 5 Park terrace
Cooper, Peter, blacksmith, 29 St Salvador street
COOPER, WM. , joiner and cabinetmkr,, 18 Ireland's lane. See Adv. p. 71
Cooper, William, joiner, 80 Ferry road
Cooper, William, milloverseer, 2 Fearnbank, Clepington road
Cooper, William M., tailor, 13 Arklay street
Cooper, W. W., & Co., tailors, 9 Reform street
Cooper, Mrs John, lodgings, 1 1 Graham place
Copeland, Arthur, agent for Charles Tennant & Co., of St Rollox, 81
Murray gate ; h. St Roque's cottage. West Ferry
Copeland, Patrick, commission agent, 13 West Dock street
Copeland, Mrs Elizabeth, dressmaker, 54 King street
Copeland, Mrs, confectioner, 24 Dundonald street ; h, 22
Corbett, William, hacklemaker, 1 Littlejohn street
Cordiner, John A., bvitcher, Stirling street; A. 13
Cordiner, Miss, dressmaker, 7 Kinnaird street
Cormack, David, printer, 36 Cai-michael street
Cormick, John, cooper, 2 St Matthew street
Cornwall, Mrs E., pawnbroker, 17 Meadow street and 12 Hilltown ; h.
11 Dudhope street
Corr, James B. , science teacher. Technical Institute ; h. 3 Park terrace
Corr, Mrs, 10 William street, Forebank
Corrie, Mackie, & Co. , flax merchants, 1 Royal Exchange place
Corsane, Mrs John, confectioner, 29 Pi-inces street ; h. 23
Corsane, P. G., bookseller, upholsterer, & stationer, 112 Princes st.;7i. 110
Cottage Factory, East Dock street ; John Moir & Son, manufacturers
Coull, David, teacher of languages, 21 Reform street
Coulson, John, glazier, 45 Blackscroft ; h. 4 St Matthew street
Coupar, David, marine engineer, Marine Engineering Academy, 20
Panmure street ; A. 13 Park avenue
Coupar, David, engineer, 68 Albert street
Coupar, James, coaldealer, 4 Castle lane -, h, 3
Coupar, James, mechanic, 216 Perth road
Coupar, James, warehouseman, 43 Castle street
Coupar, John, confectioner, 128 Murraygate; A. 17 Lyon street
Coupar, John L. , engineer, 28 King street
Coupar, John 0., baker, 40 Annfield row
Coupar, Peter, butcher, 84 King street ; h. 147^ Ann street
Coupar, Robert, confectioner, 2 Rose street ; h. 10 Rosebank road
Coupar, William, retired baker, 6 Westfield place
Coupar, William, borer, 51 Crescent street
Coupar, William, & Co., bakers and confectioners, 51 Perth road
Coupar, W., tinsmith, gasfitter, & plumber, 20 Raglan st.; A, 2 Morgan st.
Coupar, Mrs, 36 Nethergate
Couper, Charles H., grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 5 Balgay street;
h. 193 Blackness road
Couper, James, dockmaster, 21 Dock street
Couper, James, ironturner, 31 Benvie road
Couper, John, jute merchant, 94 Commercial street; h. 16 Windsor st.
Couper, Thomas, of James Paterson & Co., Duncraig, Glamis road
Couper, William, stationer and tobacconist, 196 Blackness road ; h. 200
Couper, Miss H. , 8 Clarendon terrace
Courtney, Joseph, hairdresser, 180 Blackness road
Courtney, Peter, bottler, 180 Blackness road
Cousin, Jas., assistant Council officer. City chambers; h. 74Commercial st.
COUSIN & CO., stationers and musicsellers, 91 Nethergate. See Adv. p. 89
Couttie, Alexander, & Co., bakers and confectioners, 39 Polepark road
Couttie, James, of James Couttie & Sons, 9 Erskine ter,, Clepington rd.
Couttie, James, & Sons, wholesale confectioners and biscuit manu-
facturers, 92 Albert street
Couttie, William, sawyer, 60 Watson street
Coutts, David, joiner, 30 King's road
Coutts, James, coal, potato, and hay mer. , 11 Ann st. ',li. 17 Bonnybank rd.
Coutts, James, of Kirk & Coutts, Clifton, Wormit
Coutts, John, postman, 124 Seagate
Coutts, John, joiner, 157| Scouringburn
Coutts, Thomas, compositor, 207 Perth road
Coutts, William, enginedriver, 51 Peddie street
Coutts, Mrs Elizabeth, laundress, 192 Ferry road
Coventry, James, carter, 94 Nethergate
Coventry, Robert, lamplighter, 36 Watson's lane
Coventry, Mrs, draper, 119 Ann street; h. 41 North Wellington street
Cowan, Charles, blacksmith, 3 Kincardine street
Cowan, Edward, solicitor and notary public, 18 Meadowside ; h. 7
Castle terrace, Broughty Ferry
Cowan, George, of James Cowan & Sons, 7 Castle ter., Broughty Ferry
Cowan, Henry, salt merchant, 11 Dock street; h. 146 Murraygate
Cowan, James, plasterer, 28 Polepark road
Cowan, James, of James Cowan & Sons, 7 Castle ter., Broughty Ferry
COWAN, JAMES, & SONS, salt, cement, and whiting merchants, drysalters,
and commission agents, Weighhouse, 23 Greenmarket. See Adv. p. 31
Cowan, John, salt merchant, 7 Craig street ; h. Stannergate
Cowan, Matthew, 30 King's road
Cowan, Peter, railway guard, 15 Annfield street
Cowan, Thomas, mason, 16 Gardner street
Cowan, W. Chalmers, L.R.C.P.S.Ed., 1 South Tay street
Cowans, David S. , of John Cowans & Son, West Mains, Auchterhouse
Cowans, John, & Son, wholesale spirit merchants and distillery draif
agents, 71 High street
Cowgate Porters' Lodge, 26 Cowgate
Cowie, James, grocer and confectioner, 229 Blackness road
Cowie, James, & Co., genei-al contractors, 6 Shepherd's loan
Cowie, John, mechanic, 3 Fyffe street
Cowie, John, mason, 22 Gardner street
Cowie, William, engineer, 62 Caldrum street
Cowley, Andrew, baker, 199 Hilltown
Cowley, John, boot and shoe maker, 83 Cowgate
Cowley, John, ironturner, 22 Dundonald street
Cowley, William, calenderer and sack manufacturer, King Street
Calender, 21 King street ; h. Riverside, Wormit
Cowley, William, mason, 38 Caldrum street
Cowpar, Mrs Adam, Hermonhill, 21 Perth road
Cowper, David M., cropping overseer, 37 Arbroath road
Cowper, John, clerk, 143 Victoria road
Cowper, William W., evangelist, 24 Belliield lane
Cowper, Mrs W. W. , bonesetter, 24 Bellfield lane
Cowperthwaite, William, shipmaster, 13 West Dock street
Cox, Alfred W., of Henry Boase & Co., Westwood, Balthayock, by Perth
Cox, Arthur J., of Cox Brothers, Limited, Bloomfield, Lochee
Cox Brothers, Limited, merchants, jute spinners, manufacturers of all
kinds of jute fabrics, bleachers, printers, dyers and calenderers, rope
and twine makers, Camperdown Jute Works ; offices, Meadow Place
buildings, Dundee ; 35 and 36 Aldermanbury (opposite the Avenue),
London; 23a Portland st. , Manchester ; 153 Queen st., Glasgow; 3
Vicar street, Kidderminster; and 12 Rumford place, LiA-erpool
Cox, Edward, of Cox Brothers, Limited, Cardean, Perthshire
Cox, George Addison, of Cox Brothers, Limited, Beechwood, Lochee ;
and Invertrossachs, Perthshire
Cox, George M., of Cox Brothers, Limited, Dryburgh house, Lochee
Cox, Henry, chairmaker, 23 Ogilvie's road
Cox, James, mechanic, 1 Littlejohn street
Cox, James D., of James D. Cox & Co., Woodford, Broughty Ferry
Cox, James D. , & Co., stockbrokers, 54 Bell street
Cox, John, enginedriver, 40 Perth road
Cox, J, Cox, of Cox Brothers, Limited, The Cottage, Lochee
Cox, William, riveter, 8 Charles street
Cox, William, of Cox Brothers, Limited, Foggyley, Lochee; andSnaigow,
Cox, William H., of Cox Brothers, Limited, The Hirsel, St Andrews
Cox, Rev. Wm. J,, Panmure Street Congregational Church; h. 10 Airliepl.
Cox, Mrs Helen, china merchant, 35 James street; A. 3 Clark street
Cox, Mrs, manglekeeper, 46 Constable street
Coyle, John, broker, 30 Commercial street, Maxwelltown
Coyle, John, tailor and clothier, 30 South Tay street
Coyle, Michael, wine and spirit mer., 21 and 23 Hawkhill; h. Newport
Coyle, Mrs, 60 Bell street
Crabb, George C, sorting clerk, Post Office ; h. 27 Scott street
Crabb, James, church-officer, Bonnethill Free Church ; h. 68 James st.
Crabb, John, flaxdresser, 23 Wolseley street
Crabb, John D. , plater, 23 Brown street
Crabb, John M,, lapper, 28 Kincardine street
Crabb, William, calenderer, 2 Crescent lane
Crabb, Mrs William, provision merchant, 27 Lilybank road
. Crabbe, Alexander S., 28 Springfield
Crabbe, David, watchmaker and jeweller, 26 King st. ; h. 2 Morgan st.
Crabbe, David S. , grocer and spirit mer., 127 Blackness rd. ; h. 26 Tait's lane
Crabbe, Frederick, waiter, 40 Dallfield walk
CRABBE, JOHN C, auctioneer and valuator, Dundee Auction Rooms, 10
Ward rd. (Telephone No. 385); A. Cliftonbank, N'port. See Adv. p. 73
Crabbe & Robertson, cabinetmakers, upholsterers, and polishers, 2, 5,
7, and 8 Tally street (Telephone No. 704), and Church lane ; work-
shops, 48 and 58 Victoria road ; stores, 152 Nethergate
Crabbe, William M., of Crabbe & Robertson, William street, Tayport
Craddoch, Geoi'ge, enginedriver, 27 Tait's lane
Craig, Alexander, ironmonger, 63 North Wellington street
Craig, Alexander, factory overseer, 25 Scott street
Craig, A. & T., builders and contractors, West Clepington
Craig, David, factory manager, Dens Works ; h. Apollo cot. , B. Ferry
Craig, David L., wine merchant's assistant, 91 Peddie street
Craig, David S., calender manager, 4 St Matthew street
CRAIG, GEORGE B., glass and china merchant, 28 and 30 Westport; h.
53 Tay street. See Adv. p. 70
Craig, Hannah, newsagent and confectioner, 69 Lochee road ; h. 67
Craig, Helen, stationer and fancy goods merchant, 32 Dura street
Craig, James, railway fireman, 37 Kinloch place
Craig, James, engineer, 10 Benvie road
Craig, James A., grocer, 91 Milnljank road
Craig, John, late hosier, glover, and shirtmaker, 71 High street
Craig, John, engineer, 4 Lawrence street
Craig, John, plumber, gasfitter, and ironmonger, lOSg^ Hilltown ; h. 101
Craig, John, coffeehouse-keeper, 25 Princes street ; h. 23
Craig, M., fancy wool repository, underclothing and hosiery, 3 Castle
street ; A. 71 High street
Craig, Peter, merchant tailor, 14 South Lindsay street ; h. 1 Balgray pi.
Craig, Robert, factory overseer, Tayfield Works ; h. 91 Peddie street
Craig, Thomas, builder, 2 Fern bank, Clepington road
Craig, William, mason, 6 Cardean street
Craigen, Alexander, joiner, 11 Speed's terrace
Craighead, D. W., commission agent, 19 Seafield road
Craighead, Peter, mason, 54 Mains road
Craighead, Robert, dresser, 57 Mains road
Craighead, Robert M., packer, 57 Mains road
Craigie, Thomas L., confectioner. 111 Ann street
Craigie Works, Robertson street ; Gibson, Robertson, & Co. , spinners
Craigie Yard Warehouse Co. ; J. J. Barrie & Co. , managers, 10 Panmure st.
Craik, David, joiner, 13 Ure street
Craik, George, agent, 19 Annfield street
Craik, William, calenderworker, 14 Arthur street
Craik, Mrs James, 1 St Peter street
Cram, James, accountant, 16 Euclid crescent ; h. 2 Balgay avenue
Cramb, James, cabinetmaker, 6 Bernard street
Cramb, James, machineman, 67 Ure street
Cramb, Robert, compositor, 15 Bonnybank road
Cramb, Miss, dairykeeper, 121 Albert street ; h. 2 Morgan street
Crammond, Andrew, joiner, 28 Kincardine street
Crammond, John, tailor, 4 Lawrence street
Cramond, James C, commercial traveller, 20 Cleghorn street
Cran, Robert, head clerk and storekeeper. East Poorhouse, Eliza street
Cranmer, Mary, draper, 54 Dura street ; A. 56
Cranmer, William, ironplaner, 25 Langlands street
Cranston, Miss Elizabeth, missionary, 7 Mid street
Crassweller, Ellen, oral teacher of deaf and dumb, Euclid Crescent
School ; h. Cupar road, Newport
Crawford, Jas., painter and paperhanger, 32 King st.; h. 96 Murraygate
Crawford, James, engineer, 7 Roslin terrace
Crawford, John, grocer and potato merchant, 42 Polepark road ; h. 44
Crawford, John, musician, 16 St Andrew's street
Crawford, John, yarndresser, 2 St David's lane
Crawford, Robert, colliery agent, 37 High street
Crawford, William, fruit and potato merchant, QQ Overgate ; h. 77
Crawford, William, police constable, 8 Cleghorn street
Crawford, Wm. B., M.A., B.Sc, teacher. High School; h. 142 Perth rd.
Crawford, Mrs Agnes, stationer, 66 Princes street; h. 4 Park avenue
Cree, John, broker, 237 Lochee road
Cree, John Murrie, clerk, 107 Ami street
Cree, Thomas, mason, 107 Ann street
Creighton, Rev. Wm. D. , M. A. , curate, St Salvador's Ch. ; A. 3 S. George st.
Crerar, Alex. , church-officer, Tay Square Church ; h. 143 Nethergate
Crerar, Daniel, pianoforte tuner, 1 Gowrie place
Crichton, Alexander B. , & Co., school bag manufacturers, Johnston
Street Factory ; weaving factory, Guthrie street
Crichton, A. B., of A. B. Crichton & Co., Daisy cottage, 14 Shamrock st.
Crichton, David, harbour porter, 61 Watson street
Crichton, Donald, gardener, 123 Victoria road
Crichton, George M., steel and iron agent and machine merchant, 37
Exchange street ; /«. 3 Viewforth street
Crichton, James, wine and spirit merchant, 13 and 15 Victoria road; h.
17 Victoria road, and West Lights, Tay port
Crichton, James, lapper, 3 Derby street
Crichton, Jane & Isabella, dressmakers, 32 South Tay street
Crichton, John, overseer, 7 Hill street
Crichton, John, brassfinisher, 9 Benygloe, Tulloch crescent
Crichton, John M., spiritdealer's assistant, 161 Ann street
Crichton, Luis, engineer, 1 South Baffin street
Crichton, Peter, 18 St Mary's place
Crichton, Robert, colporteur, 98 Rosebank street
Cricliton, Thomas, draper, 42 Ann street
Crichton, Thomas, 5 Parker street
Crichton, Thomas, mason, 30 North Ellen street
Crichton, William, wine and spirit mer., 5 Wellgate; h. 3 Charles street
Crichton, Mrs David, lodgings, 38 Seafield road
Crichton, Mrs James, grocer, 1 Derby street ; h. 3
Crichton, Mrs M. B. , cab proprietor, 90 Ferry road
Crichton, Mrs, lady's nurse, 1 9 Bain sqviare
Crighton, Alexander, riveter, 2 Church street. Princes street
Crighton, Andrew, foreman mechanic, 1 Taylor's lane
Crighton, Andrew, butcher, 49 Main street ; A. 73 North Church street
Crighton, David, builder and contr. , 29 Kincardine st. ; h. 75 Annfield rd.
Crighton, David, plumber, 6 Bell street
Crighton, George, butcher, 3 Coupar's alley
Crighton, James, commis. agent, 82 High st. ; h. Willowgrove, W. Ferry
Crighton, James, millforeman, 8 Peddie street
Crighton, James, coal merchant, 60 Dudhope street ; h. 90 Dens road
Crighton, James F., joiner, 29 Rose street
Crighton, John, calenderworker, 41 Wilkie's lane
Crighton, John, of John Crighton & Sons, 109 Albert street
Crighton, John, jun., of John Crighton &, Sons, 7 Albert street
Crighton, John, & Sous, plumbers and gasfitters, 105 Cowgate
Crighton, Robert, bookseller (second hand), 8 Temple lane
Crighton, Robert, cabinetmaker, 17 Paterson street
Crighton, William, of John Crighton & Sons, 8 Ferry road
Crighton, William, spirit merchant's assistant, 26 Victoria street
Crighton, Mrs, lodgings, 23 St Andrew's street
Crighton, Miss M., dress and mantle maker, 109 Albert street
Croal, James F., grocer, 26 Crichton street, 2 Greenmarket, and 84
Victoria road ; h. 19 Dallfield terrace
Croal, Mrs Rachel, 29 Union place
Crockatt, Andrew M., railway guard, 6 Ford's lane
Crockatt, John, coaldealer, 51 Elizabeth st. ; h. 45 North Wellington st.
Crockett, Alex. D., clerk. Harbour chambers ; h. Maryfield cot., E. N'port
Croft, James, carting contractor, 14 Smellie's lane
Crofts, George, millforeman, 18 Benvie road
Crole, Colvin, officer of Inland revenue, 1 South Tay street
Croll,Andw., M.B., CM., resident med. officer, Paroch.Hosp., Mains loan
Croll, Andrew, mechanic, 44 Blackness road
Croll, David, of D. & W. Croll, Ashley grove, Broughty Ferry
Croll, D. & W., nurserymen, seedsmen, and florists, 63 Commercial street,
and Dalhousie Nursery, Barnhill
Croll, Jessie, of J. Croll & Co., 330 Hawkhill
Croll, John, of D. & W. Croll, 4 Hunter place, Broughty Ferry
Croll, John, Town- clerk's office ; h. 10 Baton's lane
Croll, John, shore porter, 1 South Baffin street
Croll, J., & Co., drapers, 217 and 219 Perth road
Croll, William, gardener, Taybank lodge, Arbroath road
Croll, Mrs Elizabeth, babylinen warehouse, 56 Peddie street ; h. 68
Croll, Miss, 58 Seafield road
Cromar, John, printer, 5 Brown street
Cromb, James, sub-editor, Evening Telegraph ; h. 50 Seafield road
Crook, Alexander, joiner, 9 Tannadice street
Crook, John, powerloom manager, 1 Annfield street
Crooks, James, of Robert Crooks & Son, 10 Bell street
Crooks, John, tenter, 169 Hilltown
Crooks, Robert, of Robert Crooks & Son, Poplar place. East Newport
Crooks, Robt., & Son, ironmongers, plumbers, and gasfitters, 89 King st.
Crooks, William, coaldealer, 16 Charles street ; h. 59 Wellgate
Croom, Alexander, of Pirie & Croom, 4 Balfour street
Cross, David, coachman, 16 Seafield road
Crotty, Rev. Patrick J., St Mai-y's R.C. Church; h. 22 Powrie place
Croudace, John Stephen, shipchandler, 2 King William dock ; A.
Seaward, Monifieth
Croudace, Wm, S., shipowner, 18 Dock street; li. Netherby, Bro'ty Ferry
Crow, Andrew, harbour porter, 21 Todburn lane
Crow, Charles, tailor, 7 Annfield row
Crow, David, house proprietor, 5 Westfield lane
Crow, Edward, blacksmith and cartwright, 29 Dura street
Ci'ow, George, commission agent, 10 Shepherd's loan
Crow, James, gamedealer, 27 Union street ; h. Birkhill feus
Crow, John E. , commission agent, 6 Forfar road
Crowe, David, of W. & S. Strong, 12 Dudhope place
CROWE, W. S., Centi-al Hairdressing Saloons, 8 and 10 Thorter row ; h. 3
Seagate. See Adv. p. 69
Crowley, Wm., merchant, 81 Murray gate; A. Monifieth road, B. Ferry
Crown Hotel, 1 Shore terrace; Mrs E. Steel, proprietrix
Cruden, James H., joiner, 2 Eliza street
Cruden, John G., enginefitter, 2 Catherine street
Cruden, J. G., draper, 16 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Cruden, Stewart, of S. & A. Cruden, 155 Blackness toad
Cruden, S. & A., cabinetmakers and funeral undertakers, 153 Blackness
road and 8 Cherryfield lane
Cruickshank, Charles L, , waste mercht. , 6 Park st. ; h. 5 St Mary's ter.
Cruickshank, George, waste merchant, 6 Park street
Cruickshank, James, painter, 10 Rosebank road
Cruickshank, James, signalman, 27 Cleghorn street
Cruickshank, James, sorting clerk, 14 Gardner street
Cruickshank, John, mason, 3 Pitfour street
Cruickshank, Son, & Co., insurance surveyors and assessors of fire
losses, 7 Ward road, and 73 George street, Edinburgh
Cruickshank, William, coal merchant, 17 Arklay street
Cruickshank, Mrs David, manglekeeper, 50 Kemback street
Cruickshank, Mrs, 1 Dalhousie terrace
Cruickshanks, William, milloverseer, 12 Craigie street
Crystal, James, of M'Millan & Crystal, 3 Watt street
Crystal, J. P., of Robert Baxter & Co., Bramblebank, Broughty Ferry
Crystal, Peter, assist, goods manager, Cal. Rly.; h. 42 Magdalen Yard rd.
CuUen, Peter, shoemaker, 15 Polepark road and 57 Lochee road ; h. \
Lawrence street
Culross, Alexander, tinsmith and gasfitter, 30 Small's wynd
Culross, James, joiner, 9 St Matthew street
Gumming, Andw. W., solicitor, 1 Bank st. ; h. 5 Balgillo cres., B. Ferry
Cumming, Catherine, 13 Lawson place
dimming, George, merchant, 1 Royal Exchange place ; h. 4 Baxter Park
Cumming, James L., clerk, Eastwood terrace, Clepington road
Cumming, Peter L., watchmaker, 71 Ann street
Cumming, William, wholesale tea merchant, 33 Exchange street ; h.
Links house, Broughty Ferry
Cumming, Wm. , timekpr. , Arctic tannery; h. Eastwood ter. , Clepington rd.
Cumming, Mrs Alexander, laundress, 48 Ferry road
Cumming, Mrs David, wine and spirit merchant, 54 Ann street ; li. 38
Cummings Brothers, chemists and druggists, 49 Reform street
Cummings, Charles, seaman, 4 Craig street
Cummings, Charles, of Cummings Brothers, 53 South Tay street
Cummings, William, of Cummings Brothers, 53 South Tay street
Cunningham, Archibald S., railway yardsman, 34 Step row
Cunningham, Catherine, draper, 250 Hilltown ; li. 248
Cunningham, David, civil engineer, Works office, Harbour chambers; h.
Marrbank, Cupar road. East Newport
Cunningham, James, of Malcolm, Ogilvie, & Co., Limited, Seafield
lodge, Broughty Ferry
Cunningham, James, bookseller, stationer, and wholesale newsagent, 1
Cowgate and 100 Murraygate ; A. 1 Bain square
Cunningham, James, watchman, 10 Annfield street
Cunningham, John L. , merchant, 38 Magdalen Yard road
Cunningham, J. & J. , of Leith, cake and manure merchts. , 46 Candle lane
Cunningham, William, of Brough, Cunningham, & Co., 3 Norwood ter,
Cunningham, William, millwright, 86 Peddle street
Cunningham, William, blacksmith, 7 Morgan street
Cunningham, William 0. ,of Malcolm, Ogilvie, & Co. , Ltd. ,Hillside,B.Ferry
Cunningham, Mrs E,, outfitter, 36 Greenmarket ; h. 8 Crichton street
Cunningham, Mrs, Douglas house. West Ferry
Cunningham, Misses, teachers, 1 Blackness crescent
Cunnison, Robert, joiner, 84 Peddle street
Curr, James, fish merchant, 90 Ann street ; h. 2 Jamaica street
Curr, John, seaman, 23 Wolseley street
Curr, John M. , baker and grocer, 94 Rosebank street ; h. 92
Curr Night Refuge, 5 WestBell street ; George Rankine, superintendent
Curr, Robert, of Harris & Curr, 14 Forfar road
Curr, William, moulder, 15 Morgan street
Curran, Hugh, milloverseer, 20 Fleuchar street
Currie, Finlay, compositor, 2 Morgan street
Currie, Michael, labourer, 5 Small's lane
Currie, W. Thomson, of Shiell & Small, secretary to Dundee and New-
tyle Railway Co. , Dundee Corn Exchange and Public Hall Associa-
tion, Ld., and commissioner of the High Court of Justice, Ireland,
5 Bank street ; h. Rankeillour, by Cupar Fife
Currie, Mrs D., 13 West Dock street
Curtis, William, recruiting sergeant, 7 King's road
Cusack, Owen, coaldealer, 6 Ellen street; h. 48 Alexander street
Cusick, Peter, carter, 50 William street, Forebank
Cusick, Mrs Margaret, confectioner, 43 William street, Forebank
Cussick, Bernard, milloverseer, 7 Yeaman shore
Cuthbert, Alexander, compositor, 5 Mountpleasant
Cuthbert, Alexander, calenderwoi'ker, 3 Reid street
Cuthbert, Alexander, compositor, 25 Scott street
Cuthbert, Andrew, sub-editor. Evening Telegraph ; h. 1 Roslin terrace
Cuthbert, David, packer, 27 North Church street
Cuthbert, Duncan, compositor, 1 Mountpleasant
Cuthbert, George, of Thomas Cuthbert & Son, 13 Albany terrace
Cuthbert, James, grocer and provision merchant, 154 Hilltown; h. 119^
Cuthbert, James, coal merchant, 26 Balfour street
Cuthbert, James, of R. & J. Cuthbert, 82 Dudhope street
Cuthbert, James, machinefitter, 22 Gardner street
Cuthbert, John, shoemaker, 20 St Peter street ; and church-officer, St
David's Parish Church ; h. 35 St Peter street
Cuthbert, Robert, joiner, 43 Annfield road
Cuthbert, Robert, ironmoulder, 82 Dudhope street
Cuthbert, R. & J., butchers, 48 Dudhope Crescent road
Cuthbert, Samuel, mechanic, 16 Strathmartine road
Cuthbert, Thomas, 31 Hill street
Cuthbert, Thomas, & Son, coachbldrs., Ward rd, and Noi-th Lindsay st.
Cuthbert, William, colporteur, 46 Hilltown
Cuthbert, William, coaldealer, 12 Park wynd
Cuthbert, William, joiner, 23 Union place
Cuthbert, William R., mechanic, 17 Blackness street
Cuthbert, William, jun , clerk, and organist, Chapelshade Parish Church ;
h. 25 Union place
Cuthill, William, officer, St Mary's Established Church; h. 55| Murraygate
Cuthill, William, spiritdealer, 56 Hilltown; h. 6 William st., Forebank
Dagg, Robert A., shipmaster, 21 Strawberrybank
Dailly, Daniel, late draper, 65 Nethergate
Dailly, Daniel, jun., wine merchant, 39 Lochee road; h. Blackness
cottage, 42 Tait's lane
Dailly, Peter, engineer, 8 Daniel street
Dailly, Miss Jessie, dressmaker, 1 William street, Scouringburn
Dair, James, confectioner, 35 Small's wynd
Dair, John, gardener, 29 Kinloch street
Dakers, Daniel R., plasterer, 87 Hospital wynd
Dakers, David, shipmaster, 94 Nethergate
Dakers, David, tenter, 4 Mortimer street
Dakers, David, greengrocer and dairyman, 36 Watson street ; h. 34
Dakers, James, tailor and clothier, 91 Hospital wynd
Dale, John, milloverseer, 6 Balfour street
Dale, Thomas, 34 Carmichael street
Dalgairns & Co., wine merchants, 4 Shore terrace
Dalgety, Charles, horsedealer, 15 Park place ; h. 37 Nethergate
Dalgety, David, horsedealer, 21 and 23 Long wynd ; h. 37 Nethergate
Dalgety, George, flesher, 104 Princes street and 23 Constitution road ;
h. 106 Princes street
Dalgety, George, tenter, 12 Paterson street
Dalgety, Henry, police constable, 27 Victoria road
Dalgety, William, horsedealer, 15 Park place ; h. 37 Nethergate
Dalgety, Mrs, 37 Nethergate
Dalgety, Miss, music teacher, 37 Nethergate
Dalgleish, William Ogilvy, chairman of Baxter Brothers & Co., Ltd. ;
h. Errol Park, Errol
Dalgleish, Misses L. & M. A., drapers, 7 Scouringburn ; h. 52 Westport
Dall, George, collector, 28 Kinloch street
Dallas, David, overseer, 15 Tannadice street
Dallas, Mrs A. , provision merchant, 30 Court street ; h. 1 Roslin terrace
Dallas, Miss J., grocer, 2 Kinloch street; h. 15 Tannadice street
Daly, James, broker, 11 Clark street
Dand, Charles, warehouseman, 5 Victoria square, 43 Nethergate
Dand, Chas. G. , di'aper, milliner, and clothier, 26 Hilltown ; h. 31 Wellgate
Dand, William, of Potts & Dand, 33 Hill street
Danskin, W^illiam, enginedriver, 15 Paton s lane
Dargie, Alex., blacksmith, 26 Commercial st., Maxwelltown; h. 59
Dargie, Alexander, tenter, 11 Clepington street
Dargie, Andrew, gardener, 8 Mortimer street
Dargie, Annie, pawnbroker, 68 Lilybank road ; h. 20 Cowgate
Dargie, Charles, tailor, 61 Crescent street
Dargie, David, warehouseman, 31 North Ellen street
Dargie, James, of J. & W. Dargie, 77 Strathmartine road
Dargie, James, stableman, 6 St Matthew street
Dargie, James, Gowanbank, Lochee road
Dargie, John, blacksmith, 174 Lochee road
Dargie, John, mason, 336 Loons road
Dargie, J. & W., builders, contractors, and quarriers, 134 Strathmartine
road, and Rosemill Quarry, Strathmartine
Dargie, Peter, checker, 28 Dalltield walk
Dargie, Robert, Gowanbank, Lochee road
Dargie, William, of J. & W. Dargie, 85 Strathmartine road
Dargie, William, blacksmith, 83 Hawkhill
Dargie, Mrs William, 20 Cowgate
Darling, Andrew, waiter, 24 Hawkhill
Darling, James, artist, 51 Yeaman shore
Darling, Thomas, clerk, 51 Yeaman shore
Darnoch, Daniel, storekeeper, 2 Ogilvie's road
David, George, 5 Parker street
David, John, bootmaker, 12 Princes street, 286 Hilltown, and 54 West-
port ; A. 4 Craigie street
David, Joseph, printer, 9 Kinnaird street
David, Peter, lapper, 3 Roslin terrace
David, Thomas, secretary, James Carmichael & Co., Ltd.; h. 1 Rustic pi.
Davidson, Alexander, mechanic, 45 Cotton road
Davidson, Alexander, plumber a,nd brassfounder, 100 Victoria road ; h.
11 William street, Forebank
Davidson, Alexander, labourer, 32 Lawson place
Davidson, Alex. , grocer and provision mer. , 76 Peddie st.; h. 1 Balgay st.
Davidson, Alexander, plumber, 17 Lawrence street
Davidson, Alexander, surfaceman, 2 St Matthew street
Davidson, Alexander, yamdresser, 14 Wilkie's lane
Davidson, Alexander, teacher, 2a Eliza street
Davidson, Alexander L., enginedriver, 13 Blackheath place
Davidson, Annie C, confectioner, Whitehall crescent
Davidson, Archibald, mechanic, 32 North street
Davidson, Balfour H., skinner, 20 Fleuchar street
Davidson, Charles, engineer, 10 Park avenue
Davidson. Charles, confection packer, 31 Rosebauk street
Davidson, David, moulder, 11 St Salvador street
Davidson, David, inspector of police, 194 Scouringburn
Davidson, David, clerk, 3 Melrose terrace
Davidson, David, painter, 8 Lawrence street
Davidson, Frederick S., stationer, 183 Blackness road ; h. 273 Hawkhill
Davidson, George, dockgateman, 21 Lyon street
Davidson, George, joiner, 13 Ellen street
Davidson, George, enginedriver, 40 Perth road
Davidson, George, tenter, 22 Catherine street
Davidson, George, poi'ter, 4 Gardner's lane
Davidson, Hans, grocer, 191 Blackness road ; h. 273 Hawkhill
DAVIDSON & HUNTER, heating engineers and general blacksmiths, 22
and 24 Ward road. See Adv. p. 31
Davidson, Rev. H. M., St Andrew's Parish Church ; h. Park house, 9
Wellington street
Davidson, Isa. , dressmkr. , and agt. scientific dresscutting, 13 Albert square
Davidson, James, Temperance hotel, 16 Greenmarket
Davidson, Jas., cashier, Ladybank L. Wks. ; h. 1 Victoriacot. W. Newport
Davidson, James, spiritdealer, 42 Bell street ; h. 48
Davidson, James, grain merchant, 77 King street
Davidson, James, carter, 2 Main street
Davidson, James, painter, 12 Lawrence street
Davidson, James, dressing foreman, 3 Pitfour street
Davidson, James, foreman packer, 31 Rose street
Davidson, James, shipmaster, 3 Balmore street
Davidson, James, caretaker, Young Men's Friendly Society rooms, 46
Castle street
Davidson, James N., of James N. Davidson & Gray, Holmbrae, Wormit
Davidson, James N., &Gray, chemists (wholesale & retail), 128ANethergate
(Telephone No. 163; Telegraphic address. "Davidson, Chemist")
Davidson, John, carter, 28 Back street
Davidson, John, collector, 7 Morrison's court, Wellgate
Davidson, John, of Davidson & Hunter, 1 Balgay street
Davidson, John, mechanic, 2 Brown street
Davidson, John, storekeeper, 14 Shepherd's loan
Davidson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 52 and 54 Overgate, and 17
Tally street ; h. \\ Craigie street
Davidson, John, joiner, 26 Long wynd
Davidson, John, mason, 8 Park terrace
Davidson, Richard, carpenter, 15 Lilybank road
Davidson, Robert, shipmaster, 273 Hawkhill
Davidson, Robert, shipmaster, 23 Step row
Davidson, Robert, seaman, 5 Kinnaird street
Davidson, Thomas M., M.A., B.Sc, F.R.G.S., governor, Royal Orphan
Institution, 133 Ferry road
Davidson, Wallace, grocer, 32 North street
Davidson, William, ironmonger, plumber, tinsmith, and gasfitter, 36
Polepark road ; h. Camphill, Broughty Ferry
Davidson, William, brassfinisher, 51 Crescent street
Davidson, William, clerk, 1 Lamb's lane
Davidson, William, mason, 2 Ashton place
Davidson, William, millforeman, 67 Peddie street
Davidson, Wm., tailor and clothier, 130b Nethergate'; h. 22 Peddie st.
Davidson, William, grocer, 17 Park avenue
Davidson, William, storekeeper, 2 Main street
Davidson, Wm. Douglas, bandmaster, teacherof music, 1 Strawberrybank
Davidson, Mrs E., 13 St Peter street
Davidson, Mrs J., dress and mantle maker, 142 Perth road
Davidson, Mrs J. S., 9 South Tay street
Davidson, Mrs R. B., 16 South Lindsay street
Davidson, Mrs, dairy keeper, 136 Albert street ; h, 134
Davidson, Mrs, confectioner, 306 Hawkhill
Davidson, Mrs, 157^ Scouringburn
Davidson, Mrs, midwife and ladies' nurse, 4 Annfield street
Davidson, Miss Ellen, 35 Cowgate
Davidson, Miss Kate, teacher of music, 8 Park terrace
Davidson, Miss, professor of guitar, 9 South Tay street
Davidson, Miss, Lawview villa. Lav/side road
Davie, Alexander C, of P. & A. Davie, 15 William street, Forebank
Davie, John, packer, 13 Hospital wynd.
Davie, John, slater, 17 Princes street
Davie, Joseph, clerk, 5 Balfour street
Davie, Laurence, baker, 37 Lochee road
Davie, Peter, of P. & X. Davie, Beechwood. cottage, Barry
Davie, Peter & Alex. , house painters and decorators, 44 & 46 Victoria rd.
Davie, William, machineman, 67 Ure street
Davie, Mrs George, 30 North street
Davie, Mrs James, 12 Lorimer street
Davie, Mrs John, 32 Raglan street
Davie, Miss E., ironer, 42 Kincardine street
Davies, James, agent for Midland Railway Co., 57 Meadowside ; h.
Coilingwood terrace, Barnhill
Davies, Michael, bootmaker, 1 King's road ; h. 24 Whorterbank, Lochee
Davies, Mrs Jessie, teacher, Clepington Schl.; /i.3 Gilburnter,, Downfield.
Davis, Andrew, joiner, 20 Forest Park road
Davis, Archibald, foreman blacksmith, 86 Ferry road
Davis, Robert, clothier, Morton's square, 31 Wellgate
Davis, William E., superintendent, London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow
Assurance Co., Limited, 3 Charles street
DAWSON & CO., wholesale and retail drapers, tailors, hatters, and
milliners, 38, 40, and 42 Westport. See Adv. p. 88
Dawson, David, teacher, Tay Street Public School ; h. 2 Balgay avenue
Dawson, D. R., merchant, 7 Bell street ; h. Ingleside, Lower Craigie
Dawson, Henry, beamer, 32 Hill town
Dawson & Hunter, dress, mantle, and millinery warehousemen, 12 and
14 Reform street
Dawson, John, of Dawson & Co., 18 Airlie place
Dawson, John, gardener, Duncraig lodge, Glamis road
Dawson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 27 Rose street ; h. 19 Bain sq,
Dawson, Samuel, machineworker, 14 Dura street
Dawson, William, of Dawson & Hunter, Claremont, West Ferry
Dawson, William, millforeman, 8 Daniel street
Dawson, William, of W. & J. Dawson, 19 Bain square
Dawson, W, & J., grocers and wine merchants, 112 Victoria road
Dawson, Mrs, dress and jacket maker, 19 Bain square
Deans, George, milloverseer, 57 Mains road
Deas, Henry, enginefitter, 7 Balfour street
Deas, James, clothier, 38 and 40 Commercial st. ; h. Sea view cot., Barnhill
Deas, John, coachbuilder, 23 Baxter street
DEAS, JOHN J., of the "Deas Caligraph," factor for all kinds of type-
writers, 1 Mid street. See Adv. p. 67
DEESIDE Hydropathic Establishment. See Adv. p. 22
De Gernier, Ed. , boot and shoe maker, 30 Tindal's wynd ; h. 7 Castle lane
Delay en, E., French teacher, 65 Commercial street
Dempster, David, boot and shoe maker, 101 Hawkhill ; h. 6 Park ter.
Dempster, G. B. , painter and paperhanger, 5 Rosefield st. ; h. 5 Ogilvie st.
Dempster, William, butcher, 88 Scouringburn
Dempster, Mrs James, fish merchant, 23 Nethergate; h. 17 Crichton st.
Denham, Hannah, dressmaker, 90 Seagate
Denholm, William, 193 Perth road
Denholm, Mrs, 212 Blackness road
Denmark, Consul for — B. L. Nairn, 26 Commercial street
Dens Road Works, Dens road ; John Laird, jun., manufacturer
Dens Works, 13 Princes st. ; Baxter Brothers & Co., Ltd., manufacturers
Derrick, James C, water inspector, 62 Ferry road
Deuchars, Alexander, cabdiiver, 22 Arthur street
Deuchars, A., water inspec, 7 Euclid st. ; h. Wormit Reservoir, Newport
Deuchars, Charles, shore porter, 4 Balfour street
Deuchars, James, clerk, 20 Nelson street
Deuchars, Mrs David, apartments, 9 St Andrew's street
DEUCHARS, Mrs DAVID, lace and curtain cleaner. Nelson place, 20
Nelson street. See Adv. p. 34
Devany, James, grocer and spiritdealer, 51 Princes st. ; It. 51 Lilybank rd.
Devereux, Howard P., collector of Customs ; A. Balgillo cres., B. Ferry
Devoto, Peter, ice-cream mei'chant, 12 Shore terrace ; h. 77 Overgate
Dewar, Alexander, police constable, 5 Blyth street
Dewar, Alexander, traveller, 15 Castle street ; h. 3 Hilltown
Dewar, Alfred A., tinsmith, Summerlea place, Mains road
Dewar, Andrew, factory manager, 22. Airlie place
Dewar & Christie, cotton yarn agents and millfurnishers, 2 Baltic bldgs.
Dewar, Daniel, 8 Osborne place
Dewar, David, chief constable and procurator-fiscal, Central Police
chambers, West Bell street; h. 5 Windsor terrace
Dewar, David, blacksmith, 45 Princes street
Dewar, David, cloth lapper, 32 Peddie street
Dewar, James, waggon inspector, 31 Annfield road
Dewar, James, compositor, 4c King street
Dewar, James, ironturner, 6 Victoria square
Dewar, Jane, fruiterer, 73 Perth road
Dewar, John, fireman, 26 Ogilvie's road
Dewar, John F., blacksmith, 1 South Baffin street
Dewar, Mary, dairykeeper, 43 N. Wellmgton street; h. 8 Alexander at.
Dewar, Peter, ironturner, 12 Alexander street
Dewar, William, mechanic, 10 Ashton place
Dewar, William, coal merchant, 33 Kincardine street
Dewar, William, mechanic, 17 Grlamis street
Dewar, William, engineer, 166 Perth road
Dewar, Mrs Duncan, 35 Wilkie's lane
Dewar, Mrs, grocer, 22 Caldrum street
Dewar, Mrs, 24 Gardner street
Dewar, Miss Maggie, dressmaker, 8 Kinloch street
Dick, David, clerk, 19 Victoria street
Dick, George C, draper, 52 Magdalen Yard road
Dick, George P., spirit merchant, 87a Lochee road; h. 72
Dick, James, hay, straw, and grain merchant, 40 Lochee road; h. 51
Dick, James, butcher, 5 North Church street; h. 69
Dick, James, watchmaker and jeweller, 155 Victoria road ; h. 143
Dick, James, factory foreman, 15 Rosefield street
Dick, John, joiner, 69 South Tay street ; h. 80 Hawkhill
Dick, Robert, joiner, 13 St Mary street
Dick, R. & J., gutta-percha and leather boot and shoe manufs,,21 Overgate
Dick, Sabella, dressmaker, 11 Whitehall street
Dick, Thomas, carpenter, 3 King street
Dick, Thomas, ironturner, 5 Milnbank road
Dick, William S., clerk, 6 Gardner street
Dick, Mrs J. , tinsmith, 20 Kirk entiy ; h. 59 Wellgate
Dick, Miss Agnes, 14 St Mary's place
Dick, Miss J. A., dressmaker, 160 Hilltown
Dick, Misses Jessie and Margaret, 44 King street
Dick, Miss, 19 Victoria street
Dickie, David, wholesale builders' ironmonger, 27 to 31 Commercial st.
(TelephoneNo. 179); /i. Ballochmyle, Norwood cres. (Teleph. No. 1001)
Dickie & Duncan, wholesale boot and shoe merchants, 22 & 24 Bank st.
Dickie, D., clerk, 28 Ferry road
Dickie, James, of Dickie & Duncan, Ythanbank, 5 Lynnewood place
DICKIE, JAMES A., wire worker and bellhanger, 14, 18, and 22 Barrack
street ; h. Inverbay villa, Invergowrie. See Adv. p. 51
Dickie & Paul, solicitors and notaries public, 11 Whitehall street
(Telephone No. 101)
Dickie, Samuel, enginedriver, 15 Union place
Dickie, William B., of Dickie & Paul, Cambustay, Broughty Ferry
Dickson, Alexander, of Robertson, Dickson, & Co., Taybank, Tayport
Dickson, David, joiner, 3 Lowden's alley
Dickson, David, of David Dickson & Co., 18 Kilnburn pL, E. Newport
Dickson, David, & Co., merchants, 40 St Andrew's street
Dickson, John, pointsman, 38 Seafield road
Dickson, J. W. , traveller, 33 Stirling street
Dickson, Wm., ironmonger, 20 and 21 Highst. ; h. Cliftonbank, Newport
Dickson, Wm. , tchr. , Eosebank Public School ; h. 9 Louise ter., W. Ferry
Dickson, William, police constable, 12 St Mary's place
Dickson, William C, of Congleton & Dickson, Taybank, Tayport
Dickson, W. M., superintendent and secretary, Dundee Industrial
Schools Society; h. Industrial Schools, Baldovan
Dingwall, John, draper, 19 Baxter street ; h. 21
Dingwall, William, vanman, 2 Corso street
Dingwall, William, clerk, 2 Rosefield street
Dingwall, Mrs William, 60 Strathmartine road
Dingwall, Mrs, 179 Blackness road
Dixon, George, ironmoulder, 23 Scott street
Dixon, H. G. , ironmonger, cutler, sawmaker, and athletic goods merchant,
41 High st. ; cycle agt. , &c. , 50 Union st. ; h. 7 Kilnburn pi., Newport
Dixon, William, Limited, coalmasters, 24 Yeaman shore
Dobbie, David, mechanic, 69 North Church street
Dobbie, Francis, porter, 10 Morrison's court
Dobson, Edward, bookkeeper, 129 Nethergate
Dobson, Helen, 7 Park terrace
Dobson, Thos. G., Inland Revenue, 31 Bank st.; h. 2 Tay ter., B. Ferry
Docherty, Hugh, shipmaster, 132 Hawkhill
Docherty, Mary Ann, broker, 5 Session street
Docherty, Peter, cutler and brassfinisher, 34 Hawkhill
Dock Street Warehouse Co. ,13 Panmure st. ; DavidMartin & Co. , managers
Doctor, John, milloverseer, 67 Milnbank road
Doctor, Wm., grocer, tea, wine, &spt.mer., 1 Kinloch st. ; h. lOSRosebank st.
Doctor, Wm. F., manuf., Jamaica St. Works ; h. Ashleigh, East Newport
Dodds & Bathie, agricultural auctioneers and live stock salesmen, 19 High
street (Telephone No. 719), and at 86 High street, Arbroath
Dodds, J. Dickson, export and commission merchant, and insurance
agent, 2 India buildings ; A-. 2 St Johnswood terrace
Dodds, Thomas M., of Dodds & Bathie, Baldoviefarm
Dodds, Robert William, missionary to the deaf and dumb, 31 Reform
street ; h. 43 Peddie street
Doig, Alexander P. , tailor's cutter, 2 Seafield lane
Andrew, mason, 55 Hill street
Archibald, carter, 109 Hospital wynd
David, house proprietor, 59 Caldrum street
Hector, tenter, 2 Urquhart street
James, of Hunter, Doig, & Palmer, 3 Ellen street
James, bridie and pie baker, 46 Overgate ; h. 48
James, tailor, 16 Baffin street
James, tenter, 2 Erskine street
James, mechanic, 58 Caldrum street
James K., wine and spirit merchant, 30 Seagate ; h. 3 Hilltown
James S. , hairdresser, 7 Charles street ; h. 31 Dallfield terrace
John, mechanic, 24 Union street, Maxwelltown
John L., of Wm. Doig & Son, Rosebank cottage, West Newport
John, & Son, joiners and funeral undertakers, 39 Wellgate
Mary, 12^ Mortimer street
Doig, Thomaa, of Thomas Doig & Son, 110 Victoria road
Doig, Thomas, commission agent, 82 Victoria road
Doig, Thomas, of John Doig & Son, 4 Morrison's court
Doig, Thomas, & Son, sculptors and builders, 167 Victoria road
Doig, William, of William Doig & Son, Tayville, West Newport
Doig, William, tenter, 13 Derby street
Doig, William, draper, 15 Annheld row
Doig, William, batching overseer, 5 Ellen street
Doig, Wm., & Son, chemists and druggists, 9 High st. and 113 Albert st.
Doig, Miss Margaret, 13 William street, Forebank
Doig, Mrs William, house proprietor, 6 St Peter street
Dolan, James, fiaxdresser, 3 Blinshall street
Dolan, John M., general dealer, 9 Temple lane
Dolan, William, tobacco pipe manuftr, 26 Wilkie's lane ; ^. 10 Well road
Don Brothers, Buist, & Co., flax and jute spinners and manufacturers,
Ward Mills, Barrack street, and at Forfar
Don, David, accountant, 104 Commercial street ; h. 6 Greenfield place
Don & Duncan, manufacturers, King's Cross Works, Lochee
Don, Francis, grocer, 26 Rosebank road ; h. 23 Rose street
Don, Gilbert W. , of Don Bros., Buist, & Co., Dundee, and Wm. &
John Don & Co. , Forfar ; h. Clocksbriggs house, Forfar
Don, James, of Don & Duncan, Inverary terrace
Don, John B., of Don Bros., Buist, & Co., Dundee, and Wm. & John
Don & Co., Forfar; /;. Maulesden, near Brechin
Don & M'Gavin, dressmakers, 310 Hawkhill
Don, Robert B., of Don Bi-os., Buist, & Co., Dundee, and Wm. & John
Don & Co. , Forfar 'y h. The Lodge, Broughty Ferry
Don, William, factoryworker, 27 Miller's wynd
Donaghey, John J., chemist and druggist, 193 Overgate
Donaghey, Mary Ann, 8 Miller's wynd
Donaghey, S. J., 8 Miller's wynd
Donald, Alexander, photographer, 17 Wellington street and 62 Com-
mercial street ; A. 17 Wellington street
Donald, Andrew B, , carpenter, 5 Baffin street
Donald, A , draper, 23 Forebank road
Donald Brothers, manufacturers and merchants, James' Park Factory,
98 Albert st. ; office, 2 Meadow Place buildings (Telephone No. 458'
Donald, David, of Donald Brothers, Earle villa, Broughty Ferry
Donald, David, butcher, 120 Rosebank street ; h. 7 Rosebank road
Donald, David, seaman, 20 Lilybank road
Donald, David, mechanic, 12 North Erskine street
Donald, David, grocer and wine merchant, 87 and 89 Milnbank road ;
h. 11 Pitalpin street, Lochee
Donald, David, yardman to Police Commissioners, 3 Tannadice street
Donald, David, ironturner, 61 Lochee road
Donald, George, tailor, 4 Dens brae
Donald, George, of John L. Roy & Donald, 3 St Mary's terrace
Donald, James, moulder, 6 Roslin terrace
Donald, James, electrician, 5 Lawrence street
Donald, James P., clerk, 4 Balgay avenue
Donald, Jessie, licensed broker and china merchant, 302 Hawkhill
Donald, Robert, railway guard, 6 Cleghorn street
Donald, Stewart, accountant, Dens Works ; h. 7 Erskine terrace
DONALD, WILLIAM, plumber and gasfitter, 6 and 8 Gardner's lane ; h.
Rowanbank, Rankine street. See Adv. p. 34
Donald, William, street porter, 2 Tindal's wynd
Donald, William, cabinetmaker, 2 Westfield place
Donald, William, grocer, 26 Small's wynd
Donald, William, tenter, 47a Hospital wynd
Donald, William B. , teller. Savings Bank ; A. 2 Isles' lane
Donald, Mrs, confectioner, 32 Arbroath road
Donaldson, Alexander, hamcurer, 1 1 Balfour street
Donaldson, Alexander, porter, 32 Main street
Donaldson, Alexander, bootmaker, 61 Wellgate ; h. 4 Stirling street
Donaldson, Alexander, platelayer, 5 Blackheath place
Donaldson, Alexander, calenderworker, 13 Hospital wynd
Donaldson, Alexander, tailor, 20 St Mary's place
Donaldson, Alex. I., pastry baker, 2 Ritchie's lane ; h. 186 Blackness rd.
Donaldson, Charles, mason, 6 Catherine street
Donaldson, David, china merchant, 28 Rosebank street
Donaldson, George, dresser, 10 Pitfour street
Donaldson, George, mechanic, 4 Annfield street
Donaldson, George, mason, 13 Speed's terrace, Tait's lane
Donaldson, James, late teacher, 5 Baxter Park terrace
Donaldson, James, mechanic. 111 Hawkhill
Donaldson, James, compositor, 2 Peddie street
Donaldson, James, ironturner, 192 Ferry road
Donaldson, James, cowfeeder, Fairfield road, Fairmuir
Donaldson, James, tailor, 32 William street, Forebank
Donaldson, John, yarn and linen merchant, 1 Royal Exchange place ;
h. Crescentbank, Newport
Donaldson, John, church-officer, Hawkhill U.P. Ch.; h. 106 Haw^khill
Donaldson, John, tenter, 7 Pennycook lane
Donaldson, Peter, sorting clerk. Post Office ; h. 6 Forfar road
Donaldson, Peter, overseer, 3 Pennycook lane
Donaldson, Robert, tenter, 23 Scott street
Donaldson, William, factory overseer, 4 Kinloch street
Donaldson, William, powerloom overseer, 7 Crescent street
Donaldson, William, hairdresser, 15 Princes street ; h. 17 Lyon street
Donaldson, Mrs James, 1 Argyle place, Thomson street
Donaldson, Mrs M., gi'ocer and spiritdealer, 33 Nelson st. ; h. 87 Ann st.
Donaldson, Miss Jane, teacher, 166 Lochee road
Donn, Robert, compositor, 48 Seafield road
Donnet, Jas. , grocer and spiritmer. , 94 Dura st. ; ^. 1 Athole ter. ,Maryfield
Don's Road Factory, Don's road; J. H. F. Henderson & Co., manufactrs.
Donside Paper Company, Limited, papermakers, Donside Paper Mills,
Aberdeen ; registered office, 1 Bank st. ; Henry A. Pattulio, secy.
Doran, Edward, traveller, 28 Overgate
Dorward, John, joiner, 13 Ure street
Dorward, William, confectioner, 56 Strathmartine road ; h. 2 Russell st.
Dorward, William, auctioneer, 15 Vault
Dorward, Mrs John, midwife, 44 Ferry road
Dott, David, grocer, 5 North Ellen street
Dott, Wm., goods superintendent, Taybridge station; h. 93 Arbroath rd.
Dougall, James, boilercoverer, 49 Trades lane ; h. 30 Dundonald street
Dougall, Robert, fruiterer, 14 Church street, Maxwelltown ; h. 3
Douglas, Alexander, timber merchant, Camperdown Saw Mills ; 1i. Aber-
lemno terrace, 348 Perth road
Douglas, Andrew, shipwatchman, 14 New Inn entry
Douglas, Andrew, confectioner, 40 Polepark road
Douglas, Blain C, surv^eyor, 91 Commercial st. ; A. Douglas brae, B. Ferry
Douglas, David, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 4 Crichton street ; h.
3 Dalhousie terrace
Douglas, David, draughtsman, 8 Roslin terrace
Douglas, David, assistant librarian, 8 Balfour street
Douglas Foundry, Graham street, Clepington road ; Thomson, Son, & Co.
Douglas, George, 38 Whitehall street
Douglas, Geo. C., C.E. , of Geo. C. Douglas & Co., Osborne pl.,E. Newport
Douglas, George C. , telegraphist, 24 Baldovan terrace, Park avenue
DOUGLAS, GEORGE C, & CO., consulting engmeers, patent agents, and
valuers of mills and machinery, 41 Reform street. See Adv. p. 65
Douglas, James, turner, 13 Kinloch street
Douglas, John, retired engraver, 2 Airlie terrace
Douglas, John, mangr., Dundee Courier; h. 3 Caenlochan villas, W. Ferry
Douglas, John, joiner, 36 Dundonald street
Douglas, Mackenzie Geo., clerk, 19 Cowgate ; h. Dronfarm, Longf organ
Douglas, Matthew C, turner, 31 Cleghorn street
Douglas, Peter, upholsterer, 81 Victoria road
Douglas, Reid, & Co., spinners, manufacturers, and merchants, West
Ward Works and Blackness Works
Douglas & Smith, engravers and lithographers, 8 Crichton street
Douglas, William John, inspector, Standard Life Assurance Co., 19
Cowgate ; h. Dron farm, Longforgan
Douglas, W. A., of Douglas, Reid, & Co., Idabank, Broughty Ferry
Douglas, Mrs James, 1 North Wellington street
Douglas, Mrs, 6 Stirling sti'eet
Douglas, Miss Agnes, grocer, 24 Balfour street ; h. 8
Dove, Edwin, messenger inspector, Post Office ; h. 19 Kinloch place
Dow, Alexander, 1 Gowrie place
Dow, Alexander, mason, 71 Magdalen green
Dow, Andrew G., M.A.,M.B.,C.M., 32 South Tay street
Dow, David, accountant, Camperdown Jute Works ; h. Marchbank
house, Lochee
Dow, David, stationer, 19 Princes street
Dow, George, waiter, 21 Union place
Dow, Jas., wine and spirit merchant, 36 Scoui-ingburn ; h. 2 Wilkie's lane
Dow, James, joiner, 74 Ann street
Dow, James, tlovirmiller, 3 Springhill
Dow, John, iron, steel, and metal merchant, 5 Commercial street ; h.
Woodmuir park, West Newport
Dow, John, painter, 3 Reid street
Dow, John Ewan, merchant and manufacturer, 10 Victoria chambers;
h. Brook cottage, Broughty Ferry
Dow, John, laundry proprietor, 107 Victoria road ; h. 4 Forebank road
Dow, Margaret, 30 South Tay street
Dow, Pat., accountant, D. P. &L. Shipping Co. ; h. 17 Magdalen Yard rd.
Dow, Robert, joiner, 22 Barrack street
Dow, Thomas, law-clerk, 253 Blackness road
Dow, Walter, spiritdealer's assistant, 22 Nelson street
Dow, Wm,, wholesale and export potato and fruit mer., 18 Hawkhill; A. 9i
Dow, Mrs Peter, wine and spirit mer., 24 N. Tay st.; h. 2 St David's lane
Dow, Miss Janet, music-teacher, 253 Blackness road
Dowall, William P., of Alex. A. Miln & Co., Pitalpin house, Lochee
Dowie, George, clerk, 9 Roslin terrace
Dowie, Rev. Jas., Maryfield Established Church ; h. 3 Baxter Park ter»
Downie, Albert, bootriveter, 50 Dallfield walk
Downie, Alexander P., clerk and deputy superintendent, Mercantile
Marine Office ; h. 18 Kincardine street
Downie, Andrew, joiner, 13 Alexander street
Downie, Andrew, coal merchant, 23 M 'Donald street
Downie, Archibald, house proprietor, 38 Whitehall street
Downie, Charles, restaurateur, Whitehall crescent ; h. 38 Whitehall st.
Downie, James, shipmaster, 76 High street
Downie, James L., cashier, 219 Blackness road
Downie, Jessie Y., 33 Forebank road
Downie, John, cloth inspector, 39 Park wynd
Downie, John C, overseer, 18 Kincardine street
Downie, Robert, vanman, 117 Ann street
Downie, Thomas, machinist, 118 Albert street
Downie, William, butcher, 54 Watson street ; A. 8 Baffin sti'eet
Do"v\Tiie,Wm. C, foreman turner, Blackness Foundry; h. 179 Blackness rd.
Downie, Mrs James, milliner, 76 High street
Doyle, John, traveller, 1 Littlejohn street
Draffen, George, of Draffen & Jarvie, Panbryde lodge, Westpark road
Draffen & Jarvie, warehousemen, 8 & 10 Nethergate and 1 Whitehall st.
Drimmie, Allan, fireman, 67 Lochee road
Dron, Thomas, clerk, 26 Nelson street
Dron, Mrs David S., 10 Somerville place
Drummond, David, engineer, 5 Melrose terrace
Drummond, George, of William Kinnear & Co., Battenberg ter., Tayport
Drummond, Henry, of Henry Drummond & Co. , 1 1 Westfield lane
Drummond, Henry, & Co., house painters and decorators, 36 Barrack st.
Drummond, James, joiner, 51 Alexander street
Drummond, James, railway guard, 7 Balfour street
Drummond, John, shipcarpenter, 27 Charles street
Drummond, John, painter, 24 Lawson place
Drummond, John, bookbinder, 95 Victoria road
Drummond, John W., fruit mer., 7 and 9 Baltic st.; h. 340 Perth road
Drummond, William, sailmaker, 62 Peddie street
Drummond, William D., fruit merchant, 2 Strawberrybank
Drummond, Mrs A., confectioner, 2 Carmichael st.; h. 42 Hospital wynd
Drummond, Mrs A. S., Myrtle cottage, 11 Westfield lane
Drummond, Mrs David, 338 Perth road
Drummond, Mi's Eliza, 166 Perth road
Dryden, David, joiner, 6 Ogilvie's road
Dry den, David, lorryman, 57 Cowgate
Dryden, James, police constable, 7 Parker street
Dryden, James, inspector of Harbour police ; h. Harbour Police office
Dryden, James, lapper, 93 King street
Dryden, James, late merchant, Eastwood place, Clepington road
Dryden, James, jun., mechanic, 93 King street
Dryden, Samuel, dyer, 30 Hospital wynd
Dryden, William, millwright, 20 Rosebank street
Dryden, "William E., fruit merchant, 35 Union street and 37 Victoria
road ; h. 27 Victoria road
Drysdale, David, mechanic, Mortimer place
Drysdale, David, saddler, trunk, and portmanteau maker, 6 Castle
street ; h. 14 Cotton road
Drysdale, William, officer, St Matthew's Church ; h. 53 Ferry road
Dudhope Tanworks, Brown street and Smellie's lane ; H. Henderson &
Sons, tanners, curriers, and leather merchants
Dudhope Works, Douglas street ; Wm. Fergusson & Sons, manufacturers
Duff, Alexander, police constable, 20 Benvie road
Duff, Alexander, assistant inspector of cleansing, 149 Seagate
Duff, David, grocer, 28 Balfour street
Duff, John, storekeeper, 24 Parker street
Duff, John, general dealer, 15 Arthur street
Duff, John, proprietor. New City Loan Co., 188 and 190 Scouringburn ;
h. 7 Airlie terrace
Duff, John, of Green & Duff, 7 Cardean street
Duff, John M., saddler, 61 Hill street
Duff, P.M., commis. mercht.,3Coupar'salley;A.6Bothwell ter., W.Ferry
Duff, Robert, gardener, 71 Watson street
Duff, Thomas, &Co., Limited, merchants, 2 Meadow Place buildings
Duff, William, lodgings, 7 North Lindsay street
Duff, Wm. D., fruit mercht., 65 Strathmartine rd.; h. 17^ Wellington st.
Duff, Mrs Alexander, 5 Rustic place
Duff, Mrs Leanus, 28 South Tay street
Duff, Mrs Peter, cowfeeder, 175 Victoria road
Duffus, George, surveyor of shipping, 234 Perth road
Duffus, George, upholsterer, 3 Kincardine street
Duffus, Henry B., outdoor inspector of pooi', 15 Baxter street
Duffus, John Henderson, house proprietor, 2 Gowrie place
Duffus, John H. , clerk, 3 Kinnaird street
Duffus, John H., cashier, 21 Perth road
Duffus, William, frenchpolisher, 38 Ann street
Duffus, William, tailor, 29 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Duffus, Mrs David, midwife, 34 Victoria street
Duffy, Francis, shoemaker, 60 Hilltown ; A. 21
Duffy, Joseph, bar manager, 40 Hunter street
Duffy, Mrs Susan, dressmaker, 40 Hunter street
Duggins, David, hacklegrinder, 15 Kincardine street
Duguid, William, compositor, 8 Park terrace
Duirs, James, compositor, 6 Melrose terrace
Duirs, William, coal agent, 89 Arbroath road
Duke, Charles, goods checker, Caledonian Railway ; h. 187 Overgate
Duke, Helen, stationer, 101 Ann street
Duke, William, mechanic, 237 Blackness road
Duke, William S., builder, Bonnybank road; h. 141 Ann street
Duke, Mrs, manglekeeper, 34 Gellatly street
Duke, Miss Ann, grocer, 193 Hawkhill ; h. 10 Ashton place
Dumbrake, Alexander, fireman, 304 Loons road
Dunbar, Geo., sheriff criminal officer. Courthouse bldgs.; h. 9 Stirling st.
Dunbar, Isabella, cook, Industrial School, Ward road
Dunbar, James, mechanic, 49 Ure street
Dunbar, Rev. James J., St. John Baptist Epis. Church ; h. 12 King street
Dunbar, Robert W., shore porter, 36 Lilybank road
Dunbar, William, solicitor, depute procurator-fiscal. Courthouse build-
ings ; h. 9 Viewforth street
Dunbar, Rev. W. A., WishartU.P. Church ; h. Daisybank, Forfar road
DUNBLANE HYDROPATHIC, Perthshire. See Adv. p. 21
Duncan, Aikman, railway servant, 70 Peddie street
Duncan, Alexander, builder, 9 West Bell st. ; h. Tayview, E. Newport
Duncan, Alexander, shipmaster, 11 South Union street
Duncan, Alexander, miUoverseer, 20 Ellen street
Duncan, Alexander, jun., clerk, 8 Baffin street
Duncan, Alexander, of Dickie & Duncan, Norwood terrace, 46 Thomson st.
Duncan, Alexander, dresser, 23 Stirling street
Duncan, Alexander, 2 Roslin terrace
Duncan, Alexander, carpenter, 19 Grove street
Duncan, Alexander, harbour porter, 12 Malcolm street
Duncan, Alexander, of Bell & Duncan, 114 Rosebank street
Duncan, Alexander, & Sons, reed and camb manufacturei-s, 30 Hilltown
Duncan, Andrew G. , butcher, 57 Murray gate ; h. Victoria cot. , Baldovie
Duncan, A., tobacconist and stationer, 114 Scouringburn ; h. 43 Ure st.
Duncan, A. Bethune, of Don & Duncan, 2 Dudhope terrace
Duncan, A. James, M.D., Nethergate house, 158 Nethergate
Duncan Brothers, merchants and manufacturers, 20 Panmure street
Duncan Brothers, drapers, milliners, dressmakers, and sewing-machine
agents, 123 Hawkhill
Duncan, Charles, coal merchant, 49 Victoria road
DUNCAN, CHARLES, draper, milliner, and dressmaker. The Forum, 32 to
36 Wellgate; h. 54 Seafield road. See Adv. p. 76
Duncan, Charles, warehouseman, 38 Peddie street
Duncan, Charles, draper's assistant, 7 Park avenue
Duncan, Charles C. , of David Duncan & Son, Inglefield, Dalkeith road
Duncan, Christian, telegraphist. Post Office ; h. 3 Mountpleasant
Duncan, David, of David Duncan & Son, Bellfield, 200 Ferry road
Duncan, David, slater, 33 Rosebank street; h. 119^ Hilltown
Duncan, David, harbour porter, 8 Graham place
Duncan, David, cabinetmaker, 55 Dura street
Duncan, David, printer, 121 Hawkhill
Duncan, David, boilermaker, 37 Cotton road
Duncan, David, collector, 42 Hospital wynd
Duncan, David, clerk, 33 Cleghorn street
Duncan, David, boot and shoe maker, 99 Albert street
Duncan, David, fitter, 24 Rose street
Duncan, David, joiner, 31 Cleghorn street
Duncan, David R., traveller, 21 Derby street
Duncan, David, & Son, solicitors and notaries public, 41 Reform street.
(Telephone No. 781 ; Telegraphic address, "Duncans, Solicitors")
Duncan, Edward, mason, 22 North street
Duncan, George, housepainter, 75 Lochee road ; h. 187^ Victoria road
Duncan, George, butcher, 161 Perth road ; ^. 17 Union place
Duncan, George, mason, 19 Miller's wynd
Duncan, George, of Alex. Duncan & Sons, Duff street, Clepington road
Duncan, George, of George Duncan & Co., Lawmill cottage, Coldside
Duncan, Geo. A., assistant superintendent, Post Office; h. 22 Shamrock st.
Duncan, George, & Co. , merchants, Byron street
Duncan, Rev. George M., M. A., St Salvador's Epis. Ch. ; h. 3 S.George st.
Duncan, Helen, church-officer, Glasite Church ; h. 4 King street
Duncan, Henry, vanman, 25 Catherine street
Duncan, Hutchison, tenter, 32 Carmichael street
Duncan, James, of P. M. Duncan & Son, 5 Panmure terrace
Duncan, James, of Winter, Duncan, & Co., St Mary's terrace, Downfield
Duncan, James, painter, 221 Hilltown ; h. 219
Duncan, James, butcher, 23 Victoria road and 148 Hilltown; h. Hope
cottage, 41 Rosebank street
Duncan, James, harbour porter, 19 Langlands street
Duncan, James, seaman, 46 Charles street
Duncan, James, joiner, 90 Hill street
Duncan, James, church-officer, St John's Est. Church; h. 3 Kincardine st.
Duncan, James, tanner, 100 Annfield road
Duncan, James, mason, 49 Victoria road
Duncan, James, stationer, 67 Blackscroft
Duncan, James, calenderworker, 29 Wilkie's lane
Duncan, James, seaman, 3 Ramsay street
Duncan, James, cattledealer, 3 Willison street
Duncan, James, carpenter, 110 Victoria road
Duncan, James, & Co., merchants, 20 Panmure street, and at New York
Duncan, James C, ironturner, 12 Watt street
Duncan, James T., butcher, 42 Watson st. ; h. Agrabank cot. , Carnoustie
Duncan, John, of Duncan Brothers, merchants, 18 Windsor street
Duncan, John, of Winter, Duncan, & Co., 21 Kilnburn place, Newport
Duncan, John, saddler, 24 Cotton road
Duncan, John, clerk, 12 Watt street
Duncan, John, mason, 63 Victoria street
Duncan, John, upholsterer, 1 Blackheath place
Duncan, John, carting contractor, 58 Rosebank street .
Duncan, John, mechanic, 18 Shepherd's loan
Duncan, John, shoemaker, 42 Dallfield walk
Duncan, John, carter, 15 Paterson street
Duncan, John S., engineer, 139 Perth road
Duncan, J. C, iron merchant, Helenbank cottage, Pitkerro road
Duncan, J. M., cashier, Seafield Works ; h. Hermonhill, 25 Perth road
Duncan, Peter, joiner, 31 Princes street ; It. 58 Constable street
Duncan, Peter, anatomy assistant, University College ; h. 38 Step row
P. M., & Son, coal merchants and steamship owners, 59 Dock st.
Robert, engineer, 28 Kincardine street
Robert, coal merchant, 91 Ferry road ; /i. 61
Robert, mason, 43 Overgate
Robert, shipwright, 59 Arbroath road
Robert K. , store-clerk, 3 Mountpleasant
Stewart, coffeehouse-keeper, 20 Laing street ; h. 44 Dens road
Thomas, joiner, 57 Milnbank road ; A. 59
Thomas, police constable, 14 North Ellen street
William, wholesale stationer, printer, account-book and paper-
manufacturer, 5 Meadow entry ; h, 36 Ferry road
William, delivery clerk. West station ; h. 9 Hawkhill
Wm., organist, Tayport Parish Church; h. 186 Blackness road
William, of David Russell & Co., Welltown, Coupar- Angus
William, passenger guard, 9 Airlie terrace
Wm. , church-officer. Logic Established Church ; //. 17 Balgay st.
William, brassfinisher, 52 Ure street
William, stamper, 82 Dudhope street
William, joiner, 5 Kinloch street
William, grocer, 88 Peddie street
William, collector, 72 Peddie street
William B., sorting clerk, G.P.O.; h. 30 Thomson street
William K. , flax, jute, and cloth merchant, 59 Dock street ; h. 1
Constitution terrace
Duncan, William S., grocer, 2 Alexander street ; h. 42 Hospital wynd
Duncan, Mrs E., confectioner, 42 Larch street
Duncan, Mrs E. , milliner, 284 Hilltown ; h. 1 Main street
Duncan, Mrs George, confectioner, 75 King street
Duncan, Mrs James, ladies' nurse, 22 Ellen street
Duncan, Mrs James, cab proprietor, 40 Strathmartine road
Duncan, Mrs Jessie, photographer, 4 Commercial street
Duncan, Mrs John, Myrtlebank, 10 Maryfield terrace
Duncan, Mrs P. M., 1 Constitution terrace
Duncan, Mrs Thomas, dress and mantle maker, 14 Barrack street
Duncan, Mrs Thomas, confectioner, 87 Princes street
Duncan, Mrs William, 29 Stirling street
Duncan, Mrs, 16 South George street
Duncan, Mrs, manglekeeper, 5 Kinnaird street
Duncan, Miss Bella, draper, 94 Annfield road ; h. 64 Peddie street
Duncan, Miss R. , dressmaker, 2 Bellfield lane
Duncan, Miss, babylinen warehouse, 29 Guthrie street
Duncan, Misses A. J. & M. , milliners and dressmakers, 21 Strathmartine
road; h. 219 Hilltown
Duncanson, A,, millmanager, Edward Street Mill ; h, 10 Milnbank road
Dundas, David, upholsterer, 176 Lochee road
Dundas, James, mechanic, 14 Annfield street
Dundee Advance Company, financial agents, 62 Commercial street
DUNDEE ADVERTISER; Sir John Leng, M.P., managing proprietor and
publisher, 7 to 25 Bank st. See Adv. on coloured leaf pi'ecedipg title
Dundee Aerated Water Manufactui'ing Company, Limited ; Henry
Blackwood, manager, 21 Magdalen Yard road
Dundee and Arbroath Confections and Preserve Manufacturing Co. , Ld.,
confectioners, 13 Park wynd, and at Arbroath
Dundee and Arbroath Joint Railway ; office, Maritime buildings, 26 East
Dock street ; Geo. G. Hamilton, manager and secretary
Dundee Arms Restaitrant, 31 High street ; Chas. M. M'Leod, proprietor
Dundee Athletic Grounds Co., Ltd. ; secretary, Geoi-ge Watt, 23 High st.
Dundee Bakers' House of Call, 15 Vault ; William Ramsay, keeper
Dundee Boatshed Co., Esplanade; William A. Edward, 2 Dalhousie
terrace, and A. H. Glass, 104 Commercial street, joint secretaries
DUNDEE BURIAL SOCIETY, 2 Bain square. See Adv. pp. 118 and 119
Dundee Burns Club, 36 Nethergate
Dundee Calendering Co., calenderers, 48 St Andrew's street; James 0.
Adams, manager
Dundee Carpet Works, Clepington rd. ; Marshall & Brush, manufacturers
Dundee Celebrated Cattle Food Company, 12 South Union street
Dundee Cemetery Co., Western Cemetery ; R. G. Rae, superintendent,
secretary, and treasurer
Dundee Charity Organization Society, 7 West Bell st. ; John Dunlop, agent
Dundee Combination Parochial Board Office, 1 St Clement's lane ;
James Kyd, inspector
DUNDEE COURIER ; W. & D. C. Thomson, proprietors, publishers,
and printers, 34 North Lindsay street. (Telephones — Commercial
Dept., No. 652; Literary Dept., 678). See Adv. on coloured leaf
preceding title
Dundee Day Nurseries, 33 Isles' lane — ^Mrs Young, matron ; Hillbank
cottage, 52 Cotton road — Mrs Robertson, matron ; and 33 Lilybank
road — Mrs Hill, matron
Dundee and District Economic Building Societies, 16 Euclid crescent ;
James Cram, secretary
Dundee and District Co-operative Coal Supply Association, Limited ;
office, 13 S. Union street; depdt, Tay Bridge station; J. Paul, secy.
Dundee and District Mutual Glass Insurance Association, Limited, 1
Exchange street ; A. J. Murdoch, manager
Peter Fisher, manager and secretary. See Adv. p. 34
DUNDEE DYE WORKS, 222 Hilltown ; Stevenson Brothers, dyers.
See Adv. p. 32
Dundee Eastern Co-operative Society, Ld., bakers, grocers, butchei-s, and
provision merchants, 1 to 9Erskine street, 133-137 Ann street, 6-10
Main street, 153 Hawkhill, 8 Glebe street, 1 Polepark I'oad, 53
Victoria road, 65 and 67 Constitution road, 82 Hawkhill, 214a
Perth road, 23 Peddle street, 150 Hilltown, and 21 High street,
Lochee ; office, 34 North Ellen st. ; bakery, 40 North Ellen street ;
manager, William Phillips
Dundee Eye Institution, 86 Nethergate
Dundee Flour Mills, East Dock street ; John F. White, proprietor
Dundee Foundry, East Dock street ; Gourlay Brothers & Co. , engineers
Dundee Gas Commission ; Office, 89 Commercial street — A. I. Strachan,
treasurer ; Works, East Dock street — John M'Crae, engineer and
manager ; Electric Light station, Dudhope Crescent road— Walter
H. Brownlee,^ city electrical engineer
Dundee Gem Line Steam Shipping Company, Limited ; P. M. Duncan
& Son, managers ; D. J. Browne, secretary ; office, 59 Dock street
Dundee Hide, Skin, and Tallow Broker's Co., Slaughterhouses ; John R.
Mungo, manager
Dundee Hide, Skin, and Tallow Market, Slaughterhouses, East Dock
street ; W. Murray & Son, factors
Dundee Highlanders; 3rd Volunteer Battalion, "The Black Watch"
Eoval Highlanders; headquarters, Drill Hall, West Bell street;
Lieut. -Col. W. Smith, commanding
Dundee Industrial Schools — Boys, Baldovan ; W. M. Dickson, superin-
tendent and secy. Girls, Ward road ; Mrs Mitchell, matron
DUNDEE INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND, basket, bedding, brush, firewood,
fire-lighter and mat manufacturers, and feather cleaners, 59 Magdalen
green; sale shop, 30 High street ; Colin Macdonald, manager. See
Adv. p. 5
Dundee Jute and Flax Warehousing Co. Ltd. , 4 Panraure street ; Berg,
Sons & Co., managers
Dundee Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, Dudhope-
bank, 165 Locheeroad ; James Barland, teacher ; Miss Close, matron
Dundee Laundry, Mains road ; Miss J. F. Guild, proprietrix
Dundee Linen Works, 31 Constitution st. ; Grant & Moncrieff, manufs.
Dundee and Liverpool Steam Shipping Office, 33 Dock street; R. K.
Christie, agent
Dundee Loch Line Steam Shipping Co., Limited, 26 East Dock street;
Andrew Leitch, manager; Simon Forrest, secy. (Telephone No. 518)
Dundee Machine Firewood Co., firewood manufactory, Blinshall street
Dundee Markets and Slaughterhouses, East Dock st. ; D. Knight, suptdnt.
Dundee Mission to Adult Deaf and Dumb, 31 Reform street ; Robert
William Dodds, missionary
Dundee and Newcastle Steam Shipping Co. , Limited, 1 Commercial st. ;
H. Plenderleath, manager
Dundee Paper Mill Co. , The, paper manufacturers, Rashiewell Works,
Dens road; William Cleghorn, jun,, proprietor
Dundee, Perth, & London Shipping Co., 5 Shore terrace (Telephone No.
153) ; J. W. Kidd, manager
Dundee Police and Water Commissions — Treasurer's office, 95 Com-
mercial street ; James Smith, treasurer and collector
DUNDEE PUBLIC BATHS ; Walter M 'Gregor, superintend ent. See Adv. p. 1 3
Dundee Public Warehouse Co., 9 Meadow Place buildings; T. S.
Ross, mnager
Dundee Royal Infirmary, Barrack road ; Dr Raw, su.perintendent
DUNDEE SAVINGS BANK, 2 Euclid street, John Miln, actuary ; Hilltown
branch, 28 Strathmartine road ; Lochee branch, 67 High street,
Lochee. See Adv. on coloured leaf preceding title
Dundee Seal and Whale Fishing Co, ; whale yai'd, East Dock street ;
David Bruce, 3 Royal Exchange place, manager
Dundee Shipping and Dundee Shipping Freight Insurance Associations,
46 Castle street ; John R. Wilson, liquidator
Dundee Shipowners' Co., Ltd., 83 Commercial street ; W, 0. Taylor &
Co., managers
Dundee Steam Forge, Lochee road; James Carmichael & Co., Limited
Dundee Steam Laundry Co., Ld., Tait's lane; David Don, general mgr. ;
Miss Stenhouse, manageress; registered office, 104 Commercial street
Dundee Stock Exchange Assoc. , 1 Royal Exchange pi. ; Jas. R. Mudie, sec.
Dundee Supply Co., Limited, Italian warehousemen and wine merchants,
80 to 84 Commercial street (Telephone No. 182)
Dundee Temperance Society and Gospel Temperance Union, 39 High
street ; John Carter, agent
Dundee Trade Report Assoc. , 23 Panmure st. ; J. W. Warden, sec. & treas.
Dundee Warehousing Co. , 49 Meadowside ; Soutar, M'NicoU & Co. , mgrs.
Dundee Water Commission — P]ngineer's office, 93 Commercial street
DUNDEE WEEKLY NEWS, 34 North Lindsay street ; W. & D. C. Thomson,
proprietors, publishers and printers. See Adv. col. leaf preceding title
Dunlop, John, agent, Dundee Charity Organization, 7 West Bell st. ;
h. Church street, Broughty Ferry
Dunlop, John, engineer and blacksmith, 25 Rosebank st. ; h. 9 Stirling st.
Dunn, George, joiner, 8 Baffin street
Dunn, James, printer, 30 Ure street
Dunn, James, carter, 24 Bell Street lane
Dunn, John, lieutenant of police, Central Police chambers. West Bell st.
Dunn, John, B.Sc, F.C.S., science master, Morgan Academy; h. Eden
villa, Strathkinness, St Andrews
Dunn, John, postman, 100 Annfield road
Dunn, T. Delgaty, art master. High School ; h. 8 Balgay avenue
Dunn, Mrs Alexander, music teacher, 123 Victoria road
Dunn, Mrs I., gamedealer, 27 Nethergate ; h. Kildonan villa, Carnoustie
Dunn, Mrs Robert, 2 Raton's lane
Dunnett, John, engineer, 28 Ferry road
Dunnett, Walter, carpenter, 28 Ferry road
Dura Works, Dura street ; James Scott & Sons, manufacturers
Durham, James, of John Durham & Son, Wingate place, Newport
Durham, John, & Son, wholesale stationers, account book and paper-bag
manufacturers, 49 High street and 13 Overgate
Dui-ham, J., Son, & Kinnoch, printers, engravers, and lithographers,
13 Overgate
Durkie, A. F., miller and farmer, Mill of Mains
Durkie, David, baker, 78 and 80 Dura street ; h. Daisybank, Forfar rd.
Durkie, David, baker, 247 Lochee road
Diirkie, David, jun., baker, 3 Eliza street
Durlac, Henry, Officier d'Academle, French master. High School; lecturer
on modern languages. University College ; h. Greybank, 22 Magdalen
Yard road
Durward, Alexander G., warping overseer, 20 Benvie road
Durward, John, police sergeant, 62 Commercial street
Dutch, George, postman, 44 Seafield road
Duthie, James S., butcher, 41 Lochee road; A. 1 Littlejohn street
Duthie, William, dairyman, 14 Hill street
Dye, Chas. , chimneysweeper, 96 Murraygate & 63 Perth rd. ; 7i.96M'ygate
Dye, George, chimneysweeper, 21 Hill town
Dye, James, chimneysweeper, 77 Overgate
Dye, James, jun., chimneysweeper, 4 Victoria street
Dye, Wm., chimneysweeper and soot mer., 39 Ferry rd,; h. 107 Albert st.
Dyer, Joseph M. , mason, 101 Peddie street
Dykes, Thomas, seaman, 54 North Ellen street
Eadie & Co., merchants, 62 Commercial street
Eadie, James L., of Eadie & Co., Gowanbank, West Newport
Easson, David, draper, 60 Wellgate ; h. Woodside, Newport
Easson, David, spiritdealer, 166 Overgate ; h. 16 Lawrence street
Easson, John, cattledealer, 6 Lawrence street
Easson, John M., silk mercer, 32 and 34 Whitehall st.; h. Forebank ter.
Easson, John, & Son, cork manufacturers, 28 Barrack street
Easson, Thomas, of John Easson & Son, Fairview cottage, E. Newport
Easson, William, chimneysweeper, 12 Lawrence street
Easson, Mrs G. T., 43 Hospital wynd
Easson, Mrs James, 23 Janefield place
East Coast Railway Companies, 31 Albert square ; David Bisset, agent
East, Francis, of Francis East & Co., chair manufacturer, timber mer-
chant, and sawmiller, Maryfield Cbair Factory, Clepington road ;
h. 5 Erskine terrace
East, Francis, & Co., patentees and photo-bracket manufacturers, Mary-
field Factory, Clepington road
East Port Calender, 100 Cowgate ; Strachan, Kinmond, & Co. , calenderers;
G. D. Forbes, manager
East of Scot. Investment Co., Ld., 12 Victoi"ia cham. ; J. W. Shephei'd, sec.
Eastern Club, 3 Albert square
Eastern Necropolis ; Alexander R. Barrie, keeper
Easton, Alexander, enginedriver, 4 Bain square
Easton, David, clerk, 9 Graham place
Easton, David, hairdresser, 261 Hawkhill ; h. 10 Hospital wynd
Easton, David, shoemaker, 35 Hospital wynd ; A. 10
Easton, Hugh, dairykeeper, 42 Ferry road ; A. 44 -
Eaton, Hugh, cabman, 2 Willison street
Eaton, George, painter, 32 Castle street
Eaton, Stewart, harbour porter, 2 Eliza street
Eber, Albert, merchant, repi-esentative of Heilner Bros., 51 Reform
street ; h. Rosalie, West Newport
Edgar, Henry, clerk, 27 Victoria road
Edie, John, engineer, 8 Ferry road
Edie, Miss, fruiterer, 97 Ann street ; h. 8 Ferry road
Edinburgh Drug Store Co., Ltd., wholesale and retail drug merchaB.ts,
9 Cowgate ; branch — 50 Westport ; David Ovens, manager
EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE CO., 56 Commercial street ; T. H. Eraser,
resident secretary. See Adv. on front board
Edinburgh Roperie and Sailcloth Co., Ltd. , of Leith ; G. A. M'Laren,
agent, 3 India buildings
Edison & Swan United Electric Light Co., Ltd.; Wm. Frain, jun., East
of Scotland superintendent, 19 Castle street (Telephone No. 143) ;
Stores, 15 Castle street
Edwai-d, Allan, & Co., merchants, 8 Panmure street
Edward, Alexander, M.A., teacher, 40 Cleghorn street
Edward, Archibald, dairyman, 63 Hospital wynd
Edward, David, calenderer, 38 Peddie street
Edward, G. C. , draper, 14 Wilkie's lane
Edward, James, postman, 16 South Lindsay street
Edward, James, joiner, 58 Mains road
Edward, James, compositor, 2 Balgray place, Clepington road
Edward, James, yarnbundler, 93 Lochee road
Edward, John, traveller, 12 Craigie street
Edward, J. A., British Linen Co, Bank ; h. Restenneth, Mains loan
Edward, Kenrick A., of Allan Edward & Co., Faringtonhall, Perth road
Edward Street Mills; John Sharp & Sons, jute spinners and manufactrs.
Edward, William, carter, 1 Springhill
Edward, William A. , bookkeeper, 2 Dalhousie terrace
Edward, Mrs Alexander, Restenneth, Mains loan
Edward^ Mrs Elizabeth, 16 South Lindsay street
Edwards, Andrew, confectioner, 34 Dallfield walk
Edwards, Annie, fruiterer, 182 Ferry road ; h. 1 Springhill
Edwards, David, passenger steamboat owner, 1 Commercial street
Edwards, David, brewer, 35 St Salvador street
Edwards, David, of D. & W. Edwards, Camperdown st., Bro'ty Ferry
Edwards, David, boilermaker, 172 Seagate
Edwards, David, cabinetmaker, 4 Roslin terrace
Edwards, D. & W., porter and ale bottlers, and horehound beer manu-
. facturers, 8 Church street. Princes street, and Broughty Ferry
Edwards, Eugene, manager, chocolate dept.,Keiller & Son ; h. 1 Gowrie st.
Edwards, Frederick, late pilot, 1 Springhill
Edwards, James, mechanic, 5 Cleghorn street
Edwards, James, mechanic, 6 Baxter street
Edwards, Joseph, first mate, 2 Graham place
Edwards, Peter Thompson, clerk, 47 Annfield road
Edwards, Robert, 32 Dudhope Crescent road
Edwards, William, warehouseman, 25 Lyon street
Edwards, William, of D. & W. Edwards, Camperdown st., Bro'ty Ferry
Edwards, Wm., mechanic, Singer Sewing Machine Co. ; h. 15 Annfield st.
Edwards, Mrs David, 6 Craigie terrace
Edwards, Mrs George, 58 Crescent lane
Edwards, Mrs John, confectioner, 143 Seagate ; h. 137
Edwards, Mrs J. H., 14 Raton's lane
Egan, Margaret, grocer, 13 Urquhart street
Egan, Mrs, dressmaker and milliner, 2 Annfield street
Eggo, Geo. A., telegraph superintendent. Post Office; h. 2 Dalhousie ter.
Elder, Charles, blacksmith, 27 Park wynd
Elder, David, millmanager, Wallace Craigie Works ; It. 163 Princes st.
Elder, George, collector, 10 Hillbank road
Elder, James, blacksmith, 13 Rosefield street
Elder, James, draper, 58 Ure street
Elder, John, gas stoker, 7 Lawson place
Elder, John, timekeeper, 20 Catherine street
Elder, Robert, seaman, 7 Ireland's lane
Elder, William, cabinetmaker, 30 Bell street
Elder, William A. B., clerk, 25 Morgan street
Elder, Mrs, fancy-bread baker, 166 Blackness road
Elder, Miss Mary, nurse, 139 Blackness road
Eller, Maurice, merchant, 14 Victoria chambers
Elliot, Henry, factory overseer, 15 Stirling street
Elliot, James, lorryman, 1 1 Pitfour street
Elliot, Mrs John, grocer, 15 Ogilvie street ; h. 2 Malcolm street
Ellis, James, currier, 23 Rose street
Ellis, William, tailor and clothier, 148 Perth road ; h. 13 Balfour street
Embacher, Richard, 4 Melville terrace, Westpark road
Emmerson, John, mason, 2 Hill street
Emms, William, lapper, 6 Arthur street
Employers' Ins. Co. of Great Britain, 11 Whitehall st. ; D. Grieve, res. sec.
EMPLOYERS' Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited, 26 Commercial
street ; B. L. Nairn, district agent. See Adv. p. 97
Emsley, David, draper, 83 Peddie street ; A. 19 Annfield street
Emslie, John, 14 Victoria street
Emslie, J. P., & Co., merchants, 37 Albert square
Engine, Boiler, and Employers' Liability Insurance Co. Ltd., 108 Com-
mercial street ; P. D. Mitchell, agent
England, Richard, milloverseer, 20 Fleuchar street
ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH Law Life Assurance Association, See Adv. p. 98
Enright, Patrick, clothier, 110 Havi^khill ; h. 17 Union place
Enright, Patrick, stationer and nevi^sagent, 41 Ann st.; h. 17 Union pi.
EQUITABLE Fire and Accident Office, Limited, Meadow house; AV. F.
Soutar, district manager. See Adv. p. 96
EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United States. See Adv. p. 114
Erentz, Arthur, commercial traveller, 8 Janefield place
Erentz, C. H. , 3 Park avenue
Erskine, James B., clerk, 147 Albert street
Esplin, Alexander, of A. Esplin & Son, 146 Nethergate, and Rusticbank,
Esplin, A, Ramsay, of A. Esplin & Son, 146 Nethergate
Esplin, A., & Son, fire loss assessors, house and insur. agents, 7 Cowgate
Esplin, William, tenter, 22 Catherine street
Esplin, William S., mason, 327 Loons road
Esplin, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 10 St Peter street
Evans, George Frederick, teacher of music, 132a Nethergate
Evans, Henry W., engineer, 90 Blackscrofi;
Evans, Joseph B., hallkeeper, City Assembly Rooms ; li. 1 Exchange st.
Evans, Thomas D., bank messenger, Union Bank, 2 Panmuxe street
EVENING TELEGRAPH, 7 to 25 Bank street ; John Leng & Co., printers
and publishers. See Adv. on coloured leaf preceding title
Ewan, Charles, carter, 18 Ness street
Ewan, Charles, insurance agent, 21 Step row
Ewan, James B., of James B. Ewan & Co., Forthill road, Broughty Ferry
Ewan, James B., & Co., merchants, Euclid crescent
Ewan, John, mason, 24 Dalllield walk
Ewan, William W., of James B. Ewan & Co., Forthill road, B. Ferry
Ewan, Mrs Alexander, house proprietrix, 26 Isles' lane
Ewart, James, hacklemaker, 30 Benvie road
Ewart, John, mechanic, 36 Dundonald street
Ewing, Andrew, grocer, 2354 Hilltown ; h. 6 Garland place
Ewing, Charles, calenderworker, 21 Kinloch street
Ewing, David, bottler, 19 Union place
Ewing, Samuel, of Sinclair & Ewing, 19 Strathmartine road
Ewing, Mrs James, 42 Thomson street
Ewing, Mrs J. P., 2 Beech wood terrace, Westpark road
Ewing, Mrs Margaret, 6 Garland place
Fagan, John, currier, 1 Johnston's lane
Fagan, Peter, broker, 86 Overgate ; h. 42 Westport
Faichney , I. R. , bootmaker, 206 Overgate ; h. 32 St Mary's place
Fair, James, joiner, 4 Gellatly street
Fair, John, grocer and spirit merchant, 96 and 98 King street ; h. 4c
Fairbairn, Naylor, Macpherson, & Co., Limited, machinemakers, of
Leeds ; office, 74 Commercial street
Fairful, Mrs, 304 Perth road
Fairley, James, overseer, 21 Annfield row
Fairley, James, milloverseer, 31 Wellgate
Fairley, John, compositor, 45 Cotton road
Fairley, John, church-officer. Free St Paul's Church ; Ji. 145 Overgate
Fairley, Mary, furnishings, 15 Kinloch street
Fairley, Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 43 Ann street; h, 31 Wellgate
Fairweather, Adam B., hairdresser, 203 Overgate ; h. 43 Nethergate
Fairweather, Alexander, merchant, commission and insurance agent, 2
India buildings ; /j. 1 St Peter street
Fairweather, Charles, milloverseer, 42 William street, Forebank
Fairweather, David, bootmaker. 111 Perth road ; h. Ashbank, Monifieth
Fairweather, Edward, grocer, 40 King street ; h. 32|
Fairweather, George J. , butcher, 204a Hawkhill ; h. 204
Fairweather & Gilchrist, solicitors, 9 Ward road
Fairweather, G. Ireland, of Fairweather & Gilchrist, Wormit
Fairweather, Jas., tobacco manufac, 101 Murraygate; h. 1 Rockfield ter.
Fairweather, James, joiner, 24 Peddie street
Fairweather, James, railway checker, 78 Princes street
Fairweather, James, railway servant, 186 Blackness road
Fairweather, James A,, of Fairweather & Sons, 1 Rockfield terrace
Fairweather, James K., superintendent, University Club, 104 Nethergate
Fairweather, John, 1 St Peter street
Fairweather, John, clerk, Ashton Works ; h. 2 Balgay avenue
Fairweathei", Joseph, sculptor, marblecutter, and polished granite
merchant. South Union sti-eet (Telephone No. 176) ; h. 37 Nethergate
Fairweather, J. B. , flour and farina mer. ,127 Cowgate; li. 5 Baxter Park ter.
Fairweather, J. C, of D. R. Clark & Son, Ferrier street, Carnoustie
Fairweather, J. & J. F., teacliers of shorthand, 37 Nethergate and
South Union street (Telephone No. 176) ; h. 37 Nethergate
Fairweather, J. R., clerk, 149 Albert street
Fairweather, Martha, 175 Victoria road
Fairweather, Robert, mechanic, 3 Thorter row
Fairweather & Sons, tobacco manufacturers, 108 Seagate (Telephone
No, 508; Telegraphic address, "Fairweather, Seagate")
Fairweather, William, painter, 39 Milnbank road
Fairweather, William, clerk, 13 Middle street
Fairweather, William G,, of D. R, Clark & Son, High street, Newport
Fairweather, William W,, of Fairweather & Sons, 1 Rockfield terrace
Fairweather, Mrs H., wine and spirit merchant, 37 Princes st. ; h. 105
Fairweather, Mrs James, 14 Gardner street
Fairweather, Mrs James A., 9 Ward road
Fairweather, Mrs Jessie, 3 Gowrie place
Fairweather, Mrs J. T., 1 Rockfield terrace
Fairweather, Mrs Thomas, dairykeeper, Lawside
Fairweather, Mrs, apartments, 1 Lowden's alley
Falconer, Chas. M., manuf. and ropemkr. , 9 Shore ter. ; h. 5 Viewforth st.
Falconer, David, newspaper canvasser, 4 Roslin terrace
Falconer, George, confectioner, 187 Perth road
Falconer, Jas. , ironmonger, plumber, andgasfitter, 35 Nethergate; h. 142
Falconer, James, furniture dealer, 20 Ann street ; h 11 Elizabeth street
Falconer, Jas. B. , of Andrew Ogilvy & Co. , 3 Grange terrace, B. Ferry
Falconer, Jas. D.,watchmkr.and jeweller, 125a Nethergate ; h. 6 Pei-th rd.
Falconer, John, patternmaker, 25 Clepington street
Falconer, John, foreman tenter, 4 Lawrence street
Falconer, John, police constable, 22 Temple lane
Falconer, Mary, stay maker, 17 St Andrew's street
Falconer, Robert C, clerk, 23 Scott street
Falconer, William, blacksmith, 8 Roslin terrace
Falconer, William, blacksmith, 146 Albert street
Falconer, Mrs Jane, manglekeeper, 3 Tait's lane
Falding, J. B., leather manufacturer's and millfurnisher's agent, and
agent for Linlithgow Oil Co., Ltd., 2 India buildings; h. 24 Bank st.
Fargie, James H., Customs officer, 9 Airlie terrace
Farley, Thomas, hairdresser and tobacconist, 32 Overgate
Farmer, James, joiner, 61 Nethergate ; h. Gauldry, Fife
Farmer, John, moulder, 14 Graham place
Farmer, John, joiner, 37 Stirling street
Farmer, William, moulder, 10 Church street. Princes street
Farquhar, George, eatinghouse-keeper, 90 Hilltown ; h, 142
Farquhar, George, gardener, 4 Gardner's lane
Farquhar, George, stoker, 174 Ann street
Farquhar, James, compositor, 25 Scott street
Farquhar, John, porter, D. P. & L. Shipping Co. ; h. 14 New Inn entry
Farquhar, Robert, currier, 2 Easson's angle
Farquharson, Alexander, joiner, 42 Balgay street
Farquharson, Alexander R., brassfinisher, 38 Barrack street
Farquharson, Archibald, 18 Ferry road
Farquharson, Da^•id, mechanic, 2 Urquhart street
Farquharson, Finlay, cashier. Police Commis. office ; h. 93 Commercial st.
Farquharson, James, hosier, glover, hatter, and shirtmaker, 110
Nethergate; h. 125
Farquharson, Jas., of Garvie & Farquharson, 12 Grieve's ter., Lochee rd.
Farquharson, James, warehouseman, 2 Urquhart street
Farquharson, James, joiner, 168 Locliee road
Farquharson, John, confectioner, 13 Milnbank road ; h. 6 Polepark rd.
Farquharson, John, sen., of John Farquharson & Sons, 153 Perth road
Farquhai'son, John, seaman, 43 Ure street
Farquharson, John, tenter, 25 Wolseley street
FARQUHARSON, JOHN, & SONS, registered plumbers, brassfounders, gas-
fitters, and bellhangers, 38 and 40 Barrack st, and 151 Perth road.
See Adv. p. 19
Farquharson, R., of R. Farquharson & Son, Brothockbank, Arbroath
Farquharson, R., & Son, glass merchants and glaziers, 114 Murraygate
Farquharson, Thomas, of Joseph Gibson & Co., Abercraig, West Ferry
Farquharson, Walter, house proprietor, 61 Scouringbum
Farquharson, William, 32 Barrack street
Farquharson, William, mechanic, 7 St Peter street
Farquharson, Wm., calender mangr., Mid Wynd Works; h. 21 Step row
Farquharson, Mrs John, laundress, 21 Step row
Farquharson, Mrs John, jun., 1 Ford's lane
Farquharson, Mrs William, Ardal villa, 3 Scotswood terrace
Farquharson, Mrs, milliner, 108 Nethergate; h. 125
Farquharson, Misses, 3 Thornley terrace
Farr, Henry, calenderer, 6 Baxter street
Farrell, Edward, coaldealer, 1 0 Jamaica street ; h. 38
Farrell, Lewis, pawnbroker, 25 and 27 Scouringburn ; h. 42 Westport
Farrell, Michael, hat and cap manufacturer, 69 High st. ; h. 143 Nethergate
Farrell, Michael, keeper, St Stephen's Hall; h. 8 Daniel street
Farrow, John B., shipmaster, 69 Blackscroft
Faulds, John, shoemaker, 54 Constable street
Faulkner, William, grocer, 36 Rosebank street ; h. 34
Fawns, Alexander, hairdresser, 98 Dudhope street ; h. 12 Parker street
Fawns, David, hairdresser, 8 Scouringburn; h. 193 Blackness road
Fawns, David, jun., hairdresser, 191 Hawkhill
Fawns, Robert, packer, 69 Crescent street
Fealy, Lawrence, confectioner, 67 Main street
Fearns, James, of Thomson, Fearns, & Co., Muirhead of Liff
Fearns, Robert, grocer, 1 Watson street ; h. 6 Cardean street
Feathers, George F. , merchant, 2 Meadow Place buildings; h. 6 Shore ter.
Feathers, James, of P. A. Feathers & Son, The Rowans, Barnhill
Feathers, Peter, photographic stock dealer, 6 Castle st. ; h. Somerville
house, Broughty Ferry
Feathers, Peter A., of P. A. Feathers & Son, Somerville house, B. Ferry
Feathers, P. A., & Son, opticians and chronometer makers, 43 Dock st.
Fehrenbach,C. J.,watchmkr. and jeweller,86 Murraygate; /«.238 Perth rd.
Fenan, Patrick, hammerman, 2 Id vies street
Fender, George, enginefitter, 12 Raglan street
Fender, George S., ironturner, 2 Russell street
Fender, James, enginedriver, 36 Hilltown
Feneron, Thomas, gunnery instructor, H.M.S. Unicorn ; A. 63 Gellatly st.
Fenton, Alexander E., manager, Tay Bread Factory ; h. 30 King's road
Fenton, Andrew, railway guard, 14 Thomson street
Fenton, Andrew B. , tailor, 7 Lyon street
Fenton, Henry H., 193 Blackness road
Fenton, Rev. James, M.A., Baxter Park Free Ch. ; h. 15 Mary field ter.
Fenton, James, of Isles & Fenton, 15 Thomson street
Fenton, John, coaldealer, 32 Union street, Charles street ; h. 19
Fenton, Peter, milloverseer, 27 Cleghorn street
Fenton, Thos. R., grocer and pro v. mer,, 81 Peddie st,; h. 14 Thomson st,
Fenton, W. S,, engineer, Postal Telegraphs, 29 Bank street; h. The
Castle, West Newport
Fenton, Mrs, 21 Airlie place
Fenwick, James, policeman, 62 Caldrum street
Fenwick, Peter, wine and spirit merchant, and agent for Lion Brewery-
Co., 103 and 105 Nethergate ; h. 133 Victoria road
Fenwick, Stewart, currier, 247 Blackness road
Fenwick, William, plumber, 52 Ure street
Fenwick, Miss B. , dressmaker, 39 Wilkie's lane
Fenwick, Miss R. , dressmaker, 4 Balfour street
Ferguson, Alexander, manager, Johnston Street Factory ; h. 4 Park ter.
Ferguson, Alexander, draper, 19 Glebe street
Ferguson, Alexander, clothier, 6 King street; h. 3 King's road
Ferguson, Alex. J., butcher, 60 Dura street ; h. Duff terrace, Main street
Ferguson, Andrew Mitchell, solicitor, 45 Commercial st. ; h. Heston, Alyth
Ferguson, Betsy, manglekeeper, 7 M'Gill street
Ferguson, David, plumber, 37 Wilkie's lane
Ferguson, David, engineer and machinemkr. , Ogilvie's rd. ; h. 6 Kinnaird st.
Ferguson, David, teacher, 2 Balgray place, Clepington road
Ferguson, David, secretary, Gilroy, Sons, & Co., Ltd.; h. East Newport
Ferguson, Frederick, clothier, 2 Peter street
Ferguson, George, engineer, 20 Baxter street
Ferguson, George, jun. , engineer, 24 Blyth street
Ferguson, George S. B., teacher. Hill St. Public School; li. The Cottage,
Clepington road
Ferguson, Isabella, music-teacher (piano), 7 Tally street
Ferguson, James, engineer, machinemaker, and machinery merchant,
Coldside Machine Works, 344 Loons road ; h. 14 Lorimer street
Ferguson, James, dresser, 6 Melrose terrace
Ferguson, Jas.F. ,wine and spirit mer. , 46, 48 Scouringburn ; A.4Hunter st.
Fei'guson, John, merchant, 84 Commercial street
Ferguson, John, butcher, 34 Ann street ; h. Craigower, Downfield
Ferguson, John, of R. Ferguson & Sons, 4 Argyle place, Thomson street
Ferguson, John, joiner, 4 Wilkie's lane
Ferguson, John, harbour porter, 7 Cardean street
Ferguson, John, housepainter & decorator, 29 Barrack st.; h. 77 Overgate
Ferguson, Michael, boilermaker, 185 Princes street
Ferguson, Peter, of G. H. Nicoll & Co. , 4 Castle terrace, Broughty Ferry
Ferguson, Peter, clerk, 15 Brewery lane
Ferguson, Robert, shipping agt. , 4 India buildgs. ; h. 5 Baxter Park ter.
FergiTson, Robert, tinsmith, 7 Tally street
Ferguson, Robert, & Sons, oil, leather, flour, and farina merchants, and
mill, factory, and engineers' furnishers, 11 to 15 Royal Exchange lane
(Telephone No. 94 ; Telegraphic address, " Ferguson ")
Ferguson, Thomas, textile teacher, Technical Institute ; h. The Cottages,
Tay street. East Newport
Ferguson, Thos. C, of R. Ferguson & Sons, 4 Argyle place, Thomson st.
Ferguson, William, joiner and washing-board maker, 31 Lochee road
Ferguson, William, clerk, 33 Cowgate
Ferguson, William, watchmaker, 58a Wellgate ; h. 4 Morrison's court
Ferguson, William, tenter, 34 Ogilvie's road
Ferguson, Mrs David, 75 Strathmartine road
Ferguson, Mrs John, 36 Netliergate
Fergusson, H. B., of Wm. Fergusson & Sons, 15 Douglas ter., B. Ferry
Fergusson, James, leathercutter, 82 Albert street
Fergusson, Joseph, marine engineer, 1 Fearnbank, Clepington road
Fergusson, Robert M. , of Fergusson & Stephen, 3 Lansdowne place
Fergusson, R. A., of Wm. Fergusson & Sons, Ethiebeaton, by Dundee
Fergusson & Stephen, solicitors and notaries, 5 Whitehall street
Fergusson, William, & Sons, manufactiirers of jute fabrics, Dudhope
Works, 2 Douglas street
Fergusson, W, H,, of Wm, Fergusson & Sons, The Buchties, Bro. Ferry
Fernie, Andrew, tenter, 5 Stirling street
Fernie, George, prison warder, 63 Lochee road
Fernie, James, stationer and ironmonger, 60 Ann street
Fernie, John, engineer, 28 Arbroath road
Fernie, William, engineer, 18 Arbroath road
Ferrie, Michael, wine and spirit merchant, 140 Scouringburn ; k. 178
Ferrier, Chas., mercht., 12 Victoria chambers; h. Firbank, Carnoustie
Ferrier & Co., coopers and joiners, 18 Greenmarket
Ferrier, David, joiner, 20 Union place, Perth road
Ferrier, David, ironturner, 68 Albert street
Ferrier, David, harbour porter, 49 Crescent street
Ferrier, David H. , chemist and druggist, 2 Hilltown, and 14 Strathmar-
tine road ; h. East Somerville place
Ferrier, G. H,, mer., 12 Victoria cham, ; h. Struan lodge, Broughty Ferry
Ferrier, James, of I). Ramsay & Co., 6 Polepark road
Ferrier, John, carter, 3 Forest Park road
Ferrier, John W., engineer, 3 Watt street
Ferrier, Thomas M., of Thomas Taylor & Co., consul for Venezuela, and
vice-consul for Colombia, 11 Panmure st.; h. Rosemount, B. Ferry
FERRIER, WILLIAM, photographer, 1 Tally street ; /i. 3 South Tay street.
See Adv. p. 35
Ferrier, Mrs, 27 Tait's lane
Ferrier, Miss M., 46 Castle street
Fettes, Charles, 50 Seafield road
Fettes, James, insurance agent, 16 Stirling street
Fettes, James, engineer, 4 Morgan street
Fettes, John, bar manager, 178 Ferry road ; h. 150 Ferry road
Fettes, Robt., grocer and spiritdealer, 15 Dudhope st. ; h. 21 Stirling st.
Fettes, R. W. , dairyman, 35 North street
Fiddes, Robert, joiner, 11 Stirling street
Fiddes, Robert, butcher, 76 Princes street ; h. 25 Robertson street
Fidler, T. Claxton, M.Inst.C.E., professor of engineering. University
College ; h. 66 Seafield road
Fimister, William, tailor, 22 Shepherd's loan
Findlay, Alex., lithographic manager, Advertiser office; h. 149 Albert st.
Findlay, Alexander, clerk, 23 Panmure street
Findlay, Alexander, tailor, 61 Lochee road
Findlay, Andrew, joiner, 31 Back street
Findlay, Charles, manufacturer, Rosebank Works, 48 Rosebank street ;
h. 24 Constitution road
Findlay, Charles, powerloom manager, 5 Dallfield terrace -
Findlay, David, harbour porter, 93 King street
Findlay, David, engineer, 110 Victoria road
Findlay, David, gatekeeper, 5 Willison street
Findlay, George, of Andrew Eeid & Co., Ythan villa, Downfield
Findlay, Geo., book-keeper and cashier. Garden Works; h. 5 Viewforth st,
Findlay, George, jute and linen merchant, 40 St Andrew's street
Findlay, George P. , ironmonger, 38 Overgate ; h. 1 Rustic place
Findlay, Hugh, waiter, 51 Lochee road
Findlay, Isabella, dressmaker, 6 Park terrace
Findlay, James, shoemaker, 5 Pitfour street
Findlay, James, cabinetmaker. 111 Hawkhill
Findlay, James, porter, 17 Catherine street
Findlay, James, coaldealer, 10 Albert street
Findlay, James, calender worker, 46 Hilltown
Findlay, John, jun., houseagent, 69 Reform street (Telephone No. 560) ;
h. Gowanbrae, Broughty Ferry
Findlay, J. L., commission agent, 56 St Andrew's st. ; h. 5 Viewforth st.
Findlay, Thomas, insurance agent, 142 Albert street
Findlay, William, 8 Dallfield terrace
Findlay, William, jun., clerk, 20 Forebank terrace
Findlay, William, painter, 70 Peddle street
Findlay, William, fruiterer, Whitehall crescent ; h. 39 Paton's lane
Findlay, Mrs David, 7 Airlie terrace
Findlay, Mrs D. , grocer, 1 Fairly place, Clepington road
Findlay, Mrs James, laundress, 9 Wallace street
Findlay, Mrs, certificated ladies' nurse, 35 Victoria road
Findlay, Miss, Victoria villa, Ferry road
Findleton, David, fish and poultry dealer, 14 Cowgate ; A. 45 Blackscroft
Finlay, Charles S., clothier and draper, 12 Strathmartine road; li.
Woodlee place. Provost road
Finlay, Crawford, tailor, 14 South George street
Finlay, James, blacksmith, 54 Gellatly street ; h. 22 Barrack street
Finlay, John, shuttlemaker, 12 North Erskine street
Finlay, John, fireman, 12 Malcolm street
Finlay, John, foreman tinsmith, 16 Gardner street
Finlay, John M., millmanager, Balgay Jute Works ; h. 25 Benvie road
Finlay, Owen, confectioner, 27 Arbroath road
Finlay, William, blacksmith, 41 Alexander street
Finlay, William, overseer, 9 Brown Constable street
Finlayson, Archibald, draper, The Cottage, 97 Hospital wynd
Finlay son, James, joiner, 181 Victoria road
Finlayson, James, insurance agent, 1 Paterson street
Finlayson, John, bootcloser, 18 Todburn lane
Finlayson, Robt. , grocer & spiritdlr. , 18 1 , 183 Hawkhill ; h. 1 Blackness ores.
Finlayson, R. , & Sons, aerated water manufs.. Fountain Works, 2 Ure st.
Finlayson, Mrs Geo., draper, milliner, and dressmkr.,27 Princes st.; h. 31
Finley, Elizabeth, grocer, 15 Clark street
Finnan, Mi-s, confectioner, 12 St Mary street
Finnigan, Andw., wine and spirit mer., 147 Hawkhill; h. 24 Gardner st.
Finnigan, John, wine and spirit merchant, 15 Scouriiigburn
Fisher, David, collector, 20 Lawson place
Fisher, George, manager, Tay Works Calender ; ^. 17 Diidhope street
Fisher, George, mechanic, 2 Allan street
Fisher, John, porter, 8 Dura street
Fisher, John, hairdresser and perfumer, 37 Perth road ; h. Inverbay
villa, Invergowrie
Fisher, John, merchant, 6 Panmure street
Fisher, John, pastrybaker, 24 Ogilvie's road
Fisher, John, currier, 131 Rosebank street
Fisher, Peter, bookbinder, 40 Perth road
Fisher, Peter, manager and secretary, Dundee and District Tramway
Co., Ltd., 19 High street ; h. 4 Westfield place
Fisher, Peter, broker, 84 Dudhope street ; confectioner, 86 ; h, 86
Fisher, Thomas, milloverseer, 31 Cleghorn street
Fisher, William, journalist, 7 Bank street; h. 13 Forebank road
Fisher, William, currier, 5 Craig street
Fisher, W. M., L.D.S., R.C.S., Eng., dental surgeon, 136 Nethergate
Fisher, Mrs John, Aberlemno terrace, 348 Perth road
Fisher, Mrs Peter, house proprietrix, 11 Isles' lane
Fisken, David, mechanic, 12^ Mortimer street
Fitchet, George, potato merchant, 8, 10 Crescent lane ; h. 15 Springhill
Fitchet, James, grocer and spirit mer. , 38 Balgay st. ; h. 249 Blackness rd.
Fitchet, Jas. F., grocer and spirit mer., 36 Princes st.; h. 15 Springhill
Fitchet, William, warehouseman, 118 Ann street
Fithie, William S., milloverseer, 9 Bell street
Fithie, Mrs, dressmaker, 92 Blackness road
Fitzgerald, James, painter, 8 Kincardine street
Fitzgerald, John, sorting-clerk, 6 Bernard street
Fitzgerald, M. 0., Customs officer, Afton place, Baxter Park terrace
Flanagan, Thos. , grocer and spirit merchant, 24 Lower pleasance ; h. 22
Fleming, Alexander, factoryworker, 5 Arklay street
Fleming, Alexander, fireman, 2 St Matthew street
Fleming, Alexander, railway porter, 29 Clepington street
Fleming, Alexander, mason, 194 Hilltown
Fleming, Alex. D. , merchant and insurance agent, 7 Panmure street ;
h. Downie villa. Droughty Ferry
Fleming, Alexander M. , of Fleming Brothers, 31 Wellgate
Fleming, Andrew P., of D. H. Fleming, Sons,& Co., 5 Unionbank, Lochee
Fleming, Archibald, goods guard, 7 Victoria street
Fleming, A. B., & Co., Ltd., oil refiners, Carolina port; W.M. Smith, mangr.
Fleming & Barry, timber merchants, Camperdown Sawmills
FLEMING, BIRKBY, & GOODALL, Ltd., West Grove Mill, Halifax. See
Adv. p. 1
Fleming Brothers, clothiers, hosiers, and hatters, 16 and 18 Cowgate
Fleming, Charles P., of D. H. Fleming, Sons, & Co., 2 Adelaide place
Fleming, David, lodgekeeper, Belmont Works ; h. 67 Ure street
Fleming, David, blacksmith, 18 Gardner street
Fleming, David, of Fleming & Sharp, 36 Hilltown
Fleming, David A., clerk, 32 Seagate
Fleming, David N. , machine merchant and millfurnisher, non-conducting
composition mfr., and coverer, 2 India buildings ; h. 5 Balgay avenue
Fleming, Douglas, & Co. , jute, flax, hemp, and general merchts., 19 Cowgate
Fleming, D. H., Sons, & Co., spinners and manufacturers, Gray Street
Works, Lochee ; office, 30 Meadowside
Fleming, D. M'Grigor, solicitor, 38 Whitehall st. ; h. 41 Constitution st.
Fleming, Edward W. , of J. & J. Fleming, 3 Kilnburn terrace, Newport
Fleming, Elizabeth, stationer, 4 Caldrum street
Fleming, George, sculptor, 89 Peddie street
Fleming & Haxton, passenger booking, tourist, and shipping agents, 44
High street
Fleming, James, 2 Park place
Fleming, James, of J. & J. Fleming, East Somerville place
Fleming, Jas., ironmonger, 26 and 28 Victoria rd. ; h. 17 Maryfield ter.
Fleming, James, flax inspector, 106 Annfield road
Fleming, James, factory manager, Scouringburn Works ; h. 2 Peddie st.
Fleming, James A., of J. & J. Fleming, East Somerville place
Fleming, John, of John Fleming & Sons, 9 Panmure terrace
Fleming, John, hay merchant, 7 Small's wynd ; h. 49 Park wynd
Fleming, John, jun., cabdriver, 34 Park wynd
Fleming, John D,, timber merchant, Camperdown Sawmills; h. 7
Louise terrace, West Ferry
Fleming, John, & Sons, wholesale grocers, 165 and 167 Seagate
Fleming, John S. , of Gi'aham & Fleming, Afton place, Baxter Park ter.
Fleming, John W., of Salmond & Fleming, Dalhousie ter., West Ferry
Fleming, J. I. , commercial traveller, 4 Gowrie street
Fleming, J. & J. , wholesale London, Birmingham, and Sheffield ware-
housemen, and importers of French and German goods, 1-7 Overgate
Fleming, J. Porterfield, clerk, 142 Nethergate
Fleming & Lindsay, jute spinners and manufacturers. Mid Street Mill,
50 Mid street (Telephone No. 482) ; and Hillside Works, 112 Hill-
town (Telephone No. 471)
Fleming, Lizzie H., teacher of music, 142 Nethergate
Fleming, Patrick P., merchant, 84 Commercial st. ; h. 9 Albany terrace
Fleming, Peter, manager. Gray Street Works Factory ; h. 142 Nethergate
Fleming, Peter, butcher, 19 Peddie street
Fleming, Philip, of D. H. Fleming, Sons, & Co., Balgay terrace, Lochee
Fleming, P., Canadian Government agent, 44 High street; It. Braeside
villa, West Newport
Fleming, Reid, & Co., Greenock Yarn and Hosiery Stores, 82 Nethergate
Fleming, Robert, merchant, and advising secretary, Scottish American
Trust Companies, Ltd., 13 Albert square (Telephone No. 597); h.
Walden, Chislehurst, Kent
Fleming, Robert H., of Fleming & Lindsay, Panmurebank, Carnoustie
Fleming, R. E. & J. , wholesale ironmongers, and saddlers' furnishers,
31 Yeaman shore
Fleming & Sharp, builders, Ladywell place, Victoria road
Fleming, Thomas, fireman, 11 Robertson street
Fleming, Thomas P. , architect, 9 Albany terrace
Fleming, William, of John Fleming & Sons, 9 Panmure terrace
Fleming, William, seaman, 4 Dallfield terrace
Fleming, William S., Caledonian Railway canvasser, 80 Nethergate
Fleming, W. P., music teacher, 1 Whitehall street; h. 9 Albany terrace
Fleming, Mrs David H. , 9 Albany terrace
Fleming, Mrs D., grocer, 77 Ure street
Fleming, Mrs James, 2 Blackness crescent
Fleming, Mrs John, 9 Panmure terrace
Fleming, Mrs Joseph, 1 Scotswood terrace
Fleming, Mrs J. H., 32 Seagate
Fleming, Miss Annie, of Misses J.' & A, Fleming, 91 Arbroath road
Fleming, Miss E., 44 High street ; h. Braeside, West Newport
Fleming, Miss Jessie, of Misses J. & A. Fleming, 91 Arbroath road
Fleming, Misses J. & A., milliners and dressmakers, 49 Albert street
Fletcher, Edward, salesman, 177 Blackness road
Fletcher, William, gardener, 187 Overgate
Fletcher, William A., porter, 16 Lawrence street
Flett, Peter G., grocer, 87 Strathmartine road ; h. 160
Flight, Elizabeth, 20 Bernard street
Flight, William, joiner, 23 Clepington street
Flockhart, Alex. , licensed grocer, 3 1 Craigie st. ; h. 6 Union pi. , Lochee
Flood, John, confectioner, 63 Scouringburn ; ^. 61
Florence, Georgina, butcher, 16 Alexander street ; h. 30
Flowers, Mrs, manglekeeper, 8 Malcolm street
Flynn, James, spiritdealer's assistant, 6 Constitution street
Flynn, William, manager, Balgray road
Foggie, Andrew H. , of Baxter & Co. , Woodville house, Westpark road
Foggie, James, of James Foggie & Son, Pearlbank, Tayport
FOGGIE, JAMES K., baker. Hygienic Bakery, corner of Guthrie street and
Scouringburn ; h. Guthrie street. See Adv. p. 84
Foggie, James, & Son, architects and licensed valuators, 2 Raglan street
Foggie, John, clerk, Cottage Factory ; h. Myrtlebank, 10 Maryfield ter.
Foggie, John, F. C. S. , laboratory steward. University College ; h. 3
James square, Newport
Foggie, Thomas K., of James Foggie & Son, Pearlbank, Tayport
Foggie, William, joiner and builder, Whitton street ; h. 5 Park avenue
Foggie, William E., M.A., M.B., CM., Dundee Royal Lifirmary
Folkes, Fred. I., ship's corporal, R. N., H. M. S. " Unicorn"; A.8 Crichton st.
Foote, Alexander A., house proprietor, Springgrove, Downfield
Foote,Andw. A., joiner & funeral undertkr,,33Rosebank st. ; A. 57 Dura st.
Foote, James, boot and shoe maker, 41 Polepark road
Foote, Mrs C. , draper, 49 Perth road
Foote, Miss Maggie, fruiterer, 62 Dura street ; h. 57
Forbes, Alexander, waiter, 7 Kirk entry
Forbes, Alex., B.A., classical master, Morgan Academy; h. 14 Forfar rd.
Forbes, Alexander, joiner, Faringtonhall cottage, Perth road
Forbes & Christie, calenderers, packers, and sack mfs., 80, 86 Victoria rd.
Forbes, David, grocer and spirit merchant, 20 Hospital wynd ; h. 55
Forbes, David, engineer, 6 Park terrace
Forbes, David, teacher, 15 Morgan street
Forbes, Duncan, joiner, 93 Peddie street
Forbes, Elizabeth, milliner, 143 Blackscroft
Forbes, Findlay, overseer, 303 Loons road
Forbes, George, of George Forbes & Co., 10 Dens brae
Forbes, George, & Co., cabinetmakers and joiners, 26 Foundry lane
Forbes, G. D., manager, East Port Calender ; h. The Oaks, Duff street
Forbes, James, mechanic, 19 Scott street
Forbes, James, Cowgate porter, 14 King's road
Forbes, James, railway policeman, 34 North Lindsay street
Forbes, John, mechanic, 51 Lochee road
Forbes, John, overseer, 59 Hill street
Forbes, John M. , enginelitter, 33 Park wynd
Forbes, John Thayne, stationer, 63 Lochee road
Forbes, Jonathan, commis. mer. , 8 Shore ter. ; li. 3 Taymouth ter. , B. Ferry
FORBES, J. T., pianoforte tuner and dealer, 123 and 125 Victoria road.
See Adv. p. on colovxred page preceding title
Forbes, Matthew, medicinal herbalist, 26^ Forfar road
Forbes, Peter, confectioner, 5 Rose street
Forbes, P. D., grocer and wine merchant, 27 Union street, Maxwell-
town, 123 Hilltown, and 64 Strathmartine road ; h. Fairmuir cot.
Forbes, Thomas, fish and egg merchant, 191 Princes street; h. 197
Forbes, W. R., grocer and wine merchant, 51 and 53 Mains road; h.
Summerlea place. Mains road
Forbes, Mrs Annie, sicknurse and midwife, 1 Johnston's lane
Forbes, Mrs James, fish merchant, 93 Hilltown ; h. 96
Forbes, Mrs William, broker, 5 Strathmartine road; h. 9
Forbes, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 9 Brown Constable street
Forbes, Miss Margaret, stationer and tobacconist, 13J Mains road
Ford, Agnes, dressmaker, 1 Church street, Princes street
Ford, David, butcher, 81 HiWtown ; h. 5 Baffin street
Ford, George, coal salesman, 16 Kincardine street
Ford, Hugh, warehouseman, 18 Gardner street
Ford, Jas., wine and spirit mer., 75 and 77 North Church street ; h. 73
Ford, James, stationer, 117 Cowgate
Ford, William, engineer, 136 Ferry road
Ford's Mercantile Offices — East of Scotland Traders' Mutual Protection
Association, 18 Meadowside ; branch, 12 King street, Aberdeen
Fordyce, Misses, 3 Gowrie place
Forebank Dye Works, Victoria road ; James vStevenson & Co., dyers
Forebank Works, 15 Forebank road; Andrew Taylor & Co., manufactrs.
Foreman, William, shore porter, 25 Lilybank road
Foreman, Mrs David, 2 Buckingham terrace
Foi'eman, Mrs John, 10 Stirling street
Forfarshire 1st V. A. Corps; headquartei'S, Brigade office, Baltic buildings
Forgan, Thomas, railway guard, 14 Ford's lane
Forgan, William, railway yardsman, 10 West Dock street
Fori'est, Alexander, miller, Dundee Flour Mills ; h. East Dock street
Forrest, James, ironplaner, 35 Park wynd
Forrest, John, carpenter, 1 Morrison's court
Forrest, Malcolm, labourer, 18 Paterson street
Forrest, Simon, of Andrew Leitch & Co., sec, Dundee Loch Line Steam
Shipping Co. , 26 East Dock street ; h. Craigard, E. Newport
Forrest, William, ironmoulder, 25 Robertson street
Forrest, Mrs Isa, laundress, 7 Craigie street
Forrester, David, merchant, 180 Seagate; h. Beech cottage, Barnhill
Forrester, David, head porter, West Station ; h. 40 Perth road
Forrester, James, baker, 80 Hawkhill
Forrester, John, millforeman, 11 Kincardine street
Forrester, John, comisn. agent, 180 Seagate ; A. Brook Street house, B.Ferry
Forrester, John S., mechanic, 5 Park avenue
Forrester, Robert, shipping porter, 74 Ferry road
Forrester, William, overseer, 21 Park avenue
Forret, David, watchmaker, 1.3 Union place
Forson, Rev. Andrew James, Morison E. U. Church ; h. 20 Airlie place
Forsyth, Alexander, spirit merchant's assistant, 33 Tait's lane
Forsyth, James, solicitor's clerk, 20^ Tiiomson street
Forsyth, John, ironturner, 15 Park avenue
Forsyth, John, chemist and druggist, 17 High st. ; h. 2 N. Wellington st.
Forsyth, John C, patternmaker, 7 Ellen street
Forsyth, Peter, photographic agent, 8 Peddie street
Forsyth, Robert, shoemaker, 104 Blackscroft
Forsyth, R. B., 121 Hawkhill
Forsyth, Thomas, tenter, 5 Mortimer street
Forsyth, William, sawyer, 6 Rose street
Forsyth, Mi's Jane, spirit merchant, 151 Overgate ; /t. 33 Tait's lane
Forwell, William, baker, confectioner, and biscuit manufacturer, Hilltown
Bread, Biscuit, and Confectionery Works, Stirling street
Foster, Francis, surveyor of taxes, 29 Bank street ; h. 3 Newington
terrace, Broughty Ferry
Fotheringham, Andrew, dresser, 7 Stirling street
Fotheringham, William, joiner, 12 Ben vie road
Foulis, John, bootmaker, 5 Catherine street
Foulis, Mrs P., wine and spirit mer., 136 Victoria road ; h. 1 Lamb's lane
FOWLER, JAMES, frenchpolisher, 35 Cowgate. See Adv. p. 88
Fowler, James, clerk, 11 Stirling street
Fowler, James, milloverseer, 25 Morgan street
Fowler, Robert, calenderworker, 14 Wilkie's lane
Fowler, Thomas, police constable, 10 Cleghorn street
Fowler, Mrs, lodgings, 53 South Tay street
Fowlis, Francis M., stationer, 21 Kincardine street
Fox, Edward J., waiter, 179 Blackness road
Fox, Harry, stx-awhat maker, 56 and 58 Wellgate; h. 13 Charles street
Fox, John, birdcage maker and bird-dealer, 20 Milne's East wynd
Fox, John, wine and spirit merchant, 177 Overgate ; h. 87 King street
Fox, Robert, milliner, 56 and 58 Wellgate ; h. 5 Paradise road
Fox, Robert, jun., mechanic, 13 Blackness street
Fox, R. S. , painter, 13 Dudhope street
Fox, William, clerk, 25 Scott street
Foy, Daniel, shoemaker, 46 Ferry road
Fraenkl, Victor, of JafFe Brothers & Co., Tay Park, Broughty Ferry
Frain, William, jun., of William Frain & Son, 2 St Johnswood terrace
FRAIN, WILLIAM, & SON, wholesale & retail china & glass mers., Frain's
buildings, 17 to 21 Castle st. (Telephone No. 143); stores, Castle court
and 4 to 8 Doig's court. See Adv. on coloured page preceding title
France, Consul for — P. M. Cochrane, 1 Dudhope terrace
Franchi, Antonio, confectioner, 5 Ann street, 137 Victoria road, and 49
Overgate ; h. 27 Victoria road
Frankland, Percy Faraday, Ph.D., B.Sc, F.R.S., professor of chemistry,
University college
Fraser, Alex. , tailor and clothier, 17 N. Wellington st. ; h. 8 Alexander st.
Fraser, Alexander, engineer, 35 Arbroath road
Fraser, Alexander, coach painter, 13 Blackheath place
Fraser, Alexander, currier, 89 Princes street
Fraser, Alexander, carver and gilder, 58 Bell street ; h. 72
Fraser, Alexander K., postman, 6 Stirling street
Fraser, Allister J., teller. Royal Bank, Westport ; h. 65 Commercial st.
Fraser, Andrew, railway guard, 95 Murraygate
Fraser, Charles, flax inspector, 18 Cowgate
Fraser, David, milloverseer, 4 Isla street
Fraser, Donald, coal merchant and sackmaker, 56 Gellatly street ; h. 49
Fraser, Donald, warper, 61 Hill street
Fraser, Donald, clerk. Bank of Scotland ; h. 3 Victoria terrace, Barnhill
Fraser, Duncan, overseer, 77 Strathmartine road
Fraser, Duncan, confectioner, 75 Pi-inces street ; h. 98 Blackscroft
Fraser, Edwin, photographer, 55 Nethergate ; h. 19a Albert square
Fraser, Evan H., teacher, 2 Park avenue
Fraser, George, blacksmith, 82 Cowgate ; h. 51 Crescent street
Fraser, George, of George Fraser & Co., Ci'aigiebank, Ferry road
Fraser, George, joiner, 8 Peddie street
Fraser, Geo. B. , commission mer. , 15 Castle st. ; It. May cott. , Chalmers st.
Fraser, George, & Co., wholesale fruit and potato mers., and market
gardeners, 5 & 33 Commercial st. ; gardens, Craigiebank, Ferry rd.
Fraser, George S. , warehouseman, 170 Lochee road
Fraser, Gilbert, manager. Ward Mills ; h. 17 Airlie place
Fraser, Hugh G. , photographer, 43 Peddie street
Fraser, James, currier, 23 Princes street
Fraser, James, calenderworker, 7 Rosebank road
Fraser, James, tenter, 49 Ure street
Fraser, James, warehouseman, 26 Bruce street
Fraser, James C, wine and spirit merchant, 104 Blackness road
Fraser, John, designer and tracer for embroidery, 51 and 53 Nethergate ;
h. 19a Albert square
Fraser, John, gilder and pictureframe maker, 48 Barrack st. ; h. 9 Ward rd.
Fraser, John, mechanic, 96 Strathmartine road
Fraser, John E., jeweller, 42 Westport
Fraser, Peter, joiner, 19 Scott street
Fraser, Samuel, machineman, 175 Hawkhill
Fi'aser, Simon G. , of Rough & Fraser, Abbotsford villa, Strathmartine rd.
Fraser, Thomas, hay, straw, and potato merchant, 236 Perth road
Fraser, Thomas, bookseller, 25 Stirling street
Fraser, T. H., resident secretary, The Edinburgh Life Assurance Co.,
56 Commercial street ; h. Youngsdale place, Newport
Fraser, William, turnkey, 2 East Henderson's wynd
Fraser, William, boot and shoe maker, 127 Perth road; h. 19 Union place
Fraser, William, blacksmith, 4 Graham street, Clepington road
Fraser, William, storekeeper, 21 Scott street
Fraser, William, draper, 9 Ellen street
Fraser, Wm. M., grocer and wine merchant, 42 Wellgate ; h. 10 Foi-far rd.
Eraser, W. C. , violin maker, 67 Cowgate
Eraser, Mrs A., garden seed merchant, 12 Arbroath road
Eraser, Mrs Jane, spirit merchant, 59 Princes street ; h. 32
Eraser, Mrs, 7 Fyffe street
Eraser, Miss Elsie, milliner, 18 Cowgate
Eraser, Miss Margaret, 39 Main street
Eraser, Miss, teacher, 72 Peddie street
Erazer, Alexander, of D. Erazer & Son, 201 Hilltown
Erazer, D., & Son, shnttle and picker makers, 201 Hilltown
Erazer, John, millforeman, 25 St Peter street
Erazer, Miss E., bread shop, 181 Overgate ; h. 6 Perth road
Ereedman, Ered., tailor and clothier, 33 High street
Eree Library, Art and Natural History Museum, and Picture Galleries,
Albert square ; John Maclauchlan, secretary, chief librarian, and
Ereeman, James Michael, Liland Revenue clerk, 161 Albert street
FRENCH, ANNIE, children's outfitting and ladies' underclothing ware-
house, 123 Perth road ; h. 125. See Adv. p. 52
Eriedheim, Otto, of E. Rosenstern & Co., 16 Douglas terrace, W. Eerry
Eriedlander, Edward, calenderer, Meadowside Calender Co., Ltd., 23
Albert square ; h. 23 Springfield
Ery, J. S. , & Sons, cocoa & chocolate mf s. , 5 Reform st. ; W. H. Horswell, agt.
Eryer, Henry, vanman, 29 Balgay street
Eullerton, Jas., merchant, 51 Meadowside; h. Viewbank, 7 Dudhope ter.
Eullerton, John, special agent. New York Life Insur. Co., 10 Airlie ter.
Eulton, David, postman, 124 Seagate
Eyall, Andrew, carpenter, 29 Hill street
Eyfe, Andrew, stationer and fancy goods, 162 Ann street
Eyfe, George, fruiterer, florist, and potato merchant, 10 Crichton
street ; h. Newbigging, Monikie
Eyfe, G. & H. , ironmongers, tinsmiths, and gasfitters, 14 Dudhope Cres. rd.
Eyfe, Isabella, dressmaker, 144 Perth road
Eyfe, James, of Scott & Eyfe, Woodbank house, Tayport
Eyfe, Jas. , stationer and tobacconist, 34 Lilybank rd. ; h. 3 Arbroath rd.
Eyfe, James, carpenter, 22 Peter street
Eyfe, James, blacksmith, 12 Constable street
Eyfe, John, grocer, 4 Stirling street
Eyfe, John, sawmill manager, 11 Park avenue
Eyfe, William, 28 Union place
Eyfe, William T., auctioneer, 2 Dalhousie terrace
Eyfe, Mrs A. M. , Aberlemno terrace, 348 Perth road
Eyfe, Mrs John, 19 Cowgate
Eyfe, Mrs W. C, 3 Windsor terrace
Eyfe, Mrs, apartments, 2 Dalhousie terrace
Eyfe, Miss, 1 Blackness crescent
Eyffe, Alexander, engineman, 40 Hunter street
Eyife, Alfred, flax porter, 29 Mains loan
Eyffe, David, clerk, 5 Stirling street
Eyffe, David, shipwright, 82 High street
Fyffe, David, shipwright. Marine parade ; h. 9 Osborne place
Fyffe, George, coffeehouse keeper, 80 Overgate; h. 82
Fyflfe, George, warehouseman, Greenlaw place, Clepington road
Fyffe, James, of James Fyffe & Son, 17 Thomson street
Fyffe, James, of Paterson & Fyffe, 53 Hill street
Fyffe, James, harbour porter, 47 Albert street
Fyffe, James, & Son, plumbers, brassfounders, gasfitters, tinsmiths, and
zincworkers, 89 Nethei'gate ; workshops, Tay Street lane
Fyffe, Jessie, 16 Bank street
Fyffe, John, sugar toy manufacturer, 33 Rosebank street
Fyffe, John, overseer, 93 Hospital wynd
Fyffe, John W., of John W. Fyffe & Co., 16 Bank street
Fyffe, John W., & Co., slaters, 14 Bank street
Fyffe, Peter, joiner, 42 Annfield road
Fyffe, Peter, engineer, 29 Peter street
Fyffe, Peter, bird-dealer, 211 Lochee road
Fyffe, Peter, furniture dealer, 34 Campbell st., Lochee ; h. 214 Lochee rd.
Fyffe, Richard, milloverseer, 44 Hill street
Fyffe, Robert, upholsterer, 185 Hilltown ; h. 41 Rosebank street
Fyffe, Thomas L., of James Fyffe & Son, 41 Seafield road
Fyffe, William, clerk, Dundee Foundry ; h. 36 Ferry road
Fyffe, William S., overseer, 27 Scott street
Fyffe, William G., grocer's assistant, 52 Annfield road
Fyffe, Mrs John, wine and spirit merchant, 58 Strathmartine rd. ; h. 39
Fyffe, Mrs, 6 Wolseley street
Gabriel, Robert, storekeeper, 8 Kincardine street
Gabriel, William, greengrocer, 53 Lochee road ; h. 67
Gaertner, Hans, music teacher and organist, 74 Commercial street
Gaffney, Thomas A., hairdresser, 17 Albert street ; h. 233 Hilltown
Gagan, Peter, labourer, 26 Dallfield walk
Gahan, James, painter and decorator, 58 Hilltown ; h. 32 James street
Gahan, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 86 Hilltown ; //. 32 James street
Gair, James, stower, 6 Eliza street
Gaini, John, shoemaker, 42 Blackscroft ; h. 63
Gall, James, coaldealer, 27 Peter street
Gall, John, commercial traveller, 9 Dallfield terrace
Gall, Mrs Helen, 8 Arbroath road
Gallacher, James, auctioneer, 1 Littlejohn street
Gallacher, Mrs, confectioner, 16 Dundonald street
Galloway, Alexander L., traveller, 3 Parker street
Galloway, Archibald, assurance agent, 36 Ferry road
Galloway, David, cooper, 237 Hilltown ; h. 29 Strathmartine road
Galloway, George, enginedriver, 27 Step row
Galloway, James, district manager, British Legal Life Assurance Co.,
Limited, Arcade buildings, 4c King street
Galloway, James, engineer, 17 Morgan street
Galloway, John, baker, 31 Reform street
Galloway, John, nightwatchman, 1 Watson's lane
GALLOWAY, JOHN, ironmonger, tinsmith, plumber, and gasfitter, 237
and 239 Hilltown ; h. May cottage, Fairmuir. See Adv. p. 53
Galloway, John D., tinsmith, 160 Strathmartine road
Galloway, Thomas, blacksmith, 18 William street, Forebank
Galloway, William, stevedore, 13 Victoria street
Galloway, Mrs, housekeeper, 27 Lyon place
Galloway, Miss, 2 Hyndford terrace
Gait, John, missionary-teacher of the blind, 26 Castle street ; h. 11 Rose
street, Lochee
Gamble, Robert, cowfeeder, 121 Rosebank street
Gamble, Samuel, police inspector, 144 Princes street
Gamble, Thomas, calenderworker, 123 Rosebank street
Gambley, Mrs, draper, 1 Melrose terrace
Garden, John, bookseller, 15 Arklay street
Garden Works, Benvie road ; William Cleghorn & Son, spinners
Gardiner, Alexander, waiter, 35 Guthrie street
Gardiner, David, painter, 3 Lawrence street
Gardiner, James, carter, 64 Hilltown
Gardiner, John, blacksmith, 13 Blackheath place
Gardiner, John, calenderworker, 9 Blackheath place
Gardiner, John P., tailor's cutter, 24 Bank street
Gardiner, Peter, cabinetmaker, 3 Lowden's alley
Gardiner, Robert, fireman, 38 Polepark road
Gardiner, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 21 Stirling street
Gardiner, William, milloverseer, 22 Hunter street
Gardiner, Wm, G., wine and spirit mer., 49 Westport; h. 5 Brown st.
Gardner, Rev. Alfred, Lindsay Street Church; h. Gowanbank, Lochee rd.
Gardner, John, meter inspector, Gas Office ; h. 38 Milnbank road
Gardyne, James, late baker, 17 Step row
Garland, Archibald, contractor, 70 Lochee road ; h. 20 Cochrane street
Garland, John, shoemaker, 9 Rosefield street
Garland, Miss, 1 Blackness terrace
Garrie, Mrs Ann, grocer, 129 Rosebank street ; h. 131
Garriock, Lewis F. U., of Berry, Shetland, Seafield house, Magdalen
place; and Gibblestone house, Scalloway
Garry, John, vanman, 10 Bellfield lane
Garthley, R. G., grocer, 53 Rosebank street; h. 51
Garvick, William, warper, 31 Rosebank road
Garvie, Charles, carter, 19 Union place
Garvie & Farquharson, joiners, 46 Balgay street
Garvie, James, of Garvie & Farquharson, 21 Balgay street
Garvie, Marshall, draper, 12 Forest Park road
Garvie, Mrs, confectioner, 23 Victoria street
Gas Commissioners' Office, 89 Commercial street ; A. I. Strachan, treas.
Gatherer, Adam, grocer and spirit merchant, 4 Daniel st. ; h. 2a Bell st.
Gauld & Laburn, slaters and slate merchants, 59 & 61 Constitution road
Gauld, William, teller. Bank of Scotland ; h. 4 Athole terrace
Gaixlt, John, policeman, 88 Rosebank street
Gault, John H., postman, 9 Pitfour street
Gavin, Mrs Alex., wine and spirit merchant, 1 Dock st.; A. 7 S. Union st.
Gavine, .James, of W. & J. Gavine, 184 Seagate
Gavine, James R. , draper's assistant, 81 Blackscroft
Gavine, Jane & Mary, pawnbi-okers, 146 Murraygate
Gavine, William, of W, & J, Gavine, 7 Morrison's court
Gavine, W, & J,, boxmakers, 28 Union street, Charles street
Geddes, Alex., wood merchant, Seabraes, 2 Perth road; h. 27 Perth rd.
Geddes, James, manufacturer's agent, 65 Commercial street ; h. 1 Tay-
mouth terrace, Broughty Ferry
Geddes, John C, draper, 114 Princes street; h. 17 Janefield place
Geddes, Patrick, professor of botany, University College ; h. University
Hall, Ramsay gardens, Edinburgh
Geddes, William, governor, H.M. Prison, West Bell street
Geekie, Alexander, H.M. Customs, 1 Park avenue
Geekie, Alexander, mechanic, 5 Brown street
Geekie, Andrew, postman, 31 Main street
Geekie, Donald, mechanic, 35 Dallfield walk
Geekie, George, joiner, 40 Hunter street
Geekie, James, prison warder, 12 Benvie road
Geekie, John, sen., engineer, 80 Ure street
Geekie, John, fireman, 20 Park wynd
Geekie, John, jun., patternmaker, 172 Hawkhill
Geekie, John, blacksmith, 14 Lawrence street
Geekie, John, mechanic, 143 Lochee road
Geekie, Robert Davidson, clerk, 14 Lawrence street
Geekie, William, 318 Perth road
Geekie, William, carter, 25 Mains loan
Geekie, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 6 Park terrace
Geekie, Miss C, draper, 78 Ure street ; h. 80
Gellatly, Alexander, mechanic, 4 Derby street
Gellatly, Charles, carpenter, 29 Grove street
Gellatly, David, coachman, 34 Raglan street
Gellatly, George, butcher, 138a Hawkhill ; h. 42 Westport
Gellatly, George, yarndresser, 42 Annfield road
Gellatly, James, butcher, 16 Hawkhill ; h. 24
Gellatly, James, lapper, 15 Annfield street
Gellatly, John, coachpainter, 191 Hilltown; h. 64
Gellatly, John, assistant overseer, 28 North street
Gellatly, John, plumber and gasfitter, 54 Blackscroft ; h. 29 Grove street
Gellatly, John S., butcher, 121 Hawkhill
Gellatly & Millar, Misses, dressmakers, 132a Nethergate
Gellatly, William, of Wm. Gellatly & Co., Tayview, Brot'y Ferry, West
Gellatly, William, enginedriver, 20 Union place
Gellatly, William, & Co., merchants and commission agents, 33 Cowgate
Gellatly, William M., blacksmith, 5 Miller's wynd
Gellatly, Mrs, 77 Victoria road
Gellatly, Miss, of Gellatly & Millar, 1 St Phillan's place. East Newport
Gemmell, David, clerk of works, 3 Hilltown
Gemmell, Samuel, photographer, 120 Nethergate
GENERAL Accident Assurance Corporation, Ltd., 1 Commercial street ;
James S. Ritchie, district manager. See Adv. p. Ill
GENERAL Life Assurance Co., 26 Commercial street ; B. L. Nairn, district
agent. See AdA'". p. 115
Gentle, Mrs Marian, 119 Nethergate
George, Isabella, head nurse. Parochial Hospital, Mains loan
George, Rev. James, Park U.P. Church ; h. Ashbank, Forfar road
George, Mrs, Victoria Laundry, 37 Hilltown ; h. 50 Cleghorn street
German Empire, Consul for — Hermann Quosbarth, 1 Commercial street
Gethings, Mary, greengrocer, 105 Victoria road
Gibb, David, flax merchant, 16 William st., King st. ; h. 10 Airlie terrace
Gibb, David, jun., cashier, 10 Airlie terrace
Gibb, Elizabeth, manglekeeper, 43 North Church street
Gibb, E. G. , factory manager, Maxwelltown Works ; h. Glendye cottage,
Pitkerro road
Gibb, Geo., waste mercht., 20 Rosebank st.; h. Walleroo cot., Downfield
Gibb, Geo. H., postmaster. Post Office; h. Hermonhill house, 21 Perth rd.
Gibb, Mary J. , teacher, Smithfield School, 67 Derby street ; h. Camper-
down cottage, Broughty Ferry
Gibb, William, mechanic, 4 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Gibb, William, patternmaker, 56 Blackscroft
Gibb, Mrs James, 10 Wellington street
Gibb, Miss, 14 Airlie place
Gibb, Misses, Tayview, Mains loan
Gibson, Alex., grain and meal merchant, 11 Mains rd, ; A. 37 Stirling st.
Gibson, Andrew, upholsterer, 3 Cai'dean street
Gibson, Andrew, plasterer, 18 Rosebank road
Gibson, Ann, confectioner, 168 Ann street
Gibson, Daniel, painter, 1 Littlejohn street
Gibson, David, of O'Kane & Gibson, 3 Crescent street
Gibson, David, vanman, 31 Rose street
Gibson, James, engineer, 9 Balfour street
Gibson, James, mason, 109- Albert street
Gibson, Jas., cab proprietor, 1 Milne's West wynd; h. 177^ Scouringburn
Gibson, Jane R., dressmaker, 58 Crescent lane
Gibson, John, warehouseman, 35 St Salvador street
Gibson, John, irondresser, 20 William street, Forebank
Gibson, John, collector, 46 Dudhope Crescent road
Gibson, John, teacher, Clepington Public School ; h. 17 Janefield place
Gibson, Joseph, of Joseph Gibson & Co., average adjuster, 26 Commercial
street ; h. Ellieslea, West Ferry
Gibson, Joseph, & Co., marine insurance brokers, 26 Commercial street
Gibson, Matthew, telegraphist, 35 King street
Gibson, Rich. , stationer & tobac'nist, 2 Scouringburn ; h. 12 Johnston's lane
Gibson, Robert, minister. Catholic Apostolic Ch. ; h. 101 Victoria road
Gibson, Robert, lapping overseer, 10 Ashton place, Hawkhill
Gibson, Robt. J., jute merchant, 3 Royal Exchange ct. ; li. 4 Garland place
Gibson, Robertson, & Co., jute spinners and manufacturers, Craigie
Works, Robertson strieet
Gibson, Thomas, of Martin & Gibson, 46 Dudhope Crescent road
Gibson, Thomas, yardsman, 51 Yeaman shore
Gibson, William, of Gibson, Robertson, & Co., Invertay, West Ferry
Gibson, William, jun., of Gibson, Robertson, & Co., Linfield, West Ferry
Gibson, William, tenter, 10 Lawrence street
Gibson, William, calenderworker, 38 Rosebank street
Gibson, W. , wine and spirit mercht, 151 Scouringburn; h. 42 Westport
Gibson, Mrs Agnes, laundress, 65 Lochee road ; h. 3 Cochrane street
Gibson, Mrs B. , stationer and fancy goods mer. , 177 Scouringburn ; h, 177^
Gibson, Mrs John H., 4 Garland place
Gibson, Mrs M. D., 19 Airlie place
Gibson, Miss H. D., eatinghouse-keeper, 181 Perth road
Gilchrist, Alexander, machine merchant, 37 Ben vie road and 178 Lochee
road ; A. Inverary terrace
Gilchrist, Dvd.W., wholesale warehsmn. , 81 Murraygate; h. 2 Kirk entry
Gilchrist, George, china merchant, 60 King street ; h. 51 Crescent street
Gilchrist, James, fireman, 40 Hillbank road
Gilchrist, James, clerk, 22 Gardner street
Gilchrist, John, carpet designer, 2 Gardner street
Gilchrist, John Gilbert, of Fairweather & Gilchrist, 17 Nelson street
Gilchrist, Mackie, labourer, 1 Mitchell street
Gilchrist, W. J., of W. J. Gilchrist & Co., 4 South George street
Gilchrist, W, J,, & Co., wholesale woollen merchants, 7 Ward road
Gildea, Peter, general dealer, and old clothes merchant, 61 Hawkhill
Gildea, R., late H.M. Customs, Lower Cres. liouse, 93 Magdalen green
Gilgour, M., teacher, St Salvador's Girls Sch,; A. Meadowbank, Carnoustie
Gilkison, Samuel, grocer, 17 Cotton road
Gill, David, joiner and housef actor, 2 Hillbank road
Gill, Harry, carpetweaver, 81 Strathmartine road
Gill, John, grocer, 126 Hilltown ; h. 2 Hillbank road
Gill, Thomas W., engineer, 12 Forest Park road
Gill, William, insurance agent, 1 6 Annfield street
Gillan, Alexander, mason, 28 Kinloch street •
Gillan, James L., carpetweaver, 24 Kinloch street
Gillanders, Duncan, mason, 8 Shepherd's loan
Gillanders, Mrs Robert, grocer, 26 Union street, Maxwelltown
Gillespie, Andrew, keeper, Western club ; A. 10 Shore terrace
Gillespie, Hay, house painter and decorator, 25 Hawkhill
Gillespie, James, mechanic, 21 Kincardine street
Gillespie, James, currier, 13 Mid street
Gillespie, John, confectioner, 14 South Union street
Gillespie, John, seaman, 8 Ashton place, Hawkhill
Gillespie, William, overseer, Milnbank house, 22 Milnbank road
Gillies, Alexander, bootmaker, 86 and 88 Caldrum street
Gillies, Elizabeth, fruiterer, 96 Princes street
Gillies, Mary Ann, draper and milliner, Eastwood pi., Clepington road
Gillies, Mrs Ann, dressmaker, 18 Parker street
Gillon, Miss Isabella, dressmaker, 2 Bain square
Gilmour, Alexander, contractor and stevedore, 15 Exchange street
Gilmour, Alex., agt. for Thos. Smith & Co., 10 Panmurest. ; h. Glencarse
Gilmour, Robei-t, A.I.E.E., district manager, National Telephone Co.,
Ltd., 13 Panmure street ; h. 4 Baxter Park terrace
Gilroy, Alexander, merchant, 54 Bell st. ; h. Craigie house. Ferry road
Gilroy, A. Bruce (Gilroy, Sons, & Co., Ltd.), Castleroy, Bro'ty Ferry
Gilroy, Geo. A. (Gilroy, Sons, &Co., Ltd.), 1 Balgillo cres., Bro'ty Ferry
Gilroy, George, of George Gilroy & Co., 6 Fintry place, Broughty Ferry
Gilroy, George, & Co., merchants, 1 Royal Exchange court
Gilroy, Sons, & Company, Limited, merchants, jute spinners and manu-
facturers, Tay Works ; office, 1 Lochee road
Gilruth, A., grocer andspiritmer.,1 6 Commercialst., Max. ; A. 119^ Hilltown
Gilruth, Mrs John, 1 Dalhousie terrace
Girdwood, George, engraver, lithographic and letterpress printer, manu-
facturing and mercantile stationer, 53 Meadowside
Girls' Home, 25 Forebank road ; Miss Margaret Smith, matron
Girrity, Peter, contractor, Bellfield street ; h. 17 Paton's lane
Glasgow, Alexander, butcher, 8 Cowgate ; It. 107 Murraygate
Glasgow and Dundee Clothing Co. , clothiers, hatters, hosiers, and out-
fitters, 15 Westport and 9 and 11 Castle street ; Jas. Philp, manager
Glasgow and West of Scotland Guardian Society for the Protection of
Trade, 104 Commercial st. ; Alex. C. Rutherford, secy, and manager
Glass, Andrew H., clerk, 104 Commercial street
Glass, Andw. P. B., clerk, and organist, St Mark's Ch. ;A. 2 Dalhousie ter.
Glass, Charles C, of Anderson & Glass, 122 North street, St Andrews
Glass, Elizabeth, dressmaker, 212 Blackness road
Glass, Mrs Alexander, 17 St Andrew's street
Glass, Miss, Salisbury place, 93 Arbroath road
Glass, Miss, dressmaker, 125 Perth road
Classic, Thomas, compositor, 47 Milnbank road
Gleeson, Rev. John, St Patrick's R.C. Church ; h. 12 South Erskine st.
Glegg, Alexander, late farmer, 4 Thornley terrace
Gleig, Stewart, wholesale tea merchant, 30 Dock street ; h. Drumsturdie
Gleig, Mrs Jessie, fruiterer, 8 King street ; h. Drumsturdie
Glenday, J. & C, tailors and clothiers, 107 Hilltown ; h. 141 Ann street
Glenhoimes, Samuel, traveller, 10 Dura street
Glennie, D. G., accountant. Union Bank ; h. 1 Viewforth street
Glenny, Henry S., of Reid, Johnston, & Co., 11 Duntrune ter. , W. Ferry
Gloag, Alexander, clerk, 4 Dock street
Gloag, Charles C, clerk, 14 Forfar road
Gloag, William B., foreman joiner, 86 Ferry road
Gloag, Mrs Andrew, wine and spirit mer., 106 Dura st. ; h, 4 Mains loan
Gloak, David, shipmaster, 7 Victoria street
Gloak, David, ironmonger's assistant, 35 King street
Gloak, David, sen., 12 Candle lane
Gloak, David F., of Batchelor & Gloak, 17 Lyon street
Gloak, Robert, confectioner, 10 Scouringburn
Globe Marine Insurance Co. , Ltd., 26 Commercial st. ; B. L. Nairn, agent
Godfrey, C. T., merchant, 73 Cowgate ; h. 4 Invermark ter., Barnhill
Gold, David S., farmer, Logie farm, Lochee road
Gold, James, solicitor, 20 Reform street; h. 2 Kilnburn ter,, E. Newport
Gold, William, bootmaker, 260 Hawkhill ; h. 11 Blackness street
Gold, William, clerk, 7 Cleghorn street
Golding, Isaiah, carpetweaver, 2 Graham street, Clepington road
Gonnella, Frank, figuremaker, 34 Fleuchar street
Gonnella, Giuseppe, of J. Gonnella & Co., 60 Magdalen Yard road
Gonnella, Joseph, 60 Magdalen Yard road
Gonnella, J,, & Co., modellers, figuremakers, and importers of Italian
sculpture, 81 Nethergate
Gonnella, Louis, of J. Gonnella & Co., 60 Magdalen Yard road
Good, Henry, joiner, 51 Yeaman shore
Good, James, lorry driver, 126 Princes sti-eet
Goodall, James, mechanic, 62 Ure street
Goodall, M. W., tenter, 3 Balfour street
Goodlet, I. &M., drapers, 34 Polepark road; h. 13Grieve's ter.,Locheerd.
GOODSON, ROBERT, mantle manufacturer, 34-36 High st. See Adv. p. 19
Gordon, Adam, joiner, 17 Bonny bank road
Gordon, Alexander, of Gordon & Co., 157 Perth road
Gordon, Charles, mechanic, 24 Nelson street
Gordon & Co., pork butchers, 194 Hawkhill
Gordon, David, insurance agent, 44 Dallfield walk
Gordon, David, draper, 44 King's road ; h. Ardoch villa, Wormit
Gordon, David, detective, 22 Kincardine street
Gordon, David, clerk, 17 Wellington street
Gordon, Donald, grain merchant, Baldovan terrace, 24 Park avenue
Gordon, E. Leighton, teacher of music, 94 Commercial street
Gordon, George, packer, 17 Dallfield walk
Gordon, Geoi-ge C, mate, 5 Morgan street
Gordon, Henry H., of J. & H. Gordon, 4 Balgillo crescent, Broughty Ferry
Gordon, Hugh, insurance agent, 48 Dallfield walk
Gordon, James, houseagent, 3 Barrack street; A. 32 Caldrum street
Gordon, James, sorting clerk and telegraphist, 1 8 Gardner street
Gordon, James, spirit merchant, 57 and 59 Albert st. ; h. 4 Balraore st.
Gordon, Jane F., dress and mantle maker, 36 Nethergate
Gordon, John, clerk, 59 Commercial street, Maxwelltown
Gordon, John, grocer, 19 Blackness street
Gordon, John, jun. , patent agent, 8 Dura street
Gordon, J. & H., jute spinners and manufacturers. Anchor and Douglas
Works, Anchor lane
Gordon, Joseph M., waiter, 41 Rosebank street
Gordon & Matthew, general drapers, 161 Hilltown
Gordon, T. L., agent, Provident Assoc, of London, Ltd., 2 Rosefield st.
Gordon, William, labourer, 59 Milnbank road
Gordon, William, ironturner, 56 William street, Forebank
Gordon, W. J., of J. & J. Ogilvie, writertothe signet; h. Ferry hse., B. Ferry
Gordon, Mrs Elizabeth, apartments, 11 South Union street
Gordon, Mrs John, 19 Victoria street
Gordon, Mrs Mary, ladies' nurse, 71 Perth road
Gorrie, Alexander, mechanic, 19 Hill street
Gorrie, James, firewood manufacturer and coal merchant, 49 Forebank
road ; h. 108 Rosebank street
Gorrie, James, ironplater, 21 Langlands street
Gorrie, James, brassfinisher, 65 Milnbank road
Gorrie, Peter, L.D.S., F.P.S.G., dental surgeon, 148 Nethergate, and
Belleville, Carnoustie
Gorrie, William, minister, Apostolic Ch. ; A. 1 St Mary'ster., Lochee rd.
Gorthy, John, hacklemaker, 62 Ure street
Gough, Rev. Edward John, M.A., S. Paul's Epis. Ch. ; A. 7 Airlie place
GOUICK, JOHN, wholesale ironmonger and shop outfitter, 126 Seagate ;
h. 1 St Peter street. See Adv. p. 20
Gouk, William, sheriff-officer, 3 Barrack street; h, 9 Ellen street
Govik, Mrs Jane, furnishings, 22 Arbroath road
Gourlay Brothei-s & Co. , engineers and shipbuilders, Dundee Foundry,
East Dock street, and Camperdown Ship Yard
Gourlay, David, cowfeeder, 304 Loons road
Gourlay, Donald, blacksmith, 14 Kinnaird street
Gourlay, C. G., of Gourlay Brothers & Co., Carphin, Broughty Ferry
Gourlay, Harriet M., teacher of pianoforte, 3 Nelson street
Gourlay, Henry Garrett, of Gourlay Brothers & Co., Rowanlea, B. Ferry
Gourlay, Jane, draper, 79 Ure street
Gourlay, Thomas, sheriff- officer for the counties of Forfar, Fife, and
Perth, 10 High street; h. 3 Nelson street
Gourlay, William, mechanic, 59 Milnbank road
Gove, David, woodturner, 54 Blackness road
Gove, James, grocer's assistant, 23 Wolseley street
Gove, William, tailor, 40 Seafield road
Gove, Mrs, draper, 21 Wolseley street
Govier, William H. F. , seaman, 86 Albert street
Gow, Alexander, mason, 65 Arbroath road
Gow, Alexander, gi'ocer, 64 Hilltown
Gow, Alexander F., compositor, 14 Forest Park road
Gow, Chas., grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 28 Albert street ; h. 146
Gow, Charles, warehouseman, 76 Strathmartine road
Gow, Daniel, of Brown & Gow, 177 Victoria road
Gow, Daniel F., grocer, 67 Victoria road; h. 35 Alexander street
Gow, George, hacklegrinder, 25 Charles street
Gow, George R., of John R. Gow & Sons, 12 King street
Gow, James, upholsterer, 38 Carmichael street
Gow, Jas. C, grocer & spirit mer., 160 Ann st. ; h. Cluny cot., Clep'gton rd.
Gow, John, joiner, 127 Blackscroft
Gow, John, ironturner, 45 Annfield road
Gow, John R., of John R. Gow & Sons, 12 King street
Gow, J. R., & Sons, gunmkrs., fishing-rod, tackle mfrs., &c., 12 Union st.
Gow, Peter R., of John R. Gow & Sons, 31 Wellgate
Gow, Wm., grocer, wine and spirit mer., 120 Scouringburn ; h. 67 Ure st.
Gow, Mrs A., grocer, 188 Hawkhill ; h. 20 Bernard street
Gow, Mrs Charles, dairykeeper, 17 Temple lane
Gowans, Alexander, Cowgate porter, 8 Erskine street
Gowans, Alexander B., cowfeeder, 12 Carmichael street
Gowans & Buick, solicitors and notaries public, 15 Castle street
Gowans, David, of Gowans & Buick, Arnot villa, Westmarch, Monifieth
Gowans, David, stower, 9 Harriet street
Gowans, George, mechanic, 18 Paterson street
Gowans, John, stower, 9 Harriet street
Gowans, Mrs William, fruiterer, 67 Albert street ; h. 47
Gowrie, John, plasterer, 8 Overgate
Gracie, William, grocer and joiner, 42 Catherine street; h. 40
Gracie, William P., 2 Airlie terrace
GRAHAM, CHARLES, furniture stores, 41 St Peter street; h. 308 Perth road.
See Adv. p. 35
Graham, Charles, foreman lapper, 131 Ann street
Graham, David, customhouse officer, 10 Constable street
Graham, David, lithographer, 1 Church street. Princes street
GRAHAM & FLEMING, millfurnishers and brassfounders, 82 Bell street
and Chapelshade Brass Works. See Adv. p. 84
Graham, George, tenter, 20 Hill street
Graham, G. T,, & Co., merchants and manufacturers, 2 Union street
Graham, G. T., of G. T. Graham & Co., 2 Union street
Graham, James, factory overseer, 98 Rosebank street
Graham, James, engineer, 136 Ferry road
Graham, James, fireman, 23 Park avenue
Graham, Jas. D. , wine and spirit mer. , 9 Crichton st. ; h, 15 Thomson st.
Graham, Maggie J., 125 Perth road
Graham, Mary Ann, dairykeeper, 6 Watson street ; h. 86 Albert street
Graham, Peter M., grocer and wine merchant, 212 Lochee road; h. Park
place, Ancrum road, Lochee
Graham, Robert, bookseller, 163 Overgate ; h. Woi'mit
Graham, .^obt,, wine & spirit mercht. , 209 Overgate; h. 15 Thomson st.
Graham, William, coachman, 8 Paton's lane
Graham, William, warehouseman, 49 Todburn lane
Graham, William, vandriver, 220 Blackness road
Graham, William, of Graham & Fleming, 147 Albert street
Graham, Mrs William S., apartments, 24 Bank street
Graham, Miss Jane, 42 Seafield road
Grahame, John, provision dealer, 34 Dudhope street ; h. 4 Dallfield walk
Grainger, James, assist, superintndt. , Refuge Insur. Co., 108 Murraygate
Grandison, Oliver, brassfinisher, 150 Hilltown
Grandison, Stephen R., dock watchman, 11 Charles street
Grandy, Miss E., dressmaker, 2 Seafield lane
Grant, Alex. , bootmaker, 41 Constitution road ; h. 14 Garland place
Grant, Alexander, railway servant, 12 North Erskine street
Grant, Alexander S. , grocer and spirit merchant, 26 Princes street ; h.
Salisbury cottage, Forfar road
Grant, Allan, collector, 3 Ford's lane
Grant, Charles, tenter, 26 Kidd street
Grant, Rev. Chas. M.,M. A., B.D., St Mark's Parish Church; /t.9Airliepl.
Grant, David, of A. Spence & Co., 47 Yeaman shore
Grant, Duncan, moulder, 18 Ann street
Grant, Eugene, fitter, 3 Morrison's court
Grant, Frederick, waiter, 3 Step row
Grant, F. Airth, clerk, 13 Albert square ; h. 29 Morgan street
Grant, Geo. S., watchmaker and jeweller, 273 Hawkhill; h. 3 Step row
Grant, Helen, 3 Magdalen Yard road
Grant,Hugh, agent forWordie & Co, , S. Union st. ; h. 18 Louise ter. , W. Ferry
Grant, Hugh, 82 Victoria road
Grant, H., labourer, 34 Alexander street
Grant, Jas., confectr., 104 Hawkhill and 55 Lochee rd. ; h. 51 Lochee rd.
Grant, James, ropemaker, 3 Pennycook lane
Grant, James, clothier and tailor, 43 Peddie street
Grant, James M., boot and shoe maker, 78 King street; h. 1 Cardean st.
Grant, John, gardener, 96 Dudhope street
Grant, John, grainmiller, Craigmills, Strathmartine
Grant, John, tlourmiller, 3 St Matthew street
Grant, John, lapper, 13 Albert street
Grant, John, currier, 33 Park wynd
Grant, John, mechanic, 13 Annfield row
Grant, Joseph, church officer, Russell Chapel ; h. 204 Hawkhill
Grant, J. G., stockbroker, 94 Commercial street ; h. 140 Perth road
Grant, J. H. S., clerk, 60 Bell street
Grant, Lewis, irondriller, 29 Ellen street
Grant & MoncriefF, jute spinners, manufacturers, and merchants, Dundee
Linen Works (Telephone No. 494; Telegraphic address, "GrifFon";
Royal Exchange Box No. 58), and Laing Street Works ; and Denside
Works, Methven, Perthshire
Grant, Peter, guard, 19 Step row
Grant, Rev. Peter, D.D., St John's Estab. Church ; h. 140 Perth road
Grant, Peter, carriage inspector, 50 Magdalen Yard road
Grant, Robert, coaldealer, 28 Ferry road
Grant, Wm. , butcher, 56 Westport ; h. Agnes cottage, Blackness road
Grant, Wm., wine and spirit mer., 79 and 81 Scouringburn ; h. 13 Union pi.
Grant, William, book-keeper, 149 Albert street
Grant, William, coaldealer, 21 Main street j h. 31
Grant, William, ironturner, 1 Balgray place, Clepington road
Grant, William M., stockbroker, 7 Ward road ; h. 31 Isles' lane
Grant, W. Guillan, of Grant & Moncrieff, 140 Perth road
Grant, Mrs C, milk and egg merchant, 13 West Dock street
Grant, Mrs E. , 5 Gowrie place
Grant, Mrs J., grocer and spiritdealer, 184 Hawkhill ; h. 26 Peddie st.
Grant, Mrs M., 1 Gowrie place
Grant, Miss A. S., milliner, 195 Perth road ; h. 5 Gowi'ie place
Grant, Misses J. & A., milliners, 186 Hawkhill ; h. 26 Peddie street
Graves, William C, foreman painter, 53 Hawkhill
Gravill, Mrs, Salisbury place, 93 Arbroath road
Gray, Alexander, shipping porter, 139 Blackscroft
Gray, Alexander, joiner, 181 Victoria road
Gray, Alex. E., clerk. Harbour chambers ; h. Ireland street, Carnoustie
Gray, Andrew, mat merchant, 53^ Caldrum street ; h. 49
Gray, Andrew, cab proprietor, 142 Hilltown
Gray, Andrew, shipchandler, and oil, paint, and colour merchant, 60
Dock street ; h. Gowanbank, Mains road
Gray, Andrew, blacksmith, 10 Lawrence street
Gray, Andrew, engineer, 10 North Tay street
Gray, Catherine, 42 Seafield road
Gray, Chas., coal, brick, lime, cement, stucco, fireclay, and common clay
goods mer. , &c. , 40 Candle lane ; h. Hollygate cottage, Chalmers st.
Gray, David, blacksmith, 67 Lochee road
Gray, David, mechanic, 6 Annfield row
Gray, David, plumber, 4 Barrack street
Gray, D. Burns, artist, 41 Reform street ; A. 16 Rose street, Lochee
Gray, D. J. Thomson, merchant, 19 Cowgate ; h. 9 Nelson street, and
Innerpeffray lodge, Perthshire
Gray, Eliza Y., pastrybaker, 30 Strathmartine road ; /«. 36
Gray, George, joiner, 32 Raglan street
Gray, George, 247 Blackness road
Gray, H. , 2 Baxter Park terrace
Graj'-, James, of J. & J. Gray, 20 Perth road
Gray, James, plumber, 1 1 Rosefield street
Gray, James, shuttlemaker, 76 Hill street
Gray, James, of James Gray & Son, Campbell street, Lochee
Gray, James L. , draper, 20 Union place
Gray, James M., of Gray & Martin, Taymouth villa, Carnoustie
Gray, James W. , grocer, 66 Hawkhill ; h. 2 Peter street
Gray, James, & Son, joiners and funeral undertakers, 61 Hilltown
Gray, Jane, grocer, 63 Peddie street
GRAY, JOHN, of J. & J. Gray, valuator, 20 Perth road. See Adv. p. 6
Gray, John, butcher, 183 Princes street ; h. 1 Graham place
Gray, John, of James N. Davidson & Gray, 5 Viewforth street
Gray, John, currier, 13 Cochrane street
Gray, John, calenderer, 194 Hilltown
Gray, John, coal merchant, IJ Mountpleasant ; h. 33 Hilltown
Gray, John, blacksmith, 14 Lawrence street
Gray, John Y. , science and art teacher, High School ; h. 4 Baxter Park ter.
GRAY, J. & J., cabinetmakers and joiners, painters and paperhangers,
Venetian blind makers, funeral undertakers, and valuators, 18 to
30 Perth road. See Adv. p. 6
Gray, J. Scott, of Gray & Son, 5 Greenfield place
Gray & Martin, solicitors and notaries public, 30 Reform street
Gray, Peter, fruiterer, 34 Strathmartine road ; h. 36
Gray, Robert, blacksmith, 5 Catherine street
Gray, Robert, 10 Roslin terrace
Gray, Robert C, tenter, 366 Loons road
Gray, R. W., agent, 28 Carmichael street
Gray & Son, ironmongers, tile merchants, blacksmiths, and tinsmiths,
9 Whitehall street
Gray, Stewart, calenderer, 62 North Church street
Gray, Thomas, joiner, 12| Mortimer street
Gray, Thomas Scott, M.D., L.R.C.S.E., 164 Nethergate
Gray, William, mason, 36 Hospital wynd
Gray, William, enginedriver, 22 Annfield road
Gray, William, cashier, 21 Morgan street
Gray, William, teacher, St Paul's Episcopal School; A. Castlehill house
Gray, William, gardener, 2 Ogilvie's road
Gray, William, warper, Gladstone place. Mains road
Gray, Mrs F., grocer and spirit merchant, 192 Hilltown ; h. 194
Gray, Mrs Isabella, grocer, 29 Park avenue
Gray, Mrs John, cooking dep6t, 176 Overgate
Gray, Mrs Peter, 1 Ritchie's lane
Gray, Mrs Robert, butcher, 100 Princes street ; h. 142 Albert street
Gray, Mrs, 1 Mountpleasant
Gray, Mrs, manglekeeper, 29 North Church street
Gray, Miss Isabella, manglekeeper, 36 Small's wynd
Gray, Miss Minnie, dressmaker, 4 North Ellen street
Gray, Miss, dressmaker and milliner, 1 Graham place
Grealy, Martin, coffeehouse-keeper, 2 Walton street ; h. 4
Great, David, tinsmith, 4 Hunter street
Green & Duff, clothiers and hatters, 88 High street
Green, John, of Green & Duff, Jubilee place, Broughty Ferry
Green, John, Catholic bookseller, 60 Scouringburn ; h. 58
Green, Louise, laundress, 113 Rosebank street
Greenfield, J. S., Livonia cottage. Mains loan
Greenhill, James D., chemist, 73 Overgate ; h. Viewfield cot., Newport
Green's Patent Fuel Economiser, 23 Baxter st. ; Thos. Thomson, local fitter
Greenshields, Samuel, caretaker. Children's Free Breakfast Mission ;
h. 11 Constitution road
Gregory, John C, spirit merchant, 18 Rosebank road
Greig, Alexander, painter, 18 Kinloch place, 105 Hawkhill
Greig, Alexander, coachman, 2 Hean's lane
Greig, Ann, 103 Hospital wynd
Greig, David, blacksmith, 65 Ai'broath road
Greig, David, mechanic, 96 Strathmartine road
Greig, David, manager, Lawside Works ; /?. 36 Paterson street
Greig, David M., M.B., F.R.C.S.Ed., 25 South Tay street
Greig, Elijah, shipcarpenter, 16 Ogilvie's road
Greig, George, of Petrie & Greig, 46 Hilltown
Greig, James, coach proprietor, 59 Main street
Greig, James, engineer, 25 St Matthew street
Greig, James, joiner, 7 Hill street
Greig, James, lapper, 100 Annfield road
Greig, James, blacksmith, 1 Roslin terrace
Greig, John, grocer and spiritdealer, 2 Hawkhill ; h. 7 Hawkhill place
Greig, Thomas Cattanach, clerk, 20 Union place
Greig, Robt. M'Gavin, sharebroker, 3 Rl. Exchange crt. ;^. 3 Blackness ter.
Greig, William, sailmaker, 55 William street, Forebank
Greig, William, assurance agent, 44 Ann street
Greig, William, clerk, 28 Kincardine street
Greig, Mrs David, 3 Rustic place
Greig, Mrs, lodgings, 21 Dock street
Greig, Mrs, 13 Windsor street
Grewar, Alexander, cowfeeder, Forfar road
Grewar, Elizabeth, 9 Viewforth street
Grey, Captain Charles, R.N.R., 3 Dalhousie terrace
Grey, Miss Emily, teacher of music and languages, 3 Dalhousie terrace
Grieve, Alexander, water inspector, Water Commission bdgs.. Ward rd.
Grieve, Alexander, artist, 15 Castle street ; h. Ward road
Grieve, Charles, carter, 7 Yeaman shore
Grieve, David, accountant, 11 Whitehall st. ; h. 2 Home ter., B. Ferry
Grieve, Elizabeth L., draper, 80 Blackscroft ; h. 143
Grieve, Frank M. , cabinetmaker, 43 Constitution road
Grieve, James, glazier, 6 Arthur street
Grieve, James, brassfinisher, 13 Baffin street
Grieve, James, grocer, 65 Ure street
Grieve, James B. , overseer, 22 North street
Grieve, John, clerk, 304 Perth road
Grieve, Robert, water inspector, 7 Euclid street; h. 88 Strathmartine rd.
Grieve, William, grocer, 4 Balfour street
Grieve, William, enginedriver, Summerlea place, Mains road
Grieve, Mrs Margaret, lodgings, 40 Blackscroft
Grieve, Mrs Richard, 12 Dundonald street
Grieve, Mrs, 151 Victoria road
Grieve, Miss, Greenlaw place, Clepiiigton road
Griffin, Francis, district manager, Liverpool Victoria Legal Eriendly
Society, 105a Nethergate
Grimond, Alexander, joiner, 4 Isla street
Grimond, Alexander D., of J. & A. D. Grimond, Ltd., Dunmore, Perth
road, and Glenericht, by Blairgowrie
Grimond, Alexander M., of J. & A. D. Grimond, Ltd., 1 Grosvenor terrace
Grimond, Joseph, of J. & A. D. Grimond, Ltd., Carbet Castle, Broughty
Ferry, and Kinnettles, Forfar
Grimond, J. & A. D., Limited, merchants, spinners, and mamifacturers,
Bowbridge Works, Thistle street, and Maxwelltown Works, 46
Elizabeth street ; office, 1 King street
Grindlay, Robert, baker, 71 Milnbank road
Groat, William, saddler, 28 Annfield row
Grogan, Robert, fireman, 118 Ann street
Gron, M. E., & Son, merchants, 14 Victoria chambers
Grossart, Robert, gardener. West lodge, Binrock, Perth road
Groundwater, George M., clerk, Post Office ; h. 12 Forfar road
Groundwater, William F., warehouseman, 30 King's road
Grove, John, calenderer, 134 Blackness road
Grove Mill, Lower Pleasance ; A. P. Mathewson & Co. , manufacturers
Grubb, David, mechanic, 70 North Church street
Grubb, H., foreman carter. Mutter, Howey, & Co.'s stables, E. Dock st.
Grubb, William, factory manager, Pleasance Works ; h. 4 Benvie road
Grubb, William, weigher, 11 Robertson street
Grubb, William, mechanic, 20 Kinloch street
Grubb, Wm. Mortimer, art master. High School; h. 5 Osborne place
Grumbrecht & Petri, merchants, 1 Bain square
Grund, Otto, shipmaster, 13 Union place
Guggenheim & Co., merchants, 10 Victoria chambers
Guild, Alexander Mackenzie, of A. & J. Guild, 12 Hope st., St Andrews
Guild, A. & J., stockbrokers, 25 Albert square
Guild, David, postman, 18 Ellen street
Guild, James, cashier, goods department. East station ; h. 28 Raglan st.
Guild, James, mason, 2 Annfield row
Guild, John, plumber, 25 Lilybank road
Guild, John, of A. & J. Guild, 25 Albert square
Guild, Mrs, 3 Ellen street
Guild, Miss J. F., proprietrix, Dundee Laundry, Mains rd.; h. 3 Ellen st.
Gunn, Donald, private watchman, 22 Lawson place
Gunn, George, compositor, 29 Step row
Gunn, Hugh, detective officer, 31 Park avenue
Gunn, John, shipsteward, 3 Fyffe street
Gunning, Michael, coaldealer, 43 Scouringburn ; h. 174 Overgate
Guthel, Andrew, of D. & A. Guthel, 16 Cotton road
Guthel, Da^dd, of D. & A. Gu'thel, 7 Muirton road, Lochee
Guthel, D. & A., joiners, 16 Mid street
Guthel, Francis, stationer and tobacconist, 22 Hilltown ; h. 20
Guthrie, Alexander, of J. & A. Guthrie, 5 Blackness terrace
Guthrie, Alexander, local secretary, North British and Mercantile
Insurance Co., 13Panmure street; h. Linden avenue, East Newport
Guthrie, Andrew, clerk, 14 Wilkie's lane
Guthrie, Andrew, mechanic, 88 Strathmartine road
Guthrie, A. & J., tileworkers, 38 St Andrew's street
Guthrie, Chas. , grocer and wine mer. , 59 Lochee road ; h. 27 Dallfield ter.
Guthrie, David, sailmaker, 7 Castle lane
Guthrie, David C. , compositor, 2 Park terrace
Guthrie, Geoi'ge W., agent, 32 Princes street
Guthrie & Henderson, merchants, 10 Panmure street
Guthrie, Henry, plasterer, 8 Forest Park road
Guthrie, James, merchant, 10 Panmure st. ; h. Hopepark, Broughty Ferry
Guthrie, John, calenderer, 23 Hill street
Guthrie, J, & A., jute spinners and merchants, Seabraes Mill, 2 Perth
road ; office, 10 Panmure street
Guthrie, J. 0., wine merchant's assistant, 11 Cardean street
Guthrie, Robert, factoryworker, 57 Mains road
Guthrie, Rev. R. R. Lingard, M.A. , Taybank house, 204 Ferry road;
and Carnoustie house, Carnoustie
Guthrie, William, lodgings, 43 Constitution road
Hackney, Charles, baker, 11 Robertson sti'eet
Hackney, Mrs .Jane, grocer, 24 Hospital wynd
Hadden, John, milloverseer, 19 Scott street
HADDEN, ALEX. , carpetbtr. , 7i Sea wynd ; ^. 149 Albert st. See Adv. p. 35
Haddo, Thomas, colliery agent, 54 Magdalen Yard road
Haddon, Mrs Margaret, 6 Blyth place
Hagan, Mary, grocer and spiritdealer, 245 Overgate
Hagan, Mrs John, wine and spirit merchant, 74 and 76 Hilltown ; h. 72
Haggart, George, solicitor, 11 Ward road; h. 4 Windsor terrace
Haggart, George, clerk, 30 Union place
Haggart, Peter, gi-ain merchant, 27 St Andrew's street ; h. 31 Wellgate
Haggart, William, milloverseer, 6 Isla street
Haggart, Mrs George, Ardlebank villa, 4 Panmure terrace
Hales, James A., patternmaker, 13 Cardean street
Hales, Mrs J., 46 Kincardine street
Haliburton, Alex. Watson, supervisor, Inland Revenue, 29 Bank street ;
h. VI Louise terrace. West Ferry
Halkerston, William, baker, 249 Blackness road
Halket & Adam, manufacturers, sail, rope, and twine makers, The
Dundee Rope Works, 10 Union place, Perth road
Halket, Alexander, shoemaker, 95 Princes street
Halket, James, tenter, 39 Annfield road
Hall, Alexander, joiner, 34 Dallfield teiTace
Hall, Alexander, spiritdealer's assistant, 69 Victoria road
Hall, Henry, lamplighter, 93 Overgate
Hall, James, spirit merchant, 4 Baltic street ; h. 84 Ferry road
Hall, John, mechanic, 122 Hawkhill
Hall, John, carpetweaver, 362 Loons road
Hall, Thomas, hallkeeper, 61 Hawkhill
Hall, William, joiner, 168 Lochee road
Hall, William, carpetweaver, 85 Strathmartine I'oad
Hall, William B., printer, Rose cottage, 27 Back street, Coldside
Hall, Miss A. M., fruiterer, 75 Peddie street; h. 4:7 Milubank road
HALLEY BROTHERS, Ltd., liacklemakers, South Ward rd. See Adv. p. 53
Halley, David, of Halley Brothers, Ltd., Woodmuir villas. West Newport
Halley, David, stockbroker, 3 Royal Exchange pi. ; ^.Vinebank, W. Ferry
Halley, George, of William Halley & Sons, Broomhall, West Ferry
Halley, James H., of William Halley & Sons, Broomhall, West Ferry
Halley, William, painter, 143 Lochee road
Halley, William, & Sons, spinners and manufacturers, Wallace Craigie
Works, 1 Wallace street
Halley, William W. , of Melville & Halley, 8 Panmure terrace
Halliburton, Robert, sailmaker, 8 Parker street
Halliburton, William, mechanic, 8 Kinloch street
Halliburton, William, clerk, Dundee Foundry ; 7i. 25 Baldovan terrace
Halliday, A. C, tailor and clothier, 85 Scouringburn
Hallyburton, Robert, coachsmith, 51 Ure street
Hamilton, Alexander, grocer, 78 Peddie street
Hamilton, George, optician, 243 Blackness road
Hamilton, George G., manager and secretary, Dundee and Arbroath Joint
Railway ; h. Gowanbank, Hill street, Broughty Ferry
Hamilton, George S., of James Hamilton & Son, 2 Forebank road
Hamilton, James, warehouseman, 20 Forebank road
Hamilton, Jas., bootmfr., 98 Nethergate ; h. Gynack, Camphill, B. Ferry
Hamilton, James, & Son, manufacturers of boots and shoes, Erskine st.
Hamilton, John M., engine and machine fitter, 9 Roslin terrace
Hamilton, Joseph, porter, 14 Lawrence street
Hamilton, Robert, assurance supt., 2 Victoria road ; h. 54 Seafield road
Hamilton, Rev. Wm. ,M. A. , Trinity E.U. Ch. ; h. Craigieside, Arbroath rd.
Hamilton, Mrs, 3 King's road
Hammer & Thomson, merchants, 12 Victoria chambers
Hampton, Rev. David M., probationer. Church of Scotland, 3 Airlie ter.
Hampton, Mrs R., draper, 184 Blackness road; h. 194
Scottish Branch Office, 150 Hope street, Glasgow. See Adv. p. 120
Handyside, G. , patent medicine vendor, 101 Overgate
Hanna, James, caulker, 7 Mortimer street
Hanna, William, coal merchant, 38 Lochee road ; h. 103 Overgate
Hannaford, Samuel, jeweller, 27 Lyon street
Hanning, John J., manager, Annandale Dairy Co.; h. 40 Thomson street
Hansford Land and Cattle Co., Ld., 3 India bldgs. ; G. A. M'Laren, sec.
Hanton, George, law-clerk, 18 Lawrence street
Hanton, George H. , reedmaker, 28 North George street
Hanton, James, contractor, 52 Watson street
Hanton, James, tobaccospinner, 14 King's road
Hanton, Thomas, cowfeeder, 52 Cotton I'oad
Hanton, Miss Matilda, haberdasher, 120 Princes street
Hardacre, George, coal merchant, 71 Blackscroft and 42 Foundry lane ;
h. 31 Queen street
Hardacre, Joseph, coal merchant, 48 Blackscroft
Hardacre, Mrs Joseph, coal mer., 8 St Roque's lane ; h. 48 Blackscroft
Hardie, Alexander, bootmaker, 44 Westport ; h. 12 Ben vie road
Haidie, Charles, labourer, 103 Hospital wynd \
Hardie, George, pressman, Tay Oilcake Works ; h. Stanuergate
Hardie, James, of James Hardie & Son, 4 Laurelbank
Hardie, James M., of James Hardie & Son, 47 Seafield i-oad
Hardie, James, & Son, pharmaceutical chemists, 68 High street (Tele-
phone No. 151)
Hardie, John M., of Hardie & Smith, Grayfield house, 62 Annfield road
Hardie, J. K. M. , hairdresser and manufacturing perfumer, 6 Whitehall
street ; h. Fernlea, Craigie, Perth
Hardie & Smith, linen and jute mfs., Baltic Linen Works, 28 Annfield rd.
Hardie, Mrs, 1 1 Fleuchar street
Hardiman, Martin, confectioner, 104 Annfield road ; h. 106
Hardiman, William, camera maker, 26 Isles' lane
Hare, Wm. F., brush manufacturer, 101 Hilltown ; k. 20^ Caldrum st.
Harley, George L., stationer and bookseller, 12 Perth road
Harley, Henry W., joiner, 58 Scouringburn
Harley, John, baker, 24 Hunter street
Harley, Louis, of William Harley & Sons, Fenella, Broughty Ferry
Harley, W., & Sons, fruiterers, florists, seedsmen, nurserymen, 27 and
29 Reform street, and 127 Perth road ; 124 Brook street, and
Camperdown Nui'sery, Broughty FeiTy ; Vinehill Nursery, Kinnoull
Harley, Mrs D., 12 Perth road
Harley, Mrs S., midwife and ladies' nurse, 198 Overgate
Harper, Alexander, detective officer, 194 tScouringburn
Harper, David, gardener, 3 Bruce street
Harper, James, surfaceman, 4 Easson's angle
Harper, James, labourer, 7 Kinloch street
Harper, Margaret, dressmaker, 3 Bruce street
Harper, Peter, vearper, 35 Annfield road
Harrington, Mrs, 20 Cleghorn street
Harris, Alexander, cabdriver, 17 Lawrence street
Harris, Arthur, of Arthur Harris & Curr, Elmbank house, East Newport
HARRIS, ARTHUR, & CURR, auctioneers and valuators, Imperial Auction
Saloon, 7 Murray gate. See Adv. p. 71
Harris, Charles, city crier, 6 Thorter row
Harris, Edward G. , leatherdresser, Hawthorn cottage, Clepington road
Harris, George A., architect, 8 Bank street ; A. 4 Hermonhill terrace
Harris, G., specialist in dental science, 87 High street
Harris, Henry, leatherdresser, Viewbank terrace, Clepington road
Harris, Jas. B., commission agent, 74 Commercial St.; Ii. 3 J Park avenue
Harris, John, solicitor, 23 High street ; h. The Terrace, West Newport
Harris, John, baker, 15 Mortimer street
Harris, Thomas B. , millmanager, Pleasance Works ; h. Inverary terrace
Harris, William, of Burns & Hai-ris, 33^ Seafield road
Harris, Mrs David, 20 Kincardine street
Harris, Mrs M., restaurant, 56 King street ; h. 87 High street
Harris, Mrs, manglekeeper, 9 North Ellen street
Harris, Miss, Fernbank, 14 Dudhope terrace
Harrison, Henry, coaldealer, 83 Rosebank street
Harrower, Mrs, sick nurse, 5 Coupar's alley
Hart, David, wine and spirit merchant, 158 Hilltown ; h. Evelyn villa,
Hart, Henry, chairmaker, Eastwood place, Clepington road
Harvey, Charles, shipwright, 5 Long wynd
Harvey, A. M. , stamp and block cutter, 22 St Andrew's st. ; h. Baldovan
Harvey, David, engineer, 5 Baffin street
Hassberger & Dreschfeld, merchants, 10 Victoria chambers
Hassberger, Ernest, mercht., 10 Victoria chams.; h. Adderley, Monifieth
Hasset, Rev. E. , R. C. clergyman, 42 Wilkie's lane
Hastie, Thomas, labourer, 21 Nelson street
Hastie, William, clerk, 46^ Seafield road
Hastie, Mrs, 21 Airlie place
Hawaii, Consul for— John George Zoller, Tircarra, Broughty Ferry
Hawkins, Henry, confectioner, 189 Victoria road
Hawthorn, Edward, cooper, 48 Jamaica street
Haxton, David, seaman, 10 Dens road
Haxton, James, mechanic, 10 Stewart street
Haxton, James, signalman, 27 Cleghorn street
Haxton, John, millmanager. Queen Victoria Works; h. 203 Scouringburn
Haxton, Thomas, millmanager, Tay Works ; h. 1 Mountpleasant
Haxton, William, of Fleming & Haxton, Eastwood place, Clepington rd.
Hay, Andrew F., of David M 'Lardy & Co., 22 Baldovan terrace
Hay, Burnett, valet, 4 Rosefield street
Hay, Charles, of J. & C. Hay, Roseville, St Andrews
Hay, David, 120 Nethergate
Hay, David, machine merchant, 47 Yeaman shore
Hay, Edward H., M.A., teacher, Morgan Academy ; h. 7 Airlie terrace
Hay, George, painter, 44 Union street, Maxwelltown
Hay, George, cooper, 84 Blackscroft
Hay, James, manager, Clepington Waste Works ; h. 5 Balgray place
Hay, James R., grocer and spirit merchant, 1 Baffin street and 87
Arbroath road ; h. Whitfield cottage
Hay, John B., of J. & C. Hay, 1 Windsor terrace
Hay, J. & C, builders and contractors, 14 Long wynd, and St Andrews
Hay, Thomas, factory overseer, 6 Rosefield street
Hay, Thomas, lorrydriver, 30 Long w^-nd
Hay, William, restaurateur and confectioner, 93 Murraygate ; h. 2
Victoria place, West Ferry
Hay, William, warper, 43 Annfield road
Hay, William, joiner, Ninewells, Invergowrie
Hay, Mrs David, 20 Cherry field lane
Hay, Mrs John, lodgings, 14 Garland place
Hay, Mrs John, lodgings, 51 Yeaman shore
Hay, Miss, grocer, 39 Catherine street
Hay, Miss, dressmaker, 71 Peddie street
Hayes, James, lamplighter-, 13 Ogilvie's road
Hayes, Thomas, dresser, 19 Ogilvie's road
Hazel, John G., of Scroggie Brothers & Hazel, Clay holes, Carnoustie
Hazell, William, grocer and wine merchant, 84 High street, and 11 Gray
street, Broughty Ferry ; h. 4 Reres terrace, Broughty Ferry
Headrick, James, merchant and ropespinner, 60 St Andrew's street ;
works, 201 Hilltown ; h. 3 Wellington street
Headrick, Mrs, 3 Wellington street
Hean, William, glazier, 17 Princes street
Hean, Mrs William, Tay cottage, 35 Step row
Heathfield Works, 73 Hawkhill; Thos. Bell & Sons, of D'dee, Ltd., mfrs.
Hebden, J., general dealer, 22 Greenmarket ; h. 3 Castle lane
Hebenton, David, factory overseer, 35 Victoria road
Hedger, Isaac, mason, 5 Pitfour street
Heeney, William, hairdresser, 62 Hilltown ; h. 1 Dallfield walk
Heery, John, grocer, 22 St Mary street ; h. 24
Heggie, Alex., clothier, 41 Commercial st.; h. 5 Gladstone ter. , B. Ferry
Heggie, Alexander S., 3 Morgan street
Heggie, Jessie, confectioner, 36 Ann street
Heggie, John, grocer and wine merchant, 120 Ann street ; h. Rock
villa, Reres road, Broiighty Ferry
Heggie, John, of John Heggie & Co., 3 Strathmartine road
Heggie, John, & Co. , drapers and clothiers, 1 Strathmartine road
Heggie, Richard, fireman, 3 Ure street
Heggie, Mrs William, tailor and clothier, 44 Blackscroft ; h. 65
Heilbruun, Ferdinand, of Samson & Unna, Wallbank, 16 Paton's lane
Heilner Brothers, merchants, 51 Reform street ; Albert Eber, repre-
sentative. (Telephone JSTo. 789; Telegraphic address, "Heilner")
Henderson, Alexander, tailor, 10 Morrison's court
Hendei'son, Alexander, tailor, 51 Larch street
Henderson, Alexander, 30 South Tay street
Henderson, Alex. , of Alex. Henderson & Sons, West Park house, Perth rd.
Henderson, Alexander K., marine engineer, 29 Park avenue
Henderson, Alexander Sinclair, of Alex. Henderson & Sons, West Park
house, Perth road
Henderson, Alexander, & Sons, jute spinners and manufacturers, South
Dadhope Works, 50 W, Henderson's wynd and 11 Smellie's lane
Henderson, Alex. W., com. agent, 23 St Andrew's st.; /i. 18 Gardner st.
Henderson, Andrew, joiner, 11 Park wynd
Henderson, Andi-ew, officer, St Paul's South Church; A. 11 Whitehall st.
Henderson, Archibald, book canvasser, 6 Forest Park road
Henderson, Arch. H. S., com. agt., 5 Bain sq. ; h. 54 Magdalen Yard rd.
Henderson Brothers, shipping agents (Anchor Line), 27 Albert square
Henderson, David, overseer, 9 Mortimer street
Henderson, David, joiner, 27 Westport
Henderson, David, factoryworker, 25 Kinloch street
Henderson, David, fireman, 124 Hilltown
Henderson, Duncan, carter, 14 Hospital wynd
Henderson, D. C, manager, No. 2 Bond, 81 Seagate; h. 249 Hawkhill
Henderson, Ebenezer, of Bell & Henderson, Crescent house, Windsor st.
Henderson, George, tailor and clothier, 138 Murray gate
Henderson, George, patternmaker, 61 Hill street
Henderson, George, agent, 19 Glamis street
Henderson, G. D. Clayhills, R.N., Invergowrie house, Perth road
Henderson, Henry, blacksmith, 58 Mains road
Henderson, Rev. Henry F. , Ogilvie Free Church ; h. 2 Erskine terrace
Henderson, H., & Sons, tanners and curriers, leather, tallow, oilj hide,
and bark merchants, boot, shoe, and mill belt manufs., Lady bank
Leather Wks. , 6 Victoria rd. , and Dudhope and Pleasance Tanyards
Henderson, James, of H. Henderson & Sons, The Gows, Invergowrie
Henderson, James, accountant, 20Meadowside; A. Downiemount, Tayport
Henderson, James, of James Henderson & Co., Waterhaw, Mains
Henderson, James, draper and milliner, 74 Princes street ; h. Mains loan
Henderson, James, overseer, 11 Robertson street
Henderson, James, railway clerk, 30 Union place
Henderson, James, mechanic, 13 Derby street
Henderson, James, engineman, 16 Annfield road
Henderson, James, gun and fishingtackle maker, taxidermist, and golf
club maker, 20 and 32 Barrack street ; h. 24 Garland place
Henderson, James, confectioner, 14 Wellington street
Henderson, James, vandriver, 109 Lochee road
Henderson, James, & Co., dairymen, 19 Charles street
Henderson, James T. , cloth inspector, Dudhope Works ; h. 61 Lochee rd.
Henderson, John, clerk, 12 Panmure street ; h. 19 Peddie street
Henderson, John, of David Kidd & Son, 2 Paradise road
Henderson, John, carpet stamper, 38 Carmichael street
Henderson, John, of Gutlme & Henderson, Crescent house, Windsor st.
Henderson, John, carter, 6 Polepark road
Henderson, John, dresser, 51 North street
Henderson, John, engineer, 27 Queen street
Henderson, John, moulder, 51 North street
Henderson, John, vanman, 18 Cherry field lane
Henderson, John, blacksmith, 1 Balgray place, Clepington road
Henderson, John, coachpainter, 144 Perth road
Henderson, John, harbour messenger, Custom house
Henderson, John G. , of John Henderson & Sons, 20 Windsor street
Henderson, John James, A.M.I.C.E., architect and civil engineer,
8 Bank street ; h. Downiemount, Tayport
Henderson, John, & Sons, jute spinners and manufs., Lindsay St. Works
Henderson, John Tocher, bill inspector, H.M. Theatre; h. 273 Hawkhill
Henderson, J. H. F., & Co., manfrs., Rosebank and Don's Road Factories
Henderson, Kenneth W., banker, Bellefield, 45 Magdalen green
Henderson, Margaret, 125 Perth road
Henderson, Richard, of John Henderson & (Sons, 1 1 Dudhope terrace
Henderson, Richard, of R. & W. Henderson, 1 Crescent lane
Henderson, Robert, sailmaker, 7 Morrison's court
Henderson, Robert, postman, 82 Dudhope street
Henderson, Robert, joiner, 106 Annfield road
Henderson, Robert, labourer, 5 Willison street
Henderson, Robert C, clerk, 19 Peddie street
Henderson, R. & W., coal merchants, 1 Crescent lane
Henderson, Samuel, engineer, 8 Park avenue
Henderson, Silvester, carter, 34 North Wellington street
Henderson, Thomas, mason, 1 St Matthew street
Henderson, Thomas, yarndresser, 116 Rosebank street
Henderson, Thomas P. , brassf ounder, 5 Catherine street
Henderson, Walter, confectioner, 100 King street ; h. 1 10 Victoria road
Henderson, William, shipsteward, 14 North Erskine street
Henderson, William, sawmiller, 36 Hilltown
Henderson, William, dresser, 52 Hill street
Henderson, William, overseer, 223 Hilltown
Henderson, William, stonecutter, 16 Annfield row
Henderson, William, of R. & W. Henderson, 98 Albert street
Henderson, Wm., of Alex. Henderson & Sons, West Park house, Perth rd.
Henderson, William, dairykeeper, 233 Hilltown
Henderson, William, factory manager. Park place, Clepington road
Henderson, William P. , commission agent, 273 Hawkhill
Henderson, Williamson, stationer, 26 Dundonald street ; h. 2 Wolseley st.
Henderson, Mrs William, 85 Hospital wynd
Henderson, Mrs William, 20 Windsor street
Henderson, Mrs, wine and spirit mer. , 1 Rosefield st. ; h. 193 Blackness rd,
Henderson, Mrs, Crescent house, Windsor street
Henderson, Mrs, confectioner, 24 Gellatly street
Henderson, Mrs, 12 Dundonald street
Henderson, Miss Margaret, grocer, 16 Gellatly street
Henderson, Miss M., dressmaker, 14 Hospital wynd
Henderson, Miss, 8 Speed's terrace, Tait's lane
Henderson, Misses S. & L., fruiterers and confectioners, 43 Guthrie st. ;
^.160 Scouringburn
Hendry, Andrew, of Hendry & Pollock, Braeknowe, Blackness road
Hendry, David, engineer, Pitkerro road
Hendry, David, fireman, 2 Cochrane street
Hendry, David B., insurance agt., 4 India buildings; h. 1 Viewf orth st.
Hendry, George B,, grocer's manager, 21 Step row
Hendry, James, brewer, 63 Lochee road
Hendry, James, clerk, 19 Morgan street
Hendry, John M., of Hendry & Pollock, Netherlea, Broughty Ferry
Hendry, Peter, jute selector, 22 Carmichael street
Hendry & Pollock, solicitors and notaries public, 3 Seagate
Hendry, Robert, jobbing gardener, 10 St Matthew street
Hendry, Mrs Charles, lodgings, 28 King street
Hendry, Mrs, confectioner, 14 Watson street
Hennessy, Edward, shipcarpenter, 24 Rosebank road
Hennessy, Elizabeth, pawnbroker, 6 and 8 Peter st. ; h. Lawside house
Hennessy, Jas. , wine & spirit mer. , 126, 128 Scouringburn; h. Lawside house
Henrit, Mrs Margaret, lodgings, 3 Castle lane
HENRY, ALEXANDER, auctioneer, valuator, house furnisher, fire assessor,
and insurance agent, 115 Murraygate, and 21 Princes street; li. 6
James place, Broughty Ferry. See Adv. p. 38
Henry, Andrew, of Henry & Robbie, 41 Victoria street
HENRY, A. & A., Westfield laundry, 13 Westfield lane. See Adv. p. 38
Henry, A. & S., & Co., Ltd., manufacturers and merchants, Baltic bldgs.
Henry, David, mechanic, 103 Hospital wynd
Henry, John, engineer, 9 Park avenue
HENRY, JOHN J. H., merchant tailor, 63 Reform street ; h, 87 Commercial
street. See Adv. p. 83
Henry & Robbie, carting contractors, 63 Trades lane
Henry, Mrs Marshall, surgical & medical nurse & midwife, 24 Kinloch st.
Hepburn, George, baker, 89 Princes street
Hepburn, Marjory, 12 Blyth street
Eepbum, Wm. , of Anderson, Gardner, Hepburn, & Co. , 7 Viewf orth st.
Hepburn, Misses, house proprietors, 44 Ure street
Hep worth, J., & Son, Limited, clothiers, 28, 30, and 32 Wellgate
Herald, D. P., merchant, 49 Meadowside ; h. 17 Hay swell rd., Arbroath
Herald, Thomas, commission agent, 18 St Andrew's street
Herald, Mrs, 3 Arbroath road
Herbert, James, foreman moulder, 2 St David's lane
Herbert, Mrs Archibald, apartments, 7 South Tay street
Herd, David, postman, 20 Constable street
Herd, James, millforeman, 4 Kinnaird street
Herd, William, postman, 41 Hawkhill
Herdman, William, caretaker, 36 Nethergate
Her Majesty's Theatre and Opera House, 7 Seagate; Robert Arthur, lessee
Heron, Alexander, tenter, 19 Arklay street
Heron & Co. , solicitors and notai-ies public, 20 Castle street
Heron, George, of Heron & Co. , 6 Balgillo crescent, Broughty Ferry
Hei'on, James, detective officer, 12 St Mary's place
Heron, Mrs Thomas, 197 Pi'inces street
Heron, Mrs, 2 Lawrence street
Herschell, Richard, grocer and stationer, 8 Court street; h. 6
Hershberg, M., & Co., new and second-hand clothing mers., 157 Overgate
Heyde, Julius, book-keeper, 18 Peddie street
Hezmalhalch, Fred, leatherfinisher, 142 Albert street
Hibberd, Frederick James, manager, Lawside Works, and choirmaster,
St Mary Magdalene's Church ; h. 3 Rosslyn villa, Clepington road
Higgins, Edward, milloverseer, 7 Stobswell road
High, Alexander, fruiterer and potato merchant, 31 Victoria road
High, David, mason, 5 Roslin terrace
High, George, of George High & Son, 133 Victoria road
High, George, & Son, joiners and funeral undertakers, 131 Victoria road
High, John, bootmaker, 19 Bain square
High, John, coal merchant, 22 Dudhope street ; h. 20
High, John P., of George High & Son, 133 Victoria road
High, William, fishsalesman and auctioneer, Fishmarket ; and fishmer,,
73 Wellgate ; h. 1 Morrison's court (Telegraphic address, "High")
High, Mrs, furniture dealer, 121 Victoria road ; h. 133
Hill, Alexander, warehouseman. Fairly place, Clepington road
Hill, Alexander B., draper, 143 Nethergate
Hill, Alex. L., grocer and wine mer., 46 Blackness rd.; h, 26 Windsor st.
Hill, Charles, dockgateman, 52 Constable street
Hill, Colin, tailor, 11 Rosefield street
Hill, David, house proprietor, 26 Windsor street
Hill, David, foreman. East station ; h. 39 Crescent street
Hill, David, butcher, 47 Constitution road ; h. 14 North Ellen street
Hill, Edward W., of Lady well Calender Works Co., 3 Rockfield terrace
Hill, Frank, painter, 12 Miller's wynd
Hill, Frank, mason, 36 Hospital wynd
Hill, George, bootmaker, 52 Ferry road ; h. 62
Hill, George, joiner, 1 Church street. Princes street
Hill, George, carpetweaver, 7 Stirling street
Hill, George, of G. Hill & Co. , 1 Dalhousie terrace
Hill, George H., 5 Nelson street
Hill, G., manager", Douglas Foundry; h. Eastwood place
Hill, G.,&Co., hosiers, practical shirtmkrs,,& men's mercers, 39Nethergate
Hill, Howard, of Ladywell Calender Works Co. , 5 Nelson street
Hill, James, blacksmith, 21 North street
Hill, James, law-clerk, 59 Dock street
Hill, James S., spiritdealer, 11 Victoria street ; h. 2 Park avenue
Hill, John, cabinetmaker, 7 Ritchie's lane
Hill, Miller, of M. & C. Hill, Ashbank, 79 Magdalen green
Hill & M'Gregor, solicitors and notaries public, 38 Whitehall street
Hill, M. & C, spinners. West Dudhope Mill, Anchor lane
Hill, Peter, mason, 6 Mid street
Hill & Renny, flax merchants, 2 Royal Exchange place
Hill, William F., of Hill & M'Gregor, Fairly place, Clepington road
Hill, Mrs Thomas, 17 Windsor street
Hill, Mrs, matron. Day Nursery, 33 Lilybank road
Hill, Mrs, Ashbank, 79 Magdalen green
Hill, Mrs, 22 Victoi-ia street
Hill, Miss M., dress and mantle maker, 78 Pi-inces street
Hillbank Aerated Water Co., 66 North William street
Hillbank Linen Works, Hillbank road; Alex. Low & Co., Ltd., spinners
Hillbank Spinning Co., Ltd., spurs, and manfs., Hillbank Wks., Dens rd.
Hillocks, Burton, mason, 22 Annfield road
Hillocks, James, factory worker, 19 Blackheath place
Hillside Works, 112 Hilltown ; Fleming & Lindsay, manufacturers
Hilltown Christian Mission, Lome Hall, 21 Hilltown ; C. Baird, supt
Himsworth, Mrs, grocer and ironmonger, 30 Albert street; h. 86
Hinchcliffe, John, A. CO., organist and music teacher, 48 Union street
Hindley, Walter H., & Co., merchants, spinners, and manufacturers, 51
Meadowside ; 62 and 63 Queen street, London, E.C. ; Calcutta,
Manila, New York ; Boston, U.S.A.; Liverpool, and Manchester
Hinsley, M., teacher, S. Salvador's Schools; h. 83 Sti-athmartine road
Hinton, Alexander, engineer, 34 William street, Forebank
Hinton, George, beamer, 160 Hilltown
Hinton, Joseph, 25 Bonnybank road
Hinton, William, 2 Gibson terrace, Mains loan
Hird, Robert, baker, 15 Glamis street
Hirst, Samuel C. , teacher of music, 1 1 South Tay street
Hoare, Marr, & Co., merchants, spinners, and manufacturers, 14 Victoria
chambers ; and 26 and 27 Budge row, Cannon street, London, E.C.
Hobson, Edmond, steel hardener, 10 Benvie road
Hobson, Francis, Seaman, & Co., Don Steel Works, Sheflield ; Burns &
Black, agents, 59 and 65 Trades lane
Hodge, Andrew, enginedriver, 50 Magdalen Yard road
Hodge, David S. , clerk, 4 Lawrence street
Hodge, John, chemist and druggist, 249 Overgate; A. 48 South Tay street
Hodge, John, joiner, 8 Tannadice street
Hodge, J. M., of Keay & Hodge, Rattray, Blairgowrie
Hodge, M. D., draper and dressmaker, 63 Lochee rd.; h. 4 Lawrence st.
Hodge, Mrs David, 19 Janefield place
Hodge, Miss Annie, teacher, 12 Constitution terrace
Hodgkinson, F. A., & Co., ship, agents, 4 India bldgs. ; D. B. Hendry, agt.
Hodgson, Paul, clerk, 157^ Scouringbuni
Hogan, J., wine and spirit merchant, 16 Dock street ; h, 7 Exchange st.
Hogarth, David, agent. Union Bank of Scotland, Limited, 2 Panmure
street ; h. Craigard, West Ferry-
Hogg, Andrew, tinsmith, 14 North Erskine street
Hogg, Charles S., postman, 29 St Salvador street
Hogg, George, clerk, 47a Hospital wynd
Hogg, James, plumber, 36 Westport
Hogg, James, seaman, 25 Kinloch street
Hogg, James, fireman, 31 Cleghorn street
Hogg, Thomas, carter, 1 Ellen street
Hogg, Wm., grocer and wine merchant, 4 Hilltown, and 20 Victoria rd.;
A. 19 William street, Forebank
Hogg, William, fireman, 2 Corso street
Hogg, Mrs E., 21 Thomson street
Hogg, Mrs, 25 Wellington street
Hogg, Miss, French teacher, 71 Perth road
Holborn, Hugh P., teacher, Harris Academy; li. 54 Seatield road
Holden, John, labourer, 6 Lorimer street
Holder, Rev. Joseph, St Joseph's R.C. Church ; h. 42 Wilkie's lane
Holliwell & Co., book and tool dealers, 24 and 32 Greenmarket
Honey, Miss Ann, 3 King street
Honeyman, Andrew, mechanic, 23 Baxter street
Honeyman, John, confectioner, 19 Mains road
Honeyman, John F. , compositor, 12 Lawrence street
Honeyman, Robert, moulder, 52 Ure street
Honeyman, Thomas, moulder, 8 Lawrence street
Honeyman, William, clerk, 34 James street
Hood, Alexander, spiritdealer's assistant, 3 Pitfour street
Hood, David Moram, merchant, 14 Barrack street
Hood, George, retired mechanic, 62 Ann street
Hood, George, H.M. Customs, 62 Ann street
Hood, George S., of Smith, Hood, & Co., 73 Anntield road
Hood, James, of Smith, Hood, & Co., 8 Newington terrace, Bro'ty Ferry
Hood, James, tailor, 26 Bruce street
Hood, James, of Minto & Hood, 12 Forest Park road
Hood, Jas. S., of Smith, Hood, & Co., 6 Taymouth place, Bro'ty Ferry
Hood, John, naturalist, 50 Dallfield walk
Hood, Thomas, labourer, 37 William street, Forebank
Hood, Thomas, vanman, 3 Balfour street
Hood, William, of Smith, Hood, & Co., 2 Gladstone place, Bro'ty Ferry
Hood, William, church-officer, St Mary Magdalene's Church ; h. 7
Blin shall street
Hood, Mrs George, lodgings, 2 Mid street
Hood, Miss Heriot, dressmaker, 21 Park avenue
Hopkins, William, agent for Strauss & Co., hop merchants, 4 India
buildings ; h. Violetbank, Wormit
Hopkinson, Mrs A., draper and dressmaker, 72 Ferry road; h. 140
Home, David C, shipmaster, 4 Gowrie street
Home, James B. , shoemaker, 46 Hilltown
Home, John, warehouseman, 40 Watson's lane
Horsburgh, Mrs John, 13 Mid street
Horsley, Catherine, dairykeeper, 30 Hawkhill ; h. 11 Lawrence street
Horswell, W. H. , commercial traveller, 5 Reform st. ; h. 2 Baxter Park ter.
Hosie, Mrs, 5 Ure street
Hoskins, Alexander, machinist, 4 Clepington street
Hoskins, George, plasterer, 32 Main street
Hossack, Mrs Alexander, Ashbank cottage, Forfar road
Hossick, Alexander, of Alexander Hossick & Co. , Elmslea, Wormit
Hossick, Alex., & Co., tea merchants and confectioners, 18 Dock street
Hossick, John, shipjoiner, 58 Rosebank street
Hossick, Peter M., confectioner, 14 East Dock street ; h. 16
Houston, A. , & Son, chimneysweepers and soot merchants, 298 Hawkhill
Houston, John, woodturner, 31 Baxter street
Houston, Robert, overseer, 150 Perth road
Houston, Robert, chimneysweeper and soot merchant, 106 Hawkhill
Houston, William, sawmiller, 55 Alexander street
Hovell, Alexander, nightwatchman, 4 Easson's angle
Hovell, David J., wholesale smallware and trimming warehouseman, 7
Rankine's court ; h. Kinloch place. 111 Hawkhill
Hovell, Isaac, brassfinisher, 17 Constitution street
Hovell, James, foreman mechanic, 19 Blackness street
Hovell, Jethro, engineer, 200 vScouringburn
Hovell, Joseph, millmanager, Larchfield Works ; h. 200 Scouringburn
How, David P., of D. P. How & Son, 15 Nelson street
How, D. P., & Son, builders and joiners, 11 Caldrum street
How, Elizabeth, herbalist, 2 Cotton road
How, George R. , collector, 99 Lochee road
Howat, Edward, & Co., merchants, 13 Ward road
Howat, Wm., of E. Howat & Co., 9 Victoria square, Castleview, Stirling
Howden, Walter C. (Whytock & Sons), 5 Whitehall street
Howe, George, joiner, 3 Kinloch place
Howe,George, & Brother, merchants and manufacturers,2 India buildings
Howe, James, church-officer, St Peter's Free Church ; k. 4 St Peter st.
Howe, John, woodturner, Fairmuir Turning Works, Fairmuir
Howe, Peter, calender foreman, 160 Scouringburn
Howe, Mrs Violatta, confectioner, 7 Robertson street
Howie, Duncan, average stater and marine insurance broker, 3 Seagate ;
h. 3 Monifieth road, Broughty Ferry
Howie, George, mason, 159 Hilltown
Howie, George W., watchmaker and jeweller, 93 Nethergate
Howie, James, brassfinisher, 31 Park wynd
Howie, William, 12 Cleghorn street
Howie, Mrs Elizabeth, 66 Peddie street
Hoy, David, carter, 9 Kinloch street
Hoy, George, houseagent, 10 High street ; h. Downfield
Hoy, Mrs Margaret, grocer and wine merchant, 141 Lochee road ; h.
Tollbank cottage, Lochee road
Hudson, Mrs Thomas, 18 Thomson street
Hudson, W. Harry, H.M. Customs ; h. Pitkerro road
Huggins, Robert, baker, 6 Annfield row
Huggins, William, patternmaker,i 20 Forest Park road
Huggins, Mrs E., 10 Perth road
Hughes, Edward, lapper, 108 Hilltown
Hughes, Henry, weaver, 53 Dallfield walk
Hughes, James, clerk, 10 Kinloch street
Hughes, Joseph, hairdresser, 72 N. Church street ; ^. 13 Derby street
Hughes, Mrs Harry, fruiterer, South Union st.; h. Craig cot., 9 Craig st.
Hughes, Mrs, dairykeeper, 45 Westport
Hume, Alexander, boot and shoe maker, 8 Step row ; h. 6
Hume, Alexander, milloverseer, 29 Stirling street
Hume, Alex. , mason, & church -officer, Wishart U.P. Ch. ; h. 6 N. Ellen st.
Hume, David, mason, 33 South Wellington street
Hume, John, engineer, 56 Ferry road
Hume, William, pavior, 34 William street, Forebank
Hunt, Arthur C, of M' Walter & Hunt, 6 Hunter place, Bro'ty Ferry
Hunter, Adam, secretary, Scottish American Trust Companies, Ltd.,
13 Albert square (Telephone No. 597) ; h. 3 Balgillo crescent,
Broughty Ferry (Telephone No. 1302)
Hunter, Alexander, confectioner, 195 Hilltown
Hunter, Archibald T., stationmaster, East Station ; A. 32 Seagate
Hunter, Charles, of Dawson & Hunter, 5 Beech wood terrace
Hunter, David, of Hunter, Doig, & Palmer, 1 Viewforth street
Hunter, David K. , of William Hunter &; Co. , Viewbank terrace
Hunter, Doig, & Palmer, brassfounders and brassfinishers, mill, factory,
and engineers' furnishers. Ward Road Brass Works, Rattray street
Hunter, George, musician, 304 Perth road
Hunter, George, postman, 35 Hawkhill
Hunter, Geo., confectioner, 18 Dudhope Crescent road and 155 Overgate
Hunter, George, sen., grocer and confectioner, 98 Annfield road ; h. 100
Hunter, Henry, tenter, 59 Milnbank road
Hunter, James, Jr., solicitor, 69 Reform st.; h. Willowbank, Carnoustie
Hunter, James, grocer and provision dealer, 37 Lawrence street ; h. 35
Hunter, James, dresser, 2 Annfield row
Hunter, John, pastry baker and confectioner, 1 1 Hilltown
Hunter, John, joiner, 2 Annfield road
Hunter, John, labourer, 5 William street, Forebank
Hunter, John, of Davidson & Hunter, 13 Victoria street
Hunter, John, mechanic, 44 Polepark road
Hunter, Patrick, clerk, 6 Park terrace
Hunter, Peter, lathsplitter, 60 Hill street
Hunter, Rennald F. , solicitor, 69 Reform st. ; h. The Lodge, Carnoustie
Hunter, Robex-t, architect, 41 Reform st. ; h. Viewmount, East Newport
Hunter, Robert, tenter, 3 Pitfour street
Hunter, Robert, tenter, 206 Blackness road
Hunter, Thomas, joiner, 4 Watson street
Hunter & White, stockbrokers, 31 Reform street
Hunter, William, of William Hunter & Co. , Hilton, Cupar Fife
Hunter, William, watchmaker and bicycle builder, 118 Perth road ; h.
3 Magdalen Yard road
Hunter, William, coal merchant, 17 Clark street ; h. 3
HUNTER, WILLIAM, & CO., drapers, 11 to 19 Wellgate ; wholesale ware-
house, 10 Bain square. See Adv. p. 7
Hunter, William D., F.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, shoeing forge,
19 and 21 Long wynd ; h. 125 Nethergate
Hunter, Mrs Thomas, 150 Hilltown
Hunter, Mrs, 3 Ogilvie street
Hunter, Miss Elizabeth C. , nurse, 8 Balfour street
Hurrie, John B., draper, milliner, dressmaker, haberdasher, and ladies'
mantle warehouseman, Whitehall house, 6 Nethergate (Tel. No.
157), 32 Reform st. and 69 Commercial st. ; h. Annan lodge, B. Ferry
Hurrie, Mrs M., Hermonhill, 21 Perth road
Husband, Alexander, foreman blacksmith, 8 Forfar road
Husband, Andrew, draper's assistant, 3 Morgan street
Husband, Arthur S,, ironturner, 2 Melrose terrace
Husband, James, overseer, 28 Ryehill lane
Husband, James, of P. F. & J. Husband, Tay terrace. East Newport
Husband, Peter Fair, of P. F. & J. Husband, Linden avenue, Newport
Husband, P. F. & J., solicitors, 10 Whitehall street
Husband, William, coal merchant, 12 Bellfield lane ; h. 14
Husband, William, collector, 25 Crescent street
Husband, Misses A. &. C, dress and mantle makers, 107 Murraygate
Hutchen, William, tailor and clothier, 6 High street ; draper and clothier.
Arcade buildings, 4b King street ; h, 6 High street
Hutcheon, Edward B., painter and music teacher, 172 Lochee road
Hutcheon, R. A. , draper, 64 Peddle street
Hutcheson, Alex., architect, 8 Bank street ; li. Herschel house, B. Ferry
Hutcheson, James, inspector, Caledonian Railway ; h. 24 Bank street
Hutcheson, Robert, cabinetmaker, 104 Rosebank street
Hutcheson, Robert, fruiterer, 28 Hilltown ; A. 39 Strathmartine road
Hutcheson, Wm. T. L., Advertiser office; h. 3 Westfield pi,, B. Ferry
Hutchings, Walter, agent, Dundee Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, 104 Commercial street
Hutchison, Adam, stationer and tobacconist, 95 Perth rd. ; h. 1 West wynd
Hutchison, Charles, joiner, 12 Mid street
Hutchison, Charles Randall, commission and insurance broker, 7 Royal
Exchange court ; h. 5 Rugby terrace, Broughty Ferry
Hutchison, David, slater, 50 North Lindsay street ; h, 68 Bell street
Hutchison, Douglas, broker, 164 Hilltown ; h. 174
Hutchison, George, organist and leader of psalmody, and teacher of
music, 10 Whitehall street
Hutchison, James, manufacturer, St Andrew's Works, 13 Constable
street ; h. "WoodrifFe terrace. East Newport
Hutchison, John, seaman, 145 Princes street
Hutchison, Robert, machinist, 9 Middle street
Hutchison, Thomas, Rose villa. Mains loan, Maryfield
Hutchison, Thomas, enginedriver, 14 Seafield road
Hutchison, Mrs Betsy, house proprietrix, 20 Kincardine street
Hutchison, Mrs H. A., 3 Viewforth street
Hutchison, Mrs John, 4 Airlie terrace
Hutchison, Mrs W. , greengrocer, 30 North Church street
Hutton, Alex., clerk. Dock Street Engineering Works ; h. 28 Raglan st.
Hutton, Alexander, agent. Royal Bank ; h. The Sycamores, 1 Albany
Hutton, Andrew, carpenter, 57 Victoria street
Hutton, Baxter C., coffeehotise-keeper, 156 Scouringburn ; h. 154
Hutton, David, pickermaker, 186 Ferry road
Hutton, David, officer, Chalmers Free Church ; h. 30 Hunter street
Hutton, David, blacksmith, 61 Watson street
Hutton, George, tenter, 31 Cleghorn street
Hutton, Geo. M., butcher, 85Locheerd.; h. Unionbank, Tofthill, Lochee
Hutton, Hugh, coaldealer, 21 Polepark road ; h. 6
Hutton, James, plumber, 11 Annfield row
Hutton, James, architect, 61 Reform street ; h. Cedar villa, Invergowrie
Hutton, James, brassfinisher, 27 Lyon street
Hutton, James, tobacconist and newsagent, 43 Hilltown 5 h. 119^
Hutton, James, joiner, 4 Kinloch street ^
Hutton, James, coffeehouse -keeper, 108 Scouringburn ; h. 110
Hutton, James W., clerk, 172 Lochee road
Hutton, John, tobacconist, 30 King street
Hutton, John, brassfinisher, 34 Ure street
Hutton, Peter, weaver, 10 Ashton place
Hutton, Peter, tireman, 32 Cherryfield lane
Hutton, Robert, file manufacturer, 49 Nethergate
Hutton, Robert, seaman, 27 Charles street
Hutton, Robert, cowfeeder, Fairfield road, Fairmuir
Hutton, William, warehouseman, 182 Seagate
Hutton, William, bookbinder, 6 Kinnaird street
HUTTON, WILLIAM, second-hand sack dealer, Roodyards, East Dock st. ;
rope and twine stores, 12 Overgate ; h. Roodyards, 107 Ferry road.
See Adv. p. 54
Hutton, Mrs John, greengrocer, 29 Polepark road ; h, 3 Pitfour street
Hutton, Mrs William, grocer, 182 Seagate
Hutton, Mrs, 12 Forfar road
Hyder, Thomas, stevedore, 201 Overgate
Hynd, A. S., commercial traveller, 8 Cardean street
Hynd, David, ironmonger,brassfounder, & plumber, 10 Forebank rd. ; h. 14
Hynd, James, late